Trump nra convention
President Donald Trump applauds the audience after speaking at the National Rifle Association annual convention in Dallas, Friday, May 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will address the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association, one of his most loyal constituencies.

Trump’s April 26 appearance in Indianapolis comes about a month after his administration pushed a ban on bump stocks, the device used by the gunman in the 2017 Las Vegas massacre to make his weapons fire rapidly like machine guns.

Trump has been a strong supporter of the NRA, which spent millions helping to elect him in 2016.

Nevertheless, the NRA’s top priorities — allowing gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry permit to carry a handgun in any state and easing restrictions on the sales of suppressors — remain unfulfilled.

The speech to the NRA will be Trump’s third consecutive appearance at the group’s annual meeting.

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  1. Before the ‘never trumpers’ and the other back handed supporters of pelosi and hillary get started I’d like to say this about that.

    It appears to be about who appoints judges. Trump or the not Trumps. I never liked Trump but I voted for him anyway. Anybody that couldn’t take him down in the primaries had no chance against hildabeast.

    If he is the gop nominee in the upcoming election I will vote for him again. 2 terms of him in the white house and we’ll have constitutional carry nation wide.

    • All of which has precisely nothing to do with his appearance at the NRA…

      Whatever; the NRA VIPs are just as strong of gun rights supporters as the president & all the other Fudds, so it’s appropriate.

      Anyone wanna take bets on Adam Kraut inexplicably coming up 20 votes short for a third time, lol?

      • “Whatever; the NRA VIPs are just as strong of gun rights supporters as the president & all the other Fudds, so it’s appropriate.”

        Yep. When I read this TTAG article, I was going to post that Trump and the NRA are a perfect match.

        • Yup, both of them blowing smoke up the @$$es of POG at a paid meeting regarding their political and legislative commitments to the gun rights of American citizens. What either says might as well be irrelevant because I won’t be contributing to them, anyway.

        • LOL. Adam Kraut is actually fighting the bump stock ban in the courts, while all the other NRA BOD candidates sit on their ass. And for the record, it’s not about the bump stocks, stupid.

    • The never trumpers and NRA haters also have no viable alternative. If it’s not Trump, it’s some batshit leftist. And although I appreciate and donate to the other gun orgs, only the NRA has any real pull in Congress. Congress and the presidency chooses the court. I’ll vote for Trump again because I’m a realist.

      • It’s only ever been one group of.folks with fingers in their ears, shouting “no alternative” even back to the early primaries.

        At least you’re admitting he’s got issues & an alternative is needed; that’s progress. Many still say he’s the most pro-gun president ever -still!

        • I do too, for the record. He seems like an all around great candidate. But it’ll be a cycle or two, or more, before he runs, if he does.

      • “If it’s not Trump, it’s some batshit leftist.”

        You choose to lose the battle for liberty through attrition. That’s your choice to make but liberty will lose in the end.These Judas goats act as safety valves and harm liberty in the long term. As for me, I choose to allow a batshit leftist to get into office. At least there’s no mistake about what they stand for and POTG are more likely to fight against their brand of tyranny. Notice how a bump stock ban never happened under Obama?

        If they disregard constitutional age requirements and AOC runs in 2020, she’ll get my vote. She’s screwed up enough that even the dimmest of POTG sheep will see her for what she is. With Trump and the NRA, the dimmest of POTG sheep think they are actually for the unalienable right when they continually push for more privilege in the place of the right. Those privileges become normalized and farther down the slippery slope we go.

        • Yeah whatever. And when the day comes when the metal meets the meat what are you going to do? Probably what you’re doing now. I’d rather it not get to that point, because the only fight your garunteed to win is the one you don’t have.

        • “Yeah whatever. And when the day comes when the metal meets the meat what are you going to do? Probably what you’re doing now. I’d rather it not get to that point, because the only fight your garunteed to win is the one you don’t have.”

          That’s a lot of blustering bullshit and it’s sad that you can’t see it.

          There can be no successful fight if the people don’t see what the fight is. Currently, we have privilege in place of the exercise of the right. Tell me how people are going to fight that if they can’t even recognize it? Each turn of the wheel normalizes privilege in place of rights. You’re following Judas goats.

        • “I’d rather it not get to that point, because the only fight your garunteed to win is the one you don’t have.”

