FILE - In this Jan. 9, 2020, file photo, former Secretary of State John Kerry speaks at a campaign stop to support Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden at the Biden for President Fort Dodge Office in Fort Dodge, Iowa. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)
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The tragic thing is that the once-defeated presidential candidate is backing Biden, who said from the debate stage the firearms industry was “the enemy.” Kerry’s throwing his support behind the guy who would ban modern sporting rifles, and who proposes taxpayer-funded buybacks to gather them up, thinks a federal gun rationing plan is appropriate, and wants to mandate technically impossible DNA-matched “smart guns.”

All of this, and Kerry’s AR-16 proclamation, make about as much sense as Biden infamously advising a woman during an online forum to “get a double-barrel shotgun” and, like he told his wife, just to “fire two blasts” of a shotgun if she felt threatened.

Think of how dangerous these anti-gun politicians would be if they actually knew what they were talking about.

– Mark Oliva in John Kerry’s Ignorant Gun-Control Rhetoric Is More Dangerous Than Guns

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    • Knowledge is dangerous and to them being knowledgeable on firearms might imply association or dispel the myths of guns and gun owners.

      Ignorance is strength.
      Freedom is slavery.
      War is peace.

    • You gun owners commenting on the subject of gun control and gun confiscation really don’t get it. Do you? The whole educational system, the mass media and the whole entertainment industry is against you. Our youth and the naïve are bombarded daily with liberal ideas that will destroy all of our freedoms if we don’t wake up. All of your talk is just preaching to the choir. It is time to get politically involved and vote these crazy liberal democrats and spineless republicans out of office. We need to revamp the educational system, spend our entertainment dollars more wisely and stop buying newspapers and watching news media that are trying to corrupt our American way of life. Talk is cheap. It’s time for action.



            OK, we the pro-2A deplorables have been doing that, and losing (a few court cases are not a wave of victory). Spreading the word pits us against the MSM, and their military arm, the Democrat Party. Notwithstanding the Electoral College, Trump (and us) lost the popular vote in 2016. Close, but no cigar. We should be shaken by that, and by the 2018 mid-term elections. The country is just about evenly divided, but tilted against us. And note, despite all the pro-gun agitation on blogs and forums, there are precious few elected officials who stand up and say, “not one inch more; this we will defend”.

            • We have a monumental task before us. There are so many democratic voters because the deck is heavily stacked against us. The democrats have the mass media, the entertainment industry and the whole educational system spouting their party line. People don’t take the time to find out what’s really going on in this country. They just accept what they see on television, are taught in school of listen to those crazy liberal entertainers. It’s up to us to get through this smoke screen any way we can.

              • Actually, voting is more complex, but simple. There are relatively few single issue voters. That is, voters who will either not vote, or cast a rebellious vote for the opposition if a candidate does not support a specific policy. In truth, even for staunch 2A supporters, there are issues more important than owning a gun.

                Think of it as every candidate representing a group of single issue voters. If those voters are assured their pet interest is served, they do not care about any of the other “single issues”, even those which may remove something the also like, but not as much as their pet interest. People will look at the whole picture, and vote for the candidate promising to bring about the most things on the voter’s list of priorities. For instance….

                Supreme Court members.

                Would you vote for a candidate squishy on 2A, but hard over on originalist SC justices? Would you vote for a candidate hard over on 2A, but sympathetic to socially liberal justices?

                Simple and complex.

              • I understand that there is no such thing as the perfect candidate. There are no guarantees in life. We do know however that a conservative is going to see things in much more sensible way than a liberal. Conservative Democrat is an oxymoron. But, Liberal Republican is always a possibility. I guess we will have to vote Republican and take our chances. What bothers me the most about politicians is that they want the job way, way too much. This tells me that being elected to office is nothing but a stepping stone to wealth and power for far too man of them. President Trump is kicking over their apple cart and that is why he is being sabotaged by members of both parties. The Democrats are attacking him right to his face and the Republicans are stabbing him in the back every chance they get. We’ve just got to find more candidates like President Trump, that’s all.

              • “What bothers me the most about politicians is that they want the job way, way too much.”

                Anyone wanting to be a politician should be viewed with harsh skepticism; wanting to be a politician is prima facie evidence that person should not be elected.

              • I totally agree. Maybe we could get a grass roots movement going to draft our candidates and raise funds for them. I can see their campaign slogan now. I AM NOT A POLITICIAN. A VOTE FOR ME IS A VOTE FOR YOU.


                Great campaign theme/poster.

                Interesting there has been so little analysis of why the Tea Party phenom sorta fizzled. Probably some good information there.

