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By James England via

One of the extremely cool things (and one of the challenges) about more and more people getting their concealed carry permits is there is a greater chance of more than one concealed carrier responding to a hostile fire incident. For the purposes of this article, we’ll outline some simple steps you can take to identify friend from foe, identify yourself appropriately, and respond to first responders . . .

Shooting Scenario #1:  Mall Shooting

Historical precedent: On February 7, 2015, an active shooting situation emerged in the middle of the Macy’s in Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, two innocent bystanders were caught in the crossfire.

Tom and Mary Singleton were caught in the middle of a gunfight. This is one of those incidents that can be extremely hard for concealed carriers not in the middle of the gunfight to pinpoint shots. There are a lot of obstructions – clothing racks, counters – which can mask or limit the concealed carrier’s field of view.

If multiple concealed carriers were in that Macy’s, they would be faced with having to identify each other as fellow “good guys” (or gals).

Until you know precisely where the rounds are coming from, your main job is to get your family out of harm’s way. Second to that, situational awareness is your best friend. As for risk assessment…

  • If there is fighting underway, you do not want to reveal your position. Observe the other armed person with a gun, observe their actions. At some point, you will either take a risk in identifying yourself or you can choose to stay hidden.  If you determine that this person is likely a fellow concealed carrier interested in safety, don’t “flag” them.
  • Flagging, in this case, means pointing your firearm in the direction of a person you do not intend to shoot.
  • If you make visual confirmation with them, keep your firearm at the ready. Feel free to inform them of your status.  i.e. “I’m a concealed carrier defending myself.”  It can be simple.
  • Let the other person identify their intentions.
  • If possible, coordinate efforts.  Your first priority should be evacuating your family.

When police arrive, ensure you identify yourself and have your permit ready. Follow all lawful instructions. They may confiscate your firearm for the period they are talking with you.

Shooting Scenario #2:  Movie Theater

This situation has the greatest potential for confusion. In the event of a shooting occurring in a movie theater, it can be extremely hard to visually identify the shooter much less separate the shooter from any other concealed carrier that is responding. It may not be as simple as a man coming in through the exit like the 2012 Aurora, Colorado movie theater incident.

  • Identify the source of the muzzle flashes.
  • If a movie is going on, there may be enough ambient light to detect direction of the origin of the attack.
  • Theaters can turn into giant panic rooms when disaster strikes.  If you see another concealed carrier taking cover and attempting to find the shooter, work with him or her.  If you see the shooter but can’t take a shot, call it out.  Communicate.  Especially in a darkened environment with people pushing to get out, it may be the only way.
  • Try to keep people moving towards the safest exits.

When law enforcement arrive, even if the shooter is not subdued, call out. Make sure to inform police of your numbers and your disposition. As dangerous as this sounds, law enforcement’s entrance onto this sort of environment is going to be hectic and they need to be able to identify you as soon as possible. Follow all lawful commands and prepare to turn over your firearm during the investigation.

Try to always do the least amount of harm as possible and always try to work with first responders. You do not need to necessarily cooperate or coordinate with other concealed carriers. You’re free to attend to your own safety.

Do you ever practice communicating during your concealed carry drills? Tell us about it in the comments below.


DISCLAIMER:  This article should not be construed as any guarantee of course of action. Many situations develop differently and have varied outcomes depending upon individual performance, capabilities, and understanding.

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  1. On August 1, 1966, dozens of people armed with deer rifles arrived at the University of Texas at Austin, where Charles Whitman was sniping and killing civilians from atop the Tower.

    The defenders had the advantage of knowing where to shoot. Whitman had the advantage of clear fields of fire and the high ground. Nevertheless, the defenders’ suppressive fire stopped the killing and kept Whitman pinned down until he could be taken out by police and yet another armed citizen.

    None of the armed defenders was shot. None of the armed defenders accidentally shot anyone.

    If the same situation were to occur today, I have little doubt that, at best, the armed defenders would be chased away by the police, and at worst, the police would shoot them. And get medals for it.

    • Excellent points gentlemen! As we approach 12 million armed law abiding citizens able to concealed carry in the US the only reports of non combatants being shot in the cross fire are where all the shooters are criminals and gang bangers or in the imagination of the anti gun media.

      • I was able to communicate over ringing ears, m4/SAW/240/M2 fire, and explosions, inside and outside of vehicles and buildings in Iraq.

