Massage Parlor Shooting
Shootings at two massage parlors in Atlanta and one in the suburbs have left eight people dead. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
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Eight people were killed in a series of shootings at three Atlanta area massage parlors last night. One man, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long has been arrested in connection with the shootings.

Here is the Associated Press’s report which plays up the ethnicity of the victims, though it isn’t yet known if the fact that most of them were Asian had anything to do with the shootings.

By Kate Brumback, Associated Press

A series of shootings over nearly an hour at three Atlanta area massage parlors left eight people dead and raised fears that the attack was yet another hate crime against people of Asian descent. Police arrested a 21-year-old Georgia man and said the motive wasn’t immediately known, though many of the victims were women of Asian descent.

The attacks began Tuesday evening, when five people were shot at Youngs Asian Massage Parlor in Acworth, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of Atlanta, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Capt. Jay Baker said. Two people died at the scene, and three were taken to a hospital where two died, Baker said.

About an hour later, police responding to a call about a robbery found three women dead from apparent gunshot wounds at Gold Spa in Atlanta’s Buckhead neighborhood, which is home to many tattoo parlors and strip clubs. While there, the officers learned of a call reporting shots fired at another spa across the street, Aromatherapy Spa, and found a woman who appeared to have been shot dead.

“It appears that they may be Asian,” Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant said.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden has been briefed on the “horrific shootings” and administration officials have been in contact with the mayor’s office and the FBI.

Surveillance video recorded a man pulling up to the Acworth business about 10 minutes before the attack there, authorities said. The same car was spotted outside the Atlanta businesses. A manhunt was launched, and Robert Aaron Long, of Woodstock, was taken into custody in Crisp County, about 150 miles (240 kilometers) south of Atlanta, Baker said.

Video evidence “suggests it is extremely likely our suspect is the same as Cherokee County’s, who is in custody,” Atlanta police said in a statement. Authorities haven’t specified charges.

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said in statement Wednesday that its diplomats in Atlanta have confirmed with police that four of the victims who died were women of Korean descent. The ministry said its Consulate General in Atlanta is trying to confirm the nationality of the women.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is in South Korea meeting with Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, mentioned the killings during an opening statement.

“We are horrified by this violence which has no place in America or anywhere,” he said, noting that four of the women were believed to be of Korean descent.

The killings came amid a recent wave of attacks against Asian Americans that coincided with the spread of the coronavirus across the United States.

“Our entire family is praying for the victims of these horrific acts of violence,” Gov. Brian Kemp said Tuesday evening on Twitter.

FBI spokesman Kevin Rowson said the agency was assisting Atlanta and Cherokee County authorities in the investigation.

Crisp County Sheriff Billy Hancock said in a video posted on Facebook that his deputies and state troopers were notified Tuesday night that a murder suspect out of north Georgia was headed toward their county. Deputies and troopers set up along the interstate and “made contact with the suspect,” he said.

A state trooper performed a PIT, or pursuit intervention technique, maneuver, “which caused the vehicle to spin out of control,” Hancock said. Long was then taken into custody “without incident” and was being held in the Crisp County jail for Cherokee County authorities who were expected to arrive soon to continue their investigation.

Due to the shootings, Atlanta police said they dispatched officers to check nearby similar businesses and increased patrols in the area.

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  1. > plays up the ethnicity of the victims, though it isn’t yet known if the fact that most of them were Asian had anything to do with the shootings.

    Yes, it is, and how dare you.

    • No kidding. I’d love to hear alternative theories, Dan. Maybe this guy just really hates massage parlors because they couldn’t get a knot out of his back? Maybe they all serve cucumber water and he hates cucumber. What a joke.

      • Atlanta native here. These so called “spas” aren’t there to provide relief from muscle pain. They provide a different kind of relief. Maybe his problem was with the immorality of these establishments rather than the demographics of the employees? We don’t have the facts yet.

        • “Maybe his problem was with the immorality of these establishments rather than the demographics of the employees?“

          He would not be the first believer who killed innocents at the command of his imaginary sky daddy.

          And certainly not the last…

        • Yet the “sky daddy” allows morons like miner to keep on infesting our world. Just like the cockroach.

        • Even butt naked you can still be armed. Try the North American Arms neck holster or ankle holster. The lenghts are adjustable.

        • Immoral?

          Lol. Whatever.

          Maybe it’s was crime related and had to do with money. Most likely, but the media will never tell the truth about that. I doubt he was mad about some handjobs.

    • Difference between what is known and what can be reasonably assumed based on the evidence thus far.

    • If there were eight people killed and only four of them were Asian, what were the other four? How about the wounded, were they all Asian,? Do you even know?
      This may have been a hate crime against Asian’s but at this point we have no idea!

    • Pro tip: whenever there’s a high profile shooting of any kind, anywhere, the media ALWAYS get major aspects of the reporting wrong. They spin the story to fit the dominant narrative they’re pushing.

      Remember all the shooting that were initially blamed on Tea Party and NRA members? Yeah, none of them were accurate.

      And…what do you know? The “He shot them because they were Asian” story was false, too.

    • this guy appears to be a religious nutcase with inner conflicts who blamed others for his behavior…the fact that many of them were asian appears incidental…

    • I think 6 of them are Asian and women. And he went to Asian businesses. He had a hit list of Asian businesses.

      Attacks did go up when Trump pushed that trade war and corona virus blame.

      • Young’s Asian Massage: The victims were two Asian women, a WHITE woman, and a WHITE man..

        Gold Spa: four Asian women were killed..

        The Aroma Therapy Spa: One Hispanic man was wounded..

        According to two law enforcement sources involved in the investigation, Long attempted to justify his actions when he told police he thought about killing himself, but decided instead to “help” others with sexual addictions by targeting spas. Asshole was trying to relive the story of the “Prodigal Son” having been kicked out of his home, he thought his father would welcome him back if he “fixed” himself.. Looking for a racist? Find out who owns the thousands of “Asian massage parlors” around the country… Funny they’ll say he bought a gun that morning but no one will say what it was, hmmmmm..

        His “hit list” was brothels operating as Massage Parlors with “trafficked” Asian Women employees…

  2. May justice be served.

    Be ready to contact your R senators.

    If you’re Asian-descended; be ready against disarmist propaganda directed at your ethnicity, possibly even mouthed by those of your own ethnicity.

  3. “He has been described as quiet and extremely religious and heavily involved in his church. He was an avid hunter as well and loved guns. No word on whether he was involved in any “Q” stuff or not. He reportedly described on social media that his life is “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God.”

    As noted, he was heavily involved in his church, the Crabapple First Baptist Church in Milton, GA. That church has now taken down its website as well as its social media, but online reporting found that before they took it down you could see that Long and his family were very involved. It is also interesting to note that the church seems to have missed taking sermons down from YouTube, at least so far. The first one I clicked on had the preacher holding forth on the eviIs of “Radical feminism” and the idea of being transgender (he directly invoked s.a.t.a.n about these “eviIs”). Not sure how far right they went, but they certainly weren’t in any way progressive.“

    Preach it, Rev!

    • Miner posting without links or any verifiable facts probably means antifa or blm. Give it a few weeks and we will see where this psycho actually ends up in beliefs.

      • Void, a very appropriate handle!

        Why not check out the information I post yourself? There are several search engines that will return results relating to the perpetrator of these crimes.

