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In the expletive-laden video below, an unnamed young girl displays a great deal of anger. How in the world did this sort of “gun as an expression of unbridled aggression” attitude became socially acceptable — to the point where the female in question thought it normal to upload her rant on to YouTube?

I guess it’s a reflection of the rap/hip-hop culture. I could be wrong. What’s your explanation? [NB: racist comments will be removed.]

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  1. You can’t fix stupid.

    You also can’t fix a culture built on multiple generations of people for whom such concepts as fatherhood, employment, personal responsibility and Christian values are as foreign as the cable company’s customer service rep.

  2. “You’re not responsible for actions, it’s societies fault and your upbringing”

    “Let your feelings out you won’t be judged for them”

    People aren’t taught to be responsible for themselves or their actions and this is how they act.

    • “People aren’t taught to be responsible for themselves or their actions and this is how they act.”

      That. Right there.

      Yadda, yadda….It is always someone else’s fault. The man is holding you down. You’re not the boss of me. I can do whatever I want, when I want, and there is nothing you can do about it. Who are you to judge me. Baby I was born this way…

  3. That isn’t gun culture in any shape or form I’ve ever seen.

    I’m gonna go with that’s not gun culture gone wrong, but parenting gone wrong

    What is going on with the comment section? I keep having to enter my screename and email address every time

      • Will this fix the problem where some of us have our comments never display? If I try to leave a comment from a computer: nothing. I can only comment from my phone.

      • And just so you know, for the past month or so, when I receive an email notification regarding a new comment, when I hit the reply button in my email, it opens a new window to TTAG, but the page is blank. So, if I want to reply (like in this case), I have to exit the email and go directly to my bookmarked TTAG page and hunt down the specific comment I want to reply to. Can’t underestimate how many times I’ve decided not to bother replying because of the hassle. Your comment sections would be exponentially more interactive if you fix this problem, assuming that you even know the problem exists in the first place. The entire TTAG comments sections have been a mess for over a month now.

    • Clear your cookies back to the beginning of time. Server migration appears to have mucked some up. Fixed all my commenting and login issues.

      • Sooo…this will expose me for the idiot I am, but…how do you clear cookies on an iPhone? 🙂

      • “Clear your cookies back to the beginning of time. Server migration appears to have mucked some up. Fixed all my commenting and login issues.”

        Just tried that, and no joy, Matt.

        Latest Firefox browser on this end…

      • It’s neither. It’s simply the natural state of a human who identifies as a chimpanzee.

      • “Gun culture?!? Thug culture-nothing more or less.”

        Careful, there. The word/term “thug” is blatantly racist. Used only by white people to describe black people. Never used in any other context (it is a rule of language). “Thug” should be a prohibited word, just like the “N-word”. Why do we need to use such inflammable descriptions? Why can’t we all just get along?

  4. wow. Just wow. Could just be “artistic expression” but I’m wondering what chemical inducements are in her system also. This is not the “rap video” of a normal person.

    Reminds me of Diamond, the girlfriend of Philando Castile. The woman portrayed as the calm cool collected witness to the heinous slaying of her boyfriend. Diamond appeared totally under the influence – she didn’t appear calm, she appeared stoned.

    Anyone else see her Facebook video rants, where she’s smoking pot and drinking whiskey, in the car, with her toddler in the back seat…This video strikes me as being in the same vein, with someone under the influence of chemical intoxicants (of one form or another) “expressing” herself.

    • That’s not entirely fair. At first it seems that way but if you put all the footage together and time it out she appeared to be progressing through the classic symptoms of shock. She was high, but I don’t think that was the cause of her seemingly strange behavior.

