It turns out that squirting random strangers with a Super Soaker pisses them off. And it doesn’t even matter that the person behind the gun is a hot chick in a bikini. Go figure. On the plus side, if you subscribe to their YouTube channel, you may win a date with her. Fair enough?


  1. That’s obnoxious as hell.

    And “win” a date with her? No, it’s not fair enough, it’s insulting.

    • She is lucky that she did not shoot a cop with the squirt gun since a cop would have been all too willing to arrest her for assaulting an officer which in some places may be a felony. Also she is lucky if no one has her charged with assault and/or harassment.

      • I’ve seen exactly that scenario go down (not a girl in a bikini though). It was hilarious and people around seemed happy to see the dumb justin beiber wannabe get locked up after he went around squirting everyone (including an older lady in a wheelchair) without having any consideration.

  2. Doesnt look like the bikini was much of a deterrent from a good ol fashion ass wuppin from the grownups….. and im sure more than a few young males would have been grabbing for that top, using the water gun as an excuse.

  3. 1) Obligatory “Why’s this on a gun blog?”. Literally nothing to do with guns (unless you’re a Boy Scouts of America rule-maker),

    2) a couple of the ladies had the right idea. I would have snatched it and given it to my son.

    • I don’t know which is worse: the fact that this video exists or the fact that I watched it. I also thought it was lame that she seems to pretty much exclusively pick on women. I bet she was a mean girl at her school.

      I wish somebody had taken that water gun and sprayed the camera with it. I think I’m going to start training my kids for precisely that scenario. Self defense for the obnoxious internet video age.

      • The cynic in me thinks she was more willing to bully women because there was less chance of someone trying to dislodge her teeth.

  4. Oh yes I want to go on a date with a complete stranger thanks to seeing their body…… Yeah no.

    Seriously if I were into that I’d just go for a mail order bride.

    • I would have been more willing to go on a date with her if all I had seen was her body. Since I also now know she’s an effing idiot, I’ll pass.

  5. When did this website go from The Truth About Guns to TMZ involving anything that shoots?

  6. Harassment, assault, wanton destruction of hairstyle/clothing…. All good reasons to have her arrested. She deserves to have her ass kicked.

    On the other side of the coin…. What if someone did the same to her?

    • Well that’s the thing, I am surprised no one did. I sure would have. Taken it and wet her down, then given it back. Come on people relax, it is water, you are at the beach, relax. As far as the date goes, no thank you. First off I’m sure it’s rigged, second if I did win, I am not going to fly to wherever she lives for maybe 1 hour with her at a fast food joint or something like that.

      • “Come on people relax, it is water, you are at the beach, relax.”

        How would you know at the time that it’s water? Or clean water?

        No way to know, and defensive action would seem reasonable to me.

        I’d say doing this sort of thing to total strangers would constitute assault.

        • Defensive action? You are paranoid and insane. It’s just water. Grow up and learn how to take a joke.

  7. Its been a long time since California seen rain and water so they got scared of the squirted substance

  8. A date? I’d date her butt and that’s about it because her face just doesn’t do it.

  9. Still can’t believe where Pranking have lead. I don’t think this constitutes as pranking anymore.

    • Thanks to attention seekers on YouTube, the definition of a prank has gone from ‘harmless practical joke generally on a friend, family member or other acquaintance’ to ‘obnoxious borderline criminal assault and antagonism against complete strangers’.

      • “obnoxious borderline criminal assault and antagonism against complete strangers”.

        That’s what you call getting sprayed with water? Grow up you little cry baby.

  10. If I weren’t armed, I’d take that thing away from her and stick it up her ass.

    But I’m always armed…

  11. If you’re stupid enough to go on a date with her after seeing this you deserve whatever comes your way….

  12. Why is this article on the truth about guns? Maybe it would be better to be on a website called “the truth about water guns”.

  13. Should have been a “Defensive use of a super-soaker”, sadly . . .no.

    Super-Soaker abuse strikes one out of every 7 people walking by hot bikini babes.

    • 87% of those polled believe that Super Soakers should be subject to extensive background checks.

  14. Cute though she is and staged as it is (after all, someone else was holding the camera), this is a good way to get herself beaten up or worse. A young guy might have laughed it off, but I could see another woman belting her.

  15. OK…they took my comments. NICE BUTT…but she’s an idiot. Besides my wife wouldn’t take kindly to a “date”. Lucky she didn’t get killed…

      • I didn’t say I would shoot her dumb azzz slick. The skinny chick and the black guy might have. Then again I’m fairly sure she could be charged with assault-like those hilarious “knockout” game boys. I do carry a pepper blaster for dumbazzes like her though…

  16. Obviously she was never a boy scout.
    They would have taught her that it’s not nice to squirt people.

  17. I can not believe one of those girls did not cold-cock her.

    She’s lucky.

