Joe Biden
Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Friday called for action to combat gun violence while marking the fourth anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla.

“Sadly, all these years later, terrorism, mass shootings, and hate crimes continue to rip apart our American communities,” Biden said in a statement on Friday.

“Our places of worship have been attacked, Hispanics have been targeted in places like El Paso, the death toll from mass shootings continues to mount, and LGBTQ+ people, particularly transgender women of color, are disproportionately targeted by violence,” he added.

– Julie Manchester in Biden calls for action on gun violence on 4th anniversary of Pulse nightclub shooting


  1. Well, he’s right about the terrorism and hate crimes, at least over the past several weeks.

    Broken clock et cetera.

    • And that our places of worship have been attacked.

      Every non-Islamic church in America has been closed for three months – by the government.

      Which reminds me that in this interview he forgot to mention that the Pulse attacker/murderer was Muslim attacking in the name of Islam.

      • So was then jihadi who killed 12 people in VA Beach last year. The newspaper reported it the next morning. By nightfall that reference had been scrubbed from the web site and off the local news channels here in the Tidewater area.

        • It really doesn’t matter what a liberal Democrat says about mass shootings, targeted group shootings, school shootings, etc. etc. We have to stop nit picking their every statement and cut to the chase. They want to disarm us. What’s so hard to understand about that? Every Tyrant has always know that you cannot install a Tyranny over an armed populace. You either have to disarm them or get them to shoot it out with each other. First you try gun control to the point of disarmament. If that fails, then you divide them politically, racially, religiously or any way possible to get them divided and hating one another to the point of outright civil war.

        • And the Boston Marathon Brothers, and on, and on. If you remember Fidel Castro, in March of 1959, two months after he Took over Cuba, would say “¿armas para que?” Which means “what do you need weapons for?” 61 years ago he disarmed the people, to this day, Cuba is still disarmed, and communism has been ruling for all those years.

      • Sorry, but you really can’t blame Biden.
        It turns out that he took his brain out for a walk one evening and he lost it.

    • Has Biden not heard that there has been a second run on guns and ammo ever since the riots begin?
      That gun stores report that most of the people buying guns now or first time gun buyers?
      Gun control is dead for at least a generation.
      Literally tens of thousands of new gun owners are not going to vote for gun bans, gun confiscation, magazine limits, safe storage laws or anything else.
      They just bought a gun for self-defense against a tyrannical mob.
      No way are they going to allow themselves to be disarmed after they just saw the need for a gun with a high-capacity magazine .

      • I agree! To clarify, Standard capacity 15 round magazines that come with my Beretta is not high capacity. I can get a high capacity 30 round magazine for that same Beretta though.

        • In Biden’s eyes anything over 8 round magazines are excessive and are indeed high capacity. A lot of states have already banned magazines over 10 Rounds. Once Biden gets elected it will be max 8 rounds in the entire United States. Most AR-15 platform guns will be banned and the ones that are already out there will need to be registered and taxed. He is proposing a $200 Dollar Federal Tax on all AR-15 or similar Semi Auto Firearms.

    • When the secret service who protect the President and only God knows who else, gets rid of their weapons, then tell the American people to put down their guns.

      I thought Biden took an oath to obey the constitution. Then we are entitled to the second amendment rights we have. He’s just trying to protect all democrats from what that amendment is there for.

    • Uh…they tell me I’m Joe Biden….and, uh, what? oh, yeah, and that I’m running for…something….uh, Junior Class Presidennt…oh, no, thanks..President of the United States. Thanks, Jill.

        • I think he would forget he was there in the hall to monitor and just roam aimlessly until he ran into a wall. Joe needs to be placed out on the pasture to graze along with the other half dead cows.

        • @TN Tom
          My cow is offended at the comparison!!
          She’s got horns!
          She knows how to use them!
          (She also likes ZZ Top)

      • Make that closer to 600,000 for the sake of being a tad less hyperbolic. Remember the “2A sanctuary” counties? A lot of those were championed and sponsored by the sheriffs of the counties in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and all across the midwest. You really just need to watch out for metro and urban cops, they’re stormtroopers through and through…

  2. How about enforcing gun laws we have now…instead of throwing charges out ? – see Chicago, etc.
    Harsh sentencing when guns are used in crimes. Sentencing when kids die because guns were left out to play with. Arrest and sentencing for straw purchases and purchase attempts be prohibited persons.Things like that.
    Oh wait…that would impact too many young black and brown Dem potential voters.

    • that actually worked here in va crime dropped when they actually charged people with 5 years for committing a crime with a gun but then they rewrote the law because “racism” fucking idiots

  3. I am constantly surprised by how tone deaf this man is, even toward his own supporters.

    The “terrorism, hate crimes, and mass shootings” people are concerned about right now don’t have anything to do with LGBT people.

    • And why, oh why, do the Democrats keep focusing on such a small slice of their voter base in their efforts to win elections? It doesn’t make much sense.

      Per Joe Biden:

      “…particularly transgender women of color…”

      * According to Statista, 39% of the overall U.S. population is minority (non-white):

      * According to polls, about 4.5% of the U.S. population currently identifies with the LGBT community, with Transgenders comprising about 1% of the group. 58% of those Transgenders polled said they lean Democrat:

      * Half the population is female.

      The resulting math shows that about 1 in every 20,000 Americans identifies as a “Transgender woman of color” who may be considering voting for Biden.

      • As usual, the democrats want to gloss over the young, cis gender men and boys “of color” being targets of attacks that have absolutely nothing to do with gender, race, or sexual orientation. The goal here is to divide, not solve problems.

        • Damn right. When I went back to college to finish my degree in…what, 1997?…some earnest diversity crusader came up to me and struck up a conversation about the need for more people of this or that ethnicity and special support for this group and that one; he wanted me to support some initiative or other, I don’t remember exactly what.

          That’s exactly what I told him then — that I appreciated his enthusiasm and desire to help, but this diversity thing is a bad idea because all it’s doing is separating people into groups that will compete for favor and end up playing us vs. them instead of figuring out how to get along. He was very polite, but clearly thought I was a nut.

          Anyway, here we are 20-plus years later…

        • Yeah, here we are 20 years later and you’re still correct, same doofus probably still thinks you’re nuts.

        • Ing:

          My wife did the same thing, almost to a “T”. She actually swapped carry guns at that point because a pack of tards started following her around and harassing her for failing to support “the cause”. Then she was picked for a “diversity panel” and things went really downhill.

          See, ’round dem parts, dey don’t take too kindly to dem minority females dat don’t tow da line da wayz dey been instructed ta.

          Funny part? Not a fucking one of those instigators was enrolled in or in any way affiliated with the university. The way they followed around and intimidated a “female POC” you’d think they were like… racist or something.

      • Statistics are racist.
        According to TV at least 60% of the population is gay and the other 40% just haven’t come out the closet yet while 100% of the population is gender fluid. I myself have shed my penis several times to escape predators and it has grown back almost every time.

    • It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. I said the same thing in October of 2016. It’s a political eternity to November.

      We shall see.

      • Lot can happen in 5 weeks, we are still around 5 months. Not much is likely to change my vote but only at the local level does my vote mean much.

        • The economy is likely to improve. People will take note of the swath of destruction left from the mostly peaceful rioters.

        • The candidate that wins the Electoral College and also wins the popular vote by a substantial margin can claim that he has a mandate for his policies; therefore, every vote counts.

          If Trump does a Nixon and captures a “mandate” from the “silent majority” he will also likely have a Republican majority Congress.

          If that happens, we must seize the opportunity to apply substantial and maximum pressure to all of our Congresscritters to get the policies that we want enacted.

        • “to get the policies that we want enacted.”

          Both parties have a history of passing the policies THEY want, not the electorate. At least with Paul Ryan gone, we would have a chance.

        • Dude, you realize that ain’t funny. But neither would be Fauxahontas or Kamila. Who ever runs with Joe will probably take over as POTUS. The only good thing is if Joe wins, he won’t be sure if he’s the president, vice president, senator, that ‘one thing’ or unemployed. He may just stay in his basement and try to raise more money.

    • I sure hope not. But just in case…I advise people to stock up on magazines and ammo at the very least.
      I have a Hellcat on order I should get in time.
      Would like a couple Glock 10mm pistols to round out the caliber selection.
      Think I’ll invest in those and magazines and ammo when I am back to making some overtime.
      And …we have until 2021 inauguration. Don’t waste time, though.
      Remember…VOTE! No excuses.
      Even if Trump wins…there is 2024.

      • And when Trump wins, the crazy Marxists and Anarchists that caused all of the trouble in the last few weeks will be out in force once they find out Trump has won reelection. That may take a little time as some of the new voting systems are so screwed-up that final results may take days or weeks.

        The Left will go absolutely nutz nationwide. Keep your powder dry.

        • When Trump wins re-election the anarchists will discover that he is not so reluctant to use the Insurrection Act as is was 5 months before an election.

        • That or the kick off of the next civil war,it will go from a cold War to hot, very hot.

        • “And when Trump wins, the crazy Marxists and Anarchists that caused all of the trouble in the last few weeks will be out in force once they find out Trump has won reelection.”

          Apparently you have not seen the latest poll results which show Biden ahead by over 10 points. Add to this the exponential increase in the number of protests and you get an accurate view of a very big Social Democrat victory in November. Biden will win big and you mullet heads will be caught sitting on your fat asses. 2021 will be the year that we become a bonafide Socialist nation. Your guns? What guns? Beto is going to take them all. Sucks to be you.

        • I can’t speak for Leigh, but in my case a P365XL was to round out a set of generally larger pistols. I had carried an XD-s in .45ACP … but the 365XL gives literally twice the round count in a smaller and lighter package. It wasn’t for SHTF, it was for SHDL (“stuff happening in daily life”) taking on both a larger probability and more risk factors.

          Now I just need to spend the time to learn to shoot it well.

        • The P365XL would my concealed carry and HD if I could buy it. It’s now reliable now, holds more rounds than my Shield and is slimmer than my G19. I don’t care for the currently available WML options tho.

          • That’s right, if mobile a CCW truck gun, 300 Blackout AR pistol, or if in town a 12ga Bullpup magazine feed semi-auto shotgun for spray and pray suppression.

        • I have a Hellcat but my EDC rotates from a 365 / 365 XL / G23 and some others. I don’t hate the Hellcat, I just like other guns more. SHTF handgun is a G35 modded to 9mm with 31 and 33 round mags. Or the Sig 226 TacOps w/ 20 round mags.

      • 2021 inaugurations? If you think you’ll have a single minute after Nov 3, you are dreaming. The country will either kill tens of thousands (or hundreds), or the country will burn. It will be all over before the inauguration.

    • You have it right at least as far as the last statement. Biden is a place holder. If you vote for him you are voting for whoever he picks as VP. He will be removed via the 25th Amendment within a month of his inauguration.

      • “He will be removed via the 25th Amendment within a month of his inauguration.”

        I think the folks that are pulling the strings would much rather have Biden than his VP. They prefer a puppet that they can control. These are also the same people that lectured everyone about Russian interference being a threat to our democracy. People should know that when they vote for Biden, they’re actually voting for unnamed political operatives running the country.

        • The Democrats want to elect an American Chavez/Mudaro. They know that they can’t do it overtly yet but they think they can slip one by with Biden as front man. Anybody with brain who has been watching over the last two weeks should be able to figure that out.

        • They weren’t ready to let socialist Bernie be the nominee simply because the DNC corporate sponsors and Wall Street feared what he would do to their bottom line. The entire party basically came out for Joe precisely when Bernie looked like he had a shot at the nomination. They’d prefer someone they can control.

        • Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it true. They don’t think an overt socialist can win. That’s why they didn’t want Bernie. They believe they can get a Bernie through Biden and that is the strategy they are pursuing.

        • I’m not saying that there isn’t any truth to what you’re saying. They want to win above all else because gaining power is the name of the game. I’m only saying that the DNC elite aren’t the pure socialists they pretend to be when whipping the mob into a frenzy. At the end of the day, they actually LOVE the multi-millionaires and billionaires, contrary to what Bernie Sanders says. If they piss them off, their money dries up.

, the center’s website, says employees or owners of hedge funds and private-equity firms contributed $27.6 million to pro-Clinton groups or her campaign, according to federal data released in July. Counting contributions from similar private investment funds, the data show seven financial firms alone have generated $47.6 million for groups working on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf.

          The total for Donald Trump: About $19,000.

          In 2008, Wall Street heavily favored Barack Obama
          Goldman Sachs was the biggest business donor to Democrats in 2008, according to a Center for Responsive Politics report. Some 73 percent of Goldman Sachs’s millions in 2006–08 donations went to Democrats

          In 2016, the top recipient of Goldman Sachs donations was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

          In 2016, the top recipient of JPMorgan political donations was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

          In 2016, the top recipient of Morgan Stanley political donations was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

          In 2016, the top recipient of Bank of America political donations was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

          In 2016, the top recipient of Citigroup political donations was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

          As far as socialist policies go, the DNC corporate (when was the last time a corporation virtue signaled over a right wing policy?) and Wall Street sponsors will be okay with it, as long as they get to keep churning out their profits, since that’s all that matters to them.

        • “Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn’t make it true.”

          Not so fast –

          (Paraphrasing) “Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

        • Which part is a lie? My opinion that the political operatives are salivating over a weak puppet (Biden) that they can control, or the verified fact that Wall Street supports the democrat candidates over the republican ones?

  4. “Biden: There Are So Many Reasons For More Gun Control in America”

    Democrats: The party of criminals and Communists.

    They want gun control to protect their rioting and looting constituents and to protect their Marxist march out of the institutions and into the public and corporate sphere.

    We are quickly approaching the point where it must come to an end by any and all means necessary. Should have done what needs doing a long time ago.

  5. Biden the candidate running for president of his padded basement, that is if he can remember his name.

  6. And no matter what laws are put in place….the criminals will be virtually unaffected…as they break the laws ALREADY in place…so will ignore whatever takes their place as well.
    Bans do not work. That was proven with alcohol prohibition and the current so-called war on drugs.
    People find ways to get what they want. Legally or illegally.
    Some people just make more money providing those goods/services when they are illegal.

  7. I wonder if Corn Pop will vote this year. Is he still alive?
    Where is this mysterious gang banger of yore?

  8. How odd that the Democrats would be tying gun control to a crime committed by a Muslim contract security guard who worked for DHS.

  9. Actually Slow Joe, thanks to criminal democrats like you, there are more reasons for us to own more guns!

  10. This guy sleepy Joe is a senile old fart and his VP candidate choice will be no less ignorant and corrupt. (Ecc 10:2-3 NIV) Trump will win, just like last time. But don’t let down and keep up the fight to preserve our Constitutional Republic. Trump’s first action after the election is won is to fire every appointed official not appointed by him. (Proverb 24:21-22, NIV) That includes all the leadership in the pentagon and agencies. All those who rose to power by following the PC mind set with diversity etc., need to go. (1 Kings 18:40)

    • Yeah, I thought Trump’s first action in 2017 should have been an executive order cancelling all of Obama’s executive orders.

      • Its hard when you are surrounded by people who are advisors with deep state agendas posing as friend and family.

  11. You libtards screwed up again Joe. You were supposed to get the guns out of our hands before you lit the fuse.

    • In their minds, we are the attackers. Just for owning guns, being mostly white, and wanting to be left alone.

      • Saw a sign the other day. At a rally of 20-30 WASPS. “Silence is violence”
        Meaning, if I don’t grab a sign, wear a kente cloth, kneel and chant some daily rhyme, I’m being violent.

        • Exactly. And I’ve seen “white silence is violence” too.

          Personally, still don’t feel guilty. Never will.

        • *oppression

          Google spell check doesn’t like that word apparently. “Systematic Oppression”… ah, there it goes. Fixed it for me. smh.

  12. particularly transgender women of color

    Exactly how many of those are there in the US?

    That’s a pretty tiny demographic.

    • According to the 2010 census 42 million Black adult Americans. According to UCLA 0.8% of those adults. After math, 3.3 million.

    • Don’t get too crazy. The co-chair of the Minneapolis city council is a transgender woman of color. Either that is a HUGE coincidence, or that status is not as rare as you claim.

  13. Bring it on senile old Joe…those cop’s left won’t be in any mood to confront millions of armed folks. He!! the cowards in my local PD couldn’t handle busloads of looters! Having another so-called “protest” today in my city😡😩😕

  14. It’s hard to hear arguments about people (anyone) being attacked when our leaders are freeing criminals from out of prisons.

  15. Right. The images of innocent people and or their stuff being attacked by rioting mobs simply because they have the misfortune to live/work/own a business at ground zero of a protest/riot while the authorities twittle their thumbs, says gun control is the answer.

  16. “Biden: There Are So Many Reasons For More Gun Control in America”

    First, there is the “ah….you know, the thing”

    Senile Joe is the best the Democrats can manage. God help us all if they manage to get him into office. We really will see a need to invoke the 25th Amendment, and what would that give us? Some wild eyed crazy, defund the police, nut ball put on the ticket to secure some otherwise pointless voting block!

    • It’s funny how they pretend to want women, non-whites, and socialists in power, yet when it came down to the wire, the party worked overtime to make sure Joe was the nominee. Remember how they were complaining when there were no women or POC left, and Tulsi Gabbard was still in the running? They actually cancelled a female POC.

  17. Ask Biden why the totalitarian police should have a monopoly of force and if Trump is the fascist he is made out to be wouldn’t you want to be armed?

    • Don’t bother. Questions like that are way too far over his head. He’d probably answer it with another Corn Pop story.

  18. So many reasons for gun control, and all of them have dark skin.
    Gun control is racist.

  19. Thanks again Jim Crow Gun Control Joe. Before your deranged concerns can be addressed you and your ilk need to explain Fast and Furious, Benghazi, obama’s lily white mentor the communist terrorist “kill your parents” bill ayers, your long democRat Party history of racism and dodging pleas for Monetary Reparations and attempting to overthrow a duly elected POTUS, etc. You and your democRat ilk have a lot of explaining to do Jim Crow Gun Control Joe.

      • Dammit, you owe me a new laptop. Coffee’s working its way through the keyboard, and this machine’s going to fry itself any second.

        • HAHA! My keyboard is waterproof! Unfortunately, the paint used on the keys wears off, gotta remember which key is what, and high school typing was 55+ years ago.

  20. Yes, Biden is so right. In fact I think he should live in downtown NYC when the police there are defunded and lets see what he thinks then. Oh, if the Secret Service have to provide protection for Biden, why he can insist they do so without guns.

    I don’t think gun control is about a certain racing demanding it, in fact it’s that certain race that kill each 100 times more often than whites kill that certain race, so if anything that certain race would probably not want gun control so they can protect themselves from each other.

  21. Funny how these DEMOCRATS are anti gun for everyone but their armed bodyguards.
    Funny how DEMOCRATS empty the Jails because of the virus possibly being a problem, but don’t seem to be concerned about the people being killed by the criminals let loose.
    Funny how DEMOCRATS in Chicago let felons out with little or no Bail required for possession of a gun, but want to throw legal gun owners in Jail.

    How much KOOL AID do the DEMOCRATS think people will drink???

  22. Gun control, even when kinda sorta sincerely intended as an anti-crime measure–as opposed to being civilian disarmament masquerading as being anti-crime–is far too broad and wide-meshed a tool to be more than basically effective.

    Fundamentally, we need criminal control. Whether it’s common criminals, kooks, or terrorists, with these people it’s often irevealed later that they were previously “known to the police”, or in the case of terrorists, more like “known to intelligence services.” Seriously?

    Let’s put some resources on these higher value targets, rather than hassle millions of regular citizens exercising their natural rights.

    • “Fundamentally, we need criminal control.”

      Can’t have that –

      When to many minorities eventually get incarcerated, Leftists will claim that’s proof of racism…

  23. People of color kill other people of color at very high rates.

    What are you really trying to say, bigot joe?

  24. This is pro-gun 4D chess, it’s just talk, he hasn’t done anything yet, quit panicking you chicken-littles.

    • Most pre-election campaigning is JUST talk. No matter who it’s from. It’s been that way since long before anyone here was born.

      The problem is that there is such animated hate against Trump that Biden’s obvious mental issues get overlooked.

      • Even democrats aren’t dumb enough to vote for Joe. They’re only voting against Trump and/or for generic democrat control.

  25. Biden will most likely win if he wins the popular vote because of that Popular Vote Interstate pact thing. Such a nasty piece of work in that it only goes into effect if it gets them the result they want. If not-blue voters in blue states like CA and IL stay home, it will tip the scales.

      • Really? Bummer. I’m pretty confident Trump is going to win the popular vote this time, was anxious to see the states which passed that trying to figure out why it didn’t really mean that …

        • think deep down people are generally concerned about all this civil unrest…even if they choose not to vocalize it….

        • Yes…now that election fraud is out of the bag.
          I believe Hillary got 15 Million or so of those in 2016.

  26. Dude says: > June 13, 2020 at 11:39
    Even democrats aren’t dumb enough to vote for Joe.
    _I used to think this as well, but black voters in South Carolina [liberal brain washed gen-x and low-iq types plus those blacks too old to know any better … ?] proved me wrong.

    Biden ran away with a remarkable 60% support from black voters in South Carolina, swamping Sanders with just 17%, according to exit polls. They were locked in a much closer race among white voters.

    South Carolina has traditionally played a pivotal role in the Democratic nominating contest. It serves as an early marker for the preference of the party’s strongest voting block [blacks plus half-black{white mama black daddy or black mama white daddy} Obama-types that see themselves as black].

    Not suggesting anything here, but others have mentioned such things to attempt to explain why blacks would vote for uncle joe-tom Biden. Reference Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – & Natural Selection … It’s pure science. Primative man, early monkey archetypes, evolved into modern man.

    For example, again not suggesting anything:

    One question that has been frequently investigated is the relation of brain size to intelligence. Homo sapiens living today have an average brain size of about 1350 cubic centimeters.

    The brain size of gorillas averages 500 cc, but males, being bigger, tend to have larger brains than females. Various sources list the maximum brain size of gorillas as 650 cc, 700 cc, or in the case of one exceptional specimen, 752 cc (Tobias, 1964).

    Skulls of male gorillas therefore overlap the skulls of Homo habilis in brain size, but this is largely because they are far bigger than any fossil hominid. When a correction is made for their huge body size, gorilla brains are the same size as, or a bit smaller than, those of chimpanzees.

    But then too consider the behavior of the many liberal cult-like commenters here, their probable under sized brains, and how they might rightly be characterized as neanderthal, i.e., ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance, and often times boorish, loutish, oafish, swinish/unrefined/not refined, or uncouth.

    • When I was a boy growing up in Macon GA, around 1957. The KKK came to our door in full regalia passing out literature that contained the same exact crap that you just posted. Compared blacks to apes in the most vile and disgusting terms, just like the crap that you just posted. Congratulations. You just proved to be the same as them.

    • Hey Grim! Does any of that explain why you are so much smarter than Ben Carson, or richer than Charles Paine? There really is such a thing as a neanderthal, and you’re it.

    • Shut the fuck up redneck. Nobody likes you here. Nobody cares what you have to say. Nobody even EVER agrees with you. You are a racist POS. Fuck off and die.

    • Neanderthals had brain cases well over 1700cc.
      The contemporary modern humans were about 1200cc at that time.
      There are, of course, no records of Neanderthal behavior so this ignorant, elitist evaluation is complete nonsense.

      • I don’t buy into the whole brain size equaling intelligence. It has to come down to training, learning and behaviour. This explains why my border collie is smarter than most 12 year old kids and most millennials. That said, she has difficulty driving a manual transmission so I limit her driving to a automatic transmission, just like millennials.

        • Oh, neither do I as there are more factors involved in ascertaining “intelligence”. I was mostly poking a bit at GR but the meat of my statement was really my last sentence in reference to GR’s last one.

  27. Joe Biden has sadly lost 75% of his mental acuity , and the fact that he started off his career as a moron does not help.

  28. forget about gun control
    hed be way more better off hoping for elderly abuse reform before the debate(s)
    otherwise hes going to get clobbered

  29. Not about to try and predict what Tuesday, November 3, 2020 will give us.

    Obviously it will be four more years of disastrous incompetence from the moron in the Oval Office.

    But will it be the right wing or the left wing moron?

    And if it is, will it really matter all that much?

    I am thinking that Tuesday, November 5, 2024, will be much more important. It is unlikely either decrepit old moron currently in contention will make it that far. So the apple cart of Presidential Silly Seasons will be thoroughly tossed over and it will be wide open for a new batch of Party Members to spin their narratives, pick carefully Focus Group prioritized platform positions on the issues, and spread good and thick the bullshit most desired by their core believers.

    • “And if it is, will it really matter all that much?”

      Compare and contrast the Obama economy with the pre-virus Trump economy. People have short memories and forget how much the economy was talked about in the lead up to the 2016 election.

      Remember the impeachment talking point: “No one is above the law”

      Where are those people now that the Russian Collusion Hoax blew up? They’re not interested in holding their side accountable.

      Compare and contrast the current Peace through Strength foreign policy doctrine with the policy of the previous four Presidents that did nothing but encourage instability. Look at the actual results rather than the media talking points.

      This site is mostly concerned with firearms. Neither are true allies, but one is worse than the other.

    • “But will it be the right wing or the left wing moron?

      And if it is, will it really matter all that much?”

      Yes, it will.

      We can hope Trump won’t select a secret Leftist for a SCOTUS nomination.

      It’s a guarantee a leftist court pick will gut the 2A…

  30. Every fake news article, fake news report, or propaganda hit piece on the bill of rights….I certainly hope everyone here remembers this during 11/20 election… Let’s make that voter turnout a landslide! MAGA 2020!

  31. Cardinal Comey (quoted by ABC from his testimony to congress). Just like after the Boston Marathon bombing, Comey approved the work of the agents who spoke with the killers before the incidents.

    FBI Director James Comey today defended his agency’s earlier investigation of Omar Mateen, saying there’s nothing agents “should have done differently” in their 2013 and ’14 interviews with Mateen, who killed 49 people Sunday morning at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

    “So far, the honest answer is I don’t think so. I don’t see anything in reviewing our work that our agents should have done differently. But we’ll look at it in an open and honest way,” Comey said this afternoon.

    • “So far, the honest answer is…”

      Why would that sociopath feel the need to preface his statement like that?

      “But we’ll look at it in an open and honest way”

      He really wants to make sure we understand how honest they are.

  32. I hesitate to say it but there could very well be a time in the near future where the people will have to step up and take the country back and set the rules (Bill of Rights) straight again. Church services? Nope. Gun rights? Nope. Open your business up? nope. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Let us think about it for a while. Freedom of travel? Nope. Travel to another state? If you do you get 2 weeks of house arrest without a trial. Even Roberts and the liberal justices opened the door for ending the Bill of Rights when they blocked churches from holding services. Our forefathers, when they wrote it, said the Bill of Rights was independent of the Constitution and the government had no authority given to them to infringe on any of those rights. The only rights the government has are those stated in the Constitution only. We have gone way past what our forefathers set up.

  33. And to what end Joe?? If we give and give and give on gun control, when does gun control end? We all know the answer to that and it would result in another revolution or civil war, which I WOULD be part of.
    That said Joe, you can take gun control and shove it up your ass.

  34. MICHAEL A CROGNALE says: > June 13, 2020 at 15:38

    When I was a boy growing up in Macon GA, around 1957. The KKK came to our door in full regalia passing out literature that contained the same exact crap that you just posted.

    _Thanks, you just proved my point better than I ever could have. What I posted was very little if anything that I myself wrote. The RACISM was in YOUR MIND and what I posted just brought it out. What I posted was facts, just facts. The KKK would and do add their spin to any facts they cite. I did not add any conclusions or make any judgements; you did that based on your already held racist biases. Thanks for taking the bait and proving my point perfectly. And had you been smart enough to ask me some questions to try to expose racism in me you would have failed because I am not racist at all and in fact like and support Herman Cain. Racial bias and discrimination come in a variety of forms. You proved that in spades.

    • Nice try. I stand by my post. You posted the EXACT same thing that I read in the literature so many years ago.

      Here is where it started, “Not suggesting anything here, but others have mentioned such things to attempt to explain why blacks would vote for uncle joe-tom Biden. Reference Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – & Natural Selection … It’s pure science. Primative man, early monkey archetypes, evolved into modern man” Ypou continued, “Homo sapiens living today have an average brain size of about 1350 cubic centimeters.

      The brain size of gorillas averages 500 cc, but males, being bigger, tend to have larger brains than females. Various sources list the maximum brain size of gorillas as 650 cc, 700 cc, or in the case of one exceptional specimen, 752 cc (Tobias, 1964).

      Skulls of male gorillas therefore overlap the skulls of Homo habilis in brain size, but this is largely because they are far bigger than any fossil hominid. When a correction is made for their huge body size, gorilla brains are the same size as, or a bit smaller than, those of chimpanzees.”

      You just proved yourself a KKK apologist.

      • I suspect it won’t be long until mods actually get a hold of this guy. Everything he posts is pro-white race hate speech. I have seen more commentators disagree with him than even Miner49er, Chief Sensor, Vlad, and PWR combined…. and he’s only been here a couple weeks. Not to mention, everything he does is a derailment of the topic, and of course, leads him into racial talk. Just ignore him until TTAG bans his IP’s. He’s probably on a phone or tablet too.

  35. LarryinTX says: >>>June 13, 2020 at 16:57

    Hey Grim! Does any of that explain why you are so much smarter than Ben Carson, or richer than Charles Paine?

    _I never claimed to be smarter than Ben Carson, or richer than Charles Paine; you pulled that out of your arse for some unknown reason. What does that have to do with anything? You same like the other guy clearly held racial bias apparently in combination with a psychosis of some sort.

    There really is such a thing as a neanderthal, and you’re it.

    _You seem to me to be an intellectual pip squeak. Just a guess.

  36. Montana Actual says: >>> June 13, 2020 at 17:26

    Shut the fuck up redneck. Nobody likes you here. Nobody cares what you have to say. Nobody even EVER agrees with you. You are a racist POS. Fuck off and die.

    _Bless his little lost and broken heart. The village idiot is so angry/\such a pity. It’s a clear sign of a deep psychosis when a delusional person like Montana thinks to hold ground or space, within a space, that exists only on the internet and has no real value. No sane person can expect such a space to be one where to be ‘liked’ has any real value either. I do hope you can get help, but then you likely have brain damage from your years of taking things while in the hood.

  37. The idea of Biden wanting to take our guns away, should make everyone want to vote Libertarian. That party wants everyone to have guns. It is our constitutional right, guaranteed by the Second Amendment, if I am not mistaken.

    • That party also wants us to maintain our own roads… not sure if you have ever constructed a freeway or not… but no thanks.

  38. What this country needs is knee control. And it wouldn’t hurt if Bidenheimer stopped running his drooling, finger-sucking mouth.

    June 13, 2020 at 19:40

    Nice try. I stand by my post. You posted the EXACT same thing that I read in the literature so many years ago.
    Here is where it started, “Not suggesting anything here, but others have mentioned such things to attempt to explain why blacks would vote for uncle joe-tom Biden. Reference Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – & Natural Selection … It’s pure science. Primitive man, early monkey archetypes, evolved into modern man” Ypou continued, “Homo sapiens living today have an average brain size of about 1350 cubic centimeters.
    The brain size of gorillas averages 500 cc, but males, being bigger, tend to have larger brains than females. Various sources list the maximum brain size of gorillas as 650 cc, 700 cc, or in the case of one exceptional specimen, 752 cc (Tobias, 1964).
    Skulls of male gorillas therefore overlap the skulls of Homo habilis in brain size, but this is largely because they are far bigger than any fossil hominid. When a correction is made for their huge body size, gorilla brains are the same size as, or a bit smaller than, those of chimpanzees.”
    You just proved yourself a KKK apologist.


    _____the EXACT same thing >>> Does not matter BECAUSE i did not write it as my material. AGAIN this in your head and it always was due to YOUR bias and Prejudice. To ascribe any racial as KKK to any material that is proven to be 100% scientific FACT is not rational or possible. Just a clever trap was set for you and you took the bait. You’re not intelligent enough to argue this matter on its merits and also I can cite the sources for what you’re complaining about – no problem. What you have shown and proven is your racial bias that was already there and has been there since 1957. This little exercise was a classic, and sorry, but the joke was on you. All I had to do was trigger you and you’re such a loon that now you believe you’re on a crusade. Pack it in and STFU old man.

    Avoid presuppositions — unfounded or misinformed assumptions that unfairly categorize people and circumstances. Examine your preferences in light of your actions to ascertain if they are harmful to others. For instance, if your preference for tall people disadvantages short people, then your preference is a bias. Work to overcome it. Always ask, what if my perspectives or actions pertained to someone I love or to me? Would they be okay? How would I fix them? Seek advice from the people who are affected. Be open to sincere feedback. Examine honestly your organization’s policies and practices to unmask presuppositions that may lead to discrimination and other detrimental effects, and have the courage to change them.
    Whether in business or personal life, racial bias separates people from their possibilities, organizations from the causes of equality and justice, and society from the benefits of true inclusion. It is incumbent upon each of us to eliminate racial bias where we find it — in our lives, our homes, our workplaces, and anywhere we encounter it.

  40. Montana Actual says: >>> June 13, 2020 at 20:27

    I suspect it won’t be long until mods actually get a hold of this guy. Everything he posts is pro-white race hate speech. I have seen more commentators disagree with him than even Miner49er, Chief Sensor, Vlad, and PWR combined…. and he’s only been here a couple weeks.

    _And here we have the guy that suggested that a military base be named FORT METH in a comment. The guy from a hood and a jail bird that now needs so much to be ‘liked’ here. Deep and very serious psychosis on display in this one… He even pulls from his arse some crap about comparison of his ultra liberal cult buddies, Miner49er, Chief Sensor, Vlad, and PWR to yours truly. I have been around a long time there little fella – it’s just that you don’t know it.

    Not to mention, everything he does is a derailment of the topic, and of course, leads him into racial talk. Just ignore him until TTAG bans his IP’s. He’s probably on a phone or tablet too.

    _Let’s look at your posted comments little fella – all that profane and worthless trash you post at ttag. You’re the one they already have to and do ignore here.

  41. Yes we need more gun control so get out there an keep practicing until you hit the center of target every time then we will have good gun control.

  42. This is another reason to not vote for Biden. The Democrats are at war with women. When you take away a women’s gun, you take away her protection. The Democrats love to rape young girls but if they have a gun, the girls would not be raped.


  44. A couple of points leaver me curious:
    1. Regarding “Gun Control”, last time I looked at one, a gun that is, the thing either stood in the corner or quietly rested in a desk drawer, as inanimate objects do, lacking human action.
    2. Violations of law are punishable, the more serious the violation, the more serious the punishment, in theory at least. That being the case, how come armed criminal acts that should warrant the most serious punishments. All to often however, punishment of perpetrators seems to be the very last thing that comes to the mind “officialdom” aka “officialdumb”, acting against the rights of the law abiding being a handier approach. How come this, one wonders?

  45. Good timing Joe, with the rise of Antifa,and defunding of the police, you will have to take our guns by sheer force, and without the police …Good Luck with that one idiot. Hey Joe when “We The People” come after you
    who are you going to call, Ghost Busters? You have a slim to none chance of ever getting into the White House.

    • What makes me a bit nervous is that Biden would have the entire military at his convenience. Didn’t someone do something like Biden wants way bac in the 1930s? As I recall, his name was Adolph Hitler. And as old Ben Frankly said, study your history or you are doomed to repeat it.

      • The difference is most people under German control gave them up on demand. The U.S. will not be so compliant. Sure some libtards will turn in grampas old goose gun that’s been hanging on a den wall for 40 years. I WILL NOT! And I bet the vast majority of rednecks , hillbillies , and retired military ( I think that covers 99% of TAG readers) will not comply.

  46. GUN CONTROL, MR Biden, is HITTING your TARGET, requiring PRACTICE, practice, PRACTICE. You, sir, are NOT qualified to be POTUS . . . EVER! Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  47. Actually there are absolutely NO reasons for gun control in AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE PERIOD. Especially as long as there are You Terrorist Nazi wannabe power happy control freak HUMAN GIVEN government job titled morons and Tutu wearing anti everything whiny crybaby drama god busybody nosy can’t mind their own Fing business LIBTARD coward sheeple. Guns will stay are going to stay and If you can’t handle FREEDOM and RIGHTS then I suggest you pack your shit and get the F out of AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE.

  48. First we needs guns because of ass holes like Biden and the rest of the demoscums and their plans. So being most if not all mass killings have been st the hands of demoscums so no permits for them !!!!!!!

  49. Biden, that crooked corrupt politician of 40 years who probably never worked a day in his life, like all the other communists posing as socialists and masquerading as democrats wants to turn this country into a communist dictatorship. The recent world wide violence has pretty much proven that George Soros is obviously at the bottom of it and Biden would be nothing but a yes man for that traitor who wants to create a one world government, and of course lead it. Biden wants to abolish the Second Amendment that was obviously written to protect the First Amendment. He wants to disarm us and make us helpless so he can rule us and not represent us.

  50. So, let’s see…take away your 2nd Amendment guns and defund the police? And Biden thinks Trump was working with Russia and he wants to be our President? May God Almighty truly save us from the incompetent Joe Biden. (Google “Trump’s key accomplishments since becoming President” and you’ll get a short list from The NY Times, Politico, etc. and nothing on a much longer list from conservative sites. Google is in control and doesn’t want you to see the multi-page list they keep hidden, it seems. )

  51. DinWA says: >>> June 13, 2020 at 23:48

    Neanderthals had brain cases well over 1700cc.

    __No way that is accurate or correct.

    The contemporary modern humans were about 1200cc at that time.

    __Contemporary modern humans, as you put it, really did not exist – back ‘at that time’. It was an ‘evolving’ earlier form of a homo sapien. We were two very similar hominid species, and it’s tough to pinpoint the advantage Homo sapiens of the time had over the Neanderthals.

    However I must concede that: For recent humans, average adult brain size is 1,349 cm3 based on measurements from 122 global populations compiled in the 1980s. Excluding extreme conditions like microcephaly, people span from 900 to 2,100 cm3. That means the average Neanderthal brain volume, of roughly 1410 cm3, is higher than the mean value for humans today. Even so, this is not well over 1700cc as you stated.

    There are, of course, no records of Neanderthal behavior so this ignorant, elitist evaluation is complete nonsense.

    __Neanderthals were species or subspecies of humans commonly referred to as “cave men”, and they lost out to homo sapiens in the evolutionary process even that a lot of us have a little Neanderthal DNA in us. Thing is Neanderthals are still thought of as “cave men”, and as such they never evolved to be able to do the things homo sapiens can do today. My reference was made in the context of “cave men” being primitive. So in no way was my statement ignorant, elitist or complete nonsense.

    Oh, neither do I as there are more factors involved in ascertaining “intelligence”. I was mostly poking a bit at GR but the meat of my statement was really my last sentence in reference to GR’s last one.

    __So by your logic a pigeon could possibly be more intelligent than a dolphin – despite the differences in their brain sizes. Your ‘poking a bit at GR’ then, has clearly failed. Brain size is the primary factor in ascertaining “intelligence” – or being able to learn and become intelligent [if you prefer]. Nice try on your part though …

  52. avatar Wally1 says: >>> June 14, 2020 at 10:10

    I don’t buy into the whole brain size equaling intelligence. It has to come down to training, learning and behaviour. This explains why my border collie is smarter than most 12 year old kids and most millennials. That said, she has difficulty driving a manual transmission so I limit her driving to a automatic transmission, just like millennials.

    __Studies demonstrate a correlation between brain size and intelligence, with larger brains predicting higher intelligence. The majority of MRI studies report moderate correlations around 0.3 to 0.4 between brain volume and intelligence. The most consistent associations are observed within the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes, the hippocampus, and the cerebellum, but only account for a relatively small amount of variance in IQ, which suggests that while brain size may be related to human intelligence, other factors also play a role. In men, IQ correlates more with gray matter volume in the frontal lobe and parietal lobe, which is roughly involved in sensory integration and attention, whereas in women it correlates with gray matter volume in the frontal lobe and Broca’s area, which is involved in language. That’s why you need to sweet talk most women before being able to shag them.

    __I do not doubt that your border collie is smarter than most 12 year old kids and most millennials and Montana Actual, and Miner49er and Chief Censor and Vlad and some others at ttag. Also seems like your spelling of millennials was not correct but I used your spelling so as not to offend you or insult your intelligence or question your brain size.

    • Why are you insulting someone over such a random comment? Over a grammatical error? Seriously man, get some anger management and leave the facebook style comment attacks on people here out of your daily routine.

  53. Little known fact. Transpeople are at such high risk for violence because of co-morbidity of mental illness with trans-feelings.

    Alien Hand Syndrome was a thing until a woman in Canada petitioned the government to get her limbs cut off because “I feel like an amputee in the wrong body”. Serious. Look it up.

    Anyway, The people most violent towards transpeople and towards gay people happen to be!… drum roll please…. MINORITIES.

    Yes, transphobia and homophobia are pretty damn high among the black community, and its a well known fact.

    But don’t let this fly in the ointment stop Sleepy Creepy Joe from literally throwing in the issues LBGTQ people face regarding violence and mental health with the mass shootings. As if they’re one and the same.

    Its like saying “90% of people at the BBQ are there because they enjoy the food. Also, dogs enjoy meat”. Its basically a non-sequitur but it sounds like it belongs to a casual reader or listener so it sounds like these issues are heavily intertwined, when they aren’t.



  55. Every gun owner needs to vote for Trump. Sadly I keep hearing things like “Trump banned bump stocks and didn’t build the wall, I wont vote for him. 0bama didn’t ban guns so no other dem will. The 2nd amendment will protect us! The NRA just talks about gun bans to get money. That will never happen.”

    The Constitution means whatever the SC says it does. A few more hard core libs and the 2nd will not mean an individual right even though it is obvious that is what it means. I don’t see where The Constitution say anything about abortions, homo marriage, or mandatory health coverage. The SC claims it guarantees all those things.

    Sadly there are also the accelerationist “I will vote D straight ticket. The sooner they start gun confiscation the sooner we can start shooting!” The thing about a Civil War is no one knows who will win. The forces of truth and justice might prevail or the feds might take that congressman’s advice and start dropping nukes on gun owners. Lincoln was willing to burn half the country just to make sure the ruins were still part of the union. I doubt the misnamed “liberals” are anymore restrained or compassionate. Lincoln did not have drones either.

  56. Biden is a bonafide idiot. The man should be confined permanently to his basement (where he’s been holed up) nevermore to be seen or heard from again.

  57. Joe, Hopefully when you are not elected President 46, kindly retire to your basement man cave and write your memoirs. Maybe a gig at Univ of Delaware as an adjunct professor will keep you busy and out of the news. Retire gracefully. Keep your gaffes to yourself. The DEMs want a younger, more aggressive, accomplished speaker and debater to represent them. AOC and her ilk are really not your friends. Joe, you are too old, too white, and not liberal enough. Also turn in whatever firearms you have because you don’t want others to have theirs.

  58. Hello! Are you in there? Joe’s brain are you there? Gun control does not equal less violence. Understand? People have been killing and terrorizing people since long before guns were even invented. It will not slow down the violence and goings on at all. Get back to reality before you get completely detached.

    • You are talking to something that’s been dead since 1972 ! Ole Joe’s brain probably kicked off befor that but he was not on my radar when I was 8

  59. From my cold dead hands……if you can dodge the hailstorm of fire coming from the rest of my family.

  60. Biden is like that old fool behind that curtain in “Wizard of OZ” ?!! He ain’t foolin’ nobody but himself ?!!! I should know, I’m Kansas born and raised😁Trump should illegalize idiot’s like Biden in any and all positions of politics and authority , during his next 4 yrs.
    God bless America and President TRUMP !!

  61. Just think what it would be like if the US was a gun free zone? We’d all be dead!

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