      • Then use your command voice. Can you hear at the gun range? Everyone there should be operating with a 20-30dB hearing reduction, unless they use electronic hearing protection.

      • “You won’t be communicating much since your ears will be ringing. This is mostly fantasy.”

        If it’s a fantasy, it’s one shared by the U.S. Army. “Shoot, move, and communicate” is the slogan.

      • I had a Glock 19 go off about 6 inches from my left ear. I could still hear just fine right after it happened. My ear is ringing horribly right now but I can still hear everything around me.

      • Don, have you ever been hunting? If not, there is this weird phenomenon that occurs when you are shooting at live targets. I don’t know if it has to do with adrenalin or what, but I have fired firearms at live targets with no ill effect, yet that same firearm is almost unbearable to shoot without hearing protection during zeroing and practice. Every hunter I have ever talked with has experienced this same phenomenon.

        I think that the physical effects of the noise, at least during the “event”, will be largely negated in a similar manner. I have never been in a shootout though, so I could easily be wrong.

  2. When I saw the headline, “What If Multiple Concealed Carriers Respond To A Shooting Incident?” it brought back memory of a shooting incident in Omaha, NE about thirty years ago. Two gangbangers with more macho than brains walked, repeat, walked into the Logan-Fontanelle housing project — referred to by the local police as “Little Vietnam — pulled out handguns, and started shooting. According to the local newspaper, “an estimated forty residents produced guns of their own and returned fire, hitting the ‘victims’ (the newspaper’s term) multiple times. No other injuries were reported.”

  3. Seems to me in such a situation one is apt to be able to signal to others that one is carrying without “flagging” – i.e., pointing a real gun at them. Making a “finger pistol” with the index finger is readily identifiable as an allusion to a gun.

    E.g., if in a store during a hold-up, you might signal to the cashier that you are carrying. He – himself – might be armed. You don’t want to draw simultaneously with the victim and invite him to shoot you immediately after shooting the armed robber. By giving him a “wink-and-a-nod” with the finger pistol you are communicating “friend” not “foe”.

    Likewise, you might be signaling to another customer whom you wonder whether he too is carrying. If he seems bewildered by your finger pistol he’s probably not carrying. If he returns the gesture then he probably recognizes you as a friend and vice versa.

    As racist and classist as this seems, we have to be cognizant of what impressions our own race, age, sex and dress might signal. If you are a young-black male dressed in the fashion of the inner-city I’ll grant you the benefit of the doubt at the range. Whether you are a law-abiding citizen or a gang-banger, I’ll assume you have the discretion to observe range decorum.

    Conversely, if your race, age, sex or dress might signal any possibility that you could be a “foe” you must be circumspect about participating in defense-of-others when in a crowd of strangers. Things might go better if you stay undercover. Someone else might have a good-enough shot that he would be better to go first.

    Obviously, if things deteriorate to the point where the jeopardy is a threat-to-self you have to reevaluate. If the jeopardy is deteriorating rapidly and you figure your entry can’t make things worse, reevaluate.

    Another thing to look for is the opportunity to maneuver such that it’s clear your participation is aimed at the perpetrator – not anyone else. E.g., signal to another that you will circle-back around an isle and position yourself in line with the perp but not anyone else.

    The cops are relatively – as compared to civilians – free to act with greater aggression. In uniform, they are much less likely to be misidentified as co-conspiritors. Holding qualified immunity, they are free to make mistakes that we can’t afford to make.

  4. I carry to protect me and mine and for no other reason. Encouraging the sheepdog/shepherd mentality is a dangerous game for all involved on many different levels.

    • Exactly. The moment I hear gunshots, I’m running to the nearest clear exit. The only reason I carry is if the shooter is between me and the exit. I’m not a hero in any way, shape, or form.

    • I would think average civilians that react to stop a threat are naturally trying to defend themselves.

      Defense of self vs. defense of others (even if they are strangers) is a personal choice.

    • It’s an individual choice. For myself, I see it as my duty to protect my fellow humans in my community from forces of chaos that can injure or kill them.

      I’m trained as a firefighter, EMT and I have had a job as private armed security on a military base.

      Flood, fire, car wreck, heart attack or predators, two or four legged; I’ll do my best to keep them safe, even at the risk of my own life.

    • I carry to protect me and mine and for no other reason.

