Cuba Protests
Police scuffle and detain an anti-government demonstrator during a protest in Havana, Cuba, Sunday July 11, 2021. Hundreds of demonstrators went out to the streets in several cities in Cuba to protest against ongoing food shortages and high prices of foodstuffs, amid the new coronavirus crisis. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D.

Civilian disarmament is not only harmful to one’s freedom and potentially deadly to one’s existence, but also counterproductive in achieving safety. This has been further attested by Professor, Rudy J. Rummel, in his monumental book, Death by Government and by the French scholar Stéphane Courtois and his associates in their magnificent tome, The Black Book of Communism. These books make it clear that authoritarian governments that limit their citizens’ freedom and proscribe them from owning guns are always dangerous to liberty…and to the health of their populations.

During the 20th century, more than 100 million people were exterminated by their own repressive governments, police states bent on destroying liberty and building communism, socialism, collectivism, and other worker utopias that turned out to be hells on Earth.

The myths that the public health establishment peddles — guns increase violent crime, and America is more violent than other nations — have been easily rebutted by numerous investigators who have exposed the phony statistics and biased selection data.  Not to mention the fact that more unarmed people during the twentieth century have been exterminated by their own totalitarian governments than by war.

It has also become clear that guns save lives and that draconian gun control laws have almost always preceded genocide or mass murder of the people in what Professor Rummel called democide.

Cuba Protest Washington
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

While the United States and Switzerland have more guns per capita than any of the other developed countries, they also have been very effective historically in preserving their freedom and independence. Even Japan, a country that has embraced democracy and Western mores in many ways, still has the centuries‑old tradition of subordination of individualism to the state, and the collective. Japanese citizens have less personal freedom than those of Switzerland where individualism is paramount, and all Swiss adult males are considered part of the militia and are permitted to keep their service rifles at home.

As David Kopel has pointed out, Japan may have a low crime rate, but citizens live in a virtual authoritarian state where the police keep full dossiers on every citizen, and “twice a year, each Japanese homeowner gets a visit from the local police to update files” on every aspect of the citizen’s home life.

Switzerland, on the other hand, a small, landlocked country, stood up against the Nazi threat during World War II because each and every male was an armed and free citizen. (The Swiss republic was the “Sister‑Republick” that the American Founding Fathers admired.)

Nazi Germany could have overwhelmed Switzerland, but the price was deemed too steep for the German high command. Instead, the Nazi juggernaut trampled over Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, Norway, and other countries, and avoided the armed Swiss nation, the “porcupine,” which was prepared for war and its military was ready to die rather than surrender.

As to what an armed population, such as those of the original 13 American colonies, did to obtain their independence is a well‑known story. Suffice to say, that the shot heard round the world was precipitated when the British attempted to seize the arms depot at Concord and disarm the American militia at Lexington in the colony of Massachusetts.

As to what an armed population can do to prevent the overthrow of their government by oppressive, communist movements, I recommend Larry Pratt’s excellent little tome, Armed People Victorious. Pratt is Executive Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America (GOA).

Armed People Victorious vividly recounts stories of how two countries, teetering on the brink of disaster and as dissimilar as Guatemala and the Philippines, turned defeat into victory when the governments recognized that allowing and encouraging the people to form armed militias to protect themselves, their families, and their villages from communist insurgents in the 1980s, helped to preserve their freedom.

Why is this so important to ordinary Americans? First, because we are all citizens with rights as well as civic duties. We should understand the historical importance of attaining freedom and the constitutional necessity of preserving it.

Public health officials and researchers of “gun violence” have an obligation to reach their conclusions based on objective data, historical experience and scientific information, rather than ideology, emotionalism, expediency, or partisan politics. After all, the lessons of history sagaciously reveal that whenever and wherever science and medicine have been subordinated to the state — and individual freedom has been crushed by tyranny — the results for medical science, public health and society at large, have been as perverse as they have been disastrous.

The barbarity of Nazi doctors and Soviet and Cuban psychiatrists have amply demonstrated this. Beyond the abolition of freedom and dignity, the perversion of science and medicine becomes a vehicle for the imposition of slavery and totalitarianism.

Governments that trust their citizens with guns are governments that sustain and affirm individual freedom. Governments that do not trust their citizens with firearms tend to be despotic and tyrannical in time.


Miguel A. Faria, M.D. is Associate Editor in Chief in socioeconomics, politics, medicine, and world affairs of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). Clinical Professor of Surgery (Neurosurgery, ret.) and Adjunct Professor of Medical History (ret.) Mercer University School of Medicine. Author of Cuba in Revolution — Escape From a Lost Paradise (2002).  This article is excerpted, updated, and edited from his book, America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019).


    • I ain’t giving up chit! Got Cataract surgery on Friday. Getting my other eye done on Friday. I plan on being better armed & a better shot! My “metal” health requires it😏

      • FWW,

        Best wishes for the best outcomes in your cataract surgeries!!

        Now, how many guns am I holding up?

