As of writing, the Repeal the NFA petition at needs 97,711 signatures by February 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House. Here’s the text:

We the People wish to see the National Firearms Act of 1934 repealed in order to remove regulations on our 2nd amendment rights, increase national economic strength, and provide protection against threats to our national security.


      • I highly suspect they are already being pushed. Hard. Kind of where that whole NRA endorsement thing came from.

        You guys sure like your names on lists.

        • The timid are NOT going to be talking about Un-Constitutional laws such asNFA68 much less 34. They will be looking for tiny little bunts. IE stick little finger under the tent flap rather than burning the tent.

          See Boehner, Ryan, Fing McCain/Graham. There are still a LOT of RINO SOBs in the “gentleman’s club” of the US Senate that need to be throw out.

        • If we act boldly and decisively now, we may not have to worry about such “lists” for many years to come.

          If we hide our faces and refuse to speak in favor of our own rights, we’ll lose them that much sooner.

        • Considering that a lot of us have worked for the government, own NFA toys, have bought guns from an FFL, hold some type of government certification or license or have been in the military (and many of us fall into more than one of these categories), we’re mostly already on multiple lists.

          While I don’t care for government lists, one that has me listed as petitioning my government for redress of grievances though the legal political process, a right protected by the First Amendment, is not one I fear being on.

        • If you aren’t willing to stand up for your 2A rights NOW, during the most gun-friendly administration in 30 years, just hang it up and go home.

          Clearly taking action will never be comfortable enough for you to be bothered with it. God help you if we ever face REAL persecution.

        • I signed the hemp one too. I don’t smoke, but I think it would help with mass-incarceration and reduce gang activity.

        • First first man in the United States put on a list was John Hancock because he scrawled his treason large enough that King George could read it without his spectacles.

          The only mistake we make here is underestimating the thousands of people who read these words every hour. I would fight, kill, and risk death to preserve or expand my freedom, and that fully includes making examples of those would betray their oath to the constitution for money or pension.

        • You can put my name on any .gov list you want, as long as it’s right next to John Hancock. The more names on the list, the less likely they are to use the lists.

          Stand proud, my fellow John Hancocks!

    • Can’t sign this one.
      Tells me something like “email address not allowed” when i try to submit my email address.

    • All Trump needs to do is tweet how horrible the law, or better yet US v. Miller, is. After that the rest of the dominos will topple like a house of cards. Checkmate.

    • I signed both. I’m not a coward, afraid of lists. Stand and be counted. This may be the only time in our lifetime, that we have this kind of opportunity. If not now, when?

  1. website seems inaccurate. you all are saying “signed” but the page still says “1 signature so far”.
    is my internet broken?

  2. Who are the gun owners who have bought select fire firearms over the last 30 years? How wealthy are they? Do they contribute to political campaigns? How will they feel about the worth of their private collections dropping? What, if any, backroom machinations will sink a full repeal of the NFA?

    Just wondering.

    • Honestly, if they keep machine guns banned and repeal everything else I will still consider it a huuuuuge win, and I’ll be quite content to leave it like that for the near future.

      • I agree, but like the Progressives I would encourage us to come back for another bite at the apple later…

        I also doubt that most of the people who own MG’s care about the value of their collections. MG’s aren’t the kind of thing you trade like baseball cards. Sure, they’re expensive but they’re a lot harder to unload than a high-end car is.

        Maybe it’s just me, but I’d like to see the whole NFA gone even though I own NFA stuff. Sure it will drop the price compared to what I paid in the past but that just means I can afford MOAR!! in the future.

        • Something’s would never drop. Stg44’s, mg42’s, etc aren’t getting more plentiful. M16’s will drop and such. Still there are a lot on our own side that will fight this. Apparently money is more important than rights.

        • There are a crapload of those guns overseas; not uncommon at all, it’s just such a pain to get them imported here

        • “Stg44’s, mg42’s, etc aren’t getting more plentiful.”

          Not now they’re not but were it legal to make and sell them I can see companies stepping up to do so. Personally I’d like to have a PPSh-41. I don’t care if it’s original or a faithful recreation as long as it functions.

          You’ll always pay more for the legit Wehrmacht/original whatever ones but that’s no different than the people who pay big bucks for that Mauser in great condition with SS bolts on it or for an actual Cobra as opposed to a kit car. That’s a serious collector’s issue.

          Realistically, unless you’re a straight out collector of specific stuff, what’s the difference between an STG made in Germany 70 odd years ago and a duplicate made in Idaho next year? Looks the same, feels the same, shoots the same. Unless you very specifically want a piece of history, it is the same.

          People buy semi-auto only Thompsons just because they think it’s a cool gun but can’t afford the real deal. I’m sure a NIB full auto Thompson or even a NIB MP-40 would appeal to a lot of people if the price wasn’t astronomical. Even if it was thousands of bucks for one it would still be A LOT cheaper than it is now and today, as it is, people shell out $8000+ for a civvie semi-auto M240 or M249.

