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Ammo! (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

I came across some ammo on Friday night. Lots of it. Thousands of rounds. For sale. In unlimited quantities. God bless Texas. Not one to look a gift horse in the price tag, I melted my plastic for 1000 rounds of 115-grain FMJ Federal Premium, 1000 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity 22R, 1000 rounds of Federal 55-grain 5.56, and 500 rounds of 40-grain FN 5.57 X 28m. What did I pay? 100 rounds of any of the above to the winner. Contest closes at midnight tonight (Sunday). Winner announced tomorrow (Monday) morning.

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  1. Ditto on hearing the “where” more than the “how much” – should I find myself in the general area I would dearly love to know where to go visit; my own bendy plastic card is looking to get warm its own self.

  2. $920 if it was reasonably prices for the current market. Significantly higher if you just had to have it, and the only reason they had it was their high prices were scaring other buyers away.

  3. Is that before or after legal fees for the months long wrangling after the DHS raid for this ‘cache’ ?

  4. $1,325 before tax based on price per round in MI, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say for that kinda supply…


  5. $1381.53.
    When I win, I will take 100 rounds of the FN ammo. I will resell it and use the proceeds to buy 500 rounds of 9mm at Walmart and then have a nice dinner with the remaining funds.

  6. $1303 after sales tax
    Whatever you paid, bet it kinda made ya feel warm & fuzzy stacking it all together for that photo!

  7. Picked it up at GT Distributors? That’s the only place in Austin I think would have that variety and quantity on hand.. Might be worth a trip to price it out 🙂

    • That’s what I’m betting too. I KNOW GT has the 5.56 at least. They’ve got a pallet of it on the showroom floor that’s been there for a while.

  8. I’m just shocked by these low prices.

    All the 1000 round 5.56 cubes I’m seeing here in CA are $700 each.

    I’m gonna say 1,650.

  9. 1000 rounds of 115-grain FMJ Federal Premium, ~ $400
    1000 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity 22R, ~ $80
    1000 rounds of Federal 55-grain 5.56, ~ $420
    and 500 rounds of 40-grain FN 5.57 X 28m ~ $370

    Grand Total (not including Tax) ~$1,270

    Please donate the 100rds of 22lr to a local Appleseed Event or Organizer

  10. $1,325 plus the published sales tax of 6.25% got me to
    $1,407.81 final answer.

    Wait a minute tho, is food taxed? After all, this is gun food.

  11. My guess is $1230. I can’t wait to hear where this is from, the shocks on my truck are about to be exhausted!

    • Jim,

      I got the same thing. What was your breakdown? .22 for 9mm, .08 for 22lr, .44 for 5.56, .80 for FN.

  12. $1235 on plastic. Your bank will now freak out and cancel you as a customer when they find out what you just bought by borrowing their money.

  13. 1000 rounds of 115-grain FMJ Federal Premium, ~ $350
    1000 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity 22R, ~ $100
    1000 rounds of Federal 55-grain 5.56, ~ $410
    and 500 rounds of 40-grain FN 5.57 X 28m ~ $620

    Total without tax $1,480
    Total with tax $1,572.50

    • For some reason I thought it was 1,000 rounds of 5.57, so editing my numbers.

      1000 rounds of 115-grain FMJ Federal Premium, ~ $350
      1000 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity 22R, ~ $100
      1000 rounds of Federal 55-grain 5.56, ~ $410
      500 rounds of 40-grain FN 5.57 X 28m ~ $310

      Total without tax $1,170
      Total with tax $1,243.13

  14. 1111 before tax, or 1199.88 after 8% sales tax. If the tax is 6.25% as I have seen some people quote, I say 1180.44

    (I personally think it should be before tax, though.)

    Also, article says 5.57×28. Shouldn’t that be 5.7×28? If it is and you correct that, please feel free to edit this part of my comment out. Cheers!

  15. $1,009.90 + Tax? 5.56 = $400, 5.7 = $189.90, 22LR = $75, 9mm =$345, if I win, I’m in Austin, so you don’t have to ship…

  16. $1200 for the 115 Federal

    $150 for CCI Standard Velocity 22R

    $410 for 1000 rounds of Federal 55-grain 5.56

    $380 for 500 rounds of 40-grain FN 5.57 X 28m

    Total: $2140

  17. Hmmm, locally sourced retail ammo without a 2 box limit that wasn’t sold out by that evening?
    Either you traded your soul or they really marked up the price for you.

  18. I’m gonna say $1,062.39 after TX sales tax….Wish I had a CC to set on fire like that! 🙂


  19. Based on my experience in AZ and now TX im gonna say: $1585 after tax.

    And I want the FN 5.7 ammo. Please and Thank you!

    • Is this just a naturally excitable person, or the worst way to announce a winner EVAR?

      Sure would prefer an official-type announcement from RF; morning is almost gone where I’m at…

      • No, I’ m not the winner at all.

        I emailed TTAG to ask when they were going to announce the winner and Matt in FL said I was laughably off with my “craigslist style lowball” of $839.

        • Mainly because your message didn’t include a numerical guess, I thought your message might have been the winner announcement.

          Sorry you didn’t win. Maybe next time?

  20. Trick Question. Robert did not pay a dime. This is was was willed to him from the Mike B estate. RIP Mike B and thanks for the ammo.

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