It’s widely believed, on both the right and the left, that gun rights is a conservative issue. But as some recent events in Texas demonstrated, that isn’t always the case. There are situations that can get intellectually challenged deep red conservatives to embrace hysterical anti-gun talking points while spewing ignorance about firearms, just like their opponents on the other side of the political fence.

As a community of gun owners and supporters of the right to keep and bear arms, it’s not just our right, but our duty to call this out when we see it, and condemn it. It’s intellectually dishonest, even when most of us may agree with these deluded people on other issues.

I’m not here to preach about social issues. It’s your God-given and/or natural right to believe what you will about such things. I’m here to point out that throwing gun rights — anyone’s gun rights — under the bus to “own the libs” will backfire and hurt us all later.

Going Anti-Gun to Own the Drag Queens and Antifa

In many ways, this is a story we’ve all heard before, and it’s one we’re probably going to hear again, over and over. Some leftoids decided it was a good idea to put on drag shows that welcome kids. A recent one in Texas got social conservatives all fired up, as you’d expect. That resulted in supporters of the drag show on one side of the street and anti-groomer people on the other side of the street yelling past each other with police trying to keep both sides apart.

This time, though, there was a new aspect to the usual kabuki on display: several people on the pro-drag show side of the street carried weapons, including several black rifles. While we don’t know exactly who these armed folks are affiliated with, their all-black clothing has led people to conclude they’re affiliated with Antifa.

Who they are isn’t nearly as important as how conservative activists and the likes of Fox News reacted to them. First, there was this guy in the red shirt who wasn’t overburdened with facts . . .

You’d be excused for confusing him with Joe Biden in terms of his talking points and firearms knowledge. Not only did he use the typical “you’re a weakling if you carry a gun” line, but he also referred to the rifles as “AR-47s,” showing that he’s completely ignorant about guns.

I know it’s tempting to side with the guy because many of us agree with him on the social issue at play here, but we shouldn’t let morons like this drag us into spouting and supporting anti-gun hysteria, regardless how many other things they may be right about.

Why? Because next time we’re making pro-gun rights arguments, it’ll be brought up that we didn’t support gun rights that time in Texas and were just fine with the gun ignorance on display. They’ll call us hypocrites and they’ll be right.

After all, what’s the difference between calling the people carrying rifles outside the drag show “pussies” and this guy who was outside the NRA convention in Houston?

Sadly, Red Shirt Guy was far from the only person on the right to take the bait. A hysterical piece at Fox News quoted Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton who was wasn’t smart enough to avoid the trap that was set for him . . .

Slaton said it was “alarming” that Antifa members showed up with guns to protect “grown men wearing ladies’ underwear that have to dance provocatively in front of children.”

“They’re protecting that and trying to intimidate those that were there to speak out against it and bring attention to it that way. But, yes, Antifa apparently is getting involved, and you’ve crossed the line if you want to protect children, and they want to intimidate you.”

Slaton lamented a lack of action by law enforcement, including failing to shut down the event for being over capacity according to the local fire code.

There are a couple of things the Fox piece failed to mention. First, conservative opponents of the show spent time next to the restaurant within a few feet of the armed people in black and they were carrying guns, too. None of them said anything. None of them threatened anyone, pointed rifles, or did anything that could be called intimidating beyond their mere presence with firearms…which, by the way, is perfectly legal under Texas law. And should remain that way.

If the black clad people with guns were really so menacing, why did Red Shirt Guy and others feel safe enough to walk up and challenge them? There’s literally no difference between the presumed right-leaners who were there and the leftoids who will harass conservatives who openly carrying, claiming it makes them feel “unsafe” (but not unsafe enough to keep them from approaching and challenging them).

Everyone knew the guns wouldn’t be used unless there was an outbreak of violence. The protesters’ behavior proved as much. They obviously weren’t intimidated. They just want the other side to be disarmed, and absent non-defensive violence or other crimes committed, that’s an anti-gun rights position, period.

There was also no mention in the Fox News piece of the death threats that typically accompany these drag events ahead of time, and the guy across the street who showed up with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire . . .

Once again, I’m not taking sides on the drag show issue here. The idiots on both sides of this issue have a right to their opinions, and this isn’t a website about social issues. If anything, the social issues are a distraction.

What we shouldn’t be cool with is people who want to throw gun rights under the bus to score points against their enemies in America’s culture war. If we start deciding that certain groups don’t have a right to lawfully possess and carry firearms and stand on a public street with them in support of whatever their cause may be, we’re opening a can of worms we’ll later wish we hadn’t.

Want an example? California, under then-Governor Ronald Reagan, started killing off gun rights in the 1960s after the Black Panthers openly carried guns, and look where that eventually led. Politicians have a way of expanding their ideologically-targeted gun control laws from the groups they want to see disarmed to disarming all of us. That’s clearly not a game we should come anywhere close to playing ever again.


  1. Gun ownership does NOT reflect political views. Too many people on every side own them. If owning a gun translated to Conservatism then criminals would vote Republican.

    • My Dad has one of those “I’m a Christian, I own a gun, and I’m a Democrat” signs hanging in his garage right beside the target he shot at for his carry permit.

        • There’s a reason that bumper sticker exists. Everyone doesn’t fit the stereotype. The Left wasn’t so openly anti-Christian or anti-2A decades ago when he became a dem and a partisan. Some dems had high NRA scores (if that means anything) just a few years ago. Times change, but it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

        • The Left wasn’t so openly anti-Christian or anti-2A decades ago…

          The Left was openly anti-Christian and anti-2A in the 1990s (remember the 1994 “assault weapons” ban?). It’s just even more open about it today. Everyone who didn’t notice it back then was culpably stupid.

          Jefferson said something like “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Most Christians and conservatives fell asleep sometime in the 20th century, and we’re now paying the price.

        • My dad became a Democrat in law school in the 60’s. You would call him a Fudd. He’s never owned an AR-15, and never would. He doesn’t care that I (and others) own them.

      • You can certainly be a Christian and Democrat. You can NOT adhere to both the Bible and the Democratic platform, however. Choose one or the other, they are diametrically opposed.

        • Many Christians like the charitable nature of what the Democrats represent (helping the poor). We both know that isn’t the reality of their policies, but people that only follow the MSM don’t always notice that. All of this evil woke stuff has only recently come to light for people that haven’t been paying attention. I’ve brought up some absurd racist dem policy before, and they don’t believe me. I have to print it out for them (yes, print lol). They’ve been programmed to believe anything outside of MSM is propaganda.

        • My dad was very liberal in the 60s too. He was a pot smoking hippie. But then later, he had kids. Had to get a job. Had to take responsibility, and started to pay serious taxes. Then he changed, slowly, into someone that just wanted other people (democrats) to keep their opinions out of voting to run his life, and leave him alone. He moved out in the middle of nowhere, and started raising his own animals for consumption. He started living off the land, while also doing some work for $$$. And what he realized was, democrats want to run your life for you. And he didn’t like it. Republicans were religious zealots that liked to tell you want you “ought” to do. But at least they didn’t force you to do it. Democrats advocated for more government services and more centralized power (more federal power). Between the democrats and republicans, the republicans were the only party advocating for smaller government, and smaller budgets.

          And so just like that, he transitioned from democrat to republican, basically, in the mid 1980s.