  5. That most certainly “is not” gun culture. That is “Hood Rat” culture. The culture of broken families where there is not a responsible, mature Father or Father figure in sight. A culture of “why should I work”, when “Uncle Sugars” welfare office will take care of us. A culture of Drive-by shootings to take out the rival bangers, so that you can control that “whole area” to distribute crack and weed to the upcoming ignorant masses. It’s self perpetuating destruction. Just remember though…’s all “Whiteys” fault”! 😏

  6. Hope she grows to be normal without tazing or killing anyone because what she is doing is not normal. This is a display of anger and I hope she finds more productive ways to blow off steam

    • There is very little chance of that young girl growing up to be a productive member of society. There is however a better than even chance that she will succumb to Thug culture and be dead before she’s old enough to legally drink. Sad? Absolutely….but she is a product of her brainwashed environment.

    • Each place, each people, and each culture have their own version of “normal”, this girl appears to be behaving “normally” for her circumstances.

      • +1 Ranger Rick. Assuming that her family and peers would be put off by her behavior is just not based in reality. She posted the video for social praise from her peer group. What she could not foresee was stigmatization by dudes on some random gun website.

  7. She’s like what 12 years old? It’s sad. It has zero to do with rap music. I’ve listened to rap music since the late 80’s. Hard gangster rap that Bush made announcements about. I’ve never harmed or threatened anyone.

    It’s a serious breakdown in the black community. Brought on by centuries of hardship and violence. The black experience starting with chains, slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, bad schools, low pay, bad parents, drugs, and gangs. It’s infiltrated into their culture. Violence is normal acceptable behavior.

    This is partly because of the history blacks have had in this country. Some blacks escape it, but it’s not as easy as will power alone. Society has failed the inner cities where this culture has flourished. Politicians just use them.

    Poor people and in this case inner city poor have no real power. The poor inner city blacks get paid off by politicians in the form of welfare. They have been told they need it. They aren’t good enough to do it on their own. They need affirmative action. Democrats even tell them they are too stupid to find a DMV to get an ID to vote. It’s unbelievable.

    It’s sad. The solution is to complicated for me to figure out.

    • I’ve met a disturbing number of those folks, and with very few exceptions, they absolutely REFUSE to “work for the white man”. They hate us, while at the same time making themselves utterly dependent on us. They figure we (“we” meaning taxpaying white people) owe them because 200 years ago, people we never met did horrible things to people they never met.

      Their situation is atrocious and there are definitely some external factors working against them. But I struggle to find much sympathy for people who refuse to even try to improve their own lives just because it’s hard

    • Norincojay, really? The black families were rising in income, were 75% literate and they had 80% marriage rate in the early sixties, then the “great society” by Johnson kicked in, welfare began and the drug war started; now we have the great destruction of black families, with 25% marriage rate, 25% literacy rate and the gangsta culture is king.

      They are still responsible for the out come, but they had help to keep them on the Democrat plantation , with the whites and Hispanics running fast to catch up with the blacks in their “Road to Serfdom” . Read Hayek’s “The Road To Serfdom”. It explains the inevitable rise of Hitler in Germany, due to progressivism, and the warning by Hayek it would happen here in the USA if we went down the same road.

      • You are getting very close to the “Blacks fared better under segregation” argument I made a few articles ago, which got deleted, even though all the available data proves it as a correct observation.

        • The blacks were starting to naturally, but slowly, to integrate into the greater society as they moved up into the middle class and they continued to emphasize a good education, even in all black schools.. That is fact.

          Then the progressives made their move. Johnson said once he passed the welfare bill that the Democrats would own the black vote for the next hundred years and the progressives came to dominate the public schools. The rest is history.

      • They fell victim to the Free Money Fixes Everything Fairy Tale.
        And LBJ was an Idiot and a Crook.
        He and McNamara sat on the Oval Office floor looking at aerial photos and picking out targets in North Vietnam for the military to attack, rather than let the military do the work it was trained for.
        Absolutely the Worst Ever.

      • “The Other Side Of Racism” is an excellent book on this very subject. It was written by Ann Wortham, a sociologist who just happens to be black. She challenges prevaling Marxist derived dogmas like “Critical Race Theory” and, for her efforts, has been excoriated by black intellectuals and The Left for virtually her entire career.

