
“The majority of people who come to these things have been legitimate citizens really concerned about having a firearm that they don’t need. They need a mechanism to get rid of guns in a safe manner.” – San Jose Police Department Capt. Ed Schroder in San Jose: Police holding gun buyback, offering Target gift cards for unwanted weapons [via mercurynews.com]



  1. They could take it and sell it to a gun store or consign it. Stop trying to pretend that you’re doing something more than ripping off some elderly woman who doesn’t know how valuable guns sometimes are. This yo-yo acts like he’s doing these people a favor by taking their property for a pittance.

    • Not only are they potentially ripping people off, he’s admitting the buyback is just feel good theater and is not designed to reduce violent crime committed with a gun.

    • +1. Many of these people could probably use the money from the sale of the firearm. Just another irrational liberal scheme that does nothing to address gun crime.

  2. I go to them when I have a couple of Ravens or Jennings .25 auto pieces of crap that are in need of a decent burial.

    • Nobody seems to hold them around me. I have a .22 I’ve been holding for 15-odd years, worn to the point of dangerous (last time it went off, it actually “went off”, no finger on the trigger), and a revolver that could never have cost $2, cheapest POS I’ve ever dealt with. I would just love to get a few hundred from whoever is stupid enough to organize these things.

    • “I go to them when I have a couple of Ravens or Jennings .25 auto pieces of crap that are in need of a decent burial.”

      Why go through the trouble of turning them in if a few whacks of a 5 pound sledge on a concrete floor will do the job?

      • Because they’re giving away Target gift cards!

        You could take the gift card, go to Target and buy some new underwear or something. And while you’re there, you can use any restroom you “identify” with!

        What’s not to like?

  3. The narrative is changing. Used to be about saving lives and getting these weapons of war off our streets. Now it’s giving folks an option to dispose of their unloved guns.

  4. Could it be that this moron means people need ways to dispose of guns that are made illegal by bureaucratic morons with an agenda who are okay with the notion they are turning law abiding citizens (well probably subjects) in to criminals.

    • And that is exactly why I don’t have the Marlin 80DL my father used to teach me firearm safety and shooting techniques. He bought it in 1962 but when he sold his house in 2000 he was afraid it was illegal in NY. The estate broker convinced him to “give” it to a dealer she knew who would ensure it would go away legally. I think you are very correct, that many older folks are afraid that the gun(s) they have had for decades are now illegal and seek only to get rid of them without going to jail.

  5. If these people really needed a mechanism to get rid if guns”, they not only could sell them to the local pawn shop or gun store, they could turn them in to the police for free.

    I like the one jackwagon who says these guns will never be used in an intentional or unintentional shooting, or be stolen, or be used in a crime, because they’ll be destroyed. Yet, in another statement, they say that turned in gun later determined to have been stolen will be returned to their rightful owners.

    Hmmm…..how can he guarantee those guns won’t ever be used/stolen/etc? Answer: because he knows damb well that they’re not returning anything to anyone regardless.

    Even better, though, is when they claim this is anonymous, with no questions asked. Yet, you must deliver the guns unloaded in the trunk of a car. Walk-ups are nit accepted. Hmmm….sounds like the anonymous “buyback” wants a license plate to reveal your identity.

    Still, the Lie of the Day Award goes to the guy who came up with the “one gift card per seller rule”, regardless how many guns you turn in, so that they can maximize the widest number of contributors as possible. A gun is a gun, right? You should want to maximize the number of guns turned in, not necessarily the number of people participating in this hoax, unless…. Oh I get now.

    • You all know perfectly well that any gun “turned in” which is actually worth anything (Python, Model 29, double rifle, etc) will not be destroyed, and will eventually be sold by a police officer or someone related to one. Whether previously stolen or not.

  6. Here is a good idea for a gun buy back event that I could get behind 100%. So instead of a police/city/non profit organization running it lets open it to a free market style of event. Where the police could still offer the no questions asked turn in policy, plus just run the cereal numbers to make sure no firearm is stolen. After that there could be several private businesses (pawn shops, LGS, and the like) to where you can take it to each one and have them make you an offer so you can shop around for the best deal. Furthermore there can be an area where you can have nothing but individuals doing a little horse trading themselves, since we all know pawn shops are usually not the most honest in terms of giving a fair price on anything. All of this competition for a limited product would hopefully cause the seller to receive the closest price to true market value.

  7. What about disposing of neighbors they “don’t need”, you know, like the ahole kind that needed a job, and got one from the government that we set up to “serve” us, but instead they got a little big-headed, thought themselves individually greater in number than one citizen, and attempt now to lord over their fellow neighbors?

    What about that serious fing problem?

