“What we have that is causing so many blockades is an incredibly intransigent, extreme gun lobby. And no other nation has that. This is a gun lobby that makes up its own facts, that makes up its own data, to serve their purposes, and make no mistake, that purpose is to make money. That is it. It is to feed profits of the gun manufacturers.” – Shannon Watts



  1. Making up our own facts? Quick, Shannon, what’s the definition of a “school shooting”?

    • Inconvenient Facts

      Since 2000, an average of about 1 child is killed per month in school shootings.

      Since 2000, an average of about 100 children are killed per month in vehicle accidents.

      Shouldn’t we focus on the more serious problem ?

    • Well – not only that, she does the usual portrayal of the gun lobby as some small elite powerful organization pulling strings. The NRA is 5 million people. She completely ignores that what benefits the manufacturers also benefits the common gun owner and NRA member. Furthermore, the bulk of all the NRAs profits come from their members.

      They don’t make up data or facts – that’s ridiculous.

      Her portrayal of the NRA is a lie.

      • She’s not making up facts, she’s “controlling the narrative”. That’s PR-flack speak for making up facts.

  2. I guess if you don’t like reality, just make up your own.

    But, please, don’t demand the rest of us live there as well.

    • She’s not making up facts, she’s “controlling the narrative”. That’s PR-flack speak for making up facts.

      • The best name for her is Political Operative. She is loyal to a cause that cannot succeed without disarming its opposition and the people they plan to oppress.

        • She is none of the above. She is a professional in the public relations community, doing what she is paid to do. There is a reason that MDA is no longer a tax exempt organization.

        • I think she is just sexually frustrated and just needs some “good luvin”. Then she would see the world in a brand new way, with a clear head.

        • “There is a reason that MDA is no longer a tax exempt organization.”

          If true, that’s a *very* interesting tid-bit.

          Use that to call MDA out for calling themselves a ‘Grassroots’ organization…

        • She’s an opportunist. Whether she’s being compensated directly or indirectly by Bloomberg, she’s using her skills to further her career and status whether she actually cares about the agenda or not

  3. What we have that is causing so many blockades is an incredibly intransigent, extreme anti-gun lobby. And most other nations have that. This is an anti-gun lobby that makes up its own facts, that makes up its own data, to serve their purposes, and make no mistake, that purpose is control people. That is it. It is to feed egos of the gun grabbers

    Fixed for you sweety

  4. Reminds me of the funny Mythbuster footage when they reminded Adam Savage of his previous prediction. “I reject your reality and substitute my own”, Adam said in jest.

    Shannon would just as funny if she weren’t so delusional. It is amazing how rationalization makes people sound so incredibly detached from the real world.

    I realize she “lives” in Indianapolis, but maybe she could detour to DC when heading to Philly for the Democratic Convention. I hear DC has this really important document on display called the Constitution of the United States. Perhaps that has something to do with our attitudes towards firearms as opposed to money.

    • She should take a stroll through SE DC or anywhere along the 295 corridor to get a real flavor for a gun controlled city. At night. No personal security detail or limo black cars.
      Let’s see if personal self defense isn’t an issue then.
      Very nice indeed.

  5. No other country – has a Second Amendment. If you don’t like it you’re free to emigrate to any one of them.

  6. Remember that the “gun lobby” as they like to so derisively say, is you and I and all law respecting gun owner, enthusiast. Firearm manufacturers do not exist were it not for the people who buy the things they make; the NRA is made up of its members.

    This is grass roots. The anti second amendment organizations are small groups of people funded by rich elitists, PR firms, and state collaborators.

    That is to say big money working against the constitutional rights of the citizens. That’s pretty darned ugly right there when you think about it.

  7. When the facts aren’t going your way, lie to the audience.

    While this is generally effective, if something or someone forces the audience to validate your claims, then the truth will out.

    When committing a ‘big lie’ like this, the key is to spread it quickly and widely. So the casual observer thinks it fact-checked. Like the “300,000 sex trafficking victims in the US every year”. Completely bogus, discredited for years now, was admitted to being a completely made up number. Still out there, people still quote it.

    • Yeah! Sex in traffic is a great way to pass the time…wait…you mean that thing that other thing, don’t you?

      • Nothing like sex in the median, in a cruiser, with the on duty cop-ette (now, now, 10-7 and the PZ was covered) who was a serious thrill junkie. She might get out her nightstick indeed. Oh well, the 90s were the dying days of having fun and getting away with it.

        Oh yeah, the other thing again…

  8. I have not heard one piece of data that has come out of her mouth that was not proven as a distortion of the truth or a flat out lie.

