The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (And Really Big Fires) has released its 2012 report Industry Operations Inspection Results. As you can see from the graphic above, the ATF have been visiting Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) now more than ever. The good news: gun dealers are not the irresponsible death merchants the ATF and suporters in the gun grabbing community would have you believe. (Including the dealers who let criminals buy firearms illegally at the ATF’s request as part of Operation Fast and Furious.) Check out the chart depicting the number of ATF FFL revocations and denials in the same time frame . . .


  1. Compare those stats with restaurant/food service inspections 🙂 Hell compare that with LEO accreditations (although total BS and a scam).

  2. Sort of makes the Antis and their harrasment of gun shops look very silly.
    Yeah, the gun shops are just unloading those vans of guns in the inner cities.

  3. Gun Stores here in Kalifornia are very scrupulous and professional in their handling of gun purchases. Despite what some of you make think, every time I go into our local gun shops I see multiple purchases in progress. So, even though it’s often perceived that we in Kalifornia are in the arm pit of gun ownership, gun sales are booming business here. Now, if we could just come to our senses and elect a gun friendly Governor and State Legislature…

  4. Isn’t this a little like that old “90% of the TRACED guns came from The States?”

    The ATF inspects such a small percentage of FFL guys, the numbers are unreliable.

    Plus, what exactly is that .5% revoked or denied renewal of? Is that of the ones inspected, in which case it’s unreliable for the reason I mentioned, or is it of the overall number, in which case it’s total bullshit.

    • Here’s a stat from your pals at the VDC (

      They reckon that in 2007, America had 50,630 gun dealers. The ATF chart above indicates about 13,000 inspections. So call it roughly a quarter of all US gun dealers.

      A fairly large sample I’d say. I wonder if the ATF included the dealers that they coerced into allowing over 2000 illegally purchased firearms to walk out the door. . .

      • Robert, You’ve practically spun my head off with this post and comment.

        2007 was a long time ago. The wild decrease in FFL holders due to the Clinton policies has in some part rebounded back. Am I right? During all the hysteria about Obama, and when the states bordering on Mexico had their boom in gun business, tremendous increases where recorded in FFL license holders.

        So what you did was pick a very timely VPC report, one which perfectly supports your propaganda.

        We still don’t know what that .5% is all about.

    • Please go back and revisit your statistics class MikeB. You’ll find sampling to be very accurate. Especially a sampling size as large as this.

      • You mean the ATF report didn’t cherry pick states and present inexplicable and undocumented data?

    • So you admit your stats are bad when convenient? Typical. If only the standard you wished were applied to gun owners were applied to other areas of your life. You might change your mind after the first couple of no-knocks for having a busted taillight.

      • Whether he admits his stats are bad is irrelevant. We know they are bullshit since the only source he ever cites is from a discredited author.

        I was watching NatGeo the other night and saw a segment on illegal US guns in Mexico. All but a few weapons were Class III and not available at your local gun store. US made grenades, M203s, M16A1s, M16A2s, M249s….you get the idea.

        I’m curious how many of these comprised the sum of “ones traced back to the US.” These are clearly NOT available at your LGS despite obviously being made in the US.

  5. For background,

    The 90% stat comes from a 2009 GAO report to Congress which said that there were in 2008 about 30,000 firearms seized by Mexican authorities. Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing. Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

    This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing. In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing. This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States.

    All this is copied from a article I got in February 2011, and the rest is too long to post here but very interesting. The point is you can make statistics say pretty much whatever you want, but if there were really a large number of failures during these inspections, some politician would doubtless be giving a press conference to make sure we were aware of it.

  6. 1 The Answer is to Cap the Number of (01) Gun Dealer Retailers for the Federal Groverment :is U.S.A. is No#1 is Maxium Cap limit is 5000 (01) Retailers Gun Dealers in the U.S.A too!

    2. The State Groverments is :50 States each is Maxium Cap limit is 100 (01) Retailers Busineses too! Agreed! Is a cap limit too! Agreed! No more exrtas not be added too! Federal level & State Level of 50 Statyes to agreed!!! By Certain Date is: 01/01/ 2015 A.D to 12 /31/2015 A.D too! After ! year Passes is 0n 01/01 2016 A.D to Forever in future agreed!! Is perminate issued agreed!! No extras Gun Dealers Regular Licences not be issued no passed the Federal Cap Limit Or The 50 State Cap Limits is fanial by 2015 A.D for (01) F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Busineses of Retailers Businersxonly agreed!!! Nop extras not be added too! Stays perminate forever too! To reduiced Street Gun Crime agreed; in 50 States too! Agreed!!!!!

  7. 1. The Number of Regular Retailers Gun Dealers do have the Class-03 Tax Stamp Added to the Regular Class-01 Is (01)Licence is option too! If You have Lawefoecement Back round With Full auto” Weapons As an Police Officer only too! Agreed!! Or Swat Police Dept Training Back round only agreed! with the Class-03 Tax Stamp Added to the the Licence too! This is Extention is Legal to do it too! Note: You can sell Light Machines guns Only too! P.S Limited Tax Stamp too! Agreed!!!! And no larger Weapons too!And Medium Machines, Large Machines too! No Sicilincers Items Can”t Sell With This Licence too! Is Class-01 Is (01) With andClass-03 Tax option Stamp is Limited too! Added Class-03 Is Added to Regular Class -01 Is Regular (01) Licence For Regular Gun Dealer (01) F.F.L,s too! Is Restrictede to certain items only agreed!!!!

  8. 1. The (B.A. T.F. E .A..) Divsion Of inspection are doing there Jobs to see the 4473 Froms of 4 Pages fulled out properity with in federal & State Laws too! I agreed! For Long Guns : Rifles, & Shotguns too! Agreed!!! 2. The Next: The Conceal Weapons is Handgun too! Semipistals & Revolvers too! The Federal form is 4 pages fulled out ! An the Instant Check Application is 3 Pages to filled out carefulley too! I agreed!!!t00!! The Regulations are Stricked too! Agreed!!! If there Mastakes on those Forms too! is 4473 Federal form & The Instant Check Application Form too! to Purchuse your Hand Gun At the First Time too! Later the Other will be easiler too! Agreed!!! Caught Twice or There times too! They will Cut of the Gun Dealers Regular Licence Renuals Aplications are cut off for good; or canncalled out ;Bad Gun Dealer Retailers not Filling out Paper Properity the Right way in the Federal & State Laws wants to and certain odoing the right way too! This is excused to reduiced the number of smaller Gun Dealers Busineses is Class-01 Is (01) F.F.L.s & State Licences Applications by the Sheriffis Dept of Country you live in agreed!!! the smallerGun Dealers Retailers numbers are cut down alot too! !! Poor record Keeping too! Or Illegal Straw Gun sales is an Criminal Offence By the Federal Groverment & State Groverments will no tolicote it at all agreed! No Mastakes Will not be Tolorated at all! They are very Stricked to true!!! You will go to Federal Jail too! Or appear in Federal Court too! Agree!!!!! No Renual Applications F.F.L.s & State Licence is issued by the Country Sheriffis Dept of the Country You Live in legalley & the State of Residence too! Agreed!!! You are History too! This goes for Noncitizens Living in the 50 States too! Are Ilegal Alliens too! Of other Nations of foreign Counties true!!! This U.S.A Complaint too!!!

  9. They Should Cut the Number of (01) Holders Gun Dealers to Certain limit too! Agreed! By the Setting New Rules There will be For U.S.A. Is No#1 : The Maxium Cap Limit is 5000 (01) Retailers Gun Dealers is Maxium Cap Limit too! No Extras not be added too! 2. The 50 States Groverrments will be Enforcing the Maxium Cap limit too! Is 100 (01) Regular Gun Dealers Busineses too! About 4 Years From Now too! Starting on 01/01/2016 A.D to Future Years Ahead to Come yet soon to agreed!!! This will Be perminate For Ever too! U.S.A. is 5000 (01) Holder Gun Dealers Busineses too! No extras not be added too! Agree! The 50 States Will be Same to The Each State will be 100 (01) F.F.L.S Regular Gun Dealers to is a Cap Limit too! Agreed!! This will be Forever Forever too! Begining on New Year Eve Is Starting After on 01/01.2016 A.D to The Future Years of no End of time true ! For Ever For Ever too! Agreed! Perminate too! Agreed!!!!

  10. 1. The F.F.L.s Renual Fee Is $2500.00 Paid in Full too! Be Finger printed by the A.T.F too! The renuals is 3 Years too! 2 . The State Groverment is $1250.00 is 3 Year Renual too! Paid in Full too! The Be Finger printed to by Elected Sheriffis Officer in Charge to:The Sheriffis Dept. Country Of State of Resisdence You are living too! For Renuals only too!

  11. Perhaps David should learn grammar and spelling before attempting to legislate.

  12. 1 Thew Overal Count of (01) Retailers Busineses of Gun Dealers Retailersw is overal is 25,315 (01) F.F,Ls holders total all count!!

  13. 1. From 01/01/2013 A.d to 12/31/2013 A.D. too! U.S.A Maxium Cap Limit for one Year perird of time too! U.S.A. is 15,000 (01) F.F.L.s Dealers retailers Busineses With an Store Front & & State Licences is issued to Retailer Gun Dealer Gun Dealers Busineses too! Lot in Separate Commercial Zone Building & Properity as one package too! Agreed ! Located Comerical Block Zone For Commerecial Busineses only agreed!! By zoning commision rules do applyed too! The State Groverments are Same thing too! But in State Groverment Regulations do applyed too! For all 50 States too! The maxium Cap limit is 300 (01) Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses Maxium Cap limit for Year 2013 A.D too! This goes for state Licences is issued by the Sheriffis Dept of country State Licenceing by the Sheriffis Dept of Country you are Resident of Address the State You Live in only agreed! This wil be Affective an be offical by 07/22/2013 A,D is perment of record to by 2013 A.D too! Agreed!!!

  14. 1. 01/01/2014 A.D. to 12/31/2014 A.D. to for a Year Time Period too! Agreed!! The U.S.A Is Fedreal Groverment will be a Maxium Cap Limit is 10,000 (01) F.F.L. Holders & State Licening to sell Firearms at State Level to agreed! Is issued one State Licence only to each of Every Year too! Number of (01) Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses & State Licences by the Country Sheriffis Dept of Licening too! 2. The State Groverments : 50 States Will be a Cap limit of (01) Gun Dealers Retailers is 200 (01) & State Licences Is Issued by the Country Sheriffis Dept. of Licence Of the State you live in only agreed! The Manitourey Reghulations say is must be dsone too!This is Maxium Cap Limit For each of 50 State s Will do it too! Agreed! For One hold Year time Period too! It will be ducted Mented on the Record Books is on record by 07/22/2014 A.D . too! Agreed!! No extrs (01) Appl & State Licences Appl is not be added too! Agreed a maxium Cap limit is enfoeced by Fed & State Groverment too! To Controll the The Number Of Gun Dealer Retailer Appl.s & State Licence Appl. too! Agreed ! By the Justice Dept Of Federal & State Licences to Sell all Firearms for Retailer Gun Dealers Businenses only agreed!!!

  15. 1. 01/01 2015 A.D To 12/31/2015 A.D. U.S.A Groverment Maxium Cap Limit is for one Year is too! It Will be offical by 07/22/2015 A.D. on the offical books too! The Maxium Cap Limit is 5000(01) Gun Dealer Retailers Busineses too! An State Licences is issued by Country Sheriffis Dept. of licening too! MaxiumCap limit too! 2. The 50 State Groverrments: All States Maxium Cap Limit 100 (01) & State Licences is issueed by the Sheriffis Dept of Country of State of Residence you are living now agreed! For every State by Year of Trial Test run to if it works too! If it pased too!!! Next Year it will be Perminated to by next Year too! By 2016 A.D too! It wsill be perminanent For ever too! agreed! Reason is To controll City ,Couutry , Cities Towships ,Towns Gang Crimes of Illegal Druges & Stolen Guns are Roibbed by Targeting Smaller GunStores to in 50 States too! true!! They Must gut rid of the Smaller Gun Stores by 0.98 % cut off Licenceing too! Answer is cut off renuals Appl. & State Licences Appl. Suspended is canncelled Applications is cit off for good too! agreed!!!!

  16. This is the perfect blog for anyone who wants to know about this topic. You know You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just great!

  17. 1. There will be Maxium Cap No Limit too! No extras not be added too! )1/01/2016 A.D The Perminiment Level is U.S.A . Level Is (5000)(01) F.F.L.s Holders & State Licences At State Level to Sell all Fireams too! Agreed1 Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses & commercial Lots of Legal Stores Fronts & Lots In Commercial Block Zones too! is allow there only agreed! 2. The State Groverments:50 States there will Be Maxium Cap Limit of (01) Retailers Gun Dealers Busineses only up to certain Number is( 100 )(01 Regular Gun Dealers Businineses only agreed!!!!! No exteas Applications for a:State Licences at State Level too! State Of Residence Or Countie, Citie, TownshipShip Or Town you are licung too! fResidence

  18. 1. The U.S.A. Groverment : The Maxium Cap Limit for number of Legal Store Fronts & Commercoal Legal Lots in Commercial Separate Building s no windows not allow too! is a Fedreal Law is Enforced too! Separate Lot in Cmmercial lot in Assigned by Federal , State, Countie, Citie, TownShip, Towns of Fiffty States MUst do it too! Is Manitoury Zoning Laws do apply too! Agreed!!!!Commercaial Block Zones Gun Dealers is (5000) (01forever to Future Years to come too! No end ! 2. The State Groverments : 50 States Forever too! the Maxium Cap Limit is (100) (01) F.F.L.s & State Licences is only one issued only by the county Level of State you are living in too! agreed! No Extras Applicaptions not be issued too! Agreed!!! By Federal Groverment, & State Groverments & Countie Levels to agreed!!! A Cap Number Limit on the Number Of Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses agreed!!! Stricked controlls is needed badly too! Stricked Controlls is needed too! By the Federal Geoverments too! Agreed!!! by the(B. A.T.F.E.A. Dept of Federal Lewvel Laweforcment too!! I agreed!!!!!!!!

  19. 1. The Maxium Cap Number of (09) Licences no Limit on the Number of Class-03 Fullauto Retailers Busineses is 42 (09) F.F.L.s of all fifty States too! No extras not be added too! Or applications not, not be procresses at all is halted too! Theses Gun Dealers Sell Machines Guns Products Or Automatic Weapons Firearms too! At Retailers Price is Exforced by N.F.A. Rules do applyed too! Agreed!!! No extras Class-03 Is (09) Licences not be added to the current Cap number List too! Agreed!! Call Gun Shots .com too! True!!! is Enforced by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Div. too!

  20. 1. The B. A.T.F.E.A. (div): They Should sent a letter ot the Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Busineses in all the 50 States too! Forbidden to Sell Firearms too! Agreed!! There (01) Licences & State Licences to: should not be issued and Legal Gun Dealers Licences to Sell Fireams too! They Should Not get there renuals Applications too! For (01) F.F.L.s Licences State Licences is issued by the Country to;by State of residence too! You are living too! They should be off limits to:not sell Firearms for Longguns: Rifles ,Shotguns,Handguns : Semipistals .Revolvers too! They should not allow to sell Firearms at all too! The Pawm shops Junk Dealers Busineses not allow to Apply for Firearms Licences is (01)F.F.L.s too! And State Licences is issued by the Country Sheriffis Dept of Licenceing Dept of Country you live in only! State Of Residence you are Living in too! Agreed!! By the 5o State Justice Depts of 50 States too! & By the Federal Groverment Justice Dept .to Agreed!!! This is Serios matter too! Solution is Lets cut of Renuals Applications of (01) F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences by the Countie Sheriffis Dept. Licences is cut off to Pawn shops Junk Dealers in all is no more too! They can”t sell longer sell Firearms any more agreed! By the A.T.F says no more !!!! Finshed too! Pawnshops do apply for (01) F.F.L.s & State Licence For Retailer Gun Dealers to sell Firearms is no more too! is Finished for good is gone for good!!! Pawn shops will not applyed for F.F.L.s Licences Or State Licence to sell all Firearms at State Level by the State of Residence is denied by the A.T.F & The sheriffis Dept. of State Licence of country of State you are Living in as Residence to true!!! Solution: is Cut of all F.F.L.s (01)Licences for Ligement GunDealers Busineses & State Licences to sell all Firearms at State Level too! No to issued Applications Forms to Pawm Shop Junk Dealers Busineseses is Denied for ever too! Agreed!!! This is all fifty States too! Cut off Renual Applications for (01) F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences to sell all Firearms at State Level too! Agreed!!! Pawn Shops Junk Dealers no longer apply for (01) F.F.L.s & State Licences to Sell all Firearms too! Is no more too! Very Riskey and Dangerios Situtation to risky too! True!!! A.T.F Should cut Applications off for Renuals too! For Pawm Shops & Junk Dealers too! None will not sell Firearms no more too! agreed!!!!!!!

  21. 1. The 3-Years Renual Fee : for (01) F.F.L.s is $2500.00 . Fee paid in Full too! to be Finger Printed by the federal Groverment rules too! They do threw the F.B.I . & The A.T.F . too! They do Backround Check on yoiur History too! By Fedreal Level by the U.S.A, too! Agreed!!!!! And the State Police too! The State Groverments:50 States by the County Groverments of State of Residenc you live in only too! Apply for State Licence: Fee is$ 1250.00 for Selling Firearms at State Level only for Gun Retailer Busineses Store Front & Lot in Commercial Block zones only agreed!!! And be fingerprinted by the Sheriffis Dept of Country of State you live in only agreed!! They do back round Check too! By the Sheriffis Dept of all Counties to State You live too! agreed!!!!!! Renuals of New State Licence Applications froms to Procresses it to agreed!!!

  22. 01/01/2015 to 12 /31 /2015 A.D is one year Period too! 1.The U.S.A. is No#1 The maxium Cap limit is 25,315 (01) F.F.L.s Retailers Busineses Store fronts & Lot Are Separated zones call the Commercial Busineses Zones too! Solied Building no Windows allow :on Gun Store Too! Located in Commercial Properity Zones too! Called the Commercial Block Zones were they are assigned by zoning Commsion Athority on Building Codes Laws & properity Codes Laws too! on the Books today too True!! The State Groverments:50 States are under the same Laws too! The Maxium Cap No#2 Limits is about 506.30 F.F.L.s Licences Gun Dealers Retailers Outlets DStore Fronts & Properity are Separate Buildings,an Properity Lots are in the Commercial Block Zones Locations is Assigned by, Zoning Commission Laws Of Regulations today Laws true!!! The Laws are in the books to true!! 1. Town,laws,TownshipLaws, City Laws, Counties Laws,State Laws, And Big Brother Is U.S.A. Buildung& Properity Laws as well For industrial Busineses to Only too! Agreed!! And for Residential & Comunity Laws of Building codes & Properity Laws as well too! This True not to ecnored this immportant Regulations Laws on the Most Current Laws on the Law Books is all ways upto date each Year of 365 Days end too! agreed!!! New Laws will take therePlaces too! Old Laws are Throowned out of Service too! This true!!! The laws are there for every to read them to true!!! For every one has a right to read too!!! Iageed!!!!! is true!!!

  23. 1.01/01 2016 A.D to The Future Years to come too! This Will Beperminate foever too! U.S.A No#1 The Maxiun Cap Limit is 5000(01) F.F.L.Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses With Store Fronts & Lot as one Package too! No extras not be added too! Appl is (01)F.F.L.s not be issued too! And State Licences sel all Firearms as 50 State Regulations is true by each of the 50 States too! Stands Level s all the States too! I :ll Agreed!!! Is issued By allcountie SheriffisDepts of all 50 States too! true!!!Agreed!! The State Groverments:50 States: The Maxium Cap Limit is 100 (01) Retailers Gun Dealers Busineses Store Fronts & Lot Located in Commercial Block Zones call the Industrial zones too! only No other zones notbe permitted too! No extras applications Not beissued or procresses as well too! Wil stop here at Maxium cap number of (01) F.F.L.s Holder Gun Dealers Busineses & State Licences is issued by the Sheriffis Dept ofCounties State you live in too! As a Residence of the State You live in only too! I Agreed!! by State Laws regulatoons Standes too true!!!

  24. 1. There Will Be Better Controlls on Applications Froms for Renuals For (01)F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Business too!State Licences too! &And a Cap Number Limit too! On federal Level too! 2. State Groverments:50 States to, There will be Controlls on Applications Froms for (01)F.F.L.s Licences too! & State Licences too! & State Licences Applications Froms too! a Cap Limit per each of 50 States too! agreed!!! No Extras (01) F.F.L.s Not Be Added too! & State Licences Apoplications is not be added too! By certain Cap Number up to Certain Number too! called cap limit to agreed!!!!

  25. 1. There will be cap Limit On the Number Of Class-03 (09) F.F.L.s Dealers Number Limit, is (42) Of those Licences too!! nThis will be issued by the U.S treasury Dept of Federal Building,Office Of B.A.T.F.E.A. Div. Of Federal Licences for Firearms Only Agree! in Phil. City only to Get it too!!! The Class-03 is (09) Tax Stamp, is Black Color too licence at right conner only too! The # Year Fee $ is No Limit fee, too! Ths Last Licence For The Retailer GunDealers Busineses too! Agreed!!! Not All Regular Gun Dealers Busineses Can”t Trusted With this Licence too! Is Class-(09) F.F.L.s Only to is 0.98 % Can”t be trusted too! Only About (0.0.1 % CAN DO IT TOO! Agreed!!

  26. 1. The total of Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses is between 46,000 at mimin to Maxium is 48,000 (01) F.F.L.s holders too! Is left in the 50 States too! The Latest report too!!

  27. 1.01/01/2013 A.D to 12/31/2013 A.D/: The U.S.A. Maxium Cap Limit is 1 Yr to is 25,315 (01) F.F.L.s Holders too! 2. State Groverments: 50 States is 1 Yr to is Maxium Cap Limit 506.30 (01) F.F.L.s Retailers Busineses Gun Dealers Each of 50 States too! For 365 Days out of one Year too!

  28. 1. 01/01/2014 to 12/31 2014 A.D is 1 Yr too! Period too! U.S.A. Maxium Cap limit is 10,000 (01) F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences too! Gun Dealers Busineses Retailers Store Fronts& Commerciial Lot as one package deal too! No extras Not be added too! 2. State Groverments: 50 States too! The Maxium Cap Limit is 200 (01) F.F.L.s licences too! And State Licences too! P.S. Note: No extras Licences Applications not be added too! agreed ! For 1 Yr Period of 365 Days too!!!

  29. 1. 01/01/2015 A.D, to 12/31/2015 A.D too! The Federal Level is Maxium Cap Limit for 365 Days too! is 5000 (01) F.F.L.s & State Licences too! No Extras Applications not be issued tHolders is Maxium Cap Limit too! Agreed! 2 The State Groverments; all 50 States too! Is 100 (01) F.F.L.s Hol;der”s & State Licences too! The 1 YR period of time too! No extras applications Froms not be issued too!! P.S. if this works too! By next Year it will Be Permonent Law is forever to By next Year too! Is offical Date is 01/01/2016 A.D to Future Years to no end too!!!

  30. 1. Note:The offical Date is 06/01/2013 A.D . The Total Of Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses: Store Fronts is left is 25,000 (01) is over all count too! is offical too!

  31. 1.01/01/2013 t0 12/31/2013 A.D : The Federal Level :U.S.A. Is Max Cap limit is up to 15,000 (01) F.F.L.s Holder Busineses too! The State Groverments: 50 States maxium Cap Limit is 300(01) F.F.L.s Holders for Retailers Busineses too! 1 YR Period too! There Should not add any at all too! Is maxium cap Limit too! Agreed!

  32. 1. The Renuals For Class-3 Is (09) F.F.L.s is 3 year Renuals is Starting $100,000.00 (Or More) to no set Fee $$$$$ For Class-1 is (01) Regular Gun Shop Dealers by trade Businness only can apply for this Option Licence is Class-3 is (09) F.F.L.s too! Agreed!!! Off Limits to certain Licence is Class-3 is (09) too! Agreed!!! P.S no other Gun Dealers : Sporting Goods,Fishing Hunting Camping Sport Shop Gun Dealers : Junk Dealers & Gun Shop Busineses , Combination Busineses & gun Shop Busineses of Class-1` is (01) F.F.L.s Licences too! is restricted to Class-3 is option Licence for Law eforcement & Military Guns & acessories Clips holders Devices Band lears Units too! For Class-3 is (09) Option is Class-3 is (09) Licence with tax Stamp Black color at right top conner too! agreed!!!

  33. Import & Export Licences # year Renuals (08 Licence # -3 year Renuals is $ 100,000 Or more to no set rate is $$$$$! The Export & Inport Licence Renuals is 3 Year is (010) Licence $ 300,000 too No set rate is higher too! $$$$$

  34. Mfg Busineses Class-2 Licences is 06, 07, 3 Year Renuals is $1,000,000 Or more too! And Class-2 is Mfg too! (010) Is 3 Year renuals $ 5,000,000.0 or more to no set rate too! $$$$$$$$

  35. 1. The import $ Export Licence s Renual;s Import Copanies: (08) # Year Renuals $ (011),Licence is is mfg too! $ 1,000,000.00 Or more too! No Set Rate too! Class-1 be change to class-2 (010) Class-3 be change to class-2 too 3 year Renuals 1,000,000, Or more too!

  36. 1. By 01/01/2019 A.D. to 12/31/2019 A.D too! 1 Yr Period too! Maxium Cap Limit for the U.S.A.!The Federal Groverment U.S.A. 10,000 (01) F.F.L.s is maxium cap limit too! 1.A. TheMaxiun Cap Limit for all the States as well too! State Groverments:50 States: is 200 (01) F.F.L.s holder”s too! For one Year Period too! Agreed! No extras (01) (02) F.F.L.s Applicatiopns too! Agreed!

  37. 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020 too! I year Period too! The U.S.A Federal Level for theMaxion Cap Limit for (01) Gun Dealer Retailers :5000 (01) Gun Dealers too! The Maxium Cap Limit is State Groverments is 50 States too! 100 (01) F.F.L.s Holder”s too! No Extras Appllications (01) (02) too! For 1 Year Period of 365 Days too!!!

  38. Total count of F.F.L. Dealers is 25,000 F.F.L.s Holders overall count too! Note : (01) is 0.66 % Regular Gun Dealers Business & Combination Business too! The (02) Regular Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers to is 0.33% too!

  39. 1. The U.S.A . Total Of F.F.L.s Federal Level is Max Cap limit is (10,000) too! The State Government is fifty States Max Cap Limits ;200 too! Total of all the States too! Agreed!!1is Max cap limit too! No extras F.F.L.s (01)(02) too!

  40. 1. The Date was on 03/23/2013 A.D. The Overall was (58,334) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Correct too! The Gun Collectors At Gun Shows:, do not have F.F.L.s License & State License too! Note: They Need Another Gun Dealer at the to transferred Firearms to Another Seller Person to the Person is Buyer to; at the Gun Shows too! They are not a, Legal F.F.L.s Gun Dealer at all ! true!!!! This Total Count of Gun Dealers is (58,334) F.F.L.s is total Count too!!! Agreed!!!!!! Is official too! True!!!!!!!

  41. 1. The Total count in the United States Of American: Is the overall count of F.F.L.s today is (48,000) on 12/03/2013 A.D. too!

  42. 1. The Overal; Count of F.F.L.s Licences Gun Dealers Busineses is on (07/15/2014 is 50,630 in the U.S.A too!

  43. 1 Regular Retailers Gun Dealers Busineses : Sporting Goods,Humting Fishing,Camping & Gun Deallers Combination Busineses & Gun Shop :Class-1 is (01) too! Pawn Shop and Junk Shop & Gun Shop is Class-2 is (02) too! Regular Class-03 Fullauto Gun Dealers is (09) in included too! Option Gun Dealers too!:they are off limits too! The List of im port & export Licences is Applications too! (08) (011) too offlimits too! No application wil not be issued too! The Mfg Linences Is Off Limits to are (06)(07)(010) (020) too! Thoses Applications are off limits too! Agreed1 No application will not be issued too! All Gun Dealers Retailers of Class-1 is (01) Class-3 is (09) Class -2 is (02) is Pawn Shops junk Dealers & Gun Shop Dealers too! The Class-3 Is (09) is Last Step too! Only 0.00001 too ! Qualified for it too! Agreed!!! By the A,T,F, & U.S.A. State Department of the U.N. orders it too! It is Coming soon too! It will Happen sonner too! Wake up U.S. Citizens are born in the U.S.A. Or Be coming a new Citizenss Should concern with matter too! agree ment too!

  44. Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses are (01)(02) Class-1 Regular (09 Class-3 is N.F.A Gun Dealers too! There Certain Licences are off Limits too! By The B.A.T.F.E.A. Division too! is Import & Export Licences F.F.L.s Applications are (08) & (011) too! The Mfg Licences Busineses too! Are (06) & (07) Class-1 Regular ones too! The Class-2 Busineses I Is Class-3 is N.F.A. Licences (010) too! Only Mfg Busineses Regul ar to Can Apply for (08) Application extention Licence too! Only Class-2 is (010) N.F.A. Licences Busineses can apply for Extention Application of (011) N.F.A. Requirements to! Inport & Export Licences only too! Agree!!!!

  45. 1. The Total of overal count of Retailer Busineses Gun Dealers ::is ( 47.667 )on Date was left on 12/31/2010 A.D . is Overal in 50 States too!

  46. 01/01/2015 A.D : to 12/31/2015 A.D too! Is 1 year Period of tome too! The FederalGroverment is U.S.A. too Level should be 25,000 Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses too! Maxium Cap Limit too! The fifty States Maxium cap Limit should be 500 F.F.L. Gun Dealers Busineses too! Is max cap limit too! Class-1 is 01 & Class-2 Is 02 too! Class-3 is (09 ) to is a option Gun Dealers is laweforcement too! Don”t give Applications out so easly to Apply for F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences by the Country Sheriffs Dept too! Agreed!!! Let”s put an Cap on the Number Gun Dealers Licences & State Licences is issued by the Sheriffis Dept of the Country of resident you are Living in too! Of state you Pay your Taxes too! Every Year !!!! Agreed!!!!

  47. 1 The Longguns Mfgs Rifles & Shotguns & Handguns Semipistals & Revolvers Mfgs should cut there production way down from 100% from to cut it down .000097 too! % Cut off Extras too! They Should Produce only Production by .00003 % too! with 1 year production too! Divided by 12 months pewriod too! There alot of Firearms products not Sell ing that Quickly too! I.M talking Longguns for Hunting . The Rifles & Shotguns Production is cut down by (000003% too! Agreed! And Hand Guns too! Semiauto Pistals & Revolvers to; 000001% too! There are Alot of Semiauto Pistal not selling not to good too! Some of the Revolvers too! I.m am talking about all the Gun Store in all the 50 States too! Afew of guns do sell very fast too! 3 or 5 guns per Week too! The popular Guns items too! Hand guns & Longguns is Rifles & Shotguns for hunting too! Gun Production must be cut doiwn by 000097% cut off too! in 50 States too! And divided by 50 States too! Agreed~!~!

  48. 1. The Gun Productoin Should be cut down by From 100% to 000097% Cut off too! Allow 000003% Production is allowed too! Rifles & Shotguns. Handguns is 000001% to Production too! Agreed!!

  49. 1. The U.S.A. Federal Level is (5000) Gun Dealers Retailers is Max Cap limit! The State Groverments: 50 States is maxium Cap limit is(100) Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses too! Agree! Or Disagree! Reason is There will be Fewer Guns on the Streets of Towns, Townships, Cites , Counties , States too! This is better idear of Gun Controll on the number F.F.L.s is issued to certain number up to the Cap number of F.F.L.s & State Licences issued too! Agreed! This is better solution to do it write way too. Agree! or disagree??

  50. 1.Note: The Total overal Count Of F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers is (58,334) too! Is Offical national Count too!c IThe Class-1is (01) only for the Regular Gun Dealers Businesses to (01) too! & Class-2 is only for Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers only to only for (02) F.F.L:.,s too! Isssued by the Federal Building too! By the B.A.T.F.E.A, Licening Agency to is a Federal Level by the U.S Treasury Dept only too! Only they can do it only too! Agreed!!! Thgat is the Federal Rules by the U.S. Greovermenbt too! Agreed! Or Disagee?? The All Gun Dealers Must obtain a State Licence by the State of Residence of Country ,City, TownShip, toiwn you Live in only too! is Federal Law & State Law too! The Country Sheriffis of all Counties can issued State Licence to Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts & Commercial Lot in Induistrial Location in Block Zone only they are Located only too! Isw commercial Location of Mfgs, Warehouses , Offices , Buildings too! Call the Induistrial Park Block zones only too! Agreed?? Or Disagree?? Date is ) (01/01/2013 To 12/31/2013 A.D too! Is Offical too! Up to Today too! True!!! The Number Of Gun Dealers Still The Same to today too! True!!! P.S Add, 51438 Class-1 is(01 + Add 7357 Class-2 is (02) =(58.795 Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses in 50 States too! True!!!

  51. Next Year is 1 Yr period is 01/01/2016 A.D to12/31/2016 A.D. too! The Overal count will be total is F.F.L.s holder”s is (50630) Retailers Gun Dealers Businesses total count in 50 States too! We will lost about number of Retailers GVun dealers Store Fronts & Commercialk lots in industrial Block zones too! The total of smaller Gun Dealers Busineses did declines downward is total count is 7704 F.F.L.s holders & state Licences to sell all Firearms in all fifty States too! To Sell Firearms You must have State Licence to sell all Firearms legally too! The Federal Firearms Licence id issued by the A.T.F. Licening Division only too! The State Licence to sell all Firearms at State of rewsidence you live in as a residence is ;issued by the country Sherffis Dept of Licence Dept of the Counrty Groverment only by the Sheriffis Dept only too! The State you live in pay your taxes too! True!!!

  52. 1 The Number of Retailer Gun Dealers Busineses dropped down From: 50630 F.F.L.s to reduction of fewer of the Retailers Busineses too! to lower Number is 48 ,315 F.F.L.s Holders of Class-1 is (01), 0.66 % is ).662/3 % ! Also &Class-2 is (02) too! Is Less then 0.33% too! 0.331/3 % The Overal count is now is 03/17/2015 the Offical National count today count is officaL too!!!! We did lost 2315 F.F.L.s Smaller Gun Dealers Busineses did decline too! In 50 States too! True!

  53. 1. Put a number Cap Limit on the Number of Class-3 Is N.F.A. Rules do apply too! The Number of Class-3 is N.F.A. to is (09) too! There Should be (2) Class-3 is (09) Option Lawenforcement Gun Dealers per 1/2 State too! Per 50 States too! 2 Gun Dealers Option Lawenforcement Gun Dealers Police & Firemen & Policewoman & FireWoman too!

  54. 1. The # year Renual Rates For Class-3 is N.F.A. is (09) Licvence with Tax Stamp is Blacvk color too! The Fee is ( $100,000.00 Per 3 Year Renuals to, or More too!

  55. 1. The Total national Number of Retailer Gun Dealers Businesses on 07/22/2015 A.D. is 25,000 to os officat in 50 States too! In the hold U.S.A. too!

  56. 1. The Number of Class-3 is (09) is N.F.A Retailers Busineses is N.F.A is Limited to (2) Per each of the 50 States too! The Maxium Cap limit in the Class-3 Is (09) to is U.S.A. is 100 N.F.A.Class-3 is (09) Licence Gun Dealers is maxium Cap limit too! Do you agree? Or Disagree? Don”t add any new Class-3 Is (09) Fulloauto Gun Dealers Retailers store outlets too! Two per each of 50 States too! agree!!! The U.S Treasury Dept Of U.S.A. only runs the (B.A.T.F.E.A. Divsion ),only too! Is the Licening Dept Agency only too! Will issued thoses Applications Froms only is ;F.F.L.s only issued those Applications out only too! P.S Not Privete Busineses is Should not do it at all too! Agreed!

  57. 1. Attention Federal Law Enforcement(:B. A.T.F. E.A.) Federal Licence Dept of Inspectors : There are to many bad Gun Dealers in,All the Counties in 50 States making mistakes: on Federal Firearms Licence From is (4473) to buy Rifles Shotguns For hunting Sport for Hunting Season every Year too! is Class-1 -(01 & Class-2 (02 is regular Gun Dealers Retailers.Also The Class-1 Is (01) With Tax Stamp on to it to make is N.F.A. Rules to apply too! Agree! The Class-3 is (09) is N.F.A. Law Enforcement Retailer & Military too!N.F.A rules to apply also General Class-3 Is (09) only too! Agree! National Guard Military too! Agree! Solution is: Let Make List of bad Gun Dealers Retailers Are making mistakes on Applications too! Tell them There renewal Applications are Cancelled out too! You Are History too! Theses Gun Dealers Smaller Businesses leave a bad way too! Do you Agree! Or Disagree? They should be put out of Businesses for Good of Close out Gun Stores By Trade. Or Sporting Gun Stores too! Pawn Shops& Gun Shops Regulars too! Combination Businesses & Gun Stores Selling Guns as well too! In all Counties & All 50 States as well too! Agree! Theses are Dealers Retailers Businesses are Medium Size Or Smaller Gun Dealers Regulars as well too! Do you agree? Or Disagree? Start Shutting Them down now ! They are Making Mistakes on 4473 Federal From & In instant Check Application is issued by the State Police of 25 States. And the Highway Pattroll & State police of 25 States too! Do you agree!

  58. 1. Attention Federal Law Enforcement(:B. A.T.F. E.A.) Federal Licence Dept of Inspectors : There are to many bad Gun Dealers in,All the Counties in 50 States making mistakes: on Federal Firearms Licence From is (4473) to buy Rifles Shotguns For hunting Sport for Hunting Season every Year too! is Class-1 -(01 & Class-2 (02 is regular Gun Dealers Retailers.Also The Class-1 Is (01) With Tax Stamp on to it to make is N.F.A. Rules to apply too! Agree! The Class-3 is (09) is N.F.A. Law Enforcement Retailer & Military too!N.F.A rules to apply also General Class-3 Is (09) only too! Agree! National Guard Military too! Agree! Solution is: Let Make List of bad Gun Dealers Retailers Are making mistakes on Applications too! Tell them There renewal Applications are Cancelled out too! You Are History too! Theses Gun Dealers Smaller Businesses leave a bad way too! Do you Agree! Or Disagree? They should be put out of Businesses for Good of Close out Gun Stores By Trade. Or Sporting Gun Stores too! Pawn Shops& Gun Shops Regulars too! Combination Businesses & Gun Stores Selling Guns as well too! In all Counties & All 50 States as well too! Agree! Theses are Dealers Retailers Businesses are Medium Size Or Smaller Gun Dealers Regulars as well too! Do you agree? Or Disagree? Start Shutting Them down now ! They are Making Mistakes on 4473 Federal From & In instant Check Application is issued by the State Police of 25 States. And the Highway Patrol & State police of 25 States too! Do you agree!

  59. 1. There is 44,000 Retailer Gun Dealer Total Count in U.S.A. too ! Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is (01) is (0.66666.66) too! is(0.66%) Pawn Shop Gun Junk Dealers is (02) is (133333.33 %) too! True!

  60. 1. This is: Complaint ,On Federal Level,State Level too! Country , City, TownShips,Towns ,The Street Criminals Gangs of Cities,TownShips,Town ,Counties of 50 States Druge Dealers ,Conner, Whole Saller Distribotor Druge Dealers Sell to Conner Druge Dealers to Sell illegal Druges too! They Steal Guns an Behind Glass Counter too! it true! Ammo from Smallers Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Outets Busuneses too! They robbed them blind too! All hand Guns Cleaned out :& Ammo is Cleaned out shelves too! The Menilly Illed People do Steal Guns too! They Should Not buy Firearms at all in 50 States too! Do You Agreed! Foreign Criminals are non Citizens do have Criminals Records too! An Arrests in Foreign Counties too! It True!!! They Mently Illed Criminals In Sane People Do have Criminals Never Been Taked to Court of Law too! They Allways Get Away with it alot it true!! The Law has to Change too! This loop hole has to limited too! They must not be allow Firearms Of any Kind too! Agreed! in all 50 States too! Do you agreed!!!They Should Be Not Allow Firearms Out of Gun Stores too! Sporting Goods ^ Gun Stores ,Pawn Shop& Gun Stores,XCombinations Busineses & Gun Stores Too! Is Class-1 & Class-2 Licences & States Licences Issued by the County Groverments Of 50 States too! The State LIcences, Retailers Gun Dealers ,Distribors of Firearms, Import & Export Corp. Company,I.N.C Company,Ic Class-2 Rating only ! Is not an Import &Export Gun Dealers Licence is no more too! Rules be Change too! Licences , Mfg Corp.Company I.N.C . Regular CO. to is a Licences Busineses too! Is not Retailer Gun Dealer Licence For Mfg Businesses too! Is Class-2!Rating By Federal Laws, State Laws of Fifty States Too!

  61. 1. The Number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is declining down ward by each of following months goes by too! Reason is to many Gun Dealers can”t Any Official Papers is issued by the Towns,Townships, Cities ,Counties , of all 50 the States too! This is why the Federal Government is shutting them down too! Gun Show Gun Show Dealers are from Homes ,Township Homes ,Cities Homes too! Residential Gun Dealers in there private homes too! This is illegal by zoning Commission of Building Cods,Properties Codes Regulations on Town, Town Ship,Cities, Counties ,State, Federal Level of zoning Regulations Are enforced too! They work with the B. A.T.F.E.A.too! To Cut off Renewals Applications Federal Firearm Licences. & State Licences to are shut off to for good! Agreed! This is Federal Law, State Laws of 50 States too! Agree! Renual applications are cut off too! And Stop on the Mark too!!!

  62. 1. The State of Texas has 5151 Gun Dealers too! We need to cut 2/3 of those smaller gun dealers way down too! Agree! Solution is: Lets cut it way down to 2575,5 Gun Dealers! Is (01) (02) too! F.F.L.s holders too!

  63. 1. The Rest of the 49 States in eastern Part & Midwestern States Needs to Cut down the Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too! (01)(02) too! Most of those gun Dealers are Smaller Businesses to it true!! Midsize one are included too! Are over Crowed too! They need tobe Cut down by 2/3 of it numbers by each of the States are over crowed by them too! it true! It time to cut it down too! Cut off Renewals Applications out too! To reduce City ,Township,towns , & counties too! Do you agree? or Disagree?

  64. The Total of Gun Dealers Retailers Overall count is 40,000 too! Class-1 is (01) & Class-2 is (02) too! They are Numbers are going down: by each month too! There Numbers is dropping way too! It true! I’M talking about Smaller Gun Dealers, Medium Gun Dealers, Businesses it true!!1

  65. 1. The Latest official count of Directory of Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses total (21,524) in 50 States to in the U.S.A. too! 09/21/2015 A.D too!

  66. 1( The the Finial solution is) Attention B.A.T.Ff.A.Divsion, of U.S.A Treasury Dept too!.For the entire U.S.A. . should, be 5000 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts & commercial Properties as one package unit too! The Maxi-um Cap limit of not to not exceed it qua ta Number limit too! And the 50 States the Maximum cap: is, 100 F.F.L.s too! The B. A.T.F.E.A. Div.will respected it ruling.too!Do you agree!!! the This should not exceed the cap limit per fifty States do agree on by reducing crime in ,cities,townships, towns ,counties too!! and al the 50 states in all too! do you agreed!!! l Do you agree! This will Reduce number of stolen guns out of smaller & medium Gun stores too ! Most of theses Gun Dealers merchants don”t log there new order of Guns & ammo products too! in the Register A.T.F. booklets for new orders from the Distributors Corp.companies I.N.C co. too! Most of them do it by smaller percentage is 0.03% do care about the Regulations of Federal laws & State Laws of all fifty States too! it true! P.S. don”t added any F.F.L.s Applications & perverseness them to over the cap limit of the number of gun Dealers Numbers is not to exceed it quota number cap number limit please too! do you agree! Reason is: this will stop the number of Gun Dealers robberies in crowed states has to many Gun Dealers Class-1 is (01)regular Dealers & Class-2 (02 Pawn Shops&junk Dealers & gun Stores too! Thank-you!!! Reason is: to stop number of stolen Guns winding on dead end streets, in, Cities,townships,towns in AL counties in all fifty states too! do you agree!! The Police depts, of Towns , townships, Cities, Sheriff’s Depths And the 25 States in all is State Police too! Another 25 States is the highway patrol & state police too! The Want to B.AT.F.E.A. Division to do permanent maxium number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts &Commercial properties is package too! do you agree!!! Or disagree!! This ma state met too! to reduce Gun Crime!!!

  67. 1. Tell all the mfrs is to stop making the Ar-15 Semiautomatic Rifles, An the Ak_47 Semiautomatic rifles is off the market today too! And stop mfg Clip Feeding Units that hold more then 10 Rounds Clips too! only for Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 Is (02 F.F.L.s for pawn Shops Junk Dealers & Gun Shops )too! the )F.F.L.s is limit up to 10 rounds is the the Max limit too) By the new rules i Do agree!!! The New rules change is! tHEY CAN”T those items NO MORE TOO! The Large Clips & Drums is not Available for I talking 20,30 ,50 60 ,75, rounds & 90 rounds 7 100 rounds too! And Drums holders units is 50 rounds,75 rounds ,100 rounds units too! Let”s tell Them !!! The Sporting goods,hunting,Fishing,Camping, & Gun Dealers Can”t get there’s items is no more too! They are Class-3 Items only too! This goes for combination Businesses& Gun Shops is Class 1 Is (01) too! This goes for handguns Semiautomatic Clips up to maximum of 10 Rounds Clips is the maximum 2 Clips too ! ONLY cAP limit TOO! 10 rounds for the Law-abiding U.S.A Citizens Right to have one Rifle, Shotgun, one Semiautomatic Pistol, revolver too! Do you agree!!! This is not Left Wing Government too! This is right Wing The To Keep and bear arms too! In all Fifty States too! Agree!!!

  68. 1. The 10,000 Maxi um cap limit is Retailers Gun Dealers too! The 50 States maxim cap limit is 200 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Retailers per all the fifty States is max cap limit of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts & Commercial properties too! (01)(02) F.F.Ls holders & State Licences to sell all Firearms at stat Level too! do you agree!!! This will cut down the number of smaller Gun Dealers Businesses too! They will be under strict controls for renewal there F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences Applications too! do you agree!!!Make it harder to get or Processed it to finish the Licence too! do you agree!!1 By the B.A.T.F.E.A, Agency too! Do you agree!!!! There will be fewer smaller Gun Dealer Store Fronts businesses in the future too! This will cut down the number of Guns & ammo is harder to find on the States Counties Cities,townships, towns ,too !!! do you agree!! Make is harder to get there F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences to sell all Firearms at State level is issues by the counties sheriff’s dept if State Elected Officer too!

  69. 1. 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2015 A.D too! The Total of Retailers Gun Dealers is around 44,000 too! Is overal ! The Total Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses ,Is (25,000) & Commercial Lots in Commercial Busineses Zones Locations only tool! Do You Agree!!!

  70. 1. Out of 44,000 Retailers Gun Dealers is overall in U.S.A too! The are total number count of Gun Show Dealers of 19,000 Can”t Proved Official Papers of Ligament legal Business Store Front & Commercial lot Located in industrial Locations only too! Complaint is no official Papers & to tax Licence too! No Business Licence is issued by Town, Township, Cities, Counties, State, too! If they Can”t Proved official papers at all too! They Should not be issued and Application For Class-1 (01) Licence Or Class-1 is (01) With Class 3 Tax Stamp to make an Class-1 With Class -3 Full auto Licence Dealers is second Licence too! Or Regular Class-9 Licence With Tax Stamp is general master Licence Rated number-(2) too! There is Class-4 Is An master Licence is (04) Is Very Difficult to Apply for it by Application too! To Progresses It is Difficult to get the Licence too! Do You Agree! Rules by the A.T.F in Charge of Federal Licence Dept too! True!!!

  71. The Total of F.F.L.s Holder Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers National is Latest offical count too! Is(34,788 ) F.F.L.s holder s too!!!!is Class-1 Is Regular Gun Dealers Retailere only too! (01) & Class-2 (02 is Pawn Shop & Gun Shop Dealers only ttoo!!!overal national in the U.S.A too! Is offical by the A.T.F. too!& commercial Properties in coimmercial zones locatons only ntby zoning coimmsion Rules do apply too! Industries Block assign zones only too! Agree!

  72. 1. 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2016 The max Cap limit should be 34,788 F.F.L. Holder Retailers Gun DealersStore Fronts & Commercial Property too! Agree! With Official Papers from Towns.Townships.Counties States, they Live in too! To Proved they have store & Commercial Properties in InDustrial Zones location too! Do you Agree!!! They Are industrial Block Assign Zones too!

  73. 1. The number of Retailers Store Fronts decline downward direction to (25,000) F.F.L.s holder”s total national -count in the U.S.A. too! Class-1-(01) & Class-2 &(02) too! We lost 9000 F.F.L.s holders in 50 States too!

  74. 1. The Maximum Cap limit For 2016.A.D for hold year is 10,000 Federal Level for U.S.A to; do you agree? for one Year period of tome too! The 50 States is State Government to is maxi um cap limit is; 200 F.F.L.s holders per each of the(Governments 50 States as well too! they must do it too! To reduce crime in U.S.A. 7 50 States as well for agreement is peruse by the Attorney Generals by agreement as follows by each of the 50 States is required to do so too! The maximum Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts& Commercial properties as one unit per Gun Dealers Retailers regulars too! The Pawn shop Junk & Gun Shop Dealers will be limited completely too! Most of the Criminals do shop there a lot too! It true!!1 Foreign Criminals non citizens too! Will buy Guns with there Green card has numbers to purchase Long Guns, Handguns too! Including Full auto Weapons from a Class-3 Dealers Retailers Gun Stores too! Faster the The U.S.A Citizens can are born in the U.S.A to it true!!! Non Englishman & woman non Speaking Englishes too! They used there Native tug too! It true That”s why they must be careful of Foreign Customers too! They have family member that Speaks English an write it well too! to translate to there native tug too! To there Friends can”t speak English too! Trying by a gun in the U.S.A is not an U.S.A Citizen at all too! Could be Dangerous enemy too! In all 50 States as well!!! Do You Agree! They should notified A.T.F E A. Anchorites immediately soon as possible too ! To Stall the suspect too! Until Police get there to the Crime Sean too! Agree! Truing to stop Illegal Gun Purchases to in any kind too! vdo you agree! This pertains to illegal Aliens are non citizens living in the 50 State too! Do you agree!!!

  75. 1 The Pawn Shop Junk Dealer& Gun Dealers is Class-2 Is (02) State Licence Says Class-2 Is (02) for Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Shop Dealers only too!And Regular Catologe Busineses & Gun Dealers is Class-1 Is (01 Licence & State Licence, Saying Clas-(01) Regular Licences too! They Should by limited too! Not sell Firearm & Ammo too! Do you agree! Reaso is to Reduice Crime in the Counties ,Citries,Townships,town s too! is every State of 509 in the U.S.A. too! Do you agee????? They should not sell Firearms & An Ammo too! Gun Parts,Acceriesses as well too! Do You Agree!!!!! This wil cut down the F.F.L.s Populaton down alot too! Lets Cut down Crine too!

  76. 1. The Max Cap Limit for one Year Period of time 01/01 2016 A.D to 12/31 2016 A.D too! Agree! Its for Gun –Dealers Busineses too! is overal national is offical is about (34,788 Retailers Gun Dealers) Store fronts & —Commercial Properties one package unit is equal one F.F.L.Gun Dealers Retailers businese too! Agree! Don”t add up the smaller Gun Dealers & Medium Gun Dealers Retailers too! Reason is they are to many of them in the U.S.A. in 50 States too! Do you Agree! They are stil going down alot by each month passes by to it true!!! They must cut about 080% out too! By reduction is needed too! Agree! By the A,T,F, Licening Agency must do it to to reduice crime in 50 States, Counties ,Cities,townships, towns too! Do you agree??

  77. 1. The number of F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Retailers are Store Fronts Smaller Busineses & medium busineses are dropiung in Numbers is alot less too! Alot Less then 34,788 F.F.L.s too! By each month passed by too! If buisineses Clinent tell is not making money to buy Products too! Out of Smaller Stores munbers is dwinding way down in western States ,Midwestern States, Eastern States aswell too! Class-1 Isc (01)& Class-2 Is (02) Regular Gun Dealers not making ends meet the money they want to make in a Year time too! To earn money too! The Money is very tight now true!!! They are shunking way lesser Numbers today too! It True!!! The Big Gun Stores are buying then out too! It true!!!

  78. 1. THE U.S.a Goal is maximum Cap is (5000) F.F.Ls Holders Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses to is Maxi um Cap limit too! The 50 States Governments is maximum cap Limit is 100 Retailers Gun Dealers Stores Fronts to in 50 States as well too! The cap limit will the B. A.T.F.E A. Agency of the U.S.A. Treasury Dept of the Federal Government will do it too! I do agree !!! There will be max cap limit on the number of Class-1 Is (01) regular Gun Dealers Business too! & Pawn shop & Gun Shop Dealers is Class-2 Is (02 too! There Licence will change to regular Class-1 Is (01 too! Combination Businesses& Gun Stores to is Class-1 is (01) Licence & State Licence to sell all Firearms too! Is issue by the Country Sheriff’s Dept of all fifty States too! Agree!!!!

  79. 1.Reason is i”m searching for the truth of the number of F.F.L.s holders to:, on 01/016/2016 A.D. there Count in the U.S.A was (67,747) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store fronts! Yes or no? Or could some one can make False State meant is not true too! Question is Some one make up an number is not count ;of F.F.L.s holders is Retailers Gun Dealers Regulars is class-1 is (01> Or Pawn shop Junk Businesses Gun Dealers is Class-2 Is (02 too! Combination Businesses & Gun Stores is class-1 is (01) Holder”s too! P.S on 01/01/ 2012 The Overall count of F.F.L.s Holders was,70,000 Total count too! 01/01 2013 There Were 58,334 overall count too! 01/01/2014 There 51,436 F.F.L.s too! 01/01/2015 A.D. There were Around 50,630 F.F.L.s Licence Gun Dealers Holders Store Fronts & Commercial Properties as one Package Unit too! Equals one Gun Dealer Business too!( 01/01/2016 A.D there Remaining count is F.F.L.s holders is 48,000),- -total Count today count Of F.F.L.s Licences Businesses Gun Dealers Retailers too! Yes Or No? Is Left today national Count to in the U.S.A. too! True! Or False!

  80. 1.Date : is 03/02/2016 A.D is Official!!! The total count is official F.F.L.s Count is 55,000 Retailers Gun Dealers Class-1 Is (01)&Businesses too! Regular Gun Dealers Regulars & Pawn Shop& Gun Shops Class-2 is (02) Licences & one State Licence, Is to sell all Firearms as well too! from the Country of State they Live in too! The Increase should be higher too! Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2(02) Should be $ 2500.00 for 3 Years Period too! The Renewals is $2500.00 Is every Year too! The State Licence is $1,250.00 # year period of 3 years too! Renewals is Same Price is $1250.00 3 year period too! Do you agree! This will knock out the large number of smaller Gun Dealers Retailers outlets Smaller Gun Stores will be cut off Chunk is big cut too! Do you agree!! A.T.F. !!!! The Other Class-1 Is (01) With Class-3 Tax Stamp is under N.F.A. Rules too! Special Licence N.F.A. too! It will cost you $2800.00 For renewals is 3 Years too! The Regular Class-9 is Master Medium Licence is (09)Licence is Medium Licence is no set Sale price $300,000.00 For 3 Years Or More in Dollars too! Is no set Price in Dollars or More too! Do You Agree!

  81. 1. The Numbers of Gun Dealers is Overall total is 55,000 Now in 01/01 2016 A.D now too! We should cut the number of smaller Gun Dealers F.F.L.s holders Should be reduced by cutting out the smaller gun Dealers Retailers out too! There is to many of them to in the eastern part of the U.S.A. is 1/3 is N.E.S.W. too! They should cut down by 2/3 s is smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses too! n Towns,Townships <cities, Counties, Some States to in Eastern Section of the U.S.A. There is (TO Many smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Smaller Stores too! Solution is Lets Cut some of them down now ! It Time to stop guns off the Streets of to many crooked Gun Dealers Selling Guns under Table Sales is illegal by Federal Law & States Law, Counties Law, Cutie Law,Township Law, Town Laws too! Do You Agree! Let"s Cut out 4370 Smaller Gun Dealers out of Circulation too! by Cutting F.F.L.s Renewals Applications is cancelled off for good too! Cut off State Licences for Retailers Gun Dealers is Class-1 Is (01) &Class-2 Is (02 For Pawn Shops & Gun Stores too! Combinations Businesses & Gun Stores as well in 50 States too! Do You Agree?? Or Disagree?? There wil be not as many Gun Stores is Smaller Businesses too! Today as years before is 16 Years ago too! Do you agree!!! By Cutting Street Gun Crime way Down by 0.99% too! Do you agree! To make it harder to apply for F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences for Retailers Gun Businesses is Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 Is (02 For Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers too! Combination Businesses & Gun Stores as well too Do You Agree?? Or Disagree??? The Maximum Cap Limit Should be (50630) F.F.L.s Holders for Retailers Gun Dealers Businesses of any Kind too! Import & Export Corp, Company I.N.C Is,Not Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Licence is no more too! Do you agree!!! Class-2 Is only too ! Mfg Co.Corp,Inc co not Gun Dealers Licences is no more too! Working both Ends of the Stick is illegal too! This Should put Stop to this illegal Gun Businesses too! Do you Agree! The A.T.F E.A. Should Set the ground rules for threes Businesses too! Do you agree! It is time to put our foot down today now! Agree! There is Federal Law & State Law, County law, Cities law,Town Ships law, Town laws too! Do you agree!

  82. The Total of F.F.L.s holders is Around 55,000 in 01/01/2016 A.D is Dropping too! Soon It will be( 50,630 F.F.L.s) is (01) & (02) on all the Retailers Gun Dealers retailers is overall too! soon too!

  83. 1. By 01/01/2017 A.D. The number of store Fronts Gun Dealers Businesses will be max cap limit in U.S.a too! each of 50 States will be 500 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers is maximum cap Limit per each of following States must do it too! Agree! Is (01) & (02) F.F.L.s holders & One state Licence for State Level to sell all Firearms at State you live in too! Do you agree! Reason is to stop Roeg Gun Dealers out too! Do you agree!!Complaint is ; Crooked Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Businesses is to Many of them too! Do you agree! Or disagree??/ The Federal Government will the stalling;out the applications out too! is (01) (02) F.F.L.s holders Renewal Applications out too! To Cancelled The Licences out too! An state Licences For Retailers Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too! To Limited out Bad Gun Dealers Roeg Crooked Businesses out of Businesses out too! Do you agree! Or Disagree?? To weed out bad one out of Businesses out too! Do You agree?? Let”s be careful how we issued F.F.L.s Application forms out so easily too ! Do You Agree! Or Disagree??? This is all The F.F.L.s Licences , Retailer, Import& Export, Or Mfg Licences too! Do you Agree??? This is very serious problem too! Today World too! Do you agree! Or Disagree?? too???