      • Please let us know how the cataract surg turns out. I’m looking [sic] at both eyes in the next year or so. They are growing slowly…not yet interfering with my vision much.

        • You don’t realize how much cataracts interfere until you have the surgery and see how bright and clear the world really is.

      • Cataract surgery should improve your vision to 20/20 for distance.

        You will still need cheap reading glasses for up close vision.

        Some folks get one eye close, one eye distance….not recommended.

    • “Yeah but when “liberty” is considered hate speech…….”



      Anything you say/write that makes me unhappy is hate speech. I have a natural, human and civil right to live my life undisturbed by any other person, for any reason. Opposing me in any way is violence on the same level as mugging me in a dark alley.

      But if you think you can ever get away with doing violence to me, I will turn my mother loose on you.

      So there !

  1. We are all too many fixated on “door kickers”, and flying squads. The generally accepted scenario for “the boogerlew” is general confiscation of firearms; door-to-door actions.

    But what if…..

    A government declared general martial law. Not a confiscation, but something like…martial law as a means of clearing the streets of gangs and criminals (not specifically targeting gun owners)?

    Or this: ?

    • Follow the religion of peace and other examples…create “No-Go” Zones. Those that don’t belong there get driven out as well.

    • It is the poorer western suburbs which are having more fines imposed instead of the wealthy and politically influential eastern suburbs where the Delta variant originated from.

      Note the Delta outbreak was caused by ONE person who was transporting International flight crews (extremely high risk people) and who refused to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Proving quarantine procedures are only as effective as the weakest link or most stupid person.

      • Keep in mind my question/proposition is not dependent upon whether COVID-19 is real, or not. Upon whether vaccines are safe, or not. Vaccines are effective, or not. Whether everyone, or no one is vaccinated.

        My question/proposition is strictly related to identifying that bright red line that will result in Civil War 3.0. The general theme here seems to be conditioned solely on some sort of total firearm ban, or confiscation from the non-criminals.

        I pose a situation where guns are not the catalyst, or the target. Whether simply widespread martial law would trigger the end times? Whether a government move to force the populace to receive the COVID vaccination, backed by uniformed military, might not be the irreversible tyranny to be opposed, rather than only looking for tyranny in efforts for control of firearms among the population.

      • But covid vax’s and masks don’t work, anyway. Do try and keep up with the science, please.

  2. A cabal of billionaires bought the left out. Simply bought and paid for it and then converted it to fascism. With willing toadies like SA-Mann dacian and SA-Truppfuhrer miner49er in their ranks they intend to destroy freedom here.

    This cannot be allowed to happen.

    • SA-Mann dacian and SA-Truppfuhrer miner49er don’t even believe their own nonsense.
      They are mentally ill trolls and nothing more. They should be ignored.
      Mentally ill people hate to be ignored.
      If they weren’t chemically unbalanced they might of have accomplished something in life.
      Pity them, they could have been something but it wasn’t meant to be.

  3. “Switzerland, on the other hand, a small, landlocked country, stood up against the Nazi threat during World War II because each and every male was an armed and free citizen.” NOT!!!! Switzerland was neutral…….did not fire a shot…….did help Western Alliance pilots and soldiers reach England, but who knows, maybe as many Nazi fighters back to the Fatherland…..wimping out on fighting for Freedom…….hoping against hope that the Western Alliance would win and preserve Switzerland’s hope for Freedom. Not an impressive example of Freedom preservation.

      • SA-Mann dacian. You got it wrong. You’re the nazi. You’ve already claimed to be a part of antifa, the brown shirts of the fascists. Low iq types such as yourself are the perfect recruits.

        • U.S. troops were known as Anti-Fa as well as the Germans who fought Hitler in the streets after WWI. Anti-Fa you Moron means Anti-fascist, and anti-Nazi and you are a prime poster boy for the U.S. Nazi movement.

        • This ain’t ww2 buttercup. You’re the brown shirt, the nazi. You’re too dumb to realize that you’re being used as cannon fodder for the fascists.

        • Funny how disaffected youths are claiming a heritage from the 1930s. The ANTIFA of that generation would look down on their modern equivalent as a bunch of pathetic wannabes.

    • “We”? Who is we? Is a organization? What does “Running the Streets” mean to you exactly?

      • Who is we? We are the proud U.S. Socialists who will bring civilization to the U.S. with affordable medical and drug care, affordable education and safer streets with sane gun laws just like the rest of the civilized world has had for decades. No one in Socialist countries dies like dogs in the streets because of a lack of medical care, housing or affordable drugs. And few have the mass murders we have on an almost daily basis anymore. History has proved our way works. Yours has been a disaster. No nation in Europe or the Far east has ever gone back to health care that was run on blind greed and profit at the cost of human lives. I cannot make it any more simple than that. History is on our side. As Khrushchev “did not say” but “should have said” We will bury you (politically that is)

        • “…We are the proud U.S. Socialists who will bring civilization to the U.S….”

