Sen. Susan Collins
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine (Greg Nash/Pool via AP)
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Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) announced on Monday she will not be voting to confirm President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman.

Collins explained her reasoning in a statement to Fox News:

“After meeting with Mr. Chipman, listening to Mainers, and reviewing his record, I have decided to vote against Mr. Chipman’s nomination to serve as the ATF Director,” Collins, R-Maine, said in a statement. “In recent years, Mr. Chipman has been an outspoken critic of the firearms industry and has made statements that demean law-abiding gun owners.”

Collins added: “Although he has the right to express his views, I believe this history makes him an unusually divisive pick for this important position.  In particular, I am concerned that his confirmation would do significant damage to the collaborative working relationship that must exist between ATF, the firearms industry, sportsmen and women, and other law-abiding gun owners exercising their Second Amendment rights.”

Democrats have been working to convince the few moderate Republicans in the Senate – Collins, Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) – to back Chipman’s confirmation. Their goal is to shore up enough votes to guarantee his confirmation, should a moderate Democrat or two – likely Joe Manchin (D-WV) or Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) – defect.

It will be interesting to see how the moderates on both sides of the aisle vote during Chipman’s confirmation. Collins is a Republican who has supported gun control proposals in the past, like universal background checks.

The fact that a moderate such as Collins sees Chipman’s views and record as problematic could sway others who may be on the fence like Toomey and Manchin, who worked together on a bill to pass universal background checks.

The Senate Judiciary Committee delayed its vote on Chipman last week and is expected to vote to send his nomination to the full Senate on Thursday.

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  1. “Although he has the right to express his views, I believe this history makes him an unusually divisive pick for this important position.”

    She should have stated:Although he has the right to express his views, I believe this history makes him an unusually divisive prick for this important position.

    I take it she’s too classy to do so though.

  2. “Why Sen. Susan Collins is Voting ‘No’ on David Chipman’s ATF Nomination”

    because, since biden is not a legitimate president, his nomination is illegitimate to begin with?

    • “because, since biden is not a legitimate president, his nomination is illegitimate to begin with?”

      Careful –

      You do realize the democrats considered Trump to be an illegitimate presidentcy, stolen from the Hilda-beast?

      If you follow that logic along a bit more, then that would make Trump’s *3* Supreme Court picks to be illegitimate as well.

      Just drop the illegitimate president bullshit. Biden is now in, and we can’t do a damn thing about it.

      We now get to suffer as they suffered from 2016-2020… 🙁

      • “the democrats considered Trump to be an illegitimate presidentcy, stolen from the Hilda-beast”

        no, they felt trump was illegitimate because he was not them, period, and they said anything and everything to emote that.

        “Biden is now in” …

        … so go along with the fraud?

        besides, he’s not a president legitimately or illegitimately, he’s just a front.

        • avatar Biden; one day I'm pulling my dogs tail while living in the basement, and the next thing I know, they made me President. Would you believe that?

          Geoff, it’s dumb ass comments like that, that earn you the trolls you collect like a shot glass collection.

          Logic is not your strong suit, stick to asking questions about your new AR’s sights.

        • “…it’s dumb ass comments like that,…”

          Criticism from someone who refuses to identify themself will be cheerfully ignored.

          Have a great day, fvckwit! 🙂

      • The difference being that Trump actually was a duly elected president, while Biden got in via massive corporate collusion, voter manipulation, and outright censorship — in the best case scenario — and at worst, all the foregoing PLUS massive fraud. Therefore, illegitimate. Full stop.

        If your point is that Biden’s court appointments and executive actions will stand whether we think they’re legitimate or not, you’re correct. It’s something we’re just going to have to suffer through. Trying to ignore them is a fool’s errand and attempting to undo them would do incalculable harm to the country. There’s no undoing the fact that Biden (may a thousand camels spit upon him) IS the president now.

        I will agree that there’s a danger in applying the “illegitimate” label to an entire presidency, but the progtards let that horse out of the barn five-plus years ago, and it’s a bit late to be trying to shut the door. And I’m not interested in shutting it, because dammit, we’re *right*.

      • To them, if Trump stole the presidency from Saint Hillary, they were going to steal it back by any means necessary.

        They couldn’t consider the fact that their chosen one was not very popular with many Democrat voters. People remember her last presidency.

      • We get to suffer as they did? So we should start rioting in the streets and burning down businesses? Or did you mean a more subtle suffering, such as waiting until Jan 22 and then impeaching Biden and Harris, both, every week? Toss ’em both out and we have Speaker McCarthy as president? Or, perhaps, Speaker Trump? That kind of suffering as they did?

    • Biden illegitimate? Hilarious, your grasp of reality has completely slipped.

      Perhaps you missed the live television coverage of Congress certifying his election to the presidency of the United States of America.

      Oh wait, you’re one of those who think that Donald Trump will be reinstalled as president on August 32. Good luck with that!

      • minor49IQ…That’s the problem with you…You watch a poop box and then you run around and regurgitate what you were fed. The thing you won’t see on TV is what the democRat Party would be doing right now had POTUS DJT won an election under the same sleazy and I mean sleazy circumstances as joe and the ho.

        Recall the ongoing never ending lies and fraud the Rat Party concocted after Russia forgot all about the electoral college and got hilliary the popular vote? My Russia hypothesis is far more viable than POTUS DJT needing any help whatsoever defeating a douchebaggur like hilliary rotten with her 40 year long odorous political rap sheet. C’Mon Man are you nothing more than a useful idiot and a lying dog face pony soldier?

  3. Good! It’s sad when we have to depend on addled republitards like her or Pierre Dilecto…and depend on dims like Manchin.