        • “With OTHER PEOPLES money”

          Ain’t that the truth. Christians however have a good record of being charitable with their own money.

          That’s a good contrast between the parties. Too bad the R’s were FOS when it came to smaller government and smaller budgets. I hope we can change that going forward.

        • *Except when Gingrich fought for a balanced budget. “Fiscally responsible” Paul Ryan was a big head fake.

        • anonymous, SON!! Where have you been?! Why don’t you ever write or call?! Look, I have goat cheese!…

      • You are correct. The Left has never supported the 1st amendment. They use “a slight of hand trick”. And call it “freedom of speech”. Back in the 1990s the Left told Christians their “freedom of speech” rights only existed inside a church. And the Left has said that here on TTAG.

        So no, the Left has never supported the 1st amendment civil rights for Christians. Or any religous people. Except they do support people who worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  2. “[W]e shouldn’t be cool with . . . people who want to throw gun rights under the bus to score points against their enemies in America’s culture war. ”

    Right. Just throw Antifa under the bus. Literally.

        • So I take it you were pleased with this gentleman’s conviction? That’s good news, looks like we’re making progress!

          “A January 6 rioter and alleged White supremacist was convicted Friday on all five charges he faced after hitching his case to the claim that he didn’t know Congress met at the United States Capitol.

          “I thought there were several buildings called ‘Capitol building,'” Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, an alleged Nazi sympathizer and Army reservist, told the jury Thursday, adding that he was “from New Jersey” and was “idiotic” and ignorant. “I did not realize that Congress met in the Capitol.”

        • Apparently the only one that gloats over folks going tp prison is you, miner.

          Just remember, its a double edged sword. Don’t expect anything but celebration when its your turn.

        • Oh, jwm, if NOTHING else, our MajorStupidity is as big a lying partisan as exists. Of course, he is also a Leftist/fascist, a cynical hypocrite, and an indoctrinated, illogical @$$ . . . oh, and a LIAR, don’t forget LIAR.

  3. Well put, Jennifer. Personally I advocate for ALL law abiding American adults to be armed and educated about safe gun handling and applicable local, state and federal laws, regardless of political or religious affiliation. Gun rights are for everyone or else pretty soon they won’t be for anyone.

    • It’s too bad that the Left has thrown, the 1st amendment rights of Christians under the bus. Many decades ago. But the Left has been very good at supporting the rights of the Klu Klux Klan.

  4. The wisest course of action is to stay armed … and stay away from protests like this. Fed provocateurs infest events like this like flies on sh*. You won’t win any points or influence anyone screaming at one of these demonstrations. You’re just asking for trouble.

    • “Fed provocateurs infest events like this like flies on sh*.”

      Exactly. If something happens, they win. We do need to protest events like this though and bring attention to the problems with it. We should just be smart about it.

  5. While I am unhappy about Antifa and their ilk owning guns, it’s their right to do so. This is in the same vein as “While I disagree with what you say, I will defend your right to say it.”

    Rights need to apply equally – but so do laws, and if Antifa (or anyone else on the left) break relevant laws, they need to be treated exactly the same as a conservative would who did the same thing. However, as we’ve seen many times in the past several years, that’s not the case currently. Perhaps it’s a different discussion; but unequal treatment under the law is fundamentally opposed to equal protection of rights.

    • You guys are a Constitutional Republic with a democratically elected representative government, or at least that was the plan. Would not some armed, masked entity known to commit violence in the name of pushing communism (if that’s what they are de-facto doing) be considered to constitute a domestic threat to national security etc? Choot heem! Choot heem!

    • “While I am unhappy about Antifa and their ilk owning guns, it’s their right to do so. This is in the same vein as “While I disagree with what you say, I will defend your right to say it.”

      Antifa has never supported the 2A. And they still don’t. I don’t care how many guns the Left own. By definition a Leftist doesn’t support a civilian owning guns. To a leftist, g@y or straight, guns are only for the state.

      Their hero Mao said “all political power flows out the end of a gun barrel”. And as soon as he could take power, all guns were seized from any and all civilians. And the gun toting Left in America will do just that. If they ever take total power.

      And since the Left have total power in california. They are in the process of taking gun civil rights away from the law abiding.

  6. 2A is for everyone.. ALL STOP.
    That being said I can tell you that some armed ANTIFA at a Drag show won’t stir up much news, but some conservative protestors guarding a prayer in a park would be national headlines. It is the hypocrisy that kills me.
    I don’t have to agree with their ideology to agree they as Americans have civil rights.

      • “But are they actually ‘americans’ after a certain point?“

        Fascinating, a Canadian who feels they are entitled to pass judgment on just who are ‘Americans’.

        By the way, we always capitalize ‘America’.

        • Fascinating that a lying, propagandizing, idiot of a Leftist/fascist, America-hating troll like you, MajorStupidity, feels “they are entitled to pass judgement on just who are ‘Americans’. Rider/Shooter is ten times more ‘American’ than your worthless, lying, partisan, hypocritical, propagandizing, brainwashed @$$.

          And, by the way, since you’re in to playing grammar Nazi, I feel compelled to point out to you that Rider/Shooter, living, as he does, on the continent of North America, is EVERY BIT as much ‘American’ as anybody on the continent. You however, fall more in the category of Sam Adams’ observation that “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

          I’d LOVE to forget that you were my “countryman” . . . not that your Leftist/fascist @$$ ever was.

  7. It was the sexually Liberated California g@y state senate president, Tom Ammiano, who publicly embraced the Mulford Act and refused to repeal it. He is why it is still on the books.

    I’ve been saying on TTAG. Gun rights are for everyone. I want the gun owners who support sexualizing children to come out of the closet. They have a 1st amendment right to say so in public. And I want them to say this in public.

    The left doesn’t understand that messing with children is always has been a very bad idea. Because the Left doesn’t have children. Except the ones who take thier children to sex shows. And Especially since it’s the Left, who are against teaching children about their second amendment civil rights and responsibilities.

  8. “That side is armed!”

    “Oh yeah, well the other side is too!”

    Guess what guys. The feds have infiltrated both sides.

      • They have no interest in acknowledging their existence, but I wonder if they’re helping to push them in certain directions.

    • There is no law in Texas requiring long guns to be concealed, there is no law stating how they can be displayed, other than they cannot be displayed in a “manner calculated to alarm.”

      For handguns, “A person commits an offense if the person carries a handgun and intentionally displays the handgun in plain view of another person in a public place. It is an exception to the application of this subsection that the handgun was partially or wholly visible but was carried in a holster.”

      The word intentional is defined elsewhere in the code.

  9. “While we don’t know exactly who these armed folks are affiliated with, their all-black clothing has led people to conclude they’re affiliated with Antifa.”

    Yeah, they might have been card-carrying NRA members.

  10. An openly armed society is a much more polite society. I love open carry. It’s not just for the police and military. And since it’s now been made ok to were a mask in public. It now becomes much much easier to carry open in public.
    The rightwing should be using the mask as a cover. Just like the left does now.

  11. “I’m not taking sides on the drag show issue here.” Other than taking a clear side at several points in the article.🙄

  12. I have somewhat mixed emotions about this article and the author’s point of view. While I do understand the point being made here, one has to put this entire thing in perspective. First, a person who is emotionally involved may have simply confused AR15 with AK47. Those types of things happen to people all the time. He may have simply misspoken based on his emotional state. Second, the guy with the bat didn’t seem emotionally involved and may have brought it for protection but who knows.