            • To win people over to our side we can’t afford to be a one issue proponent. We have to inform people about the dangers of open borders, which party is going to bring our jobs back from overseas, why climate change is still an unproven issue and how dangerous it is to wreck our economy to save the world. The Democrats no longer support the working man or woman. They care more about illegal aliens, homosexuals, free loaders and a litany of things that are just not good for these United States. It is getting to be the time to either put up or shut up.

              • Which issues on your list would you trade for unrelenting 2A support? What percentage of success on your list would you trade for zero support of 2A?

              • To protect the 2nd amendment we need to get the word out as to why it is needed. But, how do we do that when we have the mass media, the entertainment industry, the educational system and all of those liberal politicians bombarding the population with their sob stories and other forms of propaganda? The first thing we have to do is convince everybody we know about the corruption in these institutions. Take newspapers for example. It is easy to show our friends and family how adjectives are put in news articles where they don’t belong. This insidious use of adjectives to influence our thinking on serious matters must be exposed. Most people don’t even have a clue as to how much their thinking is being manipulated. We are the guardians of freedom and it is our responsibility to point these things out. Fight the good fight.

              • “We are the guardians of freedom and it is our responsibility to point these things out. Fight the good fight.”

                Isn’t it ironic that the politicians who should be most accepting of our ideas of the corruption of the culture do not see it so? You can probably name the five or six national politicians who see the crisis so obvious to us.

                And then, as in Virginia, masses of opposition voters present at the state capitol building are ignored by the radical leftists in the legislature and governor mansion.

              • I know that we have huge up hill battle before us. We kind of got into this battle half-heartedly. We never dreamed that things would go side ways this fast. We have to take on the mass media, the entertainment industry and all entities that are trying to take away our basic freedoms. I know boycott is a dirty word, but if that’s what it takes then so be it. Money and profit is the bottom line with these people. We have to find ways to hurt them financially. Hit them where it hurts. I live in a one newspaper liberal city. Our liberal voters in this city have a huge effect on our state-wide elections. We have a Republican State Assembly and State Senate, but a Democrat Governor. I have cancelled my newspaper subscription and I see signs that the newspaper is starting to struggle financially. Everyone I know has also cancelled their subscriptions. We’ll see how long their liberal biases can continue. They have to change or go under. They are losing readership for a variety of reasons because newspapers are becoming obsolete.

  1. Steven Crowder said it best, “The gun debate in this country is taking place between two camps: gun owners and the uninformed.” Of course, the uninformed are being led by equally clueless politicians.

    • Bu, bu, but,…. Kerry, and Gabard, and Bootyjudge are combat veterans and they say that weapons of war have no place on our streets!! They know how dangerous AR16’s and long clips are because military, and service, and Iraq, and Vietnam, and pretty uniforms, and shiny medals!! General says full semi auto bad!!! /sarc/

    • And the oils are, by far, the least informed of all. Just witness Nazi Pignosi and Senator Dianne “AR Stands for Assault Rifle” Swinestein for starters. Anyone who blindly follows themnd their I’ll shall surely reap what they sow. The problem is that the oils feel entitled to exemption from the very laws they are attempting to ramrod down our throats.

    • The revolver guys are going to be pissed.

      Semiauto pistols and rifles typically hold only one round at a time. The magazine is a totally separate question, of course, but let’s focus on the guns themselves, shall we?

    • Ok, give cops only 3 bullets, if they can’t stop the bad guy with 3 bullets, my gosh, then god wants that criminal to live.

      Even stop to think why we have people like this in power now but back in the day we somehow wrote the constitution? Perhaps the immense wealth and luxury has created people who haven’t had to suffer through problems that they are trying to make laws on. “I’ve never been raped, held at gunpoint, robbed, had a family member shot in front of me, etc…” but let me tell you what you should do if it happens…..

      Bloomberg might as well have said, if a guy breaks into your house, pee on yourself, he’ll be disgusted and leave.

      • Miami PD seems to think it takes over 200 rounds. That’s a lot of reloading with a three shot weapon…

    • From the rate at which Bloomberg keeps running his mouth spewing utter absurdities and blatant lies based solely upon HIS gut feeling and what HE thinks people want to hear is going to hasten only one thing…his own demise,. Which cannot be soon enough IMHO.

  2. Expert politicians know how to get elected, and reelected. Creating good policy and law requires knowledge of the topic being addressed. Holding office gives no official appropriate insight to regulate any specific material or behavior. Subjective study of the topic and related facts, not feelings, can allow for an informed decision. I would welcome the chance to educate any gun grabber that will listen… but they tend not to listen.

    • Elections are popularity contests, and the popular people tell people what they want to hear. It’s actually terrifying how ignorant most politicians are.

