australian mass shooting

‘Seven people found dead in mass Western Australia tragedy in a home near Margaret River.’ How awful. But what caused this tragedy? Was it a traffic accident? A carbon monoxide leak or a house fire? No. The cryptic “tragedy” that happened in the Western Australia town of Osmington was a mass shooting.

A FAMILY of seven including four children have been found dead with gunshot wounds at a rural property in southwest Australia.

The children died with their mother and grandparents.

The three generations had moved in 2015 to Osmington, a village of fewer than 700 people near the tourist town of Margaret River, to grow fruit, media reported.

But wait. We’re told by those here in America who would disarm us that things like that don’t happen any more in Australia. Not after much of the population was disarmed by requiring them to sell their firearms to the government after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996.


“Police are currently responding to what I can only describe as an horrific incident in Osmington, 20km northeast of Margaret River,” (WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson) said.

“It is early in this investigation. Based on what we do know, this is clearly a tragedy.

Two firearms were found at the scene of the apparent a murder-suicide. Which one of the dead was the shooter hasn’t been made public yet.


Commissioner Dawson told media that the bodies had “gunshot wounds”.

Katrina Miles and her four children aged eight to 13 were found at the property.

Along with Ms. Miles’ parents. Mass murders — committed both with and without firearms — still happen in the nation of 24 million people, despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.

There have been other multiple fatal shootings since 1996, however none has involved the killing of more than four people.

The most victims in a shooting was in 2014, when Greg Hunt killed his wife and three children with single gunshots in Lockhart, NSW, before turning his weapon on himself.

Three years earlier, in a suburb of Adelaide, Donato Corbo shot and killed three people and injured three others, including two police officers who had arrived on the scene.

In 2002, Huan Yun “Allen” Xian killed two people and injured another five when he used a handgun to opened fire on a classroom at Monash University in Melbourne.

There have been other massacres in the past two decades that have not involved firearms. In 2017, Dimitrious Gargasoulas allegedly murdered six people when he drove a car on the footpath of Melbourne’s Bourke Street.

Another horrendous multiple killing was in 2014, when Raina Thaiday stabbed eight children to death, seven of them her own, at a home in Cairns.


      • oh, come now, they just need more gun control, if they’d just tried harder, they could outlaw evil.

        Dont give up yet, just a little more gun control!!!

        • Gun control WILL work to stop murders… eventually. After all the citizens are helpless, the predators will rape, rob, and kill them all. Then, with no one left to prey upon, and with nothing left to steal, they will kill each other. Then, with all the humans dead, there will be no more killings.
          One just needs to know how to translate politician. That is the utopia they are working so hard on. Human extinction. They don’t know it, OFC. They think it will just be a return to a world of the rulers and the slaves, like Ancient Rome.

        • @ Kenneth

          So that is how the “Life after People” TV series worked. Always wondered where all the people got off to 🙂

        • Eventually they’ll get around to outlawing murder and then all this will stop.

  1. Impossible!!! Gun-Free Countries save lives !!!!—-NOT!!!! *( Note: knowing this is Australia: The Baby Diaper Consent State….They will probably locate all the last remaining “Legal gun owners” and promptly seize all their property in the name of public safety…Probably doing so under force of arms from the AU Government…I bet you….) *

  2. Maybe a firearm would have protected those poor, innocent children…..

    Let’s try to not gloat over this tragedy with “I told you so” type comments. Have some respect for the dead unlike the antis. RIP

    • BlazinTheAmazin,

      While respect for the dead is a nice sentiment, respect for the living still among us is an even more important sentiment.

      As “distasteful” as it might be to shout the truth from the rooftops, we must nevertheless shout the truth from the rooftops because state-worshipers are pulling out all the stops to come after us.

      • I don’t disagree, and trust me, I advocate for our cause as much as humanly possible. My comment was more of a “time and place” statement. For example, we all know that a young woman who is raped and murdered would have been better served by owning and learning to use a firearm. However, I would contend that it would be inappropriate to show up to the woman’s funeral and tell family members how she should have been armed.

        Also, I stated as much in my first line.

  3. Don’t get like the MSM with misleading headlines. A murder-suicide is not a mass shooting.

    • Wouldn’t that make all but 2 of our recent mass shootings a murder-suicide because all but 2 mass shooters have killed themselves after they killed all the others? The nutjob who shot up the Colorado movie theater and the recent guy from Parkland are the only killers I know of who have been caught and not shot themselves after the fact.