      Absolutely. Me too. But protecting me and mine might — might — involve shooting the BG when he’s trying to kill someone else. I think that there are circumstances where it would be reasonable to expect that once the BG is finished with his current victim, he would decide that I’m next. I’m not necessarily going to wait it out and hope for the best.

      If I can’t sneak out of Dodge (which is always preferable), I may have to shoot my way out of Dodge (which I’m prepared to do). Self interest is good. Enlightened self interest is better.

      • I’m on board with this mentality. Take care of the family first, preservation of self second, and then only if the circumstances warrant….protect the life of bystanders. Generally speaking if you’re going to the aid of an “innocent bystander” this is probably a person who, for whatever reason, has chosen NOT to carry a gun to defend their own life or that of their loved ones. Is my life worth protecting someone who won’t even defend their own? I’m gonna say a big NO to that one.

    • Mac Bolan,

      I appreciate the idea of letting other people face the consequences of failing to be armed to protect themselves. What about the people who literally cannot be armed to protect themselves? How about a 16 year old boy or girl shopping at the mall? How about a young mom with a baby in her arms or a stroller? What if your 16 year old child or young wife with baby was at that mall. Would you be glad that an armed good person totally abandoned them to be executed 15 seconds later?

      Please reconsider your blanket “I only protect myself” policy from a “lending a helping hand” perspective. And remember, you might just be protecting yourself anyway … that attacker could strike again in the future and YOUR family could be the first victims.

      Note: I am not advocating that you act recklessly and run into a hail of bullets for strangers in a “no win” situation. I am advocating that you take calculated risks to STOP an attacker as early as possible to minimize casualties.

      • …or those unfortunate ones who are either disarmed by their employer’s policies, and those who simply cannot get a CCW due to some minutia or because of where they live.

  5. “One of the extremely cool things (and one of the challenges) about more and more people getting their concealed carry permits is there is a greater chance of more than one concealed carrier responding to a hostile fire incident.”

    With the increase of Open Carry, there’s an increasing chance that these incidents can be prevented altogether…

    How many times have you heard about “Open Carrier retaliates against, blah blah blah” ?

    A lot fewer than CCers…


  6. To the part about the arriving police, Trolley Square comes to mind. An off duty cop out with his wife at the mall engages an active shooter. He has his wife exit the mall and call 911 and give the dispatcher the best description she can of who he (her husband) is and what he’s wearing and try and get as much information to the responding officers as she could.

    • The Trolley Square murderer took fifteen solid hits before he went down for good. Fifteen! Including five from an AR.

      Which indicates two important points. First, carry plenty of ammo. You might need it. Second, shoot until the threat is over.

      Why did the Trolley Square bastard go on his shooting spree? Based on his own utterances at the time, it appears that he was looking for the Aloha Snackbar and couldn’t find it in the food court.

      • Probably missed the Aloha Snackbar, and found the Flag Store filled with Confederate Flags.

      • That could be a point in favor of open carry, too. Open carry is generally more comfortable, which would allow for a larger sidearm with greater ammunition capacity. Either way, concealed or open carry, a spare magazine is a good idea.

  7. If you’re wondering who is armed, look for the Old Fat White Guy. We’re probably armed. Now if the OFWG is wearing a fishing vest or photographers vest, count on it.

    • Don’t forget about having my shirt tail out on my Hawaiian vacation shirt! LOL! Actually I like to wear a polo shirt with the tail out over a dry wick tee shirt, comfortable and makes it easier to draw.

      Of course the bad guy is going to miss my 20 year old son in the OP shirt and cargo shorts, and his best friend 21 and his brother 24 in jeans and the attractive and modestly dressed mom in capris. (Yes, we have concealed carry at 19 in Missouri, 18 for military, no blood in the streets)

    • Yup. When the young fit guys are running away, screaming like little girls, us OFWGs will be huffing and puffing, looking for cover and lining up the shot.

      • Making an ofwg run can be just as dangerous for him as shooting at him. Plus, a running ofwg on security video is just embarrassing to watch.

        No, in order to salvage a little dignity I’d rather just shoot the bad guy.

