Texas AG Ken Paxton
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, File)
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“I think it’s a little late now, but we certainly would invite [the NRA] to come to Texas to avoid this in the future because if they’re in New York, it opens them up to investigation by the attorney general’s office in a way that I don’t think would happen in Texas, so I would encourage them to move as soon as they can,” [Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton] said.

Paxton said the timing of James’ suit “looks extremely political,” coming months before the election.

“If you want to do this investigation, do it quietly,” he said. “If you’re going to announce something, announce it after the election, but what it looks like — and she [James] claims they’re a terrorist organization — this looks like a terrorist operation going against the NRA in trying to make it political as opposed to a legitimate investigation.”

– Mark Moore in Texas attorney general welcomes NRA after New York sues pro-gun group

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  1. I would hope that the Texas AG would investigate a situation as egregious as what the NY AG claims, with the goal of making things right and recovering as much as possible for the organization, rather than attempting to destroy it.

    • Prosecuting the malfeasance of corporate officers like LaPierre is one thing, trying to shut down the organization he victimized and thereby disenfranchising the millions of members who did nothing wrong should not be allowed to stand.

      The NY AG is a Soros sponsored political hack who doesn’t care about “doing justice.” Her intent is to use her Office to eliminate an organization she hates.

    • +1

      You beat me to it. WLP (and pals) need to go for the good of the org as a whole, and there should be no slight-of-hand moves made to try to beat the rap. If there has been malfeasance that can be proven, then charges should be levied, no matter which side of the aisle the A.G. is on. However, that being said and done, the fact that the A.G. is politically motivated to destroy the NRA should be turned on the Dems, and once the NRA’s rats have been swatted out of the house, new leadership can be ushered in to take advantage of the opportunity to rise from the ashes and become the NRA we’ve always hoped it would be. Seeing the Phoenix rise stronger than before would be a blow to the Left.

      Better that a Leftist make this bold move against WLP.

      Until then, carry on.

        • If you are an opponent to democRat manure you are targeted to be disarmed in one way or another. After all Gun Control is an agenda rooted in racism and genocide. In other words Gun Control is a racist and nazi based agenda perpetuated by today’s democRat Party slave masters. If all it once took for a person to be denied possessing a firearm is their skin color then any pathetic, despicable democRat concocted excuse can be used to deny anyone and everyone their rights.

          As a NRA Life Member and contributor in more ways than one I do not need some stinking NY POS to deal with those who spent my money like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. Millions of NRA members can take care of our own business thank you very much.

      • “Better that a Leftist make this bold move against WLP.”

        You are correct, apparently only the Liberals have the testicular fortitude necessary to hold criminals accountable for their activities at the NRA headquarters.

        Don’t be afraid little right wing snowflakes, a black woman will clean up your mess for you. Go back in to your man cave, have another beer and tune in to your favorite gay porn, all is well.

        • You are too kind.

          But please, I certainly am not the Jesus of legend.

          You know I’ve had that same problem with my girlfriend. Almost every night, at some point, we’ll be together and she will shout “Jesus! Jesus!“

          I always tell her it’s not polite to talk with your mouthful…

        • White Savior. The type of racist that believes he, the white man, must lead the poor benighted poc to freedom. So long as he’s doing the leading. Natural position for a white man. In his estimation.

          You know. bloomberg, biden, bernie, miner49er……

        • “White Savior. The type of racist that believes he, the white man, must lead the poor benighted poc to freedom.”

          Nailed it.

          Flat *nailed* it.

          You see that on display whenever voter ID laws come up. Oh, the excuses they make. Blacks don’t know where the DMV is. Blacks are too poor to get an ID. (I’m cool with making them 100 percent *free*). Excuse, excuse, excuse.

          Strange thing is, I’ve never heard of a POC complaining they couldn’t board an airliner because they didn’t have government-issued ID. Not *once*.

          As far as I’m concerned, If I don’t need an ID to vote, then I don’t need an ID to buy a gun. A civil right is a civil right. If they argue guns aren’t a civil right, ask them why it’s number 2 on the ‘Top Ten’ list of civil rights? If owning a gun isn’t a civil right, than neither is freedom of speech…

          Watch how fast they scramble if you tell them *that*… 🙂

        • ” Almost every night, at some point, we’ll be together and she will shout “Jesus! Jesus!“ ”

          Obviously begging for a substitute for who she’s got.