        And I agree, a thorough investigation may reveal the truth of the matter.

        But I am wondering, what evidence do you have to support your claim that BLM and antifa are probably involved?

        • History of watching your posts indicates a heavily curiated view of cherry picked whataboutisms. On occasion you hit on something accurate but it is overwhelmingly cases of dog bites man thus void of any statistical value. Yes my SN is quite appropriate in regards to you thanks for noticing and my evidence at this point is the same as yours.

        • “my evidence at this point is the same as yours.“

          As evidence, I would cite the multiple reports that this young man was heavily involved in the southern Baptist church he attended.

          Just what evidence do you have that he was involved with antifa or BLM, as you assert?

        • “Sky daddy”???

          Ohhh, how clever.🙄

          The belief in God (of biblical fame) is infinitely more realistic (and sane) than that of the belief in the “Religion of Progressivism”, which includes ghoulish tenets such as human baby-sacrifice (some erroneously refer to it as a “women’s reproductive right”), the absurd EcoNazi belief in man-made global warming and the obsessive, totalitarian desire to absolve the 2nd amendment, effectively rendering it null&void and otherwise responsible, law-abiding citizens defenseless of both criminals and a U.S. government whose smarmy Establishment politicians it employs have CLEARLY become abusive, tyrannical and weaponized against the citizens who along with the Chinese Communist Party, also fund their salaries.

          Meanwhile, this young shooter is likely a typically-confused millennial who doesn’t know whether he’s a boy or a girl, and who’s been hopelessly indoctrinated by Alexandria O’Crazio-Cortex (and the like) to believe he only has 10 years to live and thus cares little about life, be it his own or the lives of others.


        • “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life.”

          And a psychopathic love/hate relationship with Asian American women…

        • Bruh u bitch about citations so much and every time you get called out it’s a default keyboard commando response.

          Get a life, loser. Fucken pinocchio.

    • So quick to paint Christians with an ultrawide paint brush while calling out others who do the same to Muslims. There’s a word for that. . .

      • Nope, I think Muslim believers are just as delusional as the Christians.

        And anybody who commits violent acts against another without just cause should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, color, nationality, etc.

        • And yet you spend all your time and energy here slagging white Christians and conservatives. Such tolerant. Many open mind.

      • But it seems from the reporting that he was a regular church attendee, in good standing and participating in regular church events.

        Do you think maybe there are other people in these congregations who claim to be Christians but aren’t?

        You know, an omnipotent, all seeing God should do something about those false Christians, don’t you think…

        • Looks like God did do something about a “false Christian” to me. The perp got caught didn’t he ?

          “But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out.”
          God The Almighty

        • Wow miner, way to show your ignorance of Christianity. Jesus Christ said the two biggest commands are love God and love your fellow man. People who shoot innocents are doing neither of these. So no matter how “involved” they are in church, they are not Christians (followers of Christ). Period.

        • Miner49er,

          … an omnipotent, all seeing God should do something about those false Christians, don’t you think…

          A thorough answer to your question is somewhat lengthy. Here is the super-abridged Cliff-notes version.

          One of God’s dominant characteristics is immense love for people and immense desire for their love in response. Of course love only exists when there is free will. Thus, God gives us free will. Equally obvious, some people will exercise their free will to harm others rather than love others.

          Now for the part that is hard to embrace and thoroughly explain in a few sentences. If God constantly intervened every time that someone set out to harm others, that is de facto nullification of free will and love could not exist. Therefore, we are “stuck” with a situation of constant tension between the exercise of free will for love and for harm.

          Gigantically important point:
          God designed mankind and life to be full of love and joy and free from harm. It is only because mankind rejects God’s design that we experience harm. That is most certainly OUR fault, not God’s.

        • “Looks like God did do something about a “false Christian” to me. The perp got caught didn’t he ?“

          After he killed eight people and wounded more?

          Slack ass God you have there, one would think an omniscient God could have stopped the killing before it began. Or even addressed the internal mental problems His follower was having before this tragedy.

        • There are absolutely other church attendees that are evil. BTK comes to mind. You can mock my Lord and Savior all you want, one day you will bend a knee to Jesus Christ. I’ll say a prayer for you that Jesus may enter your heart before it’s too late.

        • Uncommon, thank you for your thoughtful response to my post.

          Unfortunately, I must say I believe that the doctrine of free will is a fraud.

          It’s the old predestination conundrum, a God that knows the future knows exactly every decision a person will make.

          Therefore, when a baby is born, God knows exactly where that baby will end up, heaven or hell.

          And the idea of eternal suffering simply because one chooses not to believe in God seems less than loving.

          And really, religions based on human sacrifice, even a vicarious sacrifice, seem flawed from the very beginning.

        • Merely because one claims Christianity doesn’t necessarily make it so.
          In fact, I don’t know of any Christians who randomly murder people, do you??

          Simply put, Christians don’t murder people. It’s quite literally against their religion, i.e., perhaps the most famous of all the Ten Commandments, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.

          Try not to be a gullible, Godless moron all of your life.
          Or do. Whatever.

        • Miner49er,

          And the idea of eternal suffering simply because one chooses not to believe in God seems less than loving.

          The alternative for someone who hated God and rejected God repeatedly is far more cruel — God drags that person kicking and screaming to Himself and forces that person to spend eternity with Himself. Would you want to spend eternity with someone that you hated and rejected repeatedly? When God honors someone’s choice to reject Him, that is loving.

          The fact that people will suffer when they get exactly what they demand — eternity completely outside of God’s presence — is their own doing. The choice is yours: choose wisely.

        • Miner49er,

          … religions based on human sacrifice, even a vicarious sacrifice, seem flawed from the very beginning.

          And now we touch on the other dominant trait of God: immense requirement for justice. God cannot ignore our transgressions. He cannot simply sweep them under the rug. Someone has to pay the penalty for those transgressions. Of course that comes into conflict with God’s immense love which does not want to see us separated from Him forever because of our transgressions. Thus God sent his Son to our world to accept the punishment that we deserve in our place. That single act allowed God to simultaneously achieve immense justice and immense love. Which brings us back to free will. All we have to do is accept God’s act of justice AND love to spend eternity in joy with Him. Or reject his act of justice AND love and spend eternity away from him. That fact that people who reject him will suffer is their own fault.

        • Uncommon,

          Hating God is not really part of the atheist idea, I don’t hate God because I have seen no credible evidence that God exists.

          I think the idea of hating an imaginary entity is silly.

          My problem is with the self deluding followers of a jealous, vengeful, angry imaginary deity who somehow apparently often commands his followers to kill their fellow humans.

          You know, if I was going to believe in a God, I would pick one who had the strength and ability to do his own killing, rather than requiring us humans to kill in His name.

          The idea that Paul commanded slaves to obey their masters, even the harsh ones, is revolting.

          My message to slaves is to ‘free yourselves by whatever means necessary’.

    • Hey Miner. You owe me money for the bet you placed against Joe Biden implementing an open border policy. We already have more illegal immigration than we’ve had in 20 years. They want to run up the numbers so they can give more amnesty.

