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As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I’m the last person who wants to see any kind of race war. As for African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence, I’m good with that. You? [h/t to Matt and MikeB302000]

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  1. As for African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence, I’m good with that. You?

    Didn’t watch the clip, just responding to the question on principle. I’m good with it. I think it’s in line with constitutional principles. Further, as much as Martin Luther King’s peaceful movement is credited with achieving the civil rights goals, I’m old enough to remember the Black Panthers and their actions in simply taking up arms to patrol their neighborhoods. I also remember how much concern and discussion (and gun control laws) that sparked. I believe that was as much a factor in moving civil rights forward in this country as MLK.

    • exactly right styrgwillidar , 2A minded AA’s embrace our rights for the same reasons as all other American groups. Also like ALL groups in the US there are tinfoil hat types and racist scumbags. This guys is making it sound like ALL white/majority folks in the US are responsible for our at times problematic history, when it is simply not true, period, end of story.

      i feel strongly about this because a large component of my research for my MA is on the barely recognized proponents of “armed self reliance” (coined by Robert F Williams) in the early 60s, in the early civil rights period. predating the BPP.

    • An additional thought, don’t forget that the initial gun-control efforts in the US were racist. They were laws stripping the newly-freed slaves and their allies of guns. Those actions by the southern states directly led to the 14th Amendment with the debates specifically citing the denial of the right to bear arms to the newly-freed slaves as a justification for the 14th Amendment. Of course, SCOTUS in the first couple of cases gutted the 14th by insisting it did not make the bill of rights limitations on state governments. Hence, the last ~150 yrs of SCOTUS decisions incorporating those rights as limitations on state governments individually. Great short read on the history of the 14th Amendment is the amici brief by the Congress of Racial Equality in the Heller case.

    • “…African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence…” I’m good with any Americans arming themselves to counter violence. What I would REALLY like to see in the African American community is honest people arming themselves – with concealed weapons permits – to counteract the insanely high levels of black-on-black violence in their neighborhoods. Of course, the problem with doing that is the fact that the majority of high-crime African American neighborhoods are located in cities such as Chicago, NYC, Washington DC, etc., that are run by rabidly anti-self-defense politicians. This tends to make realistic self-defense by the honest people very difficult, although it does not seem to stop the criminals from getting all of the guns they need to terrorize their neighbors.

      Note to African Americans (who are tired of being victims)living in high-crime neighborhoods: time to elect some politicians who will support YOUR right to bear arms and defend yourselves.

      • The fastest growing demographic in Texas right now buying small arm protection and getting their CHL is black women!

    • Don’t forget that gun control is, of course, racist.

      As are marriage laws, initially enacted to prohibit miscegenation.

  2. this guy has either red the turner diaries or had invented this “war” in his own mind. or maybe he read the chapter on pres TR in the book “manliness and civilization” but i highly doubt it. either way it is all bs, Black folks are an integral part of the US and literally contributed to the foundations of this country in a economic and cultural sense and have been in the new world since the 1600’s with the transatlantic slave trade. this ninja is a goddamn clown, but i know that matt believes that he is the official spokesperson for the Black community, when i doubt he even has a GED. an NRA member this fool is not, i doubt he votes either, guy is a ****ing disgrace IMO.

    • There’s already a race war going on in the US.

      Each year, some 1.2 million violent crimes involving blacks and whites occur nationwide. In fully 90 percent of those cases, according to U.S. Justice Department figures, the perpetrators are black and the victims are white. Violent white felons choose black victims for fewer than 3 percent of their attacks, whereas violent black felons choose white victims about 56 percent of the time. Statistically, the “average” African American is an astonishing 56 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa. In one recent year, approximately 100 black women were raped by white men; the corresponding number of white women raped by black men was over 20,000, according to Dinesh D’Souza in The End of Racism.

      It is clear that a sizable portion of the African-American community actively hates and targets white people. I believe that fear of being lambasted by the media has conditioned white people to tolerate this. Perhaps it’s white guilt, but it seems like the white community has just decided to tolerate the antisocial behavior of a certain portion of the black community. There is a neighborhood in every city in the US which is considered the “bad part of town”, the place you won’t visit after sundown. That term is a PC euphemysm for “the black part of town”. Why is this tolerated? Why would citizens give up part of their freedom to freely travel to a savage group of people? Where is the justice system? Why is crime allowed to flourish there? Police have to do their job with one hand tied behind their backs because the media will drag their names through the mud, and politicians will bend the law to appease angry rioters. Look at the Trayvon Martin case. According to Florida law, he should not have been arrested. The evidence available to State’s Attorney clearly met the standard for justifiable self-defense. He should have been a free man and never gone through this nightmare. Instead, the Governor bent to the threats of violence implied by Al Sharpton, insinuated at by the media, and vocalized by the New Black Panthers and the more radical of the black community. That’s terrorism. The law should not bend to threats from an angry mob. Rioting because you don’t believe a legal decision was right is NOT a sign of a civilized and peaceful people.

