BW Blackwater heavy hitter

From the FPC . . .

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that Concord, North Carolina-based Blackwater Worldwide (Blackwater) is launching a new fundraising program to support FPC’s principled grassroots activism, education, litigation, and research programs. Through this new effort, Blackwater will donate $1 to FPC for every box of its “The Heavy Hitter” 12-gauge shotgun ammunition sold into California through December 31, 2021.

“Blackwater Worldwide believes in what FPC is doing for gun owners and we saw a way to help fund the fight through the sale of our Heavy Hitter Sabots,” said Caleb Clark, Chief Strategy Officer for Blackwater Worldwide. “Our goal is to raise $100,000 or more for FPC to continue its aggressive litigation and advocacy efforts to restore the Second Amendment in California and throughout the United States.”

“We are delighted that Blackwater Worldwide is supporting FPC’s fight to defend and advance individual liberty,” said Lauren Hill, FPC’s Director of Corporate Relations. “Thanks to our amazing members and supporters, including the generous leadership at Blackwater, FPC will continue to aggressively defend and advance fundamental, individual rights and Fight Forward for gun owners in California and across the country.”

Organizations and industry partners who wish to learn more about supporting FPC are encouraged to contact Lauren Hill, Director of Corporate Relations, at [email protected]. Ammunition retailers in California who wish to purchase Blackwater’s Heavy Hitter Sabots to support the fundraising effort should contact [email protected].

Blackwater ammunition logo

Individuals that are interested in joining FPC in the fight against tyranny can become a member of the FPC Grassroots Army for just $25 at

For more on FPC cases and other legal action initiatives, visit and follow FPC on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. FPC and its FPC Law team are the nation’s next-generation advocates leading the Second Amendment litigation and research space. Some FPC legal actions include:

• A challenge to New York City’s ban on handgun carry (Greco v. New York City)

• A merits-stage Supreme Court brief providing the justices with the English history of the right to bear arms in support of a challenge to New York’s unconstitutional “may issue” scheme

• A challenge to California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Miller v. Bonta) that resulted in a post-trial judgment and permanent injunction against the challenged regulations, the first such victory in United States history

• A challenge to the federal ban on the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition to adults under 21 years of age (Reese v. ATF)

• A challenge to Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Bianchi v. Frosh)

• A challenge to California’s handgun “roster”, microstamping, and self-manufacturing ban laws (Renna v. Bonta)

• A challenge to California’s firearm purchase rationing ban (1-in-30 day limit) (Nguyen v. Bonta)

• A challenge to Minnesota’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Worth v. Harrington)

• A challenge to Illinois’ ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Meyer v. Raoul)

• A challenge to Georgia’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Baughcum v. Jackson)

• A challenge to Tennessee’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Basset v. Slatery)

• A challenge to Maryland’s ban on handgun carry (Call v. Jones)

• A challenge to Pennsylvania’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Lara v. Evanchick)


    • Yes, because it’s not like there’s well documented history of the US federal government dropping fire on civilians both domestically and internationally. At least in the case of Blackwater at least some of the people involved were held to account to misdeeds.

      • You missed his point. FPC filed a friend of the court brief siding with the Federal government to overturn Texas’s post 6 week abortion ban. FPC’s argument was that if this particular law was to stand then one day something similar to it could possibly be used against legal gun owners or manufacturers.
        For many, like me, who think of babies inside the womb as babies, it meant that FPC would never receive a dime or any support from us.

        • Amen brother, that is my thought as well. I won’t be supporting a group that is openly supporting murdering babies. There are several aspects of the FPC that i do not agree with. As far as Blackwater ammo is concerned, its HQ is in my backyard but i have never shot any of it.

        • Thanks, John. Beat me to it. I also feel FPC’s brief was a bit off target or perhaps, a bit premature. In single-issue-type organizations it’s important, IMO, to stick with what you know and do, cutting down on what can become “un-holy alliances”, even if only by association.

        • Ok. Odd man out here. I’ve thought about this very quandary for years. I get FPCs position; 1) government intervention is just that.
          2) Referral to #1, it is hypocritical to have the govt intervene on abortions and govt must keep “hands off” our firearms.
          3) NOBODY is gonna tell me what to do with my body, PERIOD.

