Josh Sugarmann

Josh Sugarmann at the Violence Policy Center released the following statement after Connecticut Governor Malloy signed HB 1160, An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety.

“By passing comprehensive legislation that will save lives, my home state of Connecticut responded with courage, conviction, and compassion to the horrific tragedy last December at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 innocent children and six brave educators dead. Connecticut’s new assault weapons ban will be the strongest state ban on the books. Together with new restrictions on high-capacity ammunition magazines, the new law takes the steps necessary to help prevent mass shootings. The law also makes important changes to the handgun permitting system and will help prevent tragedies like the 2010 shooting by a man licensed to carry a handgun that left eight dead at a Hartford beer distributor. The law will also regulate the sale of ammunition by ensuring that a background check is performed on buyers. This is particularly important since federal law places virtually no restrictions on the transfer of ammunition. Connecticut’s bi-partisan action should be a model for federal legislators. “


  1. Connecticut’s new assault weapons ban will be the strongest state ban on the books. Together with new restrictions on high-capacity ammunition magazines, the new law takes the steps necessary to help prevent mass shootings.

    I guess someone forgot to tell him about the Virginia Tech shooting where the guy used a .22lr pistol with 10 round magazines.

    • True, and now Beretta bids adue to their state taking 400+ jobs, and 31 million in tax revenue with them. Beretta said it wouldn’t bluff.

    • Or Columbine, where they just brought a bunch of ten round mags. These laws will scarcely even furrow the brow of the next spree killer. Those guys are nothing if not patient.

  2. Sugarman really is one of the most disingenuous, deceptive and manipulative members of the gun control movement. For those that don’t know, he’s responsible for the “assault weapons” ban initiative, and suggested specifically targeting semi-automatic military based firearms because the general public wouldn’t know the difference between them and their fully automatic counterparts.

    What a shameless scumbag.

    • Agreed. I don’t trust anything that comes from Sugarmann. The quote of what he said is

      “The semi-automatic weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons” (“Assault Weapons and Accessories in America,” Education Fund to End Handgun Violence and New Right Watch, Sept. 1988).

      • What’s to trust? The guy takes in dollars for putting out gun-control stuff. That’s his job. Ethics, morality or truth having nothing to do with his job. Nothing. All for dollars.

        • Plus he’s desperately trying to stay relevant, so that media types will keep him on their speed dial.

    • Seriously! Sugarmann can FOAD, and the sooner the better. What a disingenuous sack of crap!

  3. “By passing comprehensive legislation that will save lives”

    “Together with new restrictions on high-capacity ammunition magazines, the new law takes the steps necessary to help prevent mass shootings.”

    I love how NOTHING gun control pushers say is EVER quantifiable. Disgusting, statist, ego-driven, self-righteous, manipulative, know-nothing negligence is what that statement amounts to.

    Mr. Sugarmann, I could peel you like a pear and G-d himself would call it justice!
    (Kudos to anyone who can name that movie)

    • “Just what you want, a king for a son. You can make more, I can’t. You think I want to disappear? One son is all I’ve got, and you can blot him out and call me cruel? For these ten years you’ve lived with everything I’ve lost, and loved another woman through it all, and I am cruel? I could peel you like a pear and God himself would call it justice! ” The Lion in Winter, said by Queen Eleanor played by Katherine Hepburn. An awesome movie!

  4. Let me paraphrase your queen – “What difference does it make?”

    What a waste of time, money and energy, which Dems usually have when it’s time to trample the rights of the majority with their hand-job, feel-good, B***s*** legislation!

  5. It won’t save a single life. There will be more shootings, which will result in calls for even stricter laws, which won’t affect crime, there will be more shootings, which will result in calls for stricter laws…. until law abiding citizens are completely disarmed. At which point the violent crime rate will continue to rise and there will be calls for more restrictive knife/baseball bat/pointy stick laws.

    Cycle will continue until the tryanny becomes intolerable.

    • I’m beginning to suspect there’s no level of tyranny the drone-like American public would find intolerable. They’ll walk to the concentration camps with their heads bowed over the glow of their free ‘bamaphones.

  6. Another sub-human scumbag unworthy of being called American.

    I hope a criminal (y’know, the ones that don’t follow your fancy new laws) breaks into his morally-righteous, unarmed house and has his way with him and his family.