      The US is indeed engaged in a race war, but it’s unilateral.

      • Black on Black crime occurs far more than Black on White crime. The New Black Panthers are a joke. “Sundown Towns” are places where Black folks shouldn’t go due to them having a history of racist treatment of minorites. Get a clue.

        • Black on white crime occurs more than white on black crime—that’s the point.

          Sundown towns don’t exist anymore. But the ghetto is unsafe for every white person right now.

          I think you need to take off your PC glasses. Nice way to introduce irrelevant information to obscure my point, though. Idiot.

          The New Black Panthers put a 10 thousand dollar bounty on the head of George Zimmerman. Why weren’t they all arrested immediately? The New Black Panthers were videotaped committing voter intimidation–and Obama’s DOJ dropped the charges. Why?

          Seems like we’re already at war, alright, and the federal government is supporting the black radicals.

        • Would you care to list sundown towns , even one, or are you living in the past to support a position today?

        • here you go GS650G:

          Liam, I seriously doubt you have the stones to have ever been in, to, or through a Ghetto. Watching BET doesn’t count. I got your idiot right here…

        • @AQA

          Do you bother to read the shit you post? It lists Chicago as a sundown town, even though it is majority black. Their poorly drawn “racism curve” shows there is as much white on black racism in this country today as there was during the civil war. I didnt know I could still own blacks.

  3. I have no problem with black citizens arming themselves for whatever reasons they feel they want to exercise their 2nd amendment rights for.

    But if I see them instigating a race war or commiting racial violence, they will have to
    deal with those of us armed for our own protection. I won’t start hostilities, but when they come for my “cracker” self, you bet they’ll get a hostile response. No Reginald Denny for me thanks.

    • that is ridiculous, and will never happen. AA’s have deep roots in the US, fought in EVERY conflict in US history, foreign and domestic.

      • Some of it seems to be starting. Go look up flash mobs and the incidents happening in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, and others.

        Am I saying it will be all blacks vs all whites? Not at all. But there is a significant portion that is very anti-white and that number seems to
        be growing in aggression and number

        • Oh noes, someone says something you don’t agree with, and puts a considerable amount of effort in to their post, instead of coming up with a reasoned retort, lets call them a troll!

        • There are a number of racist black folk for sure, Tim. It is obvious. Me and my wife attended a black church for three years and had to leave because they got increasingly angry with their situation and turned their symbol (a white hand and a black hand grasping) from a symbol of unity to a symbol representing control (because the white hand clasped was above the black one – which they picked as their symbol of unity) and stated over and over that they needed to be rising above the oppression. Not to mention that their definition of ‘family’ was insane.

          All this was while their biggest financial and transportation supporters were the mixed couple (me and my wife) and all the while preaching how welfare is a blessing that should be taken upon by all those that qualify.

          This shouldn’t be a surprise though. Maybe some people are so PC inclined that they have put a bubble up around certain things? That only Whites can be racist? For me and my wife, the only racism we have encountered in a black city is from black people. I’ve been called a racist because I wouldn’t give a lady (parked at a gas pump until someone put gas in her car) any money. Go figure.

        • right so flaming is a reasoned response to other posters? ok matt, how many of your own posts have been deleted because of the exact same practice? i’ve seen more than one. btw like that your favorite video is being prominently featured? congratulations.

          but then according to “liam” the US government is being controlled by Black radicals so we have bigger problems i guess, along with your black, NEW black panther party, flash mob attacker fantasies.

        • You never said how blacks fighting in American conflicts is in anyway relevant to Tim’s post.

          but then according to “liam” the US government is being controlled by Black radicals so we have bigger problems i guess,
          He is right. Take for instance Eric Holder recently saying whites can not be victims of race based hate crimes, because there lacks a historical basis of violence against them. Ignoring what has happened to whites for at least the past 40 years.