      Listen in on some of your local or state commission / congressional debates when it’s a topic you know something about. They run off pure emotion and prejudice. Most don’t even bother researching the subject beforehand. It’s really shameful when you look at the budget our U.S. reps and senators have to hire people to do the research for them. Nope, they spend it on whatever will help them politically.

  3. The anti gun people are not nearly as stupid as they seam to be. They just want you to think they are dumb as a box of rocks so that the POTG will put then on ignore as they work at disarming “The People” without us seeing what they are doing

    • This is a true statement when referring to how the Left has operated in CA over the past twenty years. Boiling the frog slowly. We now have many LEOs who have grown up in this environment and are not accustomed to seeing anyone outside of a shooting range with a gun, so much so that the mere sight of a gun on a hip raises the hair on the backs of their necks.

  4. These guys don’t need to know about guns. Their security teams have guns. Just like other elites, they think they’ll be protected when anything bad happens, because they’re special. (They fly private jets and tell you to take a bike to work.) I remember the L.A. riots. All those antigun Hollywood types suddenly realized the cops weren’t there for them.

    • The cops weren’t there for us, either. Armed (and armored) LEOs literally went door-to-door in nearby wealthier neighborhoods to temporarily confiscate guns from residents, to avoid shootouts if the violence spread. I saw the news video myself. Want to know how the cops knew which homes to go to?…gun registration records.

      Just like Katrina a dozen years later, the L.A. Riots were a stark example of “registration leads to confiscation”.

      Never, never, never register all your guns. Always keep some off the grid.

      • There is no statutes of limitations for treason.

        Donald Trump could get a lot of goodwill if he ordered the United States Army to apprehend these LEO’s to stand trial for treason before an appropriate tribunal.

        Make no mistake. Forcibly disarming those facing imminent attack by the enemy is providing aid and comfort to the enemy, which is defined by the United States Constitution, the highest law in the land, as treason.

    • Perhaps we should stop calling their protectors guards, security teams, or bodyguards. Call them what they are, mercenaries, or future Praetorians if we aren’t careful.

    • I’d say John knows his way around a firearm, he was more concerned about killing America’s enemies then the exact terminology.

      You chairborne commandos can worry about the exact nomenclature, real men are out doing the wet work that chicken hawks like trump and Cheney avoided with their five draft deferments.

      Silver Star CITATION

      “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Officer in Charge of United States Navy Patrol Craft Fast 94 and officer in Tactical Command of an operation in the Republic of Vietnam. On 28 February 1969, Patrol Craft Fast 23, 43 and 94, in conjunction with Underwater Demolition Team 13 and Vietnamese Regional and Popular Forces personnel, conducted an operation on the Ca Mau Peninsula as part of Operation SEA LORDS. While transiting the Bay Hap River en route to an insertion point along the Dong Cung River, these craft with thirty Regional/Popular Force personnel embarked in each unit came under heavy enemy small arms fire from the river banks. The Officer in Tactical Command, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY directed his units to turn to the beach and charge the Viet Cong positions. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY expertly directed the fire of his craft at the fleeing enemy while simultaneously coordinating the insertion of the embarked troops. While the Regional and Popular Forces conducted an area sweep, Patrol Craft Fast 43 remained on station to provide fire support and Patrol Craft Fast 23 and 94 moved upstream to investigate an area from which gunshots were coming. Arriving at the area, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY’s craft received a B-40 rocket close aboard. Once again Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY ordered his units to charge the enemy positions and summoned Patrol Craft Fast 43 to the area to provide additional firepower. Patrol Craft Fast 94 then beached in the center of the enemy positions and an enemy soldier sprang up from his position not ten feet from Patrol Craft Fast 94 and fled. Without hesitation Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hootch and killed him, capturing a B-40 rocket launcher with a round in the chamber. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY then led an assault party and conducted a sweep of the area while the Patrol Craft Fast continued to provide fire support. After the enemy had been completely routed, all personnel returned to the Patrol Craft Fast to withdraw from the area. While backing off the beach, these units again came under a hail of fire, this time from the opposite river bank. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY immediately coordinated the firepower of his units and suppressed the enemy fire. Later, after disembarking personnel, and while exiting from the Bay Hap River, the Patrol Craft Fast were again under fire. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY immediately maneuvered his craft through several strafing runs which completely silenced the enemy. As a result of this operation, ten Viet Cong were killed and one wounded with no friendly casualties. In addition, numerous sampans, structures and bunkers were destroyed as well as confiscation of substantial quantities of combat essential supplies. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY’s devotion to duty, courage under fire, outstanding leadership, and exemplary professionalism directly contributed to the success of this operation and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Unites States Naval Service.”