          That only works before a serious attack. Once the attack is in progress, you have to fight or you will lose.

        • Good to see you out of the closet, john. I’m guessing you voted for hillary. Yep, your genius strategy would give the house, the white house and the senate to the aoc’s and hildabeast’s. Just so folks will wake up to your way of thinking and fight? Do you at least get paid by the progs or do you just volunteer to sell out?

        • “Good to see you out of the closet, john. I’m guessing you voted for hillary.”

          I almost did but she wasn’t bad enough, in my opinion. So, I chose not to vote in that election. If a bad enough leftist joins the race, I might vote for them.

          “Yep, your genius strategy would give the house, the white house and the senate to the aoc’s and hildabeast’s.”


          “Just so folks will wake up to your way of thinking and fight?”

          Let’s examine your way of thinking. Does “shall not infringe” prohibit, at least constitutionally, government from passing any gun control? (I’m discussing federal only as to not get into the weeds and because we are talking about federal offices.)

          “Do you at least get paid by the progs or do you just volunteer to sell out?”

          I know what the fight is and I value my liberty greatly.

        • Apparently you value your freedom and your nations freedom none at all, john. And you the one preaching about judas goats. You’re so far out in the weeds you see AOC in the oval office as a good thing.


        • “Apparently you value your freedom and your nations freedom none at all, john. And you the one preaching about judas goats. You’re so far out in the weeds you see AOC in the oval office as a good thing.


          You simply lack the ability to see the endgame and don’t understand the nature of liberty and the nature of tyranny. Each generation understands the fight less and less. Your solution is to pass it on to a future generation. One that will be less able to identify the fight. One that will be less able to communicate about the fight. And, one that will be less equipped to fight it. All the while, tyranny grows stronger.

          Tyranny continues to grow until liberty minded people are willing to fight to stop it. That’s what the revolution that founded this country was about. The history of humanity bears this out. Your capitulation will only end in chains for generations to come.

        • There is question on the table that you don’t seem to want to answer…

          Does “shall not infringe” prohibit, at least constitutionally, government from passing any gun control? (I’m discussing federal only as to not get into the weeds and because we are talking about federal offices.)

        • My bad. I did not answer the question. No. I do not believe the feds or the state has a right to push any gun control. Outside of nuclear, biologic or chemical weapons I believe citizens have a right to any conventional weapons their finances allow.

          As for your vision of the fight and my lack of same. You do realize what it is a sign of when you believe you’re the only one that can see what all those around you cannot, right?

        • “My bad. I did not answer the question.”

          No problem. I shouldn’t have stated that you avoided it because that was an inflammatory statement based upon my assumptions. That was my bad.

          “No. I do not believe the feds or the state has a right to push any gun control. Outside of nuclear, biologic or chemical weapons I believe citizens have a right to any conventional weapons their finances allow.”

          At least we have some common ground. I’m setting aside the unconstitutional doctrine created in Marbury v. Madison since Judicial Review is how the tyrants roll these days. How do we get to “shall not be infringed” through Supreme Court Justices that start from the entrenched position that privileges somehow equate to “shall not be infringed” and cite to stare decisis to support that position? It’s like halving the distance to something. You never reach it. In this situation, you get farther away from the goal because privileges only serve to water down the exercise of a right.

        • “As for your vision of the fight and my lack of same. You do realize what it is a sign of when you believe you’re the only one that can see what all those around you cannot, right?”

          I did not state that I believed that I was the only one that can see it and that all of those around me cannot. I know plenty of people who share my view. Many do not typically articulate it in public. I’d also guess that a few hardcore tyrants understand my view and know to fight it because it poses the greatest threat to tyranny.

        • “You choose to lose the battle for liberty through attrition.”

          ok, pretty clear you don’t know how battles are chosen nor what attrition is.

        • NB & LIAMD34,

          Then show me where the logic doesn’t work. How do we get to “shall not be infringed” with judges that clearly believe that privileges equate to rights and stick to precedent to support their argument?

        • @john in ohio

          “…If …. AOC runs in 2020, she’ll get my vote…..”

          Want you to know there is something wrong with you.

          By your logic if you got a cold your white blood cells weren’t working well enough. Therefore you need to wake them up from their privilege… giving yourself Ebola.


          The kiwi shooter had some similar notions.

        • @ john in Ohio

          “….Cofeffe… another sock puppet with no argument, only insults….”