        • I always tell her it’s not polite to talk with your mouthful…

          That awkward moment where someone publicly admits to having a micropenis. Probably a first for TTAG.

          Also, it would be “…with your mouth full…” but you don’t need to worry about that because you openly admit to not possessing a mouthful.

          You’re a walking West Virginia joke. You realize this, right?

    • The NRA can come to Texas after, and only after, Wayne LaPrick is gone. That son of a bitch is an embarassment.

  2. Show me a democrat in ANY office who isnt a domestic terrorist at heart! What a time we live in.

    • There are two sets of rules in America, one set for the Democrats/Antifa/BLM and another set for the rest of us. The Deep State never prosecutes their own.

  3. “If you want to do this investigation, do it quietly,” he said. “If you’re going to announce something, announce it after the election“

    Like the public announcement of the total BS investigations of Joe Biden’s ‘Ukraine ties‘?

    Oh, you mean keep the investigations of your friends quiet, while publicly politicizing the investigations of your political opponents?

    Aaaah, I love the smell of hypocrisy on TTAG, it reminds me of mucking out the barn on a summer evening.

    • So you think it’s OK for sitting VP to threaten a foreign government with US policy in order to get his son a no show paid position on the board of a state controlled company in that country? And then to do it again in China? I guess you were all for the Clintons taking money from the chicoms via buddhist monks back in the 90’s. I bet you do smell hypocrisy, but it’s odor surrounded you long before you showed up here.

      • Over the past several years, including almost 4years with President Trump in control of the department of justice, there have been multiple investigations of both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China.

        But contrary to the assertion of the Republican Texas AG, these investigations have all been public, some conducted in open sessions of congressional hearings.

        And amazingly enough, considering your accusations above, they have found no evidence of criminal activity whatsoever.

        No civil charges filed, no criminal charges filed, much less trials, convictions or sentencing.

        Wow, Donald Trump and AG Barr (and Sessions) must be part of the conspiracy as well!
        Better check with Q anon!

        On the other hand, trumps campaign manager, assistant campaign manager, national security advisor, personal attorney, political adviser, etc. have all pleaded guilty to federal charges, and many have been sentenced and are serving time.

        Well, except for the ones pardoned by Trump, along with a war criminal or two.

        As they say, the proof is in the pudding. Which I hear is pretty nasty in the joint, but you’d have to ask general Michael Flynn or Colonel Oliver north about that.

        • “And amazingly enough, considering your accusations above, they have found no evidence of criminal activity whatsoever.”

          Unethical behavior isn’t always illegal.

          Let’s talk about that hypocrisy you mention. Everyone here outside of a few NRA (WLP) shills is all for holding people in the NRA accountable for their actions. You know they’ve been calling for it because it’s been reported here on TTAG. On the other hand, democrats don’t care that Hunter Biden suddenly became an expert on Ukrainian energy and a savvy investor that was able to secure a massive investment from China. When you look a little closer, you see the former VP’s hands all over these deals. You don’t think we should get to the bottom of that? Couldn’t that make Biden beholden to foreigners?

          “On the other hand, trumps campaign manager, assistant campaign manager, national security advisor, personal attorney, political adviser, etc. have all pleaded guilty to federal charges, and many have been sentenced and are serving time.”

          Context? The Russia Hoax was a fake, illegal investigation designed to take down a candidate, and then a president. Manafort was prosecuted for crimes unrelated to the campaign, except the only reason they decided to pursue him was because of the campaign. The other minor process crimes only happened due to the existence the illegal investigation. Not that lying is okay, but it wasn’t anything that hindered the fake investigation. Don’t ever talk to investigators without an attorney present.

          It has come out that the FBI KNEW there was no collusion before the Mueller team was even assembled. Then the Mueller team didn’t bother letting us know that when they found out. They worked with the press to create the illusion that they were closing in on the “traitors” during the 2018 mid term elections. That was REAL election interference that had more of an impact than anything Russia did. Democrats were fine with that unethical behavior and actual election interference because it benefited them.

          Democrat hero, Sally Yates even said that James Comey went rogue.

        • “ You know they’ve been calling for it because it’s been reported here on TTAG.”