    The bottom line however should be the other side was no better. Once you have people dressed in black and masks carrying rifles whether legal or not, you change the entire tenor of the event. It is more like a challenge than an attempt at real security. Why the masks and why the visible weapons? They send the message “let’s fight” not let’s be safe.

    Third, Antifa is a known Leftist violent group. Personally, I think they are a bunch of paid cowards. But their mere presence is an unstated threat just like the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany.

    I think there are two sides to this issue but I don’t think we make excuses for the Left either because they are exercising their rights which they don’t respect when others do the same.
    What goes around comes around and when you set a certain tone, you have to take what you get in return.

    • There are reasons why people carrying AR’s outside of the Virginia capital is a bad idea. Regardless of any kind of tradition or annual event. Particularly when Covid means everyone is masked. It’s something that I don’t agree with unless we are talking about fighting. Northam took it to an extreme in his own right but the whole thing was about HIS unconstitutional actions. Something he could have avoided. People on BOTH sides do this and they both feel justified. It absolutely does set a certain tone.

    • “First, a person who is emotionally involved may have simply confused AR15 with AK47. Those types of things happen to people all the time. He may have simply misspoken based on his emotional state“

      You are just making excuses for Joe Biden.

  13. Jennifer is absolutely correct, unless the those clad in the antifa garb are violating the law or prohibited from possessing the arms they carried.

    With that said… while I find the practice of grooming and the targeting of children to be abhorrent behavior. Apparently it isn’t illegal, though it should be. Perhaps that is where the focus should be… criminalizing all aspects of sexualizing children, regardless of who does it or under what pretense.

  14. quote————-There are a couple of things the Fox piece failed to mention. First, conservative opponents of the show spent time next to the restaurant within a few feet of the armed people in black and they were carrying guns, too. None of them said anything. None of them threatened anyone, pointed rifles, or did anything that could be called intimidating beyond their mere presence with firearms———-quote

    Total falsehood. Not only did American reporters but also foreign news correspondents all said that both sides were threating to kill each other.

    quote————–What we shouldn’t be cool with is people who want to throw gun rights under the bus to score points against their enemies in America’s culture war. If we start deciding that certain groups don’t have a right to lawfully possess and carry firearms and stand on a public street with them in support of whatever their cause may be, we’re opening a can of worms we’ll later wish we hadn’t.——quote

    It simply shows what hypocrites the far right always are. They scream about their rights to privacy, too much governmental interference in their private lives and they scream about Constitutional rights and then the hypocrites turn right around and take everyone else’s right to privacy and constitutional rights away when they interfere with their religious fanaticism like banning a woman’s right to choose that had been a Constitutional right for over 50 years. Or even their right to be armed when they do not tow the far right jack booted party line. The Nazi’s shooting it out with the Liberals in Germany in the 1930’s comes to mind. History repeats itself with the Far Right, they simply moved from Germany to the U.S. after WWII complete with their fanatical racism and hatred of minorities which include hatreds of gays, LGBT people, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Asian Americans and even White Catholics. The list is almost endless.

        • Funny, that, MajorStupidity,

          Of all our prominent business leaders, party donors, etc., isn’t it INTERESTING that Trump’s name doesn’t show up on the list of visitors to Lolita Island??? Perhaps it has something to do with Trump having the obvious ability to attract quite stunning women without committing statutory rape on some pervert’s Island of Shame. But you wouldn’t know about that, ’cause your heroes Billy Zipperpants and the rest had to “get theirs” on Lolita Island (and Clinton, totally in character, lied about it, denied it . . . and showed up 27 times on the passenger list of the Lolita Express.

          What a f***ing lying, partisan, idiot bag of douche you are, MajorStupidity. And don’t try so hard, Epstein’s dead, so you being obsequious isn’t going to get you an invite.

    • Both sides ARE threatening to kill eachother. That much is absolutely true. That is why the concept of ‘coexist’ just is not capable of happening. The evil of the left is NOT tolerable within the bounds of civil society.

    • You need to read “REAL HISTORY”

      NAZI=National Socialist Party of Germany!!!

      Socialist are leftist in America, Right in Europe!!!!!

      Majority of attacks of Asians in America is being done by Blacks, not white!!!!

      More White people are killed by Police than other races, but don’t let that “FACT” contradict your “RACIST” rants!!!!

      • “More White people are killed by Police than other races“

        You are intentionally being deceptive by using the raw number, of course more white people are killed another races because the vast majority of people in America are white.

        “The White alone population accounted for 204.3 million people and 61.6% of all people living in the United States, compared with 223.6 million and 72.4% in 2010.“

        But it appears that is changing

        • Cool story, bro!!! Now give us your take on the fact that black men, representing less than 7% of the population, somehow manage to commit a HUGELY disproportionate share of crime. Oh, I guess that doesn’t fit your Leftist/fascist narrative, does it, MajorStupidity.

          Go fornicate yourself, you lying, hypocritical, Leftist/fascist s***posting clown.

    • The Government has very few specific duties. The Constitution, that document your people want thrown out, specifies what the Governments responsibilities are and what they are restricted from. That is far from Fascism, and we here promote the Constitution.

      We could debate about the right to privacy, but you are not capable of rational debate. Numerous offers by many here have been ignored by you. That tells us you “education” level has not prepared you for a civil and logical debate. What we do is show where you make make such incredulous statements that do not fit in reality. That also betrays your level of “education”

      When you continue to make states about the far right, Nazis, Hitler and how the posters here are the same, remember, it is you that pine for government control of all aspects of life from banning firearms and speech. You would probably want to ban thought as well if you could figure out how to do so. You believe you can own a scoped AK but we should not have one because it is not civilized. Either you are a hypocrite or your not civilized.

      Being an admitted antifa supporter or member, you were fine with the insurrection that took place as soon as Trump was elected. Those insurrection riots burned minority owned businesses, LGBT businesses, and created a danger to every one of the groups you claim we hate. But who sent money to help the victims of your insurrection? Not you insurrectionists. Well you did give to BLM and blackmailed corporations to give, but none of that went to your victims, just a select few Marxists in the hierarchy of your groups.

      Either you are intellectually dishonest or you are so deep in the theory of extreme leftism you cannot see what you are doing and have done to the people you claim to care about.

      • Trooper,

        “Either you are intellectually dishonest or you are so deep in the theory of extreme leftism you cannot see what you are doing and have done to the people you claim to care about.”

        I would (and do) say, “Embrace the healing power of ‘and'”, but you also missed a couple of options. Allow me to offer a rephrase your sentence:

        “You are obviously (i) intellectually dishonest, and (ii) so deep in the theory of extreme leftism, and (iii) such a Leftist propagandist, and (iv) so stupid and uneducated, that you cannot see what you are doing and have done to the people you claim to care about.”

        There, FIFY. No thanks needed. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal. Be sure and tip your waitress.

      • In reality Storm Trooper you are a damn liar and not even a very good one.