          Just like a progressive, throw an insult, say the other person said it (projection), and ignore the points brought up. Just imagine that is A LOT easier than to address the logic that you want to politically infect yourself with Ebola.

          FYI read the Aussie manifesto, lots of cutting off you nose to spit your face similarities.

        • Get out. Get out now. Put whatever “wealth” you have in silver or copper because I doubt you have enough to buy a gold coin. Get rid of your car, house, drivers license, citizenship and everything. Go live in the woods and “live off the land”. We won’t miss you because YOU are batshit crazy.

        • “Just like a progressive, throw an insult, say the other person said it (projection), and ignore the points brought up. Just imagine that is A LOT easier than to address the logic that you want to politically infect yourself with Ebola.

          FYI read the Aussie manifesto, lots of cutting off you nose to spit your face similarities.”

          Here’s truth for you…. If you actually think I am a progressive then you are blind, deaf, and dumb. I stand for just about everything opposite of progressives. *smh*

          Are you AVOIDING answering the question?
          How do we get to “shall not be infringed” with judges that clearly believe that privileges equate to rights and stick to precedent to support their argument?

        • “Get out. Get out now. Put whatever “wealth” you have in silver or copper because I doubt you have enough to buy a gold coin. Get rid of your car, house, drivers license, citizenship and everything. Go live in the woods and “live off the land”. We won’t miss you because YOU are batshit crazy.”

          Answer the question or kiss my ass.

        • For those drive-by imbeciles, NOT the regular posters here whom I respect, even if we do disagree, argue, and occasionally insult each other… Look at the defense of liberty and some of the logic in my words. Y’all would be gnashing your teeth at many of the founders of this nation. I’m not saying much different than the essence of what they’ve been recorded as saying and doing.

          The problem is that you love security more than you love your liberty. You worship government as a god and cannot conceive of fighting for your own freedom. You are slaves and it terrifies you to imagine someone else throwing off your master’s chains because it demonstrates just how pathetic you are.

        • The “batshit leftists” stand for Communistic control. To disarm the public so there is no defense at all for the people with their fascist tactics and tyranny.
          And before you go the wrong way, I am a Democrat. But first and foremost a Constitutionalist. And can tell you these so called “New World Socialists” are not socialists. They are Tyrants and much worse than Fidel Castro! They should have been facing charges of treason long ago!!
          Anyone with eyes and any kind of common sense would know!! They are attempting to destroy the Costitution and the rights of all Americans. They are TRASH!!!!!

      • “I’ll vote for Trump again because I’m a realist.”

        You’re delusional. A wolf in sheep’s clothing is more dangerous than a wolf in the open. That’s being a realist.

        • No handing SCOTUS over to the left, opening the border, and giving the dems a permanent dominant status is what’s stupid.

        • Again, you are following Judas goats. These Supreme Court Justices believe in a government controlled privilege in the place of the exercise of an unalienable individual right.

          You can’t get there from here by your chosen route. If you think that we can, please, explain it for all how appointing Justices who believe in the exercise of a privilege can possibly lead to the exercise of the actual right through that process alone? It cannot. It requires people willing to break those unconstitutional laws.

        • Do you believe that the Second Amendment means what it says in plain language? Do you believe that government is prohibited from infringing, even a little bit, due to that amendment?

        • Look John, I get it. You want to just lay it all on the table and have an open new revolution. I can’t say I even disagree with your points. But I’m still voting for Trump because it’s very possible that when this future “time to fight comes” no one will. Continuing to put conservatives in positions of power is a better option in my opinion, then letting to leftists take this country down into a Venezuelan shithole. Trump isn’t even a conservative, put he is helping many conservative causes and is causing the left an *extreme* aneurism which is delightful to watch.

        • “Look John, I get it. You want to just lay it all on the table and have an open new revolution. I can’t say I even disagree with your points.”


          “But I’m still voting for Trump because it’s very possible that when this future “time to fight comes” no one will.”

          Have you ever examined why you believe no one will fight? I think it’s slim that they will fight but the alternative is tyranny. The United States of America has the military ability and technological ability (add in the power of the petro-dollar) to all but snuff out liberty on a global scale for many generations to come. If a fight is not taken up, tyranny will be the result. Time favors tyranny. If nobody is willing to fight for their liberty then they deserve servitude.