        • So you think the 10 VC KIA is bullshit?

          I think you sound like an REMF, please share with the group how many of America’s enemies you have killed in combat.

        • Here are some facts for you:
          – I make no claims to military experience; don’t have any, never wanted any. I’m just a guy who can recognize bullshit when I see it, and you’re full of it.
          – The government routinely lies to all of us about most of what it’s up to, and that certainly can extend to medals and commendations.
          – Arguing over how many third-world peasants a politician who looks like Herman Goddam Munster may or may not have killed in a war 50 years ago is pointless and stupid.
          – Anyone who unironically uses the term “wet work” in a conversation is a tool.

          Thank you for your time, and enjoy your day.

        • Ingrid, thanks for your reply!

          I didn’t bring up John Kerry, did you read the article?

          In your reply, you made clear the depth of your intellectual resources:

          “politician who looks like Herman Goddam Munster ”

          When you’re ready to deal in facts, adequately sourced by qualified individuals, then reasonable people will take you seriously.

          John Kerry saw the elephant and shot the shit out of it, and the men who were there back him up.

          It’s unfortunate that you don’t agree with his perspective, but that doesn’t mean that we should disrespect his honorable service to our country.

          And did you have an opportunity to research that Lieutenant Calley I mentioned?

        • The article mentioned John Kerry because he said something stupid. You followed it up with something both stupid and irrelevant — and then went copypasta all over this comment thread with it.

          Another fact for you: Anyone who ascribes the term “serious people” to himself is a tool.

          Also, only an idiot would deny that John Kerry looks exactly like Herman Munster. I was serious about that, and if you really were “serious people,” you’d be serious about that, too.

        • Ingrid, I didn’t use the term “serious people”.

          I said reasonable people, here’s the quote from my post: “then reasonable people will take you seriously.”

          To add to that I would say, improve your reading comprehension and reasonable people will take you seriously.

      • Funny how you say that Viet Nam was a war of rape, murder and plunder. But Kerry gets a pass in your eyes. All of us Viet Nam vets must be tops in your eyes. Right?

        • The Vietnam war was wrong, just more colonial expansion by the French and the United States.

          But American patriots who answered their country’s call and fought in an unpopular war deserve our respect and appreciation.

          Yes, they were American soldiers who did rape and murder innocent Vietnamese civilians, you might recall a certain Lieutenant Calley.

          But the vast majority of Americans did their best in tough situations and deserve nothing but honor. And that includes lieutenant jg John Kerry

        • Strategically, Vietnam was a sideshow and an opportunity to test theories and concepts. The main area of interest at the time was Europe, with the Cold War thing going on.

        • Miner, I agree in a way because when Vietnam broke out we didn’t really have access to information the way that we do now. There’s definitely such thing as good people who get swallowed up by disingenuous movements. That excuse becomes more or less narrow based on the time and control of media.

          But John Kerry is a POS, and his political actions have proven that. There are some people who you can even tell can’t be trusted just by the way they look. He is one of them.

      • You forgot to mention that he got one medal for dropping a handgrenade and got hit by the shrapnel from it, Also he wrote himself up for most of the others

        • Hilarious, do you think service members can write themselves up for medals? I guess you never served or have any familiarity with the military structure.

          Do you also think that Donald Trump wrote himself up for the bowling trophy he received during his non-service in Vietnam, thanks to his five draft deferments?

          • “…do you think service members can write themselves up for medals?”

            Yes they can; did it for a number of years. In activities where several people in a unit (including me) were being recommended for an award, I wrote all the recommendations and proposed citations. THEN….those papers were submitted through the chain for approval/disapproval. The senior officer responsible for the people being recommended signed the awarding package submitted to the actual approving authority. What I could not do was write-up any award and also approve it for issue.

        • I wonder if you have the personal testicular fortitude to tell Jim Rassmann to his face that his story of John Carrie heroism is bullshit, I’d be interested in that.

          But, by all means, continue your worship of cadet bone spurs, draft dodger extraordinaire.

          Jim Rassmann, in the WSJ (Aug.10, 2004):

          ”I came to know Lt. John Kerry during the spring of 1969. He and his swift boat crew assisted in inserting our Special Forces team and our Chinese Nung soldiers into operational sites in the Cau Mau Peninsula of South Vietnam. I worked with him on many operations and saw firsthand his leadership, courage and decision-making ability under fire.

          On March 13, 1969, John Kerry’s courage and leadership saved my life.