        In reality the BLM protests were almost all peaceful and the riots in Portland were proven by the FBI to have been done by the Proud boys and other Nazi filth posing as BLM People. It was they that set fire and looted. Again this came right from the FBI.

        quote————When you continue to make states about the far right, Nazis, Hitler and how the posters here are the same, remember, it is you that pine for government control of all aspects of life from banning firearms and speech.———quote

        Again another one of your bold face lies. I have advocated safe storage and Universal Back Ground Checks none of which takes anyone’s guns away from them except of course keeping them out of the hands of criminals, nut cases and far right insurrectionists like you. And free speech Herr Hauptman does not give you the right to yell fire in a theater or promote hate speech that gets innocent people killed. No constitutional right is unlimited including the Second Amendment otherwise you could build atomic bombs or use poison gas on your neighbor and his dog.

        quote————We could debate about the right to privacy, but you are not capable of rational debate. Numerous offers by many here have been ignored by you. That tells us you “education” level has not prepared you for a civil and logical debate.———-quote

        You must be flying high on drugs today just what do you think we are doing right here and right now genius boy.

        Try again you failed.

        • Hyperbole is not debating. Who is advocating building wmds and using poison gas? Those statements don’t bolster your ideas.

          You deny the work of antifa and blm? There were fewer instances of the proud boys and others using violence in those protests than antifa. Own what you support.

          You don’t understand the meaning of insurrectionist. You are the insurrectionist, not me. I am not out to overthrow the US political system. You and your friends want to do so. That is insurrection. Again, own what you believe in. And start using proper definitions.

          I am not a Storm Trooper, I was a Paratrooper. I exited high performance military aircraft while in flight. Nor am I a Nazi, fascists or any other thing you try so hard to tag me as. Your weakness is juvenile insults. Insults are like good humor, there is truth in them. Your insults lack that truth.

          Hyperbole, use of wrong definitions and attempts at insults is not a rational debate. Care to make a real debate or will you continue to be a parody?

        • to Storm Trooper

          quote———-You deny the work of antifa and blm? There were fewer instances of the proud boys and others using violence in those protests than antifa. Own what you support.——-quote

          More lies and wild generalizations, all disproven by law enforcement and the FBI which labeled the Proud Boys and other far right storm trooper groups as the greatest danger to the American people. Their attempt to overthrow the government certainly is insurrection so it is you not I who do not know the meaning of an insurrection.

          Now let us see you try and defend and praise the Proud Boys (as you just did), the most dangerous and despicable racists in the U.S. They are your kind of people or you would not be kissing their ass.

        • To Storm Trooper

          And you are a proven far right racist as you are always lying about BLM and there is no such organization in the U.S. called Anti-Fa and that is a quote from the FBI.

          Antifa is not a highly organized movement, nor is it merely an idea. Antifa is a loose affiliation of local activists scattered across the United States and a few other countries.

          The term “antifa” is short for anti-fascist; it’s used both by its adherents and its foes.

          In general, people who identify as antifa are known not for what they support, but what they oppose: Fascism, nationalism, far-right ideologies, white supremacy, authoritarianism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia.

          All patriotic Americans are proud to say they support Anti-Fa ideals and U.S. Soldiers in WWII called themselves Anti-Fa. The German Anti-Fa of WWII fought your kind of people Hitler’s far right racist Nazi’s.

        • The fbi? The same group that has been shielding hunter biden? The same group that has been subverted and weaponized by the left? That fbi?

          Please tell me you’re in a leadership position in the ss/antifa.

        • jwm,

          “Please tell me you’re in a leadership position in the ss/antifa.”

          Not even Antifa/BurnLootMurder is stupid enough to let that idiot into a leadership position. dacian the demented couldn’t manage the affairs of a shoeshine stand. He’s only useful as a target for scorn and derision . . . which he richly deserves. And he remains dumb as Balaam’s off ass.

        • “Now let us see you try and defend and praise the Proud Boys (as you just did), the most dangerous and despicable racists in the U.S. They are your kind of people or you would not be kissing their ass.”

          What I said:

          “You deny the work of antifa and blm? There were fewer instances of the proud boys and others using violence in those protests than antifa. Own what you support.”

          I did not defend anyone. I asked you a question. Instead of answering you went on a rant devoid of fact. If you take making a comparison between three organizations and the actions they took as support for one, then you are as stupid as you act.

          I gave you the opportunity for a real debate, an offer made several times to you, yet you cannot go five words without making a deliberate lie about something that was said.

          And there is this gem of wisdom from you:

          “And you are a proven far right racist as you are always lying about BLM and there is no such organization in the U.S. called Anti-Fa and that is a quote from the FBI.”

          What lie did I tell about BLM? Be specific and use a direct quote, not a quote of what you wish was said, but what was actually said.

          No, there is antifa, per the FBI. The FBI says they are not centralized, but act in nodes. You mischaracterize what the FBI said. We can argue about the organizational ties of the nodes based on the history of how they have coalesced since the Occupy days, but only a true member who is in the lead of a node can tell us for sure.

          What proves me to be a far right racists? You make these accusations of peoples character without merit. Am I far right because I am a capitalist? Maybe because I believe in the foundation of the Constitution and that the statements of the DoI are worthy goals and there is still work to do? Show me the racist statements I have made. Don’t pretend to generalize, show your work.

          If you can’t show your work we can only determine you are a liar, now, prove us wrong.

          Bet you can’t do it.

    • Total falsehood. Not only did American reporters but also foreign news correspondents all said that both sides were threating to kill each other.

      Once again, from dacian, no source, no pictures, no anything. Just dacian’s word, which is worth nothing, as has been proven in the past.

    • …and constitutional rights away when they interfere with their religious fanaticism like banning a woman’s right to choose that had been a Constitutional right for over 50 years.

      LOL. It was never a constitutional right. It was fabricated out of thin out, by activist judges. Nowhere in the constitution, at all, does it say people have the right to privately kill babies. Further, it doesn’t even take the right away. It leaves the decision for the states to decide. All those Californians, New Yorkers, etc, will still be slaughtering their own babies in the womb. So don’t fret too much dacian. Purple states will have months available for abortion. Deep red states, likely less, just a few weeks.

      It simply shows what hypocrites the far right always are. They scream about their rights to privacy, too much governmental interference in their private lives…

      It’s not hypocritical. They just don’t think you have the right to privately kill babies. That kind of privacy, you don’t have.

      History repeats itself with the Far Right, they simply moved from Germany to the U.S. after WWII complete with their fanatical racism and hatred of minorities which include hatreds of gays, LGBT people, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Asian Americans and even White Catholics. The list is almost endless.

      You’ve been watching too much Brian Stelter. Luckily, he got fired, and now we don’t have to worry (for a little while) about him programming people with such foolishness. From conservatives such as Ben Shapiro (A Jew) to Thomas Sowell (A black man), conservatives have no problem with race. It’s about the ideas. Event the leader of the proud boys, an afro-cuban guy. One thing is clear, while the right advocates for being race blind, and not making a race an issue, the left perpetually calls everyone racists. Playing the race card, has been in their political go-to arsenal from the very beginning, even here you are, right here, playing it yourself. To the political left, they don’t want racism to end, ever. They need it, as a weapon to divide people by race, and bring half of that division to their side. Sad really.

      • New rules in red states are often still more liberal than places like France. Most people don’t realize it due to the propaganda around abortion, but the US was an outlier in the world.

        • What the heck is that lil’d? You posted a link to some dumb meme. The Mississippi abortion case was for a 15 week limit. France has a 14 week limit. It was expanded from 12 weeks just this year. The 12 week limit was expanded from 10 weeks in 2001. As usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You just repeat the propaganda like a good little robot.

          I found the legislation, but it’s in French. Here’s a quote from The Atlantic from a June 2022 article:
          In March, with a possible reversal of Roe on the horizon in the U.S., France’s National Assembly, or parliament, expanded the loi Veil to allow abortions up to 14 weeks

        • to Dud Brain

          Wrong link here is the one I should have posted

          Below is just some of the article.

          This is of course just ignorant dilettantism:

          It is, at best, extremely misleading to say that France or Denmark “bans” abortion starting in the second trimester. Their “bans” have very broad exceptions that are generally liberally applied. Neither on paper or in practice are they anything like the 15-week ban the Supreme Court just upheld.
          The bizarre, obsessive contrarian pundit focus on the point during the second semester when some kind of abortion regulation starts creates a perverse comparative framework in which many American regulations of abortion don’t count because they apply at every stage of the pregnancy. European countries generally don’t have a blizzard of arbitrary regulations that make it harder to obtain a first trimester abortion or designed to make it hard or impossible for abortion providers to operate.
          In Europe abortions are generally free or heavily subsidized. Until the Hyde Amendment is repealed apples-to-apples comparisons of American and European abortion regulations are not useful.
          Because this know-nothing trolling made it into Alito’s opinion for the Court in Dobbs — his chambers are nothing if not a comprehensive resource for know-nothing trolling — this gives our nation’s pundits the chance to actually learn something about abortion policy by reading the joint dissent:

        • dacian the demented dips***,

          Nice job, douchebag – your citation to a “legal” analysis is to some dips*** blog, and their “analysis” includes exactly ZERO citations to actual laws. Even for you, that is a classic f**-up. You beclown yourself on the daily. If only you possessed the wit or education to recognize how thoroughly you embarrass yourself by you lies, and “citations” to “news” sites like . . . Slate.

          You aren’t even a good parody of a Leftist/fascist, you’re simply a “useful idiot” . . . without the “useful” part. Go micturate up a cable, you lying s***weasel.

        • To lil’d

          In other words, you got nuthin. I was right. You would have been better off just taking your loss and moving on to your next desperate lie.

      • to Anonomouse

        You are totally ignorant of U.S. History.

        So I am going to say two things here. One, the Ninth Amendment “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” In lay mans terms means that just because the constitution doesn’t explicitly say you have a right, or say that a specific thing is protected as a right, doesn’t mean it isn’t. This was included by James Madison in part specifically because he was afraid of people making (at least in part) the very argument you are making. That people would assume that the only constitutionally protected rights were the ones explicitly stated in the bill of rights, and that would thus allow future tyrants to argue that “the Constitution doesn’t explicitly say you have a right X, so that means you don’t have right X.” Remember, the purpose of the Constitution was to limit what the government could do, not what the people could do.

        So that’s the first thing. Just because the Constitution doesn’t explicitly say you have the right to an abortion does not automatically mean you don’t have the right to an abortion

        Secondly, your position, that of these two laws, despite being from a legal mechanism standpoint are identical, one is acceptable and the other is not because one is intended to prevent murder only works if 1)abortion is murder and 2) the gun control law is not being enacted from the same belief. I’ll not really touch on the second point, mostly because I’m not actually trying to defend the gun control law in question, but let us examine the known positions of the Founders on the issue of abortion, as this is fundamentally a constitutional issue as currently constructed, and when dealing with an unenumerated right examining the thoughts and intentions of the founds is a classic first road to go down.

        Ok, so what did the Founders think of abortion? The short version? Not very much. Several Founders explicitly wrote about abortion during their lives. Benjamin Franklin published an abortion recipe in one of his most popular books. Benjamin Rush wrote “what is an abortion but a haemoptysis (if I may be allowed the expression) from the uterus?” Haemoptysis is a medical term basically meaning bloody mucus from the lungs. So obviously he didn’t think of a fetus as a whole person, at least not for the full duration of the pregnancy. Thomas Jefferson commented on abortion practices amongst American Indians without judgement in “Notes on the State of Virginia”. In fact as I understand it, he was trying to explain to Europeans why American Indians seemed to have much lower birthrates, often used as a supposed sign of their racial inferiority. Jefferson was basically saying, they are every bit as fertile as a European woman, but their way of life makes forms of birth control and abortion necessary. He never explicitly says these are bad things, just different.

        Now there were Founders opposed to abortion. In fact functionally all of the them were post “quickening.” Quickening was the moment that the mother first felt fetal movement. For seemingly all of the Founders this seems to have been the cut off point at which abortion was acceptable. Quickening could happen anytime between 16 and 20 weeks. Which isn’t that far off from the 23-24ish weeks that was applied by the viability standard for abortions under Casey vs Planned Parenthood.

        Others seem to have been against it wholesale, James Wilson and John Witherspoon being the ones usually cited. But they seemed to have stopped short of trying to ban abortion before quickening, which as far as I can tell was the standard for those places in the US that any law regarding abortion at all.

        All this to say it seems to me like Roe and Casey got it more or less right the first time. Abortion was practiced and legal in every colony, then state, at the time of the Founding. The Founders made no attempt to render it illegal in whole, and those laws that were passed only banned abortion after quickening, the 18th century equivalent of a viability standard, and even then only as a misdemeanor. It only became murder after a successful birth.

        Under that context alone it seems that abortion up to 16 weeks at an absolute minimum should thus fall under the rights “retained by the people” under the standard of the 9th Amendment.

        • Parody,

          All of what you said can be condensed:

          Abortion belongs to the State per the BoR. To take it from the States, an Amendment must be ratified and codified to the Constitution.

    • “They scream about their rights to privacy, too much governmental interference in their private lives“

      I am sorry to inform you, Justice Alito has declared that there is no constitutional right to privacy.

      • You guys laid the ground work for Alito. Back ground checks and paperwork on a basic civil right. You were fine with that.

        Now its come back to bite your ass and you scream rape.

      • Once again, you resort to lies. There is NO SUCH LANGUAGE in Alito’s opinion. PERIOD. Alito did what any intelligent jurist would do, and simply provided that the subject was within the purview of the states to regulate. He expressly RESERVED to right to examine the scope and reach of those regulations.

        But you have to lie, because you are a lying, partisan liar. F*** off, MajorStupidity. “emanations from the penumbra”, indeed. You remain too stupid to insult.

  15. Interesting that she makes no mention of the black clad snipers on the parking deck across the street.

    • I believe this where possible charges could arise, if they police would look into it..

      Were the snipers actually aiming at people on the street???

  16. This is why I have never, and never will, associate with the trailer trash such as this “event” brought out. I mind my own business, and don’t give a hoot in hell about anyone else’s “cause celeb”, including politicians at any level. But if they give me trouble, I’ll see to it that they get far more in return than they will enjoy.

  17. My take on the armed people is, they set up a killing field centered on the children inside.

    They can carry guns. They can protest. They can do any thing they want to do. But, I’ll not be forgiving them for inviting children into a killing field. I cannot think of any instance in which conservative people have ever willingly placed their own, or other people’s children in harm’s way.