          America has been a beacon of liberty which many people around the globe have used as a guiding light. That light is rapidly being corrupted. Privileges in the place of rights is deadly to liberty. If we don’t sort out our light, it will mislead the rest of the world for many generations. Liberty might not recover in the minds of men for a thousand years or more.

          “Continuing to put conservatives in positions of power is a better option in my opinion, then letting to leftists take this country down into a Venezuelan shithole.”

          That slow decent might help you but once you are gone, the world is left with an even more powerful tyrant. It’s better to fight while we still can see the fight. It’s better that we descend rapidly into a Venezuelan shithole while the people still have the tools to fight. We lose more ability to exercise the actual right in the long term. Eventually, there won’t be the will nor adequate tools for the fight.

          “Trump isn’t even a conservative, put he is helping many conservative causes”

          Liberty doesn’t need conservatives. Liberty needs people who understand unalienable rights. Many conservatives are good for the wallet but harmful to liberty.

          I actually like Trump as a person, BTW. It’s simply that I know he is more dangerous to liberty than the most rabid of leftists. That’s why I cannot support him in any position of power. He is used as a Judas goat and a safety valve.

          “and is causing the left an *extreme* aneurism which is delightful to watch.”

          While fun to watch, it is a diversion from the fight. Now, if there were an intentional plan to push the left to the edge so more people see what the fight is, that would be great. However, that’s not what is going on here.

        • ” it’s very possible that when this future “time to fight comes” no one will.”

          That’s because we are very late to the battle. This should’ve been taken up generations ago. Thomas Jefferson was correct in that regard. We’ve gone far more than a generation without rebellion or revolution. Our birthright has been left to rot. Kicking the can down the road worsens this issue.

          If this generation will not fight, the next will be even less likely to do so. They will be even more restricted in their ability to communicate that need and in possessing the tools, knowledge, and desire to carry it out. Time favors tyranny. Action favors liberty.

      • I want Dan Crenshaw to run so he can put Trump in his place. I don’t think he will win the primaries because the establishment anti America Republicans don’t want a man like that, they want the patriot Trump.

        Crenshaw is now 35, won his first election into congress and is somewhat a known name because of the SNL issue. He was in the military and fight for what he thought was for America. It’s a great time for someone like him to stand besides Trump on the debate stage. It’s kind of necessary he does. He can go from his congressional term into a presidential term before the establishment can ruin America in 2024.

    • Wouldn’t it be great if those new SCOTUS justices helped overturn Trump’s bumpstock ban.

      For the record, I did not vote for Thedonald the first go ’round, but he hasn’t been nearly as bad as I thought he would be. I honestly thought he’d be so bad we’d be stuck with Demoncrats for a dozen years afterward. So at the time 4 years of HRC was sure to leave everybody so sick of Demoncrats it would take a generation for them to ever see the inside of the White House again. But as it is, I’ll pull the lever for the Great Orange Man come 2020.

      • Ignorance is bliss. The destruction of America is near. Thank you for participating. Soon you will learn the hard way.

      • You & I, are of a kind, lol. Totally agree with just about all you said. But I also think I’ll get sick on myself when SCOTUS overturns the ban and his little sheep start bleating it was his master-genious plan all along. Trump’s ardent supporters were, and continue to be, the most off-putting part of his administration. It was the same with Obama.

    • Will there be secret meetings with the Russians at this NRA convention just like all the others?

      Will there be any more cute little Russian honey traps, red swallows looking for traitorous NRA executives?

      • You better knock it off or I’m gonna let the nurse know you’re sneaking away and using the magic box when you should be dreaming of Putin.

    • I am a life time member of the nra i have never hunted in my life , i spent 6 years in the army enlisted, after seperating i joined the nra my reason was to enhance my liking of target shooting , with that said i became a member of the golden eagles. the nra is not what the democrates in a lame congress has spouted with their so called members espically cryin chuck he is a follower not a leader and has proven it .

    • I will get my ccw, when we get the nation wide permit, that is what I have been waiting for. We are one nation under God, and our drivers license is nation wide, and the ccw should be also.

  2. It will be interesting to see the reception he gets…

      • Would you rather he be disinvited? Perhaps the “Beta Boy” could spare an hour or two?