  84. 1. The Remaining Count of F.F.L.s Holders below too! We Lost about from number of smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is about (630) in the U.S.A too! Before it was:, 50630 F.F.L.s holders in 50 States too! They are still going down a lot too! In mouths time goes buy too! It true!!! The Official Count is a lot less now too! It is now Near count is About : the Official number is around in the U.S.A is (50,000) Retailers Gun Dealers Businesses is left today. It is official Bate is 04/22/2016 A.D too! P.S they are Still going down slowly by each of the months passes by to it will be not as many of the Smaller Gun Dealers Stores Fronts Businesses is Class-1 Is (01 Regulars Gun Dealers too! The number of Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers,Stores are Smaller ones Or medium ones to it numbers are declining a lot do time passes by the months goes by too! It true!!! About 1/2 of them will Dec line too! in time goes by too! They are getting S trick on the Regulations not be follow by Federal Laws & States Laws Regulations of selling Guns the Legal way of doing the right way too! Do you agree?? Or disagree??? With the Report is the Truth of Dishonest Gun Dealers Smaller Businesses & medium business in all to is Regular Gun Stores F.F.L.s Holders (01) Pawn shop & Gun Dealers is (02) too! There State Licence is sell all Firearms of the State they residence they are living in too! They should do there share of paying businesses taxes when it due by April,18,2016 A.D too! Do you agree??? To pay them quarterly out of 4 times a Year too! Do you agree??? Or disagree??? This should go to contamination, Businesses regular Gun Dealers Retailers of other different Businesses& other Gun Dealers is Class-1 Is (01) Pawn Shops is Class-2 Is (02) too well too!!! Do you agree? Or disagree???

  85. 1.05/11/2016 A.D. The total count of Retailer Gun Dealers Businesses is 70,000 Retailers Store fronts Businesses too! Is Class-1 is (01) is (066%) is (0.662/3%) too! Regular Gun Dealers too! Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers to is Class-2 is (02) is (033%) too! Is (0.331/3 %) too! Do you agree?? Yes Or No Or disagree??Yes or no too!

  86. 1. 06 /01/ 2016 : There is 25,000 Store Fronts & Commercial Properties Businesses too! There is About 50,000 Gun Dealers Businesses to in 50 States to in the U.S.a. too! We lost 5000 more smaller Gun Dealers Retailers & medium Gun Dealers Stores as well too! They are declining down ward by each of every month passes too! Is Class-1 Is (01, Is regular Gun Dealers Businesses & Class-2 is (02 is Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers too! There numbers are going Down too! Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Stores too! It true!!! ! Straw Gun Sales! Not Logging Guns items in logging in special Book by the B. A.T.F.E.A.Division of Firearms Records Are logged in by every Gun Sales is Finished too! Do you Agree?? Booklet For completed Finished Gun SALES Record Guns Record Booklet owned by Gun Stores Businesses too! In 50 States in all too!

  87. 1. There will be a lot Lesser number of, (50,000) Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 is (02) units of Retailers Gun Dealers Stores will decline a lot lesser number too! too! The smaller ones will be a lot less in numbers too! They are going down in numbers too! By each months passes too!

  88. Note:Date is 01/01/2017 To 12/31/2017 A.D. too! Is 1 Year Period of time too! The New Maximum cap For U.S.A. in 50 States too! the Number is (30,000) F.F.L.s Holder”s too! Limit for Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts& Commercial Properties as on Package Unit per one Regular Gun Dealer Business too! Agree! Is Class-1 is (01). Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers Retailers for used Guns items only too! He Or She can”t Sell New Firearms at all too! Is Class-2 Is (02) too! F.F.L.s Licence . & State Licence is issued too! Sell all Firearms only at State Level too! Is Issued by Elected ,Sheriffs Dept of Licensing the Country Government Of State you are living in too! Do you Agree!!! The Renewal Applications will More Harder to Apply for Them Too! And State Licences Will be difficult to get progresses it by Federal Agency Enforcement of B. A.T.F.E.A. Division Licencing only U.S.A Treasury Dept too! The State Licence is Issued by the Country Sheriff’s Dept of Licensing By the State Government too! Do you Agree!!! Sir??? Mam Or Disagree ??? Sir!!! or mam? Reason is There Will be fewer Gun Stores are Smaller Gun Stores & Medium Gun Stores Retailer out lets too! Agree! Don”t Give those Applications For F.F.L.s Licencees out to( Easily to get it) in the past years of 10 or 20 Years ago . Do see my Drift of prove a point too! Let”s make it harder to apply for it in the Future too! do you agree??/Gemtleman Or Ladies!!! Do you agree!!!!

  89. 1. The total count in 05/26/2016 A.D. is around 44,000 Retailers Store Fronts by end of this Year too! It will be less Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers & Medium Gun Stores too! They are Still going down in Numbers too by every month passes by too!

  90. !1. By the Year of 2019 A.D On (01/01/018 to 12/31/2018 A.D. too!I A new test Trial if it works it will be offical permanently for 1 Year Period of 365 Days too! It should work too! Agree to reduce Street Crime in Cities Town Ships,Towns , Counties too! In all 50 States will accept it too!! There will be for the U.S.A.! Is maximum Cap limit of 30,000 F.F.L.s Holders of Retailers Gun Dealers too!No more will be Added too! It will be complete Stop of Issues Application Fr oms for Renewals too! Progresses it will stop at maximum too! Cap limit Is only for regular F.F.L.s Licences to with out the Tax Stamp Extra to make it N.F.A. not Be Added at all too! Agree! (01) an (02) And one issued State Licence to sell all Firearms on State you Live in only too! Agree! The 50 States Will have maxim Cap limit; of 600 F.F.L.s Holders Retailers Businesses too! No more Will be added too! Let”s Make it harder to apply for F.F.L.s Licences Applications for Gun Shop By Trade too! Agree! Sporting Goods,Hunting Fishing,Camping & Gun Dealers too! Only Sell Long-guns only too! Agree! Is Rifles, Shot Guns For Hunting Season to only too! Do you Agree! P.S They Should Not sell Hand Guns Or Ammo for Conceal Weapons too! Do you Agree! This should a Restriction on Catalog Dept Stores only too! Only Gun Shop By Trade Regular Gun Store Can Sell Regular Hand Guns & Ammo to for those Conceal Weapons only too! Do you agree! It time you put foot down too! I do agree! By the Federal Laws & State Laws do apply too! Field & Steam Part of Dick”s Sporting Goods too! It should Not sell Handguns Or it Ammo too! There is high crime in this area too! It true!!! This goes for other 6 Stores With 500 Shotguns & 500 Rifles on displayed on wall on back of building! It The Request is they Want to Sell And Displayed 1000 Handguns,In Glass Counter in Front of The Long guns are Displayed too! & Ammo too! Away from Windows at the Front of Store in Dickson City in Pa. Near west of Scranton Pa.Location too! Do you agree! They will Put A lot of smaller Gun Stores out of Business too! They will complain to the Agents it too! Not good thing to do it too! Do you Agree? Or Disagree? Field & Steam Should Not Sell Firearms & Ammo Supplies too ! The rest of the 6 Mega-stores in few states locations too! There Licences & State Licences Should cut off immediately too! To reduce Crime!!! of Gun Thefts & Ammo Thefts too! By Street Criminals of the Underworld too! It true!!!

  91. 1. The Number of Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses Could drop to 40,000 to is overall count in 50 States too! could BE MAXIMUM CAP LIMIT TOO! 01/01/2017 A. D. to 12/31/2017 A.D for 1 year pereiod of time too! Do you agree!!! To reduce crime in the U.S.A. too!

  92. 1.On official Date: /01 /01/2012 A.D. The number of Gun Dealers Retailers is Store Fronts Gun Stores is Class-1 Is (01)& Class-2 is (02) is About (70,000) Overall Count to is official too!! Is Check by the U.S.A. once a Year too!!! Agree! Were Store Fronts & Commercial Businesses most of them is;Mom &Pop Smaller Gun Stores is most of the Margarita is the bigger groups of Medium Gun Stores is not that many too! This was Checked by the U.S.A. Federal Government Agency too How inspects Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Sales is twice a year too! Is every 6 month Period to in one Year Time too! Do you agree?? Or Disagree?

  93. 1 Date: . 01/01/2013 A.D.The Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Is (01) (02) F.F.L.s holders Was 58,794 is overall count is Latest count too! On 03/13/2013 A.D There were decline of lower number was ( 58,334) Is Correct too! Was official national in the 50 States too!

  94. 1. Date: Is 01/01/2013 is, The number of Regular Gun Dealers, is 51,438 (01) & State Licence too! The number of Pawn Shops & Gun Stores is 7356 total count too! Is official The total is 58,794 Gun Dealers Retailers is correct number too! Is offical count in the U.S.A in 50 States : on Guns Article too! Not 140,000 F.F.L.s Dealers in the Bogus over counted too!! The article should taken off too! agree!!!

  95. 1.Date is 06/09/2016 A.D. The Total count of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is Less then 34,788 F.F.L.s holders in 50 States in the U.S.A. too! They are Still Dropping in numbers too! By each of month passes by too! The y are Regular gun Stores & Pawn shops& Gun Stores too! Smaller ones 7 medium ones too! Some State have to many Smaller Gun Stores is some states too! In the Eastern Cost line of the U.S.A. is N.E.S.W. too! The east cost is 1/3 only the withed only too! They need to cut some of them by 0.50% cut off too! Agree!

  96. 1. Let”s cut down Guns is Long guns & Handguns out of Pawn Shops,Junk Dealers & Gun Shops Businesses too! I do agree too!!! Solution Is Let”s Eliminate The Class-2 Is (02) F.F.L.s Licence From the List of Regular F.F.L.s Licences too! It is time to do it immediately now before it to late to do it too! Do you agree?? The B.A.T.F.E.A. Licence Division should do it now too! It is time to do it now !!! The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Retailers Should not sell Firearms at all too! Do you agree! Reason is: The Only Gun Dealers Sell Firearms is Long Guns, & Handguns is; Gun Shop Dealers by Trade only is small Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses only too! Sporting Goods,Hunting, Fishing,Camping, Gun Shop Dealers to Is Regular Class-1 Is (01) F.F.L.s Licence Only too! And Regular State Licence of the State you live in too! Is issues one State Licence only to sell all Firearms at State Government Licence issued by the country you live in too! Is issued by the Sheriffs Dept of Licence . how issue a State Licence For Regular Gun Dealer State Licence too! Do you agree!!! Only one State Licence is issued for regular Retailers Gun Dealers Licence For gun Store Businesses only too! It is illegal to 2 State Licences to sell all Firearms at state level too! Do you agree!!

  97. 01/01/2017 A.D. to 12/31/2017 A.D. 1 Year Period too! The maximum cap limit will be( 30,000) F.F.L.s holders for 1 Year Period too! The 50 States Will be 600 Gun Dealers is maximum cap limit too! The number of Gun Dealers will decline is 4,788 F.F.L.s holders will decline too! Is Class-1 is (01) Regular Gun Dealers too . Pawn shop & Gun shop is Class-2 is (02) only too! There F.F.L.s will be a lot more money foe 3 years Licence period too! There State Licence will cost a lot more money too! Percentage of Gun Dealers are obeying the Regulations of Federal Laws & States Laws of selling Firearms the right way it should be too! They make a lot of mistakes on 4473 forms to sell Long-guns Requires 4473 form is 4 pages too! For Conceal Weapons is requires 2 forms Is 4473 from 7 Instant Applications Forms too !!! Do you agree?? Or Disagree? 1 out of 4 Gun Dealers Retailers is Rogue Gun Dealers Retailers to out there too! It true! There will be fewer Gun on the Streets of Cities,Town ships ,towns , Counties , in 50 States too! There will be maximum cap limit of 30,000 Gun Dealers Retailers on federal level to in the U.S.A too!

  98. 1. 01/01 2017 A.D to 12/31 2017 A.D to for a year too! Is Class-2 Is (*02) & State Licence is Class-2 Is (02 Sell all used Guns & new Guns too! Should be Stopped immediately by A.T.F. By the U.S A. Treasury is in charge at all Means too! & commercial ;lots too! And the Pawn Shops junk Dealers& Gun Dealers to: should be limited too! By Cutting off the Class-2 Is (02) is now more too! An the State Licence for Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Licences should be out of Business too! The Pawn shops Junk Dealers & Gun Stores F.F.L.s Licences should imitated too! There State Licences to sell all Firearms too! Is Class-2 is For fitted too! Is history too ! Do you agree? Reason is: The Criminals by there Guns at those places too! Foreign Criminals of other counties to non citizens in U.S. Jails too! They buy Guns out of Pawn Shops Junk & Gun Dealers are F.F.L.s holders as well in all the 50 States too! It true!!! By Cutting of the Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Licences & State Licences Applications is cut off too! An Renewal applications For Class-2 Is (02 Licences is no longer in service too! Reason is there will be fewer Guns of the Streets of Cities ,townships,towns counties in 50 States too! There will be fewer guns off the Streets By too! By 2017 A.D & Years to come too! Do you agree? Or disagree? Don”t make the F.F.L.s Licences easlly to apply too! Agree!!!

  99. 1. 01/01 2017 A.D to 12/31 2017 A.D to for a year too! Is Class-2 Is (*02) & State Licence is Class-2 Is (02 Sell all used Guns & new Guns too! Should be Stopped immediately by A.T.F. By the U.S A. Treasury is in charge at all Means too! & commercial ;lots too! And the Pawn Shops junk Dealers& Gun Dealers to: should be limited too! By Cutting off the Class-2 Is (02) is now more too! An the State Licence for Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Licences should be out of Business too! The Pawn shops Junk Dealers & Gun Stores F.F.L.s Licences should imitated too! There State Licences to sell all Firearms too! Is Class-2 is For fitted too! Is history too ! Do you agree? Reason is: The Criminals by there Guns at those places too! Foreign Criminals of other counties to non citizens in U.S. Jails too! They buy Guns out of Pawn Shops Junk & Gun Dealers are F.F.L.s holders as well in all the 50 States too! It true!!! By Cutting of the Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Licences & State Licences Applications is cut off too! An Renewal applications For Class-2 Is (02 Licences is no longer in service too! Reason is there will be fewer Guns of the Streets of Cities ,townships,towns counties in 50 States too! There will be fewer guns off the Streets By too! By 2017 A.D & Years to come too! Do you agree? Or disagree?

  100. 01/01/2012 A.D There is overall count of(70,000) Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses & Commercial lots as one Package Legal Gun Dealer Store Fronts business! Is correct number of Gun Dealers Stores Fronts units in 50 States too!( Mistake is P.S there were no official count of Guns Article of 140,000 F.F.L.s Dealers is bogus By the News Papers is over counted too! It true!!! It should taken off the internet News page too! ) Do you agree? Sir? Mam?

  101. 1. There Should be maxim Cap limit In the U.S.A. Should be official too! The Number of Gun Dealers is By the New Year of 01/01/2020 And Beyond too! Years Ahead to come soon too! Do You Agree?? Reason IS TO REDUCE CRIME IN CITIES,Township S TOWNS & COUNTIES IN 50 STATES TOO! Do YOU agree! The Solution is The maximum Cap Limit is Federal level too!: U.S.A. is 5000 Retailers Gun Dealers Businesses ,Is Maximum Cap limit too! The 50 States The Maximum Cap limit (is 100 Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses Is maximum cap limit too! Attention A.T.f. to enforced it soon too! On 01/01 2020 A.D too

  102. 1.0101 2016 A.D there is 25000 Store Fronts Businesses Retailers Gun Dealers total too! Is (01) F.F.L.s is ).66%! & The (02) F.F.L.s Pawn shops & Gun Dealers,is 0.33% ! too! is left too! They are declining in numbers slowly by each month too!

  103. on 01/01 2013 A.D there Were 58,334 Firearms Gun Dealers Retailers in 50 States too! 3 Years Later There were about sharp decline of Per montrhs time too! It true!!! The , 23,546 Gun Dealers Smaller one did decline out of busineses too! F.F.L.s Holder”s is Retailers Busineses too! There is 06/29/2016 A.D. is 34,788 Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses is left today too! They are still going down in numbers od smaller Gun Dealers Retailers is declining down ward too! It true!!! 1 Straw Gun Salers over the Gun counter too! By Bad Gun Dealers are roge Gun Dealers Break Federal Laws & State Laws too! They Applicants Lie on the 4 Page Application form to Buy Rifle & Shotguns too! one from only too! For semi -Pistal & Revolver 2 forms is 4473 from 4 pages & Instant Check Application is 3 pages forms unit too! Do you agree! One out of 4 out 10 Gun Dealers is bad apple,Regular Busineses Gun Dealers too! Is Class-1 Is (01) . Pawn shop & Gun Dealers is class-2 is (02) too! It True!!! Solution is: They Should make list of Black ball bad apple ex Dealers F.F.L.s Holder”s too! List of Names of Gun Busineses did not follow the Gun Laws of Sell Firearm the Legal way with in the Laws should be done right way too! Agree! If not they will not get there Renual applications for Class-1 Is(01) )Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers is, Class-2 Is(02) Renuals too! There State Licence is renuals to is only issued one State Licence from the Sheriffis Dept of licencing onl by the country you live in too! Of what State you pay your taxes every year too! Do you agree! They are getting Stricter on mastakes on 4473 froms by applicants are causing it to be true!! Making mastakes on instant check Applications too!(A serios Problem is )They do read The Queations on those forms ms too! It true! There are mastakes on thoese Forms to by Applicants are buying gun at the Gun Store Busineses too! It true!!! Thisa is reason they go out of Busineses by smaller Gun Stores Merchents don”t make it threw too! True!!!

  104. 1. On June,16,2016 A.D There is remaining count of is overall count is 43,000 Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers Is Regular is Class-1 Is (01 is Regular Gun Dealers only too! & An Class-2 Is (02 )Pawn Shop Gun Dealers Only too! They are still going down in numbers too!

  105. 1. There Are Certain F.F.L.s Licences is Off Limit to All Class-1 (01) Class 02 Is (02) Class 3 Is And Class-1 Licence With Extra Tax Stamp is Class-3 N.F.A. Licence ! And Regular Class-9 Licence is N.F.A too! Gun Dealers too! Agree!! There is certain Licences is off limits to all the Gun Dealers Retailers too! Agree!!! They are : ——- —— — The Import & Export Licence is (08) & (011) too! Is under Class-2 Rules too! The Mfg Licences is Corporate Mfg Licences is (06) (07) (010) too! Only The Regular Manufactures Co.Corp. Inc. Is (06) Ammo & (07) Manufactures can apply for Extension F.F.L.s Licence is Import & Export Licence is Type-(08) only too! Agree!!! P.S Note: The N.F.A. Manufacture is Type (010 ) Can Apply for Extension is Import & Export N.F.A. Licence is (011) F.F.L.s Licence Extension only too! Do you Agree?? Or Disagree???

  106. 1. PS Only the Regular Gun Manufactures Class-1 Is (01) Only is Of Is : (06 ) (07 ) F.F.Ls Licence Can ply for extent ion Licence is Limited to Type-(08) Import & Export Licence only ! Agree! The N.F.A Manufactures Is Type-(010) Is Can apply for Extension is N.F.A. Licence is Import & Export Licence N.F.A is (011) only too! Agree!!! Do You Agree? Or Disagree?

  107. 1.01/16/2016 A.D. : There is 55,000 Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses in 50 States today ! They are still declining in numbers too! Is Class-1 (01) & Class-2 Is (02)

  108. Subject is: Note: There is 55,000 Regular Firearms Dealers (01).+ The Pawn Shops Shops & Gun Dealers is 8000 (02) F.F.L.s licences too! The Total count is about 63,000 Firearms Dealers is left in the U.S.A too! They are still going down in numbers too! By each of month passes too! True!!!

  109. 1.( Note) the number of Retailer Gun Dealers dropped:from 63,000 F.F.L. Holders to a lot less to 34,788 F.F.L.s holders too.Answer is:Number Of F.F,L.s Holders is 28,212 Retailer Gun Dealers,decline too! out of Business ! Is (01) (66/2/3 is ).66% & (02)33/1/3 is 0.33% too! Lot of Those Gun Dealers is (01) & (02) not Logging In the Record A.T.F Book let of Number of Guns items & ammo purchase from wholesaler Co.Corp I.N.C Co too! And the(Federal Firearm Licence; Number Is logged; into: Logging Record book, the name of the Retailer Gun Dealer Sporting Goods Store. Pawn Shop Junk Dealer & Gun Store too! An Gun Shop Dealers By Trade is Regular Gun Store too! Agreed!on the top & Bottom of the Group of Firearms is ordered too! This goes for all Retailer Gun Dealers Retailers do sell Firearms too! Do You Agree? This is Regulations by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division By U.S.A Treasury Dept of the Federal Government Regulations are Very St ricked too ! No mistakes not permitted too! Do You Agree! This pertains to the A.T.F. Logging Booklet for Any Retailer Gun Dealers Stores Do Sell Firearms & Ammo too! Amounts is Put on record too! Do You Agreed?? Yes Or No?

  110. 1 Attention Do B. A.T.F..E.A. Subject is: Guns Used in Crimes Should be not be Put back in Circulation too! They Should be separated from the rest of Clean Guns is ordered by Retailers Gun Dealers in Glass Shelves to Displaced Hand Guns Long Guns Are used in Crimes as well too! They should melted down too! Or Limited too! The Gun Dealers will not accepted T hoses Guns in there Stores to sell to the Customers how want to buy there Guns in a Gun Stores too! Agreed!, (01) &(02) too! How Many Bad Gun Dealers is Class-1 & Class-3 too? Why? Are Putting Those Crime Guns back on the Gun Dealers Shelves to it true!are accenting those Crime Guns into Circulation back on the Gun Dealers Stores on there Shelves back again too! why??! This is in 50 States too! Counties ,Cities,Townships, towns too! How bad police departments!!! Locals Cities Police Dept Sheriffs ,of, Counties too! 25 States Police too! High Way Pa troll & State Police too! Do You Agree?? Or Disagree? Why? Home Come this Salutation is Happening a tot! This is Serious Matter Subject is Serious Problem is Serious !!! too!!!P.S The Crime Gun Raids Caused by Street Criminals in the U.S.A & Foreign Nations of other Counties in the World too! Are S mugging Guns into the in 50 States too! Why??”?? By other Counties too! Are Gun Runners off the Cargo Ships off the Oceans ,West cost & East cost too! Gulf of Mexico ocean too! It true!! The Guns & ammo is cumming In fast too! It true!!! The Crime Guns don”t Belong on the Gun Market to Sell to the Law abiding Citizen is a right to be agreed! To buy a Firearm ,Long guns, & ammo too! Agreed! Is A Right to be to Protect them selves too! Do you agreed!! Or Disagree?? Gun Runners At the Cost Line Both oceans as well it true!! Wake up American Citizens in 50 States too! It true!!! Could There Be Bad Crooked Roeg

  111. 1. the Number of F.F.L.s Gun Dealers dropped From 55,000 F.F.L.s Dealers down to () 50,630 Gun Dealers is (01)(02)Class3 is Class-1 With N Fa the Class-1 new the new Tax License it with a N.F.A Tax Stamp added to it too! N.F.A Rules apply too! Agreed Special F.F.L.s License too! And Regular Class-3 is Full Auto Retailers Dealers General License is (09) F.F.L.s is no#2. We did lost 4370 Smaller Gun Dealers Gun Stores too! In 50 States too! True!!!the smaller ones only too !! They are declining down ;in numbers are less by each Month period too! True!

  112. 1. There is about number class-1 is (01) is 25,515. Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts. too! & The number of Pawn Shops & Gun Shops is Class-2 is (02) too! Together ! in one one Count too! True!!!

  113. . On June 16,2016 A.D. The overall number count, is (43,000)Is Recorded by the by Inspectors By the A.T.F. by inspections Check too! . Latest Report) in the U.S.A. of Retailer Gun Dealers Stores Fronts & Commercial Properties they are Assign by Zoning Commission Building Codes & Properties Industrial Regulations Laws on the Books today too! Do you Agree?Or Disagree?

  114. 1. there is about near count of F.F.L.(01) License Holders Regulars Gun is 53,000 too. Pawn Shop& Gun Dealers (02)F.F.L.s is 8000,too. The total is F.F.L.s is around near Count is About 61,000!!!

  115. 1.The Retailer Gun Dealer Count is 50,630 Retailers Store Fronts Businesses is (01)&(02) Too! They went way down too. Most of are smaller Gun Stores Dealers only Numbers dropped way down a lot too.

  116. 10/24/2016 A.D. : The Number of Gun Dealers Retailers holder”s Stores Fronts Businesses & Commercial Properties as one Package unit Equals One F.F.L. The Total Gun Dealer Unit. The Number Gun Dealers Stores Fronts is Correct count is, (34,788) Holders License Gun Dealers is Latest count is Correct number count is official now of Number Of Gin Dealers Store Fronts too, Is (01)&(02) & State Licenses Too!!!!!

  117. 1. The Retailer Regular Gun Dealers Count is (56,850) is(01) Total count too. The Pawn shop & Gun Dealers,(02))is total count is 8079 too! Total count is F.F.L.s Is( 64,929 holder’s Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! on june ,16,2016

  118. June ,16,2016 A.D. The number of regular Gun Dealers Store Fronts is (01)is 55,000. The number of Gun shop & Pawn Shops is (8000) too. The total count is 63,000 too! They are still declining down ward direction too! most are Smaller gun Dealers Store Fronts businesses too! true!

  119. 1.There are to many Gun Dealers Retailers (01)&(02) on the hold area They are all Crowed together on the east cost section too! Of the U.S.A too! There is to many Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers is way to many too! Solution is to cut the number of smaller Gun Dealers & Medium Gun Dealers out too! The Map of Number of Gun dealers in dots purple color too! Says 64,747 Gun dealers Dots too! 2/3″s Need to Be cut down too! to =many eggs in one nest location too. The Federal Law enforcement is Should do it too. Do you agree! Reason is Street Ganges Are Stealing Guns out of Gun Stores in Cities ,Town ships, towns too! A lot of those smaller Gun Dealers need to be Limited too! By The A.T.F too! Agree!!!!

  120. 1. There Should be Max cap limit on Retailers Store Fronts & Commercial Properties as one poackage Unit per Every ; one legal Gun Dealers Store Front Businese agreed! The maxium cap number Should be( 50,630 )Store Fronts busineses too! Is (01) 2/3″s & (02) is 1/3″s too! They can go down in numbers too! But they can”t Add up in Numbers of Smaller Gun Busineses (01) & (02) Do You Agree!!! Yes!

  121. 1. THE Retailer Gun Dealers Order Guns items are not logging there Record Booklet is 4473 From For Long G,:uns: Rifles, Shotguns too. For Handguns: Semi Pistols, Revolvers to required 2 papers is 4473 & Instant Check Application form too. Agreed! To buy an Hand Gun in Pa. in all counties too. Agree.

  122. 1 The number of smaller Retailers Businesses Gun Dealers is (01)& (02) dropped from:, 58,794 Dealers to 51,413 ,F.F.L. s , is most of the. ; smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too! Lack of Buyer’s is not many buying Guns& ammo too! is a lot less today market . True! P.S They are still dropping few numbers by each month is much less of the smaller Gun Dealers stores fronts Not logging There Guns & Ammo they ordered from the Company. too. not logging in the store record Book loge Book too! All of completed sales to customers too. pertains to Gun sales to buying gun & ammo is on Separate Book for the Ammo they sold to the Buying Customer too! Do you agree!!Yes! It a Federal & State Law on the current Books today too! agreed! in 12/04/2016 A.D.!!! Reason is money is tight today too!! People are carefully how they spend there money too. it true!

  123. 1.There is total of Gun Dealers retailers Store Fronts Businesses! is (01) & (02)! Will decline down ward too! to lower number by next year is Gun Dealers Stores Fronts will go down in numbers too.

  124. 1. The total of Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers :, (01) &(02) F.F.L.s Latest count is (56,577) Total today national count correct!!

  125. 1. There is total count of: (50,000) F.F.L.s holder”s is; (01)(02) Regulars Retailer Gun Stores Businesses &commercial Properties too! There numbers are declining down ward too! By each month passes by too! True!!! And N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) F.F.L.s too!

  126. 1. The number Store Fronts Retailers smaller Gun Dealers S hunk down a lot too. There maybe about 34,788 Store Fronts Businesses is left too. It true! The number of Gun Dealers smaller Gun Stores decline to,(21,789) F.F.L.s went out of businesses reason is buying Client tell is very low by Very low to 0.05% too. It true!!! They are getting harder with Gun Dealer Retailers Stores Fronts of Class-1 (01)an Class-2 (02 Is Pawn shop Junk Dealers& Gun Dealers too. They make ma stakes on there Record booklet of the number Of Guns items they order too. It true! An ammo Record Booklet for number of Ammo they ordered from Distributor Companies : Companies, I.N.C. companies as well too! There is A.T.F Record Booklet for Weapons ; is Should on record to if the Gun Sale is completed an Finished too! Should put on Record as well is : ni ans or Butts Excused at all too! No mistakes on the,Record,A.T.F. Booklet book ( B.A.T.F.E.A.) Division of U.S.A Treasury Dept;Washington D.C. too! Do You Agree? Firearms Inspectors of Gun Sales Dept for Retailers Gun Dealers only is (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers too! And N,F,A Gun Dealers of Law-enforcement Retailers is (09) Or Class-1 Is (01) With clas-3 Tax stamp is added to the only Class-1 Regular F.F.L.s Licenses as the extension only too! Not for the Class-2 Dealers is off limits as well too! agree! Is Pawn shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shop Dealers is only 0.05% is permitted only to in 50 States too! Do you Agree?? It will reduce Crime in the crowed cities, Town Ship & Town s too. Do you agree!!! Solution is : Make it harder applied for Renewals Applications & Make it harder to processes those applications threw too! Do you Agree??? P.S They are making Mistakes do it a lot too! in 50 States as .well!!! This is my complaint to stop mistakes on A.T.F Record forms,,is Federal Proms & Instant Check Application Forms by the State Government, By the State Police of 25 States, & Highway Pa troll & State Police of another 25 States as well too! Do you Agree???

  127. 1. If any Gun Dealers is F.F.L.s Holder”s is Retailers Gun Dealers : (01)&(02) Regulars making Mistakes on Federal Printed Forms,(4473) 4 Pages too . Or State Instant Check applications forms is 3 pages by State Police of 25 States too> & Highway Pa troll of 25 States too! solutions is be tricked too! Cut of Renewals Applications of all F.F.L.s Licenses To & State Licenses by the State you Live in too! Agree!!! Off for good to those Gun Dealers Retailers List too! I agree!! Out of Between 56,577 F.F.L.s To 34,788 Store Fronts Businesses to is left in the U.S.A too! It true!!! Quite a few went way down a lot too! It True!!! I”M talking about the Smaller Gun Dealers, (01) (02) regulars & N.F.A Is (09) & Class-1 With the extra Tax Stamp to make it Class -3 License as well on a regular Class-1 only too! Agree! That is the truth!!!

  128. 1. The Maximum Cap Limit on Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers Should be In the U.S.A is (5000) F.F.L.s (01)(02) Regulars & N.F.A is (09) option Stop Here to ;do you agree, in 50 States too! The States of 50 Should have maximum Cap Limit Should be, 100 F.F.L.s Holders (01) is Regulars is.( 0 .66%.) too. The Lesser of the Junk Shop& Gun Stores is (02) is 0.33%Pawn Shop & Gun Shop Regulars. An N.F.A. is should be Limited to is up to 0.01 % in Each of 50 States too. Do you Agree!!!

  129. 1.Gun Dealers Are caught is a Bad & Law Beaker Gun Dealers Of Any Gun Store sell many the Guns to Street Ganges of Western States West States ,Eastern States to included as well too! Will loose there F.F.L.s Licences & State Licences as well by The A.T.F Agency PoilceThe (01&(02) do sell Guns is Long Guns & Handguns to Street Gangs Called the Criminals with Bad Arrest records too. The A.T.F Will revoked there F.F.L;.s Licences & Cut of Renewal Applications off for good too! And State Licences & Renewals Applications will ed revoked too! And Put out of Business too! I do Agree!!1 We need to clean the Mess Now ! Agree! Lets get going now!!!

  130. 1. The Number Of Gun Dealer Retailer (01)(02) & State Licence to sell all firearms on 12/16/2016 A.D. To, a decline of 28,288 F.F.L.s Dealers count is Today too!

  131. 1. Gun Dealers Retailers (01)(02 Regulars N.E.A., (09) &(01 with tax stamp added too. Certain Licenses: is off Limits too: Is import & Export Licenses (08)&(011) too! Mfg (06) (07) (010) Is mfg Licenses is class-2 rules too! do you agree???

  132. 1 There Certain F.F.L.s Licences is off Limits to Retailer Gun Dealers (01)&(02) Regulars & Gun Dealers Are Class-3 Is N.F.A Rules apply is (09) is Stops Here as option F.F.L.s Licence too! And Stops here too! Not Beyond this Point to do you agree!!! Sir? Yes Or No or disagree? There certain F.F.L.s Licences is Corp. Co. I.N.C. co. to only but not Gun Dealers Licence is no more too! Is Class-2 Rules too. Rules been Change too> Agree! 1. is Import & Export F.F.L.s Licences ,is (08) & Option Licence is (011) Is N.F.A. only too! Thais goes for all Companies ,Corp. I.N.C. co. Agree! 2. The Mfg Companies of (06 & (07) Regulars Licences only too> An The option Mfg Class-3 Is N.F.A Rules do apply too! Is Class-2 Regulations by Federal Laws & State Laws, Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township Laws, Town Laws too! In all 50 States to must apply by those Laws on those up to Date Law Books For Firearms Regulations Laws on those Books today too! Do you Agree???? Yes ? Or Disagree?? Or No? .

  133. 1. The Import & Export F.F.L.s Licences Corp. An Mfg Co.s Corp I.N.C Co. is new year increase $ 1,000,000 Or more for 3 Years OR More,$$$$$$ !!! No set Rate is Open too! 2. Mfg is,(06) & (07) & N.F.A Is (010) too! Rate $ 2,000,000 Or More too! $$$$$$$$ Co I.N.C co. only too! For 3 Years Rate Or More $$$$$ Too! Do you Agree??? to Fulled up money for our Treasury to get money in to it too! Do you Agree?? Yes? Or Disagree? No? too!

  134. 1. The Total of Gun Dealers Retailers cut in 1/2 is out of Business (01) too.And 1/2 is (01)Gun Dealers remaining today too! is total Count is (29,167) (01) Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers is left today too! It true!!! This will punished the Street Gangs groups of Crime to think Twice of Stealing Guns Will be harder to find Smaller Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores too! It numbers is declining down ward to in 50 States too! It true!!! This number of Gun Dealers make more seance to curb Street Gun Thief’s by Gang Street Criminals of the under world too! In Cities,Town Ships,Towns & Counties too! All 50 States too! P.S. The Police departments CHIEFS of Police said :, the number of Gun Dealer from 56,577 F.F.L.s (01)&(02) must be cut in 1/2 too! To stop the Flow Of Guns Being Robed by Gang Members & Drug Dealers; send there People out to; find those smaller Gun Stores in Cities,Townships,Towns Counties of 50 States too! Tom locate those Smaller Gun Dealers (01)(02)regulars & N.R.A Gun Dealers Is (09) &((01 With Class -3 Tax Stamp added to Class-1 to make it a N.F.A Licence & Regular Class-1 Licence too! This is true ! Solution is : We should put Cap on It the Number of Gun Dealers now is (29,167) Temporary Hold for Now!!! In the Future The U.S.A. is 5000 F.F.L.s (01) And 50 States Will have Maxim Cap limit, Of (100) (01) F.F.L.s Holders is maximum CAP Limit too !!! And, NO MORE ADDED F.F.L.s Applications not be added too! Do you agree!!! Yes? The (02 F.F.L.s been Replace by Regular Class-1 Is (01) For Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shops now too! Do you Agree! The F.F,.L.s Licence by Pawn Shop Gun Dealers Licence No longer being Used by F.F.L.s Licence List been Removed too. Do you Agree!!! Yes . to save money too! Agree!!!! We must save Money too! P.S We are in dept. of 20, Trillion Dollars to other Nations as well too ! It true!!!

  135. 1. On 01/01/2018 A.D. It will be round near count is (28,288) is max cap limit in federal Level is U.S.A. only too Of Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts & Commercial Properties in Commercial Block zones Locations only in industrial Block zones locations to building a legal Business Retailer Gun Dealer Store too! Do you agree? PS. !/2 of the smaller Gun Stores will be gone for good too! To Reduce!!!

  136. 1. The Gun Dealers should keep better records of the Long guns & Handguns they ordered too. An The number of Ammo they ordered as well is on count too. On the record booklet for ammo products only to, the purchase too. Reason is: is very series most a problem is; most of the Regular Gun Dealers (01)(02)& the N.F.A. class-3 Gun dealers is (01) with an Tax Stamp is N.F.A. License to; is (09) regulars is large percentage is a good 0.88% an. they are lazy attitude of resentment to job as they not doing there; job not keeping Record on the Record Booklet of all the products not logged in at all too. They said it to much work too. to logged it in the Log booklet of Records of the businesses gun stores should doing too. Do you agree? If Not abiding by the F.F.L.s Rules & State Rules of Laws too! There renewals: application forms will be Cancelled out too!!! There F.F.L.s License’s & State Licensees will be confiscated by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S. A Treasury Dept. Agents!!! Do you Agree? BY enforcing the Laws too! Do you agree???? I say Yes??Let’s Put Foot Down now !!!

  137. 1. The U.S.A. Level is the maximum Cap limit for Retailer Gun Dealers : is (5000) F.F.L.s (01) Store fronts & Commercial Properties located in commercial zones only! Or industrial Park, Block zone only for of Businesses only too! To the Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Should not sell Any Firearms At all is plan to Stop Street Criminals Of Illegal harmful Dangerous Drugs : do Shop at those Stores to buy Handguns & Long guns too. Most of the Time they robbed them out of Junk Dealers Are pawn Shops & Gun Shops too. There F.F.L.s License is (02) & State License says Class-(02) only too. For all the Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers too! The Street Criminals buy Guns from There a lot to It True. The States of 50 too. There Maximum Cap limit should be for 50 States is No more then 100 F.F.L. holders too! An State License’s be issued in all 50 States as State Law they must have it too! to sell all Firearms in general too! P.S The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Should not sell Firearms is no more in 50 States too! The A.T.F should not issued them a F.F.L.s License is (02) & State License to sell used Guns by the Sheriff is Dept. of State License by the country you live in by the State you pay your taxes every Year too! They Should Removed The F.F.L.s License from the Federal Firearms License List as well too . Do you agree?? The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Dealers Should not sell, Used Firearms on Retailer Market to the Public no more too! Do you Agree?? There is to many Guns on Cities Streets, Town Shops, Towns, too! The A.T.F should not issued there F.F.L. License is (02) & Sheriffs Dept. of License to Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shop Businesses is no more too! I agree!! This should put stop to this immeadly ,now before it to late to Stop of flow of Guns is handguns & Long guns to are used only too! The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers& Gun Shop Businesses can’t be trusted, at all in 50 States as well; is true!!! The F.F.L.s Renaults Is (02) Should be cancelled Applications is cut off too! And should denied as well of the safety for the public in 50 States too! P.S The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Should not sell Firearms & Ammo too! Is no more too. Do you agree? I say Yes??? It time to change the Rules on Rage Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Are not allow to sell Firearms & Ammo is History too! Agree!! Solution is: Stop Issued F.F.L.s Licenses Is (02) & State License to sell used Firearms says (02) State License sell all used Firearms too! As a Gun Dealer too! Is Stopped by the Cutting Renewals Applications is cut off for Good too! For (02) F.F.L.s & State License for says (02)F.F.L.s State License too. It time to Cut off all The F.F.L.s Licenses & State License At state level by the State Of Country you live in too! Do You agree Sir ? Or Mam? This will cut the number Stolen Guns off the Streets! Of Cities Townships Towns Counties of all 50 States too! Agree!! Don’t Issued F.F.L.s Licenses to Pawn shops Junk Dealers & Gun Shops Licenses applications is, (02) will be cut off too! Rentals Applications is cut off too, By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S.A Treasury in charge at all times too! I Agree!!!! Let’s Put our foot down Very hard to it hurts! I agree!!! Question is ; How many Pawn shops Junk Dealers Sell Guns to Street Ganges members with Arrested, By Stolen Guns & Ammo from small Gun Stores they robbed as well??? Records By Cities Police, Township Police, Town Police too. Country Sheriffs Depts. 25 States State Police, High patrolled of 25 States too.! I do Agree!!! This is very series matter we got today on Crime of the Underworld Criminals Ganges groups are over 3,000,000 Plus Men % woman too! With Prison Records of Arrests Records too! It True!!!

  138. 1. Let”s cut down the number of Gun Dealers by 1/2. too. It will be fewer Guns Dealers are smaller one out too. is just to many of then too! We need better Con trolls on issuing applications is Class-1 Is (01)& (02) regulars Gun Dealers Applications & Renewals Applications ;as well to.o!! Do you agree?? And N.F.A Applications Gun Dealers (09) & (01 With N,F.A Tax Stamp is Extra is Oder by Class-1is (01) Only too! Number to make it N.F. A.. The Number of Gun Dealers will be 28,288 !!! Is Maxim Cap Limit for New Year is (01/01/2018 A.D too! It will begin by 01/03/2018 A.D too! It will reduce Gun Crime too. Lot of smaller Gun Dealers (01) (02) Regulars is don”t Respected the Federal Laws/ & State Laws, Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township Laws, town Laws to in 50 States too! They wail sell Guns Any old Way to make Fast Buck too! If it Straw Gun Sale most of them will do it a lot too! It True At Gun Shows Theses are.Vender Gun Dealers Retailers Out of There Homes,Town Houses It true!!! They Can”t Prove Official Papers to as an Ligament , Legal Gun Dealers With out Store Front Store & Commercial Properties at assign Block industrial Zone location too! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? I Say Yes?? Is Zoning Laws do apply a lot Properties, Building Codes And No Windows on Gun Stores too! The Guns & ammo must not Seen from looking a window too! Is Violation of Federal Laws Stands today too! It true. Do You Agree??? Yes?? Sir? & Mam? They are struck Regulations Pertaining to Gun Stores must look like too! Do you Agree??? Yes? Sur? & Mam??

  139. 1. Any Gun show Gun Dealers Set up on Fridays is Close, Open on Sat & Sun Day from 9am to 6 pm on week ends only too! If they can” store Front & commercial Properties , location in industrial block zine too. in Town, Town Ship ,Cities , what country , State You Live in too! They don”t have official papers as a ligament Gun Retailers Should be too! Don”t issued Renewal Application Paper, Or stop Processes it too. Type (01)& (02) And N.F.A Gun Dealers is (09) & (01) With Tax Stamp is added to make it n;f.a License is added only is odder too . option only too! Agree!

  140. 1. There is about near count of 34,788 (01)(02) Regular Gun Dealer Store fronts& Commercial Properties as one unit equals one Retailer Gun Dealer By Trade Or Sporting ,Hunting Fishing,Camping & Gun Store is (0) With State Licence to sell all Firearms too! Is every State as well too. Do you agree! Problem is needs to be looked into immediately as soon as passable too. Some States in the Country don”t Required a State Licence is issued by the Sheriff’s Dept is every Country in 50 States too! Some States are breaking Federal Laws & State Laws do required to have State Licence too! If they don”t They will be shut down by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division too . The U.S Attorney Office of Profiteers Office of the Federal Level too. plus they will be investigated :why they dido”t get ;application from Country Sheriff’s Dept of State Licence to sell all Firearms at state level too! Do you agree?? Why? they did”t get the Licence too; Is Federal Law & State Law in all fifty States too! It not an State Law: But as a Federal Laws they Require Them to obey the Federal & States Laws to be enforced to be by the Federal Government Regulations to be for all the 50 States to Apply for a State Licence is 3 year to sell all Firearms as well too. Do you agree?? I said yes!!! It should be enforced by the Sheriffs Dept what State You Live in too, By Federal Government, Regulations has to be enforced immediately By the, B. A.T.T.E.A. Division by U.S Treasury Dept Of The U.S.A. too. Agree!!! The number of, Store Fronts Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores dropped to 25,,000 Retailer Gun Dealers too. We lost ,9, 788 Gun Dealers Retailers Smaller Gun Dealers did decline a lot in four months period too! It true!!! Problem They are not Logging them in the A,T.F. Record Sales booklet of the Gun Buyer & The Guns is Long Guns & Hand Guns or She Purchase, At the Gun Store & Sporting ,Hunting, Fishing, Camping Gun Store too.Is (01) too! Regular Gun Dealers Pawn Shop Junk Store& Gun Store is (02) For Pawn shop broker Store an Gun Dealers, only too! agree. They Sell Used Guns only too! Not New Guns items too ! Agree!!1

  141. 1. There Should maxim cap limit: is 10,000 Federal Level too! The State Level is 200 F.F.l.s (01) on Retailer Store Front Gun Stores is, Regular Gun Dealers only will sell Firearms only too. Is Conventional Firearms, & Semi auto Firearms & 10 to 15 Shot Clips (01) The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Should not sell Firearms & Ammo in it Store no more too! Reason : is, The Criminals do shop there a lot to buy used Guns too. is Hand Guns & Long Guns too! Drug Dealers of the Under world of Narcosis Drugs too. It True The y send Feelers People Do get high on Drugs too. to Find There Gun Stores Dealers in Cities, Town Ship, Towns too. in all Countless In every State of 50 in too! In the U.S.A. too! We should Cut off the F.F.L.s Licence for The Pawn Shop Junk Shop & Gun Stores too! No Issued F.F.L.s Licences is (02) not be issued by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division too. And State Licences to sell all Firearms at State Level too! Should Cut off too! An Renewals Applications is cancelled out immediately too.. The T.Y Show in cable 70 during Afternoon Hours they Show ii a lot too. Also evening Hours too! It True!! There will be fewer Guns on the Streets Of Cities ,Townships, Towns, Counties, as all the 50 States too! Do you Agree! As recommended to an Crime Bill to be considered in the Future Time and the Date to be considered of public safety manner to be cussed in Washington D.C. soon too! I do Agree!!! The Number of Gun Dealers (01) (09, N.F.A Regulations & (01) With Tax Stamp to make it N.F..A. is Extra to be added too! Agree!!! is less the number below it 0.01 % too. Do You Agree ????Yes? Or No? This my Point too! of Public Safety in the U.S.A in 50 States in all too. Do you agree!!! Yes?? Or No?

  142. 1. The Import& Export F.F.L.s Licenses: is (08) &(011)is,Class-3 N.F.A). too. The Mfg F.F.L.s Licenses is (06) For Ammo.Mfg only too. (07) is Guns: :Firearms Conventional Firearms is Semi-autos Firearms Mfg only too. Option Mfg is N.F.A is highest is (010) is Class-3 only too. The Gun Dealers License Stop Here too! Do you Agree!!!(P.S.) Theses Licenses are off Limits: to ( Regular Gun Dealers is: (01) & (02 )is Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Shop Dealers in all of them; as well too.) Do you agree!!! I say yes!!! It Should be , a Federal Laws in the all 50 States in all too. They Can”t be trusted at all too! I agree!!! Reason is : They caught one of Regular Gun Shops By Trade too! With Regular Class-1 Is (01) Mfg Full auto Weapons under the table & Regular Gun Items too. With out not:Having mfg F.F.L.s Licenses too! Why they were Rog Gun Dealer was doing it for the easy illegal profit Crooked money too! They did n”t care About The Laws they were breaking too! Mfg illegal Gun items with the Proper Mfg License they did not have mfg License too! It true Guns too. This goes for Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers is (02) too! And Sporting Fishing,Camping,Hunting Stores & Guns Stores too! I do agree!! This kind activity has to stop immediately now before is get to far to Stop it in it tracks to in all 50 States too! Do you Agree!!! The A.T..F. Said They Can”t Be trusted With a Import & export Licenses (08)&(011)is N.F.A. Riles do apply too! And The mfg Licenses (06) Ammo, (07) Regular Guns mfg, The N.F.A Rules do apply Mfg is (010) too! Do you Agree!!! I say Yes!!! The Should do it put it into Federal Laws too! For All the 50 States too!! Do you Agree???? Reason is:Con-plaint series one too!! Think About it for a second too! Do you agree!! one too is We must prevent another incident like this from hipping again too! Do you agree!!! I say Yes!! Let”s Do it Now!!! Or Disagree?

  143. 1 The max cap limit for Re trailer Gun Dealers is Store Fronts business is (34,788) F.F.L.s Regular Retailer (01 & (02) too. It Should Stop here too.Do you agree!!! Reason is to reduce Crime in Cities,Townships,Towns! Street Gangs Youth on Drugs In blood stream to: when they mam or woman get high in pot ,too! They can”t be trusted with Firearms & Ammo too! Do You Agree! The y should be denied to Buy a Firearms & Ammo from a Gun Shop Businesses; too.Reason is; We need better back round Checks on Applicants are Applying for F.F.L.s Licences for Retailer Gun Dealers Business & state Licence by the Country Sheriffs Dept. Too. Do you agree?? We must be Careful how we sell Firearms Products to Customers too. Agree! This is serious Matter to look into too. Do you Agree, Sir, Or Mam too.Make sure They Have State License to sell at State Level is issued by Country Sheriffs Dept of License to Gun Dealers, Sporting Hunting,Fishing,Camping & Gun Shop Dealers too. Combination Businesses & Gun Store Business too. Do you Agree ??? Sir & Mam? Is all 50 States too! It is Federal Law & State Law, A state License to Sell Firearms at State You pay your taxes every Year too! Do you Agree???

  144. 1. There is total of Gun Retailers Dealer Store Fronts Businesses is (2319) is;F.F.L.s , Retailers Store Fronts & Commercial Lots in location in industrial block zone location; too! Is enforced by zoning Regulations Laws of Building Codes & Properties Laws on 5 levels of Law too! There is to many Shooting there too. By Legal Foreign Unregistered People are living in all 50 States too. They used there Green Card to buy Firearms An Ammo too! They do it all 50 States too. They are respectable for rest of (75%) murders of U.S.Citizens in 50 States too! It true!! Solution is State of Taxes Should Cut the number of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Holders is Cut by 0..50% too. . There Should be 1159.5 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers is fare Cut of Smaller Gun Dealers just to many of them too! It true! The A.T.F Should Cut about 1/2 of the Smaller Gun Dealers down too! There is to many of them too! To many of Smaller Gun Dealers too! I do agree!!! Let”s cut 1/2 should be Limited too! The Police Dept s Said they should cut down by 1/2 of The Gun Dealers is (01) (02) regulars Retailers Gun Dealers to in State of Texas too! Agree!! The Maxim cap limit should be Temporary 1,159.5 F.F.L.S FOR NOW ION state of TEXAS TOO! Do you agree?? Yes? To many Smaller Gun Dealers to in hold State Of Texas only too! Young People are out of Control too. Dop you Agree!

  145. 1. The answer is There Should be in future is U.S.A. F.F.L.s Regulations for F.F.L.s Licences Regulars 10,000 F.F.Ls Licences Gun Dealers maxi um cap limit too. They should not exceeded Quart, ed it Number too. The 50 States Maximum Cap Limit should be 200 F.F.L.s Regulars Retailer Gun Dealers is maximum Cap limit for all the 50 States too! They should not exceeded it quart ed too! do you agree!! This make better scene too. Do you agree? Yes ? It will cut down Gun Crime way Down too! Agree!!! The A.T.F should work on this: Solution to be Law on the Books someday too! Do you Agree!! They should considered it ; an think about it too. Do you agree!!! i Say Yes!!!!! This pertains in the U.S.A too. A Federal Level First too! Then The 50 States as well too. Do you agree!!! Reason is The street Gangs of MS-13 Is world wide Crime Problem too! This involved D.E.A. F.B.I. B A.T.F.E.A. of the U.S.Treasury Dept is in charge is number one too! Agree! Do you agree? Yes? Or disagree? No? too!!!!

  146. The Finial Solution is Number Of Regular Gun Dealer Regulars Stores Fronts Business for Federal Level is U.S.A. the Maxi um Cap limit should be by in future should be no more then (5000) F.F.L. Holder”s (01)(02)to should not ex deed ii quanta of certain number of (5000) F.F.L.s Holder Gun Dealers Stops Here too! Do you agree?? The 50 State Should be less of F.F.L.s holders to;is Up to (100) F.F..L,.s Holders is regular Gun Dealers (01)(02) only too> This Should Stop here not added any F.F.L.Dealer”s Retailer”s Businesses not past 100 Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Holder”s per 50 States in all too! do you Agree! With this Solution to cut down Gun thefts by street Ganges of is all 50 States in all too! There are more Illegal foreign Gangs Gr oops in the 50 States too! it true! The Number Of renewals Applications Should on better Controls at the A.T.F .Law enforcement Licensing Renewals Center too. They do back round Checks on Applicants how are applying for F.F.L. Licences & State Licence At the Sheriffs Dept of country you live in to: an State you Pay you taxes too ! Do you agree!! Let”s Make it harder for illegals Al liens are not U.S.Citizens too. They are Not allowed to Apply for Gun Dealers Licences Or Any F.F.,L.s Licences is import & Export Licences (08) N.F.A. & (011) N.F.A & Mfg Licences is Ammo is (06) License Gun Mfg Licences (07) & N.F.A. is a (010 Licences too ! is off Limits to Illegal Al liens May do harm to the U.S.A in 50 States too! Do you Agree!!!! This n my Complaint too!! The U.S. Citizens come First are Born in this Country too! Do you agree! Answer is Yes??? They Vote on it in U.S. Congress House First! &U.S Senate House should vote on it too! do you agree! Answer is Yes???The U.S.A. Citizens have Rights over the Illegal Al liens in this country too! In 50 States in all of too! Do you agree!!!!

  147. 1. There is about near Count of 34,000 Gun Dealers now too! on May,1,2017 A.D too! We should Cut it Numbers down to (28,288) F.F.L.s Gun Dealers. Should the maximum Cap limit too! It will Cu it =down too. agree! It will Stop Gun Thief’s by over 0.75% too! Do you agree!!! The new Maximum Cap limit should be (28,200) F.F.l. Dealers retailers Store Fronts today world too! I do agree!!! The Illegal Al liens Used there Green Card With number on card to I.D Them to Buy Firearms in any States too! It True ! They have more Rights then the American Citizens is born in the country too! This unfair to the American born Citizens has less Gun Rights in All 50 States too! This sham full Act in the nation too! It True!!! The illegal Al liens should not be permitted not to Firearms in Country too! I do agree!! They Should Stopped immediately by Local police Depots Town & Townships too. By Cities Police adepts, Country Sheriffs depots , an State Police of 25 States an Highway Pa troll & State POLICE OF 25 STATES too . Do you agree? Yes> Or disagree ?no?

  148. 1. The Federal Level is the U.S.A The Maximum Cap limit should be option too. It should be up to limit of (10,000) F.F.L Regulars Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts & Commercial Propensities located in, assign on near a industrial, Block zones All Retailers Gun Dealers Businesses too. agree! The State Level of 50 States Governments It should be no higher then 200 Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses Store Fronts & Commercial Properties too. Located in industrial Block zones for businesses only too. They should not add any more F.F.L.s Dealers not to exceeded it Cap Limits on federal Level & State Level of 50 States all in clued too . Do you agree??? Reason is : It will reduce Gun Crime in Cities, Townships, Towns ,Counties of every State too. Think for minute too! Think about you change your mind too. There will be fewer Guns one the Streets , Cities, Towns ships, Towns of all Counties, of 50 States in all too! Do you agree? Yes! Or Disagree?Or no! too. It up to you Sir? Or Mam? The number of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Applications will be on better control by all means to by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of Licensing Federal Level of the U.S.A Treasury Dept too. only one issued F.F.L.s Applications only too! The State Licenses to sell Firearms to is :issued by the Country Sheriffs ,Dept of State License Dept. of the State You pay your taxes in each Year too. To show Your Taxes Papers too. each year too! Do you agree! Yes? Or Disagree? No? Sir? Or Mam?

  149. 1. The total of Gun Stores is (01)(02) Retailers Gun Stores is around about count is From 34,788. It decline down to near count of 25,000 Store Fronts Retailers Smaller Firearms Stores are Gun Dealers Businesses total count too. We lost 9788, decline out of Business & quit too. is gone out too. They are still going down in numbers is smaller Gun Stores To are declining in reverse in fewer numbers too.

  150. The number of Retailers Smaller Gun Stores Is going Down a lot to by each month too.. Reason is Gun Laws is getting S trick too. Opening guns for Law abiding U.S.A. Citizens Only! Do you agree? It is Not for Illegal Al liens & n Not for,Criminals Alliiens illegal Citizens not registered is illegals non English Speaking People is about 12,000,000 other Nations No instruments Speaking English to Americans Are born in the U.S.A . They Hate us a lot it true!!! They Would Kill us in a minute With Firearms & Ammo too! It true : If the Invade the U,S,A, too. To De clear War too. To kill Americans Citizens only too! It true!!!Agree!!! Do you Agree? We are about Near Low is 28,288 F.F,L.s Holders Store Fronts Gun Dealers too! Do you Agree!!!

  151. 1. There is about near count of: 25,000 total count is left is Retailer Gun Dealers Store fronts Gun Dealers Businesses .

  152. 1. There Is certain Licenses F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers is off Limits too. is Import & Export Licenses Corporation Mfg Companies only to get Option Licenses (08) & (011) to import Or Export Full auto Foreign Guns into the U.S.A too. Is (011) Federal License only Is N.F.A Rules too. Mfg Licenses Products is Ammo is (06) & Gun mfg (07) Regular Gun Mfg too! & N.E.A. Rules Is Full auto Gun mfg is (010) machine Gun mfg is N.F.A. Rules do apply only too. Therese Licenses are not for F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses is not allow by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division Of the U.S.A Treasury Dept is in charge of the F.F.L.s Application Fr oms only too! Do you Agree?? Not For Is Private Co. only He can issued Licenses Is (01) Regular Gun Dealers Retailers ,Pawn Shop&Junk Dealers & Gun Dealers Licenses is (02) only ! option License Class-3 is (09) only Stop here too. Applications is given out Stops Here! For Private Company only too. The By the A.T.F. Agency by the U.S Treasury is Charge of the F.F.L.s Too, Do you Agree????? Yes ?Or Disagree?