  4. Even though that dude sound like a moron when he speaks, I think he’s pretty correct in that a race war would not go their way. Black people only make up about 12% of our
    population and far fewer than that are actually able bodied. Of those that are able to fight, the vast majority of them think that a gun must be held sideways in order to “cap a nigga”. Recipe for failure, folks. The ironic thing is, black people are the only ones talking about a race war. I just got my monthly newsletter from the Right Wing
    Gun Toting Cracker Association and it didn’t say anything about a race war or loading black people onto trucks. Maybe I missed something.

    • Of those that are able to fight, the vast majority of them think that a gun must be held sideways”

      ” he turned it sideways! that’s a kill shot!!”
      Steve Carell

    • “I just got my monthly newsletter from the Right Wing Gun Toting Cracker Association and it didn’t say anything about a race war or loading black people onto trucks. ”

      Well there was that one article about leaving other people alone and maybe they will leave you alone. If you were a highly functioning retard you might interpret that as being the same thing as loading people onto cattle cars and gassing them, for some reason.

  5. “As for African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence, I’m good with that. You? ”

    Sure, I’m good with that, so long as no one says anything when I as a white man arm and train myself to prevent/counter racial )or any other kind of) violence. Gun control was the product of racism anyway, so any counter-action to it is a good thing.

  6. The excuse for the 1968 gun control law, and many state restrictions, was fear of armed blacks, especially Black Panthers, who marched and patrolled Oakland armed. I think that the 1968 act was the boldest attack on constitutional rights in our history since the founding. I was in high school at the time, and used to order guns through the mail, from catalogs, the way I order cigars today.

    I am more than OK with blacks arming themselves, in fact, I encourage it. ANY citizen who wishes to arm himself has the perfect right to do so, not to mention the need. If more blacks were armed the world would be a safer place. An armed society is a polite society. The crazies will always have weapons – it is incumbent on those of us who do not wish to succumb to violence to do the same.

  7. Why would “crackers” commit all these acts when blacks are doing it to each other? Anyway, I don’t see how Ritz saltines would hold an AR anyway, and the recoil would probably break them in half.

  8. i encourage all law abiding citizens to arm themselves and their families. people of good will regardless of race or religion should be brought into the 2a fold. numbers are the way that we’ll prevail in this game. ofwg’s, such as myself, no longer have the numbers to carry the day. we need recruits to the cause and need to seek them amongst other races and beliefs. end of sermon.

  9. I’m trying to figure out why I’m going to go to the hood in a race war and tell a black person to “b-tch, load up in the truck!”… Screw that, I’m staying home.

    The only black people I’ve seen who shoot the way he describes are the kind of people I’d describe as worthless gangbanger wannabes, they like to post vids on youtube too. And I’m perfectly ok if those guys can’t shoot straight. On the other hand, I’ve met plenty of black shooters who are very skilled, and enjoy including their families on trips to the range. Nothing wrong with that, I like to see all kinds of people shooting and introducing their children to firearms in a safe and responsible manner.

    • Except that blacks shooters at a range are few and far between, just as black members of the NRA are. They are dwarfed by the number of gang bangers out there.

  10. +1 2wheels,

    “The only black people I’ve seen who shoot the way he describes are the kind of people I’d describe as worthless gangbanger wannabes”

    dude is an embarrassment.

  11. As a black man and a proud citizen of the USA. I think everyone should seriously consider training themselves and their families for any attack. Personally I do not think there will be a race war in this country. We are much too far along for that. I think the threat for everyone, white, black, brown will be people from our own communities that have become so disenfranchised that they begin trying to take from others……and of course the common thug. Most of this crime seems to be against one’s own kind.

    • I agree that there won’t be a race war, but it’s surprising how many people think something like that could happen. Some friends of the family- jews- seriously think that it is possible that they might someday be rounded up and ‘interned’ like the Japanese were in WW2. Considering the historical precedent, I am unable to argue that it could not happen here. It has, within living memory.

    • +1, Leon

      People need to understand that it’s not so much race as it is the B.S. gangsta culture that’s taken root in the ghettos which, I believe, arose in large part due to the lack of responsible fathers in these communities. Moms can’t control teenage boys worth a damn and kids join gangs often to replace the male figure that’s absent in their lives.

      That’s one giant part of the problem.

      Sonny boy kept on the straight and narrow by his old man has a far better chance of growing up right than the kid who grew up with the homeboys on the block as his mentors.