        • For confiscating half a million gun owners’ property? Hell yes, tell him off; tell your members not to fund his ass during re-election until he reverses, too. What pray tell *would* Trump have to do in your eyes, to earn the NRA’s ire? Ban something that *you* happen to personally care about?

        • “For confiscating half a million gun owners’ property? Hell yes, tell him off…”

          I for one think it would be more effective both in terms of optics and in terms of making a point to the man himself to invite him, get him in front of the audience and then tell him off. A bit of Titus Andronicus flavor to the meal, if you get my drift/pun.

          But hey, what do I know? I’m just some dipshit on the interwebz.

  3. Sweet looking forward to The enthusiasm from the fudd Boomer crowd who actually believe he gives a damn about 2A rights. He’s done ZERO for 2a.

    • “He’s done ZERO for 2a.”


      This crap again?

      Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, instead of Kagan II and Sotomayor II…

      • They’ve done nothing for us or against us, yet. Yet. But as of now, yes, Trump is deffo in the red with gun owners.

      • Kavanaugh is anti gun for the people and pro gun for the police state. Don’t forget G.W. also wanted to renew the assault weapons ban and Kavanaugh was right there.

        • “Don’t forget G.W. also wanted to renew the assault weapons ban…”

          WTF? Whatever you’re on, can I have some from your bag?

          If Bush 2 wanted to set the Clinton AWB in stone all he had to do was NOTHING. But he DIDN’T. He let it SUNSET…

      • Well, he did pass Reciprocity, and didn’t pass gun control, nor did he endorse Democrat gun control at the state level either, so…

        • I see no “reciprocity” nor do I see a “Hearing Protection Act”. I have seen no legislation on DJT’s desk and that’s a Congressional responsibility. Hell they couldn’t even replace Unaffordable Care Act.

  4. I wonder which BOD folks Trump voted for? I assume he’s a member if he keeps showing up, and I assume he can spring for Life, lol

  5. Trump and the NRA fit together like hand and glove. Neither support the unalienable individual right to keep and bear arms. Both have done harm to the expression of that right while publicly proclaiming that they support it. Both act as a safety valve to keep the People from revolting against unconstitutional infringement. Both could turn out to be more dangerous to liberty than the most rabid gun grabbers because they quiet the discontent and break up the cohesiveness of the POTG while whittling away at the expression of the real unalienable individual right. Both believe in accepting privilege in place of exercising the actual right.

    They are both Judas goats.

  6. LOL. Will the fantastic duo, Wayne and Chris, give President Trump an NRA-themed bump stock with the engraving “The last one turned in! Good job Mr. President!” as a present?

    This is a serious suggestion for anyone attending the NRA Annual Meeting. President Trump’s speech is going to happen on Friday. Arrive early or late at the convention center to escape the traffic and hit the show floor. It will be significantly less people there than on Saturday and you actually can talk to people.

    • Imagine the money they could have raised selling NRA-themed bump stocks rather than banning them. Morons.

  7. They NEED to put Trumps feet to the fire 🔥 regarding unconstitutional “Red Flag laws”, the bump stock issue, and more important issues regarding the basic fundamentals of the 2nd Amendment ( never mind the suppressor NFA stuff, or the National CCW Law—*where the 2nd is OUR permit /UBC/ability own, possess or purchase!!! 2nd Amendment Constitutional Carry !!!*) We should be focusing on passing legislation that makes it a “Capital Crime” for any Government Political, Government agent/agencies, Law Enforcement Organizations/LEOs, or Private Entities claiming “Sovereign Immunity”, from infringements against the U.S. Citizenry lawfully exercising their 2nd amendment rights! With Compensatory Dispensation for each event of NOT LESS than 250k…As well as Fines and imprisonment for the guilty parties, and the defunding of Goverment and Law Enforcement agencies !!! That would be a great start !!! Make it so !!!!

    • The NRA told Trump to pass red flag laws and get the ATF to mess with bump fire stocks. Trump wanted more, but they settled there until Trump got mad and started talking about not being afraid of the NRA or their members and stating Republicans are a bunch of weaklings for not pushing for gun control.

      • Hooray, now my Gun Control Frenemy Bingo card is full; “Not muh Trump, yer NRA!”

        Guess what? It doesn’t matter which moron had the idea first, because both Trump & Lapierre were firmly behind gun control when they thought they could get away with it.

  8. Meh…they’re all we got. Which is 😢. Just saw Shazam! Great and entertaining with no real political BS. Unlike the NRA dog & pony show.