          While returning from a SEA LORDS operation along the Bay Hap River, a mine detonated under another swift boat. Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river, and a second explosion followed moments later. The second blast blew me off John’s swift boat, PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

          When I surfaced, all the swift boats had left, and I was alone taking fire from both banks. To avoid the incoming fire, I repeatedly swam under water as long as I could hold my breath, attempting to make it to the north bank of the river. I thought I would die right there. The odds were against me avoiding the incoming fire and, even if I made it out of the river, I thought I’d be captured and executed. Kerry must have seen me in the water and directed his driver, Del Sandusky, to turn the boat around. Kerry’s boat ran up to me in the water, bow on, and I was able to climb up a cargo net to the lip of the deck. But, because I was nearly upside down, I couldn’t make it over the edge of the deck. This left me hanging out in the open, a perfect target. John, already wounded by the explosion that threw me off his boat, came out onto the bow, exposing himself to the fire directed at us from the jungle, and pulled me aboard.

          For his actions that day, I recommended John for the Silver Star, our country’s third highest award for bravery under fire. I learned only this past January that the Navy awarded John the Bronze Star with Combat V for his valor. The citation for this award, signed by the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Vietnam, Vice Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, read, “Lieutenant (junior grade) Kerry’s calmness, professionalism and great personal courage under fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” To this day I am grateful to John Kerry for saving my life. And to this day I still believe that he deserved the Silver Star for his courage…. “

          • WHY DIDN’T THIS ALL COME OUT WHEN HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT? I remember him being ridiculed about the Purple Heart he was awarded. I remember swift boat veterans coming forward to claim that Perry was a fraud and that his Purple Heart was received under highly suspicious circumstances. WHERE WERE YOU THEN? Or is this as we used to say in the military: BULLSHIT!

        • Hey Charlie (very appropriate handle, kiss my ass Victor Charles)

          Here’s the testimony of the man who actually did write up the Silverstar citation:

          When Kerry returned to his base, his commanding officer, George Elliott, raised an issue with Kerry: the fine line between whether the action merited a medal or a court-martial.
          “When [Kerry] came back from the well-publicized action where he beached his boat in middle of ambush and chased a VC around a hootch and ended his life, when [Kerry] came back and I heard his debrief, I said, ‘John, I don’t know whether you should be court-martialed or given a medal, court-martialed for leaving your ship, your post,’” Elliott recalled in an interview.

          “But I ended up writing it up for a Silver Star, which is well deserved, and I have no regrets or second thoughts at all about that,” Elliott said. A Silver Star, which the Navy said is its fifth-highest medal, commends distinctive gallantry in action.

          Asked why he had raised the issue of a court-martial, Elliott said he did so “half tongue-in-cheek, because there was never any question I wanted him to realize I didn’t want him to leave his boat unattended. That was in context of big-ship Navy — my background. A C.O. [commanding officer] never leaves his ship in battle or anything else. I realize this, first of all, it was pretty courageous to turn into an ambush even though you usually find no more than two or three people there. On the other hand, on an operation some time later, down on the very tip of the peninsula, we had lost one boat and several men in a big operation, and they were hit by a lot more than two or three people.”

          Elliott stressed that he never questioned Kerry’s decision to kill the Viet Cong, and he appeared in Boston at Kerry’s side during the 1996 Senate race to back up that aspect of Kerry’s action.

        • This did all come out during the election in 2004. You were just too busy watching Fox news which did not air any of the facts or feature any of John’s fellow warriors.

          If you want to know about John’s military service, just Google John Kerry’s military service, it’s a simple as that.

          Unless you’re more comfortable not letting the facts interfere with your opinion.

        • I remember what happened states side back then. John Kerry came back from Nam and went before congress and stabbed his fellow GI’s in the back. Calling them baby killers and all kinds of war crimes. He was nothing but a political animal trying to make a name for himself.

      • Yo Dawg, you’re kind of late to the game. It’s not 2004 anymore and Kerry’s not running for President. I’ve never seen someone shill so hard for this Botox Buster… and especially since he’s not running for any kind of office!

        To wit, I don’t really care about his past heroics if he is actively trying to take away fundamental human rights. Likewise, considering that he is a Vietnam vet, you’d think he’d be A LITTLE familiar with small arms even if he can’t get the nomenclature right, however it appears he isn’t even familiar with that. Maybe Jerome Corsi was right after all this time and Kerry is a fraud.

        • Please remind me again of your friend Jerome Corsi’s service, did he serve in Southeast Asia or the Middle East?

          Or is he another full of shit chicken hawk, spewing hot air into his microphone as he profits from all the Wanabee operators sitting in front of their game consoles?

        • IIRC, Kerry was actually slightly wounded once, then scratched twice, and after 3 Purple Hearts (one deserved) was given the traditional option to DEROS and took it, after being incountry for around 6 weeks. His goal had been a career in politics and that was all he needed. He did not show me anything then, and he doesn’t now.