  4. Let’s see how many boxes this checks:
    -Mass shooting shortly after a major gun control bill is introduced: check.
    -White, “rustic”-looking suspect right after “white supremacists” mentioned as #1 domestic terror threat: check.
    -Non-white people and businesses targeted due to same: check.
    -Targets highly likely to be unarmed, because can’t have the chance guns could be used to protect lives: check.
    -Former Red State, now Purple/Blue, but still has Red State gun laws on books (for now): check.
    -Extremely violent suspect captured alive without resistance so there can be a trial (and periodic reminders of the incident in the media) for years to come: check.
    Bonus: story takes spotlight so there won’t be a mention of the quad-murder in Indy because $1400 wasn’t enough for one guy, or of the 15-bagger in Chiraq this past weekend: check.

    • the Indy story won’t get big play ecause it was a black on black thing and no AR/AK involved… Chiraq is just what it is, meh…

      • Exactly, if he had been a minority they would’ve shot him right in the driver seat like they did Philandro Castile.

    • Bingo. You beat me to it. I find the timing very suspect. Look to see if any close relatives work or have worked with Federal law enforcement.

      • White suspect not gunned down by racist police. (Check)

        Could it be that the “WHITE” suspect was smart enough to “COMPLY” with the cops commands? Maybe he didn’t get offed by the police because he just didn’t give them a reason, like shooting at them, coming at them aggressively while reaching for his cell phone or brandishing a firearm… But you’re probably right, with all the Southern inbreeding those cops 150 miles from the incident are probably his 2nd or 3rd cousins twice removed on his mommas, daddys best friends dentist side of the family tree…

        • I posted that because you just know BurnLootMurder is going to make that point front and center in their social media posts about how if he had been black he wouldn’t be alive today.

        • “Could it be that the “WHITE” suspect was smart enough to “COMPLY” with the cops commands?“

          Well, except for the part where he refused to comply and state troopers used a PIT maneuver to run him off the road.

          Well, except for the part where he refused to comply and state troopers used a PIT maneuver to run him off the road.

          Of course, the official statement said “he was arrested without incident” so I can see why you’re confused.

        • “Maybe he didn’t get offed by the police because he just didn’t give them a reason, like shooting at them, coming at them aggressively while reaching for his cell phone“

          Good Lord, do you think the police are justified in shooting someone who is coming at them aggressively while reaching for his cell phone?

          So you believe that the shooting of the black individual in his own backyard because he reached for his cell phone is justified?

        • Miner talks shit about religions.

          Uses the phrase “good lord”…

          Can’t make this shit up.

        • Good Lord, do you think the police are justified in shooting someone who is coming at them aggressively while reaching for his cell phone?

          So your SARCASM button only works when YOU are the one being sarcastic? Got it… Not that anyone could tell the difference..

  5. that “Asian hate-crimewave” narrative was gloriously backfiring on the cynical race theory pushers until this sh*tbird came along. give him the chair.

    • And remember what happened on Monday.

      The US Government Intel Agencies released a Cockamamie Intel Report repeating the Double Talking BULLSHIT of Russian Collusion Election Interference for Trump while Covering up for Communist China Interfering to Benefit Biden and Democrats.

      • yep, but as these institutions (media, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, FBI, Pentagon) brazenly act on their cultural marxism, more people wake up to it.

        • Uncommon, I really appreciate you attempting in your own way to explain your position.

          But your arguments are flawed.

          “(And if China really is in bed with Dominion, they would happily provide billions to Dominion’s legal fund as well.) Thus, Dominion and its supporters effectively have an infinite — truly infinite — pile of cash“

          You take a supposition, “if china really is in bed with dominion” and then state your conclusion as fact:

          “Thus, Dominion and its supporters effectively have an infinite — truly infinite — pile of cash”

          That’s not the way logic works, if you state a premise you need to provide evidence to support that premise before drawing a conclusion based on your bare assertion.

          You have no evidence that China and dominion are connected in anyway, and you have no evidence that dominion perpetrated any sort of voting fraud, just rumors and claims by individuals who have no actual knowledge of the facts of the situation.

      • “while Covering up for Communist China Interfering to Benefit Biden and Democrats.“

        What evidence do you have to support your presumptive claim of “communist china interference to benefit Biden and Democrats”?

        • The $China Money and their Big Tech Oligarchs are the Democrat Party Sugar-Daddies.

          OpenSecrets has all that Data.

        • Miner49er,

          Watch Mike Lindell’s video on 2020 general election tampering. One of his presenters displays logs of Internet addresses accessing voting machines. I randomly selected three different Internet addresses from that list which the list indicated are in China. I then traced those addresses to see if they are, indeed, in China. They are.

          I only see two possible explanations:
          1) Those logs are true and China accessed voting machines just prior to, the day of, and potentially the day after the November 2020 general election.
          — or —
          2) Someone went to GREAT lengths to fabricate bogus log files which have otherwise accurate information in them.

          In light of the fact that China funneled millions (if not billions of dollars) to the Biden family through Hunter Biden, the first option seems FAR more likely to me — China ensured that the candidate who they bought-off won the Presidency.

          As for the second explanation, what was the point of that if it were true? Who stands to gain from some obscure entity producing a log of Chinese hackers accessing our voting machines — a story which Big Tech and the Legacy Media suppressed?

          As the old adage goes, “Follow the money.”

        • Did you even read the article you linked?

          Where is the criminal activity?

          Where is the mention of China supporting Joe Biden, the word China isn’t even in the article, much less some allegation of a criminal connection.

          It is an article about American citizen employees of a sector of our economy making political contributions to candidates they favor.

          That’s the American way, are you saying those American citizens shouldn’t be allowed to contribute to political campaigns?

          JP, you claim opensecrets had information about China’s criminal support of Joe Biden, yet you show no evidence whatsoever to support your claim.

          Are you some kind of paid troll, spreading disinformation?

        • What kind of evidence do YOU have, Miner, that there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign in 2016?

          Answer: None. A gigantic, multi-year investigation turned up zero evidence of collusion and ended with a whimper on some iffy allegations that the Trump administration *might* have attempted to obstruct an investigation into something that never happened.

          But the legacy media acted like it really happened, so that means it did, right?

        • Uncommon, thanks for providing detail.

          “One of his presenters displays logs of Internet addresses accessing voting machines.“

          That sort of thing is just too vague to have any credibility.

          Who is this “presenter”, and has it been shown that they actually had access to these logs? How did they obtain the logs?

          What voting machine company was involved? Dominion is suing Mike Lindel for billions, will these logs be part of the discovery in that case? If the dominion machines were actually accessed by Chinese actors, wouldn’t dominion hesitate in risking discovery by filing suit?

          If these logs are genuine why didn’t Trump or any of his attorneys present any of this evidence in court, they had 60 opportunities yet failed on every occasion.

        • The following video should be played every single day. 9:56 He says they couldn’t bend Trump to their will, “but now we’re seeing Biden was elected” *laughter from the audience* Because the audience is apparently better informed than Miner about China Joe.

        • Speaking of China (or not), I heard on the news today while I was driving that there was a report on 2020 election interference. They said Russia helped Trump (actually they said Vladimir Putin) and Iran helped Biden. There was zero mention of China. I wonder why…

        • “The majority of money comes from 29 anonymous six-figure donors giving up to $800,000 each. American Bridge’s noncash gifts include 450 shares of Baidu, a Chinese technology company with reportedties to China’s Communist Party, valued at more than $100,000”.

          Deductive Reasoning your strength. It’s ok though..

          $China Lobby Dark Money for Democrats. Something you chose to ignore while pushing the Russian Collusion BULLSHIT.