  153. 1. We should cut it way down to reasonable Number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Business to:15,000 is Federal U.S.A is maximum Cap limit too!! The State Level is 50 States should be (300) F.F.L.s holder”:s to is maximum Cap limit too Agree! Reduce Crime on the Streets too! To many Smaller Gun Dealers in big numbers today too! This a start to reduced the of trouble son Gun Dealers Do sell Guns to Connected Street Criminals in Cities,Town Ships, Towns in Counties to min 50 States too! True!!! Solution is Let”s cut off there Renewals F.F.L.s Applications off on hold to for suspension to closed them down for good too! This will be temporary Cap limit too. If works too! We will Cut it down to 5000 F.F.L.s Is U.S.A. Level for Maximum Cap limit too Permeate too! The 50 State Level is same is Up to 100 F.F,.L.s Gun Dealers (01)(02) permanently Forever too> Do You agree!!! Lot of Roeg Gun Dealers Smaller retailers will be weed out by the B.A.,T.F.E.A Division too. agree!!! There renewals will be gone to or cancelled by A.T,.F By the U.S A Treasury Dept too. The N.R.A will Assist with this Problem as well too. To put them out of Business Or Closed then down for good too! You are History too! No more Bad Gun Dealers is (01)(02, regulars Dealers N.F,A. Gun Dealers (09) Too. Agree!!! . To many smaller Gun Dealers were getting in trouble a lot too! It true!! Not abides by Federal Laws & State Laws, Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township Laws, Town Laws of Selling Guns the Legal way with in those laws on the Books today too on 01/01/2017 A.D to 12/31/2017 A.D too! And so Years to come yet soon too! Agree!!! If you break Federal Laws & State Laws as an Legitimate Gun Dealers wants to break Laws too! You will be Shut down by the Sheriffs Dept of the Country you live in too. An the Federal Law enforcement Police is B. A.T.F E. A. Will Revoked your F.F.L. Licence (01)(02) & N.F.A. Licence is (09) Option Licence too! Cut off Your Renewals Applications off for good too ! You are History for rest of your Life too! Do you agree! Yes? Or Disagree No? This pertains for Bad Gun Dealers Retailers of smaller Gun Stores in 50 States in all too! true!!! This serious Problem we are Facing today world of Street Ganges Of Dope & Stolen Guns & ammo too . Robbed out of Stores do sell Guns & Ammo too! Foreign Criminals Street Gangs of other Counties too! it True!!! Why? is this happening in American now! We are target today too! True!!!

  154. 1 The reasonability of liniment Retailers Store Front Firearms dealers businesses :is to log them in the Gun sales record Booklet after the completed finished gun sale of Long GUNS Rifles Shotguns, conceal Weapons Semi auto Pistol Revolver too. It call the Retailer gun Dealer record booklet too! The book is transferred Firearms book is the Record too. to sell Firearm to non family Member too. You must go threw a Licensee Gun Dealer Regular is Class-1 is (010 or Pawn Shop junk Gun Dealers is Class-2 Is (02) License also too. Or Class-3 N.F.A. Gun Dealer is (09) License is Full Auto Gun Dealer too. only too. And Full Auto Firearms finished on the Special Record Booklet to for Machines Weapons only too. It Federal & State Laws of all fifty STATES in all in the Every STATE Government must do it too. agree. Do you agree ??? or DISAGREE ? If the GUN DEALERS Retailers follow theses rules given by B.A.T.F.E.A. division of the U.S.A. Treasury too. The A.T.F Will revoked there Current License F.F.L.s & sheriff’s Dept. will revoked there State License too. Plus there Renaults will be cancelled out for Life too. Rogue Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Businesses Like to Break Rules of selling Firearms too. Do you agree?? Or Disagree? too.

  155. 1. There should be Max Cap limit of 28,288 For U.S.A only too! All 50 States S hound be 565.76 Retailers Gun Dealers Store fronts too. Agree?>

  156. 1. On 12/16/2016 A.D. The Official Count of F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers is (01)(02) Regular ones & N.F..A.. Gun Dealers count Is (09) Option Gun Dealers :, together is Official Number count is (56,577 total number count too.. By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S.A Treasury by the United States Of American too. It is Still Official !!!

  157. 1 QUESTION IS: Could the number of Retailers dropped, Store Fronts Only Stores are Gun Stores Remained to get F.F.L.s License only & only 1State Do you agree?? The number of Licenses dropped from 56,577 F.F.L.s down to lower count of in the U.S.A ) STATES TO Lower number count of 18,425 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts did; decline lower count is left too? yes? Or number s F.F.L.s is (01)(02) N.F.A. is (09) option Gun Dealers is Law forcemeat too. We lost about number of smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is 38,152 F.F.L.,s Decline out of Business too. The regulations are getting harder for smaller Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! A lot of Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers making Mistakes on the Firearms Record A.T.F booklet too. On the Finished Gun Sale to a Customer too. After they logged it the information is done. THEY PUT IN INFORATION in the Regular Sales Record Booklet Finished Gun Sale is done with customer too! And the Transferred Firearms Record booklet is separated, Record to sell Firearm Threw Regular Gun Dealer must do it to only too. the FINISHED sale IS DONE. the TRANSFEFFED IMFORATION information . They Put it on Record on the transferred GUN, RECORD SAPARATE BOOK UNIT ONLY TOO. AGREE! sale to non family member, end of sale too. It put on the Transfer RECORD booklet is separate RECORD FOR the B.A.T.F.E.A .Division Part of The U.S.A treasury Dep’t too. in CHARGE TOO. Do you agree?? Or Disagree?

  158. 1.Gun Dealer Sell Gun to Customer He Or she do the Paper Work too. An Pay for the Gun item too. He Or She Log the Information to Federal Record Booklet too. to be logged too. To Transferred Firearm Legally from gun owner to buy Customer Paper work too, an pay for the Firearm to Gun Dealers too. The Gun Dealer Retailer Will fill out & Put Information In Firearm Transferred Record Booklet too. Only for Firearm Transfers only to be used too . This Federal Law too. & State Law Regulations Must be Enforced to Check Bad Gun Dealers Retailers not Going By Rules of Firearms Records Is not Good Standing by Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers They Are Not Logging Finished Gun Sales in Federal Log Booklet Customer buying Guns too. An Customers are Trading Gun In or Transferred Gun To another person how wants to buy Firearms off him or Her too. Do you agree Yes? Or disagree? no?

  159. 1, The Max Cap Limit Will Be About number of Gun Stores By the New Year Should be 18,425 F.F.L. Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Business It Will be official by 01/01/2018 A.D too. There Will nor be as many Smaller Gun Stores as before in the Past too! There Will be max cap Limit too! There will be Cap on the Number Of Gun Dealers Retailers store Too. The State Max Cap Limit Will be 368,5 F.F.l.s Gun Dealers Do you agree? Or Disagree too

  160. 1. The Official Count in 12/16/2016 A.D is 56,577 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers too! Class-1 is (01) & N.F.A. is class3 IS (09) too. Gun Dealers Regulars is 48,577 is (01) & Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers Retailers count is 8000 Class-2 is (02) too. Regular Gun Dealers too. Do You Agree?? Yes? Or Disagree? or No?

  161. 1. The 3 year increase if F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Licences & State Licences needs money increase too. Do you agree! 1. The Class-1 is (01 & Class-2 is (02) too is included too It ) Should be higher to, is $3000.00 For 3 Years too And State License Should be $2500.00 Every # Years too! The N.F.A. Should be $16,000 Per Every 3 Years too! The State License should 11,000.00 Per 3 Years too! Do you agree!! The F.F.L.s is Import & Export Should be (08) $800.000 & N.F.A. is. The option N.F.A. (011) 1,000,000 Per Every 3 Years too. No set Rate too$$$ They are making Millions of Dollars too>$$$$$ The Mfg F.F.L.s (06) & (07 is $!00,000,000 Or More too! $$$$ No Set Rate too! Regular Firearms too! The option Firearms N.F.A. (010) Full auto Weapons too The # year Frees rentals is $1,000,000,000 Every # years Renewals too. No set rate or more too. Do you agree??? We need money money in U.S Treasury Dept is Tax Money too! To fill up the Treasury Nest Egg treasury too! Do you Agree!! We need better control on our F.F.L. Livening Dept of the B.A.T.F E.A .S.A Treasury of Division too!!!! I do agree? Do you Agree???

  162. 1. The total of regular GUN Dealers Regulars is 56,649 (F.F.L.s (01). Pawnshops is about 8000 (02)F.F.L.s . Total count is 64,549 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers total too. on 01/17.2017 A.D too!

  163. !. There To many Smaller Gun Dealers Stores are Smaller Gun Store s In Several States is over 1000 + Gun Stores too! The Need to be cut down by 0.70% too Do You agree! Gun Dealers is about 56,577 Gun Dealers Count on 12-16-2016 A.D too. They may be a lot less of the Smaller Gun Stores is a lot less too! 34,788 Gun Dealers Retailers is left too. Or down to 32,163 F.F.L. Gunn Dealers Smaller Gun Stores is Left today count too! Do you Agree? OR Disagree?

  164. 1. There is overall count of F.F.L.s Retailers Store Front Gun Dealers is, Class-1 (01)Regular Gun Dealers &Pawn shop & Gun Dealers Is Class-2 is (02) too. And The N.F.A Gun Dealers, isClass-3 Is (09) only to in all of the 50 States is around about is (51,000) is left in U.S.A In 08/26/2017 A.D is official count today too. Is Official too

  165. 1 There Should Maximum Cap limit is N.F.A F.F.L License Gun Dealer is Full Auto only to (09) Per each of the 50 State too. Do You Agree B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S.A Treasury is in charge too. Stop giving Applications N.F.A Licenses out is N.F.A (09) F.F.L.s too. Cut him off! to too. Agree . Import & Export (08) & (011) is N.F.A. Mfg License is (06) Ammo , Gun Mfg (07) N.F.A Mfg is (010) Applications is cut off too. to too. Do you agree!!! Complaint is : out of Com troll too.

  166. 1 There Should Maximum Cap limit is N.F.A F.F.L License Gun Dealer is Full Auto only two of (09) Per each of the 50 State too. Do You Agree B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S.A Treasury is in charge too. Stop giving Applications N.F.A Licenses out is N.F.A (09) F.F.L.s too. Cut him off! to too. Agree . Import & Export (08) & (011) is N.F.A. Mfg License is (06) Ammo , Gun Mfg (07) N.F.A Mfg is (010) Applications is cut off too. to too. Do you agree!!! Complaint is : out of Com troll too.

  167. 1 . The class-3 Silencer is a Class-3 Item too. It should be left alone too. Reason is The street Criminals Ganges will used this product to cut out there noise of Long guns& Rifles,Shotguns, Conceal Weapons is Semi auto Pistols, Revolvers too. The class-3 Silencer item can be used for Full auto Weapons as well too! My complaint is This law is a good Federal Law should be not:, be change by the The Law abiding Gun owners with clean records of owners Firearms Is Long guns, & Hand Guns Will Not Like this New Law to change to a New Federal Law is Class-1 Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is (01). & Class-2 is (02)is for for Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shop Dealers Selling used Guns too. This Law should be not touch at all too! It Should remained a Class-3 Item is Silencer is off limits to Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is all of them too. An the Pawn Shop & Junk & Gun Dealers Retailer selling Used Long Guns Rifles,Shot guns ,an Conceal Weapons ,Handguns,Semi auto Pistols ,an Revolvers too. The B.A T.F.E.A Division is part of the U.S. A Treasury Dept. is in Charge too> Do you Agree??? It Used for Military Used only too. An Enforcement used only too !!!!!!! It Should left alone too. If you Change it Federal Law It will have increase of Crime in 50 States & All Counties Cities, Townships, Towns have problems of Criminals & Foreign Criminals are non Citizens Will buy it with Green Card to buy Illegal Firearms is Long Guns, Hand Guns,An Ammo too! & Full auto Guns as well too! Better then the U.S.A Citizen in all 50 States too> It true!!! They can buy guns easier the U.S.A Citizens of all 50 States too! Is not good sign of keeping U.S.A Citizens safe in all 50 States too! Do you agree?????? Let it Stay as a Class-3 Item too! It is safer too> It Good Federal Laws still Stands too! Agree! Do you Agree?????? Don”t Change it for Street Criminals Dem ans It Should be change too! Answer is no !!! Denied !!!!!!!!!!!

  168. 1.The Number Of F.F.L.s Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A Dealers Dropped a lot too To 56,577 of 12/16/2016 A.D too. By 29,167 F.F.L.s Storefronts Gun Dealers Derailleurs to is left today market too

  169. 1. The complaint is : Serios one too! There should max cap limit on the Number of Gun Dealers Store Fronts at federal level is 10,000 in the U.S.A too. Federal Level too. The 50 State should be 200 F.F.L.Retailers Dealers Retailers too Should be max cap Limit being issued as well too. Do you agree! Do you agree? Reason is The big Cities are complaining the over Flow of Stolen Long Guns & Handguns to from Street Ganges of the underworld of Gun Running of Stolen Guns Robbed by Thieves Of Street Ganges to in every city in all the counties ,an all the States too! All the Guns wind up in Chicago windy City on the dead end Streets of Street Ganges of dope of illegal Drugs too.Do you Agree?? Or Disagree? The pawn Shop Junk Shop & Gun Dealers F.F.L. License should limited immediately by the B.A.T.F.E.A. By the U.S.A. treasury Dept too!!! The Police Dept Should Surrender those Guns to the Federal La wen enforcement to the A.T.F Take it away to federal location immediately too!!!The Total of guns is 86,000 Long Guns & Handguns & Full automatic Firearms is 21 M aching Guns too. There is 65,000 Handguns too. 21,000 Long guns too . in top sear-eat building too. The Guns The Police Dept is growing in numbers too Do you agree? Or Disagree?

  170. 1. There is total count of F.F.L.s is around near count is (64,024) to, Licenses (01)(02) & N.F.A. (09) too. They are Still declining less Gun Dealers Retailers Smaller Stores Fronts Gun Stores too! Number”s dropping too!

  171. 1. There is about near count of : Number of F.F.L.s holders is around (50,271) now too. Many be they will decline to, to lower number later on to,( 50,630) F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers is correct count too. true!!!

  172. 1.The maximum Retailer Store Fronts & Commercial Properties.F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Gun Sellers ; will regulated it too. The agreement is solution is here!!! All the – Regulars Will dropped to max Cap limit up to U.S.A Limit is ( 5000) Gun Dealers regulars cap limit too. The State Government of 50 States will be maxi um Cap limit too. It will be,max cap limit will be all it will be (100) F.F.L. Gun Dealers Retailers per 50 States too! Do you agree!! Our young people are drugs to get high too! Go portion don”t care about our Gun Laws for Firearms too is (0.89% too. too! This is bad sign for our nation too! It true!!!!! This cut Gun Crime by 0.90 % too!! Do you agree?? It’s better then the 30,000 F.F.L.s For U.S.A max cap limit too. The States is 600 Gun Dealers Retailers too! It will Punished the Streets T hives to robbed Gun Stores too! Do you Agree! It is better plan too! To keep the guns out of the Street Ganges hands too. An Ammo they clean out too! It True!!! Do you agree/??

  173. 1. There should be increase Federal Firearms Licenses Too. Is class-1 -(01) & Class-2 -(02), State License issued to, Sell all Firearms at State Level in all 50 States too. , cost Rate needs increase too. agree. The Rate is $2000.00 for 3 Year renewals for F.F.L.s Licenses too. The State License is $1500.00 to Every 3years renewals too. Agree! This will cut off the number of smaller Gun Dealers Retailers are bad apples are rogue Gun Dealers F.F.L.s like to break Federal Rules & state Rules Selling Guns is under table sales too. by using blood money is drug money too. It”s True ! This Will cut number of Gun dealers by (0.500% too> Out of Business too. agree!!! This is a way to get rid of the Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Regulars too. Agree!

  174. `1. For N.F.A. Class-3 Federal Firearms License, is (09) F.F.L. license to with tax stamp is color is black White Number. agree!! Retailer Gun Dealers is 3 -Year Renewals too. New Rates new increase too. $16,000 every 3 Years renewals too. agree!!!! It pertains to Class-3 N.F.S Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Gun stores option too! TOO! Reason is to many Class-3 Class-1 Gun Stores Will get in trouble With Mac-hing Guns Weapons too. They Don”t know the Laws for type of Guns only too. agree! They Need to be cut it numbers of Class-3 Is (09) F.F.L. Licenses just to many of them in 50 States too> agree! There Renewals should be cut off immediately now. Agree!!Make The License to Get is much harder to apply for it for the Application Form to:, for Type (09) F.F.L.s License too. agree! IT requires Law enforcement Training to & U.S.A Military Training to know the Federal Laws & 50 State Laws too. For Full Auto Weapons too. I do agree! By my Decision too. I agree!!! The problem is : Suspect is – a( Private Company) is doing this is – ( been given out those application for Class-3 is N.F.A. License id Type-(09) With tax Stamp Color is Black Number only too. It True!!! Let”s Cut off Renewals Applications for N.F.A Rules do apply to for a Type-(09) Only too! agree!!! By The B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of La wen enforcement too. By the U.S Treasury Dept in charge too. Agree!!! There a lot of combination Gun Dealers retailers is Class-1 -(01) & Class-3 -is (09)is N.F.A. License too. Option License too!! True in 50 States too. They should cut down the N.F.A. License is Class-3 -(09) Federal Firearm License Should Revoked by the A.T.F. Enforcement agents too. agree!!!! There is line to drawn between:the Regular Convent-ravel Firearms not Semi auto Firearms too. The Other side of the line is Firearms all by it self too. is Full automatic Firearms only too! call machine Guns ! Guns only to by them selfies separate Guns from regular Guns only too. Do you agree! Yes!

  175. 1. The import &export Federal Firearms License is,( N.F.A.- Rules do apply too). Is a type is only a (011) too!! There new rate $ 900,000 # A 3 Year renewals too. Agree! Or more too. $$$$. to increase money fee too!! Agree! This for import companies by the shipping port were cargo ships dock in too. Pacific ocean . & Atlantic ocean & Gulf of Mexico ocean too. to import Firearms into the U.S.A too! agree!!

  176. 1. The Mfg of Full auto manic Firearms Is N.F.A Rules do apply too. Is type-(010) gold License too. They mfg making guns too. There 3 year renewals should be a lot higher too. Is rate $$$ 990,000 every 3 Years or more $$$$$ to renewal them too. to mfg making Full auto Guns only in the the U.S.A. too . Agree!!!

  177. 1. The Better Rates option decision is better one too! I do agree!! Renewals For Class-1 Is (01) Regular Retailers Gun Dealers is 3 Years is ($3000.00 every 3 Years too. And State License is 3 Years Renewals is(1500.00 Every 3 Years renewals too. The Pawn Shop & Gun Shop Dealers is Used Products Should not sell Firearms at all too. Agree!! There Class-2 Is (02) Federal Firearm License & State License state level is issued by the country of the State you live in too. Should be limited too. To all pawn shop Retailers Dealers Should not sell Used Firearms at all too. I agreed!! The Class-2 F.F.L.s License is (02) Should be limited too. An its State License is a Class-2 Is (02 )too.There renewals applications is cut off too. by the A.T.F. too!! . A lot of The Criminals Felons do shop there: to buy used Guns too. And the Non Citizens Criminals From Mexico an central American ,South American too. It True!!! The Renewals for Class-2 Is (02) F.F.L.s Should be limited immediately too. An it State License Is Renewals an the Applications is limited too Sell Firearms Is Long guns & Handguns an Ammo too. An Gun ancestresses is Gun Parts Firearms equipment is Limited from all Pawn Shops & Junk Dealers is off limits to selling Fir-rearms & Ammo too. I agree!! They can”t be trusted at all too! Most of the Class-1 Is (01) too. They Should not sell any Firearms & Ammo too. I Agree most of the F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers Gun Dealers in a Complaint by the Gun Dealers Retailers & Sporting Hunting Fishing & Gun Dealers Retailers is too. I do agree! Some Thing Should done about the Number of Guns wind up in the wrong Hands too. The Problem is Pawn shop Junk & Gun Dealers Stores Is the most of the Guns wind up on the Streets of Big Cities too. It true in Townships, Towns too. There F.F.L..s License is Class-2 Is (02) & State License Should Limited too. For Good too. Most those Guns Winn d up in I LL state in the Cite of Chicago too. i do agree!! Solution is: Let”s Limited F.F.L.s License For The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers F.F.L.s Class-2 is (02) too. An this State License for Pawn Shop An Gun Dealers Selling Used Guns Is no more too. Is good Idea too. I agree!! They are resealable The Flow of illegal Guns on the Streets to Criminals Felons & Foreign Criminals Felons of other counties do have criminal records too. it true!!! The Pawn shops Junk Dealers Should sell any Firearms Or Ammo too! Is Limited for Good too! Do you agree!!! I say Yes! to Keep the U.S.A. Citizens Safe in all fifty States too> Agree! Let”s Get The Program Stated Now Before it ;to late to do nothing about it too! If not it will be to late too. Do it too! Do you agree! Sir? Or Mam?

  178. 1. The United Nations will send Solders In Military Uniforms Blue helmets in to the United States of American: to disarmed United States Citizens in 50 States too. It True ! It will Happen in the Future . It will be every nation of the world to disarmed U.S.A.. Citizens too. It will happen soon too . South American Troops & Central South American Troops Will help U.N. Officials Will sign the small Arms Treaty If the Anti Guns American Agree to it: it must be done too! It will be Hillary Clinton Of her group get Elected by the Illegal Al-liens How elected them in to ,Office by Democrats Are Anti -Guns Ownership too . It will be States Will do this too! They will tell the UN Solders to Shoot to Kill the Americans: the Americans will Not Surrender There Ammo, an firearms too. It will start new war in some States Will not like it at all too, It true!!! Most of the States will not agree with the United Nations Council how voted for the small arms Treaty puerperal Agreement of all foreign Nations too. It will Start Riot First too. then Rock Throwing At Local Police adepts ,Township Police adepts , city police adepts, Country sheriffs ,State Police of 25 States to, an High patrol&State Police of 25 States too, will Fight Roils in there States too. The U.N. Officials will give order to tell La-wen enforcement of 900000 Police officers to Joined Foreign Police Officials Will send Officers to Disarmed the American People how owned Guns & Ammo too.An Federal La-wen Enforcement Officers will joined then too. In each of there Homes too. Raid them in the morning at( 12:00 Midnight To 08:00 ) An (8;00A.M to 5:00 P.M too. Or 5:00 P.M to 12:00Midnight) too. They Will Collect About Long guns Rifles, Shotguns & Hang Guns ,Pistols Revolvers too. This Will be Not Free Country too. Is no more too. This will be Communist American Police Fosse . too! They will be bad ones too. In charge too. They Will collect 300,000,000 Firearms in the United States too. It will happen if they Get Illegal Criminals Al-liens wil make it happen in this Country too. If We let them get the Underhand too. WE CAN LOOSE THIS COUNTRY TOO. IF THEY TAKE OUR GUNS & AMMO AWAY FROM US TOO> IT WILL HAPPEN SO FAST TOO> SO WAKE UP AMERICANS PEOPLE IN FIFTY STATES TOO. LIKE RED DAWN MOVIE TOO> to is for example in the UNITED STATES TO OUR CAPITAL OF Freedom WILL BE GONE FOR GOOD TOO> IT COULD HAPPEN IN OUR FUTURE TOO. THIS IS a warning to read it first too> Agree! OR DISAGREE! THE YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE TO think about it too> I DO agree!!! Wake up out of DREAM world WAKE up SMELL THE COFFEE! Agree! OUR SECOND AMENDMENT & FORTH AMENDMENT 1st Amendment will be Destroyed too. By the U.N. Solders of EUROPEAN NATIONS OF WORLD nations too . They will ruled The U.S.A Forever Forever too> It will happen in the Future!! too! Be aware of it SIGHS of to take there Guns LAWS of Limited Out Guns Right s in 50 STATES too> Agree! THE INVASION WILL BE MEXICO & Central Nations & SOUTH American COUNTRY’S will invade our county is the with help of U.S.S R & China. India South AFRICA NATIONS & Asia counties to be apart of too. It True!!! The Bill Of Rights of 1776 Will be history is no more too. Is gone for good too! Good by!!! It will be in the history books of long ago too@ TRUE!!! Our borders are wide open too in north of Chanda too Mexico is covered by 4 States too. Texas,new Mexico,Arizona, California too ! Gulf Of Mexico ocean too. Florida too! The U.N Foreign soldiers will re maimed in the U.S.A for Ever For Ever too! Agree By the small arms treaty too ! will remained too!! No more United States Free Nation is history too! Good By!!!

  179. 1. 01/01/2018 A.D. is the number of Firearms Dealers decline to 1/2 of 50,630 too. most of smaller Federal Firearms Store fronts smaller Gun Dealers retailers decline, (25,315) a lot too! Question is how many went out of Business too! The Cato loge Big Gun Stores taking over the Gun Sales Businesses Getting bigger too. It true ! Most of them only Sell Firearms & Ammo too . They will sell :long Guns is for Hunting seasons only too. Rifles & Shotguns only too. Most of them will not bothered selling Conceal Weapons & Ammo to; for Handguns is Semi-Pistols an Revolvers too!! Is( 0.99%) too! Do you agree!! Yes? Or Disagree! No? too! Th-eases Are catalog Big Stores only too!! but only (0.01% ) will Sell Conceal Weapons too! Is Handguns is Semi-Pistols & Revolvers Handguns too An it Ammo for Hand Gun s too !!! Do you Agree!!?? Or Disagree? PS We need better controls on our Renewal Application Fr oms For Class1 is-(01) Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts. An Pawn shop Junk Dealers Should Not Sell Firearms too. The remaining Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun shops .Is Class-2 is (02) F.F.L,s License !!!They need better Controls too. On there Renewal Applications Forms Renewals too. And There Application Fr oms For State License to Sell used Firearms only too> The counties of 50 States to: Sheriffs Need Controllers on giving Applications out so freely Too! Question is : Do you Agree !!! Or Disagree!!! Sir? Or Mam ? Not all of abide by S tricked Gun Rules do apply too.. To sell Firearms certain way the Federal Laws & 50 State Laws do apply today market Businesses too! Do you Agree??? Or Disagree?? Sir? Or Mam? There are a lot of disablement Federal Firearms Dealers Gun show Dealers Regulars Is CLass-1 Is (01) & Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Dealers Attended at Gun Shows too. Is Class-2 Is (02) too! Solution is: They need to be inspected too. With proper papers to show to B.A.T.F.E.A Division Of Federal Agents too. If they don”t Proper Papers as a ligament legal Gun Dealer s do business at Gun Shows too! They Feds agents will revoked there F.F.L.s License & State License with the Sheriffs Dept of State License Dept Authority too! Agree! There Renewals will be shut down for good too ! By the Inspectors of B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of License too Agree!!! Do you Agree! Yes? Or Disagree! Answer is No? Stay on the regular course too. true!!! They Need Stricter Rules on Renewal Applications Fr oms being out so easily ;is not good dear too!!!! Agree!!!

  180. 1. on February 7 of 2018 the number F.F.L.s decline to lower number is Store Fronts is in 50 States 30,000 -Store Fronts Gun Dealers is left too. there should 600 F.F.L.s Store Fronts Gun Dealers Retailers in all 50 states

  181. 1. The Tighter Regulations is needed all Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Is Class-1 Is (01) too. And Pawn shop Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Stores too. Means all of them too. There are Certain Federal Firearm Licenses is off Limits to Gun Dealers Retailers are playing both ends of the Stick too. The should”d be allow to be permitted at all too. This could be same salutation during Gun Crisis near the U.S.A States is California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, & Gulf Of Mexico ocean up to Florida Cost Line too! True! Bad Gun Dealers were shipping Guns across the U.s,A Border with out permission by the U.S.A. Government First: an the Mexico Government too. For Years they were doing too . Why? do they get caught with the evince of shipping Guns Ammo to Mexico too is a Crime too. & international crime Shipping Guns & ammo too. Car teals of Mexico Criminals too! Noe English Speaking too! The Solution is to to returned all America Guns back into By Truck loads too 1 A.T.F La wen For cement Personal immediately too. I do agree!!! Take over with the Mexico Officials to discusses the Guns Should be returned back to the U.S.A too! Do you agree!!! AS for the Gun Dealers Retailers is class-1 & Class-2 regulars is (01) & (02) With one State License issued too. For The option Gun Dealers is Class-3 Is (09) Is N.F.A. Rules do apply too. I do agree!!! Is off Limits to all Import & Export licenses is (08) & (011) is N.F.A too. The Ammo Mfrs co.s Gun Mfrs co.s is (07) regular Gun mfrs too. is off limits too. And The N.F..A Mfrs is co with F.F.L. License is (010) only N.F.A Rules do apply too! I agree! Is off limits to all Gun Dealers Retailers Dealers Store Fronts Business is (01) Class regular Gun Dealers Businesses too! And Class-2 is pawn Shop Junk & Gun Shop Dealers too. is (02) too. An All Class-3 Is N.F.A. Gun Dealers is Full auto Weapons is (09) option License too! The Gun Dealers Licenses Stop here now immediately Do you agree! Yes? I say 0.99 % will get in trouble with those Import & Export F.F.L. Licenses too. & The Gun Mfr Licenses is (06 Ammo , Guns is (07) N.F.A. Option F.F.L. License is Class-3 Is (09) F.F.L.s too. do you agree??? Or Disagree? this wrong too? No? What do you think? B.A.T.F.E.A . Division too .

  182. The U.S.A. Complaint is Gun Thief’s by non Citizens hoods of the Criminals under ground non English Speaking populations too! From Central & South American Nations Counties Spanish Groups too! Are Bad Ones in the Gun Running & Drugs too! Is a Fact too! In State of Florida there is to many Retailer Gun Dealers too. most of Then are smaller one Stores too is bigger groups too . To many crowed Gun Dealers is 2000+ F.F.L.s too!We need to cut then down by 0.70 too. The remaining F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers should be several miles apart too!! should be remaining is Gun Dealers Store Fronts Remain too! Agree! 0.30% too! Do you agree? The people are out of controlled too! This is shipping Port of The Drugs come in too! It True!!! Drug hub for illegal Drugs too. The Smaller Gun Dealers numbers need to cut way down too . The People Are non citizens Groups too. A Large population too. They robbed guns & ammo from Gun Stores too. To keep there drug underground Supplies of stolen guns an ammo too. It true ! This is the reason is to Cut the number of F.F.L.s Applications off to Bad Gun Dealers Retailers store Fronts too> It True!! They want Gun Control Laws in the U.S.A in all 50 States too. Sponsored by non Citizens People too! It True!!! The A.T.F should revoked renewals applications& off too. There Current License F.F.L.s & Sheriffs Should Revoked there current State License & Renewals Applications too. Agree!

  183. 1. Note: The Count, is 32,163 F.F.L.s ! Total Retailers firearms Dealers: Businesses with Store Fronts & Commercial Properties: by zoning Commission Of; Commercial Properties & commercial Building With on windows not allow by U.S.A Zoning Regulations too. Is a Federal Law of ,or State Regulations Zoning Laws saying is no windows not allow on Gun Stores too!50 States are enforcing this law too! It”s on none of any Gun Stores Sell Firearms & Ammo too. Is Class-1 is (01) Only too. No pawn Shops-junk Stores are not allowed to selling Firearms & ammo too. Or accessories of any Gun Parts Or Large Clips Ammo holders too. Agree!! They Can”t Be trusted at all no more too! Reason is:The Criminals do shop there to by used Guns too. An ammo too! Most of the Pawn Shops Junk Dealers & Gun Stores will sell it to them too! It True!! They Should be forbidden. To apply to Purchase an F.F.L. License Is a ( class-2 Is (02) & State License to sell used Firearms Or new Firearms too. Is denied by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of La wen Enforcement Agency too is true! They have to be more care full of those people too. Are Tiring to buy: or to sell; any Long Guns & Hand Guns Firearms Or Ammo too! agree! The Foreign Criminals non English Speaking too . They refused to issued an F.F.L.s License & State License by any Country sheriff’s Dept Firearms License to issued application for State License to sell all Firearms & Ammo & Accessorizes of Gun Parts & Large Clips holder & Drums Ammo holders units too! is off limits too. for all speaking, non Citizens are living in this country; in 50 States too! English to American Citizens are born in the 50 States too! In the U.S.A. to Agree! most Americans don”t Trust them at all too! They are Suspicious of then too. Its true!!! Warning is they can turn on the All American Citizens in time if war call Red Dawn too. it True! It can happen too in the future too! agree!!!! Wake up U.S.A Citizens are born in the 50 States too.Any ware in the Country too. agree! Or any new Foreign wants to be New Citizens to be like English Speaking too! They will hunt them and put them in Prison Camps like War world war 2 in Germany in the 1940″s Time of Wars too! Agree!!! Wake up Americans are born in the 50 States in the U.S.A too. This your last chance to save American Nation too. Like the Last War ship of the U.S.A. Navy Ship is the Last Ship too! Agree! It will happen someday day in the Future! too! Is your doomsday is last day the U.S.A Will not exist no more too! It will be history of the past years ago too! It True! In the Future!!! I think about this incident too! It will happen someday in the Future! too! Wake up Americans are born in the U.S.A your the ones can save the Free Nation too! Our First President George Washington be come General of first American Army & Resign to be come 1st President in July 4th 1789 A.D too! He serve 4 year term & second 4 year term too! is 8 Years too. Too. An retired too!

  184. 1. The number of F.F.L. retailers Store Fronts businesses is decline from (56,577) F.F.L.s to reduction of ( count of 34,788 F.F.L.s Retailers Store fronts businesses too. is number of smaller Gun Stores decline to a lot too. customer were not buying Guns at all too. Or ammo too! The money were very tight too. It True in 50 States too! The laws got Stricter for Law abiding Citizens is harder to get an long Gun Rifles & Shotguns is Little easier to apply for Get too. It True!! But Only one Thing is Home De-fence Weapon is Semiautomatic Hand gun With no more then 8 rounds Clips is 2 in a box too. agree!! The Revolver holds only 7 rounds Or six rounds to: in it chamber unit too. It is used for hunting Bear season only too. in 50 Stats too. You can apply for Sportsmen permit is only 5 years bu country treasure office of the country you live in too. Agree! Or you also go to the sheriff’s office to apply for State wide Conceal legal carry Permit too. to carried an handgun loaded too. agree! If your Record is clean Record too. no Criminal Record too. no mantle ill for any Persons don”t have it at all on his or her Record to of life history too. Do you Agree!!! The Yes!! Reports from Hospitals Doctor es Reports of no Records on the Persons is Male Or Female too. Age of 21 Years or older too. agree!!!

  185. 1 .They had temporary increase date )6.29/2016 A,D too! An is not a lot to, is from (34,788) F.F.L. holders Retailers Store Fronts . Date was on 12/16/2016 A.D little increase was about: near count was about is: (21,789) F.F.L.s new Gun Dealers Retailers Stores businesses; of not much too. It was number total count was about (56,577) F.F.L. holders Retailers Store Fronts businesses too. true ! This only temporary only too. Of sharp increase too. Agree! It will start going down again too. agree!

  186. 1. Tell all mfrs to stop production of AR-!5 Semiautomatic rifle too. Gun Production should be (0.01)% to be mfr by in one Year period out of 12 months to order 2 Rifles per 1 month period every waiting time on each of the months too! I agree month passes too. agree! The Clips should 5 shot & extra Clip is another 5 shot only too.order by regular Class-1 Is (01) F.F.L. & State License to sell all Firearms in 50 States too! Is a Federal Law by the U.S.A Government regulation is enforced by A.T.F E.A. Agents Police Force too!, is the number-1 boss by the U.S.A Treasury Dept of the U.S.A. in charge too! Do you agree? the Feds are in charge only too> agree!!!! The 50 State have to obey: If not obeying it those rules too! is agree! Solution is: The Federal monies will be cut off too! Agree! No. bullets is 15 rounds 20 Rounds no 30 rounds no 40 rounds Clips & 50 round Drum Or 60 round Dru m Or 75 round drum to, and no 100 round double drum to holds 100 rounds too. is order by and Class-3 License Is (09) Is N.F.A License only too! New regulations is enforced by the( B.A.T.F E A). a federal l]Law Enforcement Agency by the U.S.A Treasury Dept only in in charge too! If Any States don”t need State License to sell all Firearms Is State wide to is Regulation too! By the Federal Government I agree! With tax stamp is black color too. agree!!! Or The A.T.F E.A Division will close down there Gun Stores And revoked there Current F.F.L.License An Confiscate all there Guns taken Away from them too. Of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers too. There Renewals will be can-sell Applications will stop to halt too!c Do You Agree! Yes!!! They will do it too. Or put you in jailed too! Agree!!! This is warning to take notice too!! Agree! There are to many rouge type of bad criminals Gun Dealers like to break laws to. selling straw Gun Sales a lot to get fast money too! That wrong way to run Gun Businesses too! Do you Agree !!!!!! Think about for a minute too!! I do agree!!!!!

  187. 1. There is to many smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too. The Solution is: Cut of renewals Applications off too. The U.S.A 5000 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers too. max cap limit too! The 50 States max Cap limit is 100 Gun Dealers Retailers too! A max Cap limit too. Do not add any F.F>l.s Gun Dealers Holders too agree!!

  188. 1. There is about near count of 49,000 F.F.L. Holders Retailers Gun Dealers now too. on April 1 2018 A.D. On December 1.2015 :was 64,747 Gun Dealers Count too! We lost (15,747) Gun Dealers smaller Guns Stores Mon & Pop Stores too. Of St rick Gun Laws on Firearms Products too> Agree! Solution is Let”s Check the Gun Register Record Book for Gun Dealer Order New Guns items from mfrs too. If the registered in the number of: Guns Description type of Gun They ordered too. And the Serial number is written down too! Agree! If they don”t Writes it down Record Booklet too. They Will loosed there License too. & State License too! Renewals Are Cut off to those Bad Gun Dealers not Following the Federal Laws & State Laws too! in any Of the 50 States too> Do you agree??? Or disagree ???

  189. 1 the Complaint is =Seerios one in 50 States too! All , the Gun inspections saying is on 01/01/2018 to04/22/2018A.D. There is about total of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Stores, about (19,000) Those Gun Dealers not logging guns they ordered or sold too! Not logging in the Record Book too! After they Received the Guns order From Distributes companies too. The Record is the Paper list ordered from Distributor too. It is order It is order list on the package box unit too. the number of, Guns items too. Agree! They can’t say they have no record of those missing Guns items in in any Gun Store too! This is call sloppy work not keeping your Guns items & Ammo items too. On the Record Ammo Record Book of Ammo is sold to the customer too. The customer Full name middle name Last Name Phone number too. And address were He or She lives too. Agree! they check 4473 from for long guns . Hand Guns 4473 from & State instant Check application From for Handgun’s only semi auto Pistols With clips to revolvers too! If they proved official Sales Records Guns they sold or lost too! Solution is : Revoked There Current Class-1 (01)Regular License too. Or Pawn shop & Gun Shop . Or Revoked there Class-2 Is (02) & State Licenses by the country Sheriffs Dept. too. should on the raid if Bad Gun Dealers Retailer is total of 19,000 in 50 States should be shut down too! Do You agree! Let’s put our foot to enforced the Rules too! No excused to at all too! You are history too! I agree! They are poor Gun Dealers saying it to much work too ! This is poor Excused too! Mr. Mam.!!! Cut off there Rentals applications off too! (01)&(02 Reg & N.F.A Gun Dealers too> Is (09) with tax stamp is Black color too! Agree!

  190. 1. Lets cit down the number of,N.F.A. issued Licenses out by (0.99) % is cut off too! Also it applications F.F.L.s Applications, Renewals is down by (0.99)% too! I do agree! Only allow only (0.01 ) % to allow to business too. Agree! The Suspect is 1-800-123. com too. Complaint is: he Is issued out Applications :is N.F.A Rules do apply too. Full automatics Firearms Licensees is N.F.A too! The License allow you purchase Permit Applications For Machine Guns too! I agree Lets Cut down the Applications by Cutting down by (0.99) Percent too! Cut off too! Only allow ).001 % To be Allow to Be issued too! Agree! Let”s be careful how we issued those Weapons out to Customers With Social training too. And know the laws that goes with it too! Agree! Solution is; Lets Cut off Applications For N.F.A Permits down by (0.99)% cut off too! Only allow issued Permits is (0.01) % Is !2 month period in one Year too! I Agree! Let”s make very hard to Get application too! For 1 Gun Permit For N.F.A Full auto Firearm Allow 1 Purchase by permit only too! I item Gun Unit too! Remember threes are Machine Guns Weapons only too! Rifles,Shotguns Full auto Pistils too! Do you agree! Let”s be more Careful how we issued a Permit Application From & Preciseness it for 1 6 months wait Or 8months wait too! I agree! Or proper Police Training too! Course too! Agree! Ex swat Force Police Deportment Or military Training is Army too! Agree! Lets Cut The F.F.Ls is Class-3 Is N.F.A. is (09) License with tax number is Color Black too! License Applications down by (0.99)5 to Cut down too! Only Allow (0.01) to Be Issued out too! Agree!!! There is to many Machine Guns out there too! Agree!! Make harder to Apply for The Application to with The B.A.T.F.E.A,. Division Of the Law enforce meant Dept Of the U.S.A Treasury Dept too! Do you Agree??? Or Disagree?

  191. 1. Date: was 12,16,2016 A.D. The Total of Firearms Retailers Firearms F.F.L.s holders went down to count of (56,577) Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers too. It became official by next Year on the New Year eve ; on (01/01/2017 A.D too! And Still holding the Another New Year eve on (01/01/2018 A.D. too! Is Still official too. do you agree?? Or Disagree? Or Less F.F.L.Gun dealers Smaller Dropped way down too? Way ???

  192. There is now a lot less then ,( 56,577) F.F.L.s now too. There is about near count of:,( 34,788) F.F.L. holder”s too! They are Still going down in Numbers to:(28,288) F.F.L.s too! If they gun does down too! Do you agree! Let”s see if would work too! I agree!! !Crime declines is smaller Gun Dealers Retailers is bugger population too. I agree! This is not good sigh too. Let”s cut the number of Gun Dealers Smaller Retailers down too. reasonable ;number of Gun Dealers to U.S.A Nation wide too. The Other Mess is the Cities has to many Eggs in it in the nest When mother hen lay her eggs too! The Rooster: is 1-800 too! For Example no affiance to you Sir!! A joke!! It”s true!! Stands by the mother hen is ; the Cities too! Laying eggs is the location too. The chicks is the F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers Store Gun Dealers too! I agree! Question is: Do you agree ?? Or disagree??? too??? The correct Federal law is by law is (100,000 F.F.L.Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is, (01) ( .90 %) Gun Dealers Sell new Guns too. The State License says class-1 Is (01 Says, F.F.L. License on State License too! Do you agree?? or Disagree? They Pay Taxes on new Guns only too. Do you agree?? Too? Or Disagree? Too? And (10% is Pawn shop junk& Gun Shop Dealers is (0.10%) is (02) F.F.L.s & State License says pawn shop & Junk & Gun Shop Dealers to sell Used Guns only too. There is no tax on used Guns too! Do you agree??? Too? Or Disagree?? Too? Solution is : Let”s count the Number of People in the U.S.A First And Deter-man The Number of Regular Gun Dealers is Class-1 (090)% Pawn shop & Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts is (010) % too! Lets count the number of people living in all the 50 States too. Let”s Put the Gun Dealers per population too. Do you Agree?? Lets count the Number Of People living in Cities too! Problem is there is to many smaller Gun Dealer Retailers smaller Stores in Counties too Do you agree ?? Or Disagree? The Criminals gangs members are young people, belong to it too! It true!! I”m talking (0.33% too> It true!!! Solution is We must cut the number of Extra Number Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Out & State Licenses Renewals cut offs ! too. Gun Dealers Stores in bad Locations of Big Cities In high Crime States too! In east cost too. Do you Agree! Or Disagree? Too!!!!

  193. 1. Before ii was (56,577) F.F.L.s Retailer Store Fronts on 12/16/2016 A.D long time ago too! It become Official on , Nest Year on (on 01/01/2017 A.D too! It Still Official Yet too! Do You Agree!!

  194. 1. Date” is 01/01/2018 A.D : too!!! Last Year agr was (56,577) F.F.L.s Holders,before too! We lost (12,577) F.F.L.s Mom & Pop Family Gun Businesses too!!!! To many Gun Restrictions Regulations Laws added too! Its True!!! They are making harder to apply for F.F.L.s Application too! For Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 Is (02) regular Gun Dealers main License too! Agree! An State License too! Application & to processes it too!! Much Harder too! Agree! Application & to progresses too. agree!!! There is about near count is (44,000) F.F.L holders Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts on Commercial Properties too! The U.S.A. complaint is: All 50 States to is include too! I agree!!! P.S. There is a lot of ma stakes on those forms too! It True!!! Most of the smaller Gun Dealers Stores retailers not careful when they fill those forms: 4473 & Instant Check Applications from State Police too! From any 50 States too! Agree! This is good way to punish ed The Bad Gun Dealers how want fast money too! I agree! This what they get in returned too. The dishonest Gun Dealers Retailers too. agree!!! F,F,L, License is revoked & State License is revoked by sheriffs Dept too. agree! The Regulations getting S tricked on those forms not dome the right way of doing it write in the first place too . The inspector says this message get your =nonage together of doing it write way too. or get out of the Retailer Gun Dealer bushiness all together too. P.S. Don”t Spend to much time :in the office room call the privets Room, call the rest room is Has Excuse Fan When you turn the He Or She Or He She too. Bathroom too. Sitting on the Toilet Bowl too! Reason is to figure out the papers with the mistakes on those forms too. Or Instant Check Applications forms the State Police of 25 States. (oR ) High payroll & state Police of 25 States too! P.S No ma stakes will not be tolerated on those Gun Records papers too. Is zero Tolerance by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of La w en enforcement Dept of the U.S.,A. Treasury Dept too! Agree!!!

  195. 1. There Is About Near count is 12/16./2016 A,.D. was( 56,577) was official too. by next year on (0/)01/2017 A.D. too. One year later is decline of (12,577) F.F.L.s to; Mon & pop Gun Stores too! What”s left is around on (01/01 /2018 A.D . to It was about near count of,(44,000) F.F.L.Stores fronts is left too. Still Gun Dealers numbers is going down in too. it true!!!

  196. 1. The Number of Smaller Firearms Retailers smaller Gun Stores Dropped from (44,000) F.F.L.s to (34, 000) Store Fronts & Commercial Lots for businesses only in Commercial location in industrial Location only by Building Codes only too! Agree! By Zoning commission Of Building Codes & Properties Codes by laws of Regulations of current laws of today too1 Do you agree! Yes? Or Disagree?No? Retailer )remaining i F.F.L.s too !!! The Count is correct too! We lost about Mom & Pop Gun Stores Retailers smaller gun Stores too! True Is 10,000 minis F.F.L.s Smaller Gun Dealers too. true!!! Each State lost 200 F.F.L.s Dealers smaller Gun Stores too is true!!! They are declining a lot too. The Reason is They are making mistakes on those Forms is 4473 & instant Check applications by lie on throes Fr-oms a lot too. It true!! This why they closed the Gun Stores out of Bu-sines too. the Rules are No mistakes on those forms too. Do you Agree?? or Disagree too! To many Guns wind up in Straw Gun sales is under table on Gun Shows on Set up Day is Friday is Closed to the public > Open on 9.00 A.M To 6:00P.M too Saturday & Sunday too. It the truth too. Not all Gun Dealers retailers do Gun Shows to: not onset too on Federal Laws & State Laws too. In 50 States too> Agree! This the Reason The B. A.T.F.E.A . Division Agents law enforcement closed them down too. It True!!! Theses are bad Gun Dealers Retailer roe type is crooked Gun Dealers sell to Criminals on the Streets too> It True!! They Should be shut down from selling Guns & Ammo too! on Gun Shows Or Retailers Gun Stores selling it to public too! do you Agree? Yes?? Or Disagree?No? This is my complaint to, in all 50 States too Agree! This should be looked into immediately too. I agree!!!!! Let”s The A.T.F.E.A Do there jobs too. And Put Foot down too! To enforced the Federal Laws & State Laws too! To keep the Gun Dealers in line too! The Letter of the Laws should be correct way of Selling Firearms the Right way doing right way with in the Federal Laws 1st & State Laws 2nd to in 50 States too. I agree!!!! Do you agree?? yes? Or disagree? No? Mam? )r Sir?

  197. 1 . A Federal Law is One Gun Dealer Retailer by: per (100,000) Residences per Gun Dealers Retailer Or by Trade too. is Law too. Agree!

  198. 1.A Federal Laws requires all the 50 States must do it too! The Gun Shop has a Federal Firearm License is Class-1-(01) too! And State License is from Sheriffs Dept. of the Country you live in and the State you pay your Taxes each year too. Do you Agree? Yes? Or Disagree ? no? Question is: Some Gun Stores Don’t have a: (State License to sell Firearms, is monitory Federal Law & State Law of all 50 States must do it too! by issued by there Country Sheriff is Dept. of Gun License of all counties of 50 States too! I agree? yes? Or Disagree? Or No? ! WhY?

  199. 1.on( 02/29/2012 Date was total count F.F.L.s Gun Dealers is (58,334) too). Then they went down too> On Date _is( 01/01/2016 A.D. the number of Gun Dealers dropped to (48,000) is left too.) They Still went down too.
    To a lower number was( Today 05/29/2018 A.D. is less then 34,788 F.F.L. Retailer Gun Dealers Store fronts Business too.) Still going down tio by each month too.

  200. 1. The Number of Retailers smaller Gun Stores n numbers dropped way too. 12/16/2016 A.D too. It was (56,577) F.F.Ls holders is Store Fronts Gun Dealers businesses too. Later one Year on 01/01/2017 A.D is Official by the A.T.F too. On 01/01/2018 to 6months later It decline too Date is 06/01/2018 A.D too. It was dropped :, to( 48,000) F.F.L.s Holders of Retailers Stores F.F.L.s (01) & (02) too on 06/01/2018 A.D too. Is Left in the U.S.A too.Do you Agree? Yes? Or Disagree? No?

  201. 1. Note: The number of Retailer Gun Dealer Store Fronts Businesses on (06/02/2018 A.D. is dropped to (55,000) F.F.L. Holders in, 50 States too. Is for now! It still may dropped more by months passes by too. Agree! Yes? Or Disagree? No? too. Wait an see!!!! Time will tell yet too. agree.

  202. Solution is there should be a ( Maxim Cap limit Federal level) is U.S.A. to is no more then (5000) F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Businesses too. Don”t added any more F.F.L. (01)(02) regular ones Option F.F.L.s is (09) & State License to all Firearms at State Level in every State too . Dealers too. Agree! For( 50 States in the U.S.A) too> There Should be no more :then (100) F.F.L.s vIs a maxim Cap limit too> For all the Gun Dealers Store Fronts Business too. Don’t add any F.F.L..s Licenses (01) (02 regular ones & Option Is N.F.A. (09) too> agree! One State License to sell all Firearms too. Do You Agree! Sir? Mam? Reason is :m This will make it easier for the inspectors Agents to there jobs better too. Do you Agree? Yes? Or disagree? No? Why? P.S Let”s make it harder to apply for agree ! Yes? ! For all Mfg an import & export Licenses N.F.A License Is Class-3 Is, (09) Option Gun Dealers Retailer Store sells Full auto” Weapons Guns too. I agree!!! It time to do it Now!! Go!!!!!! For Renewals Applications All N.F.A. Licenses is Import & Export too! Is (011) License. An Renewals Applications too. An Mfg License N.F.A. is (010) License Renewals Applications too. Agree! Yes? Or Disagree> Or No? why? Reason is the B A.T.F E A Agency can do there jobs better too. To catch the bad Gun Dealers Retailers Businesses too. Revoked there F.F.L.s Licenses & State License With sheriffs Dept department License of the country too> of the State you live in too> i agree! Do you Agree!? Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? How come this problem ?

  203. 1. Distinctive Firearms Licenses : The Type(-010)/mfg /Import& export Products is (011)Retailer type (09)too. (08)Import &n Export too! Applications Fr oms is off Limits too! For the: 1800-123-.Com Should be off Limit to theses Full-auto F.F.L. Licenses too. I do agree! The B.A.T.F.E.A.Divsion Of License Center Of La wen enforcement Of The U.S/ treasury Dept too.I Agree! Yes? He should not get the Paper forms Restrictive Devices of Machine Guns & Explosives Bullets as well too! Is Off Limits too. Americanizing Bullets Ammo too! Is off Limits too> I Agree!!! Yes? Only the U.S Treasury Dept of Licensee Of A.T.F. Can issued it Only too. From the Federal Office of U.S.A. Government ; can issued Applications only the Federal Government Authorized To issued Applications only too! Agree! Thais is Federal Law too. Theresa are, Full auto Weapons only too. Guns too> Agree!

  204. 1. The Number Of Gun Dealers retailers Stores fronts businesses decline to count is about near count is (36,677) F.F.Ls holders Retailers Store Fronts business too! They still in a decline i by each month too!

  205. 1. The number of Gun dealers drooped down to (50,630) F.F.L. holders is Retailers Store Fronts Business & Commercial lots in industrial locations zones only too. Is offices , Warehouses, Mfg Companies, Retailers Stores , too. Industrial zones location too. i agree!!!

  206. 1.)6/26/018 Date :Note: P.S. The Total of : F.F.L.s retailers Gun Dealers Store fronts retailers stores ;is (44,000) too And N.F.A Gin Dealers option Retailers Of Full auto weapons too. The Gun Dealers F.F L. Licenses Stop Here too. Up to C Lass 9 is (09(-( too!!!! Other F.F.L.Licenses Is Import & Export it true!!! The A.T.F says The Retailers Gun Dealers Are off limits To F.F.l.s Applications Licenses ; is Import & Export Licenses (08 N.F.A. Option is (011 N.F.A.) & Mfr Licenses (06 Amer Pearling Bullets Rounds . Mgr Is (07) F.F.L.s & )10 N.F.A Option too. Do you agree? Yes Or Disagree? No?

  207. ! The Federal Law enforcement:B.A.T.F.E.A. Division Found out There Log Registered Retailer Record Book is Not Logged in too. The Guns & Ammo book of records not put in the Record book too. The In formation Store Guns items not logged in too, Or Not Logged in the Sellers book to buying customers are buying Guns to ; not in the record Book of Name & address of the C linnet lives in Town, Town Ship , Or Cities or Country too. And the State he Or She lives in too. Gun sales Record Book is not filled out too. This is the Reason is : the A.T.F. Inspectors Agents check the Gun Dealer Records Books Twice a Year too. Even Gun Repaired Gun Dealer Book too. P.S. A Gun Owner of a Gun Don”t Worked too. The Gun Dealers give Him Or her paper form to let the client filled out too. The Gun Owner Sign it A date it too! The Time he or she handed it & time was Loge it an the Date too! The Gun Dealer sign it too. on request From to get the The Dealer is Class-1 (01) Of Gun Store Sends it back to by the U.P.S . Pick it up Gun in box package inside to send it to Factory too. After They Repaired the Gun Too! They Send Letter In The Box the Gun Has been Fixed too. One Letter For the Retailer Gun Dealer store Retailers Records to put in his File too. He mark Date it was mailed back: to the Gun Store Gun Dealers Revived it back from the Factory returned Package item It is loge in the Gun Repair Firearms Book & sign the Date an time they received on Time it came in too. This the Reason the Firearms are Not Logged in the Retailers Record Book too. They don”t know were those Guns went too! no records to proved it too. This reason is they closed then down too. They are not Following the Federal Laws & State Laws, Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township laws, Town Laws too.They Are Breaking Guns Sales Regulations Laws: to it True!! The Gun Dealers Class-1 Retailers (01)(02) & class-3 N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) F.F.L.s Dealers Are Law enforcement are making mistakes on those forms too. Lied on it too! Not being care full too! How they Filled out there Fr oms By He Or She too. not good stand sing too. Do you agree! Yes The A.T.F should be tougher too. I agree! Yes ! They should revoked there Current License F.F.L.s & Cut of there Renewal applications Fr oms to get new License is cut off for good too! I do agree! Yes! Let the A.T.F do there Jobs to close bad Gun Dealers Retailers F.F.L.s holders too. Agree! Do It!!! is a U.S.A complaint too! all the 50 States in all too. Agree!!!

  208. 1. There is about near Count is (44,000) total too. Of more smaller numbers of Gun Dealers Retailers Class-1-(01) Class-2 (02 Pawn Shops Junk Dealers & Gun Stores too! Is big population too. Stores too. Are small ones! too1 There is to many, N.F.A. Class-3 is (09) too ! Theses are Full Auto Firearms Stores too! P.S. Most of them are Follow in Federal Stricter Gun Laws on the the books too. An 50 State S tricked Gun laws too. Each State has own Strict-ed Gun Laws too. Of State Governments of 50 States too. P.S. 1/3 of the United States N.E.S.W. There is to many Smaller Gun Dealers Gun Stores too! Some needs to be limited immediately as soon as getting: the ball rolling now before to late to do anything about too I agree!! I say about 0.75% need to be cut way down too. Let”s go by the Federal law says is(One Gun Dealers Retailer Store Fronts & Commercial Properties equals one Regular Gun Dealers Business per (1) Gun Dealers Unit too. The population is (100,000 Residences too. Do you Agree!!! Yes> Or Disagree? Or No? Solution is Send a letter saying there F.F.L.License is not to be renewed no more too. or renewals applications is limited too. From The A.T.F too. I Agree!! There are more bad ones Gun Dealers Gun Dealers ,out there too! The Current License will be revoked; by the B. A.T.F.E.A. Division Of U.S.A. Treasury of the Federal Government Agency too! Only They Will Issued F.F.L Licenses Applications only too! I agree!!! Not Private: Enterprise Co.Corp IN.C co, Companies too! Is 1800 F.F.L.s , com . Can”T do it no more too! – I agree!! I Or Straw Gun Sales . I check legal Gun Sales at all times too. Of all Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Dealers do selling Firearms too! In 50 States all too. Do You Agree! Yes??? Or Disagree? Or No? 1/3 Of the hold east cost of the Atlantic ocean from Maine to Florida too! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? Too!!! The People With criminals Records can”t Buy Guns & Ammo no more too. In 50 States too. Or mentally ill people can”t Buy Guns & Ammo too> Is a Red Flag Alert too! to all Gun Dealers Businesses in 50 States in all too! I agree? Yes?? I should passed too! Or Di agree? or No??


  210. 1. THE NEW MAXIM CAP LIMIT FOR U.S.A WILL BE ; 19,000 F.F.L.S TOO. IN THE FUTURE TOO. IT WILL BE NO EXTRA WILL NOT EXCEED THIS NUMBER TOO. THIS IS NEW FEDERAL LEVEL TOO! AGREE!!! 10,000 Gun Dealers will be cut down too. REASON IS; to cut down GUN Crime ; ALL 50 states too. Will have maximum cap limit too . Is about near count is 380 F.F.L.S TOO. NOT EXEED THE LIMIT TOO. DO YOU AGREE. too. The reason is – there will be fewer guns on the CITIES, TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS IN 50 STATES; TOO. THIS WILL BE PERMINATE SOLUTION TOO. THERE WILL BE FEWER GUN DEALER THIEFTS TOO. AGREE. THERE IS NOW IS 29,000 F.F.L.S NOW IS LEFT IN THE U.S.A TOO. THEY ARE GOING DOWN EACH OF MONTHS GOES BY TOO. TRUE.!!! 1O,000 Gun Dealers need, to cut too. is smaller Gun Dealers only too. To many of them too. it true!!! Solution is here to put it into affect now!!! Go.!!!!