          I’m reasonable. I will willingly let taxes rise to fund one-way airline tickets for those like you that hate America.

          You ‘socialists’ are nothing more than than the crazy cat ladies who think somehow they have a right to impose their mental illness on those around them, like an out-of-control HOA Nazi… 😉

        • ” History has proved our way works. ”

          Care to give me any example of a socialist system that has made life better for the people?

        • If I were a dedicated goofball like you, I’d move to Utopia instead of fighting a losing battle here. Think of all the free stuff you’d have already. Stop wasting your life. You should have left years ago for precious Europe or Gimmegimmegimmestan or wherever the hell it’s so awesome.

        • Bahahah it takes years to get proper medical procedures done in Socialist countries. Many die before they can receive the procedures. You have lost your mind if you think any of that is gonna happen in the US. You’re nuttier then Chris.

        • Socialism doesn’t lift people up, except for the elites and other chosen few. It drags everyone else down to communal poverty and privation.

          The promise is a utopia of happiness and plenty. The reality is a dystopia where the effects of poor planning, lousy distribution, and even natural disasters are always blamed on someone else.

        • So you have some form of mental illness then…and you’re poor right?

          Thanks for the explanation of “We”.

        • We need to make “McCarthyism” great again for the dregs of society like this. They have declared war on our way of life and will not prevail. We must fight them with every tool available and remind them that to profess socialism/communism as a way of life in our country is as treasonous as making threats against the president.

          They like to project as if they are smart and the we are neanderthals, yet they are driving around with masks on in their vehicles for a virus that kills less than one percent(probably a lot less if all the non symptomatic infections were able to be included) of those infected.

          These people are not smart, they are sheeple. America would have never broken free of our british chains if these weak and pathetic excuses for our countrymen had populated our country at that time.

        • quote————-TheBSonTTAG August 1, 2021 At 22:04
          Bahahah it takes years to get proper medical procedures done in Socialist countries. Many die before they can receive the procedures. You have lost your mind if you think any of that is gonna happen in the US. You’re nuttier then Chris.————-quote

          Another ignorant right wing fool shoots his mouth off on a subject he knows nothing about so stick the truth in your pipe and smoke it.

          Recently and American Woman (ex-pat) she was wise enough to get out of the U.S. and later had a medical emergency. She was taken to a French Socialist hospital and immediately saw a nurse, and singed JUST ONE PIECE OF PAPER. She was immediately seen by a doctor and kept overnight in the hospital. She expected a rip off American style bill of at lest $3,500 but her bill was the equivalent of $32.00 in U.S. money.

          Now aren’t you mortified over your response based on right wing paranoia and ignorance.

        • To Colonel Travis

          More right wing laughable ignorance. Europeans get free medical care, affordable drugs, free advanced education, 4 weeks, free tutoring for their children in primary grades, average 4 weeks to 1 1/2 years off for family leave (Sweden), 2 hours for lunch, they get 4 weeks vacation just to start a job and up to 3 months vacation with seniority and they get 4 weeks of paid holidays, they retire earlier , they get a livable wage not an American part-time starvation wage which forces most to sign up for and get welfare. This is part of Corporate welfare which dwarfs the pitiful amount of welfare given to the needy.

          I have posted here before the billions of tax dollars the filthy rich steal from you in the form of corporate welfare. Even given that if the bastards were taxes their taxes alone would give us civilized Socialist European style benefits and their stolen tax dollars would pay off the National Debt in record time..

          And their streets are safer because they have sane gun laws as they do not have the daily mass murder and road rage murders we have.

          Thousands of young educated Americans are “voting with their feet” and leaving for jobs overseas. They know they are living in the no. 1 shithole of the Industrialized world i.e. Capitalvania.

        • Continuation to Colonel Travis

          And their streets are safer because they have sane gun laws as they do not have the daily mass murder and road rage murders we have.

          Thousands of young educated Americans are “voting with their feet” and leaving for jobs overseas. They know they are living in the no. 1 shithole of the Industrialized world i.e. Capitalvania.

        • dacian,

          The basis for your position is wrong.

          European nations do not pay for their national defense–the United States does. Note that approximately 1/3rd of our national budget goes to national defense. If we did not have to spend that money on national defense, we could pay for some pretty kick-ass nationalized health benefits.

          Second of all, European nations do not have the legacy and ongoing horror of broken/non-existent nuclear families which dominates our urban Hellscapes in the United States. That is the true root cause of violent crime in our nation, not firearm laws.

          Proof that “lax firearm laws” are NOT the root cause of and/or do NOT contribute to violent crime: for all intents-and-purposes there are no firearm laws at all in Vermont–anyone age 16 or older can carry firearms concealed or openly without any government vetting/licensing and anyone can buy or sell firearms without any government vetting/licensing–and yet the violent crime rate in Vermont is on par with the violent crime rates of the safest nations in Western Europe. That would not be the case if, “easy access to firearms,” was a major contributor to violent crime.