        • Miner49er,

          Who is this “presenter”, and has it been shown that they actually had access to these logs? How did they obtain the logs?

          I don’t recall the name — it is in the video. I am not sure on those other two questions.

          What voting machine company was involved? Dominion is suing Mike Lindel for billions, will these logs be part of the discovery in that case? If the dominion machines were actually accessed by Chinese actors, wouldn’t dominion hesitate in risking discovery by filing suit?

          I am almost certain that it was Dominion which would be consistent with Dominion suing him. As for risking discovery, you clearly do not understand how the courts actually work. First of all, Dominion is seeking billions of dollars hoping to intimidate Lindell into silence and never getting to the point of discovery. Second of all, Progressives dominate the courts and it would be an easy matter for a Progressive judge to dismiss Lindell’s evidence out-of-hand (just like you did). Third of all, Big Tech, several billionaires, and thousands of multi-millionaires love the result of the election and would happily provide supplemental funding if Dominion needed it. (And if China really is in bed with Dominion, they would happily provide billions to Dominion’s legal fund as well.) Thus, Dominion and its supporters effectively have an infinite — truly infinite — pile of cash to hire legions of attorneys. When the courts are vigorously on your side (and quite possibly in your pocket) and you literally have an infinite amount of money to fund legions of attorneys, you quite literally cannot lose.

          If these logs are genuine why didn’t Trump or any of his attorneys present any of this evidence in court, they had 60 opportunities yet failed on every occasion.

          My understanding is that the legal process never even got to the point where the Trump legal team could present evidence. All the cases were rejected much earlier in the lawsuit process.

        • Miner49er,

          And you never responded to my points.

          Why would China funnel millions (if not billions) of dollars to the Biden family AFTER Joe Biden was no longer Vice President and did not hold any political office? Why would China be so intent on doing that two years before the 2020 general election? The most reasonable answer: because China knew that they were able to hack voting machines and guarantee that Biden would “win” the election. No other explanation makes anywhere near as much sense.

          And if those logs of Chinese access to voting machines (which were extremely credible in appearance and content) were forgeries, who stands to gain from some obscure entity producing them — a story which Big Tech and the Legacy Media were guaranteed to quash? Who?

        • “In light of the fact that China funneled millions (if not billions of dollars) to the Biden family through Hunter Biden“


          Please share with us your credible evidence to support this claim.


        • They finally had to admit that Hunter owns a Chinese-funded equity stake after denying it prior to the election.

          White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked on Friday about reports that Hunter Biden still owns a 10% stake in a Chinese investment firm formed with state-owned entities. She told the press that the president’s son “has been working to unwind his investment…”

          Reports in late January showed that Hunter Biden continued to own a 10% stake in a private Chinese equity firm called BHR Partners.

          Chinese BHR’s company website states, adding that, since launching in December 2013, it now manages “over RMB15 billion in assets” — the equivalent of more than $2 billion.

          I’m guessing you think Hunter deserves this because he’s really an investment genius. Did he learn this as an attorney or in the military? Do you also believe that Hunter is highly sought after for his extensive knowledge about Ukrainian energy? Would you like to buy a bridge?

        • Dude, you state:

          “ …Hunter owns a Chinese-funded equity stake after denying it prior to the election.“

          Hunter’s involvement with the equity firm was not hidden before the election, there were multiple news stories regarding his stock ownership, before the election.

        • Miner, do you not recognize a propagandist piece when you see it? According to the WP article, Biden hasn’t been paid a dime and only owns $430,000 in the company:

          “Mesires said Hunter Biden was paid nothing for his service as a director for the Chinese company and has yet to make a profit from his 2017 PURCHASE of a 10 percent stake in that company, which he said is worth $430,000.”

          It says he made a PURCHASE of a 10% stake that’s only worth $430k. That is a lie. Here it is straight from Mesires:

          “BHR was capitalized with 30 million RMB, or approximately $4.2 million USD. In October 2017, Hunter COMMITTED to invest approximately $420,000 USD (as of 10/12/2019) to acquire a 10% equity position in BHR, which he still holds.”

          So he COMMITTED to invest in order to get that 10% stake? In other words, it was given to him. Where are the receipts where he bought in? As I noted above, the fund is now worth more than 2 billion. So I’ll ask again, how is it that loser, druggie Hunter lands these great deals? Where are all of the reporters trying to get to the bottom of this? They acted like it didn’t exist until it was proven, then they just let the media do the work for them like that WP propagandist piece.

          And according to the WP it’s worth $430,000? So a $420,000 “investment” (receipts?) made over two years ago is now only worth $430,000? And you buy that? Of course you do. He’s a Democrat. Democrats good, Republicans bad. Then there’s this:

          “Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.

          The money was for “introductions alone,” said Mr. Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden. Another email to Hunter Biden from a consultant says that a 10% stake in an unnamed company will go to “the big guy?” The “big guy” was not identified.”

          Wow, how many 10% stakes does Hunter own, and who is this “big guy” they refer to? The Bidens and the media have always been very open about how beholden they are to foreign countries. That bridge is still for sale.

        • “The newspaper obtained a cache of messages, documents and photos from a MacBrook Pro laptop purportedly owned by Hunter Biden, via President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani.“

          Hunter Biden’s laptop?

          Oh sure, that’s real. So did Fox ever find their missing USB drive?

          Is the story still that UPS lost the USB?

          So Rudy didn’t make a back up copy or is he afraid of slander litigation?

          And has anybody talked to the Kraken lately, I’m getting worried about her…

        • “Hunter Biden’s laptop? Oh sure, that’s real.”

          So you actually believed the “Russian Disinformation” label that was applied by the long list of left wing retired intel officers? That’s why they do it. (Even though within the actual letter they admit they have ZERO proof of this.) Propaganda works. Even left wing outlet Daily Beast admitted the laptop existed after the election. Where do you think those naughty photos of Hunter came from?

        • Where do you think those naughty photos of Hunter came from?

          Those dastardly Russians are pure genius at photoshop and the FBI always visits little obscure computer repair shops to issue veiled threats to legally blind owners and Hunter never even owned a laptop and……

        • And has anybody talked to the Kraken lately, I’m getting worried about her…

          Loyal Clinton team player Marc Elias, a well paid fixer with the notorious law firm of Perkins Coie, alleges in official court documents that “thousands of votes may have been switched or changed by Dominion voting machines.” It looks like he borrowed Powell’s Kraken for a while.

      • JP, do you not know how to read the articles you provide links for?

        The facts show that the Chinese stock you speak of was a donation from a wealthy California Dr.. If you would do the actual research you would find out the details, so here’s what I found after about five minutes of reading through your link:

        “$5,402,259: Value of 21,635 shares of Baidu Inc. — a Chinese technology behemoth with reported ties to China’s Communist Party — that California physician Karla Jurvetson donated to Women Vote!, the super PAC branch of abortion rights group Emily’s List.

        Women Vote! sold the Baidu Inc. stock on May 10, according to FEC records. The money Women Vote! earned from the stock sale, which occurred as trade and economic tensions between the United States and China were rapidly escalating, represents more than half the money the Democrat-backing super PAC collected during May.”

        How does a donation of stock, which was immediately sold, equate proof of Joe Biden’s collusion with the Chinese?

        Is it illegal for the California doctor to donate to a political action committee?