  211. 1.The number of regular GUN dealers count: is:( 56,130). The Pawn shop Gun Dealers Is, (7822) ; (F.F.L.S too. THE total count is: all (63,952) too. is January (01) 2018 A.D.too. Is official by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Division of the U.S. A. Treasury Dep’t of the U.S.A. too. is Official Latest Report today too. agree!!! This is The updated Report to, by the (A.T.F.) too. Do you Agree? yes? Or disagree? or No ?

  212. 1.Note: There count of Regular Gun Dealers Retailers (01) F.F.L.s too. The Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers Count is (7000) F.F.L.. Holders too. The Total count of all Retailers Gun Dealers Stores Fronts & Commercial Properties count; is about near count is (63,000) F.F.L.s holders by the A.T.F. too. For now!!! ( P.S. Note:)They are still going down by each month passes by too. It true!!!!! P.S. most smaller ones Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Stores are declining a lot by each month past by too!!! It True!!! The number of Gun Dealers decline regulars is (130) + The Number of smaller Pawn Shop Gun Dealers decline is ( 822) too. P.S. The total of Gun Dealers S,smaller Gun stores:, decline is about near count is about is (952) F.F.L.s holders smaller Gun Dealers Retailers ; could n”t not ends meet the Crustier level too. It True !!! They throw in the towel call it quits :out of the Gun Dealers Business all together too. It true!!!

  213. 1. There is 56,000 (01) Regular Gun Dealers & There is 7000 Pawn shop & Gun Dealers is (02)too. The total is F.F.L.s is 63,000 (01)&(02) &(09)N.F.A. too. is 63,000!

  214. 1. We should cut the number Of F.F.L.s Dealers to 15,000 F.F.L.s Holders to:in federal Level too> Agree! Each of the 50 States should be maxi um cap limit shou8ld be:(300) F.F.L.s Dealers too. Do you agree!!! Don”t add no more F.F.:Ls holders Gun Dealers too agree! This is maxi um cap limit too! Agree! The A. T.F. should cut down the smaller Gun Dealers down too agree! The Reason is in 01/01 2009 A.D. There were 310,000.000 Gun owners too! Rifles owners is 96,000,000 Firearms ! the Shotguns is 86,000,000 Owners too. The Number of Hand Gun owners is 114,000,000 too. In the U.S.A too. Now is a lot more is added too now it true! Is 9 years is more Gun Buyers owners to is Long Gun owners & Hand Gun Owners too! It True

  215. 1. There is about near count of: regular RETAILER Gun DEALERS is (01) (50,630) too. THE number of Pawn Shops Junk DEALERS & GUN STORES is about (9370)(02) too! There iS TOTAL OF (60,000) T00!!! NOTE: There is (0.01%) of N.F.A. Full auto Gun Dealers in some States only allow it Only too! Other States don”t allow N.F.A. Gun DEALERS are full auto RETAILERS Store FRONTS only!!! Agree! Yes!!! Some States have that right is: they don”t they don”t want ,N.F.A. IS Class-(03 IS (09) F.F.L.s Full Auto FIREARMS Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Dealers is Class-3 too.

  216. 1. There is overall of F.F.L. Dealers holders today to: is (01) (02) & N.F.A. option Dealers Is (09) too. The total Count is about (39,000) Today count too. Do agree? Yes Or Disagree?No? They Still Declining of Smaller F.F.L.s Holders Not Fol-long The Laws of Federal Level & State Law Level of 50 States too> Do you Agree? If not The B. A.T.F . E.A. Agency of the U.S Treasury will Shut them down too. Not logging The Number of Firearms in the Record Book & Repair Book too. If the Retailer Sends Gun out to the Factory to get it Repaired to marked the Date vit was sent out too. Agree! When it comes back the retailer Gun Store to Gets it back from the , an mark the returning Date back to the customer too. It logged ; in the Gun Repair Record Book too> For the A.T.F to Inspected it as well too . Do you agree? Yes ! Or Disadree? No!

  217. Warning: No_2. The All Gun Dealers Retailers (01)(02) regular & Option Gun Dealers Is (09) is only N.F.A. Rules apply to only for Full auto Guns too, Agree! Yes! They must abides by Federal Law , & 50 States Separate Laws too. or those Gun Dealers Retailers Will Get there Current F.F.L.s License will be conceited by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency too. An there Renewals Applications will be cut off to. Forever Forever too. Do you agree! Yes Or Di agree? No! You are no longer an Gun Dealer Regular Business At all too . You Are History too. The is message to the Roeg Crooked F.F.L.; Retailers Regulars too. Is (01) (02) The N.F.A. Gun Dealer option Is Full auto Gun Dealers Is (09) F.F.L.s Only too. Do you agree! Yes? Or Disagree? No ? Why???

  218. 1. There is to many smaller & medium large GUN DEALERS is some States too. Do you agree! to many street Criminals of Citizens of the U.S.A. an also ; NON citizens of other counties do have criminals Records too. IT”s TRUE!!! SOLUTION IS: There is about near count of (39,000) holders total count is left too. I agree! We cut off , about 10,000 more smaller Gun Dealers off too. The STREET CRIMINALS GANGES members are hitting smaller &MEDIUM GUN STORES RETAILERS TOO. 1. Regular Gun Stores Store fronts Retailers is (01) & (02) Pawn Shops & Gun Stores too> in some states in the south Too. There more Pawn SHOPS do sell FIREARMS IS USED LONG GUNS & HAND GUNS too. Agree !!!! THE SOLUTION IS : THERE SHOULD BE agree! The Gun DEALERS License STOP HERE FOR F.F.L. License Renaults stop here too!! DO YOU AGREE! YES? OR DISAGREE!!! NO?

  219. 1. We need better controls on our Gun Application Forms being out too! Do You Agree! Yes? For the Director incharghe of that Dept too! Only ! Agree? There is less then 50,000 F.F.L.s Holder”s is (01)& (02) Regulars Gun Dealers Store Fronts,too. Is the maximum Cap Limit, For Federal Level Is U.S.A. only too! I Agree !!! The N.F.A. Gun Dealers option is Limit to is (0.001)% too. They should not add new F.F.L.s Holders too. Agree! Solution is: Make it harder to apply for F.F.L.s Applications out too. Or Processed it too! (IS a lot more difficult )to get It too! The F.F.L.s License & State License too. Do you Agree! Yes? Or Disagree! No? Let”s make it a lot For Any F.F.L.s Licenses For Retailer Gun Dealer Store Fronts Solid Buildings is separate Unit to. in Industrial Location only too. For Any Gun Business too Agree! Businesses ! The B.A.T.F.E,A. Division RULES BY THE U.S.A Treasury Department too! They are In charge only one can issued Application to sell Firearms on federal Level & State License Is Issued By the State you pay taxa in too. Is by Sheriffs Dept of the country you live & State you Live in too. Agree! Yes? Or Disagree! No? What do you think?

  220. 1.It is possible They went up about extra 788 F.F.L. holders Retailers Store Fronts too> I agree! There is about near count of total count of is what”s left too! is about near count is before is a lot less too ! Was 39,000 too! It true! The total count is left now is about: (39,788) F.F.L.s Holders is official count too.They go; up & down too! it true!!! in 50 States too. P.S The Federal Law says there is:,. I F.F.L. Gun Dealers Retailer Is (01) & (02) Regulars too> One N.F.A Option Gun Dealers is Class-3 is (09)Is (0.0001)% only too! Agree! And I
    Gun Dealer Business Retailer for, only is for all( 100.000 Residences) per all 50 States, counties Cities,Townships Towns They must abide by the( Federal Law regulations too.) For the number Gun Dealers Store Fronts Business Retailers outlets too. I agree! Yes? Or disagree! Or No? Why?? This???? This can turn into complaint in, U.S A. Supreme Count Ruling too> In agree! Yes? It is a Federal Laws is Broker a lot in years too! Do you Agree! Yes? Or Disagree!! No? Why is this Problem will be settle in U.S.A. too. It can State Any time too. Do You Agree! Yes Or Disagree With the subject we are discussing in U.S.A. Supreme U.S.A Count of the Country Laws must Be enforced too. Do You Agree! Yes Or Disagree! Or No?? Why? The Federal Law says & State Laws of State Governments say; all extra Gun Dealers must give up there F.F.L. License, Federal level too!! Also There State License to sell all Firearms at state level too! Do you Agree! Yes they should do it too! Agree! It is federal Law & State Laws of 50 States too. I do you Agree! Yes??


  222. 1. The number of GUN DEALERS RETAILERS smaller STORES will decline of going out of business for good: the number count is (4788) F.F.L.S is the smaller Stores will not make ends meet too. I agree!!! Is REGULAR GUN Dealers is CLASS_! IS (01) & the Pawn SHOP & JUNK & Gun DEALERS RETAILERS Is Class-2 IS (02) too!!! it TRUE! if they do not pay there Bills on time For products; they ordered too. The B.A.T.F.E. A. agency of the U.S.A. TREASURY Will :REVOKED THERE CURRENT F.F.L.S License as a bad GUN DEALERS don”t pay there bills on time too. A warning to take NOTICE by FIREARMS Distributors are making this complaint to in all over in all the 50 STATES too. IT true!!! This goes for the Class-3 option GUN DEALERS is class(09) & (01) with class-3 tax stamp added to the CLASS-1 is optional (01) IS CHANGE TO N.F.A. tax stamp is added too. I agree!! Let the A.T. F. investigators do there JOBS IMMEDIATELY TOO> TO KEEP THE GUN DEALERS RETAILERS IN LINE OF THE FEDERAL LAW, 7 50 States LAWS TOO. I DO AGREE!! yes? Warning MOST OF THE GUN SALES WERE UNDER THE TABLE ON GUN SHOWS TOO> IT”s true!! the facts are there too. TRUE!!! SOLUTION IS : THERE Renewals will be cancelled for F.F.L.s licenses will expired at the last day too. They will be history EX GUN DEALERS of the PAST HISTORY TOO. It true! ALL theses are the dishonest ROG GUN DEALERS (01) (02) regulars!!! OPTION GUN DEALERS IS CLASS-3 (N.F.A. ) (09) & (01) WITH A TAX stamp is class-3 TO is option order too. I agree!!! THEY CAN BE revoked by THE B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency agents of the federal LAW ENFORCEMENT OF THE U.S.A. Treasury DEPT OF F.F.L.s LICENSEES division too. Do YOU AGREE???? YES? OR DISAGREE? OR NO? WHY???? complaint is in all %) states too IF GUN DEALERS don”T PAY THERE BILLS ON TIME FOR GUN ORDERS & ammo orders too. Do you agree??? YES? OR Disagree? or no!!! WHY? IS PROBLEM not solved an limited too?? agree??? T he U.S.circuit courts should investigated this incident now!!! do you agree! yes?? or disagree? OR No??? why??

  223. 1. The number of F.F.L.s regulars is (01) REGULAR GUN DEALERS (56,130) too. THE PAWM SHOP JUNK & GUN SHOP DEALERS IS (02) F.F.L.s count is (7,822) Is Total count!!! IS TOTAL REGULAR is ( 63,952 ) COUNT !!! The option Class-3 is (09) is total number is (77) too!!! THE Grand total number official count is ( 64,029) F.F.L.S stores fronts RETAILERS Stores FRONTS & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Locations ZONES LOCATIONS CALL THE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS OF BUSINISES TOO!! I AGREE!!! YES? OR DISAGREE? OR NO? WHY??

  224. 1. ON 01/01/2018 A.D. ( THE F.F.L. s REGULAR Gun DEALERS total is : 56,130 ! The pawn shop junk & GUN SHOP DEALERS : F.F.L. S TOTAL is 7,822 ! THE GRAND total count of (F.F.L.s) IS ( 63,952) Store Fronts RETAILERS GUN STORES TOO. THE NUMBER OF N.F.A. Regulations RULES is Class-3 is (09) With BLACK TAX Stamp, only too. true! THE NUMBER IS (770 TOTAL COUNT TOO! TRUE1

  225. 1. There is to applications being given out to easy too! Do you agree? Sir? or Mam? I talking about the option License is N.F.A. License is class-3 is (09) F.F.L.s License too. is Distributive Machine Gun items too. This License should for Ex retired Police Chiefs Senior in charge of a Local Police Departments of small towns too! An Small retired Police Chiefs of a town ship barrio too. Or a City Police Chief do retired as head to Officer too! They know the laws about Machines Guns items too ! They know all the Town Laws , Town ship Laws. City Gun Laws , too. When sheriffs retired he know about Country Gun Laws too. When State Superintendent of State Police Retired too ! He know all the State Laws the state Laws he Or She worked in too! Do you agree! They are only ones can qualified to apply for Class-3 Is (09) Is N.F.A. License to sell machines Guns productions they know about they trained with those weapons too> it true!!! Most of those Licenses Is N.F.A. Is off Limits to most of the Regular Gun Stores Dealers is Class_1 Is (01) too> And to Pawn shops Junk Dealer & Gun Dealers is Class-2 Is (02) Store Fronts Stores is all of them Is off Limits To All N.F.A. Licenses are: (07) Is Regular Gun mfg (08)import & Export (09) Class-3 Dealers N.F.A. (011) import & Export License / (010) mfg Class-3 Weapons too! (0.0001% too.

  226. 1. The number of F.F.L. holders IS, Class- (01) &(02) REGULAR GUN DEALERS ,( N.F. A. option, CLASS-3 (09)! THE NUMBER IS ( 25,000 ) total number count of all store fronts & Commercial properties located in industrials Block zones locations call the industrial’s village locations only for Gun Retailer Gun Stores BISINESES only by zoning Commission of: Building CODE & PROPERITIES Regulations LAWS on (Towns,Townships, Cities, Counties, State, laws Federal LAWS ON THE BOOKS ARE UP TO DATE EACH Year too! do you agree! YES OR DISAGREE? NO? Why? IT should max cap limit too!!!!! I agree!!! to be enforced immeadly with out Question too!! I greed!!! The 50 States maximum cap limit: should be; ABOUT (500) F.F.L.s FOR ALL THE States too. QUESTION IS: DO YOU AGREE? IF YES IT WOULD A GOOD WAY TO CONTROLL THE NUMBER Gun DEALERS IN NUMBERS IN ALL THE 50 STATES TOO.!!! THIS WILL CUT DOWN THE number of BAD Gun Dealers F.F.L. s out too! agree!!!! LET”s give it a try now: if it works now to cut the number of smaller GUN DEALERS NOT FOLLING the FEDERAL Law & all 50 STATE Laws of each of the STATES ON GUN LAWS TOO! DO YOU AGREE?? YES? the should do it now!!! OR disagree? THEY Not do any thing about it at all too. Just let it go!!!! or get on the ball now and fix it right too. go !!!

  227. 1. complaint is: to many (09) F.F.L.S IS APPLICATIONS GIVEN OUT TOO. EASLY TOO1 WHY? lET MAKE IS A lot harder to apply for too. I do agree! To processes it is a lot harder to get to to be issued too! id agree!!! I”M talking about the option class-3 is, F.F.L.s is (09) Distractive FULL auto FIREARMS LICENSE s is about in the U.S.A. too. IT true! There about near count of (770) N.F.A. option extra applications given out too. The new Applications were given out too An procuresses too. so quickly too!!! How come this happen a lot too. WHY this mess accrued so quickly: but it so quite to have this order is completed too. There should be CORRECTED at once too. IT only be around near count of (77) too. Is should be maximum number of option N.F.A. Licenses to be processes the max cap limit in 50 STATES ONLY! If the STATES do allow it in there STATE too .Or certain States don’t allowed it at all too. I do agree! The number of 09 is N.F.A.s OF A TOTAL EXTRA IS ( 693 F.F.L.s Applications renewals should be cut off too.!!! TO CLASS – (01) F.F.L.s is all of the: regular Gun SHOP BY TRADES : AN all SPORTING HUNTING ,FISHING , CAMPING & GUN STORES in all of then too. IT IS JUST TO MANY OPTION LICENSES was mistake ON THE LICENSE DEPT BEARUE DEPT MADE A BAD MASTAKE TOO.!!! they should correct it now too> before it get out of control too!!! Do YOU AGREE? yes? or Disagree ? OR NO? Why? CLASS-(02) F.F.L.s is all of the : THE PAWN SHOPS JUNK & GUN SHOPS STORES IS OFF LIMITS TOO!!! THIS LICENSE IS (09) F.F.L.s a FULL Auto GUN DEALERS LICENSE is a; distractive MACHINE Guns to be sold on the market too. THE 693 F.F.L. S RENUALS SHOULD BE CUT OFF TOO! I AGREE!! YE$? Solution is, only about 70 should be maximum cap limit to in the legal too. Agree!!! MESSAGE TO B.A.T.F.E.A. DIVSION OF F.F.Ls Licensed dept. of the U.S.A> TREASURY IS IN CHARGE AT all Time’s TOO ! agree!

  228. 1.Let”s cut down the: U.S.A. Level is a Maximum Cap Limit on a number of F.F.L.s on Federal Level First to (20,000)Retailers Store Fronts &Commercial Properties too. I agree!!! The 50 States is State Levels is around 400 F.F.L.s Gun Dealer Store units Holder”s too. I agree! Tighter controls on number F.F.L.s Is (01) & (02) Licenses! Class-1 -(01) & Class-2- (02) !Regular Gun Dealers too. The N.F.A Gun Dealers is option is class-3 is (01) With Tax Stamp number on License. The cap limit on Class-3 Is (09) F.F.L.s is no more then 70 too. Agree! solution is Let”s be more care full when we: issued out the Class-3 is (01) with tax stamp number is black color too! Same with the (09) F.F.L.s License with tax stamp number too. Be very careful with this license is (09) F.F.L.s too. is the intermediate License to sell to the certain Ex lawmen Retires for S wart Experience officers only too! I agree!!!

  229. 1.Let”s cut down the: U.S.A. Level is a Maximum Cap Limit on a number of F.F.L.s on Federal Level First to (20,000)Retailers Store Fronts &Commercial Properties too. I agree!!! The 50 States is State Levels is around 400 F.F.L.s Gun Dealer Store units Holder”s too. I agree! Tighter controls on number F.F.L.s Is (01) & (02) Licenses! Class-1 -(01) & Class-2- (02) !Regular Gun Dealers too. The N.F.A Gun Dealers is option is class-3 is (01) With Tax Stamp number on License. The cap limit on Class-3 Is (09) F.F.L.s is no more then 70 too. Agree! solution is Let”s be more care full when we: issued out the Class-3 is (01) with tax stamp number is black color too! Same with the (09) F.F.L.s License with tax stamp number too. Be very careful with this license is (09) F.F.L.s too. is the intermediate License to sell to the certain Ex lawmen Retires for S wart Experience officers only too! I agree!!! Yes? Or no? Why????

  230. 1. There is a total number of F.F.L.s is about 64,747 Retailers GUN DEALERS STORE fronts & Commercial PROPERTIES IN THE U.S.A. TODAY too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Licenses too. A NUMBER OF N.F.A. NEW APPLICATIONS WAS ISSUED WAS THE NUMBER IS ABOUT IS 770 ISSUED BY 1-800-123.COM. There is about 693 new F.F.L.S is tax stamp is color BLACK COLOR TOO. N.F.A. is new is (09) LICENSES ISSUED TOO. it true!!! WHO DID THIS MANY LICENSES APPLICATIONS was issued so fast & PROCRESSES QUICKLY AN DONE!!! WHY ??? THIS NEEDS TO PUT UNDER INVESTGATION by the U.S. Treasury DIVSION TOO! COMPLAINT UNDER INVESTGATION STATE IMMEADLY !!! NOW!!! THE (09) full auto weapons F.F.L. LICENSE IS CLASS-3 too. Full auto GUNS ONLY!!!!! There should be 77 only with maximum cap limit too. AGREE! THE renewals applications for 693 new N.F.A. for (09) only : should cut off; now!!! I AGREE!!!

  231. 1. Gun Dealers Store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02)regular-es was in 01/01/2015.A.D. was (64,747). On 12/16/2016 A.D. was 56,577 Retailers Gun Dealers too> true!!! The number of F.F.L.s dealers Store Fronts decline is about(8170) F.F.L.s holders retailers smaller Gun Stores too. Could”nt make ends meet the charioteer :the way it should pass too. But they failed of high bills had to be paid. They ow the Firearms distributors money too. They were ordering Guns & ammo too> But They Did”nt pay there Bills on time too! The companies file complaint to the A.T.F. too. They revoked There F.F.L.s License Too. All renewals are , cut off too.The State He or She lives in to;The countie too P.S note: the counties Sheriffs Dept Revoked There State license too. All Renewals are suspended too. There tax license was conceited to, by the tax collector too. It true!!! Store Is shut down too. Theses are Bad Gun Dealers are rug for bad Gun Businesses too. Dishonest doing business the illegal way of selling Firearms to break the Law too> They need to shut down immediately by the the A.T.F. too! Agree! Yes! Do you agree! If they breaking the Federal Laws & State Laws ,Counties Laws, Cuties Laws, Township Laws , Town laws, pertaining to firearms to sold the legal way too. I Agree!!!!!

  232. 1. The Number Count of Firearms Dealers Store Fronts in the U.S.A. is About (63,000) F.F.l..s (01) (02) an N.F.A. is (01) & (09) With tax Stamp too. Color is Black too!

  233. 1. NOTE: THE NUMBER of GUN DEALERS DROPPED way down from (55,000) F.F.L.s STORE FRONTS STORES. TO lower number of F.F.L.s Number is ( 50,630) Gun DEALERS RETAILERS STORES IN the U.S,A. too!!! FEWER GUN BUYERS USTOMERS TOO.

  234. 1, It is time for increase of Class-1 (01) s REGULAR GUN DEALERS Retailers F.F.L.S a LICENSES too. Is TIME to remove the: CLASS-2 RETAILER used Gun Dealer License F.F.L.(02) is Pawn Shop JUNK & GUN Shop F.F.L. LICENSES ,& State LICENSE TO SELL ALL used FIREARMS & Ammo in RETAILER PAWN Shop JUNK& GUN STORES used products of USED GUNS & AMMO as well, in 50 STATES TOO!!! THIS (02) Class-2 should be limited off the F.F.L. list by the U.S. TREASURY DEPT BY THE B.A.T.F.E.A. Federal FIREARMS License DIVSION OF ALL FIREARMS TOO. I agree!!! There should cut about out of 8000 PAWN Stores & GUN STORES IN 50 States in all of them too. A COMPLAINT: IS WE SHOULD CUT THERE F.F.L. LICENSES & State LICENSES TO SELL All USED FIREARMS & Used AMMO supplies off too!!!!! . And there renewals Applications off too !!!. WE SHOULD CUT OFF 7000 DEALERS F.F. L .Licenses off for good too!!! THE COMPLAINT IS THE CRIMIMNALS IN THE OTHER nations & U.S.A. HARDEN STREET GANGES & DRUGE Dealers ;is Men or Woman DRUGE Dealers of the UNDER WORLD OF street Crime in cities, Townships ,Towns ,COUNTIES TOO !!! OF ALL THE 50 States too. I AGREE!!!! THEY buy there GUNS UNDER THE TABLE SALES TOO!!! a lot too !!!!!! THIS is why they should LIMIATE CLASS-2 is (02) F.F.L.s LICENCES OFF THE Federal FIREARMS LICENSE list is should be: (01)(03) (06)(07)(08)(09)(010)(011) List too. DO YOU AGREE? yes? or disagree? No? QUESTION IS WHY???

  235. 1. NOW there is about near count of F.F.L.s Gun DEALERS STORES FRONTS STORES is (01) &(02) to: is (50,630). Plus there is 8000 Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers Stores Fronts in the U.S.A. too!!! There is a total count is left in the U.S.A. is (58,630) F.F.L.s grand total Number is official national count; Too!!! TRUE!!! DATE is 10/11/2018 A.D. TOO!!!!!

  236. 1. There is about near count is the total of Gun Dealers Retailers: total count is about near of 🙁 F.F.L.s) 50630) holders is correct too. It is official by the B.A.T.F.E.A. AGENCY Law ENFORCEMENT of F.F.L.s License DEPT Division too. Off U.S.A. Treasury AGENCY IN CHARGE OF ALL F.F.L. s OF ALL THE LICENSES Applications DEPARTMENT OF ALL renewals DEPTMEMTS IN ALL TOO!!! I do agree!!! I say yes!!! NOT is restricted to Class-1 -(01) only with permission ON PROBATION FOR EVER & TOO. Complaint is: HE OR SHE IS OFF LIMITS TO CLASS-3 ,is N.F.A. RULES DO APPLY TOO!!! (09) main N.F.A. RULES DO APPLY BY THE : B.A.T.F.E.A> LICENSE DEPTMENT REGULATION AT FEDERAL LAWEN FORCE MENT RULES DO APPLY IS THE ( N.F.A.) TOO!!! IS A OPTION For RETIRE Chiefs of POLICE do have nonage of Full AUTO”S WEAPONS LAWS OF EVERY STATE OF 50 IN the U.S.A. TOO!!! THE lawmen S.W.A.T. training special Police FORCE TRAINING TOO. THEY special Collage TRAINING at POICE SCHOOLING on those Weapons; Are full AUTO’s Weapons too!!!! I do agree! SIR? & MAM ? WOMAN POLICE CHIEFS OF POLICE! MEN POLICE CHIEFS OF POLICE !! TOO! THEY WENT TO POLICE SCHOOLS FOR TRAINING TOO!! IT TRUE!!! DO YOU AGREE?? YES? OR DISAGREE? OR NO? WHY???

  237. 1.Attention : Warning !! A.T.F. Renewals Headquarters Dept! A lot of the Regulars Retailers Federal Firearms License Gun Dealers ;saying: They should be trusted too! They should off limits too!The F.F.L.s Current Licenses & State Licenses Should Confiscated immediately too! Ra son is A lot, of the Record Book Registry of the Company Name is not on it too! true!!! Guns not logged in the Record To all pawn Shops Junk Dealers Used Dealers in all; 50 States too! I agree! The Street Criminals Ganges & Foreign Criminals Ganges of other counties too! Drug Dealers Sell Street Drugs to in ,Towns,Townships, Cities, Counties of All 50 States in all,the 50 States too! Foreign Drudge Dealers , King pin Drug Dealers Whole sailors like a Distributor too! It true!! They are called fanciers They own warehouses Building too in all over the 50 States too! In Towns, Townships, Cities, All the Counties of all the States in the U.S.A too! It a Fact too! Of stolen Guns ,& Ammo , Hand Guns & Long Guns Stolen out of Gun Stores Breaks in all over in all the,50 States too! It true!!! They also buy Ammo to under there table sales: in a Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Stores too! This happening a lot in 50 States In counties , Cities,Town ships, Towns too. I agree! The A.T.F said they should Denied the Pawn Shops From Sell in Firearms & Ammo & Used Guns Or Used Ammo And Used Gun Parts & Accessories to for Firearms too! I do Agree! Yes? State They should not sell any :used Firearms & Used Surplus ,or used Ammo too! Or Gun Parts Or Clips feeding devices too. There Federal Firearms Licenses Is Class-2 Is (02) Should be Limited off the A.T.F List of F.FL.s License Records too! This Complaint From most of The Gun Dealers Retailers By Trade of Regular Gun Stores in all over the 50 States too. And All The Sporting,Hunting, Camping Fishing, Gun Stores in 50 States in Counties, Cities, Town Ships. Towns, too! In every State too! Agree! Cut of Renewals F.F.Ls Licenses & State Licenses t selling all Used Firearms too! Cut of Residuals Applications off to For All:, The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers only too I agree! Something should done about it now!! Do i agree! Go! Go!! They can”t Be trusted Selling Guns & Ammo & Used Ammo & Guns too! I agree!!!


  239. 1. The number of F.F.L.s Gun Dealers was 56,577 on 12/16/2016.A.D. Time went on :the number of F.F.L.s decline to 50,630! We lost the number,was 5947 F.F..L.s holders was; smaller Gun Stores Businesses too. Gun sales was very slow to by;each went by to;in week too! A lot slower in a month time too. Money was short for Gun buying customers money Spending: supply for people had to save there money for paying bills; on time every month did increase a lot too! Costly bills did increase too! It true!!!

  240. 1. THE F.B.I. & B.A.T.F.E.F. Law Enforcement Agency: OF THE U.S.A. TREASURY too!!! Is saying is the State POLICE of 25 STATES & HIGHWAY Pa troll & STATE Police of 25 STATES said on Report said about near count of: 4,000,000 COSTUMERS fail the back round check to see there :RECORD was full of Police Arrests of a CRIMINALS Record in the past years of there LIFE HISTORY is true too. Were buying GUNS at GUN STORES too!!! A letter will be sent to those Residents how failed the POLICE back round check BY THE STATE Police & Highway PATROL & STATE POLICE too!!! Didi”t not pass the background CHECK there History of the Applicant how is apply to : if HE or SHE passed or failed the background Police Check of the history the Person too! Do you agree? YES? or Disagree? NO? WHY?? What do you think Sir? OR MAM?

  241. 1.Subject is: U.S.A. Federal Complaint the Federal La wen For cement, B.A.T.F.E.A.Agency & F.B.I. will send a Letter to the to the Gun Buyers how purchase Firearms at a Gun Stores !!! Retailers will revived a letter ;also bought Hand Guns Long Guns too. The Retailers Gun Dealers how sold those Guns to Customers how Failed Instant Back round of the History of the Gun Buyer how Purchased Firearms Under The table Sales with out Back round Check is a Violation of Federal Law & State Laws of 50 States too. true!!! They were told to returned those Firearms Back to the Retailer Gun Dealers Gun Store they bought there Firearms at that Store too! Agree! There is about near total of 4,000,000 Gun Buyers failed the Back round Check too! It true!!! Why did this happen now?? This is serious mistake on the Gun Dealers how allowed to make it happen too ! True! They care about the Gun Sale of getting fast money under table was”t not legal to make the Gun Sale too! This is a big sour on there Gun Dealers Record too! It true!!! They done this many times to it true!!! They don”t care about the Gun Laws on: Regulations are St ricked at all times to on the Books today! It true!!! T hoses Gun Dealers Retailers Will loose there Federal Firearms License real quick on Revoked Action will be taken away too! And the Sheriffs Dept will Revoked this State License to sell all Firearms to at State Level too. By order by the Federal Circuit U.S.A. Court too! By a order Federal Judge will Sigh for it too. To shut them down too! Out of Businesses too. No longer a Gun Dealers Retailer too! Go buy!!!! Out of (50,630) F.F.L.,s Holders in 50 States too! True!!! The A.T.F. & Police Deportment Will Raid those house holds Customers Failed The Instant Check Back round F.B.I. Or The State Police of 25 States too. An The Highway Pa troll & State Police of 25 States too! Will raid those homes ,Town homes Apartments homes too! To see if the have those Guns They bought the Gun Dealer sold them Gun under the table Sales with woad of money to is showed to the Gun Dealers are Rodge are bad ones too, It true!!! Why? The Gun Dealers will loose there Renewal Applications too ! Cut off For Good!!! A State License sell all Firearms Applications Renewals is cut off for Good!!! Buy!!! If the Gun Dealer Retailers not following the Up to date Gun Laws today too! They be shut down by the B.A.T.F.E.,A. Agency too! By the Sheriff’s dept of all counties of 50 States too! State License For Gun Dealers: (01)(02) N.F.A Gun Dealers Retailers is (09) & (01) With tax Stamp is Added too! I agree!!! They not excused at all too! I agree!!! are Bad Ones roe ones too! They confiscated By Sheriffs Dept of State License dept. too! Agree!!! By the U.S.A. Justice Dept too! Agree!!!!! Let”s get the ball rolling now before it to late to Stop it too! I Agree!! P.S We ca stopped it in the Beginning too. If it gets to far It will be out of controlled too! I agree!

  242. 1. Federal U.S.A.LAW for Gun DEALER RETAILER Store FRONT Gun Business is a F.F.L.S is (100,000) RESIDENCES per POPULATION of the 50 STATES too!!! Question is: Do you agree? YES? OR DISAGREE? OR no?

  243. 1. The Retailers Gun dealers Class-1 Is (01: Class-2 is (02; N.F.A. Gun Dealers is class-3 is (09! too. The Total count is (50,630) in 11/08/018 A.D. too! Is official too.

  244. 1. note: The total of regular (01) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers is: (56,600) too. The Pawn shop Gun Dealers is, is (02) F.F.L.s is about 8,000 too. The Total number of F.F.L..s is left is about (64,600) Gun Dealers Store Fronts on 12/03/2018 A.D.too!!! It will be official by new year eve too. The date will be on 01/04/2019 A.D too! do you agree! Yes? Or Disagree! Or No!

  245. 1. All Retailer Gun Dealers: (01) (02) Store Fronts do sell Firearms Can”t Played both ends of the Stick too! Regular Gun Dealers Retailers too! Is Off Limits To Certain F.F.L.s Licenses is Import & export is, N.F.A. -(08) & option is N.F.A. is (011) too Mfrs F.F.L.s is,( & (06) Ammo Mfg. & (07) regular Firearms mfg too. N.F.A.; Mfg is (010) too! The Distinctive Devices is certain F.F.L.s is (09) (011) (010) Weapons Is Full auto Weapons only too! Agree! P.S. About 0.99% of the Regular Gun Dealers Businesses can”t be trusted at all with auto weapons Training too> it true!!! too! Reason is: they have no special training in military Forces Or La wen Enforcement Training too. They don”t know the laws. The regular Gun Dealers Retailers will get in trouble with those weapons too! Are Full auto too! Guns items too! Do you Agree? Yes? Or Disagree!!! or No? They should cut of renewals applications off for (09) F.F.l..s for regular Gun Dealers By Trade too! And pawn shops & Gun Shops is off Limits to Digestive Devices for (09) &(011) & (010) too! N.F.A . Licenses too! Agree! Yes? to risky to Chance to with th public too! i agree!!!!

  246. 1. The number of Gun Dealers on 01/01/2015 A.D is before is 64,747 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers too! Is (01)(02) Is Class-1 Is (01) & Class-2 (02) Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too! Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too. The N.F.A. Gun Dealers F.F.L.s is (01) With Tax Stamp N.F.A. too! An (09) N.F.A. Intermediate Class-3 is About 70 too!

  247. 1. On, 01/01/ 2019 A.D. The Number Of Gun Dealers Decline way down too.( 63,114) F.F.L.s too. The number of Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is about, (55,563) (01) F.F.L.s too. The Pawn Shop & Gun Shops is (02) is (7551) too. They are Still going down each month too! Is Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Outlet Stores don”t make at all too! They sell to bigger Gun dealers Retailers how has money too! It true!!!

  248. 1. 02/01/2019 A.D. The Number is (2) of N.F.A. Gun Dealers F.F.L.s is limited up to two per each State too. Including F.F.L.s (01) With Tax Stamp is a Class-3 N.F.A in included too! Theses F.F.L.s Licenses is under St-ricked controlled by the( B.A.T.F.E.A.) Agency by the U.S.A treasury Dept of Firearms Licenses is N.F.A. Applications S tricked Con trolls those Applications too! Is (09)& (011) & (010) too! Is Full Auto”s weapons too! Agree!!! They don”t Give them out so easily too. They very hard to get it too! Very diff ult to get them progresses it too! The illegal Non citizens other Counties too! Are off Limits too! In any State in the U.S.A. too! There are Certain Licenses Are Off Limits to Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Regulars Stores Fronts Stores Businesses Is Class-1 is (01) & Pawn Shop & gun shops is class-2 is (02) Too!! Is off limits too! I agree!!! Yes? These F.F.L.Licenses Not Gun Dealers Licenses too! At All too! I agree?? Yes Sir!!! Is Mgr is corporation companies, i.n.c companies!! F.F.L.s Ammo Mfr. (06) Regular Gun Mfr is (07) N.F.A. Mfr. is (010) The Import & (08) N.F.A. Ammo Regular important weapons over seas too. The Distributive Foreign Guns are Full auto”s N.F.A. is, Mfr is over seas too!!! To import Gun into the U.S.A. with a valid F.F.L.s is a (011) to is Class-2 only too! They have S tricked Con trolls on threes Applications Fr-oms is N.F.A. Licensees By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of the U.S.A. Treasury Dept is in charge those Applications too! Not Private Corp.Companies Or I.N.C Co”s to like too! Agree!! Yes? He is Off limits to, Class-2 Licenses is, (08 N.F.A. Ammo )& (011) N.F.A. Import & Export . Mfrs is ,(06) Ammo mfr. (07) Regular Gun Mfg is (07) & N.F.A. (010) Mfg too! Agree! Yes?? By the U.S.A. Treasury Dept of the U.S. Is the A.T.F. License Agency too Agree!!!

  249. 1 . 01/01/2018A.D. There is. About near count of 364,000,000 Long Guns is 2/3 s an HandGuns is 1/3,used.relic too. The total of Rifles is 161,777.777.777 too. The Shotguns is 80,888,888.888 too. The total of long Guns production is 242,66),666.666 too. 2.The HandGuns total count is 121,333,333,.333. Too. The total of Semiauto Pistals is 80,888,888.888 too. The total Revolvers is 40,444,444,4443 too. Agree!

  250. 1. Total of Class-1 is (01) F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts,Retailers Business Gun Dealers is (55,563)! The total of Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers is, (7,551) Store Fronts Retailers is Class-2 Is (02)F.F.L.s too! The Total of F.F.L.s is Regular Gun Dealers is 63,114!!! Is official count of regular Gun dealers Retailers too! True!!!

  251. 1. There is eleven States Refused to melt there Conceited Firearms too! There is more Long Guns Rifles,Shotguns too! is 2/3 is 0.66% too! True!! There is about 1/3 Less hand Guns is 0.33% too! True!!! The Solution is we cut down the number of Long Guns, & Hand Guns Productions cut is order by Police Reports in 50 States too! I agree!!! It should be done immediately too! by 0.80 % too!To reduce Crime in 50 States too! I agree!!! Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why??? Only allow whats be order by Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers request : if the buyer puts down by 0.50 % too! With his or Her money to, if they will buy it too! Agree!! Don”t mfrs extra Firearms to stand on shelves to collect dust too! You are losing money too! I agree!!! The Solution is Only allow Arms production is 0.10% per Years too! The Firearms will be come very hard to find in any Gun Stores too! (01) Or Pawn Shop & Gun Store too. (02) Ammo will be scariest for any Handguns of any Caliber too! Revolvers ,Semi automatics Firearms too! Agree!!! There are 348,000,000 Long Guns is 2/3 is 0.66% too! Hand Guns is less then 1/3 to is 0.33% too! I agree!!! P.S. Rifles is 2/3″s is (0.66)% too. Shotguns is 1/3 is (0.33) % too! Is long Guns / Hand Guns is conceal Weapons only too! Semi-Automatics Hand Guns is 0.90- a Plumier body 0.10 Steal Parts barrel magazine plastic Spring in metal too! Is (0,66) % too The Trigger is Plastic the inner parts is cheep mfg parts in the Semiautomatic Pistols too! Production is should be (0.05) % too! In one Year too! The revolvers are made of Steel too! Productions is (0.33)% too!!! True!!! The Hand Guns production will be (0.05)% productions only with orders too! Agree!!! Long Guns is production is (0.05) % to mfr in one year time too! Divided by per month time too! Do you Agree!!!??? Yes? By vote U.S. Congress House ? & U.S Senate House will vote on it too! Agree!!!!! The Number of smaller Gun Stores will decline in time in each month time too! There numbers will be controlled F.F.L.s Licenses will be tight control by the all the B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency By the U.S.A. Treasury too! Do you Agree!!! Yes? Or Disagree?? No? Why?

  252. 1.We must cut the number of smaller F.F.L.s is,Class-1- (01) Class-2 (02 & N.F.A. Extra Gun Dealers is (09)& (01) with tax Stamp is N.F.A. Rules apply too! They Must Cut down is N.F.A Gun Dealers is Cut down by (0.75) % too A gee !!!They must be cut down by (0.75) % cut off too! Agree!!! Reason is :this will stop the Flow of Guns Off the Streets By the Robbie’s of Smaller Gun Stores by trade to is Gun Shop by Trade too! And Sporting Hunting,Fishing ,Camping & Gun Stores Is (01) F.F.L..s too! There is to of those Stores have F.F.L.s is (01) Licenses Too. Agree! Solution is : Cut Off Licenses by (0.75) % 0ff too! Renewals Cancelled off Applications is Stopped too! By (0.75)% cut off too! Agree! Problem Stores Pawn Shops & Gun Stores is (02) They must cut off F.F.L.s Licenses & 15 States Cut off Licenses to sell Firearms too! By (0.75) % Cut off too! Agree! Renewals applications Are Cut off by the A.T.F too .By the Sheriff’s Dept of all counties of 50 States in all too! Agree! Reason is To many Guns are Getting Stolen out of Gun Stores in eastern section of the U.S. N.E.S.W. is 1/3 is eastern section of the U.S.A too! Do you Agree! Yes Or Disagree? No? Why?? How come this problem Started too! true!!! We should allow (0.25%) Gun Dealers remaining in business too! They must be thinned out to in eastern section too! Little to crowed too! Meaning is to many eggs in one nest too! I agree!! They have to thinned out little bit too! Agree!!!!! Fewer Guns will be melted in Steel mills Liquid Plants too to Crime Guns into Rebar Steel Roods too! Garner, tools Shelves, of Garden tools, items too! do you agree!!! The eleven States should do the same thing too! Like Texas, & Chicago Tenn, Michigan , New Mexico ,too! Louisiana, Oklahoma, There Eleven States will nit melt Crime Guns at all too! Agree!! The Gun Dealers Will not accept those Crime Guns in there Gun Stores too! Agree! They take Those States to U.S.Circuit to Get those Gun Melted down i Still Mill too!!! I do agree that all States will melt down those Crime Firearms to melted Steal too! to make Rebar too!!!!! I agree!!! The Police Dept don”t want those Gun s on the Streets of Cities is high crime by Street Criminals, Relisted Criminals , Foreign Non Citizens Foreign Criminals too! From Other Nation Trying to fee to the U.S.A too! It True!!! Wake up America U.S. Citizens too! Tell your representative to get Crime Guns Melted ! In Still Mills too! Tell Eleven States to Change this bad Law too! Many Police adepts towns. Townships, Cities, Counties Sheriffs , Don”t like it at all too! Trying Sell those Crime Guns, In Gun Stores too! They don”t want those Guns in there Gun Stores too! Does in make sense too! think about it; for a minute too! Get my Drift Sir? Or MAM ? Is complaint too!

  253. 1. (01/01/2019 A.D. The Number Regular Gun dealers is,Class-1 is (01) is 55,000,F.F.L.s Holders too. The Number of Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers, is Class-2 Is (02)holders to is 8,000 too! The Total Count of Gun Dealers Store Fronts Business ,63,000(,F.F.L.s) to total is left in the U.S.a too! They still declining each month too!!! True!!!

  254. 1. We are close to about near count of 49,000 Retailer Gun Dealers is the total count is correct now. We went from 63,000 lower number of about 49,000 too. They are still going down in numbers by each month too. Agree! We lost about 14,000Gun Dealers did decline is out of Busineses too. True!

  255. 1. The Federal Law says by the U.S.A. Treasury Division too. The B.A.T.F.E.A. Division will enforced a Federal Law is 1 Gun Dealer Retailers Store Front F.F.L.s is (01) or (02) or N.F.A is (09) too! is 100,000 Residences too! They should go by the population of each State too! An Divided Population into 100,000,Residences People population as it ; too. The Number Of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s too . Will Be Legal too! Agree! All the States Will Abide by the Federal Firearms License Per one Gun Dealer Law Saying is I F.F.L. Holder Retailer Gun Dealer Store Front Business per Unit too. Agree!! Solution is All The Extra Gun Dealers will Be Cut way down too! Is Smaller Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores will be Cut way down too! By the A.T.F too! They will Revoked the Current F.F.L.s license & sheriff will revoked there current License Is (01)(02) & N.F.A. is (09) tax Stamp too. An Class-1-(01) With a Tax Stamp is N.F.A. is Rules do apply : is rules are Violated too. Agree!!! Or illegal Gun Sales too! True!! They will close your Gun Store Down too! And Take all Ammo & Guns away too! An put them in Truck to take them away too!! Agree!!! For Rog Gun Dealers are Bad apples retailers Store Fronts too! Agree!! It time to Close them down too! If they are nor following the Federal Laws & State Laws of selling Guns Legally with in the law too! I agree! Yes?? There Renewals will be cut off too! Agree!!!!! There is no second Chance of getting your Gun Business back the way it is before too! True !! It gone!!! Your are History !!! The Gun Dealers of the past history is gone too! Agree!!! This way to Clean Bad Gun Dealers retailers Bad Apples out of business too! I agree!!! The A.T.F will put there foot down too! If Laws are broken to your Face too! Of a violation you commuted a criminal affluence you commuted too . as a bad Gun Dealer Retailer went roe direction too! Why? How come ??? Some States are over crowed by smaller Gun Dealers too! agree! This is why some must cut down an out of business too. true . This why we have 394,000,000 Firearms in the 50 States in the U.S.A too! The 2/3 is long guns : Rifles Very popular is 0.66% too! Shotguns is not popular too! is (0.33)% is 1/3 too! True!! Conceal weapons : Hand Guns is semi-automatics is (0.66)% & 2/3 too. Very popular too The Revolvers is 1/3 is 0.33)% too! Not so popular too! Is 2/3 is (0.66) % too. Long guns Rifles,Shotguns, too. The Hand Guns is 1/3 is (0.33)% too! Semi auto” Pistols & Revolvers handguns too! It True !! Facts are There too! Agree!!!

  256. 1.The State of ILLINOIS has to many smaller Gun Stores tool The mumber Gun Dealers is (01) &🐰(02) ; 2446 F.F.Ls too. The new fee is a 3 year is a State LIcense : to sell all FIrearms at state level with in State borderlines of Illinois State only too.Agreed!! $1500.00 too. The Grovenor has sigh Crime bill into State Law too. True!!! This is reason is Crime with stolen Guns being robbed by street Ganges of the under world of Druges a. Blood money is available too.true? Why? The solution is to make the crime fit the number of Prison time in jail to the number of years fit the crime by criminals of foreign citizens an American criminals in the USA too.agree! The blood money comes from Mexico nation of Drugs of the under world of crime too. Is true! The A.T.F. Agents should esconfiscate those 80,000 Firearms from Sears warehouse Building in some ware in The City of cadicago too. The A.T.F.should melt those Guns used in crimes by criminals Gangs too. Weapons were taken by city police department too. Those Guns should be melted immeasurably by Federal U.S.A. Court order too. Agree ! The A.T.F.should cut down about 2000 F.F.L.Dealers will be shut down too. By certain Names are not folling the Federal laws & State laws too. Agree? They would leave about number of F.FL,s Dealers Retailers of 446 too! Agree! They will check there Gun Sales twice Year too!agree! This is why the crime is so high in the State of Illinois too.Agree!!!

  257. 1. By each month go by to in number Days one or three Gun Dealers. Call it quits too. There numbers are going down too.true!
    The slow business the Gun Dealer make $5.00 on sale of a Firearm too .True!

  258. 1.A Crime Guns is used by Criminals too.They will not no the Gun 😆😆Dealers Store Gun Racks or HandGuns used by criminals to Guns they robbed out of smaller gun Stores too. It true. It true. In all the States in the U.S.A.too. This is reason is those 11 States should be shamed of them selves to make the decision too. To make dirty Money by selling criminals used. Guns back on Gun Dealers Shelves too. It true! Listen to this information is on the News of N.B.C.A.BC. C.B.S. Are encouraged them to sell those Guns is confiscated by Police Depts of Towns.Townships, Citied , State police of or Highway payroll State police are making money on selling those concated Guns items back to those F.F.L. Gun Dealers are accepting those guns back into there Gun Stores is class-1 is(01 &class-2 PawnSop &GunDralers shelves for longguns Riflrs ,Shotguns an Handguns in Glass counter too . It true ! Why? Those Gun Dealers don’t care about the Federal Laws &states Laws to in all the 50 states too. Reason is those States assembly need to change the law to not selling Criminals Guns back on Gun Dealer shelved too. An the State Senate should look into this matter of changing the state law too.It time to the right way to send those Gun items to A Steel mill to melt all those Guns the criminals used on crimes of robbing Gun Stores too. Those 11States should be on probation by the U.S . Justice Dept by the Federal Grovernment should put them on 10 year sentace too. This is unsafe to a dangerous law by paid by the street criminals thuges of the underworld of crimnal Ganges in the U.S.A. Too. The F.F.L.Gun Dealers Retailers know about this racked too. To paid some lawyer is crooked a take money bribes of blood money to in back account it true! The police Depts should be disbanded too. Is close down too.I agree! The street Criminals will get those Guns back in there hands too. By buying Guns from bad crooked roe Gun Dealers is (01)(02) is regular Gun Dealers Store Fronts is bad Retailers too. Those Gun Dealers broken the Public trust too. Selling Guns is used by Criminals Ganges used Guns in Crimes too. They those Guns get back on the GunDealers shelves in the Gun Stores too. true! This law got to change too. Is to send the Guns to a Still Mill to get those Crime Guns to be melted too.To turn them to rebar strips steel units to repaired out bridges an turn then metals to Drain Covers for Street Drains covets made of heavy steel units too.true. I agree they should go for it too !! Do you agree?Yes?or Disagree?No? Why? How come the delayed ???why?

  259. 1.There is to many Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. Gun Dealers too. There is about near count is 64,747 Gun Dealers in 01/02/2015 A.D. too.

  260. 1. There is now near count of the total Firearms Dealers Retailers did reduced to a lower number of Federal FIrearms Licenses is reduced to 50,630 Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Business too. The A.T.F. Will revoked there current Federal Firearms LIcense too.An the Sheriffis in 15 States will Revoked there curent LIcense too. An F.FL.s renuals will be revoked too. Is shut off. Too. The number of smaller Gun Dealers will be reduiced in smaller numbers too. The total of Gun Dealers will be cut is about 14097 F.F.L. Licenses too. In crowed in some States has to many smaller Gun Dealers smaller Guns Stores too. In the eastern States has the most Gun Dealers Retailers store outlets Business too. There is to many Gun Stores near Mexico border is four States is California, Mexico,Arzonia, Texas too and up Gulf of Mexico up to Florida too. Agree!
    The A.T.F. Needs to do there job too. Agreed !’!!

  261. 1. The Federal U.S.A. Law is to all States to follow it too. If the States don’t follow U.S.A. Law is Federal level by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency by U.S.A.Treasury Dept Is in Charge🐰Too. P.S. note: or a regular One Gun Dealer F.F.L. LIcense is (01)&(02) & (09) F.F.L.too. Or. One (01) with tax stamp is N.F.A. Is class-3 too per 100,000 residences per one Gun Dealer regular ones too.agree! Do you agree?yes? Or Disagree?No?why?

  262. 1. Some states do have to many Gun Dealers F.F.L. Dealers Retailers smaller Gun Stores too.Do you agree Sir? Or Mam? Some states need to asked the cut some of the smaller FF.L.s holders down to agree! Reason is the Crime Rate is about Guns & Ammo thiefts too. The State Law in Origon State passed a State Law by State Assembly members House did passes with flying colors too.It passed too!! Later the send the State Bill to State Senate House in Origan to the vote on it all voted on it too. Is one Ammo box per 31 days each month goes by too. It is a good Law on the State of Origan State too. Later it got to the Grovernor desk She sighed into State Law too.It passed with flying colors too. The State of ILLionios should. Passed the same law on Ammo for Longguns Rifles,Shotguns . Conceal Weapons is Hand Guns Semiautos Pistals with limit of 10 Shot clips too. Is a cap Limit too.Revolvers is one HandGun per sale to the Public every 31Days too.Agree! Yes? Or Disagree? No?Why?How the subject problem is spreading in 50 States in all too Agree!Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? How come this problem? Why ?

  263. 1. F.FL. Dealers Retailers Store Fronts an Commercial Properties located industrial assign zones call Commercial Block Zones. 😆Locations by Zoning Commsion of Building Codes &Commercial Properties only. Opening a Gun Businese only too.Agreed.This goes for Pawn Shops& Gun Stores too. Is F.F.L.S is restricted to an (02) F.F.L.S too. And Sporting Goods , Hunting, Fishing, Camping, & Gun Dealers Too. The Stores is only sell Long. Guns Rifles, Shotguns , Ammo for long Guns only as restricted too. Agree. The Pawn Shop Junk Stores &. Gun Stores too is Resitrictrd to sell Long Guns & Long Guns Ammo only sold in Pawn Stores Gun Stores too. They can’t not sell Hand Guns or it Hand Gun Ammo too. Agree. They should not sell HandGuns or it ammo for conceal Weapons HandGuns too. They. Should stop selling Hand Guns or Hand Guns Ammo too. They can’t sell it no more too.Agree. The jail Crimsnals Shop there a lot too.ItTrue!!!
    The Chair man should say no Conceal Weapons is Semiauto Pistals or 10 Shot Chips too. Or Revolvers Hand Guns Weapons Too. Agree!

  264. R 1. F.FL. Dealers Retailers Store Fronts an Commercial Properties located industrial assign zones call Commercial Block Zones. 😆Locations by Zoning Commsion of Building Codes &Commercial Properties only. Opening a Gun Businese only too.Agreed.This goes for Pawn Shops& Gun Stores too. Is F.F.L.S is restricted to an (02) F.F.L.S too.

  265. 1(. Reminder is ): (U.S.A Complaint is: Not doing your Job as an Agent Or Inspector of Checking Gun Sales too! I do agree Sir! & Mam ! Too!The Federal Law States is 1 Federal Firearms License -Gun Dealer Regular F.F.L. Retailer Store is Gun Shop by Trade Is Regular Gun Store Business ; per 100,000 Residences too! Agree! Yes! The Federal is above all 50 States Governments’ in the U.S.A. too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency will enforced the Federal Law is top Banana Sir? Mam ? too! Do you agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come this Problem is accruing now!!! Why?? That’s there Inspectors Of A.T.F .Duties as a Agent of Gun Regulations must Stand today world too! Let’s put the Duties to the Grind Store an do you Job too! I agree!!! Problem is we are to Lax on the duties as a A.T.F. inspector Agent of the B.A. T. F.E.A. Division too Off Gun Sales need to checked twice a Year too! Do you Agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come ???

  266. 1.Com plaint is : is 5,106 F.F.L.s holders too. Most of them are smaller ones too! True!!!There is Number of Gun Dealers Federal Firearm Licenses way to much too! Some need to cut way down a lot too! Do you Agree!! only in this State of Texas too! Do you agree? Sir? & Mam? Think about for a second too! Do get by Drift in this subject too! Meaning to many F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Retailers too! Agree!! The Federal Laws States is one F.F.L. Gun Dealer is per 100,000 Residences only is a enforced by the Federal Law still Stands today too! Agree!!! Solution is The A.T.F. Should down size the number of Gun Dealers is smaller Gun Dealers Units too. By Sending Letter There F.F.L.s is not being renamed & State License by the Country telling your State License not being renewed no More too! We got to Cut down the number of Smaller Gun Dealers number down a lot too! I agree!! The State of Texas Should have About Max cap is allow by, A.T.F. too!! To a limit of 1500 F.F. L .s (01)(02) Regulars Gun Dealer Retailers Store Fronts is should be 16 miles from each other Gun Stores too> Do you agree!!! And max Cap Limit on N.F.A. Gun Dealers Retailer is no higher the Three (09) or (01 With tax Stamp is N.F.A. if ordered too! By Gun Shop By Trade Is Regular Gun Shop Dealers (01) Allowed to have it only too . The Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers is restricted to (02) F.F.L.s Licensee only too ! A ruling by the A.T.F. Regulations on F.F.L.S Licenses too Do you Agree? Yes? This State is A lot of Drugs from the Mexican Border too! is California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas , too! And Gulf Of Mexico Ocean too, Up to Florida cost too! Agree!! State Of Florida needs to cut down it to many Gun Dealers F.F.L.s holders too. Only Allow 2 N.F.A Gun Dealers is 2 the maxim cap limit too! Agree!! A lot of illegal Drugs come threw the State of Texas, & Florida ,New México, Arizona, California, State too! They also dig Tunnels under the Border near cities close to the border too! If they find one They should put on report on record too! Solution is: Poor Cement to fuelled tunnel hold too! Do you Agree!! Yes??? To many Illegal Buying Guns at a Gun Store with there Green Card too! They Can but Long guns, & Handguns too! on 4473 form in 50 States too! It True!!! Why ? The U.S Citizen is first in the 50 States too! True We are First in Line too! Agree!!! Theses People can hurt The American Citizens is born in the Nation is the U.S. too! I agree!!! The Illegal Aliens should not be Allow to buy Guns & Ammo in the 50 States too! I do agree!!! They Should Stopped this now!! I agree!!!

  267. 1. We went from 60,000 F.F.L holders is (01)(02) is regulars GunDealers to decline of 28,112 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts GunDealers too! I agree! Problem is they are not logging those Guns items in the Regustered Record Book of the Name of Retailers Recorded Book too. Problem is they to lazy to put the type of Name of Firearms an serial number is not logged in the records Business Gun Book too. This series problem for Gun Dealers Store fronts Gun Dealers Retailers Business too. This shame on there part too. This is there responsibility on there part too. Most of them say it to much work too . I say bulshit it your job asa Gun Dealer Retailer do sell FIrearms too.Agree! You sell longguns , Rifles.Shotguns . An Conceal Weapons too . Is Semiauto’matics Pistals with 10 shot clips too. Revolvers with 6,8 shot double Revolvers ,an single shot handguns too. I agree! If not you can’t handle the Gun Shop Retailer Gun Business too. You will told to shunt down your Gun Business too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of U.S.A.Treasury Dept! Will shiut you down too. You have to log in ammo in the The Ammo Record book for the A.T.F. To Do you agree?Yes?Or Disagree? No?why?

  268. 1. The total of F.F.L.s Regular Retailers Gun Dealers is (55,000) . The Pawn Shop & gun dealers is 7,000 too. There is total of (62,000) too! They went down of 1000 F.F.L.s holders less too! True!!! They are Declining to Reason is To many Anti Gun Laws in few States are increasing a lot do time would tell!!!!

  269. 1. 01/01/2019 There is,(01) 56,000 F.F.L.s & 7000 F.F.L.s is (02) too! The number of F.F.L.s decline to 34,000 too!! Later They decline to 28,000 F.F.L.s Retailers Dealers too! This will cut down the number of F.F.L.s way Down too! Solution is: Put an Cap on the number of F.F.L.s Gun dealers Regulars (02) And (0.01 % on F.F.L.s (02) Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Dealers Licenses too . In all the 50 States too! I agree!!! The Maximum Cap limit should be for the U.S.A. is (20,000) F.F.L.s Holders too ! I do agree!! It makes a lot of scene too. Agree!!! The 50 States Governments of 50 States Should Limit of F.F.L.s Li mt is (400) F.F.L.s holders too! Is maximum Cap, Limit Number Of F.F.L.s Holders is regular Dealers only too! I agree too! By the Federal Agency Of the U.S. Treasury Dept too! I Agree!!! I”m am thinking about U.S A. Public safety of Law abiding Citizens too! In 50 States The Solution is : This will have better F.F.L.s Applications Controls on First Time You are becoming Gun Dealers Regular Store Front Retailer Business too! For the First 3 Years Your F.F.L.License Is (01) Or a Pawn Shop& Gun Dealers is (02) Too. And State License too. Is needed too! Agree!!! The Fee $ 200.00 For the first Years too. The State License to at State you live in to: is $100.00 Fee for first 3 Years too. The Second 3 Years is $90.00 cost for the F.F.L.s License Application cost too. The State License is $ 45.00 Fee: for 3 Years Renewals Applications to An beyond too. They should better controls the Regular F.F.L.s (01) & (02) too. I agree!!! And Renewals Applications By the The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency Of the U.S.A. Treasury Dept Main Building too! I do Agree!!! P.S. Let”s be more care Full how we issued F.F.Ls Licenses Applications out Carefully how we do it the write way ;is legal with in the Guide Lines, Rules An regulations Of Federal Laws & State Laws ,country Laws, Cites Laws, Town Ship laws , towns laws on most current all the Gun Laws Too. Do you Agree ? Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? How Come this Discussion we are going to talk about too!! Do you agree!!!

