“Uber driver Jason Dalton visited a gun shop hours before he went on a shooting spree that left six people dead in Kalamazoo, Michigan,” Tomo News reveals. And bought a natty 5.11 conceal carry jacket. Removing the need to hide his gat in the glove box, under a newspaper (remember them?) or in the center console. Or draw his firearm from a holster while sitting, which might have forced him to laser himself. Regardless, clearly, it’s time to ban clothing that enables psycho-killers. Or at least encourage them to wear something horrendously conspicuous (e.g., Hillary Clinton’s bright yellow Mao pantssuit).


  1. Robert, I think you are way off base with this theory to ban a particular type of clothing. This crazy nutjob would of carried out whatever he wanted to do, regardless of what he was wearing. You sound like Bloomberg with his soda ban in NYC. Your post was not thoroughly thought through.

  2. There will come a day when 5.11 jackets are known as the “Members Only” outerwear of the new millennium.

    • Yeah I love seeing these guys at the range. Rappelling belt, hat with velcro patch, fishing shirt, cargo slacks, sometimes desert tac boots or my fav deck shoes. Then whip out pelican (with wheels) airline approved cased +$3800 rifle .338.5 3/4 Lapua Browning/Tikka Custom Jaguar MK5 with teak and silver inlay and a Ziess 62mm optic that can’t hit the steel @ 300. “Damm this scopes off!” I sometimes wonder if they are going to a jimmy buffet concert after maybe? But I dress like it’s the zombie apocalypse, but hey that’s everyday for me.

      One of my fav Zombie movie quotes” The only person who could miss with this gun is the sucker with the bread to buy it.” – Bonus points if ya know the movie.

      • I buy desert tac boots because they’re comfortable and I don’t need steel toes…. although I don’t wear them anywhere except work.

        • Word. They are like tougher sneakers with but more comfortable with better ventilation. And cheapish as well. Perfect for here in SoCal where full leather workboots stink like the pit in no time.

      • The only person who could miss with this gun is the sucker with the bread to buy it.

        Dawn of the Dead FTW!

        • oops! looks like I hurt somebody’s “feelings” Sorry. Point is people think they can “buy” some magic wand that will hit the target every time like a computer guided laser and it’s just not so. There is alot of skill and hundreds of rounds on the shooters part required, not how much $$$ ya can throw at it. **** You guys that were talking about the boots post a link to them. I need a good pair for the Alabama heat. Thanks.

    • Just wait until Shrillary gets more states, then it will be a ban on the dreaded, SEMI-AUTOMATIC ASSAULT STYLE CLOTHING with the thing that goes up with a 30 caliber clip. Half way through that satire I threw up in my mouth a little at how full of sheet the anti’s are.

      + 5.11 is kinda cool,……ain’t it?

    • The best is the claim on some local media that it was “protective gear” protection from a mild breeze perhaps.

  3. Common Sense ™ dictates that NO ONE needs more than _ pockets on a concealed carry jacket.

    Call, e-mail, harass your legislators, we MUST put and end to this overt hoploconsumption,
    For The Children ™.

  4. I read somewhere it said he bought a “tactical jacket.”

    There has to be something in the water. Everyone is stupid.

    • That’s why I never put water in my bourbon. Drunk is Bad. Stupid is bad. But being drunk and stupid might have me voting Democrat.

      • That problem so far has been limited to Flint. A problem, our Republican governor is making a fool of the R party in the state. The way he is handling the water in Flint, he gave MI’s electoral votes to the D party. I’m not happy with Rick he has vetoed almost all pro gun bills to hit his desk.

  5. Yeah, Notice how he did not “go crazy” in there……… those guys would have cut him in half before he hit the floor.

  6. It’s horrible what happened but its funny I just picked up 5.11 coat two weeks ago. Great jacket, warm and repels rain well.

  7. Clearly the answer is to ban clothes altogether. After all how many mass shooters have you seen do their killing naked? Answer: NONE!

    It would be easier to ban clothes to, they’re not a right.

  8. Really???? You want to BAN clothing. Hummm, I could have accomplished the same results using just about any jacket with an I side pocket. Maybe we should BAN the name Sandy Hook, and MO ie Theaters so we do not have anymore of those problems either. Geez… It’s not the clothing, the type of gun, color, mag capacity, etc… It is the psychotic, nothing better to do, people that live in some type of fantasy world, because they don’t have anything else to worry about, or occupy their time. Crazy is crazy and by God you can’t fix crazy… I’ve tried, believe me..

    • Only as long as it does not have the same features as real genuine issue clothing. Assault Clothing was designed for one thing, killing people. Double stitched seems, reinforced knees, hook and loop pile tape fasteners (Velcro), as well as hidden compartments make it easy to kill. If it just saves……

  9. According to the geniuses at CNN, he bought a “heavy-duty” jacket. Not sure what that means, other than maybe it had strong zippers and buttons (and perhaps even reinforced stress points! OMG!!)

    They also stressed that he had 11 rifles at home – like they were part of his posse waiting to be called into action… (I’d like to point out that those 11 rifles were doing absolutely nothing at the time, as they lacked the initiative to act on their own).


  10. Well, my 5.11-brand messenger bag was nice while it lasted. Aside from more tacti-cool look than I’d like, it met my needs and constraints. Doubtless, it’ll be banned by the time I wear this one out.

    Sadly the bag that works for me also has a “concealed carry” pocket, presumably for operators, operating operationally on operations. Not me. I put papers in there, sometimes.

    BUT, because it has a feature that can be used for what I don’t do, by a crazy person who is not me, I can’t have it to solve my actual problems, either.

    There must be some analogy to guns in there, somewhere.

  11. Gosh, if only Michigan had a law that required people to get state permission – call it a “Concealed Pistol License”, perhaps? – before they could carry pistols concealed. I’m sure that would have prevented him from carrying a pistol in a jacket like that.

  12. Why the heck would a firearms retailer turn their security camera recordings over to some pinhead “media” types?

    • For years now my go to hunting clothing is a pair of Carhart heavy canvas overalls. Repels water well, don’t tear, warm enough for most of the year, looks normal in my area, and they have a big pocket that fits my Ruger Bisley so well you would think it was made for the gun.
      Er. Mu. Gerd. It’s murder clothes.

  13. I supposed the action-deprived “moms’ will be asking grocery stores to ban open-wearing of “military style” clothing now…

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