    • That depends on whose definition of “Mass Shooting” you use. By the FBI definition, then no this is not a mass shooting since it was all family related. By Brady Campaign et al, then yes this is a mass shooting. In either case, the suicide is not a factor in the determination of mass shooting categorization.
      Major differences between how they count: BC includes gang violence, robbery, riots, all other crimes, family murders and the perpetrator is included in the headcount (suicide, shoot by LEO or civilian) with greater than 2 to victims being the criteria; FBI counts incidents where there 4 or more victims (this may have been changed to 3 per some sources), the shooting itself was main intent and not other crimes, family killings and does not include perpetrator in headcount. There may be other differences, but these I have been able to verify.

    • Yeah, I don’t believe murders all within a family qualify as a mass shooting (unless you are on the left and wanting to pad numbers).

    • So because a killer knows or is related to the victims it is no longer a mass murder, but if someone goes out and kills random strangers is a mass murder?

      Why, it is the same act in both cases, knowing or relation to the victims doesn’t change that.

  4. You can bet that the MSM keeps this under their hat!
    They cant expose such a possibility!
    It’s against their lying agenda!

    Too bad that someone with their head on straight didnt have a gun!

  5. That really is horrible news. The real tragedy is that we don’t yet understand the human mind well enough to be able to prevent this kind of thing, without imposing all sorts of laws and regulations that restrict people’s freedoms without actually preventing the misery.

    • It’s not yet certain of course, but it looks like another case of “if I can’t have/control my family, no one can”. I do advocate eternal damnation for people who act on that notion.

  6. While it’s clear that civilian disarmerment doesn’t actually work, I’m not sure that this story is necessarily one that advocates for allowing civilians to arm themselves.

    • Why would YOU make such a foolish uninformed comment on TTAG…A Supposedly PRO2@ Information/Alternative Media site…?

  7. If you look up Timeline of Major Crimes in Australia in Wikipedia, you will find that Australia has had about a dozen public shootings since they banned and confiscated guns. They get away with saying they haven’t had a mass public shooting because the shooters, who were shooting people in a public space, had yet to kill more than 4 people. They had guns, they were shooting people in a public space, yet they don’t count because the shooter was a bad shot, or didn’t want to kill more people. The gun ban did not stop mass public shootings in Australia, that lie has to be attacked head on.

  8. Here…from the Timeline of major crimes in Australia in wikipedia..3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university………21 October 2002 – Monash University shooting – Huan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five………26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people……18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]…….28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]………..8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
    And these aren’t all of them…….the lie that Australian gun control stopped mass public shootings has to end….

  9. How ignorant can this story be or imply. They had 7 dead because of their gun control laws and we usually have 50 and 60 at a time because of our lack of any laws.

    This is the perfect example for not against Australian style gun control.

    • The only ignorant person here is you since you don’t understand ratios, rates, demographics, or cultures between countries.

      Australia- 30 million people on an island mostly homogeneous (for now)
      America- 320 million people on a multicultural continent bordering the entire Third World of the Western hemisphere awash with drugs, guns, and criminals that easily cross our border.

      And if I have to explain the differences you are dumber than I know you already are.

      You lose.

      • Raoul of Bayonne
        quote——————————————The only ignorant person here is you since you don’t understand ratios, rates, demographics, or cultures between countries.

        Australia- 30 million people on an island mostly homogeneous (for now)
        America- 320 million people on a multicultural continent bordering the entire Third World of the Western hemisphere awash with drugs, guns, and criminals that easily cross our border.

        And if I have to explain the differences you are dumber than I know you already are.

        You lose.——————————–quote

        No you lose ignoramus.

        Australia is far from a homogeneous country. It was settled by people from many nations in Europe and has an indigenous native population as well. I get a little sick of you racist Morons always referring to other countries as different because they have a different culture. Did it ever occur to you racists that all people belong to the human race and they have the same failings that we do such as jealousy, rage, greed, selfishness, mentally ill people etc. etc. I get the same Morons like you responding to the debate over Japanese gun control that has been so successful.

        Now pay attention Jethro the same gun control laws have been practiced by many countries down through the years crossing many cultures and continents and have worked very well in reducing child accidental shooting, theft of guns, and prohibited persons not being able to purchase guns and guess what Genius the same laws worked in all countries and could work here to its just that they are long overdue.