  270. 1, note: The Number of Gun Dealers Retailers is: (12/05. 2016 is 56,577 F.F.L.s to 03/06/2019 is decline down to 50,630 F.F.L.s too! Store Fronts F.F.L.s is (01) to (02) Retailers Stores is 50 States did decline too! Reason is: there is to many Bad apples Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts , Vender Gun Dealers have Businesses in homes too! Townhouses, too! Apartments Bldgs. too. Which is illegal too! The A.T.F. License Agency will not renewed there F.F.L.s Licenses ,too !!! Or the Sheriffs counties Not renewals State Licenses for Vender Gun Dealers Can’t Proved an Store Front Retailer Store With no Windows on Building too! There Renaults Fee$$ is 2500.00 for 3 Year Renaults too! There State License Fee$$ for 3 Year renewals is $1500.00 Every three Years renewals : By the Sheriff’s Dep’t of State Licenses Renaults too! They are the only ones they are allowed to do it too! Agree! This is the Reason is all the 49 States are doing it now! too! Agree!!! Do you agree? Yes?? The Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Are Not Following the Federal Law: & The 50 States Gun Laws regulations must be followed too! Agree!! To many Gun Dealers (01)(02) Selling Guns as a Straw Gun Sales Not using Instant Check Buckhound not being called in first too! Agree!! Why? How Come this problem accrued for 5 years period too! In the 50 States too! true!!! why??

  271. 1. The maximum cap limit in the U.S.A. Grovernment level should be ( 10,000) F.FL. Holders should be:maximum cap limit too. The 50 States maximum cap: limit should should be about ; (200)F.F.L.s (01)(02) regular Licenses Gun Dealers Retailers Stores:,Commercial Properties located in industrial Block assigned Zones for starting new Busineses too. There should be maximum cap Number of F.F.L. is controlled by the number of applications is a lot to apply for it too. To processes it is a lot harder to get it finishing too. Theses Number of F.F.L.s will be controlled by the A.T.F. Agency of the U.S.A. Treasury’s too. Agree! No more Applications will not be issued not past maxium number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Businesses too.Agree! No extra Gun Dealers will not added too. Agreed!!!

  272. 1. The class-3 is N.F.A. (09) is time for increase new Fee$ should a lot higher rate N.F.A. F.F.L. Old rate is $3000.00 for three Year too.Should higher Number for increase is needed now! Sir?or Mam? The solution is to do it now too. The new Rate for 3 Year Renuals every Year should: be $$$ 10,000 Dollars cost for type-(09) FF.Ls is N.F.A. Rules of ; Regulations by the B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency too. Note: there is to many Class-3 F.F.L.s is (09) N.F.A. Is making inspections on All Class-3 N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) only too. The 3Year Renuals rate is new rate should be $10,000.00 fee for Type-(09) LIcense Renuals every time :you renual your F.F.L.s N.F.A. LIcense every time too. This is reminder to bring this to House of Representives to vote on the Bill tool Then it goes to the U.S. Senate House to vote on it too. They should passed it in both Houses to pass it too. The current President should sighed it into law too! Do you agree? Sir?orMam? What do you think ?? What is your opion ????

  273. 1. The F.F.Ls is (01)&(02) to is boosted up, an added fee$ is $500.00 more too. The total increase ,will be total 3-Year Renuals Rate will be; about $3000.00 each time you apply , for application for F.F.L.s Renuals too. Agree! Yes? The State LIcense to sell all FIrearms at State level too. I agree. Yes? Do you agree?Sir?or Mam? Reason is this will put out the bad Gun Dealers are not Following the Federal Law,an State Laws of all the 50 States too. Do you agree? Yes? The Gun Owners Want this rate too. Agreed!!!

  274. 1.The new rate for LIcense new Rate will will be in all 50 States is 3-Year Renuals at the Sheriffis Dept. of State LIcense fee $$ will be $ 1500.00 per renuals for all Retailer Store Front Gun⌨️Businesses too. Do you agree? Yes ? Reason is this will shut down a lot of the crooked Roge Gun Dealers are not following State &Federal Laws too.I Agree! Yes? Do you agree? Theses are F.F.L. Gun Dealers now following Laws of not selling Guns &Ammo too. They make a list in all the 50 States too.Agree! If they not following the Federal an State Laws of Selling Gun leggally! They should shut down an revoked there curent F.F.L. LIcense anState LIcense should be revoke by Sheriffis Dept of Country level working with the A.T.F
    police Agency by the B.AT.F.E.A. Agency tooI I agree! Yes!

  275. 1. If there to many violations on the Retailers Gun Records Book of the number FIrearms not logged in the Record Book Too. Or the Firearms Repaired Log Record Book too. If the Customer sends a Firearm back to the Gun Dealers is (01)(02) an N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09 F.F.L. Is FullAuto FIrearms too. Is send back to M.F.R. Too. The GunDealer Logged the Date the HandGun or Long Gun is sent out an put and set Date to of month the Day AnYear to pick up the Gun item by United Parcle Service to send the Gun item to the M.F.G to get it repaired too. They will Charge from M.FG of the Gun is being repaired too. After they repaired the Gun item too.The M.FG. Calls the Retailer Store Gun Dealer when the Gun is fixed in a Letter Repair Report too. The Gun Dealer gives A copy of the Letter to the owner Customer too. There is a charge a Money Repaired $$Fee too. The Gun Dealer log The Returning Date in the Gun Repair Repaired Loge Record Book too! The A.T.F. Will check the Gun Repaired Book all FIrearms ate sent out to the Factory M.FG too. The send out Date is logged in first too! The name of owner of the Firearm address and town, Township, Citie, Country of the State He or She lives in too. agree. In Gun Log Repaired Book too. When the Gun item is sent out to Factory of M.F.G. After it :Repaired . They will Bill the Costomer will be billed by money fee $ too. After the Gun is returned to Owner too. The Retailer of Gun Store (01) (02) Regular GunDealers only Too. An N.F.A. Is (01) with tax stamp. Or master N.F.A is (09) with black tax stamp with number too. Agree!!! The Returned Date when the Gun Dealer recive Gun item back to the Gun Store too. The returned Date of the Gun item is back to Gun Store with a Letter saying your Gun been fixed too. The Gun Dealer will give copy of the report to owner of the FIrearm or FIrearms too. The Gun Dealer will charge a money fee to customer Bill He or She will pay for it by Check or Money order too. Agree. The Gun Dealergive reciep too. The Costomer is Bill is paid in Full too. The Gun Dealer gives the Gun Back to Costomer too, He or She shack his hand too . You are done . Do you agree? Yes? Or Disagree. No?why?

  276. 1. The New Rate is 3-Year Renewals Is N.F.A. Is Class-3 is a only will be (09) Gun Dealers Is Full auto Weapons The 3-Year Rate Will cost Every N.F.A. Gun Dealers of higher F.F.L:s Fee$$$ will be ( $16,000.00) Every there Years Renewals too. Or no set money + Charge Or more too! Do you Agree!! Yes? Or Disagree?no? Why??? With the (01) F.F.L.s Tax Number is to Make it a N.F.A. Class-3 Licence too! The New Renewals 3 – Year Rate is $$$ 11,000.00 Rate Every Year Rate Or more $$$ Ne set Rate too! Do You Agree? Yes Or Disagree? No? Why?

  277. 1. In the U.S.A There Should Be maximum Cap limit in the U.S.A. Should Be Federal Law of ( 5000.00) F.F.Ls Retailers Store Fronts (01)(02) Or N.F.A. Is (09) too! The State Governments of (50) States too! It should be (100) F.F.L.s (01)(02) Regular ones . The N.F.A (09) too! Is included as well too! Do you Agree!!! Yes ? Or Disagree? No? Why?

  278. 1. The U.S.A. Federal Law says : in all 50 States too. Is one Federal FIrearms LIcense Retailer Store Front an Commercial Property to as one unit too. Is per 100,000 Residences too. Is a one Gun Dealer is Per unit too. Agree!!! Do you agree?Yes? It is U.S. Grovernment Regulation is enforced by B .A.T.F. E.A. Police Unit too.Agree. Is Swart unit too. Thur! Federal FIrearms LIcense Gun Law is Federal Level too. By the Treasury Dept is in charge of B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency in Washington D.C. too. All the States must bay this Federal U.S.A . Law is in Federal Level by the U.S .A Grovernment will enforced it too. With out warning too. True!!! A lot of the extra Gun Dealers F.F.L.s will be cut off too. And State Licenses will be cut off by the Country Sheriffis Dept of Licenses dept of issued a State LIcense for Retailer Gun Dealer LIcense renuals Applications is cut off too! Agree! Do you agree? Yes? Or Disagree?No? Why? How come this come on too?? Why???

  279. 1. The U.S.A. Com Plant is Serios too! To Cut Down the Number of Extra Gun Dealers Dealers (01) & (02) too> if there is to many too!!! Agree!! The Federal Firearms License : Federal Law Stands in the U.S.A. Law; is one Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Gun Dealer :per 100,000 Residences of the U.S.A. Population. is over 300,000,000 People in the U.S.A too. They should determaned the number of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts busineses too! Agree!! The Maxium Cap limit in the Federal Level in the U.S.A. Should be (3000) F.F.L.s holders Retailers Firearms Dealers (01)(02) Regular Gun Dealers retailers too! Agree!! Is the Maxium Cap Limit too! Agree!! 2. Each State of 50 States should count the population of People: should Clounted too! Is Living in the 50 States to Determined The Population of People living in each of the 50 States too! Regulation is One Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front & Commercial Properity in industrial Assign Block zone only too! Per 100,000 Residences Per F.F.L.s Holder Gun Dealers Retailer Busineses too! I do Agree! Yes? By Zoning Commision is Properties laws & Building Codes Laws Are Enforced too! Agree!!! If there to many Gun Dealers Extras too They Will Be Shut Down too! By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency too! By the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters C.E.O. Bu the Federal Level will enforced it too! Do you Agree? Yes? By The Federal Law says is : One Gun Dealer Retailer Busineses per 100,000 Residences ;should be enforced by the Checking population by each of every State in the U.S.A. too! Do you Agree? Yas?? Each the 50 States will check it population living in each State too! They will determaned the number of F.F.L.s Holders Retailer Firearms Dealers (01)F.F.L.s should be 2/3s . An all the (02 ) F.F.L.s 1/3 is too! Is maxium Cap Limit too! Agree! to controll Crime too! In every State of 50 the U.S.A. too! Do you Agree? yes? Or Disagree? No? Why?? What is the Reason is???

  280. 1. U.S.A Complaint is : Not Check out in every State In the U.S.A. To! I Agree! We must Check this out in every State un the U .S.A. Too! This is serious matter too! I agree!The U.S.A. in all 50 States Must complied with this Federal Firearms License’s : per (100,000) Residences is every State must complied with this Federal Regulation Law is Every State is all 50 States too! Do you Agree? Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? Some States have to many F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers too! (01)(02) Regular Retailers Gun Stores too! Some F.F.L.s Should Cut Down to if there is to many too! In some States do have to many F.F.L.s Dealers too! Some must be Cut down too! Each Gun Dealers is Counted in Number to Fit that Population in all the 50 States too! It is Federal U.S.A Laws For All Gun Dealers Retailers do sell Firearms too! Agree!!! Agree! The N.F.A. F.F.L.s (09) is Regulated is 2 in western, Midwestern States too! The East cost States Is (09) is maximum number to per 1/2 of the east cost States too! Agree! Do you Agree? Yes? ( Or Disagree?)( No?) Why?? The N.F.A Dealers F.F.L.s is (09) too! There is to many of them too! Do you Agree!? Yes They should be Cut Down too! They are Full Auto’s Weapons Guns Too! The Weapon is by it self too!

  281. 1. The number of Retailers Store Fronts Decline from 12/16 2016 A.D is 56,577 F.F.L.s Holders to 05/01/2019 A.D. is( 50,630 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses) will decline way Down too! in Past 3 Years too! Still Declining down ward too! True!!! Smaller Gun Stores too! Going out each month notice out of Business too! Money is Very to Spend too! Customers have little Spending Money too!!! in 50 States too!

  282. 1. 05/01/2019 A.D. Date: 01/01/2014 A.D. in the U.S. 70,000 F.F.L.s Retailers. on 01/01/2015 A.D. 64.747 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses On 01/01/2016 A.D. is 56,577 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts. on 01/01/2017 A.D is 54,902 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses . 01/01 2018 A.D is 51,271 F.F.L.s Store Fronts Retailers Businesses too. On 01/01/2019 A.D The total of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is 50,630 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Businesses too! On 05/01/2019 A.D is About near of 49,000 F.F.L. Retailers Businesses Store Fronts too! P.S They Are Still going Down by each of the passing Months goes by too! true!! They are numbers declining too! Is F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores numbers are going down each month too! It true!!! The Smaller Gun Dealers Businesses is hard to survived by each of the passing month goes by too! It true!!!

  283. 1. The Number Of F.F.L.s Store Fronts Gun Dealers Smaller Stores will De oped Way down a lot too. From 49,000 F.F.L.s Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts to lower Number of 34,788 F.F.L.s too. Still going Down a lot to by each Month too! There Are Smaller Gun Dealers Smaller Stores do sell Firearms too! Reason is: Getting in trouble by not Following Federal Law & State Laws the State they live in too! It true!! Selling Guns to Non Citizens Illegal Criminal Al liens Of other Nations too! An selling Guns to Criminals Felons Ganges too! It true!!! This is reason the The, U.S Treasury Dept Headquarters Blvd. B. A.T.F in checking Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Stores Fronts on Route -5 From California , Organ , Washing ton State too! There is Crooked Gun Dealers Retailers is 1 out of 4 out of 10 Gun Dealers do Follow the Federal Laws & State Laws too! Selling Gun Legally too! Agree! There is A-lot Mistakes on those 4477 An the instant Applications too! Felons Lie too. Male & Female too! It true!! Theses are bad Gun Dealers are Money Hungary too! They will sel any Firearms is Long Guns, Hand guns too! Under table De ales Which is illegal too! Is Bad Gun Sales of Crooked Gun Dealers in all the 50 States too! It happen in the Crowed States with big populations of People too! In States with more Gun dealers too! agree! It True! illegal Gun Sales , Selling more Hand Guns under the Table De ales is Illegal for Any Gun Dealer Retailers (01)(02) Regular F.F.L.s Class-3 is not excused to is all N.F.A. Is (09) too! The A.T.F. Will Shut them Down too! And Revoked The Current F.F.L.s License is (01)(02) Regular Gun Dealers . An N.F.A Gun Dealers to is (09) is Class-3 Retailers too! They not Excused too! By the A.T.F. too! Agree! If they Don”t Follow the Law of Selling Firearms Legally. By not Following Gun Laws of selling Gun with in the Law too! There is Quite of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers smaller Gun Stores never been is in spec ted By Inspectors of A.T.F. too! Do you Agree! Sir? & Mam ? Or Disagree? No? Sir? Or Mam? What do you Think ??? The Federal Law Should do something to correct this Mince of Crooked Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Dealers An Big Gun Dealers Retailers Medium Gun Dealers Store Dealers Are Bad apples too! Do you Agree! Yes? Or No? They should cut down of Bad Apples Gun dealers Out of Business too! Or Shut them down too! I Agree! The B.A T F. E . A. Division Headquarters Dept should Set the Rules For Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Businesses in all 50 States in all too! Do you agree? Yes ? Or Disagree? No? WHy??

  284. 1. There is about 25,000 Retailers Store Fronts in U.S.A.!!! On 50 States too! Each State of 50 States maximum Cap Limit of 500 F.F.L.s Store Fronts to is maxim Limit too!

  285. 1. The maxim cap Limit should be About near Count of 5000 F.F.L. Gun Dealers Retailers (01)(02) In the U.S.a First too! I agree! The Maximum Cap Limit For each, Of (50) States to ; should be no more then (100) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers too! I agree! Is Maximum Cap limit too! This will Keep an better track of Number Of F.F.L.S Licenses Applications in each of the 50 States too! Do you Agree!!! Sir? Or Mam? F.F.L.s Licenses Directors in charge In Each: of the 50 States in Federal Building in each State too! of each Dept too! For State And Cut Down the N.F.A Gun Dealers is 2 per Each State of Fifty in the U.S.A. Agree! Is Class-3 is (09) too! All the Extras Licenses will get Letters say there Class-3 Is (09) Applications is cancelled too! Is not more Applications is Class-3 Gun Dealers Is (09) Licensees is N.F.A. is cut off too! Reason is They will be observed for 1 Year Probation too! For Class-3 License is Retailer Gun Dealers is (09) F.F.L.s too! The State License For Selling Firearms in 16 States will be Limited too! For Federal Firearm Dealers Retailer Store Fronts Gun Dealers Regulars Is Class-1 is (01) & (02) An Class-3 is for (09) Is Destructive Firearms Is Machine Guns only too! The New Federal Law Will be Change to one F.F.Ls Gun Dealer Retailer Gun Shop By Trade too. is 5 00,000 Residences Per One Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Gun dealer too! The State License Will Be Banned too! Removed by the A.T.F. Agency because it is in valid ed too! Other Few States don”t Want this State License For Firearms Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! It is unnecessary too! The State License : At State Level : Should be removed too! It is Unnecessary State License to sell all Firearms too! Do You agree? The Answer is Yes? They Should removed it too! The State License for Gun Retailers Gun Dealers , In port & Export F.F.L.s (08) & (011 Is N.F.A. Rules do apply too! Agree! Companies And Gun Mfg is (06) (07) & N.F.A. is (09) too! should Limited by all the The States in the U.S.A. To Limited them out of the Gun Dealers Retailer Gun Stores in all of them too! Reason is: The Waste of Tax payer money in each of States is 16 of them should Limited it too! It should should be banned by the A.T.F. Should removed it too! There is 16 States have State Licenses For Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses too! The State License to sell Firearms should removed by the A.T.F authorities Agents only too! i do agree!!! Yes !! This Waste of Tax Money too! By those 16 States are Doing it too! Which is Illegal to do it too! By Federal Law Says The State License Should taken out of Circulation By A.T.F. Agents to Removed it now!! Agree!!! Go!!!

  286. 1. Shooters Industrials should cut Hand Gun production every Year too. By certain percentage too. It should voted by States levels second State Grovernment should do this to stop Hand Gun Thief too. The Hand Gun msgs should cut production by 0.88) percentage handguns :on the streets , of towns ,townships ,cities ,an counties , in all the 50 States too. The mags should vote on it too. Reason is : there will be better controls too. 0.88 percent is controlled to as a cut off too. Only allow only every Year It should be only (12) percent production too. There will not be not as many HandGuns stolen too. It will less handguns in production too. Agree! Do agree Sir?orMam? Yes? Reason is I will take a bite out of stolen Handguns are robbed by Gun thieves too. Not as many HandGuns will not as many as before in the past too. There is a Solution to crude the bulk of Stolen HandGuns as not as many too. Do you agree?

  287. 1. There is to many Rifles & Shotguns being mfg. too I do agree! Sir?orMam? We must tell Shooters industries of Long Gun mfgs to cut about cut down production of Long Guns is down by (0.88) Percent cut of production too. Only allow for orders only no more then3 4 Guns per Gun Dealers is F.F.L. Gun Dealers Regulated of quanta of no more then four Guns being ordered too. This will allow on one Year is (12) percent is maximum cap limit on mfg Guns is Rifles is 2/3 s. Shotguns1/3 is Year too. Divided by(12) Months even too. Reason is to cut the Flow of mag Long Guns way down too. Cut. The bulk of Guns is being av too. If nobody is not buying it too. Or Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? Too, This make a lot of sense to save tax Money in the United States of too. Only orders from F.F.L. Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers can make orders is limited :up to four Guns per-month out of the 12 months out of 1Year period too! But the B .A.T.F. E.A .Agency will Agree to cut down LongGun production by (0.88) Percent cut off by all LongGun msgs &Hand Gun msgs too . Would do it too. To save money too. No one buying Guns that fast too. Only allow production will be (0.12) percent to for one Year period too.
    Only allow 4Hand Guns to ordered per F.F.L. License F.F.L . Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts Business inly too . No then four HandGuns being ordered by each Gun Dealer is F.F.L. Is (01) (02) regulars too and N.FA. Is (09) or (01) with tax stamp is class-3 too. Agree!!!

  288. 1. There is to many Guns treated in in many Long Guns Rifles & Shotguns too. There is a-lot of them too. Are used Guns too. There inside the barrel is many warned out a-lot too. It true this need to looked into by an Gun Smith Doctor for sick Guns not well too. Remember the Firearm is patient too. There Riffling needs to bore by an expectance GunSmith too. I do agree. Reason is if the Gun is beyond repaired it needs put in a cart an sent to the still mill to melted down too. I do agree! Same for Shotguns as well too. Some Shotguns are riffled to they only shot slugs only too. There barrels wear out a-lot too. It true! Remember it! We need to cut the numbers of used Guns numbers too. Reason is: there is to many of them in a lot Gun Stores too. It true! The Gun Dealer most those Guns are trade 1/2in too. Most of them need to junked an sent to the still mill to melted too. I do agree. Sir?or Mam? What do think about problem of to many used Rifles an Shotguns are used too . Are warmed out or 1/2 are warned out too! It true!

  289. 1. The total of F.F.L. Gun Dealers in the U.S.A. is near count : is ( 58,000) to is left too.

  290. 1. The total count maybe a-Lot les to: the number of Retailers Gun Dealers my-be about near count is in U.S.A. It will be about near count of (56,577) Store Fronts Gun Dealers in all 50 States too. It may be official of correct count of F.F.L. Holders too. Do you agree? Or Disagree? No? Question is what correct count of F.F.L.S ???

  291. Question: Is how many F.F.L.s Dealers is (01) (02) and N.F.A .not paying Billing on time :when they order Guns or Ammo to restock there shelves too. The A.T.F.E.A Agency should investigate this late payment not on time too. Reason This is pure lazy on the Owner of any Gun Store too. Or Pawn Shops Gun Dealers too. An all N.F.A Gun Dealer is Class-3 is (09) or Class-1 is only (01) with N.F.A is extra tax stamp is N.F.A. Is class-3 too. True P.S. they put there bills in a shoe box too. There is two Shoe boxes too one box say Billing Bills been paid in time less then 10 days too. But they give you 30 Days to pay the rest of the money on time too. The A.T.F.E.A. Division agency will revoked there current F.F.L.s Gun Dealers License. Plus you own money for the Gun product s from Gun Distributors co.corp.I.N.C too!! Do you agree?Yes? Or Disagree?No? Why??? What is the problem you having with ?why????

  292. 1. 01/01/ 2020 A.D. : There will left is total number count will be 49,000 F.F.L.S will be left in the U. S. A too. They are still going down too. So many per month time too. Is 28 Days to 31 days too. True!! Gun Dealers smaller Gun Stores are declining in numbers too. Every month time passed by too. Facts is there too! Struck Anti-guns Laws by leftest Politics Lies are closing smaller Guns Stores out of Business too. It true?? There is some states the number Gun Stores are declining each month time too. Is so many smaller Gun Stores are going out Business for good is gone gone too! True! Facts are there on our elected officials we voted into office at State level is. No. 2. or Federal Level is No. 1 too !! True!!!!7

  293. 1.A warning to crooked Bad Gun Dealers how break the Federal FIrearms License Laws or State Gun Laws to of All 50 States too. Agree The antigun Democrats are left wingers will do it too. Is 0.40 percent of those Gun dealers get there F.F.LS revoked too.There Renaults will ;be cut off too. Is (01)(02) regulars (01) is tax stamp is N.F.A. Licensee. Gun Dealers .A the N.F.A. Is (09) an too . Will be confiscated to by The B . A.T.F. E.A. Agency police of A.T.F. E.A. In. Police of A.T.F.E.A. Too.agree!!!!

  294. 1. We need increased new 3-Year rate to replaced the old rates for F.F.L.s Licenses is Retailer sales (01)(02) regulars an N.F.A is (09) . The import an export F.F.Ls is not Retailers Gun Dealers Licenses. At all too !! Agree is (08) &(011) is N.F.A. Distributors Corp co.corp.I.N.C.Co. An. MF.G . Co.Corp.I.N.C. Is (06) (07) An N.F.A. Is (010) Is not Retailers. Gun Dealers Licenses too. Higher rates should put on a vote too. Agree. Higher 3Year rates is needed badly too!! Do agree Sir? Or Man? it is time to act on it now !!!!

  295. 1.The population of Washington State is 76,660,000 total count too. The Federal FIrearms License ruling is should enforced by the Number of Retailers Store Fronts Gun Stores too. The maximum cap limit should be : 76.6 F.F.L. Retailers Store Fronts Gun Stores to: is maximum cap limit of number of GunDealers regulars Stores (01) is 0.90 percent too. The Pawn Shop Gun Dealers should be (02) is 0.03 percent do have F.F.L.Licences too. Is limited controlled is stick of numbers of F.F.L.s is(02)issued carefully too.I do Agree?Yes? Sir.or Man? Do YouAgree! Yes? Man? Reason is : Washington State has to many Gun Dealers is about 400 plus F.F.L.S holders needs to cut way down a lot too. There is to many of them too . They. Should go by population of each country too. An deterrent number Retailer Gun Dealers should allowed to remained in Business too. This should check by the B . A.T.F. E. Agency which in charge of licensing a new Gun Dealer To get anF.F.L. Is (01) an State License to sell conventional Firearms Semiautomatic Firearms too. Accessories too. Agree! Sir? Or Man?yes!!! The maximum cap limit should be about 76.6 Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts in State of Washington too. Do you Agree Sir?yes!orMan?yes? It should more Gun controls on F.F.L Gun Dealers Licensing at all !I Agree? Yes?

  296. 1. One Retailer Gun Dealer Store Front by Trade too. Per one F.F.L. Is (01) or (02) regulars or N.F.A .is (09) too. Agree!!! Yes? An State License to sell in 15 States too,

  297. 1.One F.F.L. Retailer Gun Dealer per Store Front an Commercial property located in industrial location too. Is Federal Law is 100,000 Residents population in by Trade too .By Trade Gun Shop Business too. Agree Yrs? Sir? Or Man? Do you agree? Yes ? The Regulations was set in the U.S.A. Too. True?
    It ‘s is Federal U.S.A. Government regulations too.Agree!

  298. 1. The number of Firearms is Rifles Shotguns Revolvers Semiautomatics Pistols is 69,000 in the Chicago City in state of IL too. The Gun Volt were confiscated Guns are storied by Police Department of Chicago too. The senior Officer of Chicago Police Department should say those Guns should melted in a Steel Mill too. They should melt those Guns to Liquid Metal Steel too. And msg rebar for Bridges Repair too. Agree, or melt Crime Guns into Drain Street pipe road covers too. This very good idea :to take Guns off the dead end Streets too. To send Guns to Steel Mill to melt to liquid Steel too, Make harder too shelves tools too 0r rakes too. Or Hand Garden Hand tools too. For Garden equipment tools should be made out out those Crime Guns is melted down too. The B.A.T.F.E A. Should take those Guns out of Chicago Warehouse safe An take it to Still Mill to melt all those Guns used by street Criminals used in Crimes too. Another Reason is The Gun Retailers Gun Dealer will not accept those Crime Guns in : Stores to sell them on market to law abiding citizens too. The law abiding U.S.A. Citizens will not buy Gun use in Crime too. Those Guns will be melted down too. It is right thing to do it too. After all those Guns used by Criminals too. They will be melted down in steel Mill too. An melted all those 69.000 FIrearms is Long guns &Hand Guns. Melted-down to liquidate to melted steel to Rebar strips units too. Of Garden tools units too. For Gardens plants too. An Hand Garden Tools too. It make sense too. Agree!!! Shrug hammers tools with wooden handles too. An picks with wooden handles haws tools with wooden handles too. We melt those Crime Guns turned into nuts ,bolts washers . Lock washers too. Agree. Do you Agree?Yes? Or Disagree? No? Why? What do you think Sir?or Mam? What your opinions????

  299. 1. Those 11 States should be permitted by Federal U.S.A. Circuit Federal Court to over turn those ruling is by State Senate or assembly too. Those States want to melt those Guns used in Crimes by Criminals too. The Town Police Town ship Police don’t to keep those Guns used in serious Crime too. An City Police of 11 States don’t want to sell those Crime Guns used in Crimes too. The State Police & High Way Patrol State Police said those Guns should be melted down too. The States of should vote on to to change the bad law of putting Crime Guns back on Retailer Gun Dealers shelvers to sell them on market too. Those Gun Dealers will not accept those crime Guns used in Crimes by Criminals too. They insist those Guns be sent to a Steel Mill to melt those Crime Guns too. There no way those Criminals will not get those FIrearms back on Market on the Gun Dealers shelves is not good thing to start too. This wrong way of serving Justice in our Court s too. The courts Judges will say the decision is those Crime Guns. Should go to the Steel Mill to melt those Guns are used in Crimes to by Criminals of world Crime too. P.S. most Retailer Guns Dealers don”t want those Guns at all to back on there shelves too. I do agree! The Federal circuit U.S A. Will make ruling is in those 11States change law too. The new decision is to send those Crime Guns used by Criminals in the U.S .A Or foreign Criminals too. Those Guns should be melted down in Steel Mill too . The Federal Circuit U.S.A will make that decision of melting those Guns is taken to Steel Mils they do melt steal to Liquid too. They can make Drain covers for public Roads for Road Drains too. Or rebar for bridges are need Repairs too . They can make shelves tools too. Or Hand Garden tools too. They can make I Beans to make building too. Are steal Metal. Beans for wind turbines for electric power is power by wind blows wind blades too. Agree!!! Those Guns will be gone for good is melted down in steel Mill Metal Plant too.I do agree? Yes? Sir? Or Mam? What do you think ??? What is your opinion ????

  300. 1. Note: The Date was 06/29/2016 A.D. was 34,788 F.F.L.s Holders Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too. On today Date is 08/16/2019 A.D. the total is left : in the U.S.A. is 23,000 F.F.L.s Gun Dealers Store fronts too. They are Still Declining down ward too! The Bass Pro Sporting Hunting ,Fishing Camping & Gun Stores . An Callas Ballas Out door Stores is Fishing Hunting Camping Sporting & Gun Stores mega Stores are huge stores are Putting Smaller Gun Stores out of Business too!

  301. 1. There is to many N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) too! Some need to be cut way down too! There is to many of them too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency in Washington of D.C. Headquarters need to Investigate this Problem too! There is to many N.F.A. F.F.L.s Licenses is Distractive Weapons too! Is Full Auto’s Weapons can Fire from 600 Rounds to 3000 Rounds per Minute too! Not all Gun Dealers Retailers can be trusted at all too! The Extras need to Cut way Down too . The Renaults need to cut off too!

  302. 1. The maximum Cap Limit for U.S.A. Is (15,000) F.F.Ls Retailers (01) (02) F.F.L.s An State Licences in 16 States too! Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses. The States Level Should be max um Cap Limit of F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Businesses is limit is 300 F.F.L.s holders (01)(02) Regulars An N.F.A Gun Dealers The Maximum Cap limit is no more then (100) F.F.L.s is (09)In the U.S.A too! Is maximum Cap limit too! Is restricted Number Of N.F.A. GUN Dealers Up to Limit too> They will Allow 2 N.F.A Gun Dealers per 50 States too! I agree! They Are Machines Weapons only too!

  303. 1. By (01/01/2024 A,D there will be about near count of (50,630) F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers soon too! They will be tighter controls on the F.F.L. s Renewals Applications too! On Processioning Applications for F.F.L.s Is (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Licences to in the Future too! Do you agree! Yes ? Sir? Or Mam? Question is : What is your op ion Sir? Or Mam? The B.A.T.F.E.A. Licensing Dept should work on this Solution to reduce Gun Thief t By Gun Thief’s do steal Firearms too! Is hand Guns, Ling Guns, Ammo too! Is true!!! They should work on the reduction on Eastern States is 1/3 of the east cost has the most Gun Dealers is way to m any too! It true!!! They need to be cut down a lot Too. There is to many OF THEM IS CROWED TOGETHER TOO! it TRUE!!! They should do work on it too! By population of each State too! Agree!! Is over Crowed by Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers too! Just to Many of them At the east Cost too! Some needs to be cut down a lot too! Is Crowed too!! Is 1 F.F.L.. Dealer Retailer per 100,000 Residences too! Agree! by Federal Law too! Do you Agree? yes? or Disagree? No? Why? What is the Problem to talk about is a con conversation needs to Talk to solve Problem At the A.T.F . Licence HQ too! I agree? Yes?? Sir? Or Mam? What is your answer???? We wait for solution to solved the Problem too! I agree!!! Yes?? Sir? Or Mam?

  304. 1. There is right time to increase the F.F.L. Fee in $$$ too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The F.F.L.s Licences is (01) (02) Is Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Or Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too! I agree! Yes? They Should do it too! The N.F.A. Gun Dealers Is (09) too! Needs an increase in 3 Year Renewals too. Agree. It is time to decide to do it too! I agree! The Answer is Yes too! The import & Export F.F.L.s Licenses Need an increase of cost of living too! Is 3 year renewals of new rates too! I agree! It is time too. This is not an Gun Dealers retailers Store Front Licence too! Is no more too! The Licence Rules has change too! I agree! By the Change of the B.A.T.F.E.A. Licence Agency Rules do apply too! They are enforced too! Agree! Is Class-2 Regulations do apply too! Agree! Is (08 N.F.A. ) & N.F.A. is (011) This is not Retailers Gun Dealers F.F.L. License is no more too! I agree! It is Corporation Distributor Or Companies Co. s Distributor I.N.C. only too! Agree ! The Gun Msgs Class-2 regulations too!Is Ammo is (06) & Regular Gun Megs is(07) too! The N.F.A is (010) too! P.S It is time for in cease for all F.F.L.s Licenses Rates do need a in crease of higher Fees too! I do agree Sir? Or Mam ? What is your onion of the Article too! I be leaved it make a off of sense too! Reminder is to think about for a minute too! Sir? Or Mam? The cost of living is very high too! The Minimum Wage will be 1.00 Higher to on January (01) 2020 A.D. on the Third Day too! is Official Rate is $13:00 An Hour for any Jobs in all the ( Fifty States) too! I do agree! Sir? Or Mam? What do you Think about this subject ??

  305. 1. The State of IL voted State License for F.F.Ls Retailers Gun Dealers:a 3-Year increase or applications are new too The fee is in $1500.00 too!! True the Governor sigh it into law too. True!
    Note: only 1,140 Gun Dealers apply for it too! The 0.60 Percent quit too. Or retired too. Agree

  306. 1. The population of State of Washington:is 76,700,000 now too. There is 400 plus F.F.L.Holders too. The Federal U.S.A. Is over the 50 State Governments. too! The U.S.A. Ruling is ; 1 Gun Dealer per 100,000 Residents per population of people too. The Rules is voted by U.S. congress House First too. And voted by the U.S.A Senate House too. Then is Sighed by the right wing U.S.A President of the U.S.A. Too. Is signed into Federal U.S.A Law too. Agree! Complaint is ; there is to many smaller Gun Dealers Store Fronts today is most of them are smaller Gun Stores too. Some must cut way down too! I do agree Sir?orMam? Too! Do you agree ? Think about for a minute too! It make a lot of sense too. I talking the north of Washington state at the west cost of the Pacific ocean cost too. Some of the smaller Gun Dealers smaller GUN STORES MUST BE CUT WAY DOWN TOO! Or one huge Bass pro Sporting Store is needed too megaStore Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping & Gun Store too. Or Calballas out Door Store will replace several of 200 Smaller Gun Stores too. I do agree Sir?or. Mam? Do you agree ???? Think for minute : this make a lot of senses too! Do you agree! The A,.T.F. Should reduce the number of extras to. Smaller Gun Dealers Do Illegal under table straw Gun Sails to Criminals Fellows with arrest Records by police Department of town police.Township Police or Cites Police too. Or Sheriffs Debt officers , or State Police of 25 States too. an Highway Patrol & State Police too. Of 25 States too. Do you agree! Sir?or Man ? .

  307. 1. The solution is population of Washington State is 76,660,000 population too. The mini should be 76.6 F.F.L Holders maximum cap limit too. Is (01) regular GunDealers by Trade too. An Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers too. Only be allowed by Federal Law is (0.01) percent is allowed to apply for a F.F.L .License is (0.02) too. Agree! There is to many smaller 🚍Gun Dealers Retailers too. Is 411 F.F.L.s too. By Yellows Pages too! True! What saying over 334 Gun Dealers needs to cut down by the. B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency will cut off Renaults applications off too. Including State Licenses will be fee to is a lot higher too Agree! It will bea lot higher the State of ILLINOIS State Law Rate too . The State Washington State Will be deuces too. Of an new higher rate of 2000.00 every 3- years renal rate by the State License Agency of Washington State too.I do e agree!Yes? Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? What do think what’s is your. option Sir?or Mam? The number of Gun Dealers need to cut is is 334 Gun Dealers need to cut down too. There is to many of them to it true . The A.T.F should reduce there numbers way down a lot too. I I I Agree !!! Let’s get the ball rolling now before you change your mind too Agree! What you do think about this situation today problems too? Thank you !!!

  308. 1. Population of Washington State is 7,660,00 too. one Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Business is per 100,000 Residents too! The maximum cap limit is for Washington State is : This is correct one too,
    Law The number of Gun Dealers way to many to is true ! The maximum cap limit should be 76.6 F.F.L.S holders store fronts Gun Retailers Stores too. Is maximum cap limit too. Do you agree Sir ?or Mam? Yes? Or Disagree?No? What is. Change of new plan of to many eggs in one location too. Crowed together too! True! Is 🕷F.F.L. Is (01)(02) regular GunDealers too. N.F.A is the maximum cap limit is is Two F.F.Ls is (09) License. Is class-1 (01)& Class-3 is (09) too only allow two of those N.F.A. Gun Dealers of full-autos Guns to sold to ex military solders of Mochica oath keepers of out U.S.A. Constitution of bill of Rights is 2. Amendment &4th Amendment an1st amendments too . Do you Agree Sir.? Or Man? If any all judges tried to change this they will be hunted an shot too. Warning to all courts Judges too Local city counties States or circuit courts judges or court of U.S.apeals too. Or sir pregame U.S.A Courts too! They should go by the Constitution to; it says too. They should not put there owned wards in not add to the Bill of Rights to of free people of July 04. 1789A.D. Too. By George Washington our first Elected President of new Nation is born too. Of new country to be for all people how want to Americans Citizens to learn English language is first language to be not Spanish is second language or Latin too. I agree! Yes? Agree!!

  309. 1. The F.F.L.Licences. Gun Dealers Is (01)(02) is 3-Year Rentals is 2000.00 too. The State License from 50States will be $1800.00 every three years too.
    Reason is;: the inspectors Agents can”too there jobs too. Reason is to keep Gun Dealers in line too. The real reason is to avoid straws illegal Gun Sales in every State too. Is 50States too.Agree! Reason is to follow the Federal GunLaw first is The U.S.A. too. An State of 50States too. Gun Laws of selling Firearms the legal way with in the Law too. Of selling Long guns Hand Guns to Ammo too. Accessories2/ items too. Do you agree! Sir? Or Man? What do you think ? It is to put out the A. bad GunDealers F.F.L.s. Out of Business too. It is good ideas too. Let’s work on this problem in the east cost of the 1:/2 of the U.S.A. Out of Business too. I do agree ?
    Sir?Or Man ? What is your answer too? We shan’t hear from you!!! Thank you.

  310. 1. Wall mart Stores Should stop Selling Guns & Ammo too. The Reason is Selling Guns & Ammo is 6 % In one Year Profit is not Good too! Reason is Wall Mart Wants Quit selling Guns & Ammo too . in all the catalog Stores Stores too! The Reason is They Should Leave it to Gun Shop By Trade Or Sporting Hunting, Fishing ,Camping Gun Stores is (01) too! One Reason is The Pawn Shop & Gun Stores Should not selling Firearms . Or Ammo too. There Class-(02) F.F.L.s Licences & State License to sell all Used Firearms At State Level in al 50 States should Come to a halt too. No issued F.F.L. Licences (02) to Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers to & State Licenses to sell all Firearms is more : F.F.L.s Licences (02) & State Licences is (02) For Pawn Shops Stores ;should be out of the Business in all 50 States too! They should for Bidden sell Firearms Or Ammo too! Is no more too! Other Cato loge Stores Do Selling Guns & Ammo should call it quits too! The World is to Violent Attitudes among the People is UN discipline today to it true!! The Older People are taught Discipline by there Presents in the early Years of too! Today Young People don”t Know Discipline at all There Presents never bother with there Children Problems too Boys & Girls at the Age Of 10 to 19 Years of age too! It true!!! Most the Young People do smoke Weed to on the Side too! It true!!! This is reason! There Guns & Ammo Must taken away from them too. There brain is on weed they smoked it a lot too! It True!!! You can tell by looking at there Eyes too! It a Glassy Look on females Or Males too! In high School Or Collage, too! uni verity too. in all the 50 States too! It True!!! Lots of Cato-loge Stores should Stop Sell in Guns & Ammo too! Call It Quits Too! No more F.F.L.s Licences Is (01) Or State Licences At State Level too! In all 50 States too! No Rentals Applications too! Is Cut off too Agree! They only make 6% Profit Of selling Guns at the End of the Year of 365 Days too! Not that much Profit ins”t Great too! Question Is: Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Or Disagree ? Or No! What do think? Solution is : Only Gun Shop By Trade (01) & State License too! They should do it only ones are allowed to ; Sell Firearms Or Ammo too! Or Surplus Military Ammo too! Is Be issued too there Store to selling on Market too! I do agree!! Yes? Sir! Or Mam! IT is legal Gun Store Buy Trade too. Pure Gun Store Is Class-1 Is (01) & State License too! Agree! What do you think Sir? Or Mam?

  311. 1. T here Federal Level is U.S.A. Government is Maximum Limit is ( 10,000) Federal Firearms Licenses) too. Each of State Level Governments Should be Maximum: of ( 200 ) Federal Firearms Licensees Total Cap Limit too. They should not add any more Gun Dealers Replacements if does not to exceed the Caps Limits For the Federal level First too. Secord Choose is the Stats Levels is Maximum Cap Limits too. If it goes below the Cap Limits of F.F.L,.s too! That’s one Gun Dealer is Less in the populations too. If Crime is very high in one Locations of Town, Townships, Cities, Counties, States , of 50 Too> I agree They Should be cut way Down a Lot too! For Example : is Mamun is For U.S.A. is (5000) F.F.L.s is Maximum too. The State S Level is 50 States is (100) F.F.L.,s Holders is Crime Area too! It Make Sense Too. Do You Agree? Sir? or Mam? What you option too? We like to here from You!!!

  312. 1. There Is to many Gun Dealers Smaller Gun Stores in the 1/3 of the eastern Part of the county too. I say we must cut down about 1/2 of 56,577 F.F.L.s eastern of the U.S.A is the east cost too!! To many Street Ganges are robbing those Stores too! True!!

  313. 1. There should change of 1 F.F.L.Gun Dealer by Trade is a Store Front. Business to by Trade too. A new Federal Firearms Licenses Law should by per change of : 750,000 Residences to new Federal Law is good point to be right thing should be do it too. This new Law should voted in by U.S congress first too. It should be voted by the U.S. Senate to. To vote on to get it passed too. It should got to the President Desk to Sigh it into U.S.A Federal Firearms License to new. Law too. Do you agree??? Sir?orMam? This will cut about 1/3 of the Gun Dealers out of 56.577 F. F. L. S too!! Do you agree??? They should pass too. 1/3 of GunDealers will be decline too. Agree!!

  314. 1. The number of F.F.L.Gun Dealers is should be a-lot less smaller Gun Stores Retailers is cut in 1/2 Too Is out of remaining of (56,577) F.F.Ls is (01)(02) too. The number of F.F.Ls should be less to : smaller number of F.F.Ls number Quadra of 28.288 too. I agree of a new Crime Bill to controlled the number F.F.LS Applications is given out not easily to apply for too. They should make a lot harder to apply for the Application of any Retailer F.F.Ls License too. Is For Retailer Gun Dealer is (01) or(02) Regular F.F.Ls License too. To progresses it is lot more harder to apply for too. I Agree! For option F.FLl. N.F.A is {09). Too. The Gun Dealers Retailer F.FL.Licences do stop here too. They can”t go any farther be why this point too. Comes to full stop too. Rules by The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency by the U.S.A. Treasury of the charge only too.I agree! Question is: Do you Agree? Sir?or Mam? What is public option on this subject too??? What is your answer Sir?or Mam?
    Thank you.

  315. 1. The total of F.F.L. Retailer Gun Dealers is about 34,788 Store Fronts too. They are still going down in numbers every month too. The A.T.F. E. A. Agency making harder to apply for regular F.F.Ls is :Class-1 is (01) & Class-2 is(02) too. They will make it very hard to apply for a F.F.L. Applications too. I agree! This go for illegal aliens too. They can’ buy a gun if they are not an U.S.A. Citizen of the U.S.A too. A warning from Trump too. Sign it in to Federal Law too. A Agree! This migrants will kill Americans Citizens to; in every State too. Take this as a warning to U.S.A. Citizens safety too. Some migrants maybe Ms-13 Criminals Gangs too. It true!! Wake up American Citizens are living in the 50 States too. I would take notice now before it to late todo anything about too. This in invasion from Central American or South America people come to take our Country away from Americans are born in the U.S,A. Too. Take this as a warning too. This is fact is true!! Wake up American U.S.A. Citizens are born in County too. Do you agree?Sir?or Mam? What do you think the answer from public too? Please answer this question ? Sir?or Mam?? Why?

  316. 1. The Red Fag Law is good Law too. This law will allow Police Debts. Town Police,Town ship Police The City Police Country Sheriffs of all counties, State Police of 25States . Highway Payroll &State Police of25States. The A.T.F. Police will take all Guns if P.F.A. Or straining order by a federal circuit Judge sigh the order to tell Police to take all the Guns away residence is mentile I’ll too . People on Drages , or criminals of arrest Records are felons Criminals arrested by Police too.Or F.B.I. Too! The people do failed the Bach round check too. They will get all there Guns Away too. Is should in all the States should have the Red Flag Law is good Law too. The mettle I’ll people will get there Guns & Ammo will be confiscated too. Agree!! Do. You agree? Sir?orMam? What do the Public think ??? What is your answer ?? Tell Us !!!!

  317. 1.All those Guns are stolen by criminals too. Is huge quantity of Guns stolen or used in Crimes too . Is 1000. Guns or 10,000 Guns to are stolen by criminals fences too, In every State too should melted down in a Steel Metal Mill to melt those collectibles of Guns taken away with by Police too or Federal Agents Police raids by P. F.A. Abused order or retraining order by a Judge of any Court too . Is Town Court ,Town ship Court or City Court Country Court. Superior Court or supreme State Court of all 50States too. I Agree! Yes! Or U.S.A Circuit Court too. I s U.S.A. Court of the land of highest court is number -1 in charge at all means too. Agree!! The Guns collections will be taken to a Steel Mill to melt all those Guns down too. To keep them from returning on the dead end Streets were the Criminals Do hang there a lot too. It’s true. The wife beaters criminals should never get there guns back no more is denied forever too. By Courts of Law of the land of the U.S.A. Too. I do agree! Yes it should be right thing to do it too . To melt all Guns the Criminals steal out of Gun Stores too! Agree !!! Do you agree Sir?orMan? What does public think the Red Flag Laws in every State it should be too. To protect the Female victims of Criminals attacking them in there own homes too . Apartment S. Too. Or town Houses too. I agree! Yes! And make victims too. Agree! Yes! It should be right thing to do at all means too. Agree!!!!!! The Guns should melted down in steel plants to rebar strips units too.An drain comets for street sour Drains under the Public Roads too. Agree. And to make Garden Tools shelves out of those melted Guns by the thousands the search warrants is by a Judge too. Confiscated all those Guns an ammo boxes too. Melt all those Guns down in every State too. Is all 50 states too.

  318. 1.The U.S.A. Count is will be about near count is 5000 F.F.L.S Holders Store Fronts Retailers GunDealers by 12/31/2019 A.D. too. Maybe official in the U.S.A. Is left too. The 50 States will be limited up to. About 100 F.F.L.S Holders regular:Gun Dealers Store Fronts regular F.FL.S is (01)(02)is 0.99% too. PS the N.F.A. Is (09) numbers is (2) F.F.L. Full auto Firearms Dealers per every State’s should be official is enforced by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of F.F.L. Licensees is For Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Class-1. Business only is (01) is regular Licenses F.F.L.S only too. They will one Gun Shop by trade only permitted to apply for extension N.F.A. License is (09) F.F.L. License only stop here too. They can’t go any higher too.The Treasury Department is sets the rules an Regulations too. The Pawn Shop&GunStore is restricted to Class-2 is (02) F.F.L.s too. They. Can’t go higher on F.F.L. Licenses too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam ? What does the people think about this? We like to here from you the public thoughts too!!! Thank you!!!!

  319. 1. The should be increase of F.F.L. Licensees is 3-Year fee too. I’m talking only Class-1 is (01) & Regular Store Fronts Gun Dealers by Trade too. Time for increase money fee $$$is needed too. Class-2 also is time for increase too. Higher License is. (02) F.F.Ls needs a increase in money fee$$$ Pawn Shop&GunShop too. I agree! The A.T.F. Licenses of U.S.A. Treasury is make discussion for higher fee! Should be a-lot higher too. It should be voted by the U.S.A. congress House will vote on it now too. They should pass it too. The the U.S.A. senate house will vote on it too. It should pass it too. The 3-Year. Renal fee is $ 2000.00 every there Years rentals too. The first time as new Gun Dealers is The State License 3- Year rentals in every State of 50 States too. Is $1900. For rentals a Applications for a State License to sell all Firearms on State level too. Agree!! By sheriff’s Debt. Country License to sell. Firearms for a State License too. Agree!!! by all State authority will Agree. Too. Terms should be right thing to do it too. This will put the vender Guns Dealers is out of Business too. I do agree! It should be right thing too. Do you agree ? Sir?Or Mam? What do you think of cutting more Gun Dealers out too. There is about near count is about in the U.S.A. Should be a-lot less Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers is ,(01)(02) is regular GunDealers too. agree! There is about near count is about 21,789 to in the U.S.A. On 10/24/2919A.D. Too! It’s true!!!! The count is official too. True!!!!

  320. 1. The Class-3 Gun Dealers in 50 States too. For new big increase in N.F.A. Fee$$$$ I Agree! The class-3?is (09) option GunDealers in all the States too. The new Fee should bra-lot higher too.Agree!Yes!!! It should be $16,000 every or more to no set fee$$$,!Agree? there Years Renu too.I agree!!! for Applications is very expensive too. For rentals too.Agree. There is to many N.F.A. Licenses is (09) too. The State Licenses Should be 9000.00 for all N.F.A.State F.F.L Licenses Or more to no set Fee in $$$too. Do you agree?Sir?orMam? To for each rentals Applications is type-(09) or State Licenses. Renaults every time you rentals the old expired License too!Agree!!! There is to many class-3 Dealers in 50 States in all too. There should be only 2 Class-3 isN.F.A. Dealers for is maximum cap limit: per each State too!I-Agree! I should on better controls on those N.F.A. Applications for class-3 is (09) F.F.Ls Licenses too. Reason is better Controls is needed on those Applications for Retailers Gun Dealers too Solution is start cutting them down too. There is to many of them in all the States too. There should be 2 N.F.A. Is per 1/2 of each of the section of part of each State of 50 States to is maximum cap limit is 2 N.F.A. Class-3 Firearms Dealers for each of the 50States too. No extras N.F.A. Gun Dealers not to be added too. Agree!! Do you agree?Sir?OrMam? There will not many N.F.A. Class-3,is (09) F.F.L.S too. In the future!!!

  321. 1. There is about Grand total count overall of 10 /26/2019 A.D. is official is near is by. The A.T.F. Check too. Is about near of over all count is about is (56,600 F.F.L.s Holders is regular Gun Dealers . There is out of the number is 8000 pawnShops & GunShops of (02) Holders of total count . Of all Used FireArms to ; ; ; subtract from figure above of total of F.F.Ls too. There is about near count there is correct count of regular F.F.Ls is (46,800) Holders is regular F.F.L.s (01) too.

  322. There is about near count of 55,000 is overall count is in the U.S.A. on 10/30/2019 A.D. too! Subtract 7800 (02)is only Pawn Shops& Gun Shops Dealers in 50 States too! There is 47,200 Regular Gun dealers Retailers is (01) The overall count is 55,000 too! Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts too! Nonassignable could be Fact s is true! But they could dropped lower number to or : they May had Dropped to 36,235 F.F.L.s Holders is (01)(02) N.F.A. Dealers is Class-3 is 80 (09)F.F.L.s Holders Store Fronts Retailers Smaller Gun Stores too! Or may Dropped to lower Number of F.F.L.s is (21,789) Retailers Gun Dealers in 50 States is Left too! Maybe it true!!! P.S. The New Solution is: 10,000 on Federal Level is the U.S.A too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Dealers only too! Agree! The State Levels Should be Maximum Cap Limit is in 50 States too! Is Maximum Cap Limit is 200 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Dealers F.F.L.s & State Licenses to is required too! Is one State License too! Agree!!!

  323. 1.This is U.S Complaint By the Agency of the U.S.A Treasury Dept too! This Very serious must be The B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency Headquarters In Washington D.C. too! They set the Rules for each of those Gun Dealers in every ;State too! Is 50 States too I agreed to very S tricked too! On those Record Firearms Book in the Gun Retailers Businesses too!And the Gun Repaired Book should up to Date too! Is Gun Sent out for Repaired is Sent out too! When the Gun Comes Back to The Date should marked too! Agree!! should revolved Current F.F.L.s Licences is (01) & (02) & N.F.A. Licences to is (09) F.F.L.s For Full auto”s Dealers to in 50 States too! Gun Dealers Licences too! I do agree! there There is complaint is Slopping Record keeping about Gun Dealers not keeping Gun Sales Records not done the right way too! If they do sloppy work too. Is Not keeping Gun Sales Records on up to Date too! Or Gun Repairs Log book up to Date too! I agree! Some Gun Dealers say it to muck work too! Is smaller Gun Dealers Is (01) & (02) F.F.L.s is not doing there Job too! To See those Record Books Of the Name of the Retailer Gun Store too! on Front page cover too! An also the Gun Repair Book should be inspected during every two Years period of every Year too! If this happens to much too the A.T.F. Will Confiscated there Gun s An Ammo too An There State License & Federal License too! There Renewals will be cut off for good too! You never get an F.F L.s Licence to be come a Gun Dealer too! No more too! Back balled for life too! Solution is Start Revoking F.F.L.s Licences & Let the Sheriff’s Dept Revoked there current State Licenses too! An renewals for State License is cut off for good!! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? This in voles all 50 States In the U.S A. too! Do you Agree! There no excused for Gun Dealers Retailers doing Sloppy Work of Gun Record keeping . An Gun repaired Records is sloppy record too! The I n Specter will not Accept this mess of Bad Gun Dealers don”t know what He ! Or She? Not running Gun Business the right way too! This Problems the A.T.F don”t want to Deal with every Day too! Do you agree! Solution is Nip it in the bud too! By closing them down to If: they now Following the Federal Law too. An the State Laws to by each State too! Agree! The A.T.F should closed them down an out of Business too! I do Agree! Let”s put our Food down now too! Put those Gun Dealers out of Business ! An Shut them down to names A to Z to in 50 States tooi! Agree! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  324. 1. There is 55,000 Gun Dealers Regulates And 7000 Pawn Shops @ Gun Dealers too! Total count on 10/02/2019 A.D .

  325. 1. There is to many Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers Stores in Washington State too> I say about 1/2 needs to cut down too. The population is 7.700,000 people Living tin State of Washing to too!

  326. 1. The Shooters Industries need to cut Gun Production by every Year too! Is (0.80) percent too! Only Allow only For Orders is No extra Long Guns Rifles & Shot guns too. Only allow 0.10% Productions or orders only too! The Hand Guns : Is Semiauto Pistols Should be cut production by (0.80) % Cut off too! & Revolvers Hand Guns Should be cut by (080) percent too! Only allow only ( Only (0.10 % too! Don’t Produced not to exceed With in one Year time too. For orders Divided in with a month per is so many Gun order too! Agree!! too. Order from Gun Dealers Retailers too! The Orders is no more then 3 Guns per Order too! Long Guns , & Hand Guns orders to in 50 States too! How many Gun Dealers Retailers didn’t pay there Bills on time After They Received the Bill from Firearms Disturbers Co, Corp. For Class-1 (01) F.F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts & Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers Retailers is Class-2 Isa (02) F.F.L.s Most of the Time They Throw the Un paid Billing Bills in a shoe box to says Gun Orders is List of Gun Items is unpaid too! From Firearms Disturbers Co.’s to Or Corps Co.’s too! This Should investigated by the A.T.F. should looked into this problem too! Is all 50 States too! I agree! Most of The Firearms Dealers don’t paid there bills on time too! F.F.L.s (01) (02) An N.F.A Gun Dealers is (09) F.F.,L.s Option Licenses too! Call Gun Dealers Is Class-1(01) & Class-3 Is (09) Option Gun Dealers Retailers Stores too! In 50m States too! Its True!!!

  327. 1. The Federal Firearms Licenses U.S.A . Law Is U.S.A Government Regulations Law: Is one Gun Dealer Retailer Store Front Gun Store By Trade is Regular Gun Store is By Trade too! Is Type-1 Is Class-1 is (01) F.F.L. License too .

  328. 1. The Federal Law is one Retailer Gun Dealers is Gun Shop by Trade is regular Gun Store Front is a Class-1 Is (01) & A State License to is required by State Law too! I agree! Is one F.F.L.Dealer per 100.000 residents in all Fifty States too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? What does the public think??

  329. 1. The B.A.T.F.E.A. Division in Washington D.C. The report was the number of F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is total is (55,000) F.F.Ls holders in 50 States too! They are still going down by each month period too!!!