          “Calling“ to who?

          It has all been meaningless empty speech.

          And regarding Hunter Biden, although there’s been no criminal behavior uncovered in almost 4 years of investigations, you were upset that the son of a famous person got a job based on his name?

          Hunter Biden has never held a position in the administration, he has never occupied a position of trust for the people of the United States of America.

          But indeed, let us discuss children of rich people getting jobs only because of their name.

          I haven’t seen you complain yet about Senior Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump or Special Envoy Jared Kushner, who both occupy official positions within the White House with access to top secret, compartmentalized information without oversight.

          And both are freely conducting commercial business from their offices at the White House and on taxpayer funded junkets across the globe to multiple countries, including ironically, China, where Ivanka has something like 28 trademarks and is engaging in multiple business partnerships with the Chinese government.

          What is it the Bible says, oh yes…

          “Choke on a gnat, swallow an elephant…

          You do know what a elephant looks like right? Well then apparently, you’re just as smart as the president.

        • “And regarding Hunter Biden, although there’s been no criminal behavior uncovered in almost 4 years of investigations, you were upset that the son of a famous person got a job based on his name?”

          What investigations? Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion in loan guarantees if they didn’t fire the prosecutor in Ukraine. He literally bragged about it on camera! Was there ever an official U.S. investigation? What do you think the impeachment was over? Outside of being an excuse to impeach, it was cover for Joe. Democrats and the media said Joe Biden was off limits since he was running for president, as if that let’s you off the hook for being investigated.

          Just last month, Ukraine discovered a $6 million bribe to end investigations again. Yeah, there’s totally nothing going on there…

          Hunter Biden has never held a position in the administration, he has never occupied a position of trust for the people of the United States of America.”

          His daddy, the Vice President literally bragged about getting the prosecutor fired that was investigating the company Hunter was working for. Why do you think he was on the payroll? What exactly did Hunter have to offer them outside of help from his daddy?

          “I haven’t seen you complain yet about Senior Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump or Special Envoy Jared Kushner, who both occupy official positions within the White House…”

          I don’t think Jared and Ivanka belong in the White House. They aren’t taking a salary from tax payers, but they do more harm than good in my opinion. Many conservatives have said the same.

        • “It has all been meaningless empty speech.”

          I’ve seen plenty of comments about ending their membership, and not renewing until something changes. Have you missed the articles on Dell’Aquila?

        • “I’ve seen plenty of comments about ending their membership, and not renewing until something changes.”

          So let me get this straight, most on this list are passionate about killing anyone who happens to block their way on a public road, claiming they will run down or shoot any protester who stands in their way. Instant capital punishment for what is essentially jaywalking.

          Yet you stand by idly as the corrupt elites at the NRA steal millions over decades. Why the reluctance to hold the NRA elites accountable when you’re willing to kill someone for nothing but standing in the street.

          Did you enjoy having Wayne’s hand in your pocket all these years?

          Or is he just another example of white privilege?

        • As usual Miner, your comments are just devolving into nonsense. I answered the points you brought up, but instead of doing the same, you just change the subject. It’s pointless trying to have a conversation with you.

          For the record, I’ve never been an NRA member, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have opinions on corruption and greed, whether it’s WLP and his pals or Biden’s family profiting from their positions.

    • The Ukrainian investigations were kept quiet. It was a Dem “whistleblower,” John Kiriakou, who went to the press that publicized it. It was only last year, not decades ago. How can you not remember the facts? Are you have cognitive issues? Are you Biden in disguise?

    • Huge difference in timing. The NY AG announced <100 days before an election and the Joe Biden investigations have been going on years before this upcoming election. There has been no timing concerns relative to the Bidens, but the timing of the NY AG should raise suspicions in any prudent person.

      • “the Joe Biden investigations have been going on years before this upcoming election.“

        Yes, you are correct, years of investigation and no charges or evidence of wrongdoing found, thanks for proving my point.

        Are you kidding me? Are you not aware there was an election in 2018 and 2016 and 2014 and 2012, etc?

        The right wing propaganda organs have been spewing this Biden nonsense for years, before many elections in an attempt to manipulate the voters with lies and innuendo.

        You know, it didn’t take years to put Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Rick gates, and the actual cuckold Stone in prison.

