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“Ron Philipose tells NBC10 he received a call from police over the weekend saying there may have been a burglary at his home on the 1600 block of Welsh Road,” Police told Philipose they had gotten a report stating there was glass breaking inside the house . . . As Philipose and several police officers arrived at his home, officers say they spotted blood on the couch and wall. They drew their guns and asked Philipose to leave for his own safety. The officers then searched the inside of the home, which was in shambles, with blood and broken glass everywhere. When they arrived in a back room they found the intruder: a 300-pound deer that had somehow gotten into the house, breaking a fence and a window in the process. Police say there was even glass inside the baby’s crib and changing table . . . The officers tried to get the deer out of the home, but were unable to. They were eventually forced to euthanize the animal.” [h/t Aharon]

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  1. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Unless we think that the Police should have had a tranquilizer gun at the ready, for the animals.

  2. Does the homeowner get to keep the fresh deer meat or does that go to the station? Wonder what kind of insurance claim you file on a deer wrecking your place?

    • Back to the station. Evidence, you know. It’s being kept, for security purposes, in several locations including but not limited to a dehydrator, a freezer, several BBQs, after an autopsy was preformed at Satriale’s. The autopsy confirmed it was indeed a tasty, tasty deer.

    • Good luck with the insurance company. Probably list it under “act of god” 86 qualifications-mother nature kick your butt? No check for you…….

  3. Yeah, really need my Glock strapped to my Safariland camo thigh holster while I’m in the shower in case a deer crashes through the back door. At least Aharon gets the shout out.

  4. This is yet another reason for homeowners to own guns and in calibers powerful enough to down game animals. It is after all deer season.

  5. “The officers tried to get the deer out of the home, but were unable to. ”

    Yeah, right. By using many rounds of ammo to push the deer back to safety.

  6. That’s completely inhumane, to euthanize an animal that way! They should have resorted to less-than-lethal messures.

    Don’t taze me, bro!

  7. Not too concerned with deer that get in the house down here S. Florida’s ‘burbs. It’s those damn gators that find their way into the pool that are more concerning. Good eating in that tail 🙂

  8. Im familar with that location of the city.Large park called Pennypack loaded with deer in the city limits.Thats probably as close to a deer those cops will get to in their life.

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