        Don’t you have something more solid say a meeting at Trump Tower, scheduled by agents of the Russian government, to provide stolen electronic documents about trumps presidential opponent.

        Or in regards to China, how about Ivanka and Jared’s negotiations with the Chinese Communist government for 31 separate trademark agreements, all while Ivanka was working in the White House as Senior Advisor to the President.

        That seems like a slightly more solid connection as opposed to some California doctor donating some Chinese stock to a women’s issue PAC.

        You people are hilarious!

      • I would certainly be interested in you providing whatever evidence or support you have for your claims about China’s interference in the election.

        “The US intelligence report released Tuesday detailing foreign election interference in the 2020 election contradicts repeated statements from former President Donald Trump and senior members of his administration that China — and not Russia — was the top foreign threat to the integrity of the election.

        The report also raises questions about the effort from Senate Republicans to investigate the Bidens and Ukraine, a probe that examined many of the same allegations about the Bidens and Ukraine that the Russian-linked officials were pushing, according to the intelligence community report.
        The report, compiled by the US intelligence community and declassified and released by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on Tuesday, assessed that the Russian government meddled in the 2020 election with an influence campaign “denigrating” President Joe Biden and “supporting” Trump. In addition, the report said China did not interfere and “considered but did not deploy influence efforts intended to change the outcome of the US Presidential election.”

        That assessment flies in the face of the public comments from Trump and members of his administration, including former Attorney General William Barr and former national security adviser Robert O’Brien who helped push Trump’s narrative that China was interfering in the election more aggressively than Russia or Iran.“

        • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

          the report said China did not interfere and …. And we KNOW that the “Intelligence community” would NEVER lie to us… (James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, said Thursday that he did not lie to them about government surveillance last year when he denied the U.S. was collecting data on millions of Americans in a hearing last year. “It has been very disappointing to have my integrity questioned because of a mistake,” (POOR BABY)

        • ICYMI:
          A report dropped by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe, states that China interfered and “sought to influence” the 2020 presidential election.
          One of the most alarming parts in Ratcliffe’s assessment was when he claimed that CIA management pressured lower level analysts to diminish the assessment.
          Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed that China interfered in the 2020 federal elections, according to a letter transmitted to Congress.
          In the letter, Ratcliffe alleges that intelligence about China’s election interference was suppressed by management at the CIA, which pressured analysts to withdraw their support for the view. Citing a report by the Intelligence Community Analytic Ombudsman Barry Zulauf, the director of national intelligence said some analysts were reluctant to describe China’s actions as election interference because they disagreed with the policies of President Donald Trump. (But that could NEVER happen, could it?)

  6. This Convenient, Well-Timed, Right On Que Mass Shooting to benefit the Democrats Occurs after and in conjunction with:

    1). 5 Days after Diane Feinstein, who plays a host to Communist China Spies, introduces her Police State Gun Ban and Confiscation Civilian Disarmament Bill.

    2). The US Government Intel Agencies released a Cockamamie Intel Report repeating the Double Talking BULLSHIT of Russian Collusion Election Interference for Trump while Covering up for Communist China Interfering to Benefit Biden and Democrats.

  7. I suppose after playing up “attacks on Asians” for the past four months they had to find a white perp to parade around since all the other perps were black and consequently could not be paraded around.

    Congrats, you found one.

    • I’m American Asian. I don’t buy what the media and politicians are saying about Asian-hate crimes on the rise. But I felt racism as a kid and in the military, my dad more so and he served longer than I did. We grew up to be resilient in tough times with no internet. Now a days I don’t recieve any hate comments out in public. But could be because I have a muscular build, visable tattoos, thick beard and usually am wearing a Line Nine t shirt? BTW, when I first saw the headlines I thought about happy endings and love you long time. I make no apologies! I’m an American who happens to have an Asian background.

      • I get your point perfectly and fully agree with you. I’m married to the sweetest lady in the world who just happens to be Asian. We’ve been married for years but she also has her LTC and we go to the range as much as possible because of lunatics like this damn shooter.

        Neither of us accept the leftist media narrative and propaganda. Their remarks are actually very racist and absolute proof they don’t really care about those they claim are discriminated against in their narrative unless it will get them high ratings and possibly help further the communist gun control aspirations of the Democrat Socialist Party of the USA.

  8. Several weeks ago, I saw an article about attacks on Asians. The usual lefty commenters were automatically blaming angry white males. Later some pics and vids were released showing the attackers were black. I noticed that these attacks were no longer getting press. Wonder why, hmm. Now, I can’t help but wonder three things: 1.) Does this guy have some connection to these spas as in “mob” activity? 2.) Is he a nut job? 3.) Is this a false flag to divert our attention that most of the initial reported attacks were committed by blacks and to push gun control?

    Before calling me a conspiracy nut on false flags, let me remind you of all the mass shootings wherein the perp SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO IT and was ignored. Actor Steven Segal was interviewed about mass shootings and said it appeared they were letting them happen. Not saying that’s the case here, but it provokes more wonder on my part.

    • “Actor Steven Segal was interviewed about mass shootings and said it appeared they were letting them happen.“

      Well, there you go! If counterterrorism expert Steven Seagal says it appears they’re letting it happen who are we to argue with his training and expertise?

      He certainly is more credible than the local, state and federal authorities actually interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence and investigating the crimes.

      • Steven Segal was just stating the obvious. In the Parkland shooting in particular, the nutter literally posted on YouTube that he would be the next big school shooter. The post was reported to the fbi, who did nothing.

        • Interesting, the FBI should’ve done something because this guy posted that he would be the next big school shooter?

          So you would be in favor of the FBI rounding up the posters on this forum who say that we should start killing Democrats and liberals?

          Or should the red flag laws just apply to minorities?

      • The Columbine shooters were sent to counseling after saying they were going to do their deed, bamboozled the counselor, the counselor said they were fine, and the rest is history. Huscarl is dead on correct about Parkland; HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO IT.

        • Add that to the 30+ times the police had to respond to the Parkland psycho’s violent, erratic behavior at home and at school… There was no need for a “red flag” law. A minimal level of diligence would’ve done the job, but no, that’s too much to expect.

  9. Not the actions of a follower of God. News is saying he likely blaming asians for Covid-19 which is a ridiculous because 2 victims were not asian. More fear mongering nonsense from main stream media. He’s just another a$$hole that’s going to make the lives of gun owner difficult.

    • Definitely a follower of the voices is in his head. They probably told him to kill whores and so he targeted massage parlors. BTW, the guy who shot John Wilkes Booth cut his own balls off with a pair of scissors before the Civil War because he was afraid of hookers, or something crazy like that. Some people would be better off secluded from other humans.

    • “Not the actions of a follower of God“

      Interesting viewpoint.

      So all the Southern Baptist preachers advocating for slavery from the pulpit before and during the Civil War were not followers of God?

      And the slave owners who beat and killed their slaves without just cause were not followers of God as well?

      Under your logic, the entire confederacy was not following God’s commandments.

      • @Miner49er Anyone who enslaves another person, or who willfully murders, well they are not following God. Notice I said “willfully murders”, we are not talking about soldiers, but cold blooded murder, which what this was. Likely this sick person was abused by a woman, his mother, aunt, babysitter, or mother was prostitute. something like that in his past. That’s not an excuse, just a reason.

        • First you say this individual was likely abused by a woman.