        • dacian,

          Another important clarification on your comments:

          None of those “benefits” which you ascribe to Western Europe are free. Someone pays for them. If you look more closely, you will see that European subjects pay for them with hefty tax rates and the U.S. taxpayer also pays for them (indirectly) with our national defense coverage of Western Europe.

          And you will see something else if you look more closely: very few people in Western Europe own anything substantial. The overwhelming majority of people live in tiny apartments or rent small homes, the few who can afford cars have tiny cars, and they own very few “toys” such as snowmobiles, ATVs, personal watercraft (e.g. waverunners), RVs, garage/basement shop tools (e.g. lathes, mills), crafting stations, and tractors. And virtually no one has land (e.g. acreage) for recreational use nor cabins nor cottages.

          Whatever their quality of nationalized healthcare (and I have heard plenty of horror stories), however long their vacations, they indeed pay for it with a steep price.

          If you think their system is so fantastic, then go emigrate to Western Europe. Good luck finding a nation with “open borders” that lets you waltz right on in.

    • The antifa wannabes are more aligned with Mao. Some espouse Marx. Honestly most of us are anti fascists, anti Socialist and anti Communists. And anti dictator.

      Communists and Socialists have killed more of thier own people that any Capitalist.

      I’ll stick with capitalism, the only system where you can decide if you succeed or fail. And if you fail you get to try again. Your ideology hasn’t promoted people from dirt to self reliance like capitalism does.

      • The various factions of ANTIFA would make an interesting internal conflict. There are the Socialists, the Anarchists, the vegans, the rainbow coalition, and numerous other minor factions. The bigger groups will absorb or eliminate the smaller groups before going at each other.

        • Antifa in the US operate under the direction of BAMN (by any means necessary), which was founded by two female former lawyers for NAMBLA (north American man-boy love assoc). So yeah, pedophiles. Also, when you see “LGBTQ+”, the “+” part is for pedophiles. So pedo acceptance is also part of the left’s plan, a plan to completely undermine and destroy western civilization – by any means necessary – for global enslavement of the entire human race. Only America now stands in their way, which is why they strive so hard to destroy her, and only our armed citizens stand in the way of that. Anyone advocating for civilian disarmament in any way whatsoever is a traitor to our nation and it’s citizens and should be treated as such.

  4. Among other things, America could learn a lot from Switzerland about “common-sense” naturalization requirements- here’s just a few things the Swiss require to apply for citizenship…

    • 10 continuous years of residency
    • three separate applications must be made- local, state, and federal
    • knowledge of the Swiss national language- competency tested oral and written
    • familiarity/integration into Swiss life and customs
    • compliance with Swiss laws
    • cannot pose a danger to Swiss security internally of externally
    • cannot have received social welfare benefits for three years (repayment required)
    • current application cost can be $10,000 and can take up to 15 years (total time)

    That seems like a perfectly reasonable list of requirements to ask of someone wishing to become a citizen of Switzerland… or America.

    • “Among other things, America could learn a lot from Switzerland about “common-sense” naturalization requirements…”

      Always thought I was the dullest blade in the drawer. How can you live this far into the 21st century and not understand a basic law of the universe? Everyone on the planet has a natural, human and civil right to immigrate into the US, at will, at any time? We can’t keep hoarding our national treasures and expect the rest of the world will not come here and demand their share of our wealth, labor and benefits.

      UR just a plain ol’ meany.

      • Your post is so laughable I do not know where to begin.

        When the racist Trump screamed he wanted to bar Blacks from their “shit hole countries” from coming here (they were black exchange students) and let more white people in from Denmark the Danes laughed their asses off. Many interviewed said they would not even want to vacation here let alone live here as they are well aware that U.S .workers are treated as economic slaves and have low wages and zero social benefits. They all said that even a vacation here was far too dangerous with all the nut cases killing people on the freeways with guns and of course the daily mass shootings by crazy people.

        I have even spoken to some of the East European people and was shocked to find out that the ones I spoke with did not want to come to the U.S. and for the same reasons the Dane’s mentioned.

      • “UR just a plain ol’ meany.”

        I guess so… I think perpetrators of (and anyone involved with) heinous crimes like mass shootings (real ones) should have their citizenship revoked so they lose Constitutional rights and be treated as unlawful combatants.

        Some might even say I’m a real stinker…

  5. Speaking of government abuse, Joe Biden visited Mack Trucks plant in Macungie, PA this past Wednesday. His advance team played a switcheroo. The photo OP had a line of shiney, brand-spanking-new Mack’s in the background. HOWEVER, someone notices the silver Mack emblems. Silver indicates the vehicle was manufactured overseas. So, Biden’s advance team had the silver replaced with the Gold emblems that signify ‘made in the USA’. They ordered gold emblems be placed on trucks NOT made in the USA.

    How do I know this? One of the Mack employees told me.

    The Biden team scheduled the visit during a vacation week at Mack. Only a skeleton crew was on duty. Yup, celebrating American workers by visiting while the workers are not there. Well, actually, many were there, with their families, outside, waving Trump flags. Thousands of folk, waving Trump flags, and greeting the Pretender in Chief with single-finger salutes.