    What, too harsh? He’s endangered the lives of American citizens by limiting their ability to protect himself. He’s an accomplice to murder, not to mention treason, and deserves to be treated as such.

    • yeah, wishing ill upon a man you disagree with and his innocent wife and kids is a great philosophy and really portrays our cause in a positive light.
      and by your idiotic guilty-by-association logic, gun manufacturers should be liable for murders committed with their products. You also dont understand the definition of treason. try again, you’re 0 for 3.

      • I don’t particularly care. I would jump for joy if his entire line were removed from the gene pool. Hopefully in the most painful way possible. He would act to force the same fate on others and deserves no mercy or compassion. He is an insurrectionist and that makes him a traitor. By disarming the public he is giving aid and comfort to any who would attack this country. That, sir, is the textbook definition of treason.

        • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

          You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

          The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

          Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

        • only in the most twisted definition can you argue that banning a certain magazine capacity is covered by the definition of Treason in the U.S. Constitution. You don’t know what you’re talking about and you make our side look stupid because of it.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.”

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.”

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.”

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.”

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

      • I don’t wish I’ll upon a man I disagree with. I wish I’ll upon a man that would see me and me family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals so long as his sick agenda is furthered.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • You are an idiot and want the US Constitution (2nd Amendment) overturned..THAT IS TREASON!

        BOOZE (beer) kills FAR MORE PEOPLE than guns yet I don’t hear you libs talking about banning booze! Let’s make the booze makers and bartenders responsible when a drunk kills a child! Drunk driving is ATTEMPTED MURDER and should have a 20 yr sentence at hard labor for the FIRST OFFENSE.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

      • This is not just a matter of him disagreeing. You really think they give a damn about our cause being portrayed in a positive light? It’s exactly that type of thinking that got us in this mess to begin with. Continue to try and please these people that don’t give a damn about you and have no bounds to how low they will go to get their way.

        I’m with Silver on this. I don’t wish death on this guy that would be too easy. I wish him the worst life has to bring. Make him wish he was dead.

      • I don’t wish ill upon a man I disagree with. I wish ill upon a man that would see me and my family defenseless and dead at the hands of criminals, so long as his sick agenda is furthered. I wish ill upon a man who wishes to strip me of my rights and enslave me. Why should I care about him or his brainwashed offspring if he wishes ill on mine?

        You’re sad, naive, and pathetically stupid if you think politics of this magnitude are “disagreements” in the same vein of “I like chocolate over vanilla.” This is war.

        The Constitution is the law of the land and the definition of this country. To betray it is to betray America, thus committing treason. The military swears to uphold the Constitution, not the government, not the president, nothing else. So you, child, misunderstand the definition of treason.

        Try again. I’m sure one day your capacity for logic and intelligence will catch up with minimum human standards.

    • If he is true to the typical grabber, I’m sure he has guns to protect himself (or lives in a well protected area, or has guards).

    • You need to have a pistol permit or an eligibility certificate. To get one of these, you will have to pass a background check. When you go to purchase ammo, you have to show either the permit or certificate.

      For those in other states, don’t think Progressives in your legislatures aren’t already salivating over this idea.

  7. Josh Sugarmann is the enemy of liberty. I suggest every gun owner go and read his supposed “research” on the VPC website. This is the man that helped coin the word “Assault Weapon” back in the 80’s. He employes internet trolls to spread lies and deceive people that have little understanding about firearms. This man has lurked in the shadows for far too long. The VPC says they are interested in reducing violence yet they only talk about guns on their website. Interesting that they have no information on root causes of violence. Why? Because they aren’t interested in solving any problems, they are only interested in violating the Second Amendment and disarming law abiding citizens.

  8. He’s an enemy of liberty to be sure, so I’ll take small consolation imagining all the great mutations of his name we could come up with…….

  9. By passing comprehensive legislation that will save lives,

    I’ll bet that’s what they said about the “Assault Weapons” ban that was already in place then the Sandy Hook massacre happened.

    • Technically speaking, the AR15 Lanza used was not part of the early 90’s CT Assault Weapons Ban. It was a completely legal weapon, aside from the fact it was in the hands of a madman. But your heart was in the right place. 😉

  10. Miss Sugarmann, you are the proud recipient of today’s “Non-sequitur Award”! Congrats!

    Along with this coveted award, you will receive federal funding and a pulpit from which to spout other drivel!

