RF hits the target. Just. From what distance he's not saying. (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

RF’s called out USA Today on its pro-gun control editorial bias on numerous occasions, dissecting the paper’s anti-pistol polemics with extreme prejudice. So when they offered our fearless leader the chance to write a chilled summary of what’s next in the battle against civilian disarmament,Β he told them . . . sure. Why not? The result may lack the usual snark — not to mention the gratuitousΒ babe linkage — Β but it helps bring the site to the mainstream media’s attention. And focuses readers on the battles ahead. As RF might say, that’s a good thing not a bad thing.


  1. I felt a disturbance of the Force on planet Feinstein. It was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

    Until they found TTAG’s comments section.

    Good read Rob.

    • As far as the Matrix is concerned, it was roughly a 9.2 ripple in the continuum… it was some serious chop.

      No doubt the next school shooting is on the board, but I sense they’re losing a bit of traction.

      This is gratifying, but our work will never be finished.

      • What’s that screaming? A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming…

        Just because we’re doing si fi quotes. I love it.

      • That’s right, with emphasis on the word ‘never”.

        Thomas Jefferson said something like, “The Price of liberty is eternal vigilance”.

  2. Well written. I am surprised an MSM member would print it, yet happy to see the pro-2A word get out. Kudos to RF……….

  3. I have no doubt that Di in Fire was gratified on some level when the slaughter occurred at Newtown. She had legislation drafted that had no chance of seeing the light of day unless and until there was bloodshed.

    Does this mean our fortunes rise on some innocent, law-abiding gun owners martyred by jack-booted confiscators?

    I hope not.

    • Does this mean our fortunes rise on some innocent, law-abiding gun owners martyred by jack-booted confiscators?

      Yes it does. As Newtown galvanized the wingnuts, so Ruby Ridge galvanized the gun community — me included. Maybe even me especially.

      • Well spoken, both of you.
        I pray to god that no members of our big ole family of freedom lovers has to be The Martyr, but if it ever comes to that I will gladly step up.

        I don’t think the politicians like Obama, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Reid, and McCarthy understand the depth of our passion and the hardness of our resolve. The only way for our freedom to be guaranteed is for them to test us, and be crushed by the backlash.

  4. Excellent job, Robert. I do prefer having a scantily clad babe who isn’t as anti-gun as Jennifer Aniston, but on this day of celebration, I won’t complain. Did you see the president’s speech about the senate? Obama is MAD, bro. πŸ™‚

    • Ms “demand a plan”; Robert, don’t let your peeber lead you into The Valley of the Shadow of Death!

      I’m sure we can manage a collection to get you a classier escort than that!

      Sorry, I didn’t mean escort; I meant “escort”!!!

  5. They have the comments open (for now) on the USAToday page.

    I load it up while you can. So far it’s all for gun rights. Lets keep it that way

  6. Please let the leaders of New York State know what you think of the unSAFE Act and how it was railroaded through in the dark of night.

    Be sure to say hello to Robyn Ringlers heir apparent Lawrence White on this blog.

  7. Wow, I never thought m-t stood even a microscopic chance of being defeated. We can’t celebrate. Ever. They’ve been at this for over a century, whittling away at our rights. We musn’t compromise, every compromise brings them one step closer to victory in the next fight. We have to stay awake, and go on the offensive.

  8. I’m not sure who to congratulate, RF for making USA Today, or USA Today for making TTAG.

  9. Great article. Very well written. I am just getting to know you – nice to see your work published in the MSM. It certainly trumps anything they put out.

  10. Have some beer and salsa guys. But don’t get over confident. Remember the SEIU still services voting machines. (2014 is right around the corner) The shoe may occasionally be on the other foot, as well. The next phase of celebration should be a re doubling of our efforts. I suggest pointing out that the “Opposition by the NRA, et all” was opposition by MILLIONS of citizens, not a monolithic money bank like Comrade Bloomberg’s Governors against the Constitution organization. Maintaining momentum is key. The Kenya Killer is a down and dirty political street fighter and not to be taken lightly. Enjoy, but now’s not the time to let up. Give positive feed back to those who did the right thing as well as telling the one’s in opposition that we’re not going away.

  11. Robert

    Great, but . . . . don’t be surprised at the audit of the last 6 yrs of your financials. just saying. . . . . πŸ™‚

  12. “Gun rights advocates’ future depends mainly on the popularity of firearms-oriented movies, YouTube videos and video games — which create a large and growing “feeder” system for gun ownership.”

    I’m not so sure. For example, isn’t a gun owning parent passing the hobby on to their children important?

    Also, I wonder, to what degree a dozen years of warfare is a factor? We have a good generation of kids from places such as Brooklyn and Chicago exposed to guns who would not otherwise have been. Some are repulsed. Some return home and wonder why they can be trusted with a gun in the sand box, but not at home?

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