    Sic Semper Tyrrannus.

    • Wasn’t that the visit in which Biden claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler? A sharp investigator did some digging and found only evidence that Biden rode in a semi (driven by someone else) way back in 1973. Seriously.

      You can’t make this stuff up.

      …but apparently Biden can, lol.

    • I’m pretty sure all Macks are made in the US, as are Peterbuilts, Kenworths, Internationals, Freightliners, even Volvo semis. A semi can weigh up to nearly 20 or so tons by itself, you don’t want to be shipping that kind of size and weight overseas if you can help it.
      I could be wrong, but I don’t think so, and I do agree with the rest.

    • The Mack employee wasn’t really accurate. Its a little more complicated than that.

      A Mack truck with a gold bulldog indicates the entire truck is made solely of Mack components sourced in the U.S.A. but manufactured under control of Mack (e.g. by manufacturing contract for example – actually technically under control of Volvo) but the components could have been physically manufactured overseas just under contract.

      A Mack truck with a silver bull dog indicates another manufacturer’s transmission, engine, rear axles or suspension are used sourced in the U.S.A. but physically manufactured under control of another entity which may be a foreign entity.

      In either case, for both emblem colors, the components could have been actually manufactured overseas.

      Mack Trucks is a subsidiary of the Swedish company AB Volvo (“The Volvo Group”) headquartered in Gothenburg who purchased Mack Trucks in 2000. “AB Volvo” is the shortened name for the Swedish name of the company called “Volvokoncernen” which is legally called “Aktiebolaget Volv” – collectively this is all shortened to be called “AB Volvo” and just referred to as “Volvo” more frequently.

      Prior to being sold to Volvo, the Mack gold bull dog indicated that the truck was made from components all physically manufactured in the U.S.A under sole control of Mack.

      Technically, on an individual component basis, Mack trucks are not all made in the U.S.A. – but they are assembled in the U.S.A. from components sourced in the U.S.A. even if the components were not physically manufactured in the U.S.A. – thus can legally say “Made in U.S.A”

      Legally: According to the FTC, “Made in the USA,” means that “all or virtually all” of the product must have been made in the United States. But the FTC gives no definitive definition of what “virtually all” means but says “All or virtually all” means that all significant parts and processing that go into the product must be of U.S. origin. “U.S. origin” is also parts sourced (also known as “processing”) in the U.S. as that becomes their origin once supplied even if the parts were manufactured over seas. That is, the product should contain no – or negligible – foreign content but parts sourced in the U.S. for an American based manufacturer of the actual finished product and not considered “foreign content”. Mack is a U.S. based manufacturer even if its owned by a foreign company, they source all components in the U.S. even if some of them are made overseas.

      The two colors of bull dogs only symbolize if Mack “controlled” the manufacture of the components or not. Not if the Mack was or was not made in the U.S.A. of all U.S.A, made parts only.

      There is no vehicle manufacturer in the U.S. that does not use foreign made components to some extent.

      • My

        “That is, the product should contain no – or negligible – foreign content but parts sourced in the U.S. for an American based manufacturer of the actual finished product and not considered “foreign content”. ”

        should have read

        That is, the product should contain no – or negligible – foreign content but parts sourced (or processed) in the U.S. for an American based manufacturer of the actual finished product in which the parts are included ARE not considered “foreign content”. – thus this manufacturer (Mack in this case) can legally claim “Made in U.S.A.” even though the parts may have been manufactured in a foreign company by a foreign manufacturer.

        And in addition:

        “Made in U.S.A.” is not a moral or patriotic claim even though people want to think that. Any U.S. based manufacturer, even if owned by a foreign company, that uses components with foreign source manufacturer, and uses those components in their final product assembled in the U.S. can claim their product was “Made in the U.S.A” as long as the components were sourced (or processed) in the U.S. from a U.S. based company/supplier entity. Its possible for a product to be assembled in the U.S. from 100% foreign made parts and as long as the manufacturer of the product was U.S. based and the parts were sourced in the U.S. from a U.S. based company/supplier entity the manufacturer can legally claim “Made in U.S.A”

  6. quote————————It has also become clear that guns save lives and that draconian gun control laws have almost always preceded genocide or mass murder of the people in what Professor Rummel called democide.——————quote

    Again Far Right Propaganda. The last 75 years in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Britain, Germany etc etc it has not happened.

    quote——————Switzerland, on the other hand, a small, landlocked country, stood up against the Nazi threat during World War II because each and every male was an armed and free citizen————quote

    More falsehoods. Germany’s decision had zero to do with a civilian population being armed rather it was the mountainous terrain that prevented the use of lightening warfare with tanks.

    quote—————-all Swiss adult males are considered part of the militia and are permitted to keep their service rifles at home————-quote

