
Another day, yet another disturbing development in the life of one-time ‘Sons of Guns’ star Will Hayden. He’s currently in a Baton Rouge jail on an aggravated rape charge against a 12-year-old. That followed an earlier arrest for child molestation. According to wbrz.com, a new rape charge was filed against him today. “The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office said a 34-year-old woman told detectives Hayden raped her 22 years ago. Deputies said she was 12 at the time, and that Hayden had her smoke marijuana before covering her mouth with his hand and forcing himself on her.” And given the latest claims made by his daughter, you have to think there’s still more coming his way. 


  1. Not sure about any of these, seems a coincidence that now everyone was raped by him? Benefit of the doubt.

    • Sometimes it takes one victim stepping forward to open the floodgates.

      Victims of rape and abuse are often further victimized by either their abuser mind-fu*king them in to believing they deserve what they got/no one will believe them/rape is a form of love, and on and on, or their own brains telling them the same things.

      For further study in this area, see also; the Catholic priesthood.

      • Hate to burst your bubble but the percentage of priests that are/were pedophilic seems to be the same as the percentage of married family men who are pedophilic.
        So, are you married with children? Just saying…..

        • That’s weird as shit.

          You’re saying that because the amount of child rapists in the priesthood is at a similar level as those in, say, Walla Walla, everything is cool?

          • Nope, I am saying that your stab at the priesthood may as well extend itself to a stab at you. You seem somewhat predisposed to talking about the topic, good chance you are a pedophile trying to redirect attention.

        • Talking about pedophiles is an indication that one is a secret pedophile, seriously?

          Is talking about gun control an indication that one is a secret gun grabber?

      • It can not be denied that low lives also make things up for money and/or attention. It’s easy to jump on a bandwagon of “decades ago he raped me”. Both my case and yours are possible.

      • School teachers have as high a rate of molestating, but their two unions are two of the biggest DNC donors, so we don’t see much about that in the press.

  2. In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses shall every matter be established. It doesn’t reflect a damn bit on anyone but HIM.

  3. Hmmm, a US citizens rapes children in Louisiana? This doesn’t look for Americans in the eyes of our world enemies.

  4. Ok, innocent until proven guilty and all… But if, hypothetically, it IS proved true, why on earth would someone with that many skeletons in his closet opt to make himself a public figure? That’s just BEGGING for those sort of allegations to come out.

  5. what is it with this guy and 12 yr olds? Am I reading too much into this or does there seem to be an odd pattern (beyond him being an alleged pedophile)?

    • Girls hit puberty right around 12. There are 2 types of pedophiles, true pedophiles (prepubescent) and non-exclusive pedophiles (pubescent). His falls under the latter definition. There is a documentary on netflix called “Are All Men Pedophiles” that goes in depth on this subject.

      • That’s a pretty disgusting and vile title. Gee I wonder if there’s an agena behind it?

        I won’t honor it with even a google search yet alone watch it.

        • The short summary is that it is natural for a male to be sexually attracted to a post-pubescent female of any age – it is simply the way our brains wired, and the hormones that are in play. This, of course, is the way it is in nature – if you know anything about animal breeding, you also know that they mate and breed as soon as they’re able.

          For humans, though, in addition to physical development, we have this whole other angle of psychological and social development, that lags behind. Consequently, we introduce limits that don’t correspond to the natural (as in, “in nature”) base hormonal responses, but make sense in the context of our society, such as prohibiting sex with post-pubescent but not fully social developed persons, by setting age limits.

          Speaking of terms, strictly speaking, pedophilia is only sexual attraction to prepubescent persons; attraction to those undergoing puberty is hebephilia, and those who are post-puberty but still underage is ephebophilia. Ephebophilia is basically normal as far as psychological conditions go (the attraction itself, not acting out on it). The other two kinds are pathological.

      • 12 is a bit young for ephebophiles.

        I would personally still label someone into 12 year olds as a pedo.

        • I once found someone’s stash of pre-teen and young teen pix on a network I was responsible for. After a bit of consultation I had FBI agents lined up to get a piece of the pedo. Got him for possession and trafficing. Anyone under 18 is a hit.

        • @ Jus Bill – I am not sure if you were responding me to or not, but I want to clarify that I don’t think anyone was talking about what’s legal or not, just classifications.

          I think everyone knows that porn pics of anyone under 18 is a big huge no-no.

        • Just in general, Bear. The story triggered a related memory i wanted to share. And the moral: Feds are good for something.

  6. This can go one of two ways. Either this is a push to get money out of him, or this is how a lot of Criminal Sexual Conduct cases develop. Victims will often not come forward alone, but if one comes forward, all of them feel less fearful, and begin to speak out. If it is the latter, God have mercy on him, because noone else will.

  7. Preferential predators don’t offend just once. if there’s one preteen victim out there, there are 10. Or 20. Or more.

    • Actually, the typical pattern is that they do it repeatedly, but the victim(s) are the same – generally those in a position of trust, such as children or other close relatives.

      • Yes, which is why most such predators make it their business to be around children. Teachers, scout leaders etc. And they spend 24 hours a day thinking about or acting upon their impulses.

        They are some very scary people.

        • Vast majority of this happens within families, not at work. So, while the pedophile priest/teacher/scout leader etc is a common trope that parents are always worrying about, the reality is that it’s simply not a likely threat. Most kids are molested by their fathers or uncles; so if you can vouch for yourself and your family, your kids are safe – there’s almost certainly no pedophile lurking around every corner.

