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  1. Hey Yoko, if you’re gonna show naked flesh lose some weight and tone-up. Thirty years ago overweight chics would have hidden their fat. Now, they think it is sexy to show it.

  2. She is just … like … such an airhead … like …. You know?

    Is she trying out for “America’s most idiotic videos”?

  3. Some picky readers.
    Yoko might be carrying over 8% body fat. So what?
    She’s cute and I’m glad to see her.

  4. Aharon, she’s built for comfort, not speed. I’ve dated rail thin girls, I’ve dated corn-fed girls. There’s no denying the attractiveness of a toned, thin girl in a slinky dress. There’s also no denying that it was more comfortable to curl up on the couch with the “healthy” girls. I’m equal opportunity.

    The “likes” and “umms” were getting to me by the end.

    The rifle really does look pretty awesome.

    • Oh, and replying to myself, it just occurred to me that she’s also clearly got more self-confidence than several girls I’ve dated who were more subjectively attractive.

      • don’t forget the bone bruises you get from skinny chicks. i like women that look like women, not 12 yo boys with a rack. and why are we discussing this on ttag, doesn’t seem to have much to do with guns.

  5. Ok. So I found myself somewhat bewildered and had to google “cosplay”. Hint number one that I should get out more…

    • You’re all a bunch of haters. I wonder how many of your wives are twice as old as her, and weigh as much as you OFWGs do? I’d tap Syren’s ass.

    • You can see Ab muscle definition in that second pic. Oh, most of the guys here would probably call that too muscular.

    • its just a medium. the japanese dont have the cartoon=for kids mindset. its no different than heavy use of CGI in a film. a lot of the stuff in recent years is a little bit toned down/aimed at young children but there are other good ones out there. one of the more serious hard hitting movies is Jin-Roh: the wolf brigade( ). if you can find it i recommend at least seeing it. after that i think you will understand anime a little bit better.

      • Well yeah, I’ve seen Akira but I don’t get the point of being that into it. Guess I’d just rather play with the real thing. 😎

        I watch a lot of Adult Swim, love the Venture Brothers, Regular Show, Frisky Dingo, Metalocalypse, and the Squidbillies. Used to like ATHF too.

    • Heath is correct. It is just a medium. Their (Japanese) entertainment focuses on kids usually because they hate their adult lives (the fun stops at 20 for them), so their shows with kids saving the world are actually aimed at adults. Otherwise it is usually a flashy and colorful art style that is CHEAP to make stuff in. Because of this the amount of stuff made in it is wide and varied. There are shows that handle deep moral problems of advancing technology (Ghost in the shell), Overly intricate ads and strategy guides for video games (Pokemon), and even a show that stars a bunch of guns that go to high school together that secretly teach the audience about firearms (Upotte!!).

    • It’s also a medium for incredibly moving, serious, and tragic work, such as Grave of the Fireflies, a story of two orphans in post World War II Japan. It really is a beautiful film, and one that will destroy any naive notions about what the term “anime” means.

      • I’m a grown man, and that movie brought me to tears. Anyone wishing to expose their children to the horrors of war (without actually doing so) should definitely rent it.

  6. I don’t think the character carries around a long-range marksman trained in stealth and observation, but other than that, I knew there was more than one reason I miss going to cons. 😀

    …Now I want to start a Firearms panel at Dragon*Con. Too bad I haven’t gone in years. >_< Might need to change that next year.

  7. I have a daughter and nieces who are all very athletic. as an owg, most guys who are obsessed with women’s weight are young, virgins, and insecure. at LEAST 2 of those. The girl is probably exactly where her weight should be for height, according to medical charts.
    I am glad she has found an interest she can enjoy and be passionate about. clearly both a lot of thought and effort went into that get-up.

    as for intelligence, cameras can make people nervous who are not in front of them a lot.
    even smart teenagers are not always articulate.

    • You’re an OFWG, huh?? Kidding…I too have TWO daughters. They are both thin/athletic. One has an eating disorder we’re battling. It’s crazy. The way girls are supposed to be/look in today’s society is too much. My girls are blessed that they are beautiful – and for one, that still isn’t enough.

      I look around me and am perplexed to see thin, athletic, gorgeous girls who think they are ugly and fat…right next to big, chunky, lazy girls that think they’re all that! WTH?

      • there is a lot of pop culture pressure for the girls to become anorexic. I am only owg, not that fat yet. you are supporting my point. my comments are directed at the keyboard studs who have probably not been on their first date yet. I never hear that kind of garbage from adult men. glad to hear your daughters are doing well.

  8. I’m going to take my 15yo son and his girlfriend to Kumoricon this weekend. I was already going to bring my camera – for the gun replicas of course.

    • Yeah, it kinda is. But on the 2/10 subject, I use a system called “Would I?” It works like this: “If she was in my house, right now, would I?” It reduces the problem to a binary answer: either yes, or no. 1, or 0.

      See, the problem with a subjective system on a 10-scale is that it only applies to situations where you have two equally possible options, side-by-side at the same time. Two girls in a bar, one an 8 & one a 6, and you have your pick. In that situation, comparative ratings might matter. But most guys, in reality, won’t be in that situation. Most guys don’t have “pick of the litter.”

      Thus, the “Would I?” system. Under that system, both the 8 and the 6 would be “1’s,” and you’re a winner either way.

      The question then, of course, is “Would she?” Based on some of the attitudes I’ve seen here, I’m not so sure.

      • In the birthplace of “anon” they would have threads where people would post pictures of beautiful women and people would use MS paint to mark them up with all the reasons the girl was “2/10 would not bang.”
        Some of the stuff was hilarious like a spot on the carpet, bad choice in decorating, etc. Good stuff.
        Now it’s all bronies and spiderman.

  9. Haha, despite some of the comments, thanks for posting this!
    I’ll admit I felt a bit awkward talking into a camera, thus I was constantly filling the silences with “um” and “like”, but hey, there’s a mute button for a reason!
    As for the people commenting on my weight, I actually lift weights a lot, and my body is definitely still a work in progress. Thanks for the motivation to stay in shape though 🙂

    • Let me correct myself…as I let myself get swayed by the initial comments here…I feel great about your body and so should you. Rock it girl.

      If I weren’t married to a hot lady already, we could engage in some serious gun play together. 😉

      • Thanks for the reply!
        I didn’t always feel great about my body, which led me to develop an eating disorder, but I don’t let what other people say affect me. I only want to get fit for myself, not for other people. And now I’m at a healthier weight. Still gotta drop some body fat, but at least I’m not a landwhale, right?
        I wish I had someone to teach me more about guns honestly! My father passed away before he could really go in-depth with me but I’ve gone shooting before with him. Either way, I still enjoy firearms.

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