    Another falsehood. Currently no Swiss military personnel are allowed to take their weapons or ammunition home with them. Officers may purchase their pistols but only after a rigorous vetting process..

    quote————-As to what an armed population, such as those of the original 13 American colonies, did to obtain their independence is a well‑known story.————–quote

    No its a well known myth. Washington was an incompetent commander and lost more battles than he won. If it were not for the professional French Military (who had the latest up to date cannon and were experienced in siege warfare) and the victory of the French Navy over the British Navy Washington would have lost the war. I might add gun powder and weapon were also supplied to Washington by the French.

    quote———–The barbarity of Nazi doctors and Soviet and Cuban psychiatrists have amply demonstrated this.———-quote

    Cuban medical advancements have astounded the world in recent times and the U.S medical establishment welcomed Obama’s efforts to establish normal relations with Cuba which would have made it far easier and quicker for collaboration between the two countries in regards to sharing medical knowledge.

    quote—————–During the 20th century, more than 100 million people were exterminated by their own repressive governments, police states bent on destroying liberty and building communism, socialism, collectivism, and other worker utopias that turned out to be hells on Earth.—————quote

    And under the Capitalistic Dictator Pinochet thousands were tortured and murdered proving that if he is a dictator it does not matter if he runs the country on Capitalism, Socialism or Communism because it is the people in the government, not an economic system, that is responsible for enslaving its people. As long as you control the military you can easily crush the populous even if they do have small arms. That is historical fact. Every one predicted Assad in Syria would be overthrown and he is till in power despite a civilian uprising and they even had outside help, money, weapons and outside training by the U.S.

    In conclusion a U.S. revolution with round the clock government surveillance and an aging population is totally absurd

        • The fascists have a history of using criminals and the mentally ill to commit their atrocities.

          I will not pity him until he is safely in an institution.

    • What amazes me is this fool is still talking. Of course the dumbest ones always are the loudest.

    • 1. You obviously do not know what “almost always” means.

      “The last 75 years in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Britain, Germany etc etc it has not happened.”

      It hasn’t happened there because they are allies or de-facto “protectorates” of the U.S.

      What the author is talking about are countries that do not have a strong freedom based ally or “protector”. Once that freedom based U.S. “freedom” goes away Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Britain, Germany will suffer, eventually, the same fate or near the same fate as the author outlines. For example, there is a reason we have the U.S. Navy where its at near Taiwan, and there is the “38th parallel” in Korea and there are U.S. forces in Germany ready to defend against a Russian invasion, there is a reason that the U.K. and the U.S. combine and cooperate with their navies in the Atlantic and U.S. forces in the U.K. When the “freedom protection” factor for a country goes away the elements foreign and domestic seeking power over freedom tend to rise, its happened in every country in history where freedom could not be defended by the people with the means to physically resist by use of arms.

      Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Britain, Germany were not founded on freedom as the bedrock of their creation, the feudal (or monarch ruler concept) system was the bedrock of their foundations and all of those still use the foundations elements of that system today but have refined it into (technically) a “civilized democracy”. In effect, the armed citizens of the U.S., the capability granted them via the constitution for, if necessary, armed resistance to our government in order to protect and preserve the constitution, is what has continued to provide the umbrella of freedom which those countries enjoy.

      Germany did not invade Switzerland for several reasons. Among these are, first and what caused Hitler to change his mind at the beginning; Switzerland mobilized quicker than the Allied powers as soon as Germany crossed the Polish border. They had over 400,000 men ready, with another 500,000 in auxiliary reserve, to meet Hitlers ground forces and a ground engagement it would have been because Hitler would not have been able to employ the full blitzkrieg tactic because his tanks would have been bogged down due to the terrain. The Swiss would have defeated Hitlers ground forces, the German generals knew it because they were not at the time equipped or trained to fight in such terrain but the Swiss were. The German forces at the time were trained and equipped to fight after the target was softened by a blitzkrieg in non-mountainous terrain or by use of artillery or tanks to soften or decimate the target first. Artillery and tanks would have been useless in the invasion of Switzerland due to the terrain.

      As for your entire post, its complete BS and “revisionist” history that leaves out context and all the facts in favor of a self-satisfying version agenda.

      • quote—————-Germany did not invade Switzerland for several reasons——————-quote

        I already mentioned that tanks would not have been an asset in a war with Switzerland but you missed the main point and that was that the Swiss private ownership of firearms had nothing to do with Hitler’s decision not to invade Switzerland.

        quote—————-As for your entire post, its complete BS and “revisionist” history that leaves out context and all the facts in favor of a self-satisfying version agenda.———-quote

        The only BS is your BS and your flunking history class and refusing to face historical facts.

        • No, you missed the main point and then tried to re-write history.

          yes, Swiss ownership of firearms had everything to do with Hitlers decision not to invade Switzerland.

