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In the video above, a man is tasered at Los Angeles International airport. Well, fair enough. But notice what onlookers do: nothing. They sit and stand around watching. Hello? Instanbul airport attack. Forty-two people killed, twenty-seven wounded. Did it occur to anyone that the bad guy may have a detonation device on him?

If you see something like this happening, if you see anything violent happening, LEAVE. Being extremely careful where you’re going. It’s only a matter of time before terrorists in America use the tactic of a primary attack driving people to a secondary attack.

Honest-to-God people, get off the X. It could well be a matter of life and death. Oh, and carry wherever you are legally allowed to do so. You never know when you might have to exercise a little ballistic intervention, to save yourself, your loved ones or other innocent life.

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  1. Violence? How about that shooting in Dallas earlier today at North Lake College? Yikes

  2. Anyone else notice the extreme amount of contradictory commands all these guys were yelling? “Don’t move, back up” “don’t move, turn your head to the side.”

    • If the subject remains motionless cops yell “Stop resisting. Stop going for my gun.” I assume this is so they can charge the subject with resisting and, if they shoot him, they can say “He was going for my gun. Just listen to the bodycam audio.” Can any of our LEO friends tell us if they teach this at the police academy or do y’all share such techniques in the lockeroom/bar?

      • Yup every minute of every day we are either oppressing the rights of lower citizens or thinking about doing it while taking bribes. Personally, I wake up every morning and put my feet on a couple of young minorities as slippers so I can walk easier to the bathroom.

        Or copblockers are complete morons and the truth is that cops sometimes give contradictory commands at times because they’re in a high-adrenaline situation and they aren’t thinking clearly.

        Believe whichever gets you off, that’s what everyone does anyway.

        • You win the internet comedy gold award for the “minority slippers” comment. Too funny.

        • Brother, you enforce drug laws. You enforce many laws that, by definition, are oppression. Just get over it.

    • That’s an advanced law enforcement technique.
      If you yell contradictory commands, the subject will ALWAYS be non-compliant with at least some of them, and that provides a ready excuse if one of you shoots him, or kicks him in the teeth while he’s lying motionless on the floor, or…

    • All I noticed was that prissy little walk he had. WTF was that all about.
      The title said “cop TASED man at LAX”. I missed half the video waiting for a man to enter the frame. It wasn’t until prissy pants was on the deck that I noticed “oh that’s a man”?

  3. It’s not “TASEd,” it’s tasered. Or TASERed if you want to honor the acronym (I’d rather treat it like a regular word, since it seems to have entered common usage).

    TASER is an acronym. It’s not a thing that “tases” people. “Tase” isn’t a root word, it’s just an erroneous back-formation from the acronym.

    Okay, I’m done. Pissing in the wind, I know, but I can’t abide that kind of violence against language. (I haven’t been employed as a copy editor for 10 years now, but you know what they say: old copy editors never die, they just fall into a comma.)

  4. One more reason to avoid LAX as much as possible. Fly out of SNA/OC, Ontario, SAN/SD, but not LAX.

  5. Old article, this happened back in 2015. Or as the cop remembers….”Best day evar!”

  6. (1) I have to wonder if that guy was probing security at the airport since he did not seem to have any weapons or explosives.
    (2) I have to wonder if the police were so busy pursuing that guy that they would have left GINORMOUS security holes at other locations in the airport.
    (3) Anyone notice that a plainclothes cop was there participating in the take down? I wonder how common that is in airports across the country?

    • Uniformed cop let that guy get wayyy too far into the airport without doing anything. Cops, even good cops whose actions are in the *right*, are afraid to act these days because literally everything is Monday morning quarterbacked.

      When he finally decides “hey, maybe I should do something even though I’m alone,” (it looks like) an Air Marshal in transit got involved too. That explains the different commands and tactics… note how when the apparent FAM goes to handcuff, he still has his gun out? Yeah, I know of very few other groups/units that are trained that way. The uniformed cop had the good sense to remind him to reholster.

    • In a hard security setting everyone knows their duty and station, in this sort of melee, who knows, but a diversion is a pretty plain and common ploy, often effective, especially where the security is mostly for show.

      As for probing, I’d imagine an observer could learn a lot about security at a location while someone tested it by running through and disobeying commands until the security showed many of thier cards.

      Given the technique is common enough among shoplifters for identifying loss prevention and security personnel at retail locations, I sure wouldn’t rule out terrorists eventually comming around to it.

  7. Good thing he only got a “little” past security to where the airport was pretty empty, right?

  8. At the risk of sounding stupid (too late) here is my story from a few weeks ago.

    My wife and I were in Times Square, had bought tickets to a Broadway play there, and were strolling through the large crowds towards the theater. A young man wearing a white tank T-shirt a couple feet from us stops, throws his hands up as though grasping at the sky and shouts something in a foreign language.

    I look at him briefly, noticed his olive complexion and thought he looked a bit intoxicated. My wife is slightly more agitated but says nothing and we stroll another few steps to the red stop light. Several seconds later there are a dozen NYPD cars, maybe 20 cops, on foot in our immediate area, and the white T-shirt guy thrown over the hood of one of the cop cars.

    As we walk away, my wife points out that it looked like something really serious. And I stupidly comment that it is not like he had a bomb vest under his paper thin T-shirt. And she replies, “Did you notice his backpack?” And actually, I had not seen his backpack from my angle when I glanced at him.

    It was a high sensory input environment and we were trying to navigate through the mess, so I think it is natural to have a type of tunnel vision. I will try to do that less in the future.

    • Even though I make a point to be aware of my surroundings, my wife always catches details I miss. Women seem to have a knack for processing a lot of data at once.

  9. I dunno, since this is an INTERNATIONAL airport, maybe the guy just didn’t understand English?

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