  9. “This is a right curtailment lobby that makes up its own facts, that makes up its own data, to serve their purposes, and make no mistake, that purpose is to disarm you all and make you my footstools.”–Shenanigan Twats, on “The How’s and Why’s of MDA”

  10. Shannon, I notice your appearance was at the Clinton School of Public Service.

    “What we have that is causing so many blockades is an incredibly intransigent, extreme Clinton Foundation lobby. And no other nation has that. This is a Clinton Foundation lobby that makes up its own facts, that makes up its own data, to serve their purposes, and make no mistake, that purpose is to make money. That is it. It is to feed profits of the Clintons.”

  11. These are the voices of people that enjoy the fruits of modern government paid for by folks that took up arms to build.
    The so called intellectuals.
    It’s irrational when you take a glance at history or just glimpse the current news to think that violence will just end if all weapons went away.
    The world is one nutty place, I’m glad the US is different than other countries…..lets keep it that way!

  12. I wish she would have elaborated on that intransigence of the gun lobby in that quote. If she were an honest person she would have had to admit the gun lobby is intransigent because gun rights are a deeply held, cherished right that people are willing to defend with their dollars. The spew that comes out of her and the other paid hacks of the anti-gun lobby has sold more guns than the NRA ever could. I don’t think Hillary Clinton could have made her position on this subject any clearer. The NRA really doesn’t even have to try.

  13. Todays “Daily News” headline is: “As NRA gathers for gun orgy, we reveal group’s plan to buy the US government”. Lol.

  14. Yeah. It’s inconvenient for the antis that we have certain rights enumerated in the constitution.

    They don’t realize that we gun owners ARE the gun lobby.

    Nice to see that WE have some momentum.

    Seems like the huddled-masses like having rights and exercising them.

    • Watts is a professional astroturfer. Like many of her kind, she can not comprehend the so much as the existence of a genuine grassroots movement, because all her experience is with the opposite.

      • She was a PR hack for Monsanto. She is a professional whore, nothing more. Like being the White House Press Secretary.

  15. The firearms industry does not need the NRA to push gun sales. They have the entire Democrat Party to do that.

    In fact, thr NRA chugged along fine for about a century, perfectly content with its limited mission of fostering gun safety and marksmanship, adding hunter education and police training along the way.
    It wasn’t until the federal government’s extreme overreach in the late 1960s/1970s, following the assassinations of the 1960s, that the NRA even created their Institute for Legislative Affairs. Five decades of flagrant infringements in court and Congress later, and here we are, still fighting to regain former freedoms lost, and still enduring character assassination attempts by liberals. Why? Because we just want to live our lives in peace, security and freedom.

  16. intransigent
    1. unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.

    Funny she says that like it’s a bad thing and I take it as a compliment. When should anyone agree to give up their basic human rights?

    • Why won’t the gun lobby agree to further onerous restrictions on their rights while gaining nothing in return? IT MAKES NO #GUNSENSE!

    • Its got to be the high heels. I’m sure her legs would be less attractive and she would be less alluring, if she was wearing Flats. Be careful, she is trying to visually seduce you.

  17. The beauty of markets is that everything is voluntary — until the government steps in.

    If I don’t like WalMart, I have other choices. If I don’t like my Senator or Representative or President or Mayor, I have no choice. Which one is a better democracy?

    Markets of course, where people can do what they want without affecting others, and opt-out and opt-in as much as they want.

    • That’s why spheres of life’s activities subject to political decision making should be few and genuinely intractable via market means. It needs to be damn serious before we, in the name of the People, are prepared to pull out guns and compel someone to act or refrain from acting.

      Something about government powers being enumerated and limited, I’m sure I read somewhere once. Otherwise, society becomes a bloodsport game of Outscrew You.

      • Yes, it gets to the point that it is literally better to lobby government to mind other people’s business than mind your own business. Just as I detest Elon Musk for scarfing up so many government credits, I also understand why he should and admire him for leveraging business that way.

    • Dirk is maybe *cough* ‘carefully studying’, *cough* that video.

      (Dirk tosses a Barry White CD in his man-cave’s stereo system…

  18. Hey, Shannon, don’t be so tough on the NRA. It doesn’t have a midget billionaire pumping money into it the way that you have.

  19. Gee Shannon, frustrated much? You may find more comfort in Australia, China or Great Britain with your thoughts of what’s best for society. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Lock and load, lady.

  20. My twat said what? I thought I stuffed a plug (tampon) up there this morning so I didn’t have to hear it whine about the NRA all day long.

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