  4. Did anybody notice yesterday, Jen Psaki’s claim that recent crime wave is a result of gun violence? I need somebody to explain how gun violence *causes* crime. I may have to check, it appears she has a PhD in stupid.

    • She is literally short bus and that’s an insult to the short bus kids.
      That woman is dumber than a box of rocks.

    • {about Jen Psaki}

      “…it appears she has a PhD in stupid.”

      She’s not *that* stupid, she passed a bar exam to be a lawyer.

      She is a Leftist Scum true-believer zealot, and I can hope she has a family history of cancer that catches up with her. Preferably sooner than later. 🙂

      (Look above at my user nick… 😉 )

      • Yep, Leftist Scum…I would love to take all those folks and Clockwork Orange them – force them to listen non stop to pro-gun speech and someone reading the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist papers, Anti-federalist papers.

      • Wow, there is mean and then there is your post.
        Oh well, I’m not going to disagree.

        As far as passing the bar exam, this was a study question that was actually on the exam:
        Kingsman, holding a lead pipe, walks up to Humpty Dumpty. Intending only to get his attention, Kingsman taps Humpty on the head with the pipe not realizing that Humpty has an eggshell skull. The tap fractures Humpty’s skull, and Humpty dies as a result. Because a lead pipe would be considered a “deadly weapon,” under the deadly weapon rule Kingsman will be liable for murder. True or False?

        IOWs you don’t have to “smart” to pass the bar, this was a study question that gave you the answer. I laughed when I read it on the actual exam.

      • “Lawyer” today is a VERY low bar. Once, perhaps, an indicator of intellect that is ancient history.

        Look around at the bevy of dumbass progtard lawyers. The Hooker, Beatoff Orouke, Mammy Abrams , Beetlejuice Lightfoot, Biden AND his crooked halfwit son. And both Obumers.

      • …’and I can hope she has a family history of cancer that catches up with her.’

        Read that sentence a few times, and then consider that partial abortion that wrote it goes to church every Sunday and claims to be a Christian. Any person who proudly wishes death on another person is part of the problem.

        • I wish death on all Leftist Scum, including you.

          “A Real Christian”

          So it’s ‘Christian’ to stalk and harass someone on the internet you’ve never even met?

          You have some Bible reading of you own to do, hypocrite… 😉

  5. “Democrats have been working to convince the few moderate Republicans in the Senate – Collins, Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Mitt Romney (R-UT)”
    So the term RINOs is now moderate Republicans?

    • Mittens has no principles that would restrain him, but I think he knows that if he votes to confirm Chipman, he’ll never hold elected office in Utah again — and may be turned away at the state border the next time he returns from DC. Last time he spoke in public in Utah, he got heckled by half the audience and had to beg them to stop. There’s a serious case of voter’s remorse happening there already.

      The danger is that he may be planning to move back to a state like Taxachusetts that’s more his speed.

      • “There’s a serious case of voter’s remorse happening there already”

        what, now? that guy has made himself quite clear for a long time, hard to imagine him taking anyone by surprise

        • True, but the “one of us” factor is strong. I know some women who voted for Hillary Clinton the same reason and then breathed a sigh of relief when they didn’t get what they voted for. Unfortunately for Utah, their “Mormon just like us” warm fuzzies got them stuck with Romney, who may be a Mormon but is NOT like them.

      • It felt like Mitt’s defections were mainly a middle finger to Trump. Now that Trump’s gone, he has less incentive to go against the party. The problem is that once someone has stabbed you in the back, you can’t trust them not to do it again.

  6. his confirmation would do significant damage to the collaborative working relationship that must exist between ATF, the firearms industry,

    Not to worry, just confirm the little rat faced bastard and a year from now there won’t be a firearms industry, no problem…

  7. What Susan Cullins really said.
    ” That fruitcake Chipman is going to start a war nobody wants. “

        • “Are you saying he’s wrong?”

          what he means is “stop talking”.

          “The left wants a war”

          yep. what I’m not sure of is how they imagine their position will be improved after a war. do they think it will benefit them outright, or harm their enemies more than it harms themselves? the best I can come up with is that the ones pushing all this aren’t even here, they’re far away and just want the u.s. dead and gone – just because, for fun – knowing nothing that happens here will touch them.

    • @ant7
      I believe your right. I also believe it’s not Ruskia, or Chin it’s the other very well populated country. I’ve been watching them quietly infiltrate this country for some time. Our VP is an example.
      Thank you, come again.

      • Nah, marsupials don’t know much geography, but the VP’s family is from Haiti, where they once owned slaves.

  8. I’d lay pretty good odds Murkowski will be a “No” vote. No idea about Toomey or Mitt.

  9. Susan Collins finally does the right thing once she’s exhausted every other conceivable option.

    • You can always tell when mid terms are imminent!!

      Collins was just reelected in 2020, she’s good to go til ’26…

  10. Chipman is practically an anti-American, pro-Authoritarian Government believer. Certainly not a follower of the Constitution beyond mere words.

    He is a lousy nominee for any sort of public service work from jobs menial thru executive.

  11. Well if Collins is against him it means anyone with half a brain should be able to look at chipmonkey and see him as a Gun Control democRat standing at your front door adorned in a white sheet, wearing a pointed hat and holding a torch.

  12. I figure the vote count is already known to Schumer so a few in the grey might be out ahead of it. I can’t believe Romney will vote to deny, needs to get even with a bunch of us hicks. Ditto Burr. Manchin will have to switch parties if he doesn’t go along, Sinema voting against, being new is probably OK at this point. In the end, either way, I’m betting on a tie vote so Willie’s concubine can cast the deciding vote. Something she can use in 2024, doesn’t have anything else yet.

  13. The ONLY reason she is saying no is because she doesn’t want to be primaried like Cheney.

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