  8. I want guns I don’t need. Lots of them. Some day I may need them. Or other people may desperately need them and trade me lots of serviceable goods that will help my family survive. But hey, enjoy that Target gift card. I’m sure it will serve you well when society collapses.

  9. Hey it’s pretty EZ to sell a gun you LEGALLY own. Pawnshop,Armslist,regular gun shop ad infinitum nauseum. It’s guns with no clear ownership that’s a problem. And that son,grandkid or nephew gangbanger…

    • You sound like Mike Pence, which is not a bad thing.

      Another part of freedom: Speaking out against the use of public resources for feel-good political theatre that destroys criminal evidence, gives amnesty to gun thieves, creates an artificial market for stolen goods, and undermines free commerce.

  10. A friend turned in a worthless obsolete revolver for $200 and spent the money on a mint 1903a3 that the guy behind him in line was holding. Another friend turned in a scary assault rifle for $400….it was a rusted High Point carbine.

    • I have a worn-out Turkish shotgun that I cannot, in good conscience, sell to a gun store or honest citizen. I’ll probably donate it to GunsSaveLife for the next time Chicago puts on one of these charades. GSL has been known to use the proceeds to buy ammo for youth gun safety programs and other worthy causes.

  11. “Police holding gun buyback, offering Target gift cards”

    Perfect! Hand your guns to the cops, then bring your d!cks to the Target girls’ room.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are in Bizarro World.

  12. A gun I don’t need? Is there such a thing?

    Hell, I’d rather have a plastic bin full of old guns with trigger locks on them than sell them to such a shitty concept.

    • Hmm. I have an old .22 pump gallery rifle that’s missing the bolt assembly and who knows what else. It has no value except as a door stop, but I think I’ll donate it to the local gunsmithing school for their students to play with.

  13. And thus ends the narrative of taking guns off the street. If you really wanted to help, refer these people to gun stores. Like reputable ones even.


  14. On the one hand, they refer to these as being unwanted guns that are just collecting dust on a shelf. Then they incite a sense of urgency to turn them in, because at any moment they could be used to ambush and gun down cops in the street. Good grief.

  15. “They (“legitimate citizens” – ed) need a mechanism to get rid of guns in a safe manner.”

    Legitimate citizens could sell or give away guns they no longer want if you hadn’t wrapped that in inscrutable, inconsistent procedures, fraught with legal risk.

  16. Here’s Target’s feedback form:

    Here’s my feedback:
    Dear Target™ executives:
    Thank you for sponsoring the upcoming criminal amnesty program at the San Jose Police Department this weekend (a.k.a. Gun Buyback Event). Your generosity is sure to be welcomed by all manner of violent thugs in the Santa Clara County area.

    No doubt there are hundreds of ruthless gangbangers who will welcome this chance to dispose of guns they have used in violent crimes and rid themselves of incriminating evidence without fear of prosecution. They know they can always get more guns. Similarly, every two-bit burglar who has more stolen guns than he needs can readily convert them to Target™ gift cards!

    I’m sure you look forward to seeing these people in your stores as they convert those cards into overpriced athletic shoes, black hoodies, oversized pants, jewelry for their pierced lips, and extra cans of spray paint. Some of them may lack the ability to read the signs on the restroom doors, but of course that won’t be an issue for you.

    I will also be attending the criminal amnesty event. I have a couple of worn-out, cheaply made shotguns that aren’t worth $50 collectively so I’ll be happy to collect a $100 gift card for each. I also have a budget-priced 9mm carbine worth about $100 that meets California’s definition of an “assault weapon” so I’ll trade that in for a $200 card. With the money I save by using these cards, I’ll be able to finally buy that AR-15 I’ve had my eye on.

    This program is a win for everyone! Whether our guns were lawfully purchased, received as payment for drugs, or simply stolen, we get money we don’t deserve! In the process you are helping to destroy criminal evidence, provide amnesty for gun thieves, and create an artificial market for stolen goods. As an added bonus, this will help firearms manufacturers by reducing the supply of used guns on the market. Gosh, it would be great if you could do this every weekend!

    Thank you again for this outstanding program that is proven to have zero impact on crime but helps naïve politicians feel like they’re “doing something” about violence.

  17. Only gun I’d take to a buyback would be one that I couldn’t in good conscience sell to someone for safety reasons. I have a .22 rifle that ruptured my eardrum when it fired out of battery (hard way to learn to *always* wear hearing protection, even with something as quiet as a .22 rifle!)

    It was out-of-spec ammo that caused the out-of-battery (thanks Remington), but an action that will allow a semi-auto .22 long rifle to fire when it’s a good 1/3 of an inch out-of-battery is an unsafe action.

    It’s sitting in my safe because I won’t sell it and I won’t use it myself. It needs to be either destroyed or taken to a buyback.

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