  18. Self immolation to own the opposition is tried and true. Reagan did it because black people with guns, lefties did it with civil liberties because hate speech/fascism, righties did it for the AWB again because black people with guns, lefties did it to the film, game and music industries (Lord knows why Dee Snyder simps for them after what they put him through).

    unchecked hypocrisy and a desire to own the opposition got us where we are today with both sides all-in on censorship, foreign intervention, endless wars, small business and education destroying lockdowns, burning heaps of cash twenty stories high, support for panopticon surveillance, propping up despotic regimes that enslave for profit and on and on and calling anyone who suggests maybe there is another path a threat to democracy or “Russian agent.”

    It’d be a great comedy if it weren’t so tragic.

  19. Just a thought. I’m going to use the worst thing I can think of to demonstrate my point, and again this is tangential to this article, not directly addressing it.

    We (myself is side A and my opposite is side B, direct dichotomy) have our Hypothetical Scum who served 10 years in federal prison for raping a 12 year old. We both agree he shouldn’t have firearms. Side B says it’s because he was arrested, tried, and convicted and is lawfully a felon. Side A says its because he fucked a kid.

    Besides the resident lunatics, you’re all very smart people. Do yourself a little thought experiment, lessening the offense each time and see how long it is before your side and the other side disagree, and how you feel about it.

    Or not, I just thought it was interesting. Best you’ll get out of me is all gun laws are Unconstitutional and bullshit, you’ll just have to forgive me for not trusting Groomers and Filthy Commies. It all needs to be repealed, but I’m not doing it for them, they aren’t in my community, I’ll never accept them, my views indirectly benefit them. Definitely not the most rational decision, but it’s who I am. 🤷‍♂️

    • I had a lot happening trying to write that. The gist is Moral vs Legal in your primary determination of right and wrong, I’m not saying one is correct and the other incorrect.

  20. While I don’t know if it is a good idea for men dressed as proactively dressed women to sit down and act that it is normal with a bunch of 1st graders. I don’t want “fine as frogs’ hair” strippers doing the same with my child either, that isn’t what childhood should be like, let them be kids. I am a Christian, but that is not the reason, I think kids should be able to be kids without blatant sexuality being shoved in their little faces every 5 minutes.
    If my child saw a couple of people passing around a joint, I would treat it as something that some grownups do, it is NOT for kids, like drinking or smoking cigarettes.
    Trying to make kids comfortable with activities that should be private is not a good thing.
    Many kids have an uncle or aunt who may be “flamboyant”, this is how to face this type of thing, not showing them special toys, furniture, costumes, etc. That is a little over the top. There is a time to tell them, but not 5-7 year olds.
    Please allow me to do that teaching, thank you.

    • “That is a little over the top.”

      A little? Are you serious? This is why we’re at this point in history. People should be up in arms over this. Follow the below link to a news story. I want you to look at the logo for the R House where they’re having “Drag Brunches.” Their logo is in the shape of a butt. Would you take your children to a playground with that logo and men workers with makeup running around in women’s panties? This has zilch to do with teaching children anything except to drop their natural barriers and inhibitions, and to get them thinking about sex and gender confusion before they even hit the first grade. AKA grooming.

      • If you don’t like what’s going on at the club, then don’t go.

        It’s this busy body interference with other peoples personal business that is why most people view the conservatives in a negative light.

        “The 2022 complaint, filed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, threatened to revoke R House’s liquor license, arguing that the establishment violated a state public nuisance law by becoming “manifestly injurious to the morals or manners of the people.”

        And it is not up to the government to set the “morals or manners of the people”.

        You know, a much bigger factor in the sexualizing of young children is the lewd child beauty pageants, thousands are held across the United States every year.
        Just check out some of the pictures routinely posted on Instagram, etc. of babies from birth through adolescence, dressed in revealing garments that would be scandalous on an adult woman.

        And the consequences of this behavior are far reaching, remember the six year old ‘showgirl’ JonBenét Ramsey story.

        • “If you don’t like what’s going on at the club, then don’t go.”

          I didn’t even say I had a problem with them outside of bringing children. Miner, it isn’t busy body interference to put your foot down about child abuse. No one has the freedom to abuse children. Hetero stripper brunch isn’t a thing. Why is that? Should we have father son day at the local strip club? This is only being allowed in the name of trans acceptance and inclusion.

          “lewd child beauty pageants”

          I replied to your above comment about it. If one is bad, then the other is as well. In this situation, we’re talking about grown men in suggestive women’s clothing twerking and suggestively dancing with little kids. They also have little boys dressed up as dragg* queens with grown men cheering them on. The only reason this is even remotely debatable is because our society has already been degraded through years of this nonsense.

          *gg to avoid moderation

        • Why, MajorStupidity? Why not go? Is it because we might find you in there, trying to diddle little kids???

          There is NO “constitutional right” to sexualize minors. Now, if the PARENTS choose to do it, that is their right . . . until CPS stops being a tool of the Leftist/fascists and starts actually trying to protect children’s welfare. If grown men want to dress up in drag, they are welcome to do so. If adult pedophile predators want to groom children, that’s another matter.

          But if figures that you’d support pedophiles and groomers. It’s very “on brand” for you. I’m sure you’d also support lowering the “age of consent” down to maybe 10 years old? Or do you want it even lower, you pedophile pervert?

        • CPS was recently caught on video suggesting to a teenage girl that she should become a sex worker to make money. I don’t trust them either.

        • Dude,

          I don’t trust CPS, either, which is why I said “until CPS stops being a tool of the Leftist/fascists and starts actually trying to protect children’s welfare.”

          Billy Blowjob showed up on the manifest of the Lolita Express 26 times (I thought it was 27, but it’s apparently 26), and MajorStupidity and dacian worship him. Scratch a Leftist, and find a fascist. Scratch a Leftist/fascist, and find a lying hypocrite.

      • Okay, it was a lot over the top. I was speaking tongue in cheek.
        DUDE – I agree completely – what happens in adult clubs is for adults. Mrs. Doubtfire is not really a sexual thing, but uncle Milty also had his problems with crossdressing. Kids have confusing enough lives, I remember seeing men on the streetcar and bus when I was 4 or 5 that wore makeup, had their hair up in a beehive, high heels and red fingernail polish – they gave me nightmares for years. I knew something was off. Sexual identity is a big thing with little children, it is a good idea to let them know they will be men or women when they grow up. This is why boys with domineering mothers/aunts/grandmothers and no men around are prime subjects for chicken hawks when they get a little older.
        Yes, there are those that are wired differently, born into the wrong body, or assigned a gender when it wasn’t exactly obvious to the doctor. They should have been left to figure it out for themselves with lots of love and support from family with a name that works for either sex.

  21. I may be kicking the hornet’s nest but I don’t agree that the 2nd Amendment is for everyone. If you have no morals and are a pedophile you have no business being armed. Our Constitution was written for a moral people. Die in a fire pedo’s!

    • By the same reasoning, “fascists”, “white supremacists”, and other people whom some government could consider immoral shouldn’t have guns. It’s only an appealing idea to those who imagine that they’ll be the only ones judging people’s morality (i.e., poor students of history).

      • Fair enough. I was speaking from a founding father’s viewpoint. Benjamin Franklin had views on this. Tough job deciding who is moral and who isn’t I guess. I’ll leave it to the Big Guy…Jesus Christ.