    • Seriously? I was expecting it to suck at least as much as the original show, lol. I’ll have to check it out.

      • It had an Aquaman vibe. Good vs evil too. Miles better than the Captain Marvel turd! Both my sons review movies online and they loved it. So did my honey the actress😄

        • Cool, I liked Aquaman (never thought I’d say that either) though they did sorta ignore all the world’s coastal cities being destroyed by tidal waves and the deaths of billions, lol

  9. No one really talking about the Violence Against Women Act? Isn’t this adding more gun control?

  10. As expected, this story draws a heated comment section.

    Excuse me while I get some snacks to properly enjoy this.

  11. Good! It’s refreshing to have a POTUS that attends the NRA conventions, appoints right wing judges and isn’t constantly lamenting about the lack of gun control laws in America. If you’re anti-Trump and an NRA hating POS you can GFY you Leftist water carrying turd. #KAG! 2020

  12. hes going to get booed for the bumpstock thing
    and rightfully so
    everything else he will get a standing o for
    and rightfully so
    2020 is his to lose at this point
    he knows it
    the democrats know it
    thats why theyre collectively losing their minds right now

    • He wasn’t booed last year, even in the same metro-area that SlideFire called home…in fact, we were instructed to do nothing to embarrass him, lol.

  13. To all concerned. IMHO there is not going to be a civil war or revolution in America in the coming years. Not going to happen. We’re too well fed and too soft to get enraged enough to fight. We’re simply not desperate enough. And if we somehow did work up the energy it would be a disaster of biblical proportions. The most likely ending that did not result in total destruction of the nation and those within would end with us being administered by some sort of UN type or .org. And all our freedom would be gone at that point. Never to return.

    The only sane option we have left is to work within the system. Vote, file lawsuits, etc.

    • +1

      All this bullshit about revolution and “watering the tree of liberty” is just that– bullshit. The ravings of the seriously delusional.

      Civil disorder, I can buy in to that. Civil War? Not a f___ing chance. No segment of the population is organized or motivated enough to launch any kind of coordinated military adventure, not even Gen4 warfare. There is not, and there will not be, any kind of cohesive chain of command and there is no single, unifying ideology to keep it all together other than “keep yo friggin hands off my guns”. That’s hardly sufficient glue to keep and army together in the field and keep it pointed in the right direction.

      On the other hand, there is a very high possibility that sooner, moreso than later, some untreated raw human excrement is going to impact the electrically-driven air turbulence generator. It may be a political collapse. It may be an economic collapse. It may be an environmental collapse. Whatever direction it comes from, it won’t be pretty, and widespread civil disorder and general chaos is the likely result. Meaning we won’t be out there fighting for rights and liberty, but more likely fighting for food. It will all be very pragmatic. So even though all the talk of Civil War is bullshit– it’s probably a good idea to keep you powder dry nonetheless.

    • “To all concerned. IMHO there is not going to be a civil war or revolution in America in the coming years. Not going to happen. We’re too well fed and too soft to get enraged enough to fight. We’re simply not desperate enough. And if we somehow did work up the energy it would be a disaster of biblical proportions. The most likely ending that did not result in total destruction of the nation and those within would end with us being administered by some sort of UN type or .org. And all our freedom would be gone at that point. Never to return.”

      I agree that the odds of people actually fighting for liberty are slim. I completely agree that they are not desperate enough. Why aren’t they desperate enough? They don’t understand the fight and they are underestimating the danger. The next generation will be even moreso.

      If enough people could’ve seen the tyranny coming to Venezuela, would they have fought when they stood the best chance of winning? I would hope so. More tyranny is coming to America, not less. The longer people wait to take it on, the worse the fight will be. Have we waited too long? I hope not but waiting longer isn’t the answer.

      “The only sane option we have left is to work within the system. Vote, file lawsuits, etc.”

      That’s rolling over and taking it. That generally doesn’t work out well. We were warned from the past to jealously guard our liberty. We failed to heed that warning. Now, people are saying to capitulate so that we can hold on to the scraps that we have left in the hopes that they will be taken away more slowly. It doesn’t work like that. Any tyrant that senses hesitation will push for more. The system was built with fear of the People in the minds of government. Your chosen option will only reduce that fear even more.