  11. Dear CT Politicians,
    Once again you prove why true Americans know that each and every one of you are complete and utter asinine idiots. Again you have reacted with haste, lack of knowledge, complete disregard for your citizens and an utter lack of humanity or compassion for law abiding citizens who simply want to protect their own from the criminals and scum.
    You have not only waved the bloody shirts of the Sandy Hook victims but stood and jumped upon their caskets like the maniacal perverted soapbox junkies you are.
    I hope and pray that from this day forward every soul and spirit of every person killed in your state by firearms you outlawed from lawful ownership and approved for criminal use haunts your every moment of the rest of your useless pathetic lives.
    May you die the death of a screaming, haunted lunatic for a thousand years!!
    A Real American

  12. Josh Sugarmann and the rest of the gun control elitists should be forced to venture outside their comfortable environments and experience some reality.

    I’d suggest some time on the streets of South LA, or a similar environment on the East Coast.

    Many people cannot afford to insulate themselves like the gun control elitists and their middle and upper class followers can. Taking away an effective means of defense only exposes those who take responsibility for their security to greater prospects of violence.

    Personally, I don’t care what might happen to anyone in the gun grabber crowd: ye reap what ye sow.

  13. I had no idea John Ritter was such an asshat. And still alive. And masquarading as Jessica Sugarpants.

    • Well, just like every episode of Three’s Company was based on a misunderstanding, every gun control law is based on a misunderstanding of the Second Amendment.

  14. Wait, what is this about, “The law also makes important changes to the handgun permitting system and will help prevent tragedies like the 2010 shooting by a man licensed to carry a handgun that left eight dead at a Hartford beer distributor.”

    Does that mean CT will no longer be “shall issue in practice” for concealed carry?

  15. Stupid FOOL!

    Your UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun laws are what KILL the kids by making teachers, etc defenseless!

  16. Connecticut is so small you can just drive over to Rhode island – stock up and go back.

    Or if you are a criminal you can just neglect to fill out all the forms required for gun legislation and just just steal some guns and ammo from the sporting goods store or nearby houses or police cars.

  17. “… The law will also regulate the sale of ammunition by ensuring that a background check is performed on buyers. ”

    Wait… what? A background check to buy Ammo? That means my uncle, a convicted felon, can’t buy ammunition for me? Now what is he going to get me for birthdays and Christmas?

    And isn’t this one of those Side-Chanel-Attacks we are supposed to watch for? Has anyone started the clock for the first court challenge to this BS?

  18. They had to do something, the something just didn’t involve ending criminal safe zones. Matter of fact they made it larger. Liberal paradise is one huge USA criminal safe zone where gangbangers run free. I still think we will win the war…I’m a hopeless optimist, Randy

  19. People who make money fighting to strip others of fundamental rights are beneath contempt.

  20. Asinine. Registration is now a reality for one more moron state. It would seem to me the only choice CT residents now have is to not comply.

      • What we have here is a failure to communicate!!!
        What we really have is living proof that John Ritter is not only alive and well but also that Feinstein and Schumer slept together at least once, without any protection other than the multiple bags over her face!!!

  21. Wake up America! This has nothing to do with safety! The corrupt government, both state and federal does not want you to be able to defend yourself. They think that they have the supreme power and will not give it up! they have ignored the constitution, picked our pockets with never ending taxes, driven jobs out of the country, allowed illegals to flood the country while they sit in D.C. and Hartford and count their millions. The elections are rigged and the government is only to serve the Wall St. gang who finances them. The government wants us disarmed because they are afraid what’s coming down the road as the truth gets revealed more and more. CT has one of the biggest crooks in D.C with the parasite Blumenthal who diverted millions of dollars of legal settlements to his buddies in Stamford. Some people are to busy watching Jersey Shore or the other trash on TV to care about what’s happening to the country but a lot are waiting as the government tries to strip away more and more rights of the people. Eventually they will force the people who care about the country to rise up and that’s when you will see these scumbags like this sugarwhatever dude run for their rat holes. But just like in previous times they will be found and justice will be served. You are more likely to be robbed by King Malloys relative (attempted robbery 10yrs suspended) than you are injured by an “assault” rifle. They can call them assault rifles when people finally have had enough of these treasonous crooks and the S&*t hits the fan. If people aren’t willing to stand up, there will be no more rights period!

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