          BTW- I am pro life.

        • Just Saying, the government intruding to say you can’t murder babies is an entirely different thing than the government intruding saying you can’t defend yourself.

        • The right to have abortions shall not be infringed?
          Golly I need to re-read the constitution, I couldn’t find it, I did find the Right to Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed though.
          Ironically the government would probably uphold the right to have abortions a whole lot more then it does the right to bear arms.
          And another thing imo a doctor who takes a life on purpose ain’t no doctor at all.
          Back to the way humans perceive murder, some’s okay and some aint.

        • It’s no longer just “your body” once you’re pregnant. Sorry, that’s just biology and cold hard science. Is it fair? No. Is it equal? No. Is it feminist? No. But earth, life, creation, and evolution…. Are all unfair. Reality isn’t equal.

  1. Lie down with dogs… My enemies enemy is not my friend. Unless you’re arming the mujahideen, installing the Shah, installing Gaddafi, installing Noriega, installing Saddam, selling weapons to post revolution Iran, trying to overthrow the Sandinistas etc. Not to mention the Whiskey Rebellion, suspension of habeas corpus, Japanese internment, bailing out the banks etc. etc. Even you friends are not your friends.

    • I’m earning 85 dollars/h to complete some work on a home computer. I not at all believed that it can be possible but my close friend earning $25k only within four weeks simply doing this top task as well as she has satisfied me to join. Check further details by reaching this site…

      • SPAM!
        While you are at it, earning all that money, take a good English language course. One that stresses grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

  2. “Blackwater will donate $1 to FPC for every box of its “The Heavy Hitter” 12-gauge shotgun ammunition sold into California through December 31, 2021.

    Our goal is to raise $100,000 or more for FPC …”

    is this article correct?

    Just $1.00 per box sold in California and they wanna raise $100,000?

    A 12 pack is $13.99 (on the web site right now).

    100,000 / 13.99 = ~ 7,148 boxes before December December 31, 2021 just in California and $1.00 per those box’s goes to FPC?

    $1 X 7,148 = $7,148.00

    Gonna come up a little short in their goal.

    Did I miss something in the article? Sounds like that wanna just do that for that sold in California. Is it any box sold anyplace?

    • sorry, that was a five pack for $13.99. same math though for the money. Not sure why I typed 12 pack.

      • Your math is completely off. Raising $100k at $1/box means selling 100k boxes. At $13.99/box, total sales would be $1.399M, with a little more than 7% donated.

    • E. Prince still held rights to the name Blackwater and sold (Leased?) the name license for the ammo company. His security service was renamed years ago.> Academi LLC (formerly Xe and Blackwater Worldwide)
      “the Italian Nicola Bandini, once co-founder of Arsenal Firearms, and now CEO of the Maltese company PBM – Precision Ballistic …Mar 6, 2018” < this is who makes the ammo.
      BTW – the trial of those involved in that massacre brought out some interesting Bull Shit statements & charges buy the investigators.

    • Blackwater (the former), was a company made up of some of the best veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Sure, there were a few bad apples, just like in the military, but overall, those guys were true patriots and dedicated professionals. Government officials, the media and Hollywood sold a story to demonize them. Kahill clearly bought it.

      No, I never was in Blackwater, but I did work closely with some of them in the sandbox. Every time I see someone make statements like Kahill, I shake my head and feel sorry for them being either naïve or mislead.

      As for Erik Prince; he proposed a plan to President Trump to use PMCs in Afghanistan. About 20% of the cost of the U.S. military. The catastrophe of July 2021 in Afghanistan would not have happened with that plan. Erik Prince was just to radioactive still for even Trump to touch.

  3. I’m earning 85 dollars/h to complete some work on a home computer. I not at all believed that it can be possible but my close friend earning $25k only within four weeks simply doing this top task as well as she has satisfied me to join.
    Check further details by reaching this site…

    • SPAM!
      While you are earning all that money, take a good English language course. One that stresses grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.

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