        Oh and you just could not resist with the Trumpite hysteria over people crossing our border, you know the illegal immigrants and the legal immigrants and legal refugees who you also are paranoid about. Real facts Moron. This country was settled by refugees and immigrants both legal and illegal and despite your rampant Hitlerite/Trumpite racial garbage all of them assimilated and continue to assimilate beautifully. Southern Michigan and Upper Ohio have multitudes of stores run by Muslims and even entire city councils. Our produce is largely picked by immigrants willing to work in the hot sun for low wages while home hatched hillbillies would not think of working so hard. My dentist happens to be a recent immigrant, my nurse at the hospital was a very young Muslim girl and took excellent care of me and was very polite. My postman is Muslim and another is Nigerian. One of my doctors is from India and another from Britain ans another from Japan.

        Next time before shooting off your racist mouth study the real history of Australia right now I am sure most of them are laughing and saying “typical racist and ignorant American Hillbilly shooting off his big mouth”

        Your the perfect poster boy for use in teaching our children how far we have to go to change the lower class hillbilly culture full of hatred for any religion, culture or way of life different from their out house mentality. Sorry but we will not revive the history of Nazi Germany for you or anyone else.

        • Megan “the kid” Kelly. Just when I thought you may have turned the corner you’re back with your meth-induced hysterics. Gun control works in other cultures because “other” cultures discourage independent thinking. For instance Japan, the people who did that “honorable” attack on pearl harbor. People there think it’s an honor to commit suicide. Yeah whatever. Oh and your little Muslim friends. Let’s see aren’t they the ones who think child brides are OK. Just sayin Megan. I think you’re bleeding from somewhere. Now. Go get your shinebox!

        • Cisco maybe it should be crisco cos it just as unhealthy as you seem to be.
          we have vast problems with the “natives” here because of all the had outs and crime across the board has increased dramatically since our “NFA” which was not a f%$#@&g agreement but forced on us basically at gunpoint. the federal govt has unlawfully usurped the states right to taxation (taxation was a state issue not federal and the only power of taxation they were given under the constitution was import/export duties and excise on hard liquor) they had also just implemented GST and threatened the states with not getting any of the tax revenue if they did not comply. what the states should have done is succeeded and done their own thing thus removing the federal govts power. all Australian states have at least one major port except the ACT which is the home of the federal govt.
          before this home invasions were unheard of. they are now common place. murder has gone up (including with firearms). our stats for gun deaths included suicides and accidents and suicides were 70% of the of that. did gun deaths drop by 70% no they continued the same downward trend as before only with suicide by gun now being statistically insignificant. that means that actual murders with firearms has to have gone up especially as accidental shootings have also gone down. now also at that time “better” suicide prevention programs were put in place but they have not dropped but have also gone up. it is just that other means than gun are now the norm. B&E has gone way up as well and i have reported several in my lifetime and have never had the cops show up to investigate take fingerprints or even make any show of trying to solve the crime. you are a complete and utter fucktard if you think the gun laws have solved a goddamn thing in australia. there have been a couple of your comments i could almost respect….. this trash has lost any respect you had gained from me

    • They have 7 dead because of the particular circumstances of the incident, which seems to be targeted at a specific family. We have 50-60 because of the particular circumstances of those incidents, which seemed to be that someone decided to kill a bunch of random people. Gun laws didn’t prevent or encourage either body count.

      • to CZ Rider

        quote———————-They have 7 dead because of the particular circumstances of the incident, which seems to be targeted at a specific family. We have 50-60 because of the particular circumstances of those incidents, which seemed to be that someone decided to kill a bunch of random people. Gun laws didn’t prevent or encourage either body count.————————quote——————————————

        Wrong they have not had a mass murder of large amounts of people since they passed their gun control laws after the horrific incident they had some decades ago. They did something about it and it worked we did nothing and mass shootings go on and on and on.

        • Please look at the number of mass killings in Australia before the 1996 gun laws were passed. Is it more, less, or the same as after? It looks like mass killings continued at about the same rate, but guns may have been used a little less frequently. Thier gun law did nothing to stop the behavior of mass killings, it only slightly influenced the weapon used. And no, the mass killing with guns were not more deadly than the other means of killing.

    • CK said “we” like he’s part of “we”. He’s not even from here.

      If he was part of “we”, “We’d” kick his ass out.

      “We’d” like to help you out, CK, but we’re certain you haven’t gotten in yet.

      • to Joe the Raving Nut Case.

        Quote—————————–CK said “we” like he’s part of “we”. He’s not even from here.

        If he was part of “we”, “We’d” kick his ass out.

