defensive gun use

Within the last few days, two Americans prevailed in struggles for their lives. The first incident occurred in Chicago. Thirty-five-year-old Jason Brock allegedly broke into a home around 10:30 a.m. and was met by two unarmed people inside the residents.

The two would-be victims fought Brock, took the gun away from him, and shot him multiple times. Brock was pronounced dead at the scene due to gunshot wounds as well as blunt trauma from the struggle. A 43-year-old resident of the home was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

During an unrelated event in Riviera Beach, Florida, 21-year-old Junis Lewis Jr. was also shot dead with a gun he was carrying. According to the homeowner, who identified himself to the police as both the shooter and the victim, Lewis and two male accomplices attempted to rob him at gunpoint outside his home. The victim fought back, managing to grab one of the assailant’s guns and fire it at Lewis.

It’s difficult to imagine the intensity of these life-or-death confrontations and how easily they could have gone the other way. We applaud all three victims for turning the tables on their attackers…and point out that this is why so many of us choose to carry.


  1. Don’t criminals know?? If you carry a gun it will just be taken from you and used against you! Ask any democrat!

  2. Damn. Pelosi was right. We don’t need guns. The bad guys will bring them to us when they’re needed.

    I’m selling all those expensive toys and their ammo. I’ll just wait for the lefts chosen ones to bring me a free gun.

  3. This kind of attack is far more common than what range time shooting at paper can ever prepare you for. People who carry need far better training than what is typically provided by civilian ranges. I don’t care if you shoot 1″ groups at 50 yds with your $2500 custom 1911. I don’t care if you can draw and shoot 5 rds in .5 seconds and put them all on target if you’re doing it with the “proper stance and grip” and a open carry competition holster. It won’t do you one bit of good in real life.

    What you should care about is reality – not some bullshit target practice.

    These people in the article got very, very lucky. You might not.

    • Seems to me the crims are the ones needing the training: victim selection, firearms retention, etc. Doesn’t anyone teach a class like that?

    • Before you can run you need to crawl, and then walk. Yes the better trained you are the more you should focus on complex, dynamic training, but first you need to work on the fundamentals. Stoppage drills, the 4 rules of marksmanship, and trigger time benefit the novice far more then engagement drills etc.

      • That’s a given. But the vast majority of gun owners never move beyond those initial basics, and very often never even go to the range, or fire that gun they bought, after the first box of ammo is used up. It ends up collecting dust in the sock drawer for the next 50 years.

        • What is your evidence for that? Sounds like a complete Bullsihit claim.
          Are you sure you are not talking about cops, who in my experience have less training and practice less than gun owners.

    • The vast majority of successful defensive gun uses are by those with little to no “training”. Training is recommended, but not necessary. An unquantifiable number of crimes have been deterred by simply possessing or presenting a firearm. Whether the use was dangerous, clumsy or uneducated, it was effective.

      Let’s be honest, a lot of training is fashionable instead of being useful. How is anyone to know if the training they are looking at is any good? How do you know the training you received is any good? There is no standard. Nevermind the fact that the gun owning culture eats it’s own and it’s generally unfriendly to novices.

      With regard to the public at large, I think a passing knowledge of the four rules and securing of firearms is the very best for which we can hope.

  4. I’d be scared if the residents had people inside them. Did the residents swallow the people whole, or were they chewed? Raw or cooked? Maybe I’m misinterpreting a way of saying the residents were pregnant.

  5. One of the problems with using Mr. Perps gun is they seldom spring for hollow points, and that leaves you having to empty the gun into them. That means not only are they much more likely to die from their poor victom selection, they are going to leak all over the place which might be in your home or car.

  6. These people were very lucky indeed. 3 armed criminals vs unarmed couple. I guess the criminals involved were not the brightest bulbs in the box. Anyway Cudos to the disarmers , I’m glad they came out alive & as well as one can be after such an ordeal. They need to arm themselves asap.

  7. Antigunners: “Uggh… don’t have or carry a gun. It’ll only be taken away and used against you.”

    Actually it seems that it’s the *criminals* who have abysmal weapon retention skills…

  8. According to the Anti American main stream media such a thing never happens and is impossible,now if they were just in touch with reality never mind the truth.

  9. It is too bad that we can’t buy drop guns. That way we could just claim that the would be robber had a gun and we were able to take it away from him – but nah!, it couldn’t happen here.

  10. Gunny gene,
    I agree with you completely! Here in south Florida, Revere Range in Pompano is the only range that allows you to practice drawing from concealment. I carry Israeli style with an empty chamber and practice drawing and racking the slide all the time. When I take friends to Revere, it is often the first time they’ve practiced live fire drawing from a holster.
    When we plink outside, we practice shooting at moving targets, (coconuts floating in the canal) and drawing and moving and shooting
    I have been amazed at how easy a laser makes hitting moving targets and hitting a target while running away from it.
    There is no range that allows that kind of practice!

    • Do the coconuts shoot back? 😉 Just kidding. No, of course not. But here’s something to think about.

      No matter how much “training” the military ( or the LE organization) puts you thru on a nearly daily basis, you are not really prepared for “real life” combat until you’ve survived at least one lethal engagement. It’s called being blooded. That’s when you find out just how good that training was. Now, I don’t expect that to be the yardstick for civilians, but it is something that should be on a persons mind when they pick up that first gun and fire it.

      Question for ourselves is: “Is this particular training/practice going to help me survive a real engagement?” If the answer is “No”, then it’s time to seek out something that will change that answer to a “Yes”. Survival is the goal; if what you’re doing doesn’t help you, then it’s not worth doing. 🙂

      • Ex-military are the worst and have the demonstrated worst record when it comes to bad shootings in civilian settings. So please stop the bullshit. Cops with combat exposure are nearly three times, 290% more likely to shoot and kill people than cops who have not. That includes bad shooting so unarmed people, which the data show is over represented by combat veterans.

        I am a combat veteran, three tours, and I know that I have to un-train myself from what I learned in combat and military training, where initiative of violence, what threats I can respond to, what are legal and ethical collateral harm issues, and positive vs negative to escalate force — since those are all completely different than what civilian law enforcement or civilians in general can do in a civil setting.

        So please do not misinform people.

  11. It almost takes seeing the other side before this action is possible. As someone who was made to do some very unsavory things against their will I now know what it means to have standards. Try and fucking check me, I’m a product of suffering for pay.

  12. I’m no grammar nazi, but I simply have to call attention to this: “met by two unarmed people inside the residents.”
    Just FYI, a resident is a person. A resident might own the home, making it the resident’s home. But he lives in a residence, not a residents.
    And no, “your” and “you’re” aren’t the same thing either. Despite the similar sound.

    • Your last sentence is an incomplete sentence. Do you know the difference between a noun and a verb? You also have a split infinitive.

      So try and relax, and don’t deny being a grammar Nazi when you know you are one.

      You and I know the author almost certainly had a typo wrongly corrected by the spell correcting software, and not a misunderstanding of the difference between residents and residence, or your or you’re (which in fact is not used in error in this article).

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