          They Swiss had over 400,000 men ready AND DEPLOYED, with another 500,000 in auxiliary reserve, to meet Hitlers ground forces. Those in the auxiliary reserve at the time were expected to provide their own firearms. The firearms they would bring with them if called were firearms they had been given (as in they were the property of the person) by, or they had purchased from, the Swiss government – In other words those in the auxiliary reserve owned (privately owned) the firearms. The auxiliary reserve at the time was voluntary, they could choose to be a member of the auxiliary reserve (it at the time was the parallel of what we call today the “inactive reserve”).

          With that auxiliary reserve in play, the Swiss outnumbered the available German troops.

          You have to remember that this was Blitzkrieg warfare at the time. It was intended to be a series of fast invasion and succeed BEFORE a country ground forces could deploy. The German army could not win with the Blitzkrieg strategy if a country already had enough defenders in place because the ground engagements would have been bogged down or would have defeated the German troops.

          The Swiss had fully mobilized their troops within 48 hours of the invasion of Poland, faster than any other country, and among those on line to be deployed were the auxiliary reserve with their own owned firearms.

          This Swiss military mobilization so quickly had negated the speed at which the Blitzkrieg was suppose to operate, it depended on there being light to not defenders because the Germans did not field the manpower needed for a prolonged ground engagement. The German ground army at the time was built, manned, and equipped to fight with tanks, aircraft, and artillery to overwhelm any ground defenses first. The Swiss terrain made it impossible to use tanks and artillery to any great effect.

          Facing 500,00 Swiss troops trained and equipped to fight in that terrain, and another 400,000 in reserve ready to go – It was a no brainier that without any tanks and artillery the, at the time, ~50,000 German troops available to bring to Switzerland were greatly outnumbered and would get their asses kicked in a ground engagement with the Swiss. It did not make sense to waist ~50,000 troops and take a big chunk out of the troop manpower in that region so the Germans did not invade.

          Yes, Swiss private ownership of firearms had a lot to do with it. And that was because the Swiss government had made private ownership of firearms a reality.

    • @dacian

      “Another falsehood. Currently no Swiss military personnel are allowed to take their weapons or ammunition home with them. Officers may purchase their pistols but only after a rigorous vetting process..”

      That’s not true. The Swiss military military has a main military component, a militia component, and an auxiliary militia component. Collectively, this is the Swiss military. The militia component and auxiliary militia component keep their military issued weapons and basic load of ammo with them at home. They are expected to report with them when they are called up. The main military component generally do not keep their weapons and ammo at home because they have ready access to them via the armories but have the option to keep them at home unless the commander decides they will be stored in the armories. Officers are given the option of purchasing their sidearms upon “retirement” or its “gifted” to them on “retirement” – but they don’t actually need to do that unless they want to be the actual owner of the firearm because they are still technically in the Swiss military. Either way, officers and enlisted are never really discharged from the Swiss military and can keep military weapons at home because they are always in some sort of “reserve” status even if due to “retirement”. Like all our military retirees here in the U.S. they are released to a “retired reserve” type of status which is still part of the military like here in the U.S. can be called back to duty under certain circumstances. The Swiss is where the U.S. got the ideas of the “inactive” and “retired” reserves concept.

      This Swiss concept is the concept that formed the idea of a militia for the colonists in our revolutionary war in the U.S. where people were expected to show up with their own weapons and ammo when they were called up.

      “As to what an armed population, such as those of the original 13 American colonies, did to obtain their independence is a well‑known story.”

      its is 100% true. But you go into this rant thing about Washington and miss the biggest obvious clue as to what the author was talking about. It is a well known story as to what the armed population of the original 13 American colonies did, its a story written in their blood and sacrifices to leave home to fight an oppressor. Ordinary people, armed with their own firearms, repelled and expelled tyranny and secured freedom which the founding fathers enshrined in our cherished documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

      As for your entire post, its complete BS and “revisionist” history that leaves out context and all the facts in favor of a self-satisfying version agenda.

        • More ignorance. Your right wingers know as much about Europe as you do about your own government which is zero.

        • We the People are America, dacian- not the government. That’s what you manifestly fail/refuse to grasp.

          And We the People will never allow people like you to destroy our country.

          Move along.

      • quote——————That’s not true. The Swiss military military has a main military component, a militia component, and an auxiliary militia component. Collectively, this is the Swiss military. The militia component and auxiliary militia component keep their military issued weapons and basic load of ammo with them at home.—————–quote

        100 per cent wrong!!!!!!! Your living in the dead hand of the past. After several sensational shootings the Swiss Government cracked down hard on gun ownership in Switzerland. If you were familiar with what goes on in Europe (most Right Winger’s are not) you would have been well aware of the great controversy that went on when the Government passed not one but several new gun control laws.

        quote————–Ordinary people, armed with their own firearms, repelled and expelled tyranny and secured freedom which the founding fathers enshrined in our cherished documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.————-quote

        More Right Wing glorified bullshit. Again and pay attention this time, 2/3 of the American people did not support the revolution and over 150,000 left after the war for Canada. Washington’s army was a rag tag band of largely untrained hillbillies that would have all been hug if the French had not pored in men, ammo, guns, a lot of cash and their expertise in warfare. The French spent so much money their country went bankrupt which was the catalyst of their own revolution. Washington was so incompetent he had to hire an old alcoholic German G has been General to train his troops (only some of them by the way)

        • SA-Mann dacian. You’re a liar. The swiss still keep their military weapons at home. The ammo is kept at an armory.