  12. I have not watched the clip.

    I’m fine with AA law abiding citizens arming themselves for their own (actual or perceived) defense and I mean real defense. I do not support arming up in the name of defense when it is a facade for offense. I recall an emotionally-based and irrational over-reaction by parts of the AA community in NYC resulting in a mini-race war in the Crown Heights area. In absolute numbers and in proportion, the majority of racist violence in modern America is black on white. Eric Holder has stated that black on white violence based on race cannot be a hate crime. America is increasingly Balkanizing into numerous groups based on a person’s ethnic, racial, religious, sex, wealth, political, etc classifications. I do not see any racial war threats to the AA community that could be organized. Demographically, members of the AA community commit most of the violence in America. Enough said.

  13. If history teaches us anything, it’s that Korean shop-owners will win the race war. Hands down. Every time. Koreans are f***ing scary. Look at ROK marines or DPRK fanatics. I’m
    changing my last name to Park in case of a race war!

    • Ha ha hah…ROKs…I trained with those guys near the border (Pohang, S. Korea) back in ’96. They would jump off a rope bridge slung between two mountain tops near 200′ up with a good 50-75′ of slack. Fearless!

  14. Everyone will be better off with the realization that race is not the problem… tyranny is. With that in mind, I encourage anyone who wants to be free to get armed and trained.

  15. Just so I’m clear, what negro depository are we supposed to use once we have them in the trucks?

  16. The only people I hear making with race war type talk are like Al Sharpton, it appears to me he would love race war between Blacks and Hispanics, that just from his actions and talk concerning the Martin/Zimmerman fiasco.

  17. LMFAO…………….what a race baiting retard that guy is. While he is accurate about the skills of the average gang-banger, his assertion that law-abiding Conservatives….AKA Whitey and Crackers……..will be “roundin up Nigga’s” is pathetic. If a race war ever starts, it will be at the behest of this idiot in the White House. It will be the execution of the plan he already has to push Patriot Citizens of a free America into revolution so he can execute martial law and all the exec orders he has prepped. His “Peeps in the hood” and OWS retards will be at the forefront of the staged rioting if he can’t get the ball rolling.

    Ever heard of the Reichstag Fire? It’s coming at Obama’s behest.

    • As to Obama’s plan; I recently watched the documentary “Mugabe and the White African” which is streaming on Netflix and other sites. In that documentary it is almost as if the language of hate spouted by the Dictator Mugabe was lifted straight from Obama’s writings. The fact that Mugabe is a Marxist and his victims (in this case) are devoute Christians who’s farm supports 500 Black African Christians was not lost on me. In fact, behind the facade of Justice it seemed that it was a colusion of Marxsists against Christians on a very large scale

    • Everyone, please stop the race war theme. It is not going to happen. Thankfully, As a nation we have all evolved from that. Of course there will be nuts from every race trying to stir up this stuff. But I hope this fine forum will not become a place to spew racial hatred. We are better than that and it will just be used out of context against us; the law abiding citizens that are legally armed.
      As far as the demographics of crime goes, the likes of Enron and others, have done more damage to our country than the bikers, the Latin Kings or the Cripps and the Bloods. Those greedy execs don’t just steal your wallet or car. They take your home, your pension, your job, and your familiy’s future.
      Stay safe.

      • Good point Leon, but the media and TV have made everyone afraid of “Boyz in Da Hood”, while the OFWG in the suit on Wall St. robs us all blind….

        • Well, the OFWG on Wall Street won’t shoot you for delivering pizza, rape your sister, steal your car, or burn down their own neighborhoods.

    • yawn…..Volkstorm in da house I see….it’s been almost four years Viper…what are the storm troopers waiting on?

  18. What the man was voicing was the angst he felt over the inability of a large portion of the AA community to accomplish anything positive in thier lives and assimilate into the middle class.

  19. Geebus H Christy…listening to that guy made my head hurt. I don’t at all mind black people being responsible, legal, gun owners and supporting our cause…they have the right to own just like anyone else. Unfortunately, my guess is that the the majority of black gun owners are not doing anything but hurting the cause.

    Talking about a race war? He’s out of his friggen mind. Also, the last thing we need is for those “niggas” (as he calls them) to learn how to shoot straight…those are the thug gang-banger types trying to kill their fellow people all the time. Unfortunately, they are not going to stop.

    On the flip side, if those bangers stopped using their “Homeboy Nyte Sites”, maybe they’d be able to just kill their intended targets with one or two shots (instead of killing innocent kids in the background while “sprayin’ the whole clip”).

    • “Unfortunately, my guess is that the the majority of black gun owners are not doing anything but hurting the cause. ”

      the majority of your “guess” is:

      Black folks who are “gun owners” ie, NOT criminal ***bags with hot weapons are just as responsible as anyone else.

      is this your “cause” or are you the spokesperson for 2A?

      i didn’t think so.

