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Nine thousand licensed gun owners in Kenya out of a population of 44 million? The African nation has a long way to go before its citizens’ natural right to keep and bear arms is restored. Still, this report is positive about the actual (Westgate Mall attack) and potential benefits of civilian gun ownership. “Kenyans are four times more likely to be shot by the police than criminals,” the reporter concludes. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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  1. “Should guns be issued?”

    I’m always amazed how often left-learning apologists insist on misrepresenting our issue as if it involved us demanding that some government somewhere “give” everybody a gun.

  2. @RF

    Should also see what is happening in the Philippine’s

    “The Philippine president-elect has encouraged the public to help him in his war against crime, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back in their neighborhoods.”

    “”Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun — you have my support,” Duterte said, warning of an extensive illegal drug trade that involves even the country’s police.”

    • I believe Panama is also leaning in the same direction … even referring to the United States Second Amendment situation.

  3. Maybe the Kenya police should have to show ability to shoot properly first. 60% someodd of all gun death by the police (or security force). If I lived there I would be more afraid of the police than anything else. And you bet legal or not I would be armed to the teeth.

  4. Africa was not brought to it’s knees by anglos. It was burned to the ground over and over again, it’s intellectuals beheaded, it’s business leaders lynched and chased out of the country, by the religion of peace over countless centuries. That is why it’s the world’s largest slum today, poor education with an average iq of 70 and no corporate infrastructure.

  5. “Kenyans are four times more likely to be shot by the police than criminals,”

    Is that because the police are criminals in Kenya?

      • Sounds about right. Actually, sounds about like something we would hear from the mainstream media!

  6. When people’s backs are against the way, comfortable fantasies like “sensible gun control” are quickly forgotten. The attack on the shopping mall in Kenya was apparently one of those critical mass events that caused both public and official Kenya to realize just what kind of danger they are in. If only the Nigerian villages and schools had been better armed . . .

    • In my travels, I have found that most “pie in the sky”, utopian fantasy, pixy dust unicorn types never change until there is a heart attack moment. And even then, they are stubborn to the bitter end.

  7. Not to sound overly selfish, but I am not concerned with what happens as far as gun rights in Kenya. We are certainly loosing in commifornia. Believe it or not, but most people still argue that area is covered by the constitution but you wouldn’t know just by looking at it.

    • I would be glad to hear of any society that has protected the natural right of the people to defense of self and others.

      For me, California might as well be Kenya. I wish both of you luck.

    • S. CROCK,

      “… most people still argue [California] is covered by the [U.S.] constitution …”

      Ultimately, the United States Constitution is quite literally nothing more than a piece of paper stating an ideal. It is not a magic parchment and has no power itself to compel anyone to abide by it. People only comply with the U.S. Constitution when they voluntarily honor it or when someone compels them to comply with it. Unfortunately, large numbers of people stopped honoring the U.S. Constitution about 90 years ago. And no one has stepped up to the plate to compel people to comply with it.

  8. Its always time to bring it to evil, good people doing what’s right.
    No matter the boarder….no matter the circumstances.

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