        • “Benjamin Franklin had views on this“

          You bet he did! And he often expressed those views as a woman, doing a little gender-bending founding father style:

          “The story of Benjamin Franklin and female pseudonymity begins in 1722 in the bustling port city of Boston, Massachusetts. In this place, a sixteen-year-old printer’s apprentice, in the heart of what historically had been strongly Puritan country with such notables as Cotton Mather, took up his quill pen and began to write sardonic prose under the guise of a forty-year-old preacher’s widow, now historically immortalized as Silence Dogood. Young Benjamin Franklin clandestinely dropped the manuscript under the door ofhis master and brother James Franklin. He acted in secret, believing his brother would never print Silence Dogood ifhe knew that his
          little brother, Benjamin, had written it. James and the other contributors to his paper, The New England Courant, loved the biting commentary ofthe piece and printed it. Benjamin Franklin as Silence Dogood would contribute thirteen more letters to the Courant before the year was out”

        • That’s an awesome gender bending story! I take everything back about the pedos. We should definitely trans the kids. Hey, if it’s good enough for Ben Franklin…

        • Yes, Ben Franklin is an excellent role model, he was a real fan of prostitution and encouraged men to seek out older women because they were easier to handle.

          Of course, most patriots don’t really want to think about the fact that Ben may have been a pedophile and serial child murderer. But the evidence is rather compelling, what would you think if Barack Obama was found with the bones of six children buried in his basement?

          “The police were called and supervised excavation continued. More human bones were pulled up. And more. And more, until some 1,200 pieces of bone were recovered. Initial examinations revealed that the bones were the remains of 10 bodies, six of them children, and were a little more than 200 years old. Their age discouraged any interest from Scotland Yard, but piqued the curiosity of historians and the Institute of Archaeology. The bones’ age meant they may have been buried in the basement around the same time that Franklin was living in the house.“

        • Agreed. Before I do anything, I think WWBFD?

          On the Obama hypothetical, are talking two hundred years from now or like next week?

    • muckraker,

      The issue is, who decides??? While I do not afford this respect to our resident idiot trolls (yeah, dacian the demented and MajorStupidity, I’m talking to you), I have friends (some fairly close friends) who are both smart (in everything but politics and public policy) and genuinely good people. They think “Trump voters” and “MAGA Republicans” are evil people. I sure as hell don’t want THEM defining who is morally qualified to carry a gun or freely exercise their religion. And they wouldn’t want me doing that from my POV.

      The b**** about “rights” is that either everyone has them, or they aren’t rights. I think dacian the demented is a soulless, ignorant, uneducated, brainwashed, lying, stupid troll . . . but he has the right to free speech, RKBA, right to an attorney, right to vote, etc. MajorStupidity is equally soulless, almost equally ignorant, not quite as uneducated. brainwashed (but in a much more sinister way – MajorStupidity KNOWS he is spewing propaganda, and justifies it because ‘the end justifies the means’), lying (INTENTIONALLY), but not as stupid . . . all of which makes him even more evil than dacian the demented, But he still has the right to free speech, RKBA, right to an attorney, right to vote, etc.

      I may despise them (and I do), but that doesn’t mean they don’t have those rights. It just means I am justified in belittling, mocking, castigating, insulting, and generally playing whack-a-mole with them, as often and as virulently as I can.

      But I can’t, and won’t, try to deny them their rights.

      • “They think “Trump voters” and “MAGA Republicans” are evil people”

        I wouldn’t call them ‘evil’.

        I might use the term ‘traitorous bastards’ because of their support of Donald Trump’s theft, possession and unlawful distribution of national security documents.

        • So Trump has been charged, tried and convicted. Good of you to establish that we don’t need all those legalities.

          It will make your appearance at Nuremberg 2.0 smoother.

        • “So Trump has been charged, tried and convicted“

          Nope, the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

          You know, Trump has publicly admitted that he possess the documents and considered them his property.

          Based on his public statements, it’s obvious that he has committed multiple federal felonies.

          You might refer to the various subpoenas and warrants that have been issued, they provide a much more comprehensive description of his crimes and the evidence against him, as well as cite the particular statutes.

        • MajorStupidity,

          No, the “traitorous bastards” label is permanently reserved for you, dacian the demented dips***, Senile Joe Biden, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schithead, Eric “Fangbanger” Swallowswell, Nancy “Insider Trading” Pelosi, the Clinton Crime Family, and the rest of the Leftist/fascists who have infiltrated our government.

          Go take a flying fornication at a rolling deep-fried breakfast pastry, you lying clown of a partisan lying liar.

        • MajorStupidity,

          “Nope, the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.”

          So, when are they going to get around to Eric “Fangbanger” Swallowswell??? How about Shifty Schiffhead? Perhaps Hunter Biden, and the Biden Crime Family? Or are you REALLY just the lying propagandist we all know you are?

          List Trump’s alleged “crimes”, and be specific, with citations to ACTUAL EVIDENCE, you lying s***weasel.

          Trump was, at best, a mediocre President – still LIGHT YEARS ahead of Barry Soetoro and Senile Joe, but that’s a VERY low bar. As for actual crimes he committed?? Other than constantly getting shown up by THEIR OWN “investigative agencies” (read, “government-funded, partisan Gestapo”) you douchebags have come up with NOTHING. He “incited insurrection” – he did nothing of the sort. First of all, 1/6 was an “insurrection” to the same extent you and dacian the demented are “educated” – to wit, not at all. A bunch of UNARMED, costumed cosplayer clowns parading around the Capitol after being LET IN by the Capital police, accomplished nothing but making @$$es of themselves, and SLIGHTLY delayed vote confirmation. If you define that as an “insurrection” you are either a liar, to stupid (ah, but “and” suggests itself, strongly). And Trump didn’t “incite” a damn thing, he clearly told the protesters to protest peacefully. You failed to impeach the man twice (embarrassingly so), and this is your latest half-@$$ed effort . . . and has already failed just as embarrassingly. The committee itself is clearly not a valid Congressional committee (the minority is ALWAYS allowed to choose its own members), nor is it conducting anything that could even laughingly be referred to as an “investigation” – it’s a “made for TV movie”, and a crappy one at that. The two “Republican” members have completely ruined their careers by this Kabuki Theater clusterf***, and the mountain has labored and brought forth . . . a mouse. Maybe not even a mouse, just a stuffed mouse cat toy.

          Your TDS, and your delusions of probity, would look absurd on their own, but in the face of your CONSTANT lies (Kavanagh, Russian collusion, the Ukraine phone call, etc., etc.), they can’t even qualify for Kabuki Theater . . . they are an extended, taxpayer-funded, effort to engage in a partisan witch hunt. And that they are doing so ineptly, it is beyond laughable.

          Stay with your TDS delusions, MajorStupidity; you’re happier in your made up world than you ever could be in reality, and we sure wouldn’t miss you in the slightest if you took your partisan lies and propaganda, folded them ’til they were all corners, and firmly deposited them where the sun don’t shine, you lying liar.

        • F*** you, MajorStupidity, I neither seek nor care about either your approbation or your opprobrium. Your lying, dishonest, hypocritical “opinion” is of less value to me than one of Eric Swallowswell’s on-screen farts.

          Go eat a bag of d***s, you lying s***weasel.

      • Lamp,
        I agree I wouldn’t deny them either. I’m just really pissed that antifa types would use weapons to intimidate people while protecting groomers.

