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South Carolina State Representative Wendell Gilliard (courtesy

“Everybody wants the right to carry a gun and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.” – South Carolina State Representative Wendell Gilliard, quoted in New gun bill will mean more guns on SC streets, says lawmaker [via]


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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Blame The NRA for My Obstructionist 'Smart Gun' Law">Next Post


    • US Rep Diana Degette (D)-

      “These are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now, they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

        • I am so sorry.

          I lived in her district for a few years. I feel dumber for having done so. Of course, now I’m in Polis’ district. . .

        • Oh, I’ve heard that “expert” shit before, when a punk-ass cop was muzzling me with my own gun while f–king with it and I asked WTF he thought he was doing and ordered him to knock it off. He ordered me to watch my language while his partner explained that everything was OK, since he was an “expert”. I told him to fuck off, if he did not like my language, give me back my gun and go the hell away, and his partner that I was carrying a machine gun to work every day when this jerk was in diapers, expert, my ass. Eventually, they gave me a warning ticket (stopped for an inspection sticker 2 weeks out of date) handed me my disassembled gun and went away proud, I guess, of saving the community from another miscreant.

    • The right to carry a gun is dangerous in a free society? Got that a little ass backwards didn’t ya Mr. Gilliard?

      • It’s a free society, so we can’t let people carry guns, um, <whispers> freely.

    • Said the politician that had an armed protection detail mostly of active & retired LEO professionals

      • A SC State rep does not have an armed protection detail. HE works in a protected office though but he drives to work in a regular car, albeit with a special license plate.

    • OK, it wasn’t just me.

      A “free society” but we have to restrict something???? By definition restriction should be the opposite of free.

    • True. When Democrats says “free society”, they mean “welfare society” not “a society of free people”.

      • Free healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free everything.

        You can also say that animals in a zoo. people in jail and slaves get everything for “free”.

        But to a progressive/statist, that is what they are willing to kill you in trying to achieve in their “free” society.

  1. Wow. Me thinks Rep. Gilliard should maybe go back to school and read some history.
    Focus in on that freedom stuff. It’s very enlightening.

    • I seem to vaguely recall something from my high school history classes about a significant number of (white) men with guns freeing some black slaves a while back.

      • Yeah, I remember being told something similar.

        A I R, there was also some problem with the black folks being able to free tbemselves, as they weren’t “allowed” to have guns, while the folks who made the slave laws had them.

        • As did the men in Africa (many of them also negro) who rounded them up and sold them to the whites.

          Black on black crime has DEEP roots.

      • Nah. It was just one black lady and her buddies. They were doing it as a hobby after work. She did a great job at it, I’ve heard. I wonder of she ever carried a gun? I think they’re putting her on a $20 bill or something.

    • That assumes that he can read and understand what he is reading. But, judging by his statement, he is an illiterate moron.

  2. “Everybody wants the right to [vote] and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.”

    • They already checked that box (pardon the turn of phrase) in a lot of places, via districting.

      So you can vote, but in some places it’s almost impossible to get someone who’s not in the incumbent party elected.

      P.S. TTAG, please fix the need to sign in every … single … time to comment.

  3. The failure of our Founding Fathers is that they expected today’s politicians to know and care as much about the Constitution as they did.

    This f*ckwit is Exhibit A.

  4. Wow, textbook cognitive dissonance.

    We were watching ‘The Pyramid Code’ last night on Netflix and they had this Egyptian archaeologist make the statement that all the people who built the pyramids way back did so freely, there were no slaves. Sure you were free to labor as you were told to build those things, totally free. As long as you did the work freely you wouldn’t be killed.

    Same deal here.

  5. “Everybody wants the right…”
    We have the right, it’s a matter of whether or not it’s legal and protected for us to exercise that right should we choose to. There’s no politician that can grant rights, deal with it.

    “…to carry a gun…”
    Oh no, a gun.

    “…and that’s dangerous in a free society.”
    A free society has the potential to be dangerous, or to be benevolent. That’s just it: it’s a free society; free to do what they please to do. A truly free society is an experiment, do you want to allow it to work on it’s own? Or not? If not, then you do not have a free society.

    “We should not allow that.”
    That’s because you’re a totalitarian. Plain and simple. For shits and giggles let’s say this is your first intolerance against a mode of freedom. This is your justification when something goes wrong; it’s guns. Let’s say you get your way, guess what? Something will continue to go wrong, now there’s something else you can’t allow. The cycle will repeat, and it will keep repeating until it implodes upon itself and we’re back to square one, waiting for a new constituency to laud freedom, and inevitably deal with this cycle again of someone that thinks they can control people through legislation.

    You’re un-American, and you’re sick in the head. Whoever elected you into office should have their heads looked at. If South Carolina has a recall process the people of South Carolina would be doing themselves a disservice to not exercise it.