  330. Reduction is: Lets cut the number of smaller Gun Dealers Retailers to 50,630 F.F.L.s too! There is now 63 560 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers too! We need to cut 12,930 smaller (01) &(02) An N.F.A (09) too!! Gun Dealers number down too! The N.F.A., Gun Dealers retailers Should be 2 Per 50 States too! I agree!! Is (09) is Class-3 Retailers to many of them too! They need to Cut down too . Do you Agree Sir ? Or Mam? solution is the public onion too. The solution is we should cut the number of Gun Dealers to (50,630) F.F.L. Store Fronts too!

  331. 1.There is should be about 7,171350 population. There should be 71.71. Retailer Firearms GunDealers StoreFronts Stores!

  332. 1. 262 Firearms Dealers Stores Fronts is to many too. Some smaller Gun Stores need to be cut down a lot too .In Washington State only too. The Federal Firearms License. Law is one Gun Shop by Trade per 100,000 Residences in all Fifty States In all of them is included in the U.S.A. Too. Do you agree Sir?orMam? The Population is 7,171,350 people living in the State of Washington State too. Do you agree ? Sir?orMam? What does public think about this statement is true!!! Thank you!!!

  333. 1. There is to any smaller F.F.L.S Retailers Dealers to:most of them smaller GunStores is class-1 is(01) is 0.662/3 is 0.66Percent too. The Pawn Shop& GunStores is Class-2 is (02) is 331/3 is 0.33 1/3 Percent or less too. Do you agree Sir?orMam? What does public say about this of number of F.F.L.Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Businesses too! Each month goes by there fewer of the smaller F.F.L. GunDealers of smaller Stores is declining so many per month passes by too. It true! Maybe 13 of thos stores go out or not renal ii or State License is not renewed too. If they can’ Money buying Guns or Ammo too. Agree!!!! We went from 63000 F.F.Ls down to less then 60,000 too! We lost an number of F.F.L.s smaller GunDealers Retailers did make ends by not following the Federal Law requirements . An State Law requires it to be enforced too. Country Laws of Cities Law Townships Laws an Town Laws on Firearms Regulations should done certain way not : just any only old way to sell Guns anAmmo sales certain with in those Five laws regulations I s ;enforced by the B.A.T.F.E.A . Agency makes the rules on Firearms an Ammo too.Agree!!! Do you agree Sir?orMam? What does public say about this Firearms &Ammo Laws should enforced too. If Gun Dealer Retailer (01)(02) N.F.A is (09)Retailers different regularizations Rules is machine Guns too. Or silencers too. Is included too. In all 50 States too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? What does public think ?? We like to here from you Sir? OrMam? Thank you! Warning is The Gun Dealers don’tFollow the Law is Federal Law or State Law of all 50 states too.Agree!!

  334. 1. Gun Dealers Retailer is F.F.Ls don”t follow U.S.A. the Federal Law or State Law too. There Current F.F.L. License will be revoked by B ..A.T.F.E.A. Police Agents will cut your renal Applications is cancelled too.Agree. By the justice Department of circuit U.S.Court ofLaw too. To be-shout down too.Illegal gun sales is straw under table laws do happen at smaller GunStores Retailers (01)(02)regular GunDealers .A N.F.A. Gun Dealers is class-3 is (09) .Or class-1 with N.F.A taxStamp added too. If order by Regular Class-1 Dealer is GunShop by Trade only can qualify; only Can get only too. The Pawn Shop&Gun Dealers is off limits to is class-2 (02) License is off limits to a N.F.A class-1 is class-3 tax Stamp is off limits too.Agree by the B.AT.F.E.A. Agency of the U.S.A.Treasury is in charge only too. Do do agree Sir?OrMan? What does the public think about this ?? We like to here-from you !!! Thank you If you break a Federal Laws or State Laws or Country Laws Township laws Town Laws selling Firearms illegally under table too.Do you Agree?Sir?or Man? What do you think about situations is not legal with the Laws too! Agree! Close the Any Gun Stores do break the Law too.Agree!!! Close down the Gun store too. They leave bad taste in your month too.Ido Agree! Let’s put our foot down an enforced Federal Gun Dealers Regulations Laws too.Agree !!!

  335. 1. Some of those Firearms Firearms Dealers 262, Gun Dealers :need to cut down now by the B.AT.F.E.F. Agency .There way to many of ; smaller. Gun Dealers (01)&(02) too. The population is 7,900,000 in Washington ton State! True! If you divide 100.000 population per one F.F.L Dealer too.I Agree! There should 79 F.F.LDealers is correct too.Agree! Do you agree Sir.?orMam? What public approved of reduction of unnecessary Gun Dealers store fronts too.Agree! This needs to addresses by attorney General or Governor of Washington State too. All counties agree to terms of Federal Law too .is number one too !!! The States is second rate . Counties is third . Townships Or Towns is forth rate too.Agree! Do you agree?Sir? Or Mam?
    What public think too? Agree!!!

  336. 1.Washington State has to many Federal Firearms Dealers (01)!0r (02) pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) too They should not sell Firearms at all Agree! Only Gun Shop by Trade should sell relic Firearms only too. The Pawn Shop junk Dealers should not sell Firearms no more? The A.T.F.police squads should revoked there current license is pertaining to all Pawn Shops junk Dealers should not sell Firearms no more too. Agree !this all 50. States too.agree! Sir?orMam? What is your answer !!!!

  337. 1.There should be 2 N.FA Gun Dealers do sell class-3 Firearms onlyToo. The State should cut in half of All 50 States too. Some states in all of them have N.F.A. Is (09) tax stamp. Is black color only !!! P.S. the other companies not a gun Dealer License too ! Do you agree Sir?orMam? Reason is the safer way to careful of what Licenses is being issued too. Agree?
    the imports &Exports (08) regular N.F.A Firearms imported from other nations too. In to the shipping port too,. The other Guns is full auto Guns is (011) FF.L.S too. N.FA. Is red color tax stamp ! correct. The mags. Regular Ammo is (06) only too. The regular Gun mags. Is Gold color Is (07) too, N.FA. Is (010) gold tax stamp only too Agree! What does public think about this article???

  338. 1. The U.S.A. Maximum limit for any F.F.L. 5000 Gun Dealers (01)regulates only. Agree! Sir?orMam? Do you agree??? Yes ? Or No ? The 50 States max cap limit of F.F.L. Is (01) should no more the 100 F.F.L Dealers Retailers Stores too! Is max cap limit too! Agree?Do you Agree Sir? Or Mam? Why ? How come the change? What is your :Answer, Sir?orMam? Will increase more Gun thefts too. Agree!!! ??The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers should not sell any Firearms or Ammo too! They should off limits too. The class-2 is (02) F.FL.Licences should be limited of the F.F.L.Groop too. Reason is the criminals felons shop there to buy or robbed those guns &Ammo too. The Steve is bare too. Is empty nothing on it too.Agree! It true!! This reason Pawn shopsJunkDealers should not be trusted at all too. In all the 50 states too.Agree!!

  339. Complaint :is There is to many F.F.L. S (02)(01) (09) too. There is about 7000F.F.Ls too. On 02/07)2020A.D. Too. The problem is this Drugs capital State of Illegal Drugs too. Foreign illegal Drugs coming in threw this state alone too. The the B.A.T.F.E.A Agency should Court off about 0.70percent cut off too.Agree! To D.E.A. Reports on illegal Drugs coming in to the U.S.A . Too. Agree ! The number of smaller Gun Dealers cut off is around number of(4900) F.F.L. Applications cut off! On Florida only too. Agree!

  340. 1. North Carolina South Carolina two states has total of 4000 F.F.L. Too.? The A.T.F.needs to cut down by 0.66 percent too. It should cap limit with two states close to together too. Is remaining is 2640!! Agree Do you Agree Sir?orMam? Solution is it will cut the number of Gun thefts way down a lot too!Do you Agree? Yes ?orNo? Why?How come change of plan?? Why?

  341. 1. North Carolina South Carolina two states has total of 4000 F.F.L. Too.? The A.T.F.needs to cut down by 0.66 percent too. It should cap limit with two states close to together too. Is remaining is 2640!! Agree Do you Agree Sir?orMam? Solution is it will cut the number of Gun thefts way down a lot too!Do was you Agree? Yes ?orNo? Why?How come change of plan?? Why?

  342. 1. Before there were 64,560 F.F.L.s Retailers too. P.S. The Number of smaller Gun Dealers went out of Business :is most Of smaller Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A Is (09) too. Is 44,000 F.F.L.s Retailers too. Then we went down to lower number of 34,788 F.F.L.s too. Is Correct number Smaller Gun Dealers Retailers is left in the U.S.A. too. We Lost of total count of F.F.L.s holders Retailers is (34,888) F.F.L. Retailers Store Fronts Dealers to is left too. They Are Numbers of Retailers Numbers going down too. By each Month too!!!! True!!!

  343. 1. There is total number count of F F.L..Gun Dealers Store fronts Retailers only in State of Washington. Agree.

  344. 1.The number of F F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts Stores is (01/&(02) regular Gun Dealers is 1,115 total. Stores is left in Washington State only? Yes ?or no? Question is what is the correct number count of F.F.L. Dealers left in Washington State only?

  345. 1. Some Gun Dealers are midsize or smaller should be cut down too. There 11 States refused to melt Crime Guns are taken from criminals in those 11 States too. Solution is they should ship it by box car by train to State of California at Los Angulas city to send it to Sheriff’s Dept to the steel mill to melt those illegal Crime Guns used by criminals an foreign Criminals of other nations are living in the U.S.A. too. It’s true by Fox news . N.B.C. A.B.C. C.B.S. too.Is reported by News reporters true. The GunDealers refused to sell used Crime Guns in there GunStores in 50 States too. Question is: Do you agree Sir or Mam? Those 11States tried to sell those Guns used in serious Crimes by Criminals do sell those Guns illegally to other criminals too. Or foreign Criminals of foreign countries too. The federal money’s will be cut off those 11 States refused to melt those Guns in steal mills to turned them to rebar strips units or drain covers for pubic roads for street drains too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? ( Thank you) Mr chair man or Chair woman sent to the complaint too. Agree!!!!

  346. 1.Washington State has to many F.F.L Gun (01)&(02)Dealers Retailers too. Some needs to be cut down too. In the Cities population is very crowded were most people live too. In the cities areas There should be 1 Gun Dealer per -1’000’000 Residences in those population locations too. I agree Sir!orMam! Too. There is to many people on drugs too. It true! The A.T.F. should determine if there to many ,F.F.L. Dealers aboved aboved chililas city or way north to Canada border too. Some Gun Dealers should closed down too. If they to closed together in one nest too. Agree!!! By the A.T.F.. will cut of F.F.L.s renuals applications off for good too. Agree! The ruling is cities are toclosed together or next to each other or real closed too. Agree. One GunDealer per 20 miles limit away from another Gun,Dealer Retailer outlet to agree! Do you agree Sir?orDo you agree Mam? Yes? Or No? Why ? How come reason to change of plain too. Agree.

  347. 1. The Gun product ion should be cut down by 0.95percent too. Only allowed only for long Guns only too. Only allow product ion by 0.05 percent for orders for F.F.L. Dealers for orders only .Do not make extra ,Guns to hang around to to collect dust on shelves in warehouses too. You are loosing money too. It not going anywhere at all too. 2. The Handguns production should be cut by 0.95 percent too. Only production should be 0.07 percent too.for one year too. Is divided by 12 months period too. Agree. There is to many Guns & use Guns people not buying at all too. ,There is 368,000,000 long Guns an HandGuns new an used or relic guns are old Guns are better made too Is years ago too. It true! Agree. Question is: Sir Do you agree? Or Mam Do you agree? I the future the number of Guns are used will decline in fewer numbers too. This is good sigh of Guns will be hard to find them too. Agree. The Violace of Gun used will decline a lot less too. Agree. Thank you

  348. 1 The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers should not be issued an F.F.L. License is (02) should be limited from list of ,F.F.L. Licenses too. Agree! We should do it now !! Go! The list of Licences are : (01)(06)(07)(08)(09)(10)(11) too. The new list by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency in Washington,D.C. too. Agree!

  349. 1. The maxoun cap limit of : F.-

    F..L.s should be correct number count is 1/2 of 30,000 F.F.L.s too.. Is (15.000) F.F.L.s is solution needs to be tried out for 1 Year period of time. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam ?
    This will cut down the number of Gun getting stolen by Gun thieves too.

  350. 1. The number of F.F.L. Dealers is (01) 53924 & (02) Is Pawn Shop Gun Dealers is(7341) too.Is total of 61 265 Gun Sellers in the U.S.A. .the total N.F.A. Gun Dealers is 129 class_3 Gun Dealers total count.

  351. 1. The number of F.F.L.Dealers decline to less then 60,000 F.F.L. Dealers in the U.S.A. too. They still decling down ward too. By each month time ! Too. 12/05/2020 A.D. too

  352. 1. The total of Gun Dealers is a lot less then 53,924 F.F.Ls Retailes store ftonts is (01 Regular GunDealers, ((02) pawn Shop&GunADealers Stores Fronts too. This was 2019 A.D. for 1 Year of 365 days too.

  353. 01/15/2021 A.D. The. Total of F.F.L.s in the U.S.A. : is about, ( 52,791 (01) regular GunDealers too. The number of Pawn shops Gun Dealers F.F.Ls (02) is 7087 total icount too. Note: they are decling few GunDeales store fronts an Commecial Busineses declining by each month period of time too.

  354. 1. 01/ 15/ 2021. A.D. There is total of F.F.L.s (01)(02) (09) too. The total count is 60,058 in

  355. 1.The total of N.F.A. Gun Dealers in the total number count is(127) is(09)F.F.L.s too. P.S. The total count is Regular GunDealer is 52,791 (01) F.F.L.s The total of Pawn Shops&GunStores is(7087 (02) F.F.Ls too.
    The grand total is 60.005 F.F.L.s on 01/20/2021 A.D.Too.By the proof of B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of the News by the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters Agency washington ,D.C too.

  356. 1.The Number if Smaller Retailers Gun Dealers Can”t get Ammo too.There is 60,000 too. Now!!! Most of them are Decided :to call it quits too. There numbers been going down a Lot too. I talking about the smaller Store Fronts Dealers in 50 States too. It”s true! Not as many on 01//05/2021 A.D too! There fewer to in numbers too. They are declining down ward too! I believed about 0.10% Will decline out of Business too! Harris & Biden Will Cut down about 3,33% Gun Dealers will be reduced immanently as soon as possible too! Solution is: Ti Subtract: (01)(02) & State Licenses are Cut off too! No renewals Application will not be issued too! 19,800 F.F,L, s to close it down by A.T.F Wii Revoked Renewals Application off is (01)(02) N.F.A (09) F.F.,L.s too! There State License will not be Renewal to by the State Police Or Sheriffs Dept too Of What Country you Live in too! The normal Amount will Be About 40,200 F.F.L.s 2/3 is (01)(02) . 0.05 Will be (09) too! This Biden & Harris Crime Bill too. Solution is There will be Fewer Gun Dealers Dealers Stores Fronts Are Smaller Stores Will be Cut down in bid Numbers too! Solution is The Number of Smaller Gun Stores Will be About 0.03% Will be Regulated in Numbers too! The New Crime Bill Will Not Allow Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Will not be Allowed to Sell Used Firearms in all 50 States too. They Will be banned too. in 50 States too! The (02) F.F.L.s License For Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Will be limited too. By The B.A .T.F.E A. License Agency by the U.S.A Treasury Dept in Washington,D.C too! Reason is: The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Can”t Be Trusted no more too. The A.T.F.E.A Agency has a lot of Complaints too. In al 50 States too!!! They Should Limited the Class-2 Is (02) F.F.L,s License completely too. Off there F.F.L.s License List too! Do You Agree ? Sir Or Mam? What i Saying only Gun Shop by Trade is Class-1 (01) only one can sell firearms too! Only The Sporting Goods Hunting Fishing Camping Stores! is 0.90 % Are Getting away from selling Guns & Hand Guns too! Reason is They will not get in valved of selling Guns An Ammo too! Only 0.01% will Get to apply to sell Fire Arms an Ammo too! Do you Agree ? Sir Or Mam ? What does public think about This Article too? The Public should Read it too!!!

  357. 1. The F.F.L. s License is (02) Should removed off the U.S. Treasury List too. Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Should not sell firearms Or Ammo too! They Should Be Off limits too! in al 50 States too! The F.F.L.(02 ) Will Be Limited by the B.A T F.E.A Agency too! They have A lot complaints too. They don”t log those Guns on the Record Book too. Or They don”t Keep up Dates on the Repair Book Too! When They Send a Gun out for repair, They do not mark the Date too. When Gun come back top Store They do nor marked the returned Date the Gun is Repaired too. on the in the repair Book loge too . They are Not doing it Right too! It a big mess too! I talking Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Retailers too! They should not sell Firearms at all too. The F.F.L.s License should be limited too. The U.S.A Treasury List of F.F.Ls too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? Reason is The Criminals do shop for Guns & Ammo there A Lot too! An foreign Criminals non English speakers to from other Nations of illegal unregistered people are nor registered too! From other nations too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? What does public this about this article!!! This is my complaint is very serious one to think about too! Think about for a second too. It make scene too!!!

  358. 1. 01/04/2021 A.D.: 52,971. Class-1 (01). Regular Gun Shop Dealers Retailers Store Fronts non Commercial properties in industrial zones locations too. THE CLASS-2 IS The Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers Store Fronts on Commercial industril assign zones too. Is (02) is 7087 too. Regular Gun Dealers Busineses too. The N.F.A. IS CLASS-3 IS 127 IS (09) F.F.L s is full auto Firearms Dealers only has a Store Fronts too. Located near the Police Station building too. It true!

  359. 1. 01/05/2021A.D. the total of F.F.Ls Retailers GunDealers is offical too. (01)(02) N.F.A. is (09) . The total count is 60,185 F.F.L.s is offical too. Is 60,185!!! Too.

  360. 1. 01/04/2021: increase of F.F.Ls ! The count 53,976 01 Regular GunDealers. The pawn Shop junk &Gun Dealers has increase of 7103 (02 too. The N.F.A. had increase one by 1 F.F.L is total of 128. The total count is 60,207 F.F.Ls Retailers Store fronts Busineses too. Is offical too.

  361. 1. 06/03/2021 A.D.: Note: Out of 52,971 F.F.L.s : we had Sharp decline of Retailers Store Fronts Regular Stores was 1700 went out of Business too. There were What’s left is ;51,271 F.F.L.s (01) too.

  362. 1. 01/01/2021 to 06/12/2021 A.D. the number of regular F.F.L.s Retailer Dealers was 52,971 (01) decline to 51,271 . We lost 1700 in the U.S.A. too. Most of out of Business. A sharp decline is less by each month time goes by too. Reason is: The A.T.F. E.A . Investigating rouge bad problem F.F.L.s Dealers not following the Federal laws an State Laws on Gun Sales being checked by the A.T.F. investigators inspectors checking Gun Sales Records . If violations of Selling Guns illegally to criminals Fellons an an illegal foreign Criminals fellons of other counties too. Why? How come this is happen a lot for several Years too. This not been invesgated for several Years too. Do you agree? SIR?OR MAM? WHAT DOES PUBLIC THINK ABOUT THIS TOO.WE LIKE TO KNOW YOUR OPION!! THANK YOU

  363. 1. Some State have to many Gun Dealers is overpopulated too. in the U.S.A. too.This goes F.F.L.s (01) License for, Sporting Goods, Hunting, Fishing Camping & Gun Store Can sell: Long Guns: Rifles & Shot Guns an Ammo for Long Guns too! is by 0.10 % (50 States ) too. The Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers F.F.L.s (02) to many of them in some States too. (0.90) percent need to Limited too! Out of 7087 F.F.L.s of 50 States too. Only 708.7, F.F.L.s is (010%) Should Sell Long Guns only too! But no Hand Guns , Or, no Hand Gun Ammo too! Only Gun Shop By Trade is Regular Gun Store Can sell Hand Guns Or Hand Gun Ammo to only too! This will cut the Flow of Guns of the Cites ,Town Ship, town Streets in 50 States too. 0.90 % Sporting Goods Hunting,Fishing , Camping Stores Will not sell Guns Long Guns Rifles & Shot Guns & Ammo for Long guns too! Most of the don”:t want to bothered too! Cato loge Stories!! in all 50 States too !!! Reason is To The Flow of Guns off our Streets Highways or inter State highways between States too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? What does public think about this! we like to knowe!!!

  364. 1. The number of Gun Dealers (01)(02regulates. N.F.A. (09)Dealers. They should reduced to. On Federal Level U.S.A is maxium .cap limit of (15,000) F.F.L.s . The maxium cap limit for 50 States is 300 F.F.L.s ismaxium cap limit too. No more added to certain cap limit to number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store fronts an”Commercial block zones locations only agree!!I rules by Zoning Commision of Building Codes regulations Commercial properties laws regulations too.Do agree?Sir?OrMam? What is public opion ? We like to know answer !!! Thankyou!@

  365. 1. The number of Gun Dealers (01)(02regulates. N.F.A. (09)Dealers. They should reduced to. On Federal Level U.S.A is maxium .cap limit of (15,000) F.F.L.s . The maxium cap limit for 50 States is 300 F.F.L.s ismaxium cap limit too. The A.T.F.E.A. agents will do it too. Reason is to cut down Gun thief’s of stolen Guns out of smaller GunStores . No more added to certain cap limit to number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store fronts an”Commercial block zones locations only agree!!I rules by Zoning Commision of Building Codes regulations Commercial properties laws regulations too.Do agree?Sir?OrMam? What is public opion ? We like to know answer !!! Thankyou!@

  366. 1. There is near count of F.F.L.s Retailers ,01,02,09, is a lot less by every month too. The smaller GUN Stores sell to bigger Retailer Store front too. Some States have over F.F.L.s Dealers Store fronts too. Some needs to cut it numbers down too. Reason is a Federal U.S.A. Law said is one F.F.L.Dealer by Trade is Regular GunShop by trade is regular GunStore. Is per 100 000 Residence per one Gun Dealer Retailer by trade is regular Gun shop by trade sell long Guns Rifles,Shotguns, an Handguns too. They should check population by each State in the U.S.A. too. The A.T.F.Should determined how many GunDealers 01, Gun Dealers remained in Busineses too. P.S the Pawm Shops junk GunDealers should not sell Firearms or Ammo too. They should off limits too. The F.F.L.License should be removed from the F.F.L.List too. The PawnShops &GUNS STORES ARE TAKE FOOD OUT OF Smaller GunShop Dealers too.A lot them complain to the A.T.F. too. Most of them say they want 02 F.F.L.License removed from the the A.T.F. E.A. list too. DO YOU AGREE? SIR? Or Man? What does public say about it?We like to know!!

  367. 1. The B.A.T.F.E.A . Agency main Headquarters in Washington ,D.C. should cut of number of F.F.L.s Licenses too. If it violated the Federal Law said 100,000 Rssdenes per one GunDealer (01) by trade too. It”s Frderal Law said this too. In all 50 States are included as it is ! No Ifs Ands or Buts it Federal U.S.A.Law Regulations should be enforced by the B. A .T.F.E.A License Headquatrers maim HeDquarters.Is in Charge at all times in washington,D.C. too.By the U.S.A.Treasuey is in charge too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? What does Public say about this? We like to know? Thank you!!!

  368. 1. The number of Gun Dealers at Federal Level should be 5000 (01)(02)(09) 5000 F.F.L.s at U.S.A. Level! Enforced by the, A.T.F. Federal level only too! Agree!! Agree! Maximum Cap limit too. The 50 States should be 100 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too. Should maximum Cap Limit too. Enforced by the A.T.F.E A. Federal Agency!!! Do you Agree!!

  369. 1. The B.A.T.F.E.A will shut down the number of ,problem F
    F.F.L.. Stare Front Dealers Retailers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too
    It will be about 0.05 % in 50 States in all!!! There renuals applications will be cannselled too. There State License to sell firearms will be revoked too. Renuals applications cannselled , by country Sheriffs Dept State License to revoked is current License. Too. Do you agree?Sir?or ,Man? What does public say about this? We like to know your opion!!!!

  370. 1 There is. in the U.S.A. 434 000,000 Firearms. Also there is 20 ,000,000 Mags & Ammo Drums units. Most of are Mfg overseas . Too. One half of the population are Gun owners too. By Foxnews!

  371. 1. There is AR-15 Rifles Semiautomatic Guns An AR sSemiautomatic Rifles only Fire 40 rounds per mimute only too. They Semiautomatic Sear unit will limit it up to 40 Rounds per Minute Fire only they can”t go any Faster too. They are limited up to 40 rounds per minute too. Do you agree?Sir?orMam? Question is was does the public say about this ariticle after they read it too. We like your public opion on this legal matter too. Thank you.

  372. 1. F.F.L.License Fee $$$ in crease is needed soon. Retailers Gun Dealers (01) (02) (09) N.F.A ! Stops here!!!! No feather too. Agree!!!. Import &Export F.F.L. (08)(011) N.F.A: Distribors Licences not Gun Dealers Retailers Licences. THE MFGS Licenses (06)(07).(010)N.F.A. .The new 3 Year rates should talk. About first they decided to Change the old Rates too.Do you agree?Sir?oo Mam? Question is what does the public say about the new higher F.F.L.License new Rates sbould talked about it first too. They should decided to to to U.S.A. Congress House Rates First.Theyshould talked over U.S.A. senate house to talk about it too. Before they vote on the new F.F.L.s License new 3 Year rates should mention too. To vote on it to offical too. Do you agree?Sir?orMam? What does the public say about this ariticle after they READ it too. I agree@ It time to work onto now before they change there minds about the new F.F.L.s Licences new rates too.Agree!! LETS get going in the subject to talk about it an get into Federal U.S.A Law too.Agree!!!

  373. 1. The thirty Eight States decided to melt all confidcated crime Guns will : be sent to a steel Mill Plant .They will melt those crime Guns into Rebar steel strips units. Or they will melt guns that Retailers GunDealers don,t. In there GunStores to;they will refused those Guns by Town.P.D..Township P.D. or Citirs P.D. to tried to sell them to the Retailer Gun Dealers but they will refused them too. The Answer is send those confidcated Crime Guns to the Still Mill Plants to melt those Guns used by Criminals too. They should melt them too. They should make steel pipes too. The plumbing companies would like it too. DO YOU AGREE? Sir?or Man? What public say about this plan of taking crime Guns melted down to turn it to steel pipes too. DRAIN COVERS PUBLIC ROADS TOO. FOR HIGH WAY WATER DRAINS UNITS TOO. FROM CRIME GUNS ARE MELTED GUNS BY USED BY INNATIONAL CRIMINALS TOO. OF OTHER NATIONS LIVING IN 50 States in the U.S.A too. Do you agree?Sir?of Man? What does public say about it We like to know Answer!!! Agree!

  374. 1. There 12 States refused to melt Crime Confidicated Guns clips Drums . There should be in vacation why they refused to melt Crime Guns too. P.S They Want to sell those Crime Guns to Retailer Store Fronts F.F.L.s 01 02 N.F.A 09 too. Message sent Local town P.D. townShip P.D. Cities P.D. too. Sheriffis dupies refused thoses Guns.used by Criminals too. Or foreign Criminals too. The State Police will not sell those Crime Guns to GunDealers in those 12 States most of those GunDealers Stores will refused those Guns used in serios Gun Crimes too. Solution is they should taken to a Steel Mill Plants in those 12 States passed stupid Law that stops them melting those Guns used by Criminals too. The law should change too. Or they will loose U.S.A.Federal U.S. Moneys will halted if they don,t change that State law of 12 States too. They are hurting them selves too. Crime Guns should melted in Steel Mill Plant to make rebar strips .steel Pipes units Drain Covers public ROADS HIGH WAYS STEEL SIDE DRAINS UNITS FOR WATER FLOODS TOO. COUNTRY ROADS DRAIN COVERS TOO. DO YOU AGREE? Sir?orMan? What public say in those 12 States if they read this aritle ! We like to know answer !!! Agree!!! That law should change now too. Do forget it too. Work on ot now!!!! Please the public safety in endanger too. You don,t that law is harmful to the public too. Please change it now ! Tell state assembly house first. Then vote on it !Then tell state senate house to change that law of saving crime Guns put back in GunDealers Store shelves ! The GunDealers Retailers owners don,t those Guns at all too. They will refused those crime Guns used by Criminals .or Foreigh Criminals and well too. It true .The law must be limited too. It a bad State law of 12 States are doing too. This is illegal on a Federal U.S.A. level of Violations of a Federal law too. Do you Agree? Sir?orMam? What public say about this scandal of 12 States passed illegally in Criminal offence!!! True !!! The A.T.F. will investgate it on thos 12 States too. Do you agree?Sir?MAM ? THE PUBLIC WILL DEMANED AN INVESTGATION TOO. WITH THE A.T.F. too U.S.A Complaint!!!! Warning !!!

  375. 1. Those Guns areconfidcated by Police Dept. By red Flag Law too. Question is : How many Guns from Gun Collectors have Guns confidcated by antiGun Groops are enemies of American GunOwners of Collectors of Guns an Ammo too. Is turned in by Police Dept too. This will lead to cival War is Cival War too. There will to sides too. The proGunners Army Fighters too. There enemy is U.N. Nations started this mess too. The anti Gunners are people don”t like GunOwners too. There Army is anti Gun Police Deptments are left winger Police too. Town ship Police, town,Police ,Cities Police. Sheriffis Depts of some counties too. This will caused a fighting War too. There be help from outside help from U.S.S.R. too They don,t like our current U.S.A.Preident too. Is left winger GunControll too. In 50 States. Then he will go to the U.N. to make a Glober law oneFederal Police an One world military Army will a U.S.A Cominist Military too. The U.S.A Constitution of 1776 of July 4th 1781 will be put in safe too. Agree. The new flag is U.S.A Comunist American flag too. The States will not exist no more too. They will be gone for good too. This a new Grovernment of power too. Like U.S.S.R. in the cold years too. Do you agree? SIR?OR,Man? If young people voted for the flag law to confidcated your Guns an Ammo too. They will do too. If the Public voted for it too. Plus the small Arms U.N.Treaty will be sigh by Biden an Harris too. To make it offical too. By agree ment of all Counties of the world too. They wanted done in the U.S.A. too. Do you agree? Sir?ot Man? If public voted for there’d Flag Law in 50 State all agree to by it terms too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? The people voted for this law to confidcated the GunOwner guns he or she owns is turned the police. Or Sheriffis dept of counties of 50 States too. What public think it good plan no Citizens can’t own Guns an Ammo too. GONE FOR GOOD! IT IS HISTORY TOO.

  376. 1. The new in crease for 3 years F.F.L.s should be $1,000 every 3 years too. F.F.L.s are: (01) for Regulars Gun Dealers Retailer Store Fronts . The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers should be limited by Biden or Harris V.P. too. This were Criminals Fellons an foreign Criminals fellons with history arrest Records by Local Police Depts,Townships police Depts ,Cities police Depts .,country Sheriffis Depts of all fifty States too. 25 States Police Depts. Too. Or Highway Patroll &,State police of 25 States too. They say PawnShopsJunkDealers should not sell Used Firearms or Ammo as or used ammo too. Those Stores should off limits to Any F.F.L. Gun Dealers Licenses 02. Or mfg F.F.L.s 06 Ammo, or mfgs regular Guns is longGuns or handguns too. Or import or export Licences 08, 011, or N.F.A. class-3 (09) GunDealers Retailers F.F.L.s is of limits by B. A.T.F.E.A. agency by the U.S.A.Treasury should make this request!! They talk about it an act on it too. Do you agree?Sir?orMan? What does public say about this Aritle? We like you your opion from the public too. We like to know!!! Thank you,

  377. 1. There should be increase of F.F.L. Dealers Retailers 3 year renuals rates too….The F.F.L. (01) License should $2,000.00 3 year renuals too. // The N.F.A. Gun Dealers F.F.L.s should increase too. $6,000.00 every 3 years renuals too.
    The pawn Shops junk retailers should not sell Firearms or Ammo too. They should be off limits too. Reason is: the street criminals an foreign criminals do shop for used guns an ammo too. This reason is : The U.S. A . Treasury should stop issued F.F.L.s Is (02) should be. Limanated too. There is total of 7,103 ( ,02 ) F.F.L.s too. Cut of renuals Applications for 02 F.F.L.s only .
    They License should limited too. For Pawn Shops GunDealers in 50 States too. Do you agree?Sir?or,Mam? What does public say about this too. We like to here from you! Thank you , Reason is there will be fewer Guns of the streets of towns,townships,cities, Counties , States too. The A.T.F.E.A. License Agency should cannselled of the F.F.L.s License is (02) is limited for good too. The pawn Shop Gun Dealers Junk Dealers is off limits to not to sell Firearms an Ammo too. Do you,agree?Sir?or Mam? They public would approve of it too. What is your Answer we like to know!!

  378. 1. There are a lot of Used Guns that people trade in to Gun Shops by trade too. A lot Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping Gun Stores, PawnShops GunStores too. The price of a Used Guns longguns Rifles Shot Guns handguns should alot lower price is down by 0.50% out 100% for a new Guns are priced too. Do you agree? Sir?orMan? What does the public think about this too. After they read it too. We like to know your opion ? The public opion too? Agree!!! There is 450,000,000 Firearms too. There is more longguns Rifles Shotguns is too is 3/2s too. The Hand Guns is 1/3:too. In the U.S.A . Too.

  379. 1 . The maxium cap limit for the U.S.A. is. 5000 F.F.L.s 01, 02, regular GunDealers. N.F.A. Dealers the maxium cap limit is 2 per 50 States only to (09) F.F.L.s too. The 50 States there maxium cap limit is 100 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Store fronts Stores! Do you agree?Sir?or,Mam? What does public say about this ? It is good idear too. We like to here from public!!!

  380. 1. There are 12 States in the U.S.A. refused to melt those crime Guns used by Criminals an non citizens criminals of foreign counties too. They want to sell them back to F.F.L.Dealers, (01)(02) N.F.A Dealers are Law Enforcement too. They say they will refused those Guns items too. Thay said they should be melted down in Steel Mill Plant too. To turn it to rebar or street Drain covers for roads an side curbs Drains on side of a road too. Solution is: They should ship those Crime Guns to California State to L.A country Sheriffis location to Still Mill too. They do melt those Guns too. Into rebar strips steel metal pipes. DRAIN COVERS PUBLIC ROADS TOO. DO YOU AGREE?SIR?OR DO YOU AGREE?MAM ? PUBLIC WOULD LIKE THIS TOO. WHAT YOUR OPION !!!

  381. 1. Theses 12 States should ship the crime Guns are confidicated of criminals . They should shiped in metal crates too. Take to train station an put in box car crate an send to calfornia to L.A country steel mill plant to melt those crime guns too. This only solution to melt those guns too. They make drain covers public roads an side curbe metal drains too. An relar strips an metal steel pipes too. This is good idear too. It will save taspayers money too. Do you agree? Sir?or Do you agree? This crime Guns in tbose 12 State refused to melt those guns . They can ship them by metal creats an seal it by cover the top lid too. Then send them to the train station put ina box cargo box car unit too. Send it calfornia state send to L.A county to steel mill will melt those Guns too. As a doation to the case to stop crime Guns off City streets too. Township streets , town streets. Too. Do you agree?Sir?orMam? What your opion !!! We like to know public opion! Too.

  382. 1. Note: 01/01/2000 A.D. The total of F.F.L.s Retailers Store front Gun Dealers is a count of 69,591 F.F.L.s is overall count too. In past 7 Years period of time too. This fact it was true by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency of the offical 50 count too. Do you agree? SIR?OR MAM? What is public opion too. We like to here from you!!!

  383. 1. The Number of Confiscated Guns : Ling Guns Handguns too. In a Warehouse in the City of Chicago Police Dept. The Guns Raids Police Dept Confiscated Stolen Guns too. There is 0ver 11,000 Firearms or more too.Melt those Guns used in Crimes too. The Retailers Gun Dealers (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers don”t want those Guns on there Shelves too. They will refused them too. Or sent a complaint to the; B.A.T.F.E.A Agency Main Headquarters main Hub in Washington ,D.C too!!! The State of IL. Chicago Police Dept needs to Melt those Guns or sent them to other Still Mills Metal Plants do melt Steel too. in other 38 States are doing it too! Or Sent it by Train to California State as a domination to, Case of To stop Guns on the Streets too. to L.A. Country Sheriff’s Dept is working with a City Contract to melt those Crime Guns to be melted down melted liquid Steel Pot with hot Ark Electrode is melting those Guns too. They will make Rebar Or Steel Metal Pipes too. Or Drain Pipes too! Or Drain Street Covers for public roads too!!! Or to mfg Side C rube Drains Units to on public Roads on Towns, Town Ships, Cities Counties Roads ,State Highways too, Or interstate Highways too! By melting Crime Guns the Criminals used to commuted Crimes with a stolen Guns out of Gun Stores are Close at Third shift 12:00A.M to08:00A.M too! It true!!! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam ? What Does public Say about this Ari cal After they read it too. We like your option ! Sir? Or Mam?

  384. 1. A U.S.A . Federal Complaint is take them out of City of Chicago Police Dept Hands to clean out Warehouse too. As soon as possible too. The A.T.F . Needs to make on those Guns in warehouse Confidante Those 11,000 Guns in City of Chicago Police Dept needs to hand them over to the A.T.F Agents to Get those Guns to a Still Mill to melt those Crime Guns immediately too. to a Still mill Plants to get the contract to melt those crime Guns! Send letters to those Guns in other Still Mills Contracts too. Do you Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? What public Say about this? We like to know your option too!!!

  385. 1. Biden an Harras will on cutting down the Gun Dealers not abiding by U.S.A Federal Laws an STATE LAWS OF SELLING GUN UNDER TABLE SALE A SRALL. GUN PURCHUSE WHICH IS FEDERAL CRIMINAL AFENCE OR STATE LAW IS VIOLATION SELLING GUN TO CRIMINAL FELLONS has prision arrest Record too. His F.F.L. License will be revoked by the inspectors an the A.T.F.Police Squard too. The Sheriffis Dept of country ofa issued State License dept will revoked State License to sell All Firearms at State he pays or she pays taxes too. The A.T.F. will arrest him or her as a crooked Gun Dealers do sell to criminals fellons too. Problen Gun Dealers Retailers Busineses needs to shut down for good too. There is quite few of them to in all 50 States too
    Biden an Harris will climp down very hard on trouble some Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A Dealers is(09) F.F.Ls holders too. There renuals applications will be cut off for good too. YOU are history too. There is 52,971, 7087, 127 = 60,185 F.F.L. Gun dealers on,01/01/2021 A.D. too.

  386. 1.The State of IL. Has to many F.F.L.Dealers Store fronts (01)(02) regular Gun Dealers is 2460. But State of IL. Voted in increase on Gun Dealers Retailers Store fronts . The 3 Year renual fee $ every 3 Years period too. The cost $ is 1500.00 each time. To renewed a State License too. But 1/2 the Gun Dealers rezine too. They went out of Businrses too. 1230.GunDealers applied for the new State License too. Now on 08/04/2021 A.D. the Il.grovenor say, they will droped by0.30% too. By end of this. YEAR TOO. It will dropped down to 861 Gun Retailer Store Fronts (01)(02) Regular Gun fronts Busineses too. The people of City of Chicago City would like it very much too. Note:the number of smaller GunDealers Store fronts are drclining each month period of time too. P.S. GOOD NEWS BULITON , THERE WILL NOT AS MANY GUNS ON THE STREETS OF ,CITIES TOWNSIPS,TOWNS , OR COUNTIES. OR STATE HIGHWAYS AS WELL TOO. WITH IN BORDER STATE LINE OF IL. TOO. THE GUNS WILL BE HARDER TO FIND OR TO GET THEM OFF THE STREETS TOO. THIS GOOD. REASON TO PUNISHED THE STREET CRIMINALS OR FOREIGN CRIMINALS OF NON CITIZENS WITH ARREST RECORDS WILL BE SENT BACK TO COUNTIES AN THE FOREIGN WILL PAY MONEY FOR THE RETURN TRIP TO THE COUNTRY THEY BORN TOO. ON A AIR PLANE TRIP IS ONE WAY ONLY TOO. DO YOU AGREE?Sir?or Man ? What does the public say about this an new American citizens will agree to these terms too.We like to known your opion ? Sir?orMam?

  387. 1. If street Crime get worse we should cut the number of F.F.L Dealers by certain nunber too. From 861 F.F.Ls Store fronts in State of IL. Too If gun thiefts get desperate too. Let’s cut it down to 127 Retailers Gun dealers Store. fronts (01)(02) is Regular too. Is maxium cap limit too. Those Guns stolen are in the Chicago city streets it true!! This fanial strall to Criminal acts in youth has no family mom as a mother or pop as a Father too. Those youth are on there own too. NO EGUCATION OF NO SCHOOLING TOO. THEY CAN,T READ A BOOK TOO. OR DO NUMBERS TOO. MOST THEM RAISED THEM SELVES TOO. BY ROBBING GUNS AN AMMO OUT OF GunStores too.Late at night at 3 shift 08;00 A.M next morning too. To kick Druge habit getting high too. This why Crime is so high too. They robbing Ammo too. For there stolen Guns they took out of Gun Stores in true!! Several .F.F.L.s. 100s of to many Gun Dealers need to cut way down to certain number of total number of, maximum cap limit of ; (127)F.F.L.s store Fronts (01)(02) too. Do you Agee?Sir Or. man? The rule is 1 F.F.L .Dealers GunShop Dealer (01) by trade too. Per 100 000 residences too. There is population of 12,666,000 people living in the State of IL.Too. what does public say about this too??? We like to know your opion??? Write to us!!!

  388. 1. Note: Google internet co. Needs to watch for. AntiGuns adds too. The C.E.O.Needs to watch too. The problem is I put on he allows his internet employees to frizzled the contact on cell plone too. By turning is off. Too. Warning is:He is left winger U.S.Comunist member of of the U.N . Member of the small arms treatry too. He lives in New Zeanlin country too. He is allow his employees to not to show guns Dealers locations too. He alow the police of townships towns cities to look at the Gun Dealers Stores addrdress in different location of 50 states too. Warning is not to be trusted! He will not alow the law abiding U.S.A. citizens to look up gun dealer locations of addresses too. He restricted them to block the address of Anu GunDealers location too. Only police or state police of 25 states . Or or Highway patroll State police to look up F.F.L. Easly .com or U.S Gun Regustry .com too. But the law abiding U.S. Citizen has that right on his cell plone to look for information too. This is the illegal anti gun law needs to rescinded too. If not It will lead to cival war to lead to War world 3 will start in the year of 2026 of 01/04/2026 A.D.Is serios warning if Biden or Harris wind a second term another 4 years in Office too. The election year is 01/02/2024A.D. if biden wins the Harrris gets second term in office in washington D.C.!! He will cut down a many smaller Gun Stores out of busineses! Not renew there F.F.L.s License Applications will be cut off for good too. The Gun Dealers. For the U.S.A 5000 F.F.Ls ismax cap limit! The 50 States will have cap limit up to 100 F.F.L.Dealers Retailers Stores Busineses too. Is maxium cap limit for good too. Do you agree? SIR?or,Man? The A.T.F.Will enforce the new regulations too. One Federal level . One the States level of 50 states too. P.s. no extra Gun Dealers will not be added on the Federal U S.A . Level or the State level of all 50 States in all levels too. By inspections by the A.T.F. too. They will check on the number of F.F.L.s Retailers store fronts limited to States is up 100 F.F.L.Dealers cap limited too. No more added too. Same as the U.S A Federal level up to 5000 F.F.L.Dealers maxoun cap limit too. Agree! By Federal terms by the A.T.F. too. This will cut down the number gun thiefts on Gun Stores closed on ,3rd Shift is 08:00A.M in the best morning too. It true!!! Do you agree? SIR?OrMam? What does public say about this too. We like to know opion!!! Thank you.

  389. 01/01`/2020` To 12/30/2021 A.D.1.Regular Gun Dealers (01) Lost 1700 Retailers they went from 52,971 to 52,121 Pawn shops Gun Dealers 7087 (02) The N.F.A .(09) 127 .The Grand Total 59,335 F.F.L.s in the U.S.

  390. 1. Note: The Regular Gun Dealers (01) 52,976. Pawn Shop Gun Dealers 7,103 (02). The N.R.A. (09 ) La wen enforcement ,Gun Dealers is total number is 128. total!! is Up to Date!

  391. 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 A.D. 0ne Year Period. 1 The Total of F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers 60,207 F.F.L.s too .

  392. 1. The State of IL has 2460 F.F.L.s Dealers before. The State of, IL. Decided to passed a bill to increase Fee of State License 3 Year Renuals up by voting it new Fee $ 1500.00 Every Three Years renual by the Country Of the City Chicago City told the Grovenor to Sign it into Law too. So they won the Vote too. Later one half of those Gun Dealers decided to Quit to get out of the Gun Dealers Busineses too. But the other half say i”M not to pay for a State Licence Fee of $1500.00 Most of the Gun Dealers resign to go out of Busineses too! Later The Other Half was 1,230 F.F.L.s (01)(02) of those Gun Dealers Decided to pay the State License Fee of $1500.00 Dallers too. The Country Sheriffis Of State License Is issued a new State License to Sell all FDirearms atwide State level License is all around License is only one issued only too!

  393. The State Of IL, In The City of Chicago a warehouse Loaded Crime Guns too. There is 11,500! Long Guns & Hand Guns too! Those Guns Should taken to Still Mill To melt those Guns too . To Drain Covers for public Roads too. Rebar Strips for Bridges too! To make Metal Steel Pipes for Water . Or Drain Pipes too! Reason is Very Important issued is, those Gun Dealers don”t those Guns on Gun Dealers Shelves in ant Gun Stores too. Reason is the Criminals committed Gun Crimes too. Most Gun Stores don”t lock there in Gun Safe too. It true!!! They Just Leave Guns open in Glass Case too. Some of those Crime Guns should melted too. Or Sent to L.A. Count try in California too. The Still Mill in Ca, On the News too! It true!! Chicago Should Sent therm by Train to, California too. To melt those guns too. California Still mill too. Los Angeles City to Were Still Mill active too. Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? What does public say about this ! We like to here from you!!! Those Guns never see Day light again The Crime Guns Will Die in Still Mill too. To be melted too! Agree!!!!!

  394. 1. On August 17 2021A.D. last Friday President Biden A. VICE PRESIDENT HARIS ARE GETING TOUGH ON DISONEST F.F.L. holders Retailer Gun Dealers not pay their Federal U.S.A taxes too. Or false finding on a 4473 4 page form too
    There total of in the U.S.A. is(60,207) F.F.Ls , (01)(Regular Retailer Store Fronts Gun Dealers too. 52,976 .2.Pawn Shops Junk Gun Dealers (02) is,7,103 Store Store front s Retailers too. Plus there is N.F.A. Lawenforcement F.F.L.s is total of 128 too. Question is how many out of this number of GunDealers don,t abide by Federal Laws an STATE GUN LAWS OF ALL 50 States,too.Why?How come the Inspectores Agents not checking the recent Gun sales Records regular Guns Dealers rcords.of completed finished Gun Sales too. To see any criminals fellons not purching Firearms too. Or false effing on those 4473 froms is 4 page on Longguns or Handguns too. Or to buy ammo as well too. Most those problems accrued on smaller Gun Stores is , (01)(02) or N.F.A. Gun. Stores is z(09)to in all 50 States too. Harris an Biden said only certain per ant age of Guns Stores causing problems too. Not obeying Federal Laws Rules an State Laws Rules too. It about 0.25% is problem GunDealers not paying Business taxes o. Time too. This need to be looked immeadly by the Justice department of the A.T.F E.A. Police should check out those problem Dealers too. Tell them run the Gun Busineses right way or nest inspections The investigator in charge will revoked there current F.F.L.License 01, 02.regular GunDealers . Or Problem N.F.A Dealers is class-3 is(09) too. They are not excused too. Do you Agree?Sir?orMam?what does the public thinks about it too. We like here from you. Or write to U.S.A too.

  395. 08/28/2021 The number of Overal count F.F.L. s is 60,207. Now the number of F.F.L.s decline to (55,563) 01 /02/ N.F.A /09/
    Gun Dealers Retailers. STORE FRONTS BUSINESES. IS LEFT TOO. THEY ARE dealing by each month

  396. 1 Question is: There is overall Count of F.F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts Business 55,563 08/03/2021 Second half if From July1,2021 to December31,2021 A.D. too Do you agree? Sir >? Or Mam? The Publics’ say About this? We like to know ?? or Write to us>
    . We just Lost 9,788 Dealers are Smaller Dealers decline too! There is now is left is:( 45,775 F.F.L.s Dealers (01)(02)Regular Gun Dealers.) In The U.S.A In all 50 States too! Agree!!! Reason is : There Will be less Stolen Guns off the Cites ,Township, Streets Town Streets in 50 States too. This very good Plan Down Gun[population down too. The public would like that very much too! P.S some of Gun Dealers need to limited too! To many eggs in one nest location Cities too! The Federal Laws said One Gun Dealer Retailers By trade Gun Shop Business is one only too!. Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency By the U.S.A Treasury Should i charge at all times to is number#! To 1-800 out of Business for good too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The Public Say about this too! He is out of Control issued Applications out to easily too! A.T.F say you are History no more selling F.F.L.s Licenses Applications is no more too! You are done too! You History too! Go buy!! This Guy needs to be Slow down A lot to by the B. A.T.F.E.A Agency of the U.S.A Treasury too! In Charge too!! Remember That Sir? or Mam? They Send Warning Letters too!

  397. 1. The Rifle An Semi postal production is 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 per in 1 Year period too. We should cut of 0.90% cut of production off too. Solution is: Only Allow production of,( Rifles 0.05% ) an (semiauto pistols is 0.05%) (0.10) % in one Year period too! Divided in 12 months Period too . A Gun Dealer can order no more then 2 Gun s too. 2. Revolvers & Shot Guns is 100% production too! They should cut off production by (090%) Cut off too!!! Reason is: Only tell Shooter industries to produced 0.10% Hand Guns 0.05 Hand Guns Revolvers too! Shot Guns 0.05% too Reason is there Less Guns on the Streets Cities town ships Streets, town Streets too. Gun Thieves out Gun are herd; to find to in 50 States in counties too! Do you agree? sir Or Mam? What does public say about this plan too. To Cut gun production by (090%) Cut off too! they will allow (0.10)% Production of Firearms too. This will reduced Gun Crime by 90% Guns not used in crime no more too. as in the past Years ago too! This is New Gun Control mg Plan Cutting off (090% Cut of Gun Production is cut off too ! Only allow 0.10 % Firearms mg Biden & Harris will approved of too. they will agree! to too! Sir? Or Mam? Public’s would like it a lot too! Or write to us!!!

  398. Revolvers & Shot Guns Production is 500,000 to 1,000,000 in one Year too! is 100% too. Sol reason is: Solution is We should cut it down by (090%) too! Only Allow only (010 % Production too! Revolvers 0.05% Production. An Shot Guns (0,05%) production too! The Firearm Dealers can order 2 Guns per one order too! From Disrobers Co Corp, Co. I,N.C Co This goes for Ammo Mg too .100% production to is now! We Should cut Ammo Production by (090% ) Cut off too! But only Allow (0.10%) Production too! is Divided by 12 month period too! Do you Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? what does the – Public say about this too? If they read it! We like to here from you !!! Or Write to US!!!

  399. 1. Tell The Primers Mugs to move out of the U.S.A. too. to Flee to the NATO Counties too. They RESTRICTIVE in the U.S.A Too. A lot of those Primer Co. Corp . I.N.C Co “s Should move out of the U.S.A too! To other Nations would Like to buy those Companies too! Do mfg. Primers For Long Rounds Ammo. Rifles ,Shot Guns Rifle Bullets , Shot Gun Shells too. An for Hand Guns Semi Pistoles Ammo An Revolvers Ammo too! There Used primers too! Solution Is It is Cheaper if they mfg. over seas too. South Africa Nations Would Tried to Those Mugs do make Primers for Ammo as well too! The Mugs should move out of the U.S A. Reason is to Expressive to mg Primers Units for Difference Types of Ammo Bullets Long Guns An Hand Guns Shot Guns Ammo too! I said they should move out of the U.S too! It to Expressive to, Mgs Primers too. It is better to move to new location over seas too! Foreign Counties Would Buy those mgs to mg Primers for Ammo for Long Guns An Shot Guns , Revolvers , Semi Auto Pistols too! The Employees are making to much money in the U.S A. too! Solution is : It cheaper to mugs in foreign nation counties too. It would be cheaper to do it that Way too! The Primers Mugs Still have time to move out of the U.S.A too! A lot Foreign Counties Like the Mfg. in the Nation of Foreign Counties too! It cheaper to make it overseas too!! Or NATO Counties too! They make it better then the U.S.A too! This would better ideal too. Do you Agree!!! Sir ? Or Mam? Reason is to expensive to the 50 States too! Solution is: It better to move the Co Corp. I.N.C Co overseas too! They make it be Lot Cheaper this way too! It To Expensive to make Primers in the U.S A Too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam ? The Co. Corp I.N.C Co would bank Rup too ! on Chopper 11 or Chopper 2 is co is has to move out of the U.S A too! to South American or Asia Counties too! It Creeper this way to Stay in Business too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?? This is better Business method to stay in Business over Seas in Foreign Nation too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Our Employees are making to much money in Factory too! It true!! Do You Agree? Sir? Or Mam?? To many Ani Gun Bill s are Hurting those Primers Companies Corps’ I.N.C Co.’s too! They why they will Closed up in the U.S A. an move over seas too! Cheaper Nations Nevers have those companies too! Corps’ . I.N.C Co ! Do you Agree? Sir ? or Mam?? Reason is to many Anti Guns Bills coming up in the News too!!! This is reason is they close up in the U.S A. Too! Move over seas to other counties too! Reason is Business is cheaper too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam??

  400. 1. 09/01/2021 A.D. Official Date By the B. A.T.F. E.A. Agency Reports too! Official!!! An The Number of F.F.L.s Dropped to 55,000 Dealers to0! It declined down ward to 50,630 Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! (01)(02) N.F.A (09) Tax Stamp !!!

  401. How many Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. Dealers (09) to: got warning Letters From the B.A.T.F.E.A. Licensing Federal Agency Chief Director is in charge?? This Means They can loosed there Current F.F.L.s License as a Gun Dealer too. Or The A.T.F can Revoked the F.F.L.s License too Or Shut them down or out of Business too! You never get an F.F.L.s License from B. A.T.F E.A. No more too !! You are History too! Sir! Or Mam! The Country Sheriff is Can Revoked there(Current F.F.L.s State License) one issued by Country they live in too! The State they live in too! to sell Firearms at State Level of the country they are doing business too. And the State they pay there taxes too. This pertains to Ammo mugs co. Carnation Co.’s An I.N.C . Co.’s too! Gun manufactures (07) Regular Gun mgs (010) N.F.A Co. Corp. Co s I.N.C Co.’s An Import & Export: (08) Regular Guns being importing to the U.S.A An N.F.A Foreign Machine Guns; (011) F.F.L.s to is the Co. Corp Co.’s I.N.C co “s Reason is: Current President Biden( D ) An Harris(D) Wants Zero Tolerance on Gun Valance in 50 States too! Some of the Gun Dealers: Import & Export Co.’s Compactions I.N.C co. s mostly at fault: Mgs too! by Just as Guilty of crooked Gun Sales to, Prohibited Persons: With Criminals Arrest Records by. Complaint: By Chiefs Of Police too! Local Police Depts. , Town Ship Police , Cites ,Depts. Chiefs of police , Country Sheriffs Dept. of Elected Sheriffs too! The A.T.F. Agents Need to do there Jobs too< If they Can't do it too. I would Fire them too! I get New Employees How can do there Jobs too! As a job should be completely done the right way too. After they come out of Training School, taut by trained By A.T.F.E.A. Instructors And know about The Firearms Laws An Gun Parts Laws too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? What Does the Public say if they read it too!!! We Like to here from you an your option From the Public in all 50 States an counties, Cites, Town ships, Towns in 50 States too! Or write to U.S too! Not all Gun Dealers, Import & Expo porters Co.'s Corp. I.N.C cos Or mgs not Keeping up the Federal Laws & State Laws of doing guns the Legal way should done legally Right way the Head Chief in charge of the .B. A.T.F E A . Expect it the Right way should done too! With in the Federal Law & State Law of selling guns the legal way too!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? What does Public say about this too! We like to here your option from public law abiding U.S A Citizens too! Or New Citizens Should write to U.S too! Want to be American Citizens in the Future too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? The Public should here about this too! What is your option !!!!! Or writ to Us!!! too!!!

  402. The Maximum Gun Production should be, (0.10 % on Long Guns And Hand Guns too. The requirements: For Long Guns Should be (0.06 % too! And Hand Guns Should Be (0.04% too! In Gun Hand Guns Megs too! The Primers Megs Should be 0.10 % too. Agree!!! For Ammo Production too! Primers Production for Long Guns is numbers is controlled up to (0.06 % too! For Hand Guns Primers it should be Com trolled to (0.04 % ) too! With out Primers you can”t Produced Ammo for Long Guns & Hand Guns too! Agree!!! It Should be Divided With in a 12 Month Period of Guns should be Mfg too! The Gun Dealers Should Limited the Number Gun Ordered up to 2 Guns Per Order too! Is Long Guns & Hand Guns too! Solution is: This will Stop the Flow of Guns Productions not as many too! It Will Be agreement OF all Long Guns Megs too! An All Hand Guns Mfg too! The Large Capacity Clips And Drums As Ammo holders too! Will Be Cut Production by (0.90) % Cut off too! But They would Allow up an Max Cap Limit up to (0.10 ) % too! It will Be decided in a; 12 month period too! There Will not be bulk Number of Clips Or Drums too. In Side of Barrels Filled up to the top too! But 0.90 Production will be Cut off About (0.90) % too! They Will Controlled these Orders too!!! Only 3 Or more Will be ordered to Limited Quantity for Class-1 (01) Or Class-3 is (03 ) is (09) F.F.L.s holders for all Class-3 Is (09) And Regular Clips sizes for Class-1 Is (01) Or Class-2 (02) F.F.L.s Holders too! There Numbers will be Control ed at all times too!!! Do you Agree ? Sir Or Mam? What does public Crime Bill Will be passed in both Houses too! U.S. Congress House Will, talk about it first too!they will vote on it too! about this time The U.S Senate will vote on the Subject too! They will talk about it First !!! Then they will Vote on it too! Pro”s Or Com”s will Talk About too! They Will Vote on it the Crime Bill too! To Get it passed too!Then it will to the Vice President Desk She will Sigh it too! The Crime Bill too! Then it will go the President Desk to Sign it into U.S.A Law too! There Will be fewer Guns as not as many as Years age too! Back in the 1990 Years too! It will be Cut about (0.90)% Cut off Mfg too! They would allow (0.10) Percent Mfg too! It will be divided in 12 month period of Time too! They Will Vote only (1 Hand Guns Per Month for Law abiding Citizens too! By Any Gun Dealers Retailers too!! Class-1,(01) an Class-2 is (02 N.F.A . (09) too! The Number of Hand Guns will be Controlled each month too! Do you agree?????? Yes ?> Sir ? Or Mam? This is Public Safety too! In Towns, Townships, Cities, Counties in 50 States too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam ? What does public say about it too!!! We Like to write to U.S. to the News Papers too! The Law Abiding U.S.A Citizens Will Purchase one Hand Gun Per Every Month in 12 Month Period of every Year Passes too!!! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? What does Public say about this? They will vote on it too! to get it Passed by U.S Congress. Or U.S Senate too, talk about it too! They will Vote on it too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The Public would like it too! Or Write to U.S.! We Lile to here from You in 50 States too!!!

