CMMG Tactical Bacon

If your calendar is insufficiently informative, you may have missed the fact that today is National Bacon Day. It’s the one day each year we pause to appreciate the bounty provided by our prodigious porcine pals.

While just about any bacon is good bacon, you’ll no doubt want to stock up on actual Tactical Bacon. CMMG’s canned, freeze dried goodness (54 slices) stays shelf stable for 10 years, so if the S ever really does HTF, at least you’ll have some smoky pork belly to tide you over. And in the mean time, you’ll rest easy knowing that your store of bacon in truly tactical. As it should be.



    • Today is National Bacon Day…Are You Prepared?

      I’m woefully unprepared! I’m not prepared! What can I do???!?

  1. We purchase bacon from a local organic farmer. My wife and daughter will not eat bacon, so, it is all for me. How great my suffering!!

    About 6 pounds left in the freezer.

    It seems like everything tastes better with bacon.

    BTW, heading to DC again, Jan 6, Electoral College day. StoptheSteal says 1.5m folk have RSVP’d, thus far. They are calling for people to show up on the 5th and turn the National Mall into a campground. Check out

    I will be packing peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. You betcha!

    • Carry pepper spray as well.

      Antifa is gonna be there looking for a scrap…

      • Geoff………..

        Good advice! Everyone in my posse will have snow-boarding goggles, mace, tactical gloves, knives that are legal in DC, and sturdy aluminium flag poles.

        We go there in peace. No intention to fight, riot, burn, or loot. We will travel as a pack. We will leave before the sun goes down.

        Always open to suggestions for keeping my crowd safe!!

        • The brown shirted antifa fascists will not like you enjoying your constitutional rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech. There will be trouble.

          Stay safe.

        • Dec 6th just got tastier, Senator Josh Hawley today became the first US Senator to announce that he could not vote to certify the fraudulent 2020 election for President.

          thegatewaypundit /2020/12/breaking-walmart-slams-senator-josh-hawley-standing-election-fraud-hawley/ (This site blocks any links or videos – but that is site of the story)

          Walmart replied: Go Ahead. Get your 2 hour debate #soreloser

        • Lexan knuckles fracture occipital structure, cheekbones and facial bones in general. Wands don’t detect them and they weigh almost nothing. Also ice picks are easily hidden in signs and are cheap to buy and pass out, or leave behind. Preferably in an antifa’s kidney or base of skull….

        • “Lexan knuckles fracture occipital structure, cheekbones and facial bones in general.”

          And being made of a tough, shatter-resistant polycarbonate, won’t be detected by metal detectors… 😉

      • Craig in IA,

        Pigs usually do not get old enough to purchase cigarettes. That means the farmers would have to supply them. But, then, the animal rights groups would be all over the farmers. So, the result is that the pigs do not get any cigarettes, and the smoke has to be added postmortem.

        But I am pretty sure you already knew all of that.


  2. Just returned from the market with some buckboard bacon. Wil be making my own back bacon and peameal in the very near future. Whatever happened to DAK canned Danish bacon?

  3. Bacon is its own food group.
    I had a bacon, egg, cheese, mayo sandwich for brunch.
    Had dairy, bread, eggs protein and bacon. So, 4 food groups!

  4. Bacon @ $25 for a 9 oz. can… nuff said. That was Damn funny “possum”. Pig Lube great for use against the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Harem and the unaffiliated Rag Head Terrorist.

  5. As much as I love bacon, I cannot justify the cost: it seems like it is really hard to pay less than $4.50 per pound for what is basically 70% pure fat. I would rather buy a quality ham for around $3 per pound which is something like 95% fat free.

    For the rest of you who can justify the expense — enjoy!

  6. i cant speak for the bacon
    but what i can say is that the best bone stock mil spec trigger i ever got in a lower parts kit was from cmmg
    almost as smooth as snot on glass with just the right amout of creep and a clean predictable break
    its basically as good as the enhanced polished trigger i sometimes get in a psa lpk but without the nickel boron coating
    ill replace that one last

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