A few factors for the first-time gun buyer to consider: comfort, capacity, size, weight, ease of maintenance, whether they have sufficient grip strength. Not to mention the most important aspect — what you want your new gun to do.

Of course, all of these considerations apply equally to both men and women when they’re looking to buy their first handgun. But as anyone who’s spent much time at all in gun stores can tell you, not all of them are amenable to the inexperienced woman looking for her first firearm.

Maybe the best advice in this video: if you’re not getting the answers you need, or are getting an attitude…move on. Find another store that will give you the time you need and answer all of your questions.

You can see this and hundreds more videos from God, Family and Guns at their YouTube channel here


  1. I think one of the biggest factors is whether or not she is willing to practice. If she is not going to be able to instantly clear malfunctions and perform immediate action drills, then she should get a revolver. The immediate action for a malfunctioning revolver is to pull the trigger again.

    • Well, doing clearing malfs instantly is something most people can’t do until they practice a fair amount. Also, it’s not mandatory if they’re carrying a Glock or S&W and they know how to shoot. You are right, though, that practice is the most important thing.

      I wouldn’t recommend a revolver for ladies for the same reason I wouldn’t recommend one for guys. It’s heavy, hard to handle, few shots, etc. Also, the S&W Shield has been around for a while, and now that there’s a 2.0, they’re dirt cheap.

    • Tip #1…when you run into “that guy” trying to get you into a .45 ACP gun, then remember who that idiot is, and never listen to anything they say, ever again.

    • Unless of course the gun actually did break (which has happened to two of my revolvers) and now you’ve got a paperweight to throw at the BG.

      Not saying it’s common but it does happen. 95% plus of failures with a semiauto can be cleared. Unless the problem is with the ammo rather than the gun 95% of revolver failures need a gunsmith.

      Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

  2. The tips for ladies are almost the same as the tips for guys. Pretty much, be safe, train, have fun, carry.

    I have a theory that the reason people “don’t have the grip strength” to shoot is because of the same reason they lean backwards, have a low grip, flinch, etc. They gun is controlling them, which makes them back off more, which makes it worse. The issue is an aggressive mentality to the gun and solid training problem, not a physical problem.

    • That’s an excellent point, and I think you’re probably right. Gotta exert your will over a firearm, which, if you view guns as anything even slightly negative (as opposed to neutral), is gonna be difficult. When I teach a new shooter, the very first thing I do is give them a brief overview of how firearms work and show one or two stripped down. I find that helps to reinforce that a gun is nothing more than a collection of fitted metal and plastic/wood parts

  3. My favorite advice: tell your oh-so-knowlegable boyfriend or husband to keep quiet and stand over there while he keeps the credit card warm and let’s you and the salesperson go through the choices.
    The gun isn’t for you, guys. Tell the salesperson what your budget is but otherwise leave this to her.

    • LOL! Now that’s funny… But what makes you think that a woman needs a man to do anything at all while she buys a gun? I’ve been a widow for 32 years, and I can keep my own damned credit card warm. 🙂 In fact, I have used cash for the last 10 years. And no budget arguments from anyone.

      Anyone buying their first gun “should” have already done their homework and know fairly well what they want to start with. I advise my students to handle all the different guns possible, shoot as many as they can, and talk to others who already own/carry to see what they have found to be good – and why. That way they save themselves a lot of time and become acquainted with many options before they start to lay out the money.

      I offer to accompany any lady (men just look at me funny when I offer this) to the gun store and gun shows if they want. I can also give a fair examination of used guns and point out problems if any. I never try to tell them which gun they “need” or push them away from one they like, of course. I’m available… not in control.

    • If the salesman is making minimum wage, I would listen carefully to what he is telling her. I’ve worked with a couple of guys that thought they knew what they were selling and had no clue.

  4. I think an individual, regardless of gender, needs to go in with an open mind. My perception is that most people just want a gun. NOW.

  5. Well I bought a gun for my wife TODAY. We are most definitely on the same page about a CCL. Is she going to be OCD like her everloving husband? Nope…got a revolver which I know she’d use if necessary. Her choice.

  6. Rule #1: Shoot before you buy or at least shoot something similar. I mean, like at least the same caliber/similar size gun or something.

    Rule #2: Cute doesn’t matter. If that’s a serious consideration in your pistol buying then you’re a moron.

    I listened to this video. All I really heard was hens clucking. (Sorry.)

  7. First rule: A man should be choosing your firearm for you, because a man clearly knows what he’s talking about, and you’d best listen.

    Second rule: Don’t interrupt the man speaking on the matter while he’s making a decision for you.

    Third rule: once the man has spoken, have him take you to the range where he can dictate every move you make while handling the firearm, since your feminine body will not be used to conducting such a manly task.

    Fourth rule: You’ll have plenty of time to practice because you don’t have important things to worry about like having a job.

    Fifth rule: This is a joke, but, some dudes really try to make it this way.

  8. personally if i was a new shooter i would prefer to go to a range where i could hire a number of different guns and try them out first with someone there teaching the intricacies of the different handguns. i have heard there are gunshops with ranges like that in the US but it is virtually unheard of here in australia in large part because of all the BS with licensing, registration etc etc. the implementation all of that i feel should be completely unconstitutional act on the part of the govt.

    • It is sