‘Beto’ O’Rourke Getting a Not-So-Warm Welcome in the Deepest Red, Gun-Toting Parts of Texas


“People are buzzing! It’s a big buzz,” says Suzanne Bellsnyder, who owns the one coffee shop [in Spearman]. Local gossip networks have already alerted her that Beto (he’s achieved one-name celebrity status in these parts, like Cher) is next door having lunch. It’s a Saturday afternoon, and he’ll be speaking in a park, with the temperature hitting 105 degrees.

People are buzzing in a good way? Like, excited?

She smiles. Well, what do you think? Beto mustered only 8 percent of the vote here in 2018 when he ran as the Democratic candidate for Senate against the Republican incumbent, Sen. Ted Cruz. That’s 138 votes out of 1,710 cast in all of Hansford County. “We don’t even have a Democrat primary,” says Bellsnyder, who is the former chair of the county’s Republican Party. “I mean, they hold one, but 12 people vote or something.” (Fact check: It was actually eight people in 2018 and 14 in 2022.)

The buzz had started in right-wing Facebook groups, where a protest was being planned. There was chatter about whether to bring guns. “Did you see the guy with the AR-15?” Beto asks me a few days later. “He was wearing it, coming toward the door, which is not unusual for us.” It’s also not unusual for a dozen shouting Republicans to confront Beto outside a town hall meeting of 337 people and then post videos on Twitter saying they’d run him out of town.

— Jada Yuan in Beto O’Rourke’s risky quest for votes in deep-red Texas


  1. I have a relative who enjoys guns, enjoys shooting. He hates Trump so deeply he votes a straight Demoncrat ticket.

    I know, I know, the phrase “straight Demoncrat” is internally contradictory.

      • The last thing politicians want to do is solve problems because that would eliminate a good fund raising topic.

        Always remember that politicians have no morals, no principles. Remember when a NY senator left office for some reason and that A-rated NY upstate Representative saw the promotion in the offing if she changed sides? She turned into a rabid gun controller overnight.

        They have no morals.
        They have no principles.
        They don’t want to solve problems.

        • Politicians are not human beings. It is dangerous to believe otherwise. They deserve no compassion or sympathy and should be considered harmful, dangerous, invasive and toxic to our ecosystem.

      • Life’s relative CERTAINLY is a moron if his phobia over free speech (twatter BS) compels him to vote demtard. Stay off “social media” – has no useful purpose.

    • Sorry Life but your relative is an idiot 😉

      Whatever issues Trump has, the dems are far far worse.

      • Crimson,

        Yup. Agree. He has a genius level IQ, but believes CNN tell the news.

        Still, we find a way to get along.

        • I know people like that. They won’t venture past the MSM because they’ve been brainwashed into believing it’s all conspiracy theories and propaganda.

        • Obviously no genius…my eldest brother is pretty smart but also is a Leftard. Oh and my gorgeous wife makes his wife looks like a dude🙄 Your relative reminds me of all the black folks I used to “converse” with who stated “Obama won’t take yer gunz”.

        • FWW,

          Emotions, like hate, trump intelligence every time. A person with a genius level IQ can be so blinded by hate, rage, or love, that reason (which requires some degree of objectivity) fails because the inputs to reason are tainted, overwhelmed by emotion.

          He is a genius, but that intelligence is only selectively applied.

          He also makes an exceptional chicken marsalla.

        • Media from most if not all major outlets are designed to shut down critical thinking let alone civil discourse. Almost like whoever owns the news doesn’t want most of Americans able to talk to each other and figure things out at local levels.

    • At least he votes. Republicans would be in control of the senate right now if Trump hadn’t convinced gullible fools not to vote in GA. The two incumbent Republican senators were beat when Trump started his bullshit the election officials in GA couldn’t be trusted.

      The last two years have been a shit-show because that selfish prick put himself before the country.

      Democrats ARE much worse than Republicans and Trump made sure they control the Senate.

      Good fucking job.

      • Cato,

        So, you think Trump’s pointing to election fraud caused the loss of the Senate seats in Georgia? That it wasn’t the actual fraud that caused the loss?

        • The loss was caused by the lower Repub turnout in the GA Senate race a couple of months after the 2020 election. Trump told voters over and over pretty much not to vote in the Senate race.

      • Cato,

        I recall Lynn Wood making a lot of noise about not voting in the GA Senate race, but I do not recall Trump saying anything like that.

        Lynn Wood may know how to win in a courtroom, but he is incompetent when it comes to politics.

        • You don’t think Trump saying the election officials in GA not being trustworthy or being corrupt didn’t have an effect? It was on the news a lot, people talking about Trump fucking thing up for Republicans. He didn’t listen, he didn’t care and we’ve had a Dem Senate for the past two years and may remain a DEm Senate after 2022.

        • Cato- You don’t think the Democraps were planning to “win” those seats no matter what? They just got done stealing the presidency, taking two senate seats was small potatoes for them.

        • Another liar outed.

          Even unreliable anti-Trump network NBC says the opposite of liar Cato.

          *Trump tells supporters to vote in Georgia runoffs, refuses to accept reality of his loss*

          “Dec. 5, 2020, 10:01 PM EST
          By Allan Smith
          VALDOSTA, Ga. — President Donald Trump emphatically called on Georgia voters to cast ballots for Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in next month’s runoff Senate elections but spent much of his first rally since losing the presidency denying the new reality.”


        • Cato — you’re a liar.

          You’re bordering on pathological since you’re still lying while we know that you’re lying.

          “Trump told voters over and over pretty much not to vote in the Senate race.”

          You haven’t proven this; even your unreliable source states “Donald Trump said he could’ve done more to boost voter turnout in the 2021 Georgia Senate runoffs.”

          Big difference. So throwing the word around? Yes, you’re a liar.

        • I have proven it. Reread the article I quoted, it says Trump and his attorneys, Giuliani and Powell (who often spoke for Trump), told GA voters the GA election officials allowed the election to be stolen AND NOT TO VOTE which depressed Republican turnout for the Senate race. If you believe that had no impact you are a fool.

          “Even unreliable anti-Trump network NBC says…”

          You used an unreliable source to prove something, YOU even admit it is unreliable and used it anyway. Then you have the nerve to call someone a liar. Anyone that intentionally uses unreliable sources has zero credibility. So fuck off.

          How fucking dumb are you?

        • “…it says Trump and his attorneys, Giuliani and Powell … told GA voters the GA election officials allowed the election to be stolen AND NOT TO VOTE …”

          Nowhere in the article does it say that.

          Not nearly as dumb as you, and certainly not dumb enough to believe anything that you say, liar.

        • ‘and they told Republicans not to vote”. Straight from the article. These were people working and speaking on behalf of Trump. Get someone that can read to help you with the bigly words.

          What do you think ‘not to vote’ means, asswipe. What do you think decreased Republican voter turnout? It was Trump’s own words that the GA voting system was corrupt and a fraud. You truly are a fucking retard.

          Mr I-trust-NBC, you have no credibility

        • “Trump told voters over and over pretty much not to vote in the Senate race.”

          Show me where it says that. “Pretty much” doesn’t mean squat.

          “…it says Trump and his attorneys, Giuliani and Powell … told GA voters the GA election officials allowed the election to be stolen AND NOT TO VOTE …”

          Nowhere in the article does it say that. Period.

          Here’s the exact quote from the article:

          “Pro-Trump lawyers such as Sidney Powell and Lin Wood also spread disinformation and conspiracy theories, and they told Republicans not to vote …”

          I’ll say this slowly, so that you might understand (but I doubt that you will):

          You. Are. A. Liar.

        • Pretty much means, through his actions and words, Trump caused Republicans to lose the Senate. NO ONE else had that effect, the effect of telling his supporters their votes did not count and the Nov was corrupt and stolen.

          “What do you think decreased Republican voter turnout?”

          I see you are unable to answer that simple question. Let’s hear your brilliant theories. Who besides Trump convinced people not to vote. Come on asshole, answer the question.

          You are pretty much too stupid to understand simple concepts. You are definitely pretty much a Dumbfuck and pretty much a non-credible person.

        • “Trump told voters over and over pretty much not to vote in the Senate race.”


          “…it says Trump and his attorneys, Giuliani and Powell … told GA voters the GA election officials allowed the election to be stolen AND NOT TO VOTE …”


          “I see you are unable to answer that simple question.”

          I see that you can’t admit that you lied, and you continue to lie about your lying.

          You. Are. A. Liar.

        • Nice try. But its a swing and a miss. The story of your miserable life.

          I explained my thoughts and reasons for them precisely. You can barely put a single coherent sentence together.

          Keep saying the same things over and over. Avoid answering the question, it would prove you are too stupid to provide a credible answer.

          You are a pathetic turd.

        • Do they have anything that equates to an education level equal to or higher than 3rd grade on your home planet of uranANUS?

          I’ll admit I’m a liar if you can intelligently answer the question. If you can, it will prove I’m lying. I don’t think you can.

        • “I’ll admit I’m a liar if you can intelligently answer the question.”

          Nuh-uh. You admit to your lying, and then I’ll think about responding.

          “If you can, it will prove I’m lying.”

          I’ve already proven that you’re a liar.

        • “I’ll think about responding.” Come on, be a man for once, don’t be scared, just do it.

          I’ve already gave my response proving Trump, by his words and deeds and the words of those who speak for him caused Republicans to lose the Senate. There is no lie there and you know it. Try and refute it if you can. If the Dems won the Senate because of Trumps actions, how can I be lying?

        • Nope. You mis-quoted one source — you altered it to fit your opinion by cutting off the first few words. I posted the entire quote. It doesn’t say what you said.

          You have, however, called me names, used foul language, and insulted my intelligence.

          I presented one source, NBC, that clearly stated: “President Donald Trump emphatically called on Georgia voters to cast ballots for Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in next month’s runoff Senate elections.”

          How about Politico? “‘Don’t listen to my friends’: Trump encourages Georgia Republicans to vote”

          Washington Times: “President Trump on Saturday encouraged Georgia voters to participate in the state’s upcoming Senate runoff elections after referring to the contests the previous night as “illegal and invalid.” ”

          NY Times: “Georgia, get out and VOTE for two great Senators,” he wrote. “So important to do so!”

          Unless your next post is an admission that you lied about President Trump telling voters in Georgia NOT to vote in the election, we’re done here.

        • So Trump followers by the thousands ignored Trump’s pleas to vote? Doesn’t make sense….

          Explain that.

          We’re not done till you answer the question.

          “You have, however, called me names, used foul language, and insulted my intelligence.”

          Names you deserve/earned, language needed to accurately describe my foul feeling of disgust for you, and I insulted your LACK of intelligence. Get it right dikhed.

    • If the democrats have their way your relative won’t be enjoying firearms of any type. Does your relative dislike ANY of the democrat leadership?

      • Hegemony,

        I do not know. I let him yell at me about Trump, but I do not argue or offer my opinion. I just channel Carl Rogers and find opportunity to change the topic.

        • Some people are capable of having a discussion, and some people are just too emotional. After Trump won in 2016, I asked my stepmother (yellow dog Democrat) what she thought about it. She said she didn’t want to talk about it as she walked off fighting back tears. Ever since then, I go out of my way to not discuss anything political around her. It’s pointless and I don’t want her to be upset.

  2. Yeah, Rockdale has a lot of pro-liberty people in it. Go figure rural Texas would be that way.

    • “Run out of town.”

      Should have been carried out of town, on a rail, with some black and white decorations, like the good old days.

  3. The ONLY way O’Rourke can win is through cheating. Rich old white guys can throw all the money they want at this guy but the biggest part of Texas are not going to vote for him. This is in fact part of what Democrats are trying to do with keeping the border at such chaotic levels.

    • Don’t under rate Texas Democraps’ ability to cheat. Predident Floppy Ears Johnson went back to the same West Texas precinct three times to get enough votes to win his first Senate race.

    • The big cities can present an obstacle for Republicans. New and old residents (many from Ca., N.Y. and N.J.) could sway the tally for the same crap they left “back home”.

  4. Bless his heart. He does try though, doesn’t he? (In case you’re not from the Deep South, “bless your heart” is not a term of endearment. More often it’s an expression of pity. Usually reserved for the simple minded). I think most Texans would understand this.

    • What I was thinking, part of it might be arrogance though. Something along the lines of; “I’ll show those backwoods rednecks…”

      Either way showing up with ARs and AKs would be appropriate.

  5. Beto can die in a fire. Or, he can have a stroke. Or, maybe God can just smite him with lightning.

  6. The Beta Boy here in Texas is a perennial candidate for the attention and the money, deep down he knows that the majority of Texans are disgusted by him.

    • Just wait until he pulls the race card.

      He can now use the victim card to stir the faithful.

      • Playing “the race card” as the aggrieved Mic pretending to be a Spic doesn’t get a lot of traction these days.

        The closest that the Beta comes to being Mexican is the cans of Oldl Paso refried beans he buys at Kroger. The guy is a punk and everyone knows it.

  7. ‘Beto’ O’Rourke.. even if he wasn’t anti-gun he would still not be a suitable person for any public office.

      • Dan,

        Yeah, but . . . s*** that would disqualify you from legally buying a firearm DOES NOT disqualify you from public office. Strange, that.

        None of the offenses you listed disqualify Beto “Fake Mexican” O’Rourke from any elected public office that I am aware of. But, like Hunter “Crackhead” Biden, I suspect the lying, hypocritical little shitweasel owns guns . . . that he is not, technically, legally allowed to own.

        Beta O’Rourke is a pathetic, perennial loser of a f***tard, supported ONLY by idiots like MajorStupidity and dacian the demented dips***.

        • I renamed Beto, “Culo.O’Dork. Culo is Spanish slang for A$$hole, and the O’Dork is what he is.

    • Town is your property too, public property. So organize something with lots of people and run him out of your town. Stay peaceful, but, let’s call it, ‘insistent’. Like they did in the video.

    • Sub 2000?!? Geez just sling a short barreled rifle across yer shoulder. Or a Glock on your hip. I had a Sub2000. A mite lacking in QC…

      • I’ve got a sub2000, no problems with it so far. Have put about 2,000 rounds through it.

        • I see why folks say that about the sub2k. I bought it because of the concept and for the 1st time, less reading feedback. Well, I ended up replacing a lot of things, the ridiculous polymer feed ramp, trigger because a 12lb pull, front and back sight and it goes on. I appreciate the education and it’s still a great idea.

        • I might get around to replacing some things on mine, got it cheap though and its not a priority.

        • That’s swell…only good for plinking to me. Also had a PF9. Less than impressed by Keltec QC. And I’m a guy who got 6 Taurus’s to work perfectly!

      • walker,

        Yes, KelTec’s QC SERIOUSLY sucks greasy puppydog nuts . . . but their designs are innovative, interesting, and often fun to shoot (when they work).

        Bought a Sub2000 because it was the closest thing I could find to a viable “get home bag” long gun. Immediately sprang for the entire MCARBO upgrade kit (which quite nearly doubled the price). Now, it’s a pretty reliable, pleasant-shooting PCC, that folds down and fits in a backpack.

        I find it interesting that there is an entire subculture devoted to fixing firearms whose manufacturers refuse to spend $25 on decent parts, and increase the price by $50. Instead, we schlubs have to buy the “cheap” gun, then spend the price of another gun to make it work right.

        But, like the Sub2000, sometimes there just ISN’T anything out there that is equivalent. KelTec has a less popular AR model (I think it’s called the SU-16 or something like that) that folds, similar to the Sub2000. Apparently also suffers from the same QC problems.

  8. If Democrats truly believed Bob had a great future in politics, they would have gifted him a spot in the puppet administration like they did for Mayor Pete. Running for governor is basically an exercise in narcissism at this point. It would be like an incumbent losing her primary by a record amount and saying, I might just run for president now.

  9. The problem in Washington state is we have full mail-in voting yet only 25% of the people take the time to mark the checkboxes for candidates, insert the ballot into the envelope, and put it in the mail. No postage required. That is the ultimate anti-American action that anyone could take without lifting a gun.

  10. Ok. There is also video inside the venue and more people and a much different reception. So go ahead and believe your lying eyes.

  11. I’m surprised he hasn’t just moved to a more favorable state like Romney and run for office there.

  12. Camera tricks can make large crowds look small and tiny groups look large. Take your counterfactual contrarianism elsewhere. Duck season!

  13. I have no interest in watching the video of Beta’s “rally” – though I’d tune in to watch him get run out on a rail – but I’m willing to bet next month’s retirement check that he kept a civil tongue in is lying mouth in front of this crowd. No showing us all what a “tough guy” you are by cursing at audience members at this appearance, eh Beta? If any of you with stronger stomachs (or more time to waste) than me want to confirm that feel free…

  14. Beto is an actor – no more, no less. He is effective among his “constituency” but to most Texans, as far as I can tell, he is a joke and a bad one at that. If I were a Leftist Democrat I’d censor him because he does more harm than good for the anti-gun cause. But Dementia Joe likes him so he continues to exist.

  15. Knife crime in the supposedly civilized U.K. ….

    Tyson Fury reveals cousin stabbed to death as boxer makes knife crime plea

    “Fury wrote: My cousin was murdered last night, stabbed in the neck. This is becoming ridiculous idiots carry knives. This needs to stop ASAP. UK government needs to bring higher sentencing for knife crime, it’s a pandemic and you don’t know how bad it is until it’s one of your own!”


  16. You don’t need to quote his name, you racist shitheel. Unless you’re going to start quoting Ted Cruz’ “real” first name, too … they’ve both been going by their respective names in public life for a long time, now. Do them the basic human courtesy of respecting their chosen name.

    • Pointing out that Robert Francis O’Rourke, a fourth-generation Irish-American, uses a fake Hispanic nickname, is racist?

      Yeah … no.

    • When leftist/fascist/statist/racist totalitarian scum like Beta start showing even a modicum of respect for those of us who truly think that a limited-government republic, based on adherence to our founding documents, ensuring zero interference with our inherent rights by the state, then, maybe, I’ll think about showing them even the slightest degree of courtesy. As my granther used to say “I wouldn’t cross the street to on him if he was on fire”.

      • Wow, this comment software is goofy! Here’s what I typed before something did some odd editing: When leftist/fascist/statist/racist totalitarian scum like Beta start showing even a modicum of respect for those of us who truly think that a limited-government republic, based on adherence to our founding documents, ensuring zero interference with our inherent rights by the state is the best way to organize a society, then, maybe, I’ll think about showing them even the slightest degree of courtesy. As my granther used to say “I wouldn’t cross the street to (insert colloquialism for liquid excreting) on him if he was on fire”.

      • So, like . . . never going to show them any respect?? Cool, that’s kind of where I come out, too. But then, I have never seen ANYTHING from Beta “Fake Mexican” O’Rourke that was WORTHY of any respect. A criminal druggie, “furry” who inherited money, married more, has never had an honest job in his life, and has the IQ of a planaria. WHEN the Texas voters toss his @$$ to the curb AGAIN, I hope (but don’t expect) he slinks off into the sunset, and just spends his wife’s family’s money.

        He’s a John Kerry wannabe – a low-rent gigolo.

    • Beto isn’t a name. It’s Spanish for son or little boy.

      Using his actual given name isn’t racist you imbecile.

      • No, “Beto” is NOT Spanish for “son or little boy”, it is the diminutive of Robert or Roberto. And it isn’t his given name, so . . . who’s the imbecile around here?????

        If you’re a Beta fan, hope you enjoy the ride. He’s going down HARD, and I will laugh my arse off when he does. He’s a halfwit toad with delusions of gender.

    • But that chosen name is cultural appropriation.
      I thought cultural appropriation was racist.

  17. “…..alerted her that Beto (he’s achieved one-name celebrity status in these parts, like Cher)” One name celebrity, kinda like Satan. Actually, that one name is….BUTTO, as in Butto O’Dork. There, fixed it for you. You’re Welcome…..


    • This wikiHow teaches you how to turn off Caps Lock, which causes you to type in all capital letters, on a Windows or Mac computer. Turning off Caps Lock on a functional computer is as simple as pressing the “Caps Lock” key again, but if your Caps Lock key is stuck, you’ll need to fix the key. You can also disable Caps Lock entirely if you don’t plan on using Caps Lock on your computer.


    • @NTexas
      Should have spent your money on English For Dummies 101 instead of a firearm. The book would have served you much better.

  19. BETO O’ROURKE run out of ROCKDALE. Which implies and condones s VIOLENT opposition to Free Speech. What’s happened to Free Speech or does Free Speech only apply to the pro-gunnners? As long a person is acting within the law andf not advocating violence he or she should be able to stand up in public and state his or her case without being RUN-OUT of anywhere
    This seeminly acceptance even encouagement of violence towards those who might not share you opinion is. I assure you another step on the slippery slope to Draconian Gun control legislation. You do your case no good by this kind of reaction. If you cannot step back and produce a logical, and well though out case and applying some critical thinking you will surely lose it What could withn the pro-gunners agreement an co-operation greatltbreduce the trulyhorrendous statistics surrounding the whole issue of gun-ownership in the USA you are forcing the PEOPLE, because they are the final arbitrators, to take far more far reaching measures than are strictly nessessary.
    If the majority of the PEOPLE want a change in the CONSTITUTION then a change in the consitution there will be, and there is nothing you can do about it shorth of an armed insurrection – that’s why there are AMMENDMENTS.

  20. “BETO O’ROURKE run out of ROCKDALE. Which implies and condones s [sic] VIOLENT opposition to Free Speech.”

    What violence was committed?

    “What’s happened to Free Speech…”

    The people of Rockdale were exercising their right to free speech by protesting the fake Hispanic’s appearance.

    “As long a person is acting within the law andf [sic] not advocating violence he or she should be able to stand up in public and state his or her case …”

    He did. From the fake Hispanic’s press secretary:
    “Beto held a two-hour public event in Rockdale on Friday night as part of his 49-Day, more than 5,600-mile Drive for Texas. He spoke to a full house of 350 people, took questions from those in attendance, and did a photo line with the community. What you see in the video is Beto walking to his truck following the event at the end of the evening.”

    “This seeminly [sic] acceptance even encouagement [sic] of violence …”

    What violence?

    “…that’s why there are AMMENDMENTS.[sic]”

    The anti-gunners are more than welcome to begin the amendment process.

    They haven’t.

  21. If he’s going into deep red parts of the state looking for votes then it’s likely a sign he’s desperate.

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