          Really, this whole pedo threat has much in common with terrorism: both are real things, but vastly overblown with respect to how much you have to be concerned about them, but both are used by statists to justify more state power and surveillance, and fewer checks and balances on that power.

        • Haha, I lol’d. Same goes for old Jeeps. I think I replaced almost everything under the hood of my XJ at least once. Got rid of it just in time, while the rust was still fresh.

  8. This sure aint looking good for Mr Hayden. He could very well could be an absolute Monster that was hiding right in plain sight. Guess we’ll see… but man o man, it sure looks he should have been wearing a straight jacket, not a red one.

  9. I wonder if the Police used the “high tech revolutionary” firearms that RedJacket suposedly sold various police departments to arrest him….. IRONY!

  10. For better or worse, RJF is forever tainted.

    But after seeing the sort of shoddy work they did on the TV show, it’s really a non-issue for me.


    • Perhaps. But you consented to it by not pressing the “OFF” button on your TV controller.
      Please define consensual rape.
      Frankly, I think you were just screwed!

  11. Yep, If he is proven guilty and it looks so far he likely will be, he’ll be the one taking the shaft from now on, in likely the same way.

  12. When is Mr. Farago going to file all future Will Hayden posts under “Should have been a DGU”. This guy deserved to spring a few leaks more than once.

  13. NOT defending him. However, A: how old was he at the time? B: Isn’t there a statute of limitations on the latest one? And why wasn’t it reported a that time?

  14. Talk about a meteoric fall from grace. He was among the stars, now he’s crashed to Earth in a firey blaze. Anything further at this point is just piss on the fire

    Guilty or innocent doesn’t matter at this point. Will Hayden is so, SOOOOOO screwed.

    Personally (innocent untill proven guilty, I don’t personally have all the facts etc.) I think he did all this. He always came across as kind of a creeper to me.

    Betcha a dollar he hangs himself within the next few days. And if not a few days,at some point.

  15. no more guns for him ever, he’s be making shanks in prison, that’s the closest he’ll ever get to owning a weapon

  16. Louisiana statute of limitations on rape or child molestation is 30 years from when the victim turned 18. Everyone so far falls within this. Hope he rots.

  17. 22 years later? Wonder if there’s a statute of limitations for rape there and, if so, how they’re getting around it.

  18. Simple fact is, there are lots of men and women that fall into the classifications stated in the earlier comments and it is our job as parents, relatives, teachers, priests, preachers… etc, etc. To protect our children and those of others by taking these hanaous crimes deadly serious and delivering justice to those who commit them. Whether their minds are subject to a predisposed wiring problem or not, it is NOT allowable and the punishment should be far worse than what it is now. As a father, if I were put in a situation where this were to happen to one of my 3 children, that means I would have failed them and there would not be many talks of what was done to my child, but instead, the talks would be of what I did in return…

  19. It’s possible Willy was sleepwalking when he accidently had sex wit them, I’m just sayin I think he has a sleep disorder therefor him is not quilty of this shit! I know you never wake a sleepwalker but they should have waked him up on this one.hes overworked and stephy didn’t seem to hate da man from what I seen on the tv.now she says this? Somtin smell fishy ! I heard lousiseanan’s do some crazy backwoods shit like sleepin wit them familys and havin babbys at 10 yrs old but Wiily is a upstandin member of a society he had ta been sleepwalkin..??hope Willy get out soon and get back to da show and get help wit him sleepwalkin! Stephy need to help her daddy out and give him some oral support by tellin people he was sleepwalkin! After he gave her all dat money and took good care of her in every way she go and jump him like dis,uhmmm after all them years gone bye stephy thinkin I got him now? Wat is rong wit dis woman , down south broder and sissy , momma and broder dadda and sissy,oh boy dr fill gonna be a busy man now every body be tellin on everybody umhmm stephy woldnt be tellin bout her lovemaking wit willy if he didn’t have all dat money and famous umhmm you can belieb dat! Everbody gonna say that stephy is a ungratfill rat! HIM WAS SLEEPWALIN ! NOT QUILTY!

    • Not to bring light to this subject but I, honest to God, recorded a song in my sleep this past October. I woke up and saw my recording gear on, my one guitar and bass propped against the computer in strange ways, and a song up on Garageband. I had programmed a drum track with no real musical ideas for it at the time two days earlier, but that’s all that I had done.

      Strangely enough, It is also the most listened to song on my Soundclick page. Like, it shot up to #2 on their metal charts, and #1 on sub-genre alt-metal within 24 hours. I titled it “disregard this”, put no picture or description, specifically to show to my two best friends (who didn’t show anyone) and then take town because it’s far from what I’d call acceptable, but for doing it in my sleep, it’s not bad. I left it up in it’s “as discovered” state, and added a description. Here’s a link for anyone who is interested. It’s of the more extreme variety of metal, but there are no vocals or anything. Just music. –

  20. Why Will Why??? You live in a Place that women will act like a 12 yo for the right price…..
    But why Will,,,, Why ??? I know why, it is too bad a disease is a disease….. It can not be helped, like Diabetise (sp) (sorry I forgot the spelling for some reason).. It Is late I guess…..
    But Will you had so much going for you. With your business and TV program. ( I liked it anyway ) It si too bad. I wish you luck and support. I hope all realizes this is a disease. A very bad one that ruins so many lives. My thoughts are with you and my prayers are with the little girl and her family……

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