      • Then why don’t the “responsible black gun owners” do something about the absolute failure of the black community? It seems like there’s a sizable percentage of black people who are sociopathic anti-social uncivilized savages. The white man can’t fix them. The government can’t fix them. It’s up to the black community to deal with them. I recommend torches, pitchforks, and the rope.

      • Fine, do you feel better with “a lot” vs “majority”. In reality, I was really referring to the non-firearm-law-abiding and/or thug/gang-banger types.

        I also don’t see where I said all black gun owners are criminal scumbags.

        I have a couple of pretty close black friends (one is a sargeant in the SF police force – heading to his wedding in HI this week), the other works in a SWAT type team for the national lab here in Livermore…so lighten up.

        Both of them will say/agree there is a huge difference from real black dudes and “homie thug, gang-banger types”.

        I’m just making fun of the gang-banger types. They deserve to be ridiculed and laughed at IMO.

        • i am the one who said “criminal scumbag” because i agree that there must be a distinction drawn between law abiding citizens and criminal losers. You are also right that they need to be ripped on at every possible junction.

      • The problem is that “the majority of black gun owners” are “criminal ***bags with hot weapons”.

        • then they are criminals, and not gun owners. but then those details obfuscate your oh so intellectually grounded nationalist/supremacist message board talking points.

  20. I must say that I’m pleasantly surprised by the open minded comments of most here…I didn’t expect that. With a few exceptions, I’m really shocked. To those posters who think that all AA’s hold their guns sideways….you’ve watched too much TV. There are thousands who are trained former military, law enforcemtn, or have those in their family who have served going back hundreds of years, who are very proficient in handling a weapon. You should also keep in mind that if a race war were to take place, there are other races you should be more concerned about that have resources outside of this country that are more than capable of arming, training and organizing them.

    • + T W O

      (spelled it out slowly for ya’)

      There are really a lot of “theories” as to how sideways shooting came about…

      Journalists and gun experts point to the 1993 Hughes brothers film Menace II Society, which depicts the side grip in its opening scene, as the movie that popularized the style. Although the directors claim to have witnessed a side grip robbery in Detroit in 1987, there are few reports of street gangs/thugs using the technique until after the movie came out. In 1961’s One-Eyed Jacks, Marlon Brando used it, as did Eli Wallach in 1966’s The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Directors may prefer the style because it makes it easier to see both the weapon and the actor’s face in a tight camera shot.

      Also apparently in Hollywood, when they started filming a lot of these “shoot’em up” movies, the weapons would not fire the blanks properly and would always jam up. The solution was to fire them at a cant or sideways to keep them form jamming. Well, the gangstas see this in the movies, think it’s the way it works and behold, sideways shooting. (source, a CA Cop)

      During the first half of the 20th century, soldiers used the side grip for the express purpose of endangering throngs of people. Some automatic weapons from this era—like the Mauser C96 or the grease gun—fired so quickly or with such dramatic recoil that soldiers found it impossible to aim anything but the first shot. Soldiers began tilting the weapons, so that the recoil sent the gun reeling in a horizontal rather than vertical arc, enabling them to spray bullets into an onrushing enemy battalion instead of over their heads.

      I have also observed the shield carrier on SWAT (and Israeli forces if I remember correctly) holding a weapon sideways, in front of the shield, and attempting to orient to the target with the sights.

      For the homies that saw this in Hollywood, they actually found some real applications…it’s easier to use the sideways grip when conducting a drive by without the window rolled all the way down ;). Second, when you are running away shooting behind you, the sideways grip is the only practical option for firing while retreating. It’s hard to rotate the weapon upright with your arm behind you. Lastly, it’s just plain COOL!

    • You do realize that no other race likes American black people, don’t you? Hispanics(especially Mexicans and Central/South Americans) hate blacks, and are rapidly displacing them from Southern California. Compton is majority Hispanic now. Mexican gangs are cleansing Compton of blacks. It’s so bad that the Bloods and Crips have joined forces to combat the Mexicans.

      Asians hate blacks. Indians hate blacks. All immigrants hate blacks because they think blacks are lazy criminals who are afraid to work hard. I don’t blame them. Some Indian family moves here and opens a convenience store, hoping to give their kids a better life. What happens? They live in fear of their store being robbed by blacks.

      Nope, in the event of a race war, nobody has the blacks’ backs. Black people would go out faster than the last piece of chicken at a cookout.