  8. No other way around it, the more concealed carriers, the greater the probability that a mistake or otherwise unfortunate incident will occur. It happens all the time with the police, like leaving guns out and a child gets hold of it, opening fire on suspects with bullets flying all over etc. Since it’s the police, it’s OK, but when a citizen does it, well, something has to be done. One little incident out of population of 319,000,000 with an agenda driven media is all it will take for the antis like needs a nose job Shannon and big money goof-daddy Bloombag to be blowing the same tired hot air.

    Carrying a weapon brings with it a great responsibility. Much more so than a uniformed cop. They have layers of immunity the private average Joe citizen doesn’t enjoy. We must be exceptionally cautious of our actions any time we reach for our firearm.

    My suggestions: TRAINING and practice. Also, look in the mirror. If you honestly think the person you see isn’t the type that really should carry, DON’T.

    • You can tell by looking at someone? Do you really want to kill someone over fashion or wealth? Well, maybe if they’re OCing. Those people are scum.

      • “you can tell by looking at someone?”
        If I misunderstood you, I apologize. I said LOOK IN THE MIRROR. In other words, take a look at oneself and determine if you are really the person to be carrying, or look at yourself objectively.

        And don’t get me going on OCers.

        • I couldn’t resist. I’ve OC’d for almost eight years now. I do so because in NM, I can OC without a permit. I would now do so even if we went to Constitutional Carry as a reminder to my fellow citizens that carrying a self-defense firearm is a right and a responsibility.

          So what’s up with the OC’er?

      • I could make an argument that people who cooperate with the state by registering as gun owners are the scum we ought to fear, because they’re setting the precedent that the state has the authority to require a citizen to submit to being treated as a criminal in order to exercise an _enumerated_ right.

        Because that’s how I regard concealed carry: cooperation with the tyrant. It’s why I won’t apply for their “license”, because the authority to require it is illegitimate and unjust.

    • But if you’re seen shooting someone by another CCer, won’t that make you look like a murderer? What if they don’t know the whole story? All it looks like is that you got your first victim and it’s time to shoot YOU before you rack any more body count.

      • Hey, the world ain’t perfect. Plus, I look like a cop (minus the doughnut gut) on duty and off. I carry multiple IDs, including my police ID, whenever I’m outside my front. Shoot, evaluate threat, re-conceal. There are times when I even carry a DSM (Don’t shoot me) banner.

        And I know some of my local 5-0. Heck, my pastor is the chaplain for the Fullerton, CA PD.

        • I look like a cop (minus the doughnut gut) on duty and off.

          So you’re six-two, wear your sides high and tight and you have a perpetual scowl?

        • Ralph,

          I’m 5’9″ and between 180-185 and a 31″ waist. Short hair, balding a bit, and some visible scars. It’s pretty obvious I’m prior military to anyone other than those who are completely immersed in situation white. That’s fine by me, I don’t mind the classic military look.

          Absolutely no fanny packs whatsoever, though.

          Yep a DSM banner. For after the BG is down and before the police arrive.

  9. Keep it simple. I imagine you would only have time to do a short list of actions in any DGU:

    1. React
    2. Assess
    3. Move
    4. Act

    • Unless the bad guys were pretty blatantly obvious (ie. the bad guys have AKs and masks), I doubt any other kind of DGU scenario would give anyone the luxury of time or circumstance to give anyone the time for coordination between CCers that did not know each other. And unless you are literally unable to escape a situation, then I would imagine your first priority would likely be escape and assisting others in escaping a bad situation.

      The theater scenario, unless you literally saw the “bad guy” fire the first shot, you will likely never know another CCer was around you unless you already knew they were there (ie, your buddy right next to you also carries).

      The only advantage you could afford yourself is to roll with other CCers. Or better, train with them. If you default to your training and you’ve never trained with a team setting, most people wouldn’t know what to do even if they saw another CCer I’m guessing (aside from the “omg, can you believe this is really happening?” look).

      • Oh, and I don’t mean “team” as in para-military pseudo training. I just mean taking classes where they go over basic verbal commands and how to handle firearms around others (ie. don’t muzzle your buddies).

        Heck, go play paintball with your CC friends. You can learn quite a lot about communication and teamwork that way.

  10. Good article, timely topic. “First responder” doesn’t do justice to those who run towards danger, IMHO. Yeah, I’m one of those. Red Cross Disaster Team, EMT, Emergency/trauma RN. Now disabled, but the instinct to help those in need (the force?) is hard to ignore. To my fellow CHL’s, don’t shoot the old bald guy with the white beard please, unless it helps someone else.