      “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.” “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!” – Samuel Adams

      • “A self-ordained professor’s tongue too serious to fool.
        Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school.
        “Equality, ” I spoke the word as if a wedding vow.
        Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

        with apologies to B Dylan

    • “IMHO there is not going to be a civil war or revolution in America in the coming years. Not going to happen.”

      I think that depends heavily on what “they” do. There are certain lines which they’ve said they intend to cross which would be the proverbial Rubicon but these folks are not half as smart as Caesar.

      For the most part I think you’re right but there are exceptions. Were, for example, someone like Ezekiel Emmanuel to get his way most of the government would be wiped out within months. Public crucifixion might even come back into vogue.

      I don’t care how soft the country might have gotten, you tell millions people their kids are going to die from preventable issues because the government is cutting off already existing medical tech and preventing families from spending their own money to boot… and you’re going to have soccer moms blowing away Congress Persons with .44 mags live on CNN.

      • I wonder how quickly, or not at all, the POTG would fight if AOC got into the presidency in 2020.

        That, IMHO, would be a real test if the love of liberty had gone from the heart of the republic. The tyrants are wise to continue slowly boiling the frog.

    • I see your point JWM, but I think Strych9 has a pretty valid point too. It all depends on how they play it. Over the past century, we’ve all been pointing out the proverbial “frog in a boiling saucer” scenario, and I think you’re right, if they keep up that strategy. However the last feed years the left has gotten *insane* due to their plans being disrupted, and are fully committed to cranking the heat up on that kettle, as fast as they can. I do believe you’d see real civil war here if someone like AOC got in and imposed her green new deal. A rebellion would likley have tons of support from many within government and corporations. The sad part is with that scenario is the gun rights front would probably take a back seat to more politically charged issues. But my repeated point is, why let it get to that point.

      • AWB, Clinton, Janet Reno, Ruby Ridge, Waco, local incidents… It looked like the froggy was going to jump but it never did. People were locked and loaded. They had a lot of tools their children and grandchildren don’t dare now posses. They waited for the whites of the enemies’ eyes but the enemy just waited out the clock until they got old. Of my friends that have passed or become elderly and infirm, each and every one regretted not resisting then.

        During that time, the “line in the sand” was typically full on, door-to-door confiscation. Many of us told our friends that was ridiculous because when government got that bold it was because its position was so strong that opposition was probably already neutered. I hear strong, trained young guys today proclaiming the same “line in the sand.” I only pray that they too don’t grow old before they see it.

        IMHO, the odds of real resistance in the future is slimmer because when resistance would’ve cost the least, it didn’t happen. When resistance today would cost less than resistance tomorrow; it doesn’t happen.


      • “I do believe you’d see real civil war here if someone like AOC got in and imposed her green new deal.”

        If that wouldn’t do it, nothing on the horizon today could ever make the frog jump.

        AOC in 2020. Make America Green Again.

  14. Again, that’s why THEIR creating “Red Flag Laws” to eliminate YOUR constitutional rights! (Turning them into governmental issued Privilages.) Such as, Eliminating Due Process, secret court’s, declaring U.S. citizens to enemies of the state, to legitimize government/law enforcement power for civilian disarmament under force of arms under the guise of public safety, to sqaush rebellion, to legitimize Authoritarian and Totalitarian rule, Big Brother, etc! It was pretty clear cut to our early forefathers with the British…How come No one can see this coming?!

  15. Excerpt from Mel Gibson’s, The Patriot;

    Benjamin Martin : Would you tell me please, Mr. Howard, why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man’s rights as easily as a king can.

  16. Well, if everyone is out of ideas 💡 how to fight tyranny…To stop governmental over-reach into our constitutional rights…Then WE/THEY(correct pronouns) might as well roll over and become SJW Beta-Soy Males , dye your hair blue, get wrapped up in gender/identity politics, and learn how to DEEP-Throat purple Dildos !!!

    • Yep. Dogs begging for scraps from the table will never be master. I honestly wonder if the people still have it in them to fight. If that’s the case then one thing is for sure; future generations will have less knowledge of liberty, less ability to communicate that knowledge freely, and less effective tools to fight for their liberty.

      • still think trump would be wise not to take our support for granted…the republican party can not win without allied support…and, right now…many are reluctant to give it….

  17. Perfect on guns, no; better than anyone else running? Absolutely. Looking forward to seeing President Chaos in Indiana and voting for him again in 2020.