        • well i guess the “solution” he posed earlier with torches and rope is not good enough? but then i think you would be the one bringing the lighter to that party.

        • Then why didnt you say that in response to the relevant post? And whats wrong with torches and rope? He was calling on the black community to fix its own problems rather than running away from it. Look at the blacks who move out of the ghetto in to white neighborhoods. They should be helping their fellow brothers (in one way or another) rather than abandoning them.

        • I read his post, and it is clear he recommended the black community police ITSELF with torches, pitchforks, and rope.

          Oh noez. He beez all rayciss an’ shit….

      • YOU do realize that a lot of races hate white people? and those races happen to be quickly outgrowing Black in terms of their numbers? You do realize that a lot of Middle Easterners don’t like white people? Did those jets flying into the World Trade Center kinda tip you off Einstien? Do you realize a lot of Hispanics don’t like Gringos? Do you realize that a lot of Native Americans don’t like white people? and a great many of them are now millionaires because you can’t stay out of their casinos? Blacks know they are hated and feared, and I’ll just say this…if they can kill each other with no compunction, and burn down their neighborhoods….can you imagine what will happen when they get pissed off at YOU?! I for one, and locked and loaded, waiting for the likes of you to come looking for me…

  21. Can someone translate or at least tell me his point? Sure, anyone can own guns for defensive purposes, I’m fine with that but my God, be coherent.

    • As I understand it, his point is that in the upcoming race war whites will load up blacks in trucks to be hauled off somewhere unless blacks learn how to shoot straight.

  22. Oh, look, I’m late to the party, but it’s that video again. matt has linked it twice before, in the comments of two previous posts, and I just watched it a third time to make sure, and I still have no friggin’ idea what point is trying to be made by linking to it. I managed to glean that the point the guy in the video is making is largely rules #2 & #4, and don’t just spray ‘n pray. But what the hell is it doing on our front page?

    • +1

      this guy is not smart enough to have a point, this seems more of a retarded stream of consciousnesses here.

  23. What race war? There is no race war. There are a few black people that hate white people, just as there are a few white people that hate black people. Probably always will be. There are also a few people that hate clowns and magicians. Personally I have no time for hate.

    I don’t care about the color of a person’s skin. A great man once said something about looking forward to the day when people are not judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character. Yes, it’s not the exact quote, but the gist is the same. Law abiding citizens have a right to defend themselves, period. It doesn’t matter what color their skin is, what kind of clothes they wear or what God they pray to.

    Seeing a black man with a gun won’t put me on alert as much as seeing a white gangsta looking for trouble, gun or not.

    • I think you need to realize that black on white crime is much more common than white on black. Ingoring that fact doesn’t make it any less true.

      You may not care about the color of someone’s skin, but I bet you wouldn’t walk around the ghettoes of Chicago at night. How about Baltimore after dark? A housing project in New Orleans?

      They’ll damned sure care about YOUR skin color, if it isn’t black.

      • I think you need to realize that most people in this country are honest folk, no matter what color their skin is.

        Most criminals look for opportunity more than color. The numbers, black on white, white on black, black on black or white on white, may be accurate, but I cannot ascribe to the notion that blacks are a group that I need to fear just because of the color of their skin. It isn’t color that makes it dangerous to walk around a Chicago slum at night. It’s just as dangerous for a black person as a white one. There are areas where you can get shot for having the wrong color baseball cap. Color doesn’t mean squat when you stroll into the wrong gang’s territory.

        Criminals come in every shape, size, race, creed and color. Certain neighborhoods are more dangerous than others, certain people are more dangerous than others. As I’ve said before, the most dangerous person I ever knew was my own brother. He was the guy the Hell’s Angles sent when you didn’t pay your drug bill. Meeting my brother wasn’t going to end up well if he was coming for money.

  24. “As for African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence, I’m good with that. You? ”

    Didn’t watch the video but that’s A-Okay in my book. Whites do not have a monopoly on the natural right to self defense. I only take issue when one group of people (can be any assembly of people not necessarily a “race”) arms themselves for the purpose of launching an unjustified offensive against another, which frankly is not happening.

      • Even the part about single mothers making up names for their children? Donquavious? Dorante? Really?

        I haven’t met too many white people who do that. People like you, whose response to someone mentioning a failing in the black community, is to automatically say “white people do it too” are part of the problem.

        If we cannot mention that the black community has problems UNIQUE to itself without being subjected to cries of racism or refusal to address the issue, the black community will never reach parity with the white community.