  11. Well, if I was in a mass shooting scenario, and more than one good guy/gal was on scene, I would look for the guy shooting screaming, running and defensless and cowering people in the head or in the back as they ran away.

    I would be more careful about shooting another armed person if they were taking cover/concealment, observing, and taking stock of the situation as gun shots were going off as people were running and screaming. That would be someone I would consider as a possible ally.

  12. Back in the 70’s, someone said the best way to prevent sky jacking was to pass out a gun to each passenger as they boarded the plane.
    Would anybody attempt to hijack a plane if there were 100 or more armed passengers?

    • Google “Bat Day The Kid From Brooklyn,” or check it out on Youtube. Be prepared to laugh, but fair warning — the language is about as NSFW as humanly possible. Use headphones.

  13. I can chime in here with some similar experience. Seven years ago I had pulled into a 7-11 for some munchies. I pulled in right in front and there’s a small crowd inside the store looking outside at this lady and her very young kid pinned against the glass by a (later confirmed) transient druggy. He was yelling right in her face with one hand on her neck and the other was raised in a stabbing motion but not moving. After a second or so I realized that he had a needle of some kind in that hand. I opened my car door and told him to back off. He did so, but started walking towards me. Thats when I drew my weapon and told him to stay back or I’d fire while I backed up a bit. Right at this moment is when I realized someone else was saying the same thing. Thats when I realized that the car that had pulled in right behind me and parked to my right had another guy who was carrying and he’d drawn his weapon right after me. Thankfully no shots fired, the genepool reject dropped the needle and sat down, cops dragged him off, huzzah, I got my reeses.

    Never get betweeen me and my reeses…

  14. Step 1: Get you and yours to immediate cover, or at least out of line of sight from direction of fire, while the exiting the area and maintaining situational awareness (if alone, assist whoever else you can if you are

    Step 2: When safely behind adequate cover, assess the situation if able (without getting your “assessor” shot off) trying to differentiate good guy/gal from bad guy/gal, identify location of wounded and best path of further retreat as required.

    Step 3: Only YOU can determine that based on your reflection in the mirror.

    Go take a look right now and you’ll have a pretty good idea how’d you react if something happens today. Hint: there is no wrong answer, you can’t lie to yourself. If you aren’t comfortable with what you see, you do have the power to change the view for tomorrow’s reflection.
    Hell if everybody would just complete Step 1 successfully and keep your head somewhat about you while providing a semi-coherent semi-accurate description of the situation to first responders, you’ll be a HERO in my book! Don’t worry, it’s perfectly ok and socially acceptable to fall completely apart after the fact, the shakes can be calmed with some good sippin’ whiskey 🙂

  15. The point this question suggests is it would be safer for the greatest number of people if firearms were not carried and or allowed in public. Since this requires the ability to gaze into a crystal ball there is know way to foresee all future incidents.

    The question is welcome but likely of no reality for concern. It’s similar to collateral loss/friendly fire during military activity. The odds of multiple people being able to draw and return fire in a public attack/ambush I’d suggest is extremely small. Add to this the odds of people being struck in such an exchange and the odds grow ever smaller. Of course the anti-gun stand is the opposite, but the only place I’ve seen such a display is in a cartoon where the idea is made to expose the ridiculousness.

    If we develop a simple scenario, all firearms and abilities/thought are equal, one person firing to kill people in a crowd and five in the crowd able to return fire, it becomes logical the assailant will be isolated and stopped well before all other armed persons are eliminated. There would be innocent people killed in such a scenario. But to conclude the assailant would stop killing without confrontation and in this somehow fewer people would be harmed, even with friendly fire mishaps is unreasonable and irrational.

    My guess is the typical person who could and would return fire would likely be focused and have their head about them. Unarmed person often scatter or drop to the ground, thus decreasing the odds of them being shot by either possibility. The scenario of return fire by a person screaming and firing indiscriminately without aim, and in this as dangerous as the assailant, is likely very small.

  16. Even at 12 million the odds are low that you’ll encounter another armed citizen…except in a large mall or theater.

    Do keep your head on a swivel. Two anarchist killed two LEO’s in NV. When they move to a grocery store, arm citizen got one, the nut gal got him.