          I just went through swiss gun laws. It appears to be easier to get a firearm legally, even to a non resident there, than it is to get a gun here in CA. And magazines above ten rounds are not banned there.

          If you had a valid point, you fascist bastard, you would not have to lie.

        • To JWM (Jethro) the high school drop out.

          quote—————-SA-Mann dacian. You’re a liar. The swiss still keep their military weapons at home. The ammo is kept at an armory.

          I just went through swiss gun laws.—————-quote

          Jethro your a laugh a minute. Your so ignorant you cannot even look up simple facts. Now I realize that since this article was not written on the 5th grade level you will have to get someone to explain it to you but here it is.

          And on the 5th grade level here is some more proof.

          Unlike the US, Switzerland has mandatory military service for men. All men between the ages of 18 and 34 deemed “fit for service” are given a pistol or a rifle and trained. After they’ve finished their service, the men can typically buy and keep their service weapons, but they have to get a permit for them

          And here is what I posted yesterday after reading this.

          Do soldiers get to keep their weapon?
          But, as a general answer, the answer is: No, a soldier can not keep their weapons after discharge. Only one class of soldiers keeps any military weapon. General officers may purchase their sidearm. They are also allowed to keep it at home, their furnished a gun safe.

          Now pay attention Jethro, prior to the change in Swiss laws soldiers could take their military rifles home with them. This is not true now. If you still do not understand it get your kids to explain it all too you.

          Now who is the big mouth ignorant asshole. That would be you fker.

        • SA-Mann dacian. I’ve just read the laws, not an article on bbc. The soldiers keep their military firearms at home.

          Anybody can look this up. Why do you insist on lying? It’s easier for the swiss, even non citizens, to get a privately owned firearm than it is in CA.

          Now, I realize you’re probably below an 85 on the iq scale but even you can see that such a lie is not going to pass muster.

          No wonder you hold such a low rank in the SA. You have to be retrained after every coffee break.

        • quote————jwm August 2, 2021 At 17:18
          SA-Mann dacian. I’ve just read the laws, not an article on bbc. The soldiers keep their military firearms at home.———–quote

          Look Moron your reading outdated information and even denying that the current laws just pasted do not exist. By the way you idiot the BBC is a world renowned news organization and now your telling us you know more about European gun laws than they do. Give us all a break your getting ridiculous.

          And you are a coward who tries to hide behind the option of preventing replies to your rants and screaming from the rooftops i.e. Do not confuse me with the facts I have already made up my mind.

        • Fucking fascist moron. Swiss law is easily looked up. Even by a brainless goose stepper such as yourself.


        • I never thought anyone could be so stupid, but you just justified the need for a passing IQ test before one uses the internet.

          Now why don’t you run along like a good little anti-gun history revisionists moron and try to remove other rights from people elsewhere.

  7. Some things about the Swissi admire…….others not so much.

    They say around eating cheese instead of killing Nazi bastards.

    They were also the unofficial Nazi “bank” which surely influenced the decision not to invade Switzerland.

    At some point, they would have been next. Good thing for them the US entered the war to save the slobbering fools in Europe who thought the next dipshit country would appease the little Corporal.

    How little we learn from history.

    • The invaders of the next conflict are likely to be speaking Arabic. And many of the invaders are already there.

      Dacian, will you convert or pay the tax for your privilege?

    • You fired a little low Southern Cross.

      The pissy-pants, Geta-boy – Dacian is one post up.

      He’s funny……cause he ain’t right. Bless his heart.

  8. Owning a gun simply isn’t enough to stop anything. It is only part of the equation. Too often I hear these conversations. Correct action is a requirement.
    Guns were owned and BLM still went into neighborhoods and caused fear. Guns were owned and ANTIFA still destroyed. Guns were owned and politicians still continued.
    It’s a tool but like any other tool it must be used and used correctly in order to achieve the required results.
    You can own a wrench but it won’t remove a dead battery. You can own a hammer but bearing the battery won’t fix it. The right tool applied properly.

  9. Read “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross (1995). A history of guns, and attempts at “gun control” in the United States. This excellent book is available as a .pdf at

    • Ron:

      Read the book when it first came out. Perhaps a bit longer than warranted, never the less, an interesting read. I have long thought it sad that the follow on never appeared

  10. In 1776 civilians had rifles. The government had smooth bore long guns. Later civilians had Winchester repeaters. The government never purchased those guns for the military. Machine guns where in the hands of civilians long before the military purchased them.

    And every American could buy dynamite at most local general stores. No license required.
    Back in the day a 16 year old could walk in a buy a long gun. And we were a safer and more free nation back then.

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