          What evidence do you have to support this claim or do you just not like women in general?

          “Anyone who enslaves another person… well they are not following God“

          So you do not believe the Old Testament laws are the word of God?

          Do you discard the entire Old Testament or do you pick and choose from the buffet of God’s Word?

        • @Miner49er I think you just like to argue, baseless as it is. It’s just an opinion, apparently you always have a opposite one. Go away.

      • Miner49er,

        I do not know any details at all of Southern Baptist ministers advocating for slavery in the South prior to or during the Civil War. Let us suppose for the sake of discussion that your assertion is true. Then I will argue that those Southern Baptist ministers were most likely not Godly men. At best they were horribly mistaken. At worst, they were evil men masquerading as men of God.

        Important detail: you have to be extremely careful when you read about slavery in the Bible in English language. There were/are significantly different notions of slavery and you would be wrong if you assumed that every discussion of slavery in the Bible was of the horrific variety that some/many practiced in the pre-Civil War Southern United States. (Hint: some Biblical references to slavery refer to a fairly amicable arrangement where a debtor worked for the person to whom he/she owed money. And since the debtor owed that person money, that person did not pay him/her for their work. This is a woefully inadequate explanation and hopefully gets you to research this more in depth.)

        • they were evil men masquerading as men of God.

          Ahhhhh… The Jimmy Swaggart, Creflo P. Dollar, Jim & Tammy Baker model….

        • “Biblical references to slavery refer to a fairly amicable arrangement where a debtor worked for the person to whom he/she owed money.“

          Not even close.

          The Bible expressly authorizes owning slaves as property, to be passed down to your children or sold to others.

          The Bible expressly authorizes beating your slaves as much as you like, as long as they don’t die in a day or two.

          And remember what Paul said, slaves obey your masters, even the harsh ones.

          The Bible expressly authorized purchasing your slaves from the heathen nations around you, because if you have Jewish slaves you have to let them go free after seven years. Unless you trick them by finding them a wife and then telling them if they leave they have to leave their wife and children.

          And the part in Samuel about killing everyone but saving the virgin girl children for yourselves is a direct commandment to commit child sex abuse and slavery.

          You know, many studies have shown that atheists know the Bible better than most Christians, that certainly has been my experience.

          As Mark Twain said:
          “The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible”

        • Miner is trying to tar all gun owners with same brush as the perpetrator. To him we are class enemies who will eventually receive “People’s Justice”.

        • Miner49er,

          Wow, your response is at best extremely misleading and at worst completely disingenuous.

          I explicitly said that SOME Biblical references of slavery were a fairly amicable arrangement. That means others were NOT an amicable arrangement. And when you understand the WHOLE Bible, you understand that God most certainly does not condone owning human beings, beating them, and raping children.

        • The Miner is attacking Christians with stuff from The “Old Testament”… Christianity is based on the belief that a man (believed to be the son of God) named Jesus Christ lived, taught and died to remove the sins of mortal men so they could become worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven… The New Testament is the book of Christians NOT the Old Testament which is pretty much based on Judaism…

        • “And when you understand the WHOLE Bible, you understand that God most certainly does not condone owning human beings, beating them, and raping children.“

          Just because a few verses of the Bible make nice about slaves, does not somehow rule out all the other versus advocating slavery.

          The Bible, the holy word of your God, gives specific instructions about conducting sexual slavery with your own children, not to mention your neighbors, fellow countrymen and other nations.

          “When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.  If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.  But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.  And if the slave girl’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter.  If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.  If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)”

          There’s no getting around it, the holy word of God advocates selling your girl children into perpetual slavery.

          That’s some dark shit, and I would not willingly swear allegiance to any God that instructed his followers to do so.

      • The ownership of slaves is mentioned in the Old Testament, aka, Jewish Hebrew Scriptures, Esper influence by Leviticus.

        Looks like your a Jew-Hater, aka, ANTI-SEMITE.

        • “The New Testament is the book of Christians NOT the Old Testament which is pretty much based on Judaism…“

          Well, there’s your Jew hater, finding fault with the old testament because it is “based on Judaism”.

          And you say “The New Testament is the book of Christians NOT the Old Testament”?

          So the 10 Commandments are not in the book of the Christians.
          I imagine many Christians will be surprised to hear that.

        • Ten Commandments in the Old Testament Ten Commandments in the New Testament
          1. “You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3
          1. “You shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” Matthew 4:10
          2. “You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my Commandments.” Exodus 20:4-6
          2. “Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.” 1 Corinthians 10:14
          3. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Exodus 20:7
          3. “That the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” 1 Timothy 6:1
          4. “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labour, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:8-11
          4. “For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day as follows: On the seventh day God rested from all his works, There remains, therefore, a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who enters God’s rest has himself rested from his own works, just as God did from his.” ISV Hebrews 4:4, 9-10. See solid New Testament basis for Sabbath Keeping below.
          5. “Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth you.” Exodus 20:12
          5. “Honour your father and your mother.” Matthew 19:19
          6. “You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13
          6. “You shall not kill.” Romans 13:9
          7. “You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14
          7. “You shall not commit adultery.” Matthew 19:18
          8. “You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15
          8. “You shall not steal.” Romans 13:9
          9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” Exodus 20:16
          9. “You shall not bear false witness.” Romans 13:9
          10. “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house, you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbour’s.” Exodus 20:17
          10. “You shall not covet.” Romans 7:7

        • And in Das Kapital Marx clearly expressed his opinions on Jews. To Marx, a capitalist and a Jew were one and the same.

          He also did a lot of tarring with the same brush.

      • WHY I DON’T WHATCH NETFLIX, this and the fact that they try to glorify Obama after he spent 8 years attempting to destroy the U.S.

        Netflix’s ‘Paradise PD’ under fire after airing graphic, anti-NRA episode of Jesus carrying out mass killing, having a threesome with 2 women
        Sounds like Miner could be Head Writer for this piece of garbage… Had this been done to Muhammed there would be no Netflix left and no Internet to carry it…

  10. I am familiar with those types of massage parlors. They are places where ‘happy endings’ are common and the basis for the majority of their business. There are clues that people (not just men, yes women go for happy endings also.) look for when choosing an establishment to visit, and these have them.

    There are other angles to this than violence against one ethnic group. However, that seems to be the narrative that is being written.


      • Using the term provider, especially when you put it in quotes leads me to believe you know more about it than you are letting on EricB.

        I think information that has come out today shows it was not a race thing as much as a sex thing as Kenith posted.

  11. It seems that several of you are making assumptions where no evidence is yet present. He may have a beef with the ownership of the businesses, which may have the same ownership. Those aren’t businesses known for their ethical standards and may have ripped him off. You just don’t know, yet.

    • m. reese…The evidence is 8 dead and the perp apprehended. It does not matter if the perp was constipated or having a bad hair day…The evidence of murder is all that matters.

  12. As I have said time and time again following such tragedies…There is always another knucklehead out there waiting to take perp’s place. And always there will be worthless Gun Control zealots tripping over each other to politicize such tragedies.

    The element of surprise leaves only seconds to respond. Face it…If you do not see the perp coming the surprise element can place you in Barney Fife mode before you can switch into Rambo mode. To be Rambo from start to finish your best chance is seeing trouble coming and not allowing it to be surprise.

