The first Mexican (via works for a drug cartel. “A pair of grenades were among weapons seized by Mexican federal police from a group of men possibly linked to the Juárez drug cartel, officials said. Police arrested five men after stopping three vehicles during street patrols Tuesday in Juárez. Inside one of the vehicles was a suitcase that contained two AK-47s, two 9mm handguns, two grenades, ammunition, 46 pounds of marijuana and 100 small packs of cocaine.” The second Mexican (pictured with his amigo above, via tries to defend himself from the cartels . . .

This is Siviri Sergio Alejandro Perez, aka “The Chejo” 18-year-old from Cienega de Horcones, and Rufino Alonso Rubio Ramírez, alias “El Poncho”, born in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.

Arms being secured a .45 caliber rifle with 19 rounds of ammunition, a 22-caliber rifle with three rounds of ammunition, a 38 super pistol with seven rounds of ammunition and two 9 mm pistols with 15 rounds, all with their respective chargers.

The second story, complete with Checho’s assertion that he purchased the weapons to guard against death threats, illustrates an important overlooked aspect of Mexican guns: ammunition.

The Mexican government strictly rations ammo. The result: a drastic shortage for civilians. Drug cartels? Not so much. Which raises an interesting question: what’s the ammo smuggling situation vis a vis the so-called “Iron River” flowing south?


  1. Well, Pancho and Cisco can always request some ammo from ATF. I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige.

  2. Let’s see… reality is the fact that if there is a demand for whatever.. then whatever will be brought in. If guns were banned outright in the U.S. then every smuggling operation would bring them in. Cuban Cigars… Pot. Coke. Heroin. Whatever.

  3. Chris is on the right track, if we ban all guns then it will be easier for all of us to buy any gun we want. We all see how well the current bans stop all illegal activity.

    • Not only will guns be more available, but we won’t have to bother with those pesky FFL fees. Now if the government would just ban narcotics, this whole crime thing will go away.

  4. I respect the man with the popped collar. I respect him for the collar that is popped. I respect him because his 1970’s popped collar tells me he drinks too much, that he doesn’t respect his significant other, that he never gets the next drink but pops his collar and promises he will next time. I respect that he has sex with a woman and satisfies her in no way possible but can get past that by popping his collar. Oh, now that is freedom. The 70’s and the popped collars – there is freedom.

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