        • @Nobody special: I’ve heard that argument a lot on various gun forums, but I’ve never seen anyone actually say “I don’t want NFA repeal cos muh collection.” I’m not saying nobody does it, just haven’t seen it. Where have you seen anyone actually make that statement rather than true POTG worrying that the rich collectors are going to spend millions of dollars so their collections don’t lose a few thousand in value?

      • How about we pass hearing protection.

        Then president trump can direct the atff to change its rules concerning SBRs. It can say that once a gun is trancerred as a handgun it is always a handgun , period. This would mean simply adding a stock to a handgun would NOT make it an SBR. A similar rule change could clarify forward grips.

        Congress could do this with legislation BUT really trump can make ATF do this without congress.

        He could ALSO direct ATF to define “silencer ” as a device that brings firearms operation down to a volume of 3 Db or less. Since I believe silencer is not defined in the NFA statute.

  3. Trump can open an amnesty period for post 86 machine guns. That should be low hanging fruit.

    • Yep – don’t repeal NFA (although I’m all for that, seriously) just open up the registry to new firearms, even with all the hoops we gotta jump through. Since I’m already ON the lists, it would just make it easier to get new items at reasonable cost – Just imagine what the price of a DIAS would be if you could just buy the stamp, pass the BC, and fill out the proper paperwork?

      Of course, if they’d do it correctly and just flat-out do away with NFA and GCA, the actual price of a DIAS would be somewhere around a C-note, if made correctly with quality materials & manufacturing processes! (that’s what I’ll sell ’em for, at least – realistically, I’ll have maybe 8 bucks in it, all-in – the rest is paying for my machine shop, machining & metallurgical knowledge, and yes, profit!)

  4. This is all well and good, but you should write your representatives in Congress. They’re the only ones who can do what’s being asked.

  5. 100K left until it is ignored, yippee…meanwhile those who signed get to feel like they’ve done their part, while accomplishing nothing.

  6. Signed. It said I was number 2500.

    I also signed the “Grow Hemp Again” petition. That’s something we should have never stopped doing!

  7. I’d rather have a federal preemption law over this. Machine guns are cool but making sure no states can ban magazines and SBRs is way more important to me.

  8. Every year a set amount of new production MG should be added to the NFA registry. They could start by adding post dealer samples. This would keep the prices up for the collectors, but stabilize the prices and give more people the opportunity to own them.

    • I agree, we should write another unconstitutional law to replace the old unconstitutional law. /s

      Hey, sorry your $1500 ar with $13,500 worth of unconstitutional scarcity is now worth only $1500. Better to lose $13,500 than to tolerate unconstitutional laws and be that much closer to confiscation, where it’s worth $0.

      • “Better to lose $13,500 than to tolerate unconstitutional laws and be that much closer to confiscation, where it’s worth $0.”

        No one ever seems to think about that side of the equation. We talk about “low hanging fruit” around here quite a bit. Well let me tell you, totally banning existing “legal” machine guns would be low hanging fruit for Democrats. And it would be fairly easy to implement since there only a few hundred thousand “legal” machine guns and FEDZILLA HAS A NICE MACHINE GUN REGISTRY ALREADY ON HAND.

        So, anyone who would oppose eliminating the National Firearms Act of 1934, 1968, and the Hughes Amendment, in order to protect the current value of their personal collection of machine guns, is facing the serious risk that their collection becomes banned and hence worth $0 on the open market.

  9. Signed, signed, and signed. Regular feature maybe? A lot of us spend a lot of time on the internet, links to petitions are fairly simple to spread around.

  10. A great way to expedite this would be to let the good folks at breitbart know. They claim to have 45 MILLION monthly readers, if only 1% of them sign it, we’d have 450,000 signatures.

  11. It’s not updating the count for our signatures. Conspiracy theory, that this is intentional for gun related petitions? Alternatively, that because all the redirects are coming from here they are counting them as one person based on the source

    • Signed but don’t know if my vote was counted. Numbers jump back and forth from 5686 to 5689 and then back again when the page is refreshed multiple times. Watchlist…..

  12. NFA petition is over 100k signatures. But don’t forget the Hughes Amendment repeal petition as well. Needs signatures bad. Write your congressmen too folks.

    • Exactly. People don’t seem to get it. Even if the NFA is repealed, I’m pretty sure the Hughes Amendment would keep new MG’s off the market. Honestly, I’d 100% rather repeal hughes and keep NFA than have it the other way around. Without an NFA to back it up, there’s no way a MG legalization will ever get passed. I say repeal hughes first, then remove the BS categories of weapon (SBR, SBS, AOW) from the NFA, then finally do away with NFA completely if possible.

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