      • My mother used to ride a bus to work through Harlem in the 50’s. She said that there was never a crime problem for her (a white woman traveling on a bus alone) or for anyone else – black or white – in those days. She also remarked thatn people were all dressed well (the way you see in movies about the 50’s). People could walk the streets without fear of being mugged, etc. The streets were clean, there wasn’t any tagging, etc.

        By 1965, all that was coming to a rapid end, and by 1970, it was all over. Most people of my mother’s generation now blame the way welfare was implemented for creating the situation as it is now. Mom sometimes talked to friends from Harlem on the phone – and by the later 60’s, they’d always tell her “don’t come here, I’ll take the bus to you.”

        LBJ was a very cynical and venally corrupt man – and the manner in which he implemented welfare was to only gain votes, not to solve any actual problem. FDR’s welfare programs at least required people show up to a job, if not actually work. WPA and CCC didn’t always do necessary (or even beneficial) work, but they required people showed up to the job site to get the paycheck.

      • “The black families were rising in income, were 75% literate and they had 80% marriage rate in the early sixties,”

        I was in (mostly segregated) high school in the early ’60’s, and I’d just like to add that I knew a significant number of blacks (mostly adults) socially, and found them fine people, including during the year in the late ’60’s when I lived in Selma, AL. I am unaware of any significant problems with rioting, robbery and murder with them which were not equaled by whites. What changed in that time frame and after I am not expert enough to guess, but I can offer some choices. One, as expressed in this thread already, would be the “Great Society” and other paternalistic nonsense pretending those fine people that I knew were unable to take care of themselves without some Democrat giving them free money. Another might be drugs. Which came first, chicken or egg?

  8. Not gun culture – thug culture

    Taxpayers are probably feeding and supporting this feral animal.

    Unfortunately no constitutional way to exterminate these rabid dogs

    Can an argument be made for cultural self defense?

  9. Someone said it earlier and I have to agree: “You’re a product of your environment”.
    I was around it outside of Detroit. It was thug culture because that’s what was around.

    • “…and full of delicious lulz…”

      There but for the grace of… Nah. Even I wasn’t *that* stupid…


  10. When the American taxpayer is forced to subsidize a breeding program for the lowest rungs of the societal ladder, why should the above result come as a surprise to anyone?

  11. Thank the Democrats who have been giving minorities every excuse to be any way they want to be and have it seen as acceptable conduct. It has achieved the point in history where the parents have passed this on to their young.

    It’s called “minority entitlement”.

    When was the last time anyone could take their children anywhere without having them assaulted by the basest conducts from appearance to profanity? When was the last time anyone go to a comedy club and actually enjoy humor that wasn’t filled with profanity? Or watched even so-called family entertainment on television or at the movies without gratuitous sex, language, violence, etc. All in the name of the 1st Amendment? All thanks to the left and the ACLU?

        • Because it’s comical to make the logical jump from seeing a 12 year old acting out for attention and ascribing it to this or that problem with the black community. He’s projecting. This may be a little girl joking around for all anyone knows, but 90% of the comments are like,
          “SEE! I knew lettin’ dem monkeys have rights was wrong!” It’s like when some dumb fuck does something wrong with a gun on a video and the other side flips out, as if it’s definitive proof of something. It’s not. Calm yo tits, racist grandpas.

      • None- I invite you to explore Zacktv1 Youtube channel for an inside look into Chicago’s inner city and gang culture. You’ll see this girl is not the exception, but rather the rule. It’s only been very recently that most of these feral savages have stopped posting gun videos because of the high rate of “self snitching” that has lead to many prosecutions.

        • Bro, I invite you to stop getting your news from YouTube. Just like I suggest the anti-gunners stop getting their news from Politico. I have lived in Cook County, where Chicago is located, for my entire life. While here, I have seen just as many white, Assyrian, Hispanic, whatever kids posturing and fucking about. I was in a metal band and after one show we played, our black friend got shot in the face by a young Hispanic kid. Kids who haven’t felt the pain of consequences will act out, posturing and trying to gain credibility. When people turn it into a race thing and talk about “breeding programs” and shit, it just shows they’re just spouting more nonsense, just like the other side. Get out of my face with that YouTube nonsense.