        Black people are criminals at a much higher rate than anyone else. Their illegitimacy rate is higher than anyone else’s. Their high school graduation rate is lower than anyone else’s. Their incarceration rate is higher than anyone else’s. Why can’t this be discussed?

        • It can be discussed…but just not in an obvious black hating, white supremist-sounding manner. You’re at the polar opposite end of where those black guy’s you hate are (minus actually killing blacks, I’m assuming) – and there can never be a meaningful discussion or consensus between two polar extremes. Just doesn’t work.

        • Why can’t this be discussed?

          Because they are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions, instead they would rather believe it is institutionalized racism. Take for instance this article:


          One of every 4 African-American public school students in Illinois was suspended at least once for disciplinary reasons during the 2009-10 school year, the highest rate among 47 states… Nationally, the report found 1 of every 6 black students were suspended at least once in 2009-10, compared with 1 in 14 Latinos and 1 in 20 whites… The report’s researchers called on districts to implement more equitable discipline policies… The Southern Poverty Law Center said Tuesday it filed a series of civil rights complaints against school districts in Florida that disproportionately punish African-American students… CPS is working to seek alternatives to suspensions to reduce the time students spend out of class, said district spokeswoman Robyn Ziegler. The district recently eliminated mandatory 10-day out-of-school suspensions for even the most serious cases…

        • Re: the made up names thing…

          It’s not solely a black thing. White people do stupid shit with names, too. I think made up names are preferable to what a lot of white parents do, which is give their kid an uncommon spelling of a common name. Krystle, Maddisyn, Christynn, Crysteena, Stephenie (because the dad’s name was Stephen), Mykol… the list goes on. STOP DOING THIS.

          Both kids will have to spell their name to strangers, yes, but in the second case, it’s more of a hassle, because they have to correct other peoples’ misconceptions every time. If someone hears Donquavious, they say, “Can you spell that for me?” (although, honestly, if I heard that name, I could probably spell it correctly myself, just based on phonetics). When they hear Michael, they think Michael, not Mykol or whatever other addled spelling your fevered brain came up with. When you hear hoofbeats, you think horses, not zebras.

        • I dunno, my daughter named her first two kids Savannah and Chelsea. #3 was Kiani. ??? Huh, what kind of name is that? Fortunately it’s cute and so is she. So are Savannah and Chelsea, btw.

          Kid #4 got named Nevaeh. WTF kind of a name is that? Turns out it’s Heaven spelled backwards. She named her that because she wanted to give her a name that’s different from everyone else, and, everyone else is doing it. Trust me, you can’t fix stupid. Lord knows I’ve tried. It just doesn’t stick. Fortunately, she named #5 Jacob. Good name if you ask me. Kinda weird for a girl though. (Just kidding.)

          My sister’s name is Leilani Lori. She’s 49 now. Leilani means Heavenly Flower in Hawaiian.

          • I think Kiani is a really cute name for a girl and Nevaeh isn’t bad either (unique and a heck of a lot better than Laquisha or something like that). Also a lot better than my ex who named her two latest girls Octavia and Delphina…I was like WTF? In addition, my wife named her daughter from a previous marriage Eunice. (after grandma…but she goes by her middle name now). Geebus, those names are a form of child abuse in my book. :0

  25. I lol’d so hard when I saw this video on the front page, then I cried when I read the article.

    As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I’m the last person who wants to see any kind of race war.
    Give it up. No one cares but the Jews.

    As for African Americans arming and training themselves to prevent/counter racial (or any other kind of) violence, I’m good with that. You?
    This video had nothing to do with blacks arming themselves to prevent racial violence. The guy is trying to talk blacks out of engaging overt racial warfare, such as mob attacks, which is all to common, such as what happened here:

    For those who think that blacks have no wish to engage in covert racial warfare against whites, or even perceived whites, I ask you to look at what happened to George Zimmerman. The same will happen to you if you’re ever involved in a interracial DGU.

    And just wondering but what did MikeB do to deserve a hat tip?

    • i love how one day matt pontificates about the alleged “differences” between white nationalists and supremacists, and then in this thread he has declared that race war 2012, has already begun. time to break out the hugo boss eh matt, but you have already shared that you have a vintage set from granddad, how lovely.

        • lol, how about your comments from “A Neo-Nazi Who Goes on a Shooting Spree. Who Saw That Coming?
          Posted on August 7, 2012 by Robert Farago”

          matt says:
          August 7, 2012 at 14:37

          along the rest of your color commentary throughout that thread, it speaks for its self.

          now did you hold a candlelight vigil for wade the other day?, that’s your broski right there.