          I knew a guy who flew an OV-10 who had four missions in VN, 4 takeoffs and 2 landings, shot down twice, which was normally a ticket home. Unfortunately for him, he was an O-5, so he was shipped to Saigon to spend the next 11 1/2 months behind a desk. But his instructor on those 4 flights had been incountry for6 months and was a 1/Lt, and went home to mama.

    • I am old enough to rememb er the riots.

      That was when I was convinced civil authority was dysfunctional, and could not keep us safe.

      What should have been done was the dissolution of civil authority in Los Angeles, replaced by martial law.

      Think of that movie The Siege. All of Los Angeles should have been put under The Siege.

  5. Well, the Pro-Choice people don’t think those without a uterus should have any say in reproductive rights or the abortion debate, I think we should say fine. We can play by those rules. To have an opinion on firearms you have to own and occasionally actually use one.

    • That’s hilarious and a great point. They never want to really debate because their ideas don’t hold up to scrutiny. That’s why they have to employ special rules and senseless chants designed to shut you up.

      Chant with me now
      “my body my choice”
      “believe all women”
      “diversity is our strength”

      • And they also think that it isn’t the father’s business. It doesn’t make much sense coming from the party of equal rights, does it? Funny how it’s the father’s business all of a sudden when they want child support money.

        • Giving the father (as proven by DNA, and standing ready to pay child support, proposing marriage, etc.) a voice is a reasonable consideration, now that DNA evidence exists. SCOTUS did not allow it, but it wouldn’t be completely goofy to bring it up again given the new technology. Think you can find someone who wishes to be the test case? Because I doubt it.

    • Actually, that’s not “pro-choice people” you are paraphrasing, it is the Supreme Court, who added that in order to have a voice in any particular abortion (or not) you had to not only have a uterus, it had to be the precise uterus for which an abortion was being considered. Everyone else could hush. Now, if you could explain what is wrong with that logic, particularly how the flaming hell it could be any of YOUR business, I’d be happy to listen.

  6. First of all a person or person’s who ķnows nothing about a subject or object should not have any right to say or have a opinion on the matter, ( example ) letting a two year old go walking though a burning building to defuse a bomb, even if the child makes it to the bomb it knows nothing about how to defuse a bomb, sad as it is, you know what happens next. Always keep in mind it’s the person not the object, who sent the child in not the bomb, who knew the child had no experience in that field of work.

    • John Kerry and his men had a body count of 10 VC KIA, how’s that stack up against your record of killing America’s enemies in combat?

      “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Officer in Charge of United States Navy Patrol Craft Fast 94 and officer in Tactical Command of an operation in the Republic of Vietnam. On 28 February 1969, Patrol Craft Fast 23, 43 and 94, in conjunction with Underwater Demolition Team 13 and Vietnamese Regional and Popular Forces personnel, conducted an operation on the Ca Mau Peninsula as part of Operation SEA LORDS. While transiting the Bay Hap River en route to an insertion point along the Dong Cung River, these craft with thirty Regional/Popular Force personnel embarked in each unit came under heavy enemy small arms fire from the river banks. The Officer in Tactical Command, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY directed his units to turn to the beach and charge the Viet Cong positions. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY expertly directed the fire of his craft at the fleeing enemy while simultaneously coordinating the insertion of the embarked troops. While the Regional and Popular Forces conducted an area sweep, Patrol Craft Fast 43 remained on station to provide fire support and Patrol Craft Fast 23 and 94 moved upstream to investigate an area from which gunshots were coming. Arriving at the area, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY’s craft received a B-40 rocket close aboard. Once again Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY ordered his units to charge the enemy positions and summoned Patrol Craft Fast 43 to the area to provide additional firepower. Patrol Craft Fast 94 then beached in the center of the enemy positions and an enemy soldier sprang up from his position not ten feet from Patrol Craft Fast 94 and fled. Without hesitation Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hootch and killed him, capturing a B-40 rocket launcher with a round in the chamber. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY then led an assault party and conducted a sweep of the area while the Patrol Craft Fast continued to provide fire support. After the enemy had been completely routed, all personnel returned to the Patrol Craft Fast to withdraw from the area. While backing off the beach, these units again came under a hail of fire, this time from the opposite river bank. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY immediately coordinated the firepower of his units and suppressed the enemy fire. Later, after disembarking personnel, and while exiting from the Bay Hap River, the Patrol Craft Fast were again under fire. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY immediately maneuvered his craft through several strafing runs which completely silenced the enemy. As a result of this operation, ten Viet Cong were killed and one wounded with no friendly casualties. In addition, numerous sampans, structures and bunkers were destroyed as well as confiscation of substantial quantities of combat essential supplies. Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY’s devotion to duty, courage under fire, outstanding leadership, and exemplary professionalism directly contributed to the success of this operation and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Unites States Naval Service.”