  12. The fact that the editor stated: racist comments would be deleted… this is indicative of the problem. It appears to be a racist problem, and a hate problem. These people hate lots of things, other races included. Didndonuffin.

  13. After viewing it a half-dozen times, here’s my take: I don’t get it. I honestly don’t get what point she’s trying to make. It isn’t directed at anyone specifically, and such a petite female trying to act like a thug is… well, it isn’t going to scare any for-real thugs.

    So I really don’t get it.

    • Um, she’s a teenaged girl. She’s experimenting with concepts of danger and anti-authoritarian sentiments. And trying to get attention. Like all teenagers, learning about life.

      Shit like this is just provocation for the old white guy crowd in the comment section that is looking for any excuse to let their weird race-war theories out for some air.

    • “After viewing it a half-dozen times, here’s my take: I don’t get it.”

      No kids, DG?

      (No, shame, I don’t, and it has costed me relationships. I came to the realization early if any kid of mine was like me when I grew up, I’d probably kill it. And I’m *not* kidding on that.)

      But I *was* around watching my sibling’s kids grow up.

      The adolescent in this video is ‘posturing’, the same kind of display seen in the animal kingdom at large, such as where the bellowing, snorting and stamping of hooves can intimidate an interloper into staying out of her percieved ‘territory’, AKA, to ‘Get out of my face’.

      It’s also used to impress potential mates with how ‘bad’ she is, so they will want ‘To hit that’…

      • I don’t see that sort of mentality out of girls her age. Not like this. Rebel against Mom? Arguments about how she’s an adult now (riiiiight) and able to make her own decisions? Sure. Dye her hair odd colors? Sure. Take up with a boy that Mom & Dad don’t approve of? Yup.

        Wave a gun and stun prod around on camera and pretend to be a thug? No. I might see something like that out of teenage boys, but not out of teenage girls. She’s trying to emulate the thug culture. She’s of a size and stature such that if she ever tried to pull this nonsense around a real thug, she’s going to be in a world of hurt, very quickly.

        • I’ve seen girls posture and use violence just like boys do. A bunch of them were Greek and Hispanic, etc. If you want to call it “black culture” or whatever, it’s just flat out wrong. It’s a culture, but it’s not inherent to one race or another.

    • I think they spelled “Ghetto Culture” wrong. This sort mentality and behavior will be familiar to anyone who’s lived in a black neighborhood. It is good for a laugh though, when they are not your neighbors anymore. But I’m sure only a couple more generations of welfare and they will figure out education, birth control and civilized behavior.

  14. Inner city culture and gun culture are two separate things that are not only unrelated, but are antithetical.

  15. Behavior like that wouldn’t be tolerated for a second in any “gun culture” I know, even without a gun.

    It does explain the tiny sliver of legit fear, the tiny sliver of legit anti-gunners feel about people having guns. Some of those tiny slivers get caught in Bloomie’s fiction mills & believe that gunny people actually act like that. People with that little self-control shouldn’t have guns. Or cars, kitchen knives, or wine glasses. Or fingernails. Any “gun culture” I have encountered would freeze out anyone who behaves like that so hard they’d loose parts from the frostbite.

    That video is the best illustration I’ve seen that “American Gun Culture” is far more profound than simply having boom stick. There’s a gun in that video, and less than no “American Gun Culture.”

  16. It has nothing to do with guns, might as well be swinging a machete and I’m not one of the people who call that ‘culture’.

  17. You just got to love those “Ivy League” chickenheads, their language/communication skills are unparalleled. No doubt this fine young woman has a bright future ahead of her, I predict the Democrats will flock to her door and choose her to replace Mammy Maxine (Dirty) Waters when she’s “elevated” to her rightful position ie. Federal Prison inmate. Don’t EEOC/AA me bro/sista!

  18. I think they spelled “Ghetto Culture” wrong. This sort mentality and behavior will be familiar to anyone who’s lived in a black neighborhood. It is good for a laugh though, when they are not your neighbors anymore.