        “We’d” like to help you out, CK, but we’re certain you haven’t gotten in yet.———————————————-quote——————-

        Your response proves that you are so ignorant you simply cannot believe that anyone who is not of your SS Hitler mentality simply could not be a U.S. Citizen nor own a firearm because he does not salute Trump with a stiff armed salute. Surprise Genius but gun owners come from all categories of political beliefs and parties. And there are to this very day Conservative Democrats that are very pro-gun. If you were an NRA member you cheap skate you would get a list of all the candidates and their ratings and you would have been aware of this.

        And we Socialists would like to “kick your Hitlerite Ass out” because we are the “True Americans” who believe in equal rights for all of our citizens not just the Trumpite torch carrying Nazi filth who marched in North Carolina. Kicking your ass out would make America a civilized country to live in.

        • You stalinists go from 0 to rage in a heartbeat, comrade cisco. No wonder you’re the greatest mass murderers in history.

    • Tell me Cisco, which color Crayon tastes the best? You seem to eat a lot of them…

    • “we usually have 50 and 60 at a time because of our lack of any laws.”

      Who’s “we”, kemosabe?

      Literally **2** in the last 60 years with 50 or more. (and 1 if you exclude the shooter from the death toll) 59 has been the highest number.

      SIX in the last 50 years with 20 or more.

      Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world,

      Garissa, Kenya: 148.
      Peshawar, Pakistan: 141
      Paris, France: 130
      Oslow, Norway: 67
      Nairobi, Kenya: 67

      All in the last 7 years.

      Why can’t you stop lying?

    • Idiot, it happened in rural Australia. The population density is very low. Seven dead is a lot compared to the available population.

      More were murdered by an automobile in Toyota a couple of weeks ago.

    • What !? A slow day from Trolling Duties at your local CNN/MSNBC/HUFF-Poo/Mamma-Gravy, Lib TARD comments board…Come to the Pro2@ sites to start a “Flame War?” How much do YOU make as a ” Politcial Troll” for the DNC/Left-Wing Establishment..? Or you a Commie Stooge from a foreign country….?

  10. But but but “Southern Cross” assured us (yesterday)Aussie-land was somehow “better” ’cause banks don’t harrass them. Prepare to be harassed😧

    • yep i live in australia and banks are a problem here. will be a big problem soon as they are trying to enact “bail-in” laws here that would allow banks to just steal the funds deposited with them to get them out of the shit when they make bad investments as they did in cypress. we are also heading to a GFC type event rather quickly. all that will mean is that aussies will be more broke than they already are and the govt will invite more Chinese businesses in to buy up the countries assets

  11. I am wishing the media would not have coined the term ” mass shooting” , instead I’d like to see it substituted with ” shootem up” and “shootout”. X amount of people were killed in the shootem up at Hoggsvile Coward County. Nothere Texas had a shootout where two perpetrators were shot and killed .

  12. Fake news: Obumer himself declared that this sort of thing doesn’t happen in other countries.

    • to dale

      quote———————-Fake news: Obumer himself declared that this sort of thing doesn’t happen in other countries.———————–quote

      And his name is Obama the last “real and educated President we had”. He was right the other countries that have passed civilized gun control laws do not have 50 and 60 people being gunned down at one time every other week like we do nor the mass school shootings either.

      When was the last time you saw a mass shooting of any type, school or otherwise in Japan. Answer: Gun Control and Zero mass shootings and yes contrary to ignorant hill jack belief the Japanese do indeed own rifles and shotguns.

      Ditto for Britain who had a mass school shooting decades ago. Result: Gun Control and no more mass shootings in decades and not just in schools. The recent bridge incident in Britain was another shining example of “gun control being a success” as the nut cases that tried to murder the people in the bar were prevented even from getting shotguns because of their very thorough advanced vetting process and when the nut cases used knives the bar patrons rose up from their tables busted beer bottles into weapons along with chairs and kicked the fk out of them. It never would have turned out so well if they had no gun control laws there.

      Germany had one several decades ago and the result: Gun Control which included safety training and rigorous vetting. Again successful and yes Germans still own lots of guns proving if you do gun control right you can reduce mass shootings without taking all the guns away. This seems to be beyond the mentality of the Hillbilly mind here in the U.S. of Morons.

      • Aaupp, caught ya again.

        You said “here” like you were here.

        Stick with the sh_t you know about the sh_thole you’re from.

        • Joe, as Americans we are free to not read phony baloney clown crap.

          Not only is this a God-given right, it’s so friggin’ easy to do.

        • Naw man, maybe not even for me (or you, who I don’t know) but if you’re going to bitch about “here”, and claim you’re from HERE. I’m going to call you on it, to ensure everyone else knows it.