        You are familiar with his ads in the village voice, looking for large, well endowed black men to service him and his wife?

        Man, you and Donald Trump sure do choose strange bedfellows… Traitors, war criminals, and honest to goodness cuckolds, oh my!

    • That ain’t BS – Joe committed a crime and Trump was investigating. Y’know, ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. Article II.

  4. Seem as I remember Texas was the state where the personal hacienda WLP was going to spend the members money on, doesn’t Texas carry out the death penalty

  5. Sense it’s a political move, an assassination ment to attract attentions of anti 2nd and anti gun in general.
    But I also beleave the charges are correct. However it should not be made to effect those who are members in good faith. They gave their moneies to an organization to be represented in Washington and all the states in which they are residents and were basicly defrauded, lied to, hornswagled or conned. This needed to be brought into check just like any other non profit. This small group of too privileged were robbing citizens at (___________) and alot of us saw this years ago and backed away.
    Killing the N.R.A. should not be allowed but removing the bad elements is nessary. If the N.Y. attorney tries to dismantle the N.R.A. then she needs to answere to the membership with her job. Her job is not to punish people for their constitutional rights being exercised, but to punish those who abuse, or take advantage of and perpetrate the fraud. To use heror his office for political gains and recognition as a structure or ladder rung of political gain is as bad and should be illegal if it isn’t allready. It’s not upholding the constitution they swore an oath to but just another fraudulent move and needs to be pushed to fedral courts, and disbar the (_________) then jail her as they would any citizens who do this.

    • “Sense it’s a political move, an assassination”

      I sense you don’t know what an assassination is.

      President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

      On the other hand, the NRA’s leader ship and the board of directors were perpetrating a criminal fraud on you and many other members, a fraud that no one seem to be able to get a handle on.

      Oh, y’all talked a good game about holding Wayne accountable and all.

      But in reality, you did nothing to stop the continuing criminal enterprise that is the NRA.

      Now, I don’t like it anymore than you men do.
      But some men, you just can’t reach.
      So you get what we have here today.

  6. Texas has been targeted by the Democrats or years now. When it turns red after a few more election cycles it won’t matter. Unfortunately.

    • “When it turns red after a few more election cycles it won’t matter. Unfortunately.”

      The great state of Texas turn red?

      No way those cowpunchers could be that stupid, right?

      Roger dodger, you all codger!

      • They claim we have had over 80,000 invaders from Commiefornia so far in Texas. They should have to be a resident for 10 yrs. before they can vote.

        • “They should have to be a resident for 10 yrs. before they can vote.”

          I find it fascinating that many who post comments on this list are so casual about ignoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


  7. Texas has for many years been “All hat, no cattle” on gun rights. Far more show and bragging than actual Second Amendment Freedom. They are doing better recently but still have a long way to go to achieve the status of a “Free State” for POTG.

    Of course the investigations in NY and DC are heavily partisan and intensely political. Problem is they are also completely legit and long over due. Wayne La Pierre has destroyed the NRA, pissed upon its credibility and squandered tens of millions of its membership’s dollars.

    I hope both attacks succeed entirely in destroying the La Pierre Regime. Hopefully, out of that wreckage a new version of the NRA may rise. There certainly are many who desire it, many who would fund it.

    Show me a picture of WLP in an orange jumpsuit, “PRISONER” emblazoned on the back, and I’ll begin to have hope that my NRA can be reborn.

    In Texas? Maybe, maybe not. Would have to see Texas be less hat and more cattle on defending the Second Amendment.

    Arizona would be better, perhaps Oklahoma.

    • One thing you have to remember about the former Confederate states is that they were occupied territory, and treated as such, for along time. Their constitutions were rewritten by the yankees and their legislatures were packed with pro union carpet baggers after the War of Northern Aggression. This had a big effect on the right to keep and bear arms that was not felt in the union states or in territories that became states after the war.

      Some are recovering better than others.

      • It is 155 years since The War of Southern Aggression To Maintain Slavery ended. That is a very long time to claim a period of “recovery” or to pretend that Texas is under some sort of boot heel of outsiders.

        • And yet BLM, Liberal democrats and many others in the Black community claim they are still in recovery from Slavery. Claiming they should be compensated for Slavery. While not one was ever a slave, Personally knew a slave or a slave master. History is to be Learned from not Compensated for.