  13. So a 21 year old incel shot asian gals? FIFTEEN were shot by a a dark fellow in Chiraq a few daze ago…but black on black dontchaknow. Didja hear about it POTG?!? Most attacks on Asians are by melanin enhanced dudes. Got my bidenbucks-off to the gunshop’s😏

  14. Another day, another pile of bodies. When seconds count………

    When are people gonna learn?

    • According to your friend Debbie above, the owner of Brian is pretty much rules out effective response:

      “The element of surprise leaves only seconds to respond. Face it…If you do not see the perp coming the surprise element can place you in Barney Fife mode before you can switch into Rambo mode.“

      • Two things can be true.

        1. Getting ambushed sucks, and will probably kill you no matter what your preparation was.
        2. Not everyone in this attack was ambushed. Victims 2 through 8 could’ve saved their own lives and others if they’d had the means at hand.

  15. Considering a few of the victims were white, the racism narrative doesn’t hold water. I think a better explanation would be this guy contracted VD at one of the establishments — perhaps he just didn’t know which one.

    • You shush, now. It’s a 100% racist attack by a racisty racist white redneck conservative Trump voter insurrectionist, and we all know it.

  16. I just said @ 2-3 days ago, that we could soon expect yet another “mass shooting” that would be orchestrated/enabled/allowed/helped along *n some way or manner* (ignoring, laws passed to enable it etc) by the democommies to further their current call for “more gun control”. Didn’t take long did it? Guys and gals this is NO coiincidence. It never has been either.

    You say it’s not possible? Well….No one thought the democommies could steal a POTUS election when the opposing incumbent had clearly won by the largest electoral vote count in US History either, now did you?

    • “Guys and gals this is NO coiincidence. It never has been either.“

      Oh my, that is quite the claim!

      And what evidence do you have to support your claim, other than speculation?

  17. Well, here’s our crisis that the Democrats certainly won’t let go to waste. Right after the introduction of an AWB no less.

  18. What’s the odds that this guy was on the FBI radar before hand and that they ignored all kinds of indicators?

    If the past is any clue I’d venture 80%+

      • I’ll take that wager, my standard bet would be a fifth of Woodford reserve.

        The Woodford is so smooth, who should never mix or even chase it.

        I keep a couple bottles in rock piles up on the mountain, it’s a great motivater for a morning walk.

  19. Wow, no mention of the fact that these women were being trafficked and sexually exploited by the media.

    • I don’t think the problem was his sexual addiction, reports from the Washington Post article you cite say that the shooter felt these massage parlors were a “temptation” to him.

      And did you miss this new story just below the one you cited:

      “Church leaders wrestle with shooting suspect’s Southern Baptist ties“

      I don’t think the problem was that he enjoyed sex too much, but rather he was a religious fanatic who could not reconcile his lust with the Commandments of his sky daddy.

        • He had a love/hate relationship with Asian American women.

          He loved them but killed them because he could not reconcile his lust with the Commandments of his sky daddy.

          “Long told investigators that he blames the massage parlors for providing an outlet for his addiction to sex”

          Typical toxic masculinity, blame the women for his sex addiction problem, and kill them in cold blood because he cannot control his urges.

          So much for ‘personal responsibility’.

          He attacked three Asian American massage parlors, but not the generic American parlors right next-door and across the street.

      • Of course they were a temptation; an overwhelming temptation is what addiction *is*.

        And have you ever wondered, Miner, why there are never any headlines about Democrats, liberals, or various social-justice focused churches wrestling with their ties to the perpetrator of some heinous crime?

  20. The reason(s) are irrelevant. Unless they did the same to him he had no reason for deadly force. Very likely he’s another lunatic Democrat like the rest of the mass shooters. This will allow the snotball traitors on the Hill and in the Ho House to further justify their unconstitutional and treasonous gun control. Stupid damn idiots the lot of them.

    • Doesn’t sound like he was lacking Sexual Contact like Elliott Rodger, who was a psychotic bully according to his high-school classmates, and had put out a multitude of terroristic threats to both male and female peers equally.

    • “Me love you long ti….”

      You are an evil man, Klaus.

      *snicker*… 😉

  21. What is the impetus to these attacks? Massage Parlor or something else? We certainly do like to jump to conclusions in this nation, always turning it into a racial thing, when we have no clue what the true motive is. So many like to claim they KNOW, well, I sure hope you’ve notified the authorities with your indisputable evidence.

    • Religious fanatic, his church has already scrubbed the Internet of all photos of his participation in church ministries.

      “Long, 21, was a member of the Crabapple First Baptist Church in Milton, Georgia, and screenshots of since-deleted social media posts suggest he was re-baptized there about three years ago. There is no evidence to suggest that the church was involved in any way with Long’s decision to allegedly carry out the killings.

      In a statement, elders of the church expressed grief over the violence.

      “We are grieved to hear the tragic news about the multiple deaths in the Atlanta area. We are heartbroken for all involved,” they said in a statement first reported by Heavy. “We grieve for the victims and their families, and we continue to pray for them. Moreover, we are distraught for the Long family and continue to pray for them as well.”

      As of Wednesday morning, Crabapple First Baptist Church’s Facebook and Twitter pages were no longer online. An Instagram page for the church was set to private, and its website was no longer available without private login information.”

  22. Just a sex thing. No white supremacy vs Asians here. Just a tard losing his stuff in the “massage” place

    • He had a love/hate relationship with Asian American women, he could not reconcile his lust for them with the Commandments of his sky daddy to avoid temptation.

      So he killed them.

      He particularly targeted three openly Asian American massage parlors, while ignoring generic American massage parlors located right next-door and across the street.

  23. I’m Asian American and I think it’s disgusting how the liberals are making every crime against an Asian a hate crime. Many of them are just crimes (ie: robberies and assaults) with victims who happen to be Asian. The suspect didn’t say or make any racist comments prior/during/after crime. This loser in Georgia looks like a 21 y.o virgin who lives in moms basement and plays call of duty all day. One of these Asian hookers at the rub and tug told him he had small pee pee and he went nuts.


    • Declare his acts terrorism and send him on a Cuban holiday with lots of watersports and electrifying night life. Sorry, renditioned to Guantanamo Bay with water boarding and electric shock interrogation.

      • Renditioned to Guantanamo Bay with water boarding and electric shock interrogation.

        They don’t do that anymore… Hurts Liberals feelz to think these poor misguided human beings are tortured for nothing more than murdering a bunch of civilians or that they may have information that could save the lives of soldiers on the battlefield..

  25. Does anyone know what type of weapon was TRULY used, or is the media already lying saying it was “an assault type weapon” … ???

    • I’m guessing a pistol, so the media will say how less deadly it would have been with only 10 round magazines.

    • The photo I saw “allegedly” of him entering one of the massage parlors showed no indication of any type of rifle… At that point he must have been carrying a concealed handgun which would be my weapon of choice in those close confines…

      • The police stated he was found with a 9mm pistol in his possession after the felony car stop.

        Yep, 8x murderer run down in a PIT maneuver, armed with a 9 mm, taken into custody “without incident” according to the police.

        Sheriff feels sorry for the white perpetrator, says he had a “bad day”.