          Plus, we’re talking about ‘here’ the U.S. (under GOD), I’m an easy going guy, but I’ll quickly call you out for a sideways glance, if provoked, about here.

        • quote——————-
          Naw man, maybe not even for me (or you, who I don’t know) but if you’re going to bitch about “here”, and claim you’re from HERE. I’m going to call you on it, to ensure everyone else knows it.

          Plus, we’re talking about ‘here’ the U.S. (under GOD), I’m an easy going guy, but I’ll quickly call you out for a sideways glance, if provoked, about here.————–quote———–

          To Arapaho Joe

          Hey John forget trying to get through to Arapaho Joe he believes that anyone who does not follow his Right Wing Rantings either is not in the U.S. or has no right to live here because he does not believe that all of the people have the same Constitutional Rights he has or thinks he has and this would include free speech here in the U.S. The Nazi’s in Germany were of the same ilk.

          And Joe I am not interested in hearing about your Bronze Age Mystical beliefs or interested in your prayer services, rituals or incantations by the light of the moon. Keep it in your Church where it belongs because in the U.S. we have the right not to believe or participate in any of it and a lot of us do just that so fk off.

      • No Megan his name is DUMBAMA. He not from Bama. DUMBAMA’s home town of Chicago has the highest rate of gun violence in the country or should I say DUMBAMA’s used to be country. DUMBAMA made that crocodile tear speech about gun violence in “his” country but whe it came to his home town he washed his blood soaked hands. But that’s your president, right?

        • To Eli Witless Brain

          quote.——————————-No Megan his name is DUMBAMA. He not from Bama. DUMBAMA’s home town of Chicago has the highest rate of gun violence in the country or should I say DUMBAMA’s used to be country. DUMBAMA made that crocodile tear speech about gun violence in “his” country but whe it came to his home town he washed his blood soaked hands. But that’s your president, right?————————quote

          Can you really be that stupid when it comes to Chicago and the gun problem there? Obviously so for Blaming Obama gives you the “Moron of the year award”. Chicago has a gun violence problem precisely because as Obama said “I can legally only do so much” and he went on to say that it must come from new Federal Laws being past which would choke off the plethora of weapons that flow into Chicago from States that have lax gun laws i.e. no vetting of second hand sales which accounts according to police tracings for many of the murder weapons used by gangs.

          As far as Obama shedding tears he proved he was a caring human being and we all admired him for that. Contrast this with Herr Drumpf who tried to hid his German heritage by lying he was part Swedish but he acts and thinks exactly like Hitler did with no compassion or empathy for the human race.

          And to answer your question, Damn straight he was my president as he saved my life by attacking and defeating the corrupt greed monger insurance companies by making them do away with medical caps which made insurance programs an obscene joke and also did away with pre-existing conditions which made a mockery of the Insurance industry. And Obama never wanted Obama care but he took what he could get after greed monger gangster criminal Republicans blocked his plan for a true National Health Care System that the rest of the civilized world has had for over 100 years. I think the Far Right by not bothering to study the history of European and even Japanese health care only shout to the world that if the Republicans (like the Nazi’s) tell the big lie about health care often enough “the unwashed” believe it hook line and sinker.

        • No no Megan “the kid” Kelly. DUMBAMA’s tears were a fake political act. No more no less. Much like your comments they have no real merit except to incite the masses. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation but the timid government of its city fails to protect its citizens.
          As for DUMBAMA Care, for every meth nut case like you who espouses its benefits there are hundreds of thousands who suffer under it s its suffocating rates. You really need to research the validity of social medicine in other countries and find out how screwed up the system is. For starters try Sweden.
          Time to go back to the political science class you teach. At least you can convince some of your brain washed students.

      • I believe your Indian doctor needs to “up the dosage ” of YOUR psychiatric drugs !!! Your Bi-Polar, schizophrenic, hysterical rage fits are showing! Maybe you should think about ” voluntary psychiatric” commitment… Have your “DNC/ parent guardian” make you a “prohibited person” please…Because we all know here on the TTAG comments section that most “Mass Murders” are caused by Deranged, Broken, Mentally Disturbed Democratic constituents….

        • To Moon Walker higher than a kite.

          quote—————-Because we all know here on the TTAG comments section that most “Mass Murders” are caused by Deranged, Broken, Mentally Disturbed Democratic constituents….———————————-

          Yes tell me how much of a liberal Dillon Roof was. He was right up your alley, minority hating, refugee hating, immigrant hating. Republican Racist Conservative equals HItlerite Nazi.