    • 12 million chl holders in a country of 320 million people means 1 out of 26(ish) have a licence to carry. In central Texas where I live, I would bet about 1 in 10 adults has a chl, so yes, it is likely for multiple people to respond to a shooting incident round these parts.

    • The armed citizen in the Nevada Walmart didn’t actually get anyone. He drew and made a move on the male of the couple, but the female of the couple slid in behind him and killed him before he had a chance.

      The spree killing couple then made their way to the back of the store, where they died in a murder/suicide after a shootout with police.

      You raise a good point, though. Situational awareness during an eventbis vital, too. While spree killing partners are rare, they do exist. It’s just another potential scenario out of the already infinite scenarios to deal with.

  17. I propose that we all go shirtless, as the “Skins” team. Bad guys are the “Shirts.”

    Problem solved. 😉

  18. I have a little hindrance with my leg. Making sure my lil one/& Wife/both are safe is goal 1. If I can Goal 2 is to cover there 6, an goal 3, hopefully having a good shot & taking the BG down. Im in my sector, if it changes like Bruce Lee said “be like water”.
    If I come across a cc “pal” I would attempt some form of communication. Maybe ceasefire sign or make a big X, like dont soot me bro. If he holler’s let him go. Im under 40. An some see a military look

  19. Flagging is when you stick your barrel past a corner or identify where you are unintentionally. Masking is when you point your barrel at a friendly. Just a little info to help you out.

  20. So worst case, mass shooting, multiple ccws (say 3) and all kill each other and bg

    3 extra deaths

    no ccw-ers?

    Many more deaths.

    hmm yeah hard choice there.

  21. a buddy says if he sees someone pull a gun, he’s shooting them. a little over the top i think. I say, and hope I would be able to do it if shf, is make eye contact with another cc or open carrier, a head nod in the direction of the attacker should be enough communication as to which side your. Same goes in a convenience store situation, get clerks attention, pat on my hip while getting cover, shoot if necessary. reholster

  22. Like others have already said, I carry, first and foremost, to protect myself and my own. If push comes to shove, in the described situations, my first priority is to get my family/friends and my own ass to safety.

  23. There is absolutely no way you could ever hope to communicate with anyone other than your family – if they are in your immediate vicinity because in every fracking situation there are women and children screaming their lungs out. I have never understood the extended screaming that commences at the first sign of disturbance. Other than this aspect, all good advice to remember.

  24. I’ve been in this situation exactly once: when out camping, coming back to the nearby swimming hole from a jaunt to an old gold mine, we learned that someone was shooting at bottles they were throwing across the river into the current. Friend and I talked over the situation, figured how to move in, did so, discovered another armed citizen was there ahead of us, so we waited in the wings so as not to complicate the situation. The idiot shooters backed down, the other armed citizen told us he’d gotten a signal from a friend that he had “backup” and thanked us — nice to hear, since we hadn’t figured out how to signal without interrupting a tense situation.

    I don’t know what it is with armed morons and swimming holes, but that’s just one of three times I’ve encountered idiots shooting where people are in the water!

  25. Escape,Escape,Escape. I’m not sure what kind of weapons any of you carry for SD, but mine are accurate and effective to about 12 feet hence the term “SD”. I live on the sun (gulf coast of Alabama) so anything larger than a 5 shot revolver is out in the summer and that’s pushing it. When I’m home off the ship I carry something everyday, all day.
    Do I have better weapons? Sure I do. I have a G17L with 19 shot mag that would be fantastic if needed but it’s just not a good EDC. I’ve found that over the years the easier it is to carry the more you will carry it.
    My current crop of CC firearms include – NAA .22 mag – P3AT – Charter Arms Undercover. I know, I know these calibers are too weak,too small,no range,no hi-cap, blah,blah,blah. Let’s think using logic for a moment, My range for SD is 4-6 feet so I’m good.

    Anytime there is a talk about offensive SD I always smile and think about the classic movie “a Christmas Story” when Ralphie is thinking about how it’s going to be when he gets his “Red Ryder” vs how it actually is after he gets it.

  26. The answer is…don’t respond. You’re not a cop. If you hear or see violent commotion and and you and yours are not implicated, go the other way, quickly but carefully. Unless your the selfless sort that wants to sacrifice themselves and/or their loved ones for strangers, which is kind of what you do when you enlist. So actually, run toward the violence otherwise you’re a coward, a deserter and don’t support the troops. Damn you, support the troops!

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