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Surprisingly, ABC hasn’t removed the video wherein one of their highly esteemed producers edited out the First Lady’s claim that the gang bangers who gunned down Hadiya Pendleton used automatic weapons (which must be banned!). Here’s the sanitized version [as above]: “She was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grow – grew – up, where our house is. And she was caught in the line of fire. I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first.” And here’s the online version with Michelle Obama’s remarks in full . . .

“She was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids…grew up, where our house is. She had just taken a chemistry test. And she was caught in the line of fire because some kids had some automatic weapons they didn’t need,” she said. “I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first.” reached out to ABC for an explanation. The network sent a statement: “The full story was posted to our website in advance of the interview being broadcast. The edits made to Robin’s interview with the First Lady were made solely for time.”

Your humble scribe was a videotape editor for CNN for three years. I can state without equivocation that ABC’s equivocation is bullshit. The edit removes, what, two-and-a-half seconds of sound out of a 4:31 package?

Nope. Like CBS’ edit of George Zimmerman’s 911 call and faked Bush-era documents, ABC got caught red-handed distorting the news to further a left-leaning agenda. Without any professional or commercial blowback, without smoking gun screw-ups like the online transcript, what’s to stop them from doing it again?

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  1. Why edit anything out?

    S#!+ eating gang bangers going about shooting at one another on busy streets don’t need weapons, “automatic” or otherwise.

    They need to be strung up slow.

  2. It’s clear that these assault medias are out of control. We need universal checks on everyone wanting to use these mass communication devices. I mean, this is a clear abuse of the 1st amendment in which ANYONE can claim they’re the media and are spreading “news”. Everyone knows that the 1st amendment was only meant for purposes of spreading the goverent’s propoganda, I mean message.

    • Yeah, clearly the first amendment only applies to quill and ink and our founding fathers could never have imagined television news. Lets be responsible and keep this dangerous media off our streets, for the children!

  3. She doesn’t want to keep disappointing kids?? When I was a kid, I dreamed of the day I could have my own guns, I would have been disappointed if I couldn’t buy the guns I now have!! I’m not sure which kids she’s worried about disappointing. Surely the Call of Duty generation dreams of owning tactical firearms for the most part.

      • I do..

        My wallet is on the gun slim diet

        First carry gun was an FNP and I’m still chasing a 17S.. a few projects to complete between now and then.. also want a Nemo OMEN in 300WinMag.. just ’cause

  4. I’ll tell you what, a society where Michelle Obama determines what anyone needs is one that I want to live in!

    brb suicide

  5. Ministry of Truth in Action…Double-plus good Winston!

    Now go enjoy your increased choco ration. It went up to 20 grams (used to be 30 grams).

  6. Our rights are FIRST, not the children. If we put the children first, they will grow up to be adults with no rights.

  7. I was completely in favor of FLOTUS’ “Let’s Move” campaign until I realized that it didn’t involve moving Barry out of the WH.

  8. It will happen again, bc they’re not accountable. They’re strictly trying to sensationalize and promote their BS agenda.

  9. I’m inclined to believe they DID edit it for time. For one thing, they could have left the Chemistry test bit right in and not obstructed the flow and that would have been even more of an emotional appeal. If the deletion of automatic weapons was propaganda, they wouldn’t have taken out the very useful chemistry test bit as well.

    for another, they were quite open in their text and website quote that she DID say automatic weapons.

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