          Or tell me about the nut case that shot up a health clinic and killed people while ranting incoherently “save the babies”.

          Or tell me about the nut case that killed people coming out of an American Sikh Church because he hated any religion or anyone that was not pure “hill jack”.

          Or tell me about the Conservative Nazi Lunatic on the buss that tried to kill two girls just because he thought they might be of the Muslim faith and they when two decent men tried to stop it he stabbed both of them to death.

          Shall I go on Genius or do you need more examples of Right Wing Mass Murdering nut cases. I am sure you would like to hear more about your heroes.

      • ” other countries that have passed civilized gun control laws do not have 50 and 60 people being gunned down at one time every other week like we do”

        –Citation needed–

        To quote TTAGs Jon Wayne Taylor “Who is this “we” you’re talking about, do you have a mouse in your pocket.”

      • Crisco i would not wipe my ass with the bit of paper that said he had an education worth shit. all the documents that he ever presented as “evidence” were identified as forgeries by independent document experts and he spent quite a few million keeping his education history from public scrutiny. no other president has ever tried to do that let alone succeeded.

  13. $0.25 / square ?

    Any prescription drug related squares left?

    Any pedophilia due to liberal home-life?

  14. So vile. The worst part is the first thought is “guns!” Or in this case trying to hide that a gun was used, since it doesn’t fit the narrative. The story here is that 6 people were murdered, not the means of doing it. I know it’s not new, but the politicization of everything is tiresome.

  15. Gun control solves/prevents murder,NOT,gun control/safety is a LIE,plain and simple,never mind in the US UnConstitutional.

  16. this is not nor will ever be a world free of evil minded individuals, I will surrender my weapons when evil no longer exists.

    till then we secure the safety of ourselves and those we have ability to protect
    its very simple

  17. Wave your magic wand and remove all the guns in the world. Wanna know what nirvana to a gun controller looks like? Medieval europe is what it looks like. Men with edged weapons and clubs killing, looting and raping who ever they please.

    All those women shouting about womens rights and doing away with guns are in for a real rude wake up call if their dream comes true. Welcome back to chattel.

  18. Dean
    You missed the 15 people killed June 2000 Childers backpacker fire in your list. Still the second biggest mass murder of any kind in Australia. Ignored by media as it doesn’t fit the guns narrative.

    Western Australia is the California of Australia for firearms. Guns have been controlled and licensed for over 87 years there since 1931. The chances are it was done by weapons on what they call a “rural use” or farm license. Of course nothing stopped you from driving interstate and buying until 1996.

    Police are now calling this a murder suicide. One of the byproducts of the gun laws here is that people who have mental issues do not seek help as they would lose their license. Rural Australia has a very low doctor rate and almost no mental health services. Which leads to a large number of suicides.

    • Sounds like a failure of socialized medicine. Again. Still.

      • agree completely. i hate the medical system here. would not like it much more in the states either but it is to my mind somewhat better as there is a little more choice and you can still get decent painkillers without prescription. here you now need a prescription for nurofen plus

  19. Well, now we have 1 mass shooting that happened before the ban

    And 1 that happened after

    Now, I’m no statistician, but…

  20. GFSZ
    Not so much socialised medicine as none in some rural areas I have worked in. Possibly has doctor or nurse visit once a week.

    Doctors usually have large student loans to pay so they don’t want to be in a town of 700 or less. Might be there if they are on one of the government paid for university schemes.

    I imagine all the usual antis will use this to harass legal owners.

    • i live in alice where there is abig hospital and quite a few doctors. it is a last resort when i even think about going to see any of them. got bitten by a dog recently (was not deliberate on my dogs part as he just got a little over hyped while roughhousing with me and tore a chunk out of the inside of left pointer finger. doctors would have said at least five stitches. i refused to see them and it is healing nicely. my parther had a couple cysts on her boob that had to be cut out. 3 months later and it is still healing up and it was a week ago with the dog bite. her boob ended up infected because of superbugs at the hospital

  21. It’s been 22 years since the last time there was a mass shooting there, unlike here, where they happen at least once a week. Stop being idiots.

  22. Drink the Kool-Aid, the state will protect you.
    You do not need weapons of any kind, no even a pocket knife.

  23. I skipped all of the comments, simply to say that I pray for these individuals and that the Lord who is all powerful accepts them into heaven. What a beautiful family. God bless them. May god damn the individual who did this.

    • agreed. may the perpetrator be damned to hell for all eternity under the worst torture imaginable

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