    But I’m sure it will only take a couple more generations of welfare for them to figure out education, birth control and civilized behavior.

  19. I wish elected homosexual, jewish and atheist politicians would stopped supporting the Welfare Industrial Complex that helps create the inner city problems we have today. All three are socialist progressive in their political orientation.

    All three of them support gun free public housing projects. And they support replacing a father with a welfare check instead.

    You don’t get to use your minority status to take away the civil-rights of other people.

  20. I agree with all the other commenters who said this is not gun culture but instead rap/thug culture
    This little girl epitomizes all the values expressed in rap songs
    I hate to say this, but the black community has a spiritual problem
    Until these people start listening to country music there is no hope for them

    • Lol! Amen! Long live country! Before I became a Christian, I listened to rock, classic rock and some metal. Now, it’s mostly country, classical and jazz. Although some of this new stuff they are calling country is pretty bad. I find myself flipping more to classic country stations over the last couple of years. Maybe that’s from just getting old. Older?

      • Yes, some of this new stuff they are calling country is pretty bad. Much of the old stuff they called country was pretty bad, too. Same with most of the old stuff they called Rock & Roll, and most of the really old stuff they now refer to as “classical.”

        The “classic country” and “classic rock” and (get this) “classical” stations have the benefit of hindsight. They play only that which has passed the test of time.

  21. Nope, not gun culture. Can even argue it’s not thug culture, either. There is plenty of scientific data to support the Bell Curve here. Meaning, this type of behavior is genetic, prompted by an extremely low IQ.

  22. I work with people like her.
    One of the women i work with flat out told me she hates white people. Another actually wore a shirt too work that said only black lives matter on the front, on the back it says f*ck whitey and his sp!c dogs. She wears it at least once a week.
    A guy i work with has 17 kids from 6 different baby mommas.
    Weve had gang beatdowns in the parking lot, found drugs in the building, guy pulled a gun on another guy…. gun free zone too. Even has the signs.

  23. “Gun culture”? What is “gun culture” anyway? Isn’t the 2nd Amendment about “American culture” and the principle of individual liberties this country was founded on? We continue to use language like “gun culture” and we’re done for.

  24. I don’t see anything wrong with the video. Is it ok to shame Black culture now? The young lady is just expressing herself with weapons and dance which is common and normal for her people. If you don’t like it don’t associate with her, you have that right. Sort of.

      • Sounds like we need to restore some freedom. After we fix immigration we can focus on rolling back laws that give “protected classes” special powers to infringe upon the rights of citizens. The State needs to get out of the business of favoring some ethnicities over others, it’s fundamentally un-American.

  25. This a prime example of what I’ve been saying for decades. You need to be licensed to cut hair or be a cosmetologist. Yet any 2 morons can have a child. Which is worse for society a bad hair cut or a bad child. I’ve seen all kinds White,Black,Hispanic,and Oriental. Rich and Poor. This a product of bad parenting Period. Not only in raising the child but voting for politicians that need this kind of behavior to produce victims they can save(sic). Allowing the education system to indoctrinate them with the victim ideology. Allowing the Pseudo Psychology field to brainwash parents into believing that punishing children for their bad behavior is wrong. Allowing laws against that punishment being applied to be passed. It’s time for parents to take back the raising of Their Children. Unfortunately I’m afraid that won’t happen any time soon because the parents of this kind of child were raised the same way. Our best hope is Darwin will fix this problem before her genes can be passed on.

  26. A creation of our ruling class….just ask LBJ…..oh, wait he’s dead…..then just ask Chuck Schumer……………..something about “N-word” voting for us for 200 years”…..just the facts……facts…………… 🙂

  27. Years of pop cloture glorifying thug life, violent r&b/hip-hop /gangsta rap music, single parent families, easy abortions that cheapen the value of life, and failure of the democratic social and welfare programs. Homegirl’s a lost cause. She’ll end up in prison or as a welfare collecting brood sow.

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