        • Ha ha, word is…

          How about going to reliable sources, like his CO or the official citations and after action reports?

          Face it, you’re always snookered by some slick propaganda and ended up electing George W. Bush. And remember Bush started the Iraq war, the one that Donald Trump says was “the worst mistake America ever made”.

      • If Kerry is such a great American hero, and knows his way around a gun, having in fact used them to defend hos own life and the lives of his men, why does he want to take away our constitutional right to keep and bear them, to protect our own lives and the lives of our loved ones?

      • Kerry murdered those heroic vietnamese people trying to defend themselves from the aggression of the running dog Americans?

        Does anybody need a sarcasm tag?

      • “John Kerry and his men had a body count of 10 VC KIA,”

        The body count for me and my men numbered in the thousands.

        Now what?

        • Thanks for your service, there’s a somber satisfaction in answering our nations call.

          My point is, it is wrong to attack the patriotism in honor of individuals who have demonstrated those very characteristics time and again.

          Do we really think that vilifying individuals like John Kerry and John McCain will endear us to the American citizens or persuade them that our cause is right and we have a valid grievance to be addressed?

          Thanks to the extreme is POTG, when the average citizen thinks of a pro gun activist, they picture an individual strapped up in web gear, wearing a face mask to hide identity and carrying a big black machine gun.

          Right or wrong, does that image serve to convince people that our perspective is the right one, or is it meant to intimidate and frighten the street people in order to satisfy a small minded ego?

          You know, we were cruising along pretty good, a slight bump with the AWB, but that was far in the past. Then this whole tea party thing started, political protest are showing up at the courthouse with A.R. 15‘s and 30 round mags.

          The Democrats held the White House and both houses of Congress for the first two years of Obama’s first term and made no move on guns, in fact, Obama self board guns for the arms dealers than anybody in history.

          Sadly, many people were damaged by the psychological impact of having a black man with a brown name in the White House and felt the need to make an overt display of weaponry to protect themselves from childhood fears.

          Well, y’all blew it. You’be screwed the pooch and now every hill Jack nut job is parading at the state capital rotunda to display his tactical gear and stroke his limp ego.

          • Nothing gun owners can do will persuade the anti-gun mob; nothing. The issue is political, and in politics power is the great discriminator. The very idea that there are hosts of anti-gunners waiting to change their imaginings of gun owners is mental mush. The few unicorns available will not become evangelists for the Second Amendment, evangelists who will sweep over the anti-gun landscape, converting the ignorant. The answer is to politically defeat (by any means legal) the anti-gun mafia such that it will be a thousand years before there is again a serious threat to individual rights to arms.

            I have no objection to the tacticool guys who load out like special forces ninjas, and appear in public. The Second Amendment is a declaration of the willingness to wage war against despots, tyranny and rogue government. The Second Amendment is a caution, a challenge to tyrants to think twice about the rewards of trying to subjugate the populace. The Second Amendment is not a quiet suggestion that hunting and three-gun competition should not be restricted into oblivion. The founders did not fear the armed citizen, but the armed government.

      • How many times are you going to copy-and-paste that wall of text that has little to do with the topic on hand?

        Just because someone was in the military doesn’t make them an expert on firearms. Yes, they used them, but all they need to know it how to line up the sights, how to reload, basic jam clearance, and finally how to field strip for cleaning.

        And what someone did 40 years ago half a world a way has little relevance to current domestic politics. I would put Kerry’s comments on citizen firearm usage in the same basket as current and retired general’s comments on the same. The round one with a lid on it.

      • Why do you defend an anti-American moron who wants to take away your rights? Why are you obsessed with him? Why are you obsessed with him, or people on his team, killing 10 VC over fifty years ago? Why is Trump living rent-free in your head? Why do you not seek professional help for your TDS? Why do you think anyone cares what you think?

        • I’ve figured it out. Miner49er IS John Kerry. It’s Keyser Söze from The Usual Suspects all over again but even creepier and from the looks of him, more likely to molest children.

  7. They don’t need to know anything when they just want to ban something. Example, I’d like to ban so called rap music, that doesn’t mean I need to know anything about it.

  8. Now folks let’s try and keep things factual. Biden said those two shotgun blasts had to be fired from a balcony, that’s what he said. Also, it’s a home in a secluded, wooded area.

    So, clearly we all deserve the same self-defense posture. A nice house of at least two floors, a large estate, lots of trees, and most importantly that balcony to fire from.

