Click here to buy your tickets to the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill, Texas, November 14 and 15. And why not? Last year, attendees sampled firearms from some 20 different manufacturers: TrackingPoint, Henry Repeating Arms, SIG SAUER, FN USA, Underground Tactical, Walther, Barrett, Beretta, Republic Forge, PWS and more. They shot silenced guns courtesy The Silencer Shop, SilencerCo and AAC. They Slidefired. They sampled Winchester’s Train & Defend ammo. They ate some of Austin’s finest food truck cuisine. They shopped for festival-discounted guns at Sportsman’s Finest’s tent. And they bought products from a wide range of retailers. This year it’s gonna be more of the same, only better. Check out our main improvements . . .

  • Non-shooting tickets – We’ve added low-priced tickets for people who just want to shop, eat and watch their friends or family shoot.
  • Children 11 and under are free! – No need to pay the baby sitter this year. We’re also putting together some activities for the young ‘uns: climbing wall, BB gun shooting gallery and more
  • VIP tickets – $275 may seem like a lot of coin but 250 VIP ticket holders (per day) go straight to the font of the line. They also get an hour of range time before the Festival opens to the general public
  • Long-range reservation system – No more two-hour waits for the long-range shooting. Leave your name and cell phone number and we’ll text you when it’s your turn
  • More retail – We’re moving the retail tents into the middle of the gun range, and there’ll be LOTS more of them. Holsters, targets, gun cases, clothing, ammunition (yes ammunition), training companies, gun rights organizations and much, much more. Many will be offering attendee discounts
  • Contest area – We’re setting-up a shooting contest area using Action Targets’ shooting trees for both timed and head-to-head competitions (pro-am, family vs. family, men vs. women, etc.) Results will be opted throughout the range and announced on the PA system. There will of course be prizes for the winners. Good prizes. Ballistic prizes.

Ninety percent of the people who attended last year’s festival said they’ll be back (sample size 210). We’re limiting ticket sales this year to ensure short wait times. [NB: VIP tickets holders get a FastPass to the front of any line AND an hour of exclusive range time before the general public.] If 90 percent of last year’s festival-goers buy tickets for 2015 and bring ONE friend, we’ll sell out. Bottom line: click here to buy your ticket now!

Check out blog for daily updates on who’s coming and what they’re bringing
Like Texas Gun Fest on Facebook for regular updates and gun givaways


  1. Damn. I wanted to go last year. I love me some Texas and guns. Food is good down there too. I wonder if I can convince the wife to skip our Florida Vacation?

    • I wanted to go last year too but couldn’t due to financial constraints. I got a new job since then and am making a lot more money. I’m not missing it this time.

      • We’ll be glad to see you! Remember: tickets are limited. Once they’re gone, that’s it. Buy now to avoid disappointment.

        • Robert,
          Last year a VIP ticket got you into the gate on both Saturday and Sunday. Not just one day. Why the change? Or another way of looking at it is – why over 100% increase in price? Is it just demand? Or an attempt to make this an exclusive event?

  2. I think i’ll be going this year. The wife was asking about the requirements for going to Shot Show. Once I explained that it wasn’t really an option for us but there was this festival a few hours south of us she got real excited.

  3. That VIP price sure as hell went through the roof!! Will it actually make much of a difference this time around, for all that extra cheddar?

    Last year the 9am access didn’t work at all. And I dont see any mention of VIP lines at the shoot stations.

    • It also says “Access either Saturday, November 14 or Sunday, November 15, 2015” – so the ticket doesn’t work for both days? You would be hard pressed to get to every booth in one day.

      so for 3X the money I get less access – I think I’ll pass this year, unless I’m missing something.

    • The VIP tickets now provide preferred parking and FastPass – straight to the head of the line! Ticket holders get lunch in the VIP tent, executive comfort stations, a swag bag of goodies and yes, an hour (guaranteed) of range time before the Festival opens for the general public. (We’re also looking at a free training day. Not a done deal but I’m on it.)

      • Do you mean the lines of the booths or the front gate?

        Last year VIP had their own Line at the front gate, so the zooming to the front seems irrelevant, especially if you are supposed to get in a hour ahead of general admission (that didn’t work last year). Last year I got in all of 1:30 minutes before the general crowd after waiting in line more than 30 minutes. How will it be different this time around?

        • To be clear: VIP ticket holders get a FastPass to ANY bay or the rifle range during public hours. You go to the head of ANY line, all day. Zoom! You’re in!

          You ALSO get an hour of range time before the general public.

          Last year, we had some teething troubles with the check-in process and an obstruction across the path into the range that delayed opening. This year, we’re streamlining the check-in procedure; no computers involved. VIP ticket holders will get in on-time for a full hour of VIP-only range time. You have my word.

        • Well that sounds great! Are you not worried about the impression it will leave with the non-VIPs waiting in line when a significant number of people keep sauntering past them to enjoy the offerings at a booth?

  4. I attended as a VIP both days, and I did have a pucker moment when I saw the VIP pass pricing for 2015, and the wording that seemed to indicate that said price was for *one* day (note, it’s for both, we asked), etc. Mine must not have been the only comment about VIP front of the line privileges and preferred parking.

    I’m hopeful that more vendors will bring more merchandise, both guns and parts/accessories, and at least knock them down to regular street pricing, rather than MSRP+ as seemed to be the case with most of what was available, at least firearms wise. Also, gently suggest to Beretta that they might want to send more than 2 people. SIG and FN set shining examples of how to man an exhibit. That being said, my most memorable highlights: Brethren Arms at the SilencerCo exhibit with their dealer sample MP5SD clone with a working giggle switch, and Noveske and their baby puke green colored .300BLK suppressed SBR. If I didn’t have to wait 12+ months aggregate on a sub 16″ barrel and a can, I’d have walked away with that gun, or one exactly like it.

    Also, see if STI can be sweet talked into showing up. It is practically in their back yard, after all.

  5. Thank you for not scheduling it on the weekend after the Formula 1 race this time. I’m excited to make it this year.

  6. Woot! I wanted to go last year but had Saturday classes… Ammo still provided this year? If so, I can’t wait!

  7. WE loved being there. We were the only company there with truly full auto firearms. Our guns were partnered up with suppressors from The Silencer Shop. Much fun was had.

    See you all there in November.

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