    • State Representatives are elected by districts. He represents the 111th District – better known as Charleston,SC – The most liberal part of the state. He’s not going anywhere. The black and white population in Charleston has been thoroughly indoctrinated in the way of Detroit, Houston and Chicago. Once you get out of that area, it’s a whole ‘nuther story.

      • Extra ironic that he represents the district where the idiot shot up the welcoming folks at church, ain’t it? Willfull ignorance, this…

  6. Ah yes, the good old ‘freedom is dangerous to a free society’ meme.

  7. “Everybody has the right to carry a gun and that ’ s essential a free society. We should encourage that . ”

    Fixed it.

    • It’s sadder still that it repels so many bright, honest, prudent people. One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. Exhibit A: South Carolina State Representative Wendell Gilliard.

  8. “Everybody wants the right to [….

    practice their religion
    peaceably assemble
    petition the government for redress of grievances
    be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects

    ….] and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.”

    After all, if one person demands to exercise his natural rights, then someone else will, and someone else will, and another, and another, and then what will we have in our free society???!!!

    Hmmm, I dunno, Massa. Freedom? You should be ashamed, and by ashamed I mean something unfit to print.

  9. He has what can only be characterized as a “slave mentality”.

    Apparently he believes that he doesn’t need a gun because the guys who shot the people on the Danziger Bridge, Kathryn Johnston and Akai Gurley will “protect” him.

  10. “Everybody wants the right to VOTE and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.”

    Same thing?

  11. I do not follow the argument.

    Why is it “dangerous?” Where’s the carnage from responsible, peaceful, law-abiding people?

    What carnage there is involves mainly crazies, thugs, predators n the occasional terrorizt. I’m O K with slowing them down. Armed, responsible n etc. people at the point of thuggery is one way to do this.

    “Everyone” seems little threat to me, that is, unless we are all crazies n etc. If that’s what Representative-Represent thinks of us, probably best we don’t let him decide what we are “allowed” to do. I do wonder why R-R thinks himself so empowered to decide, being one of that same crazy n etc. “everybody.” Or maybe he is not like us; not one of us.

    The violence we have involving guns is from people who aren”t responsible, aren’t peaceful, and aren’t law-abiding. Indeed, the violence they do is already illegal, so what’s another law, this time about the tool, gonna do?

    It’s like R-R hasn’t thought this through.

  12. A free society is dangerous, so the right to carry a gun is essential.


    Freedom is dangerous. that’s the point. There’s plenty of places you can go to be more safe and less free. I’ll personally pay for your ticket if you promise to not come back.

  13. So here’s a conundrum for readers: Who is more ignorant, the above-named legislator, or the people who voted for him?

    • Likely the voters. If he’s working a con and knows it, they’re marks.

      Don’t be a rube. It never works out well.

    • That’s the conundrum. The intelligent, informed voter who limits government control and boondoggles is simply outnumbered by ignorant masses who vote for more free sh!t. There’s too many drinking the big government Kool Aid and more are coming every day. Plus, we don’t have universal voter ID.

      Incidentally, my son got a rude awakening. He started off a research paper which purported to say that voter ID wasn’t much of an issue, and could “disenfranchise” poor and minority voters. I told him that it was easy to fleece the system, particularly with people searches and mail in ballots. At first, he was skeptical. That was, until he discovered that he is still registered to vote out of Orange County, CA while being simultaneously registered in La Crosse, WI.

  14. There is place for this moron in Liberia.

    Yes libtards should voluntarily arm themselves only with pink fairy wands (and voluntarily pay an extra 50% on their taxes).

  15. “Everybody wants the right to carry a gun and that’s dangerous in a free society.” — South Carolina State Representative Wendell Gilliard

    It is only dangerous if you attack an armed person. Don’t attack anyone and there is no danger.

  16. Anti gun without being particularly intelligent? Protected by armed guards? Sounds like a Democrat.

    I apologize in advance for offending the 1/2 dozen pro-gun Democrats in the US.

  17. Gilliard is a union thug. I expect we’ll be hearing more from him when he’s indicted for something. Political hacks like him are always indicted for something.

  18. Sure homie. And I hope no gun guys vote dumbocrat. Yeah I know the other guys have Rinos aplenty but at least gun banning ain’t written into the national dumboplank…btw FIX your comment thing!

  19. An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

    Robert A. Heinlein

  20. “Everybody wants the right to carry a gun and that’s dangerous in a free society.
    Especially dangerous for the serfs to be armed if you do not want a free society.

  21. Spoken like a true (current generation) democrat with absolutely no understanding or regard for the constitution.

  22. It is amazing how white homosexuals and liberal blacks agree. They both say guns should be taken away from the people. And then they say the police are out to get me.
    I do not understand.
    Perhaps both groups want free stuff.
    As a black gun owner I follow the example of the Deacons For Defense and Justice.

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