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Next Post reports that The Tasmanian Firearms Act 1996 is under review. “Recommended changes would allow children as young as 12 to shoot in open fields and make it easier for people to own pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns. Many of the reform recommendations have been made by government departments, gun owner groups and farmers.” This does not please the chairman of the National Coalition for Gun Control. “I think the number of incidents and thefts and anecdotal evidence shows that Tasmania is again facing a gun problem,” Roland Browne [not shown] told the press. “We need to tighten up the legislation so that we have the minimum number of legal guns. The more guns there are in the community, the greater the risk of misuse.” So the fewer guns in a community, the less the risk of misuse. Which is far more important than hunting, self-defense, protection against government tyranny or anything else. I guess.

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  1. WRONG, FRIST we need to tighten up the legislation so that we have the minimum number of ILLEGAL guns. This FOOL doesn’t have a clue about the real world. SECOND, GUN CONTROL MEANS HITTING YOUR TARGET. All the cities with the toughest gun bans have the most crime (Wash. DC , New York, Cal.,NJ etc. ) because only the thugs have guns. Teaching kids about proper gun handling and SAFTEY at an early age is the responsible thing for every gun lover to do. These PUNK ass thugs don’t dare go anywhere that has a HIGH rate of gun owners cuz these COWARDS are afraid of getting killed by the law abiding home owners. If these MORON GUN HATERS get their way we’ll be taken over by the COMMIES.

  2. “I think the number of incidents and thefts and anecdotal evidence shows that Tasmania is again facing a gun problem,”

    Think? Anecdotal evidence? That’s what you base policy on?

  3. Switzerland does not have a problem with ISSUING a FULLY AUTOMATIC BATTLE rifle to each and every citizen….AND they have one of the LOWEST crime rates in the world.

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