    It’s never going to work if you fire off two blasts from the kitchen door of a mobile home, you need that balcony!

    Why does everyone forget the balcony in this deal?

    • “Why does everyone forget the balcony in this deal?”

      Thought it “settled law” that balconies are gun free zones immediately upon completion.

      • Nope, not like a plantation.

        The sort of place a rich dude lives. The kind where you have to have some domestic staff because it is too big to keep clean yourself.

        Also, a shooting range out back, lined up with the balcony the Biden owes me. I ain’t picky, just a solid 100 yards will do me.

        • I got a place like that, and I got a warning for you guys. The damn bride tends to get feisty when she discovers you think that *SHE* is the “domestic staff”! No damn sense of humor.

  9. I’m certainly no gun expert. There is a lifetime of learning to do.

    People like Kerry don’t even care to try. Much like TDS, everyone gets so hyper-sensitive and hysterical that there is no room for reason, knowledge, or truth.

    • “Much like TDS, everyone gets so hyper-sensitive and hysterical that there is no room for reason, knowledge, or truth.”

      Because anyone (you) who disagrees with me (self) is races, and not worthy of life or liberty. The “truth” lies entirely with me (self) and those who agree with me. Everyone else is “other”. I (we) believe the truth above facts.

      The “middle ground” took the last train for the coast, long ago.

      • Could not agree more on “middle ground”.

        Also, “TDS” describes Trump core true believers, not his opponents.

  10. Many of them also do not understand socialism, they redefine science to their own convenience with “gender studies” or “climate change.”

    • “Many of them also do not understand socialism,…”

      I think they understand it implicitly: elites rule, everyone else serves; nobody has more until everyone has some.

      • And about a quarter of the population is spying on the rest to ensure loyalty and obedience.

      • So you clearly have no idea what Socialism is.

        Don’t let it bother you, most of the small number of Americans who call themselves Socialists are just as ignorant and ill informed.

        • Socialism is never fair, equal, everybody is the same. It is the community enslaved to the “greater good” as defined by the elitist leaders who never go away, or become “equal” with the masses. Socialism regresses to the least common denominator, and forbids anyone to (other than the elites) to act in individual interests.

          The “public” (government) ownership of all property and resources. The “public” is a bunch of individuals. Individuals cannot come to reliable and consistent consensus among themselves, thus an elite must rule so as to direct the “public” in proper execution of socialism. Socialism punishes achievers such that their contribution to “society” (social order) is flattened to average, which allows the lazy to feed off the now dis-incentivised achievers.

          Humans are basically flawed, selfish and jealous. For socialism to function to the benefit of all, humans must be perfect and totally altruistic. Humans naturally seek power over others. Socialism must coerce compliance, usually with government (the elites) applying the coercion. It is this latter that causes socialism to fail miserably wherever it exists. The ruling elites never voluntarily surrender acquired power.

          So, “elites rule, everyone else serves”.

        • Sam, this why the Soviet Union tried to create the perfect person they called “The New Soviet Man”. Their efforts and the blatant hypocrisy of the system produced the polar opposite nicknamed “Homo Sovieticus”.

          • “Sam, this why the Soviet Union tried to create the perfect person…”

            The ancient, arrogant and self-defeating idea that humans are perfectable…in anyway at all.

          • Socialisms starts out very benign. Then when people start to wake up and see all of it’s defects, communism is established to quash any defiance by the people. Remember, you can vote your way into socialism, but you have shoot your way out.

            • “Remember, you can vote your way into socialism, but you have shoot your way out.”

              Good point.

  11. I would like to propose a federal law: No one but the US president can be protected by more than 3 guards and only the US presidential guards can have more than three rounds in their possession when they are within 1000 feet of the person they were hired to protect. If the bigwig wants to arm himself for self-protection, he can carry all the rounds he wants, just like anyone else.

    Likely needs a bit of work, but it should clear up a lot of the BS from all of the lefties who hire personal security and then diss gun owners.

    • You left out a very important provision:

      When entering a gun-free zone or whenever within 500 yards of a church, school, library, or day-care center, they must completely unload all firearms and place them in a securely locked container.

  12. Since when did tyrants care about what they knew and about facts? See Satlin and that bird-brained Trofim Lysenko!

  13. History has shown us time and time again that the first step by tyrants and dictators is to disarm the people. It’s easy to vote yourself into a Socialist government but remember you may have to shoot your way out.
    Be careful what you wish for ……

  14. John Kerry, Mayor Pete, Oliver Stone, Richard Blumenthal.

    What they saw in Vietnam and other war zones tore their guts out, so much they never want to see it happen again.

    Real heroes.

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