  403. 1. There is total of F.F.L.s Dealers 60,207 F.F.L.s 01/01/2021 A.D to 12/31/2021 A. D. Too. Before there were About (01) 52,976 F.F.L.s Regular Gun Stores Fronts Business to before ! (Now) P.S. Note” Now is big Cut of F.F.L.S is (01 is 48,037.5 is Left too! Before there were 7,103 F.F.L.s Pawn Shop Dealers Stores ! Now is Decline of F.F.L.s Dealers Pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) is Most Current is 2164.5 F.F.L.s (02) too! _There Is Total of 50,201.5 F.F.L.s! _( Plus Not including; N.F.A Dealers is 128 too! None been touch too!) Agree!! (There Left today Grand Total: Count is (50,419.5) F.F.L.s Holders (01)(02) N.F.A. (09);- -Licensees Holders is most Current Report too! Question Is: Do you Agree ? Sir ? Or Mam? What Pubic Say About this ?? We like to here From you!!! Or write to U.S.!!!

  404. 1. THERE IS 48,037 (01) F.F.L.s Regular Gun Dealers ! Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers 2164,5 (02) Retailers Gun Stores! The N.F.A Remained the same TO an Gun Dealers IS 128 too! The Grand Total is 50,330 F.F. L..s too. Do you Agree? Sir ? or Mam??

  405. 1. The Private owned agency ! But not U.S.A Treasury Federal Agency of the B.A.T.F.E.A. too! The Private Agency Should Limited too . Is Type-01,02 Regular Gun Dealers Applications only too! Agree! There Certain Ones is off Limits to Certain Applications too! The Class_3 is (09) Applications is off Limits to; is Distributor Import Licenses Type-08 an (011) is N.F.A Rules do apply too! There Class-2 Is Mfg is (06) Ammo mfg Licensees applications off limits. An mfg Guns Regulars (07) Regular Guns Megs too Is Applications is off Limits too! N.F.A Megs is (010) License Applications is off Limits too. Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  406. 1. A.T.F.E.A. License Agency Telling Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers : they are Limited to Certain F.F.L.Licenses too. Is Classs-1 (01) Regular Gun Dealers by Trade too. Option License of Class-3 Is N.F.A. (09) Only too! The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Is Limited to Class-2 Is (02) F.F L.s only too! They Can”t go an y higher too! They Are Restricted to F.F.L.s Is (Class_2 Is (02 ) only too! By The B.A T.F E.A Agency By the U.S A . Treasury too! Agree! Do you Agree? Sir?> Or Mam? They Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts is Off Limits to Import Or Export Licenses is Off Limits to thoseClass-2 Applications too! AN Mfg Licenses for Ammo & Primers (06) to mfg Bullets too! And Regular Gun Megs Firearms too! Class-2q Is (07) F.F L.S too. An N.F.A Mfg is Type-(010) Applications is off limits too! Only The U.S.A Treasury of Dept B.A T. F. A. Division Federal Firearms License can issued a App;application From To the Applicant how is applying for a F.F.L. License too! Do yoiu Agree? Sir ? or Mam??

  407. 1. The number of F.F.L.Retailers GunDealers Store fro to number will decline each month period of time. Is smaller GunDealers Stores number will decline by every month too. Do you agree?Sir? Or. Mam? Thank you!

  408. 1.The Number of F.F.L.s Holders Gun Dealers Got Plenty Warning Letters From the Gun Dealers, do Illegal Gun Sales : Attention Felons of Men & Woman felons. Or Non Citizens Criminals Felons is; Men Or Woman not born in the U.S.A Or born in in a Foreign Country too! Non Citizens With there Green Cards can”y Buy Long Guns Or Hand Guns . Or Ammo too! Which is illegal to do so!! If they get Caught they will be deported back to Country of organ too! Ingratiation La wen Force meant Police Will Arrest them too! and lock them up too! And deported them out of the U.S.A too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? What does public say About this??? Blood Money From South America , & Contrail America Counties too!! Bring in Drug’s threw California, New Mexico, Arizona , Texas Border Line too! An Gulf of Mexico By Air Craft Or Speed Boats Drug Smugglers threw Gulf of Mexico Or Up to Florida too States Near Gulf of Mexico Ocean areas too! The D.E.A. Law Enforcement Should involved too! An the U.S.A. Law en Enforcement Border Pa troll should gel more men or Woman Police too! Do You Agree? Sir ? Or Mam?? Drug Dealers in the do used all Blood Money is Used as ; Straw Under table used Blood Money to by Check in Instant Check Back round Check is not used too. Long Guns Federal Back round check threw the F.B.I. too! Or He Or She tried to buy an Hand Gun is revolver, Or Semi automatic Pistol With 2 8 Rounds Clips Or 9 round Clips too. Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? What Public Say about This Open Border Problem too! We Like to Hear From you !!! Thank you!!! This a serious Problem too! Do you Agree? Or Sir? or Mam?

  409. 1. Let”s Think About out U.S.A. Citizens as a Precaution of keeping our Citizens safe are born in the U.S.A too> And New Citizens want to be Americans in the U.S.A Too! This pertains to Artie Above too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? What does Public say about this too! We Like to here from you!!!! Or write to News Papers too!!!!~Thank you!!!~

  410. 1.The total F.F.L.Retailes Gun Dealers count is 63,207 F.F.L.s too. (01)(02) N.F.A.(09) too. November,17, 2021 A.D. is one Year period too. 01/01/2021 12/31/2021 A.D.Too.

  411. 1. Chicago Police Dept. need to Ship those(12000) + Crime Guns to a Steel Plant to melt those Guns Used by those Street Ganges in all 50 States too! In Cities, Townships, Towns & Counties , in the U.S.A too! The State of Illinois’ Have a Still Mill Plant is Out of City of Chicago? There maybe one Still Plant does melt Steel too! Question is: Maybe the C.E,O, President Steal Mill Plant Cant Make Deal or Contract to Melt those Crime Guns into ; rebar , Or Drain Street Drains Covers too! Or Send it by Box Car By Train to California To L.A. counties to MELT TO delivered steel plant will MELT THOSE guns; guns dealers, REFUSED TO SELL IN THERE Gun Stores too. Reason is Those Guns were Used by Criminals Under worlds too. Solution is: Gun should be melted down to turn to rebar Or Drain Covers Street Drains under the Roads Or Curbed Water Drains units too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam ?? What does Public Say about that too! They Will want it that way too! To Stop Gun Crime too!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Public want it that way !! Agree!!! This Complaint from public too! Stop Crime in our Cities, Townships, Towns , Counties!! Or on State Highways ! Or Interstate Highways too! At State Borders Lines too! Agree!! Sir? Or Mam?

  412. 1. A.T.F. Should Take those Guns to a Steel Mill to get order to melt those Guns used in street Crimes by Street Ganges too! All those Guns Should Melted in a Steel Mill in L.A. 0.75% Sent to L.A, By Box Car to the Country of California State! Were big Steel Mill Will Help City of Chicago Police Dept.> Melt Those Guns too! If they have a Still Mill melts Steal in Liquid too! It is located out side of City of Chicago too! Out in the Boon Areas too! The C.E,O, Say They will melt those Crime Guns to Rebar Or Drain steel water Pipes too! Or Drain Covers for water water Drains on Streets too! SAID steel MILL OF L.A. country’s lines TOO! They WILL Chicago police TO get RID OF THOSE guns BY GOOD portions OF GUNS WILL BE MELTED DOWN TOOI! reason IS TO pushed Ganges Gun thieves Criminals too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? Solution is: Let’s Get the ball rolling now before we change our minds too! Agree! Sir? Or Mam?

  413. on the Number of F.F.L.s (01)(02) N.F.A (09 is 32,163 number of Store Fronts Retailers Gun Stores too! 11/30.2021 A.D. too! They Dropped down fast too!!

  414. 1. All 39 State Are melting Crime Guns Used by Criminals in 50 States too! They Should melted down in a Steel Mill Plant: to turn it to Liquid Steel to make rebar or Steel Water Pipes too! Or Street Drain Convers for street Drains covers!!! There is 11 States Refused to melt those Crime Guns too! They want to sell them back to the Retailer Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! The U.S.A. Federal Government Says You do not get any Federal Money for those States is 11 States too! This is from U.S.A Justice Dept on Federal U.S.A too! You are denied!!! The Complaint is: Very Serios Problem!! Note: If You Change that Stat Law pertain to 11 States too! to Get rid of, this Law too! The Gun Dealers Will Refused to not buy those Guns: used in the Crime too! They will now bother with those Guns too! Solution is: They should Sent to a Still Plaint in another State too. They will melt those Guns for You too! If you Ship by Train in Box Car Unit too! California L.A County to a Still Mill are Melting Those Crime Guns too! Those Guns Wil never hit the Streets of Towns, Townships, Cities, Counties, or Other States as well too!!! Do you Agree?? Sir?? Ore Man??? The Public would Approved of this to Cut down Crime in the Future too!!!

  415. 1. U.S.A Com Plaint: Is Series Problem too!! Why?? Those bad ( 11 States) Refused to melt Confidante Crime Firearms are Confiscated By Search Warrants is Legal too! P.S. Those Chiefs of Police Are Anti Gun Police Departs too! They Want to Sell those Crime Guns back: Retailers Gun Dealers Gun Stores too! (01) Regular Gun Dealers Stores Fronts! Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Stores Retailers Stores too! They want to Sell Crime Guns That Those Criminals used in Crimes too! To N.F.A Gun Dealers (09) Gun Stores Retailers too! If they do it with the 11 States will Do it too! By permission By the State Government Will requested it too!! To Make Money on Illegal Blood Guns Used by Street Criminals Gangs An Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! This will Not Tolerated By The Federal Justice Dept. Of The U.S.A . Treasury Dept. Or The B.A.T.F E.A. Federal Firearms License Division too! They Will not Get federal U.S.A. Moneys too! It will Be cut off too! The Federal Says All Crime Guns Used by any Criminals must be destroyed; in a Still Mil Plant too! A place that melts Metal Steed too! This Shame on there Part to make dirty Money on Crime Guns on Market too! That one Police Deportment Did sold the Jail Fallon Man a Pump Shoot Gun Too! He decided to hunt down the Other Police Dept! to get Revenge too! Shoot Up a Police Station Too! The Cops Returned Fired to Shoot him Down too !!!! This on the Internet too! It True!!! That Why Must be Melted in Still Mill Plant Too!!! THOSE guns will not hit the Streets again too! Put the Melted Steel for good Used too! All be melted in Still Mill too! Into Rebar Strips Or Water Steel Pipes Drain Street Road Covers; For Street Drains too! Do you Agree or Sir? Or Mam? The Public would like this good News of Melting Crime Guns In All the 50 States too! Do You Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? The Public would like to here this too!!! I Agree!!!!!!!!

  416. 1. (01)52,971 (02)7087 (09)127 = 60.185 F.F.L..S TOTOL ,,01/03/2022 A..D. OR A.B.Y YEAR TOO.

  417. 1. (01)52,971 + (02) 7087 + (07)14,661 (08)1190 (09)127 (010) 430 (011) = 76,743 Overall Of all F.F.L.s Holders too! By the B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency Firearms Dept Headquarters . Federal Firearms Licenses Dept: B.A.T.F.E.A . Headquarters of the F.F.L.s Licensees . By the U.S.A Treasury is in charge is number-1 too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

    • 1. 52.,971 (01), 7087 (02) 14661 (07) 1190 (08) 127 (09 N.F.A. 430 (010 N.F.A. 272 (011) N.F.A. =76,743 F.F.L. LCENSES .

  418. 1. The F.F.L.s Licenses They don”t issued no more Is not Printed too! (03 N.A. an (06) N.A. too! By the B.A.T.F.E.A Headquarters too! By the U.S.A Treasury Dept of F.F.L.s Applications Dept office too!

  419. 01 52,971 02 7087. 07 14,667 08 1990. .N.F.A. F.F.L.s is 09 .127 010 430 011 272 .The total is. 74, 334. F.F.Ls !@@@


  421. 1. It time for increase on F.F.L.s (01) (02) Only too! The Type (01) (02) 3b Year Renewals is Increase is needed badly too. $ 1500.00 Regular Increase every there Years Renewals An the First time too! . The State Licenses: For Firearms Should be removed immediately!!! It is not Legal to put a State License For State wide to sell Firearms too! It should removed by the U.S.A Treasury Dept too! Should be banned in the States are doing it Illegally too! The B.A.T.F.E.A . Federal License Agency for F.F.L.,s for Retailers Let” limited State License for Federal Firearms License There are over 20 States are doing it too! The Federal Treasury needs to put a Stopped; on it now!!! For Retailers Gun Dealers By Trade a Gun shop Businesses!! Sporting Goods, Deportment Stories Hunting, Fishing ,Camping , & Gun Shop Is Limited to Sell Long Guns Only An Ammo For Long Guns too! They are not to Sell Hand Guns Semi-Pistols Or Revolvers too! Or it Ammo too! This goes for pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Retailers Are Limited to Sell Used Guns Only too! Or Used Ammo For Rifles Shot Guns Only too! P.S. Only Gun Shop By Trade is regular Gun Store Gun Shop Can Sell only Hand Guns is Semi-auto Pistols: Or Revolvers Ammo too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Reason Is: There are to Many Hand Guns on the City Streets Townships Streets, Town Streets too! In all 50 States too! Solution is: We need to tell Hand Gun Megs; To Cut Production of Semi -auto Pistols & Revolvers down by (0.90) % too! But Only Allow : (0.10% ) Semi Auto Pistols on production for 4 Orders only too! (0.06% Semi-Pistols Production too! Revolvers Production (0.04% ) Only too! Reason to Stop Flow Of Hand Guns of the Streets ;Cities ,Town Ships, towns, Counties too! Most of them Wind up in State of IL. of Chicago dead end Streets too! This True on the News too!!! Do you Agree!! Sir Or Mam? The Public would like this plan too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  422. 1. The State Licenses to sell State Wide Firearms should be removed by the B.A.T.F.E.A . Agents of the the U.S.A Treasury in inspectors Dept. Division: of the U.S.A Treasury Say It is Illegal to Put any State License for Firearms An ammo too! It Should be removed immediately, by the Inspectors Agents Division Dept Headquarters! All is in 20 plus States have it it Illegal to have it a any Gun Store does sell Guns An Ammo too! It has n0 businesses being there nest to the Federal Firearms License (01) Regular Gun Dealers! (02) Pawn Shops Junk & Gun Shop Dealers Retailers selling used Guns only too! The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Can”t Sell new Guns too! Only Used Guns Or Used Ammo only too Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  423. 1. The State Licenses should removed by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Inspectors Division too! By Authority orders by the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters!!! on Businesses : (01) (02) N.F.A (09) Gun Dealers!! Import & Export Companies, Corp, I.N.C Co”s too! (08) an N.F.A. (011) too! An Mfrs is Regular Guns, & Ammo Mfg (07) An N.F.A. mfg (010) F.F.L.s Licensees ! on all of them too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  424. 1. F.F.L.s Licensees no longer AVAILABLE: (03) F.F.L.s & (06) F.F.Ls been cancelled by the Federal F.rearms License Dept. Of B.A.T.F.E,A. Dept too! No longer needed too! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? The Regular F.F.L.s for 01/01/2022 A.D. is official now!!! (01)(02) (07)(08) N.F.A Licenses : (09)(010)(011) too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam?

  425. 1.Complaint: is Federal Level : There is to many Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regulars Small Stores in between too! Therese in the Crowed States too! Solution is: The Federal Law says is by the A.T.F. Headquarters Say: 1 Gun Dealers Retailer Gun Shop, by Trade equals One Gun Shop Retailer Gun Dealer Business by Trade too. Per 100,000 Residences too! All Fifty States must Abide by the Federal Firearms License Law too! Solution is: Enforce Ruling is The A.T.F. Will Check the ones are to many too! They Say a Letter will be mailed say Your F.F.L. Renewals is Cancelled out too! If there to many Eggs in one location too! Unnecessary Gun Stores Will be Shut down for good or Out of Businesses too! They need to be Thinned out to in every State too! They go by the Population of each of States of; 50 in the U.S.A too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? What does the Public say About this Report too!

  426. 1. There is about on 01/01/2020 A.D the new Year. To end of last Day of 12/31/2020 A.D. is 365 days too! The total of Gun Retailer Store Fronts Dealers does sell: Firearms (01) Regular Gun Dealers. Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers Retailers is (02) regular F.F.L.s Dealers do sell Used Guns, Used Ammo too. The total, of Gun Dealers Retailers is 52,799!!! This was 2 Years ago too! It Still official today too! During Those 2q Years a number of smaller Gun Dealers Store Fronts decline is fewer numbers to in 50 Strates too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  427. 1. The Number of N.F.A. Retailers Class-3 Dealers numbers is 128 too! The New Regulations of the A.T.F. E.A. Will reduced is 2 N.F.A. Class-3 Dealers per 1/2 per State too! This will be: 2 N.F.A Class-3 (09) Dealers only to maximum Limit too! Per 50 States too! The total is 100 N.F.A Class-3 is (09) F.F.L.s option License only for Gun Shop by Trade is a regular Guyn Store only Qualified for this position only too! Agree!!! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? There will be Stricter Con trolls on N.F.A Class-3 (09) Applications is Given out is A lot Harder too! To Procuresses is; is a lot harder to get it renewed too! This will be all 50 States too! Some States will allow it!!! Some will not allow it all too! Not all Class-3 Dealers not in all States too! It True!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? The Regulations will be a lot harder to Get the Class-3 (09) License for Gun Shop Dealer Stores only by Trade to only too! Stores are not allow is Pawn Shop Junk Dealers Retailers. Sporting Hunting, Fishing, Camping & Gun Shop Dealers Catalog Stores big Stores is off Limits too! By the( B. A.T.F.E.A. Dept. Agency )!!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  428. 1.Bureau. of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives : Report Active Firearms Licenses Type by State Statistics. 01. The 53816 02 . 6974. : an NFA. F.F.L. 09. 151. Too. Retailer Gun Dealers. Store front. An Commercial industrial properties located in industrial zones ! Date: 01/01/2022 to last day is 12/31/2022 A.D.Too.

  429. 1. 01/01/2022 A.D. to 12/31/2022 A.D. : The Number if Dealers Regulars is, (01) 53,818. Pawn Shops & Gun Stores is (02) 6972. N.F.A. Gun Stores Dealers is (09) 151. The Total is F.F.L.s holders , Gun sellers is total number count too! Is (60,941) Gun Retailers Dealers too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  430. 1. Claim Google Said the Number Of F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers is: (01) (02) Regulars ., N.F.A. (09) Class-3 Dealers Retailers only too! 79,292 F.F.L.s Or Close to 80,000 too! Said too! Question is how is right figure too! Do you agree? Sir? or Mam ?

  431. 1. Dates: 01/01/2006 A.D to 12 /31/2013 A.D . Too! Claim Google Said There were 79,292 Regular s Retailers Store Fronts Dealers . (01)(02) Regulars . N.F.A. (09) is total of 80,000! Past 7 Yrs. too! Said by too! He is Limited to Certain F.F.L.,s For Retailers Firearms Dealers only too! Is (01) (02) N.F.A is Option Dealers is (09) too! P.S. Note: Off Limits F.F.L.s !There Is Certain F.F.L.s Licenses is:, In port & Export : Is, N.F.A. (08) N.F.A (011) To! Mfg Licensees Is (07) & N.F.A. (010) Retailer Gun Dealers Can”t Apply for those Licensees too! Do You Agree? Sir Or Mam? The Reason is Sending Guns to Mexico By Using Import & Export Licenses N.F.A is (08) & N.F.A. is option is (010) too! Do Agree? Sir? Or Mam??? Gun Dealers Near The Border Line U.S. Mexico were sending there into Mexico With out Permission ! Is Send ING Guns An Ammo too! Across The Border to Mexico too! It True!!! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  432. 1. The Bad Gun Dealers (01) (02) N.F.A (09) too! Were shipping Guns Illegally to Mexico to; Near Mexico Border Were using F.F.L.s License of Import & Export is (08) & Option (011) too! California, Arizona , New Mexico ,Texas. An Up to Florida too! 01/01/2000 A.D To 12/31/ 2013 A.D too! This was 7 years period too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  433. 1. 01/01 /2022 To 12/31/2022 A.D. The Number of Regular Gun Dealers (01) is 53,818. The Number of Pawn Shop & Gun Shops (02) 6972. The Number Of N.F.A Gun Dealers is (09) is 151 too. The Total is 60, 941 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts too.

  434. 1. By July 1st the Statewide Gun Law will ban Ammo Clips over 10 Rounds in a Semi Auto Hands too. The Ammo drum holders is from 60 to 75 rounds to 100 Rounds, is double Drum to 150 round double 2 drum Will be banned i several States too! The surplus Ammo will be import Ban from 18 Nations do mfg it too! The Semi-Automatic Military Guns Copies by mgs in U.S.A. to They will be told to not mfg theses Guns in the Anywhere in Blue States too! This will be a Federal Firearms Ban on AR-15 Rifles or is Semiauto Rifles Similar Copies too! Those msg will not make any more Guns Military Semi-Auto Copies too! They will come to halt too! U.S, A, You only Allow 6 Rounds to maximum of Limit to 10 rounds too. The Clips For the AR15 Rifes you can keep too! Is 5 shot Clips to Maximum of 10 Shot Clips too! You can’t Buy the bigger Clips is illegal too! In State Of Washington State wide Law too ! The A.T.F. Will Inspected Sporting ,Hunting, Fishing Camp Ing Out Door Stores Are Cataloged Big Stores too . For example is : Sportsman Warehouse too . is 2nd largest Hunting Store in the U.S.A. TOO! They have a Class-1 (01) An State Country License Is only one License from the Counties those Stores in Washington State to sell Firearms too. In all the Locations is Sportsman Warehouse Sporting Out Door Store too! There is 130 Stores is several States too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  435. 1. They Still Lime to tell the msg to move out of the U.S.A too! Tel the msg of Ammo Clips msg of 60, 75, 90, double clip is 100 Rounds To 150 Rounds too. An Surplus Ammo as well too! To move over seas too! Asia Counties, Affrica Counties European Nations Never have a Gun Co . too! That mfg Ammo Clips an Ammo Drums Products too! The Buy a mfg too! If good Reason is for Sale is over Seas deal too. I Agree Arabs Nations do want to buy those Companies Corp. I.N.C. Co too. If they want to sell it too! Client over seas to a foreign Nation too! They would buy it too! Give the U.S. the money too!! I agree! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? A Chance to get Money into the U.S. Treasury to Pay with Gold Bars too! I agree! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? The U.S. Needs Money in Gold Bars for Pay meant on the agreement too! Agree! Sir? Or Mam?

  436. 1. The new law will be enforced by the A. T.F E. A. ATTORNEY WILL WORK State of Washington State : by July 1 2022 . All Ammo CLIPS for Semi auto Handguns will be limited no more then ; 10 Rounds clips too. Law-abiding U.S.A . Citizen’s in Only in State of Washington Residences. To. Buy a Semiautomatic magic Handguns too. There clips for over 10 rounds. They will not be available Retailers sporting, Hunting,Fishing,Camping, Gun Stores are cataloged chain Stores too. Are class-1 is(01) an Pawn shops junk Gun Dealers is class-2 is (02) F.F.L. license to are regular Gun Dealers only too. Some Dealers have State too. Is only one License by the State they by the country they do have there Store to Selling long Guns an Ammo for long Guns too. They can’t order for Semiautomatic auto Guns. clips for HAND Guns over 10 rounds Ammo CLIPS is restricted over ten Rounds too. The State law in Washington State too. This is all Gun Dealer of F.F.L. License is (01) an (02) too. The A.T.F.E.A. will enforced the new State law too. Do you agree? Sir?or. Mam?

  437. 1. The New Federal Firearms License : U.S.Law !!! A Law one, Federal Firearms License: Should Say 300, 000 Residences The New Law Say One Gun Dealer Retailer Business. By Trade is Class-1 Is (01) Dealer Store Fronts Retailer Gun Store too! This will Cut down the Number Of Gun Dealers Store Fronts by good Chunk too! Note 2/3s of the Gun Dealers By Trade by too! An Gun Smiths Too! There will be U.S.A. Federal Government New Law !!! A new Nation Wide Ruling by the A.T.F. Agents do there jobs!!! Or they Will Enforce New Law too! This will Cut Gun Crime by (.66) % too! in 50 States too! About near 20,313.66 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? Each of all 50 States will have Cap Limit of 406.27 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts to will be maximum Cap Limit For the 50 States only too!!! The States Will Abide by the New Law to Cut down the Necessary Gun Dealers Retailers (01) (02) An N.F.A Gun Dealers F.F.L.s (09) Retailers is way to many pop oping Up; to Fast Too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? To Many Robberies by Gangs Criminals in the U.S.A. Or Foreign Criminals of other Nations too! It True!! They Should do back round Checks too! Non Citizens too! There is big population in the 50 States to in the U.S.A too! Our Borders are Sections are Broken too! Near Mexico Or Canada too! It true!!

  438. 1. There should a Federal U.S.A Law too! That All 50 States Should melt all Crime Guns too. Or Be Sent to a Still Mill Too. The A.T.F Should pick up Thise Crime Guns Used by Criminals, or Foreign Criminals to in the U.S.A too. Those eleven States should change their State Law too! If not!!! They will not get Federal Money too! Those Warehouses should empty out too. Or delivered to a Still Mill Plant does melt Steel too! Thise Guns are Crime Guns too! It true!!! Gun Dealers in those eleven States Wii: refused those Guns too! They Said to Tell those Dum States to. Change The Law or Cut of U.S. will cut off Federal Moneys off!! For Good too! Those Gus in being Stored in Warehouses should be Melted down in Still Mill too! Should delivered by Truck to the Still Mill Plant to Melt those Crime Guns!!! To melt them to rebar. or Drain Covers for public Roads too! Or Water Pipes too! Let’s Put those Melted to Public Used by making water Steel Pipes too! There is to many of those Crime Guns being in stored in warehouses too! Chicago City too! Those States Storing Crime Guns in Warehouses too. They may try to Sell those Guns to a Retailers Gun Dealers too> Most Will file complaint with the A.T.F. too! In U.S. A. Circuit Court too! Just a warning too!!! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?? Solution is: Those Guns Should be Melted in a Steel Plant for Delivery too! I do Agree!!! Let Get Ball Rolling Now Before is too. Late to Change your mind!!!

  439. U.S A Complaint is Action Will be taken too! Warning!!!! There is 12 States Need to watch too. They a warehouses loaded with Crime Guns Used by Criminals too. They are Blood Weapons with a Criminal Record too! The Retailer Gun Dealers (01) (02) N.F.A (09) !!! Oppose to the Measure to sell those Guns too!!! Will not Accept those Guns is used by Law Breakers too! The A.T.F Says you sell those Guns used in Crimes in 50 States too! You are breaking a Federal U.S.A Law; That Will, Over rides of all 50 States too! Or you will be Fine in Dollars too! In U.S. A U.S. Circuit too! A warning to take notice too! Selling any of those: Crime Guns in Legal Gun Shop Stores is Illegal too!! It Must Stop now!!! I agree!! Sir? Or Mam? Solution Is: They need to Delver To a Steel Mill Plant That Melts Steel only too! Agree! Those Guns Need to Be Melted Too!!!

  440. 1. Those Gun Dealers Will refused those Crime Guns Used by U.S.A. Criminals Or Foreign Criminals Used those Crime Guns too! (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers> Or N.F.A. (09) Gun Dealers too! Wil Refused those Crime Guns too. They Will File in Federal U.S.A Cricut Court to make complaint agents the Bad State Law too! Of those 13 States too! They should put on Record too. They Should be watch too! Most of the Law-abiding Gun Dealers Will Refuse those Guns too! Theyb will tell them to Reverse the Bad Law or Put on National Watch too! That Bad States will be on U.S. Complaint File with the U.S.A Cricut Federal Court too! Only Bad Gun Dealers Retailers will sell Crime Guns are blood Guns to Market too! To make Blood Money too!! This is Bad idea to pass the Law that helps the Street Criminals Or Foreign Criminals too! You are showing them you are Agents The Law abiding U.S. Citizens Safety too! You are just as bad as the Criminals in Cities, Townships, Towns, Counties, too! In those 13 States too! Note: Oklahoma State is new member of the Groop too! They should Watch too! Those Guns Dealers Wil Sell those Crime Guns Used in Crime too! Or Sell Crime Guns at a Auction Guns to bad Gun Retailer Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too!! The A.T.F Should Make List of Dishonest Bad Retailer Gun Dealers Stores too! in those 13 States too!! Make Record List of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts too! They will sell Crime Guns too!! They will buy it from Gun Auction Place too! Most of those Crime Guns are at Locations were Gun Auctions Locations in those 13 States too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? Let”s Keep out U.S. Citizen Safe from Gun Crime too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  441. 1. The 13 States are selling Crime Guns to Crooked Retailer Gun Dealers Stores owners don’t care: about Rules about Guns too!! There is Federal Laws & State Laws saying Crime Guns Should not sold. On market in Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regular Gun Stores too. An N.F.A. (09) Gun Dealers Stores are Class-3 too. Most of them will refused those Crime Guns Used by Cheer Criminals and Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! It true!! The B. A.T.F.E. A. Main headquarters should be very aware this serious problem too. There are new members are Oklahoma and Kentucky too. Selling Crime Guns to Crooked Retailers Store Fronts Businesses’ will accept Blood Money as profit money too. Selling blood Guns to Law-abiding Customers are willing to tried to buy those Crime Guns used by Criminals too! This is very idea too. When Local Police Departments, Township Police Depts Cities Police Depts State Breaking Laws is that Forbids Sell Crime Guns is Long Guns and Handguns used in Crimes too! Warning is They will be put on charges in U.S.A. Federal U.S.A Circuit Court too. They will Somuns be issued by a Federal Court by a Federal U.S.A Judge too! The A.T.F.E. A. Should Investigate This Illegal Crime to Sell Crime Guns to Regular Gun Stores, Or Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping & Gun Stores Sell Rifles Shotguns & Semi-Auto” Pistols an Revolvers hand Guns to used in Crimes too! Solution is : Those Guns should taken to a Still Mill Plant that Melts Steel too! They can make Rebar , Drain Covers Public Roads, Garden Tools Slides to Kids to Play on too! Swings units for Park too! Amerman Rounds Toys for Kids to play in Play Grounds too!!! This made of Guns be melted in Steel Mill Plant too! Thos Guns will never be in the Cities ,Townships ,town Streets Again too! They will be melted down too. for good used for the Public too! This should Be Federal U.S.A Law too!! That all States must abided by this Law too. Crimes should taken to Still Mill Plants to melt Crime Guns to in General used too. Make Tools is mechanic tools too!! Question is Asked!! Do you Agree ? Sir Or Mam?? Reason is Let’s our Law-abiding Citizens safe from Cities Crimes too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam???

  442. 1. There is to many Gun Dealers (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) too! There is 8500 Dealers too! Near California. Arizonia, New Mexico, Texas too! A.T.F. E A. Main Headquarters need to Cut of 8200 Retailers by the Mexica & U.S.A Border too. We should be 300 Gun Dealers Retailers in four States too! is Maximum Cap limit on Gun Dealers Retailers Business too! This is high Crime Location of Border Crossing too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? Reason is to Cut bulk of the Gun Dealers too! The 8200 Gun Dealers Licenses should cut off too! Reason is to many Gun Dealers do sell Firearms and Ammo too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? This make a a lot of Sances too! Think About for av few munities too! Do you Agree? A.T.F.E.A. Agency Sir? or Mam?

  443. 1. 12 States Refused their Melt Crime Guns in a Steel Mill too! Arizona Georgia Kansas Louisiana Michigan North Carolina North Dakota Texas Tennessee west Viginia
    Kentucky Oklahoma Too. They will Sell those Crime Guns Used to: on market too. To Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers & Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shops Gun Dealers too. N.F.A. Gun Dealers (09) In those 12 States Refused to melt those Guns sent to a Still Mill Plant to Make Garden Tools Or rebar or Drain Street Covers for Public Roads too! They will not do it Legally too! By Federal Law is illegal to sell Guns on market too! To a Retailer Gun Dealer Stores too! Are Law-abiding too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? They should not permit to Sell those Crime Guns too! A lot of Gun Dealers will Refused those Crime Guns They Refused to Sell them to the Public Law-abiding U.S Citizens too!! P.S The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency must put a stop to this illegal Act selling Crime Guns on Market too! The Investigators Of Agents must put a stop this Illegal Act too! On those 12 States too! This wrong!!! Solution is : Send them to a Still Plant to Melt t6hos Guns down used by Criminals Or Foreign Criminals groups!! Do you Agree?? Sir?? or Mam?? Reason is: The U.S.A Citizens Safety is involved too!!! Do you Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? What Does Public about this?? We Like to Know ??? In those 12 States Refused to Melt those Crime Guns too! They Should Refused to Sell them on Market to Gun Dealers Gun Stores (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Gun Stores Dealers Will Refused them too! They Said Send them to a Steel Mill Plant to Melt those Crime Guns too! I do Agree!! Or Do you Agree????? Sir???? or Mam???? This is shame Full Act too!!! The A.T.F Should look into this Illegal Act too!!!!!

  444. 1. The \B A.T.F.ER.A. need to watch those Crooked Retailers Gun Dealers are punching those Crime Guns: used by Criminals Or Foreign Criminals do used those Guns in Crimes. In Towns. Townships , Cities , Counties, State Highways , Or interstate Highways to between The State Line Borders too! For example is U.S.A. & Mexico Border too! Covers four States!!! Suspect States are : California, Arizona, New Mexico , Texas , All the Rest of those States of Gulf of Mexico , Up to Flarida State is Biggest Gun Running State in the world too! This were Overseas Guns is mfg. In industrial Counties too! South Affrica County too! By Black Militants Gangs too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  445. 1. Therres !2 States refused to melt those Crime Guns too! Those Gun Dealers (01) (02) N.F.A (09) F.F.L.s holders Regular Gun Dealers too. Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Dealers Store Fronts too. Also, Gun Dealers Sporting Hunting, Fishing Camping & Gun Dealers Stores Businesses Owned by Men Gun Dealers Retailer. Or woman Retailers Gun Dealers too! If they tried to sell a Crime Guns to Law-abiding Citizens Customers too!!! The Gun Dealers Will Get Their F.F.L.s Licenses Revoked by Raid by the A.T.F. Police Squad Division too! There are Renaults Will be Cancelled by A.T.F. Maim Branch too! They Will pay a big Fine in a U.S.A. Federal Cricut Hearing too! They will on probation for 5 Years too! Do you Agree!! Sir? Or Mam? This in trap to For Excused too. By Police Depts City Police Depts Country Sheriffs of Counties in 50 States too! State Police of 25 States & Highway & State Police of 25 States too! If caught buying a illegal Crime Guyns used by Criminals or foreign criminals OF OTHER COUNTIES TOO! Sneek in to the U.S. too! Illegally too!!! Do you Agree?? Sir Or Mam? What does the Public say about this problem on the News CBS NBC ABC too! It True!!!~

  446. 1. The State of Texas Has Total of over 1600 Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses! The State of Florida is Second Hub: has 1300 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts too. Texas is main Hub sending Guns out to Florida too! California is 3rd hub too! over 1000 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers to Store Fronts too! Florida is the Biggest Drug Import State in Rated no#2 too. They Will Send Guns up the East Coast from Florida to New Jersey An New York state. too! The Criminals Gun Runners are Felons Fences of the Under World Too! It True!! Texas Will Sell Guns to California Retailers Gun Dealers ones are Crooked too! Gun Sales Under the Table Deales sign by Gun Orders in Stock in Warehouse Were Crime Guns are Stored too! There is 12 States are doing too! To Sell those Guns Used by Criminals of 50 States too! Non-Citizens of Other Counties Do have Criminals Arrest Records too! Do Spent in a Foreign Prison of European Counties too! They all come through Mexico and Canada Border is Open is different Locations is true!! We need to Put Steel Metal Railing on the 3000 Mile Border too! The Photographs too!! Need to Be Check out By the U.S.A. Border Patrol Police too! The Canada Patrol Police Need to Secure this Border too! The U.S.S R & China Can Used the Opening Border to In Vade the U.S.A Too! They Will Take over the U.S.A too! This is a Warning to notice too! Do you Agree??? Sir??? Or Mam??? What does the U.S.A Citizens? Say about this too! Do you Agree??? Sir??? Or Mam??? Our border Safety Near Canada or Mexico is To Be Notice by the Public too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? This were the illegal Guns being Sneaked in the U.S.A too! By Foreign Under World, Foreign Criminals Do have Arrest Records and sent to Foreign Prison of other, Counties too! Not Frandy to the U.S. Too!! Do you Agree?????? Sir????? Or Mam?????? Think About for a Few Minutes too. Or Talk The Problem Anong Lawen Force Ment Authorities too! Take to Foreign Lawen Force Ment Agency’s too! Do you Agree? Or Sir?? Or Mam??

  447. California has 1200 Gun Dealers Retailers too. Texas has 1600 Gun Dealers Retailers too! Florida has 1300 Gun Dealers too! Solution is They Need to Cut Down by 1/2 Need to Be Cut Down too! (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too!! The A.T.F. Should Cut of Renaults Applications for Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts too! Not all of them Abid by Federal Gun Laws. An State Gun Laws too!! Solution is: We need to Clean out the bad Gun Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts businesses too. We need to Shut down those Bad Gun Dealers Selling Crime Guns too. They Will Sell Crime Guns to Earn Blood Money for Money Profit there Crooked Gun Dealers Businesses too! There is 12 States are doing it too! Now!!! Solution is : To Take Back those Crime Guns Back an Send then to a Steel Mill Plant to Melt Those Guns Used in Crime too!! They can make Slides Or Swings for Children to Pay on Pay Grown Too! Or Make Garder Tools Items too! Out of Crime Guns Melted Gun Metal too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  448. 1.There is only four mgs do make Primers for Ammunition for Long Guns, & Hands Guns too! There are 3 are overseas too. 2 in European Counties too. One is in the South American. one4 in the U.S.A too. There is 100 % production of Primers too! Now! We must the orders of Primers should be 0.90% Cut off too! Only Allow 0.10 Production of imports too. only into the U.S.A to only too! For Ammo for Handguns: Semiautomatics Rifles Shotguns Semiautomatics Handguns Or Revolvers too! Conventional Firearms: Rifles Shot Guns & Revolvers handguns too! Reason IS : it WIL stop SOME THE shooting IN ALL 50 states TOO! It will cut about (0.90 % of School Shooting too! note: pp.’s (0.90)% ammo number of Primers; Is Cut of Production too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? For 5.56 Caliber Or 223 Caliber for A.R.-15 Semiautomatic Rifles Or AR-15 Copies IMATATIONS LOOK ALIKES Semiautomatic Rifles too. Those Primers will limited quandy is (0.10%) is Divided by 12 month period in every Years comes by too!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? imported into the U.S.A too! From Atlantic Cost line from Maine to Florida too! An From Pacific Ocean Ships ports from California to WASHINGTON cargo ships ports TOO!!! Semi Pistol Ammo to Will be Cut Down by (0.90) Cut off too! Is 50 States too! Bullets is 45acp, (9mm,10mm, other calibers too! Only Allow Production be About (0.10% ) too! to be mfg. too! Solution is: this will cut some of School Shooting too! The Pistol Ammo will be hard to find in warehouses too! If Primers is nor Available for those Bullets Ammo too! Let’s is Very hard to Gun Dealers Retailers too! Only Production is (0.10%) too! This will Slow down the Ammo is not as Easly to Find in in Any Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers Gun Shop Dealer by trade too! Sporting Goods Hunting Fishing, Camping & Gun Stores too! This will cut down some Violence too! Hand Gun Ammo will be Hard to Fine too! Make is Seacrest item too! It will cut down the shooting by Ganges Groups , Cities Townships , Towns too! The Ammo m& Primers will be hard to get order too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  449. 1. Message is: Let’s Tell the Ammo Clips 30 Rounds to 100 Rounds Clips too Mgs too! To go Over Seas Counties Aisa! Or South Affrica Nations too! They Would Buy those Companies, Corp Co’s & The Ammo drum mgs: 60, To 150 Rounds Units too! Close up in the U.S.A. Here! And to move Over Seas in Nato Counties too! Or South Affrica Counties too! They Would welcome those Mgs too! These People would have Jobe too! Mgs Names A to Z too. Tell the Assault Mgs to pick up he in in the U.S A. Close up Here too! Move over seas too! South Affrica Nations too! To open Up there too! European Nations to Or Aisa Nations too! Don’t have Gun mgs of Assault Rifles to Close in the U.S.A and move overseas too! To Aisa Counties or South Affrica Nations don’t Gun MFs too! P.S The U.S.A Will Be A Lefts Nation too! If The Gun Vote Bans Assault Semiauto Military Copies of Organically Foreign Weapons is 10 most Popular too! Military Weapons Semiautomatic Rifles too! in all 50 States too! Note This Warning to Be notice too! Notice If the Law passed too! There Will be Cargo Ships on the Pacific Cost Line from Washington State to California An Mexico Border too! There Will Be as well in the Atlantic Coast Line From Maine To Florida Cost Line too! ! 0ut 4 Ships will have Ammo & 10ut of 7 Will have Assault Weapons An Surplus Ammo as well too! This will Probation Of Assault Weapons Military Ammo too! Surplus Ammo too! 1 out 6 out of 10 ships too! Tell Those Mgs to Close up in the U.S.A if they Can’t sell them in the %0 States too!! Move Out to Foreign Nations Aisa Nations Would Buy those mgs too! Or South Africa Nations would Buy it too! They Would Benefit by Giving There People Jobs Too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  450. 1. The Ammo Clips for Semiauto Handguns Over 10 Rounds Will Not Available Law-abiding Citizens is no more too! On July1st 2022 A.D is Official Federal U.S.A. Law too! Only Law Enforcement Officers Counties, State Police of 25 States too! Highway Patrol & State Police of 25 States too! Also Buy them too! Ammo Clips up to 20 Rounds too! For Each Clips too! This in Volves 50 States too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  451. This A.T.F. Should Be Federal U.S.A Law of the U.S.A. Level too! Number-1 Top Of the Line too! The States Government Is Number -2 Level only too! On July,!st 2022 A.D !!!Is Official too! Do you Agree? Siur?> Or Mam?

  452. 1. The Total of Retailers Store Fronts Dealers is: (01)(02) & N.F.A. (09) is (53,267) F.F.L.s 06/01/2022 too! They still Declining each month too!

  453. 1. We Need to cut the Number of Gun Dealers Retailers (01)(02) N.F.A (09) is 53,000 Gun Dealers. We need to Cut 13,000 Dealers out too. That will leave about 40,000 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts too! Reason is: There to many Gunn Dealers Retailers too! This will lower the Flow of Guns is not as many to years back too! Solution is: There will be Fewer Guns too. But not as many too! The Solution will be around 40,000 Gun Dealers Retailers to as Store Fronts too! It will be not as many Guns on the Streets too! The Numbers will drop way down too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? The Public would Agree with this Plan to Reduce Gun Thefts too! Note: 13,000 Gun Dealers need to go to be cut down too! This will Stop the Gun Violence the N.R.A. Needs to Work with A.T.F to tell 12 States to melt their Guns used in Crime to by Criminals. All Non-Citizens Criminals of other Counties too. Those Guns Can’t be Sold in Retailer Market too! Or Gun Shop by Trade Store Front too! Or Sporting Goods & Hunting Fishing Camping & Gun Stores too! (01) Or Pawn Shops Junk & Gun Stores (02) F, F, L, s Dealers too! If they Buy Guns a Crime Used in Crime too! They will Lost their F.F.L.s License too! Their State License to sell handguns too! Or Ammo too! They will be Close down for good too! You Are History too! The A.T.F is watching for this If Crime Firearms sold in an any Gun Stores too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Gun Stores too. Are Class_3 Dealers too! They will lose their Licenses too! A Warning to be notice too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? The Public would like it too! Think about for a minute too! Sir? Or Mam?

  454. 1. We need to cut off another 10,000 F.F.L.s (01)(02) to 30,000 F.F.L. Retailers Store Fronts too! The Pawn Shop Junk Dealers (02) We need to Cut off 1500 F.F.L.s by Cutting of Ranulas Applications is cancelled out too! There is 12 States HAS WAERHOUSE LOADED OF STORED CRIME GUNS TOO. The police Depts of, towns, townships, Cities need to Clean out the warehouses loaded of too. They to Tel the A.T.F to melt those Crime too. Send them to the Steel mill Plants do melt Steel too! To melt them to rebar Strips Or steel water Pipes too! Or Drain Steel is 3”trhick too! Covers for Public roads water drains for public roads! Complaint is : To Send then to a Train box Car Send them to California State will melt those Crime Guns too, they will melt them down too! They can make I Beams Bridge Parts for Bridges for Public Highways to in 50 States too! Make Steel cables to hold Bridges too! They also need Parts for repairs our budges too. There 12 States have to empty there Warehouses to thje Still Mill to melt those Guns used in Crimes too! Each Crime Gun has a dead body on that Gun too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Man

  455. There is about total, of F.F.L.s is (01)(02) Regulars & N.F.A (09): is 52,799! Gun dealers Store Fronts too!

  456. 1. The A.T.F Should reduce the number of Gun Dealers (01)(02) should cut down by 20,000 Dealers too! to 32,000 F.F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts too! I do agree! Sir? Or Mam? Reason is to many people on Drugs I mean Illegal Drugs too! The Problem Gun Dealers of Crooked Store Fronts Bad Retailers is among the Group too! This will make the Harder to Find Guns & Ammo Large Clips to, Ammo Drum Clips too! From 60 Rounds to 100 Rounds too! Or 150 Rounds too! Out of a Assault Rifle is Semiautomatic Rifle Semiautomatic AR-15 Gun too! To Many Bad Problem Gun Dealers numbers is growing too! They are Selling Under table to Druga Dealers of Illegal Drugs of other nations too! It true!! The Pipe at the Atlantic cost is From Texas Maim bub to Florida to New York up Maine too! Gun Smogers of Stolen Guns too! It True!! It done by Bad Gun Dealers Store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02) An N.F.A (09) Dealers of Class-3 Too! The Problem Gun Dealers too! They Don’t Follow the Federal Gun Laws & State Guidelines Selling Guns, Laws too! The A.T.F should revoke F.F.L.s Licenses too! The Country Sheriff Should Revoked State License of the Country of State is doing Business too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? P.S 20,000 Gun Dealers need to reduce too! By Revoking F.F.L.s License’s (01)(02> N.F.A (09) too! Class-3 Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Stores too! They Are Not Excused at all too! From Serios Gun Crimes in 50 States too! Do you Agree? Sir???? or Mam?????

  457. 1. The Ammo Clips for Semiautomatic Handguns should be maximum is 10 Rounds Clips too! For Law-abiding Citizens too! For AR-15 is maximum of 10 Rouns Clips too! Any Clips are over 10 Rounds should Banned of the Retailers Gun Dealer by Trade too! Is Class-1 Gun Shop by Trade: Clips or Ammo Drums! call being Ban (01) &: Or (02) Pawn Shop Junk Dealers & Gun Shop Dealers too! This will make the Public Safer too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? What does the Public say about this too??????

  458. 1. There is About Lot Less F.F.L.s Dealers too! There is about 46,000 Dealers Now in the U.S. too!

  459. !. There is a lot less F.F.L.s Dealers too! There may be about 34,788 Dealers Store fronts! Or may Dropped to lower number of Gun Dealers to 32,163!!! Maybe!!! Reason is the number Gun Dealers Retailers are calling quits too! Be blame for the Shooting Cities too! Reason is Bad Gun Dealers Retailers too! There is over 2000 + to in 50 States too! 1 out 4 out of 10 too!!! The A.T.F needs to Revoke their F.F.L.s License & State License too! To Shut them down too! Reason is they are doing Straw Gun Sales under table too! Which is Illegal to sell Long Gun Or Handgun too! Prohibit Fellon Person Is Mam Or Female too! Past Arrest Record too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  460. 1. We lost 2799 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Stores too! They Are Declining each Month too! (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too!

  461. 1 The 07/18/2022 A.D.: The State of Texas has 5186 F.F.L.s Dealers in hold State of Texas too! Complaint is: There Are too. Over many Guns Dealers (01)(02) too. Some need to cut down too. The A.T.F. License Dept in the main Office in the State of Texas. They should cut down some of those Gun dealers down by cutting off Renaults Applications off too! They should close too! State License is Cut off too! It Applications cut off too! And Renaults cancelled out too! 3488 Gun Dealers Should be shut down too! There is to many People on Drugs in blood stream too! Those People should turn their Guns too! An Ammo too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Revoked F.F.L.s Licenses too!!!! Reason is: To Many Smaller Gun Dealers too! There Should About 1600 Store Fronts Gun Dealers is Cap Limit too!

  462. avatar David A.T.F News Invester Articles Law Reports of reports on to many Ammos Clips Over 10 Rounds too! An Ammo Drums too!

    1. There is Ammo Clips for Handguns & Military Semiauto Weapons AR-15s Rifles too! Over 10 Rounds too! Ammo Drums too from 60 Rounds to 150 Rounds too! There are 100 % Production to now too! Solution is: Make them Seacrest Items to order too! From Meg too! Let’s Cut off Production off by 0.90% Complete off too! But Only Allow Production by 0.10 % for orders too! These items will become scenarist to order and hard to get order too! Let’s An ammo Drums too! Over 60 rounds Make Big Cut on those Ammo Clips over 10 rounds too! P.S don’t Lets items fall into wrong hands too! Solution is only allowed 0.10 %) Productions only too! Do you agree? Sir? mam? Let’s keep the public Citizens safe too! In the All the Counties State of Texas too! I agree! Do you agree? Sir? mor Mam?

  463. State of Texas has 11,233 F.F.L.s Dealers The A.T.F should cut down 1/2 of those Dealers Cut off Renewals too. Pennsylvania State has 6300 Dealers F.Fl.S too. They should cut off 1/2 of those Dealers off too! Cut off Renewals Applications off too! Florida has over 6000 Gun Dealers too! They Should Cut off 1/2 of those Gun Dealers Renewals Applications off At the A.T.F Office too! The Rest of those States Has 4000 To 4900 F.F.L.s Dealers too! They Should Cut off 1/2 of those Gun dealers Over 2000 to 3000 Gun Dealers Applications is cut off Renewals too !!! They Over Crowed by Gun Dealers Stores (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) too! The Federal Law Only 2 N.F.A Dealers only States do Allow Gun Dealers To Apply For Class-3 Is (09) License With Tax Stamp on the Dealers License too! Only He Or She Has Lawn Force Training Back Round Or S wart Police Special Training Or Military Training Special heavy Weapons By the U.S Army Military too! Or Any Military Services too! U.S.A . Marines Special Weapons Training Service too! Or U.S Navy Or U.S Cost Guard Military too! Special Weapons Training with Semiautomatic Hand Guns Or Military AR-15 Too!

  464. 1. The Federal U.S.A Level Should be 10,000 F.F.L.s is max Cap limit for Federal Level enforced by the A.T.F. License Dept License too! Each State Will have maximum Cap Limit of 200 F.F.L.s (01) (02) N.F.A Is (09) License Dept of F.F.L s of Class-3 Dept of Special Of A.T.F of Class-(09) too. The Limit of Gun Dealers Option License Only Gun Shop by Trade Has the Option Right too! The Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers Is Off Limits to Class -3 (09) License Applications! Forms off Limits too! & Sporting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Gun Stores is Off Limits to Class-3 Gun Dealers License Is (09) is N.F.A. License too! P.S Their Certain Licenses is Import & Export License for Shiping Cargo Co. Inc. (08) and (011) Is N.F.A. License too! Is Not a Gun Dealers License too! It A Disturber co. Or Corp Co. Or I.N.C Co. too! The Mfg. Licenses (06) Ammo (07) Regular Guns mugs & N.F.A (010) mfg. N.F.A. Too! They are Gun Dealers Licenses too!!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  465. 1. The Federal Level is the U.S.A. Max Cap Limit is : 5000 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Store Businesses . The 50 States Maxi um Cap Limit should be (100 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Stores Fronts too. This Will Be Enforced by the A.T.F.E A. License Agency in all Federal Building Certain Location Sections parts of the U.S. In States too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  466. 1. There is now the Count of Gun Dealers F.F.L.s 64,747 total count of Licenses 01) (02) is 0.99 % too! Only 0.01% is N. F. A. License s is (09) too! About 3 Years Ago it was 52,799 01) (02 Regular F.F.L.s License Dealers too! There is 0.01 % is N.F.A. Dealers is (09) F.F.L.s too!

  467. 1. The Number of F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers is declining a lot too! It true! The Western States a Mid-Western States Numbers of Gun Dealers Retailers Stores is declining too! There may be about 40,000 Gun Dealers left in the 50 States too! We had lost 12,799 Gun Dealers Stores is out of Business too! There are numbers still going down a lot too! Is it possible this happening too? Is sharp decline of Gun Dealers too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam? Class-1 is 01 Option Class-3 is N.F.A. F.F.L.s 09 License! Decline in Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers!!! True!!!

  468. 1. Gun Dealer By Trade per 100,000 Residents too. In all The 50 States must complied with Federal U.S.A. Law too! If not they will loosed U.S.A. Government money from the States will be Disobedient to the new Federal U.S.A. Law is Above all 50 States too. (01) Br Trade Of regular Gun Store too! Only Agree!! Do you Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? P.S If the States has to many Gun Stores ! The Letter by the A.T.F. Said Your F.F.L. Gun Dealers is Shut down too! No renewals Applications too! For (01) Regular Gun Dealers, Pawn shop & Gun Dealers F.F.L.s Is (02) Regular Gun Store & Pawn Shop too!!! And N.F.A. Gun Dealers is (09) With Tax Stamp too! At Right Conner top too! If there to many N.F.A Dealers in some States Is Class-3 Is (09) Option Dealers Hugest Level too! The Law is 2 N.F.A. Full Auto Agree!!! Dealers only too! Gun Dealers Is (09) Per 2 Dealers only is all 50 States too! Agree! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  469. 1. Note: Some States may have more then Class-3 Gun Dealers Is (09) F.F.L.s too! The Federal Government Allows Now more then @ N.F.A. Dealers is 2 agree!! Solution is: The A.T.F. Will sent him Or Her a Letter Her Class-3 Is (09) License not to Revealed ! Reason is to many of those Class-3 Is (09) Licenses too! Renewals is Cut off too! If any those States has more then two too! Agree!!! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? This only the States ; do have Them too! True!! U.S.A. Complaint of trust tooi! Why? How Come it Happen too! WhY???

  470. 1. The total of Retailers GunDealers is 47,200 . And total of Pawn shop Gun Dealers is 7800. The total of F.F.L.s Dealers is 55,000. in 50 States They numbers are going down by each month period of time. Is a lot less Gun Dealers Retailers store fronts Busineses too. There numbers declining too. Do you agree?Sir?or. Mam? it true!

  471. 1. There are 25 Retailer Gun Dealers in trouble with State of Washington Sate. will revoked. there N.F.A License is 099 too. In federal U.S.ACircut court too. They will be on trial by jury 12 people will here the case too. complaint is : they were selling large capacity ammo AR-15 clips over 10 rounds limit too. is 20 rou,ds or 30 rounds clips too.Under table sales which is illegal criminal act too. why ?Those 25 Gun Dealers sold those clips over 10 rounds too. this is illegal sales caled stroll sales. not legal to do it to in State of Washington State. Is breaking the law of state laws of washington State is illegal profit too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? agree!!!

  472. 1. The current U.S.President Joe &Harris like to cut down the : gun dealers retailers to many stores of 01 02. an 09 dealers from 55000. to 25,000 F.F.Ls by as soon as possible to 600 shooting too. There is 3. States has closed 700 to 800 dealers store fronts too. they need to cut by 2/3 needs to shut off too. To many gun deers too. Ohio Kansas Texas too. Do you agree ? sir?or mam? not all gun dealers don’t obey state laws an Federal laws!!!! it ..true !!!!!

  473. 1. Let’s make harder for any class -1 01 F.F.L.Gun Dealer is apply for Class-3 option License is N.F.A. is 09 License with tax Stamp at right hand top conner too. P.S. Not all Class -1 01 Dealers can.tbe trusted with this N.F.A. License too. Is 09 License too. Most of them wil get trouble too. .For example in State of Washington or other 49 States will get trouble too. Note : State of Washington there 25 Gun Dealers will loose there N.F.A. 09 License with tax stamp will cannselled by A.T.F. an rentals is shut off Applications for 09 s<spended is no more you are done too. Agree? Do you agree! Sir ?orMam? the License for 3 years is$ 3000.00 or more too. the tax is added on that License too.

  474. 1. Only Gun Shop by trade qualified is class-1 is 01 can apply for option License is Class-3 is (09) only too. Is regulR Gun Shop Busineses too. Only! Not all them can’t trusted with class-3 is N.F.A. 09 License too. Agree! is 0.99% too. But small of Gun Shops do have LAWENFORCEMENT back round or swat training with those Police weapons too. agree! Only very few is 0.001% do qualified of handing those Guns are full auto Guns with special weapons training too. Or special Police training of Swart weapons too. or U.S Millitary training too. Agree! of Army Millitary Police training too. agree! Do you agree. Federal. )awenforcement A.T. F.E.A. training too. Do you agree?Sir? orMam? IAgree!!!!

  475. 1. There is 48,000 THERE 01 REGULAR GUN DEALERS . An there is 02 7000 PawnShop GunDealers too. 55,000 total GunDealers. stores in 50 States too. N.F.A. 09 part of 48000 Regular Dealers groop too. 151 too. total of 55,000!

  476. 1 The REGULAR GUN DEALERS 01 47,849. N.F.A DEALERS IS 09 IS 151. The total of Pawn Shop Gun Dealers 7000. 02 too. The total of GunDealers equals to 55,000 Gun Dealers Retalers stores in 50 states in all too. Do you agree? Sir?or Mam? P.s they still going down in numbers per each month periodof time too. Decline in numbers of GunDealers Busineses declining too. true!

  477. 1. There is to many Gun Dealers 01, 02, N.F.A. 09. note: We should cut about 10.000 F.F.Ls renuals an applications too. I agree. to reduce street crime in cities ,townships,towns . In all 50 States too. Some have to F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers too. In some populations States has most populations of people too. I agree. Sir? or Mam ? The A.T.F. should do his job of inspections of 4473 from is 4 to 5 pages too. Agree! Sir? or Mam? thank you ! Reason is to stop flow of Stolen Guns of the city streets of big cities too. IAgree!!! thank you!