      • “they were occupied territory”

        You bet your sweet bippy they were!

        They were lucky it wasn’t worse, that’s what you get when you conduct an armed insurrection against the duly constituted government of the United States of America.

        An armed insurrection to perpetuate the grotesque institution of slavery.

        It is amazing, all you folks who consider yourselves patriotic Americans, supporting the traitors of the confederacy.

        It seems some people’s racial identity is more important than their patriotism.

        • Yeah it’s always a good thing to punish people for using a constitutional right which secession is.

        • Mr. Ed, would you be so kind as to indicate which portion of the constitution you are discussing?

          I have looked for the word ‘secession‘ but I have not found it in the constitution.

      • And the North went in softly to encourage reconciliation and development. If they wanted to really treat the former Confederate statea as occupied territory, they could have and would have.

  8. Don’t you worry about ol’ Ken Paxton. If anyone knows “terrorist”, “crooked” or “immoral” its Ken.
    He is, and has been, an “expert” on these base qualities. VERY base.
    Oh, and don’t worry about the NRA moving to Texas either. It tain’t a’gonna hap’n.
    You see, moving it from one state to another isn’t like picking up your criminal enterprise and starting anew in a different Zip Code.
    If it was, Reichsmarshal tRUMPSKI would’a done that years ago.
    No, buddy-boy Wayne-boy may soon be taking his meals up in Attica. He, and his cohorts have seen their better days. He will never see the Bahamas again, except on the Travel Channel.
    Several of the 76 Board members have split and resigned.
    I am looking for many, many guilty pleas in this whole dirty affair.
    Its too bad that we cannot flush Ken Paxton, the former securities “dealer” away, but we will have a chance to change the Attorney General in 2022.
    Until then hasta la vista baby.

    • Didn’t hear a peep out of Paxton about backing the Constitutional Carry bills we had in the legislature which was blocked by Bonnen.

  9. Well, now I understand why Attorney General Ken Paxton wants the investigation to be secret.

    Looks like old Kenny boy is headed to prison, no wonder he’s trying to run a cover-up:

    “Defense attorneys for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton — whose indictment for felony securities fraud is now more than five years old — are again asking for a different judge to oversee the case. It’s the latest turn in a long-delayed prosecution that has bounced all the way from a trial court in North Texas to the state Supreme Court in Austin, and now sits in legal purgatory in Houston.”

    Oh yeah, it looks like Attorney General Paxton would be perfect leadership material for the NRA, plenty of experience in graft and corruption and pretty good at delaying criminal charges, five years must be some kind of record.

    ‘Law and order‘ Smell the sweet hypocrisy, even an injection of Lysol can’t get that out.

  10. NY AG needs to go after the bad actors in the NRA but they are going for the home run of making the NRA go away completely.
    Meanwhile the Clinton Initiative remains un-investigated.

    • “Meanwhile the Clinton initiative goes un-investigated.“

      Do I have good news for you!

      That investigation happened two years ago, no charges, no violations.

      “Jan. 5, 2018, 1:33 PM EST / Updated Jan. 5, 2018, 1:37 PM EST
      By Pete Williams
      WASHINGTON — A Trump administration official said Friday that a revived investigation of the Clinton Foundation “has been going on for months.”

      The Hill newspaper reported that FBI agents from Little Rock, Arkansas, recently conducted an interview with a potential witness. The paper said the Justice Department “has launched a new inquiry” into the foundation.”

      So after two years of investigation by President Donald Trump‘s department of justice, there have been no charges filed, no violations found regarding the Clinton foundation or the Clinton global initiative.

      How can that be? Fox News said the Clintons are guilty of something…

      Meanwhile in other news, the Trump foundation has been dissolved by the state of New York for misappropriation of funds and self-enrichment by the Trump family, the settlement included a $2 million payment by President Donald Trump to reimburse the disabled veterans organizations he had defrauded of donations.

  11. “Come to Texas, we’ll let you be as corrupt as you want because it fits our political ticket!”

    What a joke.

  12. The criminally billionaire class that supported Traitor and manifestly criminal Hillary like Soros must be guillotined. Only whenRulibgvClasscheadscroleceithvbloodcspurting will these Evil animals learn to respect the forgotten Men and Women of their nation!

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