        Gee, it’s great to be a member of the ‘Master Race”…

        • And therein lies YOUR problem.. Instead of just responding with information pertinent to my post, you have to continue in depth about the fucking WHITENESS of the perpetrator and get in that shot about WHITE PRIVILEGE?… It must REALLY suck to be you.. Just HOW does one stupid comment by a dumbass cop (OBTW no one said they “felt sorry” for that asshole, those are YOUR words) suddenly make ALL white people the “Master Race”… You truly are a malicious, pathetic example of humanity (and yes I can prove it).. GFY

  26. Did anyone read about or actually SEE an AR/AK or ANY type of semi-automatic rifle? If there had been one of those DiFi “ASSAULT RIFLES” used with that 40 round high capacity clip thingy, THAT would have been the headline… Look for this to go the way of the 15 dead in Chiraq and the 4 in Indiana… Move along, there’s nothing to see here.. and nothing for DiFi to point to in her abortion of a gun ban bill…

  27. If find it extremely easy to skip ALL of Miner’s rants.

    When someone lies 100% of the time, it is quite useless to waste our time on his posts, and even more useless to actually read them and reply.

    The sad part is, he likely truly believes these lies. Of course all this is caused his TDS induced insanity, along with typically progressive delusions derived from his inability to discern the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, fiction and reality.

    With our all-powerful government, which he loves, we should be able to find a place of peaceful refuge for him, along with daily loving therapy and large doses of prozac to relax him.

    We are, after all, good Christians…

    • The prospective future People’s Special Commissar. Imbued with the power of social justice. Ready to make the the people of today receive their punishment and atonement for crimes committed by others decades, centuries, and millennia ago.

    • Just like a good Christian, you accuse me of lying but offer no evidence of this.

      Regarding this particular discussion, I’m quoting directly from your Christian Bible, which most Christians claim both the Old Testament and New Testament are the Word of God.

      Are the passages about beating your slaves, selling girls into sexual slavery or beating your slaves to death lies?

  28. “Youngs Asian Massage Parlor” “Atlanta’s Buckhead neighborhood, which is home to many tattoo parlors and strip clubs”

    These were totally illegal brothels. Patriots owner Robert Kraft will back me up on this.

    I’m serious. A “journalism association” is already “encouraging” “reporters” to avoid anything that would make people realize it was a brothel, while implying it most definitely is, and to push a narrative.

    • Interesting information.

      But I think they are encouraging journalists to use the actual business name of the actual business that was targeted by the shooter. Isn’t that the correct practice?

      “In describing the businesses affected by the shootings, newsrooms should avoid terminology and connotations of prostitution or sexualization. We recommend they be described as “spas,” “businesses,” or by their proper names: Young’s Asian Massage Parlor, Aromatherapy Spa and Gold Spa.“

  29. Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that people who work in Asian massage parlors are… Asian? Well, I never. Learn something every day, eh?

    As for the so-called “Happy Ending” killer (not mine, but too soon?) once again mental health is a huge issue in this nation.

    Look at all the Dems running loose and saying crazy cr@p, letting felons out of prison and who knows who across the border. The lunatics are running the asylum right now and it’s not really working out too well.

  30. Well gunms. I didn’t think thered be much outcry about the old drunk who ran over a bunch of people a couple days ago. But cars vs gunms, cars aren’t on the chopping block.

  31. Who gives a damn what his motive/agenda was or how scrambled his brain is. If the victims had been armed he would likely be the one on slab.

    “The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable, but mandatory.” Jeff Cooper

    • “Miner definitely getting paid for his work here.“

      You are hilarious, I’m not getting paid anything to post the truth on this forum.

      But you are willing to state this slanderous claim without any evidence whatsoever, sad, pathetic, false patriot.

      The only thing “definite” here is that you don’t know what you’re talking about

      • The only thing “definite” here is that you don’t know what you’re talking about

        Seems to be a lot of that going around, but when SOME are caught in a lie they just ignore the evidence and move on to the next falsehood… I believe you Miner when you say you don’t get paid.. You just don’t seem to reach that level of intellectual originality to qualify for their payroll.. So, you just keep playing the roll of useful idiot hoping someone will notice and possibly spare you when the purge happens.. Maybe so, but you will quickly learn what REAL slavery is all about… Hope you enjoy the taste of boot polish (and hope that’s the worst thing you have to lick)

  32. A religious nut killed 8 prostitutes (“happy-ending” masseuses) because in his sick, warped, twisted mind these prostitutes were responsible for his sex addiction.
    Six out of the eight (75%) happened to be Asian, simply because the masseuse industry is heavily dominated by Asians.

    The mainstream media wants desperately, so, soooo much, to make this a “white supremacist” or “anti-Asian hate crime”, no matter what the facts are, because crying “racism” sells news.

    So the media, rather than blaming the evil killer, or his mental health, or his hatred of prostitutes, or the fact that the victims were unarmed so they couldn’t fight back — the MSM instead wants so, sooooo desperately to call it an “anti-Asian hate crime” that they play up the race of 75% of the victims, rather than point out the fact that most likely 100% of the victims were illegally engaged in prostitution.

    I’m already seeing demands from the liberal Twitterverse that this be treated as an anti-Asian “hate crime” and a crime of “white supremacy” no matter what the facts say. So what if 3/4 of the victims happened to be Asian just because they worked in an industry dominated by Asians. So what if the killer already gave out his motive as wanting to kill prositutes because he blamed them for his sex addiction. The mainstream media is sweeping these facts under the rug in their desperate attempt to spin their false narrative of “a wave of an anti-Asian crimes”, despite the fact that the vast majority of victims of violent crimes in America are either white or black, and it’s far safer to be Asian in America than to be white or black.

    • The reason they’re so desperate to label this as a white supremacy hate crime, is because they’re covering for the other anti-Asian hate crimes that aren’t being committed by whites. It’s never about helping people or coming up with solutions. It’s always about pushing the narrative. As you can see by reading the comments here, the prejudice left immediately eats it up.

    • He had a love/hate relationship with Asian American women, he could not reconcile his lust for them with the Commandments of his sky daddy to avoid temptation.

      He specifically attacked three Asian American massage spas, ignoring generic American spas located right next-door and across the street.

      • He specifically attacked three Asian American massage spas,

        If Walmart pisses me off I’m not going to go blow up a Sears store.. There could not be even a REMOTE possibility that he did that because he was SPECIFICALLY attracted to a particular type of woman and those were the women that (in his warped mind) were tempting him to continue in his deviant ways… Don’t you have a proclivity toward a certain look, body type, skin color, hair length/color or whatever that you find attractive in a man OR a woman (depending on YOUR preference)… OBTW, he did kill a white man AND a white woman and intended to kill a Hispanic man..

    • He had a psycho pathic love/hate relationship with Asian Americans.

      He frequented these establishments, because he enjoyed sex with Asian women.

      But he was consumed with guilt for his ‘sin’ and externalized his self hatred by killing the workers.

      “Still, Tyler Bayless, one of Long’s former roommates from his 2019 stint at an Atlanta halfway house, says he was shocked to hear his former roommate was a suspect in the shootings, per CNN. “I’ll never forget him looking at me and saying, ‘I’m falling out of God’s grace,” he tells the Times, noting his ex-roommate had been plagued by a “religious mania” (more here on that). Long, who has been charged with eight counts of murder, is being held without bail.“

      That’s one of my problems with the Bible and many other religious books, they authorize their followers to kill other people without just cause.

  33. 9mm handgun (no AR/AK) Not racially motivated (No White Supremacist Stories)… Just a Nut job with a pistol? Move along, nothing to see here…

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