Leave those little plus buttons alone! They’re DOA. Click here (or on the pic above) for Wilson Combat’s new(ish) photo gallery and zoom to your heart’s content. Because one’s too expensive and a hundred ain’t enough.


  1. It’s nice to have a break for some gun pr0n between all the articles about tyrannical government.

  2. I’ve just never been into the 1911 platform. In my younger days I favored a p35 browning, which is just a mod of the 1911, but I drifted into revolvers and never looked back. i still own and use autos, but by far my favored guns are revolvers.

    Course, that would change if I was military or police.

    • I like revolvers ok, but I can put 7 shots into one ragged hole at 7 yards with a 1911. Never been able to manage that with a wheel gun.

      That’s especially ironic considering I don’t currently own a 1911 and I’m not quite as consistent with my USP. Sure do like the look of those Wilson Combat guns…

      • At 7 yards. What’s the difference to the target between one ragged whole or a cloverleaf that can be covered by a fifty cent piece? Do you think the target notices the spread?

        I have two semi’s a makarov and a sigma. These are the only two I’ve ever owned that haven’t jammed or had a magazine malfunction at one time or another. And while I admit that ammo quality is as good as it has ever been, autos are also dependent on perfect ammo.

        I don’t say you shouldn’t use your auto. But in a true SHTF you should think about having a non mag dependent gun that will use less than perfect ammo and still work.

        • If you’d like to donate a .357 to the cause, I could use some justification for picking up a lever gun in that caliber… 🙂

        • I was actualling thinking of a .357 lever gun before the Sandy Hook tragedy. I had already given my .30-30 to my son.

          With the ammo situation as it is I’m now thinking about getting another .30-30. It would seem to be about the cheapest centerfire rifle round out there now and it’s readily available.

          With the exception of 7.62x54r. Which I have. But the lever gun is a handier and lighter package.

        • I wouldn’t say that all autos are dependent on good ammo…in fact, plenty of modern semi-automatic handguns can match revolver reliability. The XD(m) and Glock immediately come to mind. The Beretta 92FS is also a reliable workhorse from what I’ve heard.

          That being said, I too prefer revolvers.

        • The sigma sv40ve was a good auto for the price but I like the .45acp over the .40!!
          Wanna trade or sell that malaria?? Been looking for a good one for awhile!
          Would be a nice pistol to sit next to my 1910/14 Mauser Pocket Pistol in 6.35mm(.25auto) built per the SN in 1921.
          Has the original fire bluing, one piece wood grips, all number match!!

        • Speed, if you’re refering to my Makarov, no sale or trade. It’s an amazing piece of gear that greatly outperforms it’s price class.

          My daughter who’s temporarily living in Argentina would throw a fit if I sold the Mak. As would my son.

          • Was referring to the Mak!! Hate auto correct!!LOL!!!! Found one here but bore was about 60% gone. Not worth the amount they wanted for it, don’t remember how much now.
            Would like to find a good Makarov and a Tokarov TT33 for a decent price.
            Got my GF a EAA Zastava M88 in 9mm which is copied from the TT33 and it is a heck of a good pistol!! Very accurate and very reliable with no feed or eject problems. Have shot about 1500 rds of various HP and FMJ from different manufactures an no probs at all!!
            Shoot 115 and 124gr and eats them all like a fat kid in a donut shop!!!

      • You know what I’ve always wondered? From a medical standpoint, wouldn’t it be more harmful to a person to be shot in 7 different places than to be shot in the same place 7 times? I know you might think I’m just BS’ing or trying to be “anti-guy”, but seriously, which would be more harmful to the body? I know the point behind the whole “one ragged hole” thing is that you can aim and hit consistently and the weapon fires consistently, but maybe a little inconsistency (less than 1 moa) would be better than putting all the rounds in the same place. IS THERE A FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST IN THE HOUSE?

        • A distribution of wounds across the lethal zones would be more quickly fatal, of course. A couple of hollowpoints through each lung and one through the aorta will stop even the craziest BG more quickly than repeated trauma to one organ, IMHO.

          In application, I’m primarily concerned with keeping my shots in a sufficiently tight probability cone such that all of them are going to hit for effect even when I’m stressed and the target is, shall we say, not standing still and facing me full-on.

          I can absolutely shoot for effect out to reasonable range (20 yards) with a number of different handgun types, including the USP and the 1911. My observation has been, however, that my shot groupings are consistently tighter with a 1911, and so if I’m aiming at the heart/lungs area on a moving target I do think I’m likely to place more rounds in the critical zone with a gun that I shoot tighter groups with in practice.

          To your point, though, all that really counts is a sufficient number of fight-stoppers in the vital-hit zone.

  3. Even though there’s no nudity, looking at pictures of guns seems to be more dangerous than actual nudity. At least in some parts of the country.

    • Well you can seek nudity for free… lol decent gun porn in person is ganna snag your wallet of at least $500

  4. I saw a Wilson 1911 at Cabelas about 3 years ago & this was the nicest most detailed finished gun I have ever seen & this includes Ed Brown & Les Baer, Randy

    • Having actually been on a tour of Nighthawk Custom I will take a Nighthawk any day. The Wilson’s are nice and well built but the ‘Hawk is even better. My tax return is going to Nighthawk!!!

  5. Stop. Please. I feel like I’m about to drown in my own drool.

    That isn’t just a firearm, it’s a work of art.

  6. How can people hate 1911s??? They all need to have a good look at these pictures and then look me in the eye and say they are out-dated pieces if shit! No gun-lover of any sort should be able to do this…

    • I hate to say it but as much as I love my Glock and its standard capacity, double stack magazine, I am starting to favor 1911’s.

  7. Have two – CQB Elite and CQB Tactical in .45. Beautiful guns and wonderful support. I bought them with my income tax returns. Given to today’s anti-gun atmosphere, I find it charmingly ironic that I used my tax return from the “government” to purchase them. Saving up for an Ultra Carry Compact to carry around.

    If you get the bug to get one. Contact George at http://www.migunslingers.com. He’s a master dealer for them and has one year layaway.

  8. Maybe I’ll get one for myself as a graduation present this summer… Oh what’s this in the mail? My tuition bill? Bye bye Wilson Combat, hello real life. 🙁

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