  18. If she had sprayed my wife she would have got he skinny ass whooped. If it were me I would have taken it and emptied it into her face. Those people didn’t know if or what kind of chemicals they are being sprayed with and she didn’t know the kind of people she was messing with.

  19. Now I will admit I don’t know the law everywhere or even the majority of states, and having moved to FL only a bit over a year ago, I am not 100% super-versed on the laws here, but I spent 30+ years in Jersey and due to my background I have -an extensive- knowledge of NJ law… having said that, this woman is ENTIRELY lucky she’s not in serious legal ( and then civil) trouble- that is assault and battery in many places and perhaps either/or in many other states.

    Further she would probably lose any claims against people who kicked her a$$ because she not only initiated it , at random, to seemingly absolutely innocent and non-involved/threatening people, but when she pretends to stop and talk she then does it again in their faces. If they beat her ass they would say they needed to stop to protect their vision etc. and she wouldn’t get ANY love with it videotaped.

    And as far as a date, seriously, I admit she’s hot. It would be cool to have a girlfriend as hot as her to show off at beaches. But no way Jose. Talk about no class, ass but no class.

    • Serious legal trouble for spraying someone with water? Get the F— outta here with that garbage.

      • The problem is, she could have been spray Hep C contaminated urine for all those people knew.

        • For that matter she could easily be spraying gasoline or acid on her victims and they way of knowing what she is spraying them with.

        • But it wasn’t. It was water. Nothing to get upset about unless you’re retarded.

          • The problem rocket scientist is you get to figure it out after she has sprayed it in your face.

      • I don’t mean to sound condescending here, you were very rude to me but I am honestly trying to help you here,

        ABSOLUTELY could you get into serious legal trouble for that. it’s assault and or battery in just about every state of the Union.

        and she could get ran wild on for the repeated doing it to each person. You may think it’s funny, you may think it’s ridiculous, you can think whatever you want, but I’m judging by your pattern of speech that you haven’t been through a ton of education, and at some point you will learn… She is seriously lucky , it’s not funny at all.

        • You are full of s**t. You cant be prosecuted for spraying someone with water like in the video. It’s not assault and if they tried to sue the case would never go to trial. Speech pattern? Lol, sure whatever. Grow up little boy, it was just a prank.

  20. Ehhh… not the kind of content I was hoping to see when I came here. Keep it classy, guys.

  21. I admit I haven’t watched this video but am still reminded of a “prank” they pulled in one of those “Jackass” movies. Some douche nozzle in a G-string barges in and grinds/lap-dances on unsuspecting people in phone booths. When I saw that my thought was, “He’d be bleeding from a stab wound (or dozen) to the gut if he tried that while I’m in the booth.” I was not a CHL holder at that time, y’see. Now, he get at least one 9mm hole in him.

    • Wow, that’s pretty disgusting… That you would shoot someone for pulling an innocent prank. You should have your permit revoked for that comment alone.

    • You would forfeit your life’s freedom (spent in jail) for THAT! Maaaabe you slap the dude in the head or something, and that’s if your an angry, humorless SOB. Wise up.

  22. A bunch of tough guys on this website want to beat up a little girl with a squirt gun. Wow, and you guys are gun owners? That’s scary. It’s just water, grow up and stop being so angry. After reading some of these comments I think the gun grabbers might be right about pro-gun people being mentally ill.

    • Oh look it’s a troll. An anti-gun troll, coming to get fed on the gun news website.

      Don’t feed the troll. Eventually it will get hungry and go away looking for food elsewhere.

      • Anti-gun? Lol. not at all. I just cant understand why a bunch of pro-gun people, who are supposed to be level headed, common sense type people, are threatening violence on a young women who was spraying people with a squirt gun full of water. Quick to anger unnecessarily? Sounds like a personality disorder to me and I sure as hell don’t want you to be carrying a gun around me and my family.

  23. If she’d had a squirt gun that looked like the real thing, I could understand the video being here. As it is . . .

  24. She’s squirting women. If she squirted guys she might not have met with such hostility.

    • That’s kind of my take. We tend to let women get away with a lot, especially if they are fairly attractive. When the water hit me I probably would have been pissed for a fraction of a second until I got a good look at her. And then my first thought would have been: Who is this chick and is she flirting with me?

      Then I probably would have tried to segway into a tickle fight with her. But alas, since it was staged, it would have gone nowhere, and I would have looked like a toolbag on camera.

  25. Note the ladies being far angrier than the men. Men liking hot chick, not looking like wimps in front of hot chick, and the women caring about their hair (because of time spent on), are probably the reasons.

  26. Chicks in bikinis struggling with each other over a super soaker……thanks, TTAG!

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