        • In the 14:37 comment I neither
          -held a vigil
          -pontificated anything
          -declared that a race war began
          -or said that I had a set of SS uniforms from my grand father
          Next time how about you provide direct quotes, and links. So i’ll say it again.

          lol, wut?

    • Matt said

      “As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I’m the last person who wants to see any kind of race war.
      Give it up. No one cares but the Jews.”


      • You know there where a lot more people killed than Jews in the holocaust? Where are their holocaust museums? Where are these non-Jews who bring up the holocaust at any opportunity? Where are these non-Jews who say over and over again, ‘never forget’? Where are these non-Jews who who engage in terrorism in the name of the holocaust to seize by force foreign nations?

        • No level of low is too low for you, huh Matt?

          Have you ever considered taking up cordless bungee jumping?

        • really farago, your father lived through the holacaust and you’re okay with this hitler youth reject posting here. 1a doesn’t protect you for yelling fire in a theater, i think you can censor this guy with a clean conscious.

        • Thats a great ana logy jwm. Cause you know saying what I did will result in a panic and people getting trampled. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed by RF censors my posts plenty, he doesnt need your help. And I find it ironic that you refer to me as a Nazi, even though they were famous for the very censorship youre calling for. If you have a problem with what I say, how about you go after the facts I post? Or is that too difficult for you?

    • Matt,

      I’m confused. You said “The guy is trying to talk blacks out of engaging overt racial warfare, such as mob attacks”. It seemed to me that he wasn’t trying to talk blacks out of engaging in overt racial warfare, he was trying to talk them into it.

      Then you said “For those who think that blacks have no wish to engage in covert racial warfare against whites, or even perceived whites, I ask you to look at what happened to George Zimmerman”. I didn’t notice anything covert about the attacks on Zimmerman. In fact, I thought they were quite overt.

      I’m not sure you understand what those words mean.

  26. I couldn’t agree with you more. The media has done an excellent job of underreporting black criminal behavior in the US. In particular, they don’t report black on white crime. But a white on black shooting, like the Trayvon Martin case, is a national meme for months.

    If the media actually reported the ridiculous amount of black on white crime in the US, I think there would be roving bands of vigilantes getting revenge.

    This is the early 1970s all over again. Expect a new series of vigilante movies in the vein of “Dirty Harry” and “Death Wish” if this keeps up.

    • well matt, if you came up with any facts maybe i would. i could cherry pick “facts” all day from wiki and prove what? you pick “facts” that fit your rascist outlook. if i operated like that i could pick facts all day that show the white race, or any other race in a bad light. as for you being a nazi. rascist, supremacist, nazi. you say tomato, i say tahmato. same same. you’re rage and hatred is going to destroy you matt. which means squat to me. i just hope you don’t pull a wade or joker in the process.

  27. Everyone should have the right to arm themselves for defense.

    Some people in this thread might want to check out the website for enlightenment. The world is not always like what the media tells you it is.

  28. Preparing for a race war leads to starting a race war a little too quickly. I believe in their right to do it but I strongly disagree with it.

  29. Conscience, Morality and Rights my friends.
    Conscience, Morality and Rights.

    “Conscience? Definable in part as, a quality of the individual with the potential to serve in some circumstances as restraint upon certain actions and in other circumstances as a calling to act.
    Morality? Definable in part as, a simple code of individual thought and conduct.
    Rights? Definable in part as, the natural status of each person…”

    “Nature doesn’t give a damn whether or not the entire ‘human’ species extinguishes itself entirely. So if we, as members of the ’human race’ do not have compassion for one another, who will?
    Extraterrestrials? Don’t count on it.”

    Do No Harm / Successfully Defend.”

  30. “GS650G says:

    August 9, 2012 at 13:48

    Would you care to list sundown towns , even one, or are you living in the past to support a position today?”

    Pretty much any township in the Eastern portion of Cleveland, Ohio.

    • I’ll supply you with the same link I gave him…and again Sun Down towns are towns BLACKS should stay out of, not whites….they love y’all….…html

      • Wow. That’s just about the least credible source you could have cited. You also dodged the demand to list ACTIVE sundown towns. I clicked through the list and I guarantee you there is not ONE active sundown town with a “No Blacks Welcome” sign posted at the city line.

        But white people aren’t safe in black neighborhoods after dark.

        • Oh, my mistake. I thought we were using the definition interchangeably. What should we call places where whites can’t go after dark in Cleveland? Oh! I know! The Eastside!

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