  18. I came hete just to watch people rationalize hillary somehow being the better alternative whenever trump is mentioned /popcorn.

  19. Our President Trump was not my pick in the primary but did vote for him in the National vote. I think he has done a good job of helping the working clas people of our country and could have done even more if he wasn’t fighting the deep state at the same time. I do wish he would come on board fully for our Second Amendment rights rather than just giving it lip service during the rallies that he attends. I am not a liberal troll, just an every day citizen that sees the Second Amendment encroached upon more than anything else and am concerned that this abuse of power by a government that is out of control continues un abated. Step up Mr. president by the abuses of our Government into our Second Amendment rights that our constitution says are off limits to them.

  20. The heated comments on this post mirror my own irritation at destroying my bumpstock a few days ago at the behest of the “most fantabulous 18 dimensional chess player/strategy master and full throated defender of the 2nd Amendment President ever”. (Sarcasm off) I am a media figure, and possible target…could not risk keeping it around, even knowing that a honest reading of the law makes it clear that DJT broke the law doing what he did. As to the other talk on this board of civil war, etc…Claire Wolfe said it best: “It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards”.

  21. I supported Trump in 2016.Now he has shown his true colors. Allowing the atf to categories any law that the president has a wim to create. He has set a presidence and opened pandora’s box with the bump stock ban. Even obama didn’t turn hundreds of thousands of Americans into criminals but trump did. This isn’t about bump stocks, it is about our God given right to own and bear arms and trump just trampled on it. With one hand he says that he is a supporter of our second amendment, with the other he is conspiring to take our second amendment away little by little. I will try to find a candidate who respects the constitution and the second amendment because trump has shown that he doesn’t care.

  22. “Red Flag Laws” are clearly one of the most dangerous moves against the 2nd Amendment and the law abiding citizen that has ever been attempted but the American people do not realize or care what this law will do to our fundamental rights and protection by The Constitution. Americans that love their country and honor The Constitution, from both sides of the political aisle voted for Donald Trump because he seemed to be the “lesser of two evils”. There are probably just as many republican politicians in “The Swamp” as liberal democrats that have put “self first” and then when the elected politician finds time he gives audible acknowledgment to the needs of his constituents and the our country, but their actions rarely are in support of their rhetoric. Example, the true Lindsey Graham is writing, at this moment, the “ideal” Red Flag Bill! He has lied to the people of South Carolina for years that he was a 2nd Amendment supporter but with President Trumps support of banning the “bump-stock” feels this is the safest time to show how supportive he is of the president he openly admitted he did not vote for.
    Chicago, Illinois has the strictest firearm ban in the country and the highest numbers of murders on the south side in the nation, week after week. The neighborhood, right in the front yard of The University of Chicago where almost everyone, including most of the residents are fearful to leave their homes. There are gun laws, starting with The Sullivan Act that if enforced would do the job, but it never happens and all additional gun laws restrict the law abiding citizen from protecting his family and self. This is not the American way or the road to meaningful survival of our country. I am a member for many years of the NRA, a veteran and a supporter of President Trump, but lets watch closely what transpires at The NRA Convention and I think it will give a very clear view about our survival or destruction of The 2nd Amendment of The Constitution and the protection rights of law abiding citizens.

  23. Typical NRA. Trump’s Administration says a Bump Stock is a machine gun and the NRA invites him as headliner. So glad I dumped the NRA for Gun Owners of America (GOA). NRA compromises on about every third news release.

    • No justification for dumping The NRA or doubting President Trump at this point in my opinion, they both have done too much in the attempt to MAGA after 8 years of a Muslim president who still operates in the shadows with the help of the liberal brain dead democrats to destroy our country. Yes, I think the other gun organization you mentioned is honest but we need all the pro organizations to fight for our country and not fight each other. As I said, lets watch closely to see how this comes out and also read very closely and comprehend what Lindsey Graham is creating with his new “RED FLAG” bill. He is not to be trusted, he has lied for years about being a supporter of The 2nd Amendment.

  24. If I was Red Flagged I would put all of my tax money in an escrow account and not release it until ALL my property and rights have been restored!!

  25. “Hey NRA! I supported the deprivation of property without compensation by banning bumpstocks, and so did you. Let’s see how else we can infring on the Second Amendment next year!”

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