        • Oh, muckraker,

          Their conduct SUCKS, and I don’t condone it in the slightest, just like I don’t condone Trump’s braggadocio, Biden’s deranged lies, Barry Soetoro’s anti-american attempts to virtue signal, Hillary and Bill’s extended crime spree, the Biden family’s extended crime spree, Andrew Cuomo’s creepy-@$$ sexual assaults, Beto “Fake Mexican” O’Dork’s drunk driving, etc.

          IF any of them are convicted of a crime, then they should be deprived of their rights during their sentence. Otherwise, rights are rights. But, like MajorStupidity and dacian the demented, just being stupid and obnoxious is not a basis to deny someone their rights. I might find that troublesome in particular cases, but the general principle deserves to be honored.

  22. I disagree. But in a different way. Let me explain.

    I don’t agree in any calls for any kind of gun control, for anybody.


    Antifa is a terrorist organization hell bent on destroying the United States and has said so publicly many times, and has committed violence to that end.

    They are morphing into something resembling Al Queda in terms of their hatred for America, freedom, and anyone “not left enough.”

    But of course, Antifa’s handlers are in power in the government, and have the backing of global billionaires.

    The only question in my mind is when Antifa finally does commit some large scale terrorist attack, which they will, what the government, people and media do.

    Here’s what I foresee, and I hope I’m wrong.

    Within the next couple years, either a republican election victory or republican state will pass something that is so enraging to leftists, they will feel forced to act, and they will attack some red area of the country in retribution. The victims will be civilians and it will be quite catastrophic. 9/11 level? I’m not so sure, I honestly don’t know if they have that kind of ability. But they are certainly capable of bombings and mass shootings. Think something along the lines of what ISIS did in Paris.

    Then what happens?

    It’s a good question. When the government doesn’t really act and the media make excuses, it’ll be plain as day.

  23. What ignorance are we talking here The only ignoraqnce is displayed by those that will not recognise that change to GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION in the USA is long overdue. By opposing every single attempt to introduce sensible legislation and not co-operating the Firearms industry and owners are papering themselves into a corner which can only result eventually in one thing – far more Draconian legislation that may be strictly nessessary.
    When enough people really want change in a Democracy change WILL happen, constitution or not. Constitutions can and have been changed if enough people want them to. THAT’S why they are called ‘AMENDMENTS.’

    • When the “sensible” regulation intrudes on the rights of the law-abiding while doing nothing to reduce violence committed with guns, it is proper to oppose it. Your argument is essentially that people deserve to be stomped with the boot for refusing to lick it.

      • It’s the English way. Bend the knee, kiss (lick) the hand, pay homage and taxes to those arrogantly born into their stolen wealth, cheer and toast them for being given the opportunity to do so and then turn and force your ways onto others for their own good while looting their country’s resources. Pretty much about as fucked up as people can get.

    • Prince Albert the Ponce, Fake-Limey, Fake-Miliitary Wanking Poofter,

      Since you CLAIM to be a Brit (you liar), I will pretend to forgive you for your ignorance. There ALREADY EXISTS a Constitutional mechanism for making the change you advocate. It’s called a “Constitutional Amendment” . . . all you need is 38 states, and Congress – IF you are an American citizen. (Some of us would argue that even repealing the 2A would change nothing, since our Founders made it clear that the 2A was MERELY restating existing “inherent rights”, but that kind of analysis is WAY beyond your limited ability of ratiocination.)

      Go for it, s***head. Or, if you are still trying to maintain your pretense of being a Brit, get some “Yank” friend (as if you had any friends) to start campaigning for it for you.

      But until you manage to achieve that, you are just a parlor pink. And a stupid one, at that.

      I would tell you to go eat a bag of d***s, but you’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you?

  24. I don’t EDC a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. But I do EDC a glock bayonet. It’s lighter and smaller than the M9 bayonet. I’ve been doing this for about 4 months now. It’s very comfortable.

  25. The second amendment is about the right to keep and bear “arms”.

    It’s Not just limited to the right to keep and bear guns. Every arm that you carry should, have some type of a holster or a sling. There’s nothing wrong with carrying a baseball bat. With barbed wire wrapped around it or not.

    But you should have some type of Sling attached to it. It is a long weapon. Just like a long gun. And any long weapon requires a sling. Or a scabbard.
    That is the only criticism I have about someone carrying a baseball bat.

    • Chris T,

      Eh. Having a “sling” on a baseball bat would only get in the way. And I don’t remember the “must be on a sling” requirement in the 2A, can you direct me to it? I agree with you that the 2A protects not simply “guns”, but “arms” (historically, up to and including cannons and warships). And Joe Biden is a stupid, senile, lying liar.

      But if I want to carry a firearm, a club, a knife, nunchaku, a bo, throwing stars, a sword, what-have-you, that is my RIGHT. Hopefully, we’ll get there, someday.

      • You and I are very passionate about Second Amendment issues. And a proper sling and a proper holster, are required, when you want to openly carry a firearm. There are things that are required. They are not written into law. And shouldn’t have to be written into law either. It is the common sense and the responsible thing to do. And we as the owners of Arms, are required to be responsible with them.

        We talk about people on TTAG all the time, who fail to meet the requirements for being safe with guns. They are the people who have a Negligent Discharge.

        The four safety rules for handling guns “are not suggestions”. They are requirements. And they are not negotiable.

        I’m not sure what type of system or equipment would be used in order to properly holster a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. But you’re going to need something to holster that Arm. There needs to be something to secure it to your body. You can hold a sword with your hand at a protest. I think people should. It would be great and educational for the public. But you would also need a sheath on your belt. Or on a chest rig perhaps???

        I’m looking for a tomahawk and sword to EDC. And a sheath to carry them in. And I like your list of non firearm weapons.

        • Also.
          Having the proper holster/sling is a security issue. You don’t want to lay your weapon onto the ground or on a table. To eat, use a phone, or render first aid to someone. You need to have free use of your hands, at times, when you open carry.

  26. When I left the Minneapolis, St.Paul area, the drag shows at the show bar in Minneapolis was limited to over 21. As are the same type of entertainment down in Pensacola, FL. today.
    And, yes my straight white conservative self has been to such shows. Most were hilarious as hell. But, not appropriate for minors under 18, or 21, depending on state laws. Same with other forms of adult entertainment. Nor is the whole trans. whatever else sexualization drive belong in any school system involving minors.
    Now, my take on guns and gun ownership is quite simple. Unless someone has been adjudicated to be a danger to themselves or others, through full due process, or is under a court ordered incarceration, parole, or probation, they should have every right to keep and bear arms. And arms of any type. Yes, even those who have served out their sentence as a convicted felon. They’ve done their sentence, and by rights should be fully allowed to return to normal life, with their rights restored.

  27. To “my sister” Jennifer Sensiba the gun chick.

    Here is something that you can write about. I think it will help the situation, for everyone. I have been a subscriber and a fan Blaire White for 10 years now. Blair has appeared on the Stefan Molyneux YouTube channel. As well as the Reverend Jesse Peterson YouTube channel. Both discussions were very civil and very informative.

    Blaire was years ahead of people in the LGBTQxyz crowd, by criticizing and calling out groomers in the community.

    “Revealing My INSANE Custom Gun Collection!! (2022)” video 10 min long

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