  478. U.S Complaint is: There Are 7000 Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers (02) too. The A.T.F Will Revoked The F.F.L.s License to Is (02) In 50 States too! Regular Gun Dealers (01) Say they Should not Sell Used Firearms & ammo too! They Can”t be Trusted too . The A.T.F . Will Cut off Renewals Applications; for (02) F.F L.s . Some Some States Don:t need a State License at State License Sell Hand Guns Or Semi-Auto Pistols too . Or it Ammo too! I Agree! Sir Or Mam? The A.T.F say The Pawn Shop S Junk Dealers Are Off limits to All F.F.L.,s Licenses Not allowed to Sell Any Firearms too or Ammo. Prohibited by the A.T.F.E A, Agency too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? There Will be 7000 Gu8n Dealers Less Too is (02) F.F.L.s too! Agree! The Reduce Gun Crime in Cities, Town Ships, Towns to in all 50 States. too! I agree! They Can”t be Trusted too!

  479. 1. There Is About About Near Count is 48,000 Gun Dealers Retailers too. (01) F.F.L.s Licenses too! In 50 States too. Some States Don”t Required a State License to Sell hand Guns is Semi auto Pistol & revolvers too! Just the Federal License Is (01) !

  480. There is now about near to 48000 (01) & (09 Regular Gun Dealers & Combination Gun Dealers Retailers Has (01) & N.F.A Is (09) option License too! one State License for Firearms is issued by the Country of the State they Live in too! There Should Revoked The The Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Shop Dealers License, (02) F.F.L.s too! Reason is The Criminals Felons Buy there Guns An Ammo too! The Pawn Shops Junk & Gun Dealers Should not ; sell Firearms Rifles , Shot Guns, Hand Guns : Semi auto Pistols & Revolvers too. The A .T.F E.A Cut of Renewals Applications for Class-2 License to Terminated for good too! Reason is They can”t be Trusted too! I agree! Sir? Or Mam Should Revoked the License too. There is 7000 (02) F.F L.S Pawn Shops Junk Gun Dealers in 50 States Is Left too! Solution Is Action Should Taken by the A.T.F. Police Agents too! I Agree! Sir? Or Mam? Reason There will be fewer Guns of The Streets Of Cities, Town Ships , Town Too! I agree! Lets Keep our U.S.A Citizens safe too!

  481. 1. The New Federal U.S.A Law is Still is: 100,000 Residences Per 1 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Shop By Trade Only too! Agree!! Some States have to many Extra F.F.L.s Retailers Store Front Smaller Gun Businesses too! Solution is Kansas, Ohio, Texas , too. And some other States too! They Should go by the Population of Number Of People : li9ving in those States too! I agree! Sir? Or Mam? Solution is: The A.T.F should Cut off The Extra Gun Dealers (01) 7 (02) too! By sending A Letter there F.F.L.s License Not to be Renew . The Applications is cancelled out too! They should Check all 50 States too! To Limited all Extra Gun Dealers Retailers (01) & (02) An Some States has more then N.F.A (09) Dealers is Class-3 too! There Should Be 2 Per States that those N.F.A. Full Auto Dealers to be in businesses too! Most of the State Will not Allow Those Gun Dealers Is N.F.A. Too. Some States Will Allow it too! Is N.F.A Dealers Is (09) F.F.L.s too! Some States has 5 of them ,Or 7 Too . It true! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Reason is to many Guns in our Cities Streets, Township Streets Town Streets in , Counties if 50 States too! It True!! We need to Tight it up too! Suggestion to a Solution is to cut Gun Crime is make sense too! Agree! The New Law be a change of Law federal Law ;should Be( 750,000 Residences Per one F.F.L Dealer By, Gun Shop Business trade per 1 F.F.L. Dealer is (01)) Is 1 Retailer Store Business Per one Gun Dealer by trade too! Agree!!! Sir? Or Mam? This will cut down the number smaller Gun Dealers Gun Stores Numbers way down too! The Fee SSS Should a lot higher too. Is 1500.00 Per Years Renewals too! Is only for (01) & (02) Only too! Agree!!! Sir? Or Mam? The Numbers Of Gun Dealers Number will decline too! But Very Slowly: fewer numbers to by each month too! An less Guns & Ammo on the Streets too! I agree! Reason Is: We mist keep our U.S.A Citizens safe too! I agree!!!! Sir Or Mam? Thank you! What does the public think About this New Plain to Reduce Crime too??? What is you answer ???

  482. 1. The N.F.A F.F.L.s is, Class-3 N.F.A Mfg (010 ) & (011) 3 Years License Fee$ is $$ 999,000 Every 3 Years New License Renewals for Import Export At Ship Ports only too! Companies Do yoy Agree? Sir ? or Mam?

  483. 1 !2 States refused to melt those Crime Guns in Steel Mill Plant! Why ? Those Crooked Gun Dealers Store Fronts Gun Stores too! (01),(02) N.F.A Stores are; Class-3 Is (09) too! Town Police Dept, Township Police Dept, Cities Police Dept too! Or Sheriffs Dept Country Duties , Highway Pa troll State Police of Regular State Police too . Of a new State Law Which is wrong too! Those Guns are on market too! True! Why? They Can earn by selling those Guns in Gun Stores too! 1. Gun Shop by Trade regular Stores, Pawn Shop Junk & Gun Shop Used Guns Dealers too! Sporting Goods , Hunting, Fishing, Camping & Gun Stores Sell Rifles, Shoot Guns for Hunting Season too! The Hand Guns is Revolvers, Semi Auto pistols too. Those Guns Used by Criminals born in U.S.A . Foreign Criminals born in other Counties too! It True! The De sent Law Abiding U.S.A,. don”t know about those Guns in the Long Guns Shelves Or The Hand Guns In the Glass Case Too! Most of those Crime Guns being Sold to The Customers how want to buy them too! When A Gun Dealer Retailer Seller sells the Gun to Buying Customer too. Or A Man Or Woman Too! They Are Earning Blood Money too! in bank account too! This UN cleaned Money too! It Dirty Money Too! The Gun Dealers Are Buying those Guns. They are Dishonest Retailers (01) (02) N.F.A (09) Class-3 Dealers .Store Fronts; in the 12 States too. Solution is to do the Right Thing too! Send those Crime Guns, To as Steel Mill Plant: ,to melt, Those Guns too! To Make rebar Units, Water Pipes units too! I agree! Sir? Or Mam? Thank you!! The Other 48 States Will Melt those Crime Guns to Sent to : a Steel Mill Plant to melt those Guns too! To turn then to Garden Tools Steal Bar Strips Rebar Units for Bridges Repairs too!! They Can Make Slides Units too. Children can Climb the Ladder Slide down the Ramp Unit too. Swings Units for Children too! There will be fewer Guns of the Cities, Town Ships. Town Streets too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  484. 1. 52,799 Of the1/3 Gun Dealers 17,666 Retailers should be cut down too! Answer is :Left is about near 35,133 Gun Dealers Retailers Left in 50 States too! There will be Less Long Guns, Rifles Shotguns : An Hand Guns is Semi auto”s Pistols & Revolvers too! To cut down Gun thefts too! I agree! Sir? Or Mam? In the Future Years Less Guns is not available too!

  485. 1. The 12 States Refused to Melt There, Crime Guns from Criminals Used too. They Should melt those Guns to a Steel mill too! Or U.S.A money will not give out Federal Monies to those 12 States only too! The Federal U.S.A Court will on probation for 15 years too! Reason to be suspicious is They are Selling those Crime to public too! Is a Federal Crime too! Earning Wages of Blood Money too!! Reason is others 37 States don”t like it at all too! Reason is they selling Guns used by Criminals an Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! Selling Crime Guns to U.S.Citizens when they buy those guns used in Crimes too! It True!!! The U.S.A Circuit Federal Court will: over ride the State Supreme State Courts of those ; 12 States too! I agree!!! The Federal U.S A. Agents will Collected those Guns an send them to the Steel Mill Metal Plant too! They will melt those Guns to make Garden Tools , Maniac car tools too! Plumbers tools too! Rebar Strips to repair Bridges too!@ Steal metal water preciser Metal water pipes too! An hot water pipes too! Copper Metal Pipes too!!! The order will be sign by U.S.A Federal Circuit Court Sign it by Pen by a Federal U.s.A. Judge too! Will order it too! It should be done too! The State of Ohio Is agents it too! Other 37 States is agents it too! It a Crime too! They Are Breaking Federal U.S.A Law too! This has to stopped now!!! I agree!! Or Do you Agree??? Sir??? Or Mam??? Some one needs to Foot down too! Put a Stopped to now!!! The Is Federal Complaint too! Agree!!! By the A.T.F E .A. Or F.B.I. too!! Needs to Investigate this !!!! Immediately as soon as passable too! Selling a in Crime Gun s in Gun Stores is Illegal too! They are Breaking the Federal U.S.A Law! Is Prohibited too! Not Legal to Sell Crime Guns in a Gun Stores!!! It a Shame too!

  486. 1.Regular Gun Dealers Retailers (01) 52,799 Too. Subtract 7000 (02) Is Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers 45,799 too. Subtract N.F.A (09) 121 = 45,678 Regular Gun Dealers Store Fronts too!

  487. 1. Before on 01/01/2020 A.D. 52,799 A.D. On 01/01/ 2023 A.D. Today there is about. The total remained. Is 49,000 F.F.L.s (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers Gun Stores too. An N.F.A Stores is (09) too. Note: we lost about 3,799 F.F.L.s holders Firearms Gun Stores to (01) &(02)! Most of them reach the age of 65 Years old too! Those Gun Dealers sell their items to customers too. is $30.00, $100.00 off, the Price of Firearms too. Or they sell to another Gun Dealers Retailer If they want to buy their remaining. Guns items: At Dealers cost to another Gun Dealers Gun Store too. out of State too! It true in Pennsylvania State! In Lackawanna Country too. It was smaller Mon & Pop Business is Class-1 is (01) Too. The Owner Retired at 65 Years old too! The Gun Business is gone out of Business too! It’s true Story too!!! Every month 5 to 6 Gun Stores Closed up is Reason they sell 2 to 3 Guns per week is true!! Some could Make ends meet too! Most of the smaller Gun Stores could: do it too! The numbers of Smaller Gun Stores are Closing Up Too! Rents is for Building is Very High too! Prosperity Rents Fees is per month too, Fire Insurance Fees is high per month too! Flood insurance if your Gun Shop at the West Cost of Pacific Ocean beach Ares too!!! There a lot of Smaller Business are located too! It true!!! The monthly Fees is expense per month payments too. There Maybe one or two- or three-Gun Stores is 15 miles apart from each other too! It True!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  488. 1. Note:( The Shooters Industry Report Co.) saying the Correct Count is, F.F.L.s (16,396) Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts Businesses 16,396 (01) & Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers (02)! An N.F.A Gun Dealers Retailers Stores is (09) Class-3 Retailers Gun Stores too! Stores Fronts in 50 States too! It a fact to true!!! Do you agree? Sir? or Mam? This is retailers Gun Dealers Sellers Businesses! Stores!!!! This latest Report by Shooters Industries make this report. Annually once a Year too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  489. 1. 1/1/ 2020 A.D. (01) 52,799 Dealers . (02) Number of pawn Shop & Gun Dealers is 7087 ! The Total of (09) N.F.A. Dealers 127 total. The Total of Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts is about 60,013 Total count on 01/01/2023 A.D. too!

  490. 1. The Regular Gun Dealers count is Store Fronts Retailers is 51,579. The Number of Pawn Shop & Gun Shops Retailers Stores 6,608 ! The Number N.F.A. (09) Retailers is 127. Total of F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Stores Fronts is about (60,013 F.F.L.s Holders Retailers Dealers too! Date is (01/02/ 2023 A.D too!

  491. 1. There is Regular Gun Dealers retailers Stores Fronts 51,579 (01) F.F.L.s. The Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers Store Fronts Retailers Of Used Items Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, & Semi automatic Hand Guns & Revolvers Stores Fronts Gun Stores is 6,608 (02) too! The Total of N.F.A. Gun Dealers Enforcement Retailers is !27 (09) = 58,314 F.F.L.s Dealers too!

  492. 1. The Regular Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts; 51,446 (01) F.F.L.s. Also Pawn Shop Retailers Gun Stores is 6,571 (02) F.F.L.s Dealers. There Is N.F.A Law enforcement Retailers (09) 142 F.F.L.s. The total is 58,159 Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! Os official too

  493. 1. 12 States refused to melt there Crime Guns used by Criminals an foreign criminals of other counties too. Those Police Deptments towns. Townships ,Cities Police they will sell those crime Guns used in serious crimes by Criminals too. Out only 0.01% GunDealers will buy those Crime Guns to sell them to Market in Gun Stores by trade. PawnShop &Gun Store too. Or N.F.A GunDealers Retailers Dealers too. Reason is they are earning blood money too . To make dirty money is unclean money is blood money is illegal by U.S.A. Federal Law does not permitted to sell those crime Guns taken by police to sell those Guns to regular F.F.L.Dealers. 01, 02, 09 N.F.A Dealers too. Most of Gun Dealers are bad Dealers too. Is 0.10%too. It true!! Do you agree? SIR? OR MAM? THOSE 12 STATES ARE DOING IT TOO. F.F.L Dealers in those States too. An sell those Guns to other States as well too. It true! The A.T.F. should keep an watch on those States have warehouse full of crime guns too. To sell to other states GunDealers in38 states too. It true! Do you agree? Sir?Orman?

  494. 1. Those bad Gun Dealers will get there F.F.L.License is current is revoked by AT.F.E.A. Police Agents too. In those 12 States too. Will be watch carefully by agents of A.T.F. too. There rentals F.F.L.s applications is cannselled off too. Those 12 States will get federal money off. Too. They will be probation for 15. years if they are guilty by a. U. S Federal U.S. court too. Selling g Crime Guns to Retailer Gun Dealers 01, 02, N.F.A. Dealers 09, too. Solution is those crime Guns should sent to steel mill plant to melt all crime Guns too . To make garden tools too. Or. Drain covers for street drains too. Do you agree? Sir? OrMam? Reaso is let’s keep our People safe too. Agree!!!!

  495. 1. The U.S.A. Should not permit Foreign Nationals to :not to buy Guns in the 50 States too! With there, issued Green Card the U.S.A Government Will Not, Used the Green Card to buy Guns in the Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California , to Florida too . Or Ammo too!! Therese Are Mexico Criminals from the U.S.A & Mexico Border too! Mexican Citizens are not Allow to Purchase any Firearms in 50 States To go a Gun Store to buy a Ar-15 Semi Automatic Rifle Or a Full Automatic Rifle too! Or Any Other Copies of the Ar-15 Copies too! Or AK,47 , Ak47M , Or AK 91 Rifle Semiautomatic Or AK 106 Rifle From too! Some of those Gun Stories Has Class-3 (09) F.F.L.,s License too! In Texas too! The Gun Dealers Can Report to The A.T.F.E. Agency Office too! In the State of Texas too! If they are Cartels Members from Mexico too! They will Be A rested by A.T.F E. Police Raid too! They will be put in federal Jail for Life too! No Parole at all too! Also we Must to Catch the Number of Crooked Gun Dealers are selling those Guns to Car teals Criminals from Mexico too! Prom The Gun Dealers Count is 5000 F.F.L.s (01) & Pawn Shop & Gun Dealers (02) Stores too! The A.T.,F Must Cut the Number Of F.F.L.s Dealers if they are to close together too same Block in the Industrial Zones too. Solution is: The A.T.F.E.A. Will Cut of Renewals will be Cut off those Applications are (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too! Retailers Stores fronts too! We must Cut about 2/3 of those Gun Dealers Retailers Stores out By Sending Letter to say Your F.F.L.s is Cancelled out too!!! 2/3S Of those Guns Will Be Cut off too going into Mexico too! From the U.S.A Border too& Mexico Border covers 4 States too! An The Gulf Of Mexico ocean an Florida too! Do you Agree? Sir ? Or Mam? We Should Think about the Citizens of Mexico too! There Fa miles Getting Killed by Car teal Drug Criminals Gr oops too! I do Agree! Some Thing Should done about to many Gun Dealers Stores need to cut it numbers down too! The Federal Law is 1 Gun Dealers Retailers per 100,000 Residences too! The State Of Texas has to many Gun Dealers F.F. L.s holders Stores Fronts too! I Do agree !!! Sir? or Mam? Let”s Get the Rolling too! When you break, Don”t spend to much time : on the Toilet Bowl not thinking about it too! Remember the The A.T.F E.A Agents have to work to inspected 4473 Forms too! The see if there is Straw Gun Sale which is Illegal too! By Mexico Citizens With there Green Card too! The U.S,A, Should Change Green Card to Change it not to by Firearms Or Ammo too not to by Firearms Or Ammo in Gun Stores in 50 States too! The New Green Card not allow those Citizens to not buy Guns An Ammo too! The Green Card will Be Change too. Will Stop Mexican Citizens not to buy Guns to Or Ammo too!!! Or Full Automatics Weapons too! 5.56, Ammo .223 Ammo too! Or 6.8 Ammo too! The new Card will be change too! Non Citizens too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? This will stop the Guns going to Mexico too! Border & U.S.A Border too!! I agree!! Sir? Or Mam?

  496. 1. The Population Of State of Texas is 29,527,941 People Living in Texas State ! The number of F.F.L. Retailers Stores Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A (09) to is 296 Gun Dealers too! One Gun Dealer per 100000 Residences too! This a federal U.S.A.Law is over all the State Governments is 50 total too! The Extra Gun Dealers Get there Licenses Cut off too! Is included Applications for (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! Agree!!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  497. 1. There 12 States That Refused to send those Crime Guns: to Steel Mill Plant to be melted too! Those States Should get search warrant. from federal Circuit Judge too. To order Those Crime Guns to empty those warehouses; to send them to Steel Mill Plant to be melted down too! To Make Garder Tools Street Drains Covers Public Roads too! Those Crime Guns Are melted down to make Swings Setts Slide Items toys! to Make Mari Grounds units too! Kids to play in public parks too! Every Warehouse do Store Crime Guns Weapons to: in 12 States. Should inspected by the B.A.T.F.E Agency Police Squared too! Is every Year too! From 01/01/2023 to 12 /31/2023 A.D too! It is done every too! Reason is To Be Stopped Bad Gun Dealers selling Crime Guns to put on market too! The Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Are Selling Crime on market too. to Blood money too! Is Bad money They earn in Years too! P.S No Gun Dealers Retailers has Commonsense. Not to sell those Guns Is Used by Criminals. Or Foreign Criminals of Foreign Nations too! The A.T.F E. Has to Put Their Foot Down Those Crime Guns Must be Sent to a Steel Mill Plant to Be Melted down too! The) Head Director) Says it has to do the Right way too! Do you agree??? Sir??? Or Mam???

  498. 1. 12 States Should change the State Law to not sell Crime Guns on Market in Any Gun Stores in 50 States too! Question is: How many dishonest Crooked Gun Dealers are bad Gun Dealers:L like to sell Crime Guns in 38 States Are Agents the Guns used by Criminals an Foreign Criminals of other counties too! Do you Agree? Think for a minute time you decided to Stop those Guns Not go on the Gun Dealers Retailer Glass Shelves too! The Percentage is 0.25 % too! Do you Agree ? Sir? Or Mam? If they sell those Guns used by Criminals to sell to Law abiding Citizens to buy those Hand Guns Semi pistols & revolvers hand Guns too! Earn Blood Money By Crooked Town Police, Township Police Departments , City Police Departments of those 12 States Refused to melt those Crime Guns Used in Crimes by Criminals & Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! This Facts is True!! Solution is : We must make a list of those, F.F.L. Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Retailers of La wen enforcement too! The A.T.F will Refused there Renewals Applications of those Gun Dealers, F.F.L.s Licenses is (01) (02) N.F.A (09) theses Applications will be shut off too! Agree!! Denied too!! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? The B. A.T.F. E. A. Must investigate the matter of those 12 States Refused to Melt Those Crime Guns !! To be sent to a Still Mill to melt those Guns too! The A.T.F must get a warrant from a Federal U.S.A Judge too! A U.S.A. Circuit Judge too! To Get those Crime Guns to the Still Mill Plaint too! To Make Garden Tools too! Or Rebar Strips for Road Bridges too! Or Steel heavy Duty I beams for Highway Bridges too! Or Interstate too! Those Warehouses need to empty out by the A.T.F E Enforcement too! Those Crime Guns in those 12 States need to empty those warehouse to to sent to the Still Mill Plants to melt those Guns used in Crime too! I Agree !!! Like California State( is:) doing it too! The The Federal Law is not to sell those Crime Guns on Market too! Or a Gun Shop By Trade regular Gun Store! Sporting Hunting Fishing Camping Or Pawn Shop & Gun Store too! Those Dealers Will Loose there Licenses Too! There Renewals Applications, (01)(02) N.F.A.(09) Dealers will be Close down too! And Put on trial in Federal U.S.A. Circuit Court Criminal Trial Case too. Or Foreign Criminals Will arrested An put on Trail Criminals Crooked Gun Dealers Like to Break the Rules too! The A.T.F Will Make List of Bad Gun Dealers Retailers Store names too! An F.F.L. License will mention too! Do you Age? Sir? or Mam? This Illegal Of Selling Crime Guns in those 12 States must stopped now too!! Do you Agree!! Sir Or Mam??

  499. 1. Those 12 States Refused to melt those Guns too. Question is : How Many Warehouses Full of Crime Guns too! in the 12 States too!( The A.T.F Needs a U.S.A Federal Quart Order) to Get those Guns Are Crime Guns an empty out Warehouses full of Crime Guns Criminals Used a lot too> It True!! The Guns must not be sold t6o any Retailers Gun Dealers Gun Stores too. how has a federal License (01)(02) N.F.A. Dealers (09) Full Auto’s Dealers too. Solution is to act down now too! Transport them to the Steel Metal Plant too! Melt those Crime Guns too! Male Tools items , Garder tools Drain Covers Water Drains parts too! Those Guns Must not reach the Gun Dealers Market Stores (01 ) (02) N.F.A Stores (09 ) too!!! Is Federal Violation Law too. The A.T.F. Can Revoked there F.F.L.s Licenses too. Cut of Renuaws

  500. 1. There is About Near Cout of F.F.L.s (01)(02) & N.F.A. (09). Is About 46,000 Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Stores too> 05/16/2023 A.D. !!!

  501. 1. The Some of the 50 States has excises amount of to many Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too! Some must be cut down too! If they are to many Gun Dealers in one nest location too! They Should Cut off Renewals Applications off too! (01) (02) Regular Gun Dealers ! An N.F.A (09) Only Allow 2 N.F.A Dealers to Take 1/2 of each State of 50 States too! Some States Allow it to have Class-3 Dealers Stores. Some States Will not Allow Class-3 Stores too! Is F.F,L.(09) too! Do you Agree Sir ? Or Mam?

  502. !. The Big Cities in 50 States in each of the cities too! They New Federal Law To Allow On Gun Dealers By trade Regular Gun Shop Store. Is to Allow 1,000,000 Residences too!

  503. 1. The Future Will Be mega cities too! The Gun Shop By Trade is Regular Gun Shop Store is Class-1 (01) too! There Will be 2,500,000 Million People per Gun Dealer is F.F.L.s License Dealer too! Stricter Federal Law too! Do you Agree! Sir? Or Mam? It will harder to apply for Class_1 Is (01) Application From to Processes it too! The Pawn Shop Dealers& Gun Dealers Will be limited too! The Pawn Shop Dealers Junk Dealers Can”t trusted to Sell Firearms Or Ammo too . Or Gun Parts Or Gun Power too! Smokes Power, Or Black Power too! Do you agree! Sir? Or Mam? The A.T.F E Should Not issued F.F.L.s License for Pawn Shop Junk Dealers too! They Should off limits too! They Can”t be Trusted too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? The Public would agree to that measure ton take action too! To De-manned it immediately too!! Do yoiu Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  504. 1. The number of Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A.(09 Dropped to 50,630 F.F.L.s Store Fronts Stores?

  505. 01/01/2022 was (01) 50207 Gun Dealers decline too. To date to is 06/02/2022 in 6 months is 50,630 (01) is 2022 A.D too! Including (02) F.F.L.s too! Still declining down ward each month time too!

  506. 1. (01/01 / 2023 A.D. (01) & (02) is 50630 F.F.L.s dealers too! Now!!! 06/02/2023 A.D They will Decline to sharp decline to 41,315 F.F.L. Retailers store Dealers. decline too! They are still dropping each month time too! Gun sales is very slow too! It true!!!

  507. 1. The A.T.F Inspectors Should check those 12 States TO KEEP AN EYE ON THOSE gun dealers STORES FRONTS Crooked Gun Dealers Buying those crime Guns to sell to the public too! To earn blood money too! Also a warning: to make notice. Watch out other Gun Dealers retailers of 38 States too . They are trying to buy those crime Guns. To sell in their Gun Stores too I’m talking Crooking one’s to sell those Guns on market. To deceive the Law-abiding Citizens to make the U.S. Citizens to buy those crime Guns used by Criminals too! Foreign Criminals of other counties too! It true!! Those Gun Dealer Retailers should but be put on the Suspicious List of bad Gun Dealers (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too! option License too! If they are caught with the Evidence of an Hand Guns Revolver Or Semi-Automatic Hand Guns too! The A.T.F. Inspectors call the B. A.T.F.E Police Division too! to revoked there current License is Class_1 (01) Class 2 is (02) Class-3 Is N.F.A is (09) License to be revoked too! Those Gun Dealers should on Registered List Suspicious List Busted by A.T.F Police Division Of U.S.A Treasury Dept Of In charge of F.F,L. License s Dept only too! Those Gun Dealers should shut down an put out of business too! They List of those Crooked Gun Dealers Put on the Revoked List paper File too! On Refence History File too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam?

  508. . 1. The total OF Gun Dealers is Retailers Gun Dealers Stores Fronts is (01) 51,084 (02) 6,507 & N.F.A (09) is 145 the total count is 57,736 Retailers Gun Dealers Store fronts too.

  509. 1. There is 51,084 (01) + 1,507 (02+ N.F.A. 145 (09) equals 52,737 F.F.L.s total count too. P.S.There numbers are declining every month period of time! Do You agree? Sir? or Mam??

  510. 1.56000 (01)+8000(02)+2500(06)+10,000(07)+66(09 equals 76,566 F.F.L.s.
    L. s total on July 9,2023 A.D.Do you agree?Sir?or Mam?

  511. 1. 07/15/2023 A.D. The total of F.F.L.s Retailers Dealers is 50,630 , 01/02/09 .
    Do you agree. Sir Or Mam.

  512. 1. There Is To Many Gun Dealers count is 1504 Retailer Gun Dealers too! State of Florida Has to many Guns Dealers too. The A.T.F. Must Cut of Application Froms off of 1128 Gun Dealers is way to many too. Solution is: To Reduce Crime too! The Counties, Cities, Town Ships . Tow3ns in all the counties want to cut off 1128 Retailers Stores F.F.L.s too! Solution is: Total Of 376 Gun Dealers Retailers Still in business!!! Agree!!! Reason Gun Crime is Very High too! In the State Of Florida too! The A.T.F needs to Cut off (01)(02) Regulars Dealers, N.F.A Dealers (09) too! Do you Agree ??? Sir?? Or Mam???

  513. 1. Time fee Raise in Coszt in $ dollars too! The New Fee$ for Class-1 Is (01) Class-2 -(02) Should: increase too! For 3-year renewals should be, ( $1000.00) for every Renaults Applications is file an Process at once too! This time for increase too!! Do you agree?? Sir? or Mam?

  514. 1. Time fee Raise in Coszt in $ dollars too! The New Fee$ for Class-1 Is (01) Class-2 -(02) Should: increase too! For 3-year renewals should be, ( $1000.00) for every Renaults Applications is file an Process at once too! This time for increase too!! Do you agree?? Sir? or Mam?

  515. 1. The number of Retailer Store Fronts Gun Dealers decline to 25,315 F.F.L.s (01)(02) & (09) too!

  516. 1 By 2 Years from now the Renewals F.F.L.s Fees $$$$ Should be a lot higher too! For Example: the Renewals Fees of Higher Rate; is ($$$1500.00 Renewals Fees to every three Years too! Until the last day the old License expires F.F.L.s (01)(02) Regulars Gun Dealers Store Fronts too! The N.F.A. Retailers should be Higher too! For Type(09) Class-3 License is $$$5000.00 Every time they Have new tax Stamp renewals it too. Every Three Years to the last day too! Do you agree??? Sir??? or Mam?/ Reason is: to agree on it too!! We are keeping the Law-abiding Citizens safe too! Agree!! Sir? Or Mam??

  517. 1. The B.A.T.F.E.A License Agency Of the U.S.A Treasury Will Increase Fees on N.F.A. Licenses too! The new Rate will be every. 3 Years renewals too! Agree!!!! This is Another 2 Years in the Future too! The new Rate will be $ 16,000 .00. Every 3 years or more no set rates too! For (09) (010) (011) There Will Increases in the Future Years to come too! Reason is cost of $$$ Fees is going up too! Every year too! Theses is full automatics weapons. Small Arms weapons too! Do you Agree??? Sir???? Or Mam????

  518. 1. THE, F.F.L.s regular Retailers Dealers New Increase is in the Future will be a lot higher too! (01) (02) For 3 years Renaults: will be. a lot higher Fees $$$ the cost of $ 4000.00 Every There Years Every Time They Apply for a new License. on the last day the old License expires too! For First Time the Fees $$$ Will be the Same rate too! Do you agree???? Sir??? Or Mam??? This is in 5 Years in future too.! It is time for higher Fees. For regular Gun Dealers Retailers to in 50 States too! The cost of Living is rising. Every Year too! Do you Agree???? Sir??? Or Mam???

  519. 1. On January 20, 1024 If Biden Or Harris gets Related for: another 4 years in Office too. The Assault: Ban Semiautomatic Military Rifles Copies of Reginald Full auto Military Weapons too. An the large Ammo Clips Drums Bandoleers too! Are Banned too! The Ammo Clips For semiautomatics Pistols Has a Limit up to 11 To 1000 Rounds is Banned too! to January 20 , 2029 A.D. Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? There no mass Shooting With AR -15 Semiautomatic Rifles Not been used too! It True!! This is Gun safety too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam??

  520. 1. 01/3/2021 A.D. (01) 52,976 + (02) 7103+(09)128 = F.F.L.S ; 60,208 Retailers Store Gun Dealers stores!

  521. 1. 01/10/2023 A.D. (01)51579+ (02)6608+ (09) N.F.A. 142 = 58,329 F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers !!

  522. 1. (01) 50540 + (02) 6449 + (09) 143 +57,132 ! Is Total count the latest is number of Gun Dealers Retailers Stores in business today too!

  523. 1. There is a lot less small are Retail (01ers store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02)(09) is about near count of 49000 f.f.l.s too.They still deciding each month time passes too.. There much less Gun Dealers smaller Gun Stores is way to many one location cities,townships,towns too
    They need cut down if crowed together too
    I do agree . the a.t.f Do yoy should do it more jobs too.more violation s straw sales of hand guns. an long guns too. I agree . Do you agree.Sir.orMam.

  524. 1.The A.T.F. Is finding a lot of Straw. Sales. to Ex Follens with Criminals Arrest Records in on the east coast is 1/3 in the Atlantic coast Northeast South Wast to as far as Florida cost too! Question is how many Guns Stores Fronts, (01) & Pawn Shops & Gun Stores (02) Selling Hand Guns & Long Guns to foreign Criminals. Are born other Counties too! If they have Criminal Records, they should arrest Them of illegal Entry threw Mexico too! An the D.E.A. Police Should Grag the Drugs in Bag Units too! The Mexico Government Should Secure Their Border of other side of Mexico from California to New Mexico, Arzona, An Texas too! The A.T.F should Start Revoking Current F.F.L.s Licenses Of Retailers Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regular ones. An N.F.A Gun Dealers Is (09) too! P.S. They Should Cut off there Renaults.
    Applications Froms off to cancel. Them off!!! There is F.F.L.s Licenses out too! The Number of Gun Dealers Up to Gulf Of Mexico to Florida too! By 0.85% Cut off number of Gun Dealers off too! Shut them down too! There to many Gunn Dealers Stores there too! They Need to be cut way down too. There will fewer Guns going to Mexico border. Crossing too! Do you Agree???? Sir????? & Mam?????? This is U.S.A COMPLANT too! I Agree! Action needs to taken by the Border Patroll Police to there Part too! I agree!!! Do you Agree? Sir??? Or Mam???

  525. 1. The Number Of F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers should be A lot Less Gun Dealers Stores too! Are The Small Stores too! Should be about: 25,315 Gun Dealers Retailer Stores too! Not All Gun Dealers don’t Obay the Federal Laws. The State Laws Country Laws, Cities Laws, Township Laws, Town Laws too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? The Bad Gun Dealers Retailers should shut down by the A.T.F Inspections Enforcement Agents too! I Agree!!! Do you agree? Sir?> Or Mam? This is very serios too! There Sales Records Need to Check too! Long Guns, & Hand Guns as well too! We need Stricker Rules on Gun Dealers Don’t Obay the Federal Laws & State Laws to in 50 States too! I Do Agree!! We Need to Revoke their Current F.F, L.s License (01)(02) & Class-3 License, Dealers not Excused too. Is 09) N.F.A License too! An Cut of Their Renaults Applications off for good too! Is Counselled out too! You Are history too! Goodbye!! You Never Get An Gun Dealers License An State License to Sell Firearms & Ammo too Accessories Gun Parts too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam? We Get to get Very Strickled too!!

  526. 1. (01)(02)(09): There is about near count of 50,630 Retailers Stores Fronts Gun Dealers!! Still Numbers are declining a lot each month too. There less Gun Dealers selling Guns too. Rifles & Semiautomatics Pistols too. is (0.66% too! Most popular today too! The Guns Are Less Popular is Shotguns, Revolvers too! is (0.33% Less popular too! They Are Cutting it down by (0.75 %) too! Other (0.25% in production too! Do you Agree?????> Sir???? Or Mam???

  527. 1, There Is 6,608 Pawn Shop S & Gun Dealers Stores Fronts Retailers Is Class-2 Is (02) Only too! Problem To Many Pawn Shops $ Gun Dealers has to many F.F.L.s too! The B.A.T.F.E.A. Needs to cut off! Is 5000 F.F.L.s Class-2 Is (02) Licenses Applications Need to be concealed. Out too! The Remaining count should be: (1608) (02) F.F.L, s in 50 States too. Reason This Will Flow the number. Guns not as many on the wrong Guns in the Wrongs Hands Criminals and Foreign Criminals of other nations too! Do you agree??? Sir??? Or Mam??? Think a minute for second too!!! It make alot of sense too! Most people would agree with it too!

  528. 1 (01) 43,877 + (02)50,485 + (09) 145 = 50,630 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Stores Fronts Gun Stores too!!!

  529. 1. U.S Complaint is all 50 States : The Gun Retailers Store Fronts Dealers are saying They don”t The Pawn Shops Junk Dealers Not to Sell Guns an Ammo too! Accessorizes Of Gun Parts too! Power tools Too! The A.T.F E A. Should take the F.F.L.s License is (02) off the F.F.L.s List too! This will do more harm too! There F.F.L.s License Should be Abolish too! Is the Class-2 Is (02) License too! The Agency should to Li mate this License too. of the The Treasury List too . There Should total count of 6,608 F.F.L.s Licenses to Pawn Shops& Gun Dealers Licenses too!!!P.S 6,608 F.F.L.s Will be Limited too!! Fewer Guns off Streets! Town Streets, Townships Streets , Cities Streets, Country Roads too! too! Retailer Pawn Shops Junk Dealers With F.F.L.s Licenses is (02) Applications should cancelled too! The F.F.l.s License is Class-2 Is (02) For only is It Should Limited too! This does more harm then it helps to Reduce Crimes of Loose Guns By Pawn Shops & Gun Dealers takes of the The F.F.L.s License List too . By the U.S Treasury Beau-re too! Should take it off the F.F.L.s List too! Do you Agree? Sir Or Mam?

  530. 1. The Number of Gun Dealers Store Fronts dropped from 55,000 F.F.L.s to 50,630 F.F.L.s =Store Fronts Gun Stores too!

  531. 1 The Number of F.F.L.s Dealers Dropping Less than of 50,630 Dealers. Per month period of time too! Numbers are decreasing. Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? Biden is cutting them allot! Out of 38 States those Gun Dealers Are Buying Crime Guns From those 12 States Refused to melt those Guns too!!! They are used by Criminals & Foreign Criminals too! Those Gun Dealers Should be put on a Suspicious List By the A, T.F. Should be watch from a distance too! If they are Caught by the A.T.F. E. A. Agents too! They will Revoked there. current F.F.L. Too. Is (01)(02) & (09) too! Renaults Applications are cut off for good too! They will be close down too! Is out of Businesses too! We must put our foot down too. Not to allow this not happen never again too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Man? This must stop now to before it to late to Stopped it too! I agree!!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?

  532. !. A lot of F.F.L.s Dealers Dropped From 50630 down to 49000 Retailers. Gun Dialers too! They still going down each time too! We could lose 7000 F.F.L.s Dealers Stores Fronts too! Could as far as 42,000 F.F. L.s Retailers Gun Stores too! Maby!!! Reason is There will fewer Guns of the Streets too! Towns, Townships, Cities, Counties, States, too. The Number of used Guns are getting scarcest too. They hard fine, throes Guns too! It true!!! Those Shelves getting empty too. do time will tell too!

  533. 1.Thoese 12 States need to watch from a distance too!!! They refused to melt those Crime Guns used by criminals too! Or foreign Criminals of other nations Counties too! If other Gun Dealers sell those Guns on market too! Those Gun dealers will be raided by the A.T.F. Police & special Agents too! Will Revoked current F.F.L.s License too. (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! An State License by those counties’ Sheriffis revoked the State License too! On the A.T.F Raid too! No renewals applications is cut off for good!! You are history too! Non-Citizens or American Citizens too!!! A WARNING TO ENFORCED TOO! do YOU AGREE???> SIR??? or MAM???

  534. 1. Those 12 States Refused to melt those crime Guns to not to be sent to a Steel mill plant to melt those guns too! Those warehouses loaded with crime Guns should: Be melted to send to a steel plant too! The A.T.F Should empty those warehouses immutably as soon as passable too! Some of those warehouses has over 9000 Crime Guns being storied there in a one of those warehouses. It’s it true! They should State empty those’ Warehouses out too! In all those 12 States too! They should not be sent to market too! Not be sent to a Gun Dealers Stores: of retailers. Stores too! (01) Sporting Goods Hunting Fishing & Gun Stores too! Not to be sent to; Pawn Shop Junk& Gun Shops Stores to put money on a illegal Crime Guns; Rifles, Shot Guns & Conceal Weapons Sem pistols, handguns too! If they used in Crime by Criminals too! Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! This is very serios matter too! Nothing to laugh at too! Not a Serios Joke too! Action needs to take now to be it too. To late to stopped it too! If the A.T.F Should do it now! Get moving now. Warehouses need to empty of thousands of Crome Guns to be sent to a Steel mill) Plant does melts steel!!too!!! melt those Guns now! I agree!!! Action need to taken now!!! By the A.T.F too! Do you Agree???? Sir???? Or Mam ????? It up to you if you start the job now!!! I Agree!! Get the ball rolling now!!!

  535. 1. The number of Gun Dealers Retailers Stores dropped to 49,000 Retailers Stores too! They still declining every month period of time too.

  536. !. On October ,1 st to 31 st : the number of Firearms Dealers went down to (56,694) F.F.L.s Store Fronts Retailers left too. They still de clinging too. Each month: we lost few; Gun Dealers ,-Retailers of Class-1 is(01)&2 is(02) too! one retired or going out of business! DSo you agree? Or Sir? Or Mam?

  537. 1. On 01/02/2023 A.D there were about (58,329) F.F.L.,s . Later (08 months later the Date was 10/02/2023 A.D. the number of Gun Dealers decline to (56,694) Retailers Gun Dealers too> They Lost 1,635 Gun Dealers Retired Or go out of Business too! The State Laws are getting to difficult too. The number of Gun Dealers are declining each month period of time too. Do you agree? Sir ? Or Mam?

  538. 1. There is about on 11/30/2023 Date is 34,000! Later on, the number of Gun Dealers will decline to: to 28,000!!! (01)(02) (09) Gun Dealers Licenses only too! In a sharp decline every month too! Do you agree? Sir?> Or Mam? Biden & Harras will more Gunn Dealers Retailers down too! It true!!! Later von will be Less of 28,000 F.F.L.s Dealers too!

  539. 1. on November 3, 2023 the total of F.F.L.s Retailer stores fronts is 64,747 F.F.Ls holders! by Gary ! Do you agree?Sir?or Mam?

  540. 1. The Total of Gun Dealers Retailers is F.F.L.s Holders (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) Licenses. This is mistake. on (64,747) F.F.L.s in correct date too. On Date was (01/02/2020 A.D. The total of Gun Dealers Store Fronts was 52,799. (01) (020 N.F.A (09) Gun Dealers Federal Firearms Licenses only to sell at retailers Gun Sales Licenses only by the B.A.T.F.E.A. Dept of Licenses of the U.S.A Treasury is in charge only too! They set, the Rules. For Federal Laws & State Laws of all 50 States, too! P.S. The Federal Firearms Licenses not for Retailer Gun Dealers Stores Fronts Not to have is class-2 Regulations to is Import & Export Licenses is off Limits is (08) & N.F.A. is (011) too! Agree! The Meg Licenses is Ammo is (06) Regular Gun mgs is (07) Regular Guns too! Agree! The Distractive Gun mfg. is (010) Licenses on Class-2 Regulations too! This enforced. By the B.A.T.F.E.A. License Dept of Licensed by The U. S.A. Treasury Dept is In Charge too! They issued the Applications for those Licenses too. Do you Agree? Sir?m or Mam?

  541. 1. The A.T.F should shut down the 1-800 F.F.L. He is applications for (01)(02) & N.F.A. is (09) too! He is not allowed. Off Limits to not To issued Applications. For Import & Export Licenses (08) & N.F.A. (011) Too. And Mfg. Licenses (06) Ammo (07) Regular Guns & Class-3 Guns (010) too! Is not allow too! By the U.S Treasury Rules apply too! Do You Agree! Sir Or Mam?

  542. 1. The. A.T.F. should shut down not to not issued Applications froms for; Class-1. (01). (02) an N.F.A. (09) too. They should close them down too. reason is they are out of control too. The B.A.T.F.E.A. Agency should shut them down too. They do more harm then good too. They increase the number of ,F.F.L.Retailer Gun. Dealers count on. 01/02/2020 A.D. was ,52,799 F.F.L Dealers. To on 12/07/2023; A.D. The total count increase to Number ofF
    F.L.s is (64 747 Gun Dealers on 113. 2023. A.D. by Gary too. Do you agree. Sir. or Mam. What do you think so far . no

  543. 1. The U.S.A Federal Level is maxium cap limit is: (15,000) F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers (01) (02) Regular Class-01 Dealers. An N.F.A Rules do apply for Dealers Retailers is Class-3 is (09) too. Each 50 States is maximum cap limit. Is 300 F.F.L.s Retailers s Stores, is cap. Limit too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? P.S If Biden & Harras Sigh the new Crime Bill national wide too! An Statewide too. The B. A.T.F.E.A. Agency will enforce those rules too! It will be controlled by the License agency. by the U.S.A Treasury Headquarters Rules too! Agree!!! There will be a lot less Gun Dealers Midsize Stores Big Stores sell Firearms. too! P.S. Only Gun Shop By Trade will sell Long Guns Rifles & Shotguns, Hunting season too. Handguns will be a lot in less production limit by 0.90% Cut off too! They will Allow 0.10% To sell handguns of Semiauto pistols will limit clip to maximum of 10 Rounds too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam? The public would like that too! I agree! Treasure Security will approve of the Bill too! On Vice President Desk & President too! The Congress will vote on to passed too! The U.S Senate will vote on too! get the Federal Law passed too! There will be a lot less Gun Dealers Gun Stores too! the Bulks will be cut down too! There will be less Shooting too! In the Cities, Town ships Towns, too! The Guns will be hard to find Gun Stores too! Agree! Sir Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? This is my U.S. Complaint to keep out U.S.A Citizens safe too! From Criminals An Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! Agree To terms of safety of out U.S.A Citizens too! They come First too! Agree!

  544. 1. The A.T.F should limit Cap the Number of Gun Dealers Stores: 15,000 (Gun Dealers not be added too! 01)(02) N.F.A (09) Is maxium cap limit of Federal Level. The 50 State Level is 300 F.F.L.s Dealers Store Fronts is. Cap limit is 300 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers too! No new ones should add too!

  545. 1. The number of Gun Dealers Retailers Store Fronts is ! 49,642 (01) + 128 (02) + (09) 150 = 56,172 Retailers Gun Stores is Latest count too!

  546. 1. we need to cut about 19,000 F.F.L.S. Dealers still to many in some states too .Do. you agree? inspectors of A.T.F. E.A. Sir?or Mam? Reason is, fewer guns by Roger Gun Dealers 01/02/09. ?? should be done immeadly ! yes! these bad Gun. dealers crooked too.

  547. 1.Complant is: To many N.F.A. Applications is given out to Freely too! I would Question. 1800-123. com too. There is State of Viginia. The count is 18 N.F.A. (09) Class-3 Licenses. too! State of Texas has 10. N.F.A Licenses. Florida has 10. N.F.A (09) Licenses. State Pennsylvania has, 10 CLASS-3 licenses. TOO. there IS 48 TOTAL class 3. (09) .N F.A. Licenses too! Why? How come this many N.F.A (09) Licenses too! They should correct it a big Mistake too! Solution is: The A.T.F.E.A. Needs to Cut off Rentals Applications Off. Starting Viginia State 16 Licenses need to cut off! Next the States needs to cut off 8 F.F.L.s is N.F.A Licenses for Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida, needs to cut it off is the* N.F.A (09) F.F.L.s Class3 Licenses too! Solution is there should two N.F.A. Licenses Retailers is (09) F.F.L.s only for Texas, Pennsylvania, Viginia, Florida too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? This should not ulcer again no more too. I Agree !!!!!!!

  548. 1.note: there will be a lot of F.F.L.S holders ; 01/02/ N.F.A. 09 Gun Dealers Retailers Store fronts smaller or medoum busi ess. Biden an Harris will cut more GunDealers stores if they to many in nest agg too. I Agree! fewer guns of the cities townships towns on 50 states too. Gun Companies. corparions. or I.NC.Companirs of mfgs will movie out of the U.S.A. too. If gun laws get to stricked to do business in the 50 states too. or they will close. up on the U.S..A. to move to.
    foreogn counties too. they will buy there U.S..gun mfg too. @And take it out of the U.S.A.
    too. they will build it there European nation too. they will do too. less gun laws on those nations too. Do you agree. Sir?or Mam ? This is warning too.

  549. 1. Report is: the number of Gun Dealers. The. Store. count before 56,172 . The number Of F.F.L.s decline to ( 34,888) Store fronts Retailers 01,02 regulars. The N.F.A. Dealers. is (09).a lot had decline in numbers is went down too. I say is 1/3 put out of business is To many Full. automatic Gun Dealers rentals applications is cut off by the A.T.F. office by the U.S.A Treasury dept.

  550. 1 The U.SA. lost about 21,824 F.F.L.s Retailers. (01/02/N.F
    .A. (09/ too. out of business too
    reason is stricter Gun regulations by selling Firearms is getting difficult too. To buy a long gun or handgun is do paper work too.You have to wait 10 business days too. No weekend no holidays too. This is better start check on your round too. when you purchase a Rifle shotgun . revolver or semiauto postal handgun with 10 round clips too. some one clip or
    two clips too.Do you agree! Sir? or Mam?

  551. 1. The Number off Retailers is 34,888 Store Fronts Gun Stores (01)(02) Regulars, & N.F.A. 09), too. There is 55,992 is Last Month too! It was December. This month now January 19, 2024, The Number of F.F.L.s 38,888 F.F.L.s Retailers Dealers Store Fronts Gun Sellers too!

  552. ! We Lost About 17,104 Retailers Store Fronts Businesses too. (01)(02) Regulars. An N.F.A. (09) too!

  553. 1. The Number of Gun dealers i most current count on 01/01/2024 A.D is latest count (34,888) too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) too. There numbers are dropping each month too!

  554. The number of Retailers Store Fronts dropped. From 55,000 to lower count of 50,630 too. From 01/01 /2020 A.D 52,000 to 01/01/2024 A.D 01/1/22/2024 by the new Year too! It took them drop too Later they dropped way down to (34,888) Retainers. Stores Fronts> They are still Dropping. each month too.

  555. !. Note: The number Of Retailers Store Fronts, (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) before 34,888 F.F.L.s was old record too. They decline, way down, to (25,000. F.F.L.s Retailers Stores Dealers in all Fifty. States.) In all the States Do have Gun Dealers Retailers Gun Stores too! By each month their numbers are declining too

  556. 1. The Total of Retailers Store Fronts Gun Dealers (01)(02) Regulars. An N.F.A Retailers Gun Dealers (09) is 150. The Regular Gun Dealers is (29,167) F.F.L.s Holder’s too! Is Latest Report too!

  557. 1. There Is (01) & (02) F.F.L.s Retailers Store Fronts regular Gun Dealers in 50 States is Regular ones is the count is ( 29,017) Gun Dealers Stores Fronts too. Is total count too!! Not including Not the Count of 150 N.F.A Gun Dealers too! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam? Thank you !!!

  558. 1. The Number of F.F.Ls (01)(02) regulars Dealers N.F.A. Dealers(09) decline to (34,000) too!! Later they decline to, 28,000 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers A.F.F. will cut down number of F.F,L.s way down too!! A good Solution is A.T.F will put a cap on the number of F.F.L.s First Government Level is U.S.A. 5000 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts :a enforced U.S.A( number Cap) on the number of Gun Dealers retailers Stores too! Agree! First!! Second the each State will be limit up to 100 F.F.L.s Retailers Gun dealers State number cap on it too! Do you agree??? Sir???? Or Mam ????

  559. !. There Will Be A Cap on the Number of F.F.L.,s Dealers Retailers Stores too . not to add on extra Gun Dealers number number cap is limit too!! On U.S.A. Level Or States Level of all 50 States too!

  560. 1. The Maximum U.S.A Government Enforcement Cap by the A.T.F. Police Unit The inspectors Agents of B.A.T.F.E.A., Agency office Will enforce it!!! The Government Cap will be 10,000. of 50 States in all to; (01)(02) Regulars Dealers Retailers. The N.F.A Dealers (09) Class-3 Retailers will be reduced by 0.75% Licenses will be cut off too. Renaults is cut off too! is (09) Applications is cancelled off too! 2. The State Government’s will have limited count of maximum cap. Is no more than 200 F.F.L.s A Cap on it for Licenses. By the inspection of the inspections will be informed Dept of F.F.L.s License Dept Headquarters Director if there is more beyond the Cap limit per 50 States in all is maximum cap limit by enforced by the A.T.F. E. A. Headquarters Head director the report too! If there Less the 200 F.F.L.s They might put a new Gun Dealers Retailer Store unit too! The U.S A Level is the same way too! If there Less, then 10,000 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers Stores too! They will Fill It in to Quata Number up tp 10,000 is maximum cap limit too! Do you agree??????? Sir??????? Or Mam??????

  561. 1. The Finial solution is U.S.A. Government: The Federal Cap limits 5000 F.F.L.s Licenses (01)(02)(09) Retailers Gun Dealers Store Fronts Businesses is Cap limit too! The State Government is 50 States too! (01)(02) N.F.A. (09) Licensees the Maximum Limit is up to 100 F.F.L.s Dealers Retailers per each of 50 States too! Do not Add beyond the maximum cap limits is Enforced by A.T.F. Inspectors rules in al 50 States in all too! They will be notified the A.T.F Police Force to if there over the cap limit for each of 50 States too! They will counsel the Gun Dealers Rentals Applications will be halted and scrapped too! Do you agree??? Sir?? Or Mam??? They are new rules by the A.T.F Too!! They are Structed too! Agreement to be enforced too!

  562. 1.There is total of Retailers Gun Stores Fronts Gun Dealers Still official . An there is ( 01) 49,642 + (02) 6380 + (09) 150 = 56,172 Still Official yet: nothing Change too! The latest record too! Last year on December 2023 A.D.!!

  563. !. The total of Gun Dealers is (56,172 F.F. L s ) on new year eve is official 01/01 /2024 A.D.

  564. !. We don’t have. 64,747 Gun Dealers Retailers stores too. We lost 8,575 Gun Dealers Stores went out of Businesses too! (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! F.F.L.s Licenses only too.

  565. 1. There is about before it was (38,888) F.F.L.s (01) (02) Before too. It just declines to 25,000 (01)(02) now> Theyb are declining each month too!

  566. The Number of Gun Dealers Store before was 34,788 too. Now there ls less then 25,000 too They are declining too.!

  567. 1. Regular Gun Dealers Retailers is (01). There is Pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) is Subtracted is 7800 too. The overall count is (55,000) Retailers Store Fronts total too!!! Date is correct count too! 03/5/2024 A.D.

  568. !. Regular Sellers is Retailers Dealers (01) is 42,200. + The Pawn Shop Gun Dealers (02) is 7800 . = 50,000 F.F.L.s total in 50 State too.

  569. 1. Out of 50,000 Retailers in out of 38 regular States Are buying Crime Guns from 12 States refused to melt those Crime Guns is Bad State Law is earning Blood Money from those 12 States Selling them on Market to Crooked Gun Dealers Retailers are: buoying those Guns are Used by Fallon Criminals & Foreign Criminals of other Counties too . It Facts is There too! The A.T.F Should monitor these Calls too . If they Get Caught Selling those Crime Guns to Law abiding U.S.A Citizens by bad dishonest Gun Retailers Dealers (01) (02) & N.F.A (09) Dealers too! The A.T.F will revoked there Current Federal Firearms Licenses too! And Cut off there Renewals Applications too. Be cancelled them out too! Your History too. They will confiscated All your Guns in there Store too! An Ammo too is Removed too! Your are close down for d=good too! Of a A.T.F. Raid too! I agree! They do it more often too! I do Agree! Do you Agree?? Sir? or Mam? Selling Crane Guns is Violation of Federal Law too! You will be close down for good too. As you will have Criminal Record in Federal U.S. Circuit Count is federal level too! Agree!!! Do you Agree? Or Mam?? Or Sir?? This is hard lesson too if you break Federal Laws is Not to Sell Crime Guns in Gun Store too> Which is Illegal too! Plus those 12 States will be observed by the A.T.F. Too! There will br Arrests as well too! By Federal Agents too! The A.T./F Police Will be on the raids too! They will close those GFun Dealers retailers down an out of Business too! I do agree! The A.T./F take action Now If to late to Stop it t00!!! Spreading to other States too! Stop it Now !!!

  570. 2. There could be about near count of (01)(02) F.F.L.s, of 30,000 Retailer Store Fronts Gun Sellers too! Maybe!

  571. There is number of Gun Dealers decline too. They dropped to (21,789) (01)(020 (09) F.F.Ls too!

  572. 1. A Remain count of F.F.L. Gun Dealers Count is way lower count. Is (2,167) Retailers Gun Dealers Sellers Stores in 50 States. in all too. Reason is strickled Gun Laws Not all Gunn Dealers obey Federal laws. & State Laws! This reason is they closed them down too! By Revoked Current F.F.L.s (01)(02) & N.F.A (09) too Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? They Cut off Renaults Applications is Stopped too! An into garbage pail too! Gun Dealers Licenses to apply for too! To Procuresses it to is very hard to too!

  573. !. On the Year date 03/25/2024 A.D. Not all Gun Dealers Retailers do not obey: , Federal. U.S Laws: And State Laws too! out of 2,167 F.F.L.s in 50 States too! On 0.05) % Will sell Crime Guns from those 12 States to; that REFUSED TO MELT THOSE guns USED CRIME SEANS TO BY U.S.A criminals & foreign. Criminals’ com illegally threw Mexico. Came to Mexico & U.S Border too! Wake U.S.A Citizens in 50 States too! Warning is invading. the U.S.A to take over the U.S.A too! This could be turning into Red Dawn War of other Nations. Attacked the U.S.A Citizens are living in there States too! To take it over by the United Nations Security Councial Orders To Take over Washington. D.C too! The U, S. Leage of Nations too! Do you Agree? Sir? Or Mam? That means good by U.S.A. is gone too! This is Warning to the U.S Citizens in the 50 States too! Wake up sell the Coffie!!!! The U.S Citizen will be put in Prison Camps too! Like Nasty Germany in war world 2 !!! !! too! those With Prision Guards i Guard Towers too! Every conner of camp Too! This is warning to American Citizens living in 50 States in the U.S.A Will be taken by Illegal Ingerman’s try to overthrow the current government. is TOO. ARE history BOOKS OF THE PAST TOO!!! iT TRUE!!!

  574. To cut down! 1. There is to many Class-3 Retailers Dealers Stores too! There is150 Stores too! Solution is: To cut down about. 75 F.F.L.s Licenses off too! An no renal Applications or not to be issued too! Type (09) with tax stamp at right top conner too. Only too. Do you. Agree? Sir? or Mam? Those weapons are made for war only too! The F.F.L.s Licenses is (09) With Tax Stamp Is Class-3 only Gun Dealers with Law enforcement. Sales only too! I agree!! Do you agree? Sir? or Mam?

  575. !. There is about near count of 44,000 Retailer Gun Dealers Is (01)Stores Fronts. (02) is 0.66666.66 Pawn Shop & gun dealers (02) too!

  576. !. There is about near count of: (01)(02) Retailers Stores Gun Dealers count is 25,315. too. Alot went out of Business. Not Many Guns Dealers don’t Obay Federal Firearms Licenses Laws $ State Laws, And Country Laws Too! Some Town Townships Pew furred. Sheriffs Dept of Country too! Take over it too! I agree!! Town Police & Townships Police is waste of Money too! They should do away with Them too! We don’t at all too! Do you agree? Sir Or Mam?

  577. 1. There is About Certain number of Retailers Stores do have warning Letters. Of Buying Crine guns from those 12 States too. Those Retailers are selling crime Guns too! Selling guns out to 38 States. Those Pawn Shops are buying Crime Guns too! Retailers Stores too. 12 States refused to melt those guns in steel mill too! There is 55,300 Retailers too! (01(02) N.F. A. (09) Dealers too! They May be selling them too! The Pawn Shops & Junk Dealers F.F.L.s Maybe selling them too! This needs to be checked out too. by, A.T.F investigators too! Those Crime Guns should not be on market in a Gun Stores, Sporting Hunting, Camping Fishing Gun Stores too! Pawn Shop & Junk & Gun Stores too! They not excused too! I am talking pawn shops & Gun Stores too! (02) F.F.L.s & State License from country Sheriff’s Dept of State License office of the country they live in too! office how issued the License. If they are caught sell those Crime Guns Used by Criminals or Foreign Criminals of other Counties too! Solution is: Cut of renewals Applications off on F.F.L.s (01)(02) N.F.A (09) too! Closed them down too! Out of Business too! Do you agree? Sir? Or Mam? Let”s Put foot down now too! I agree! If they have Warning Letters too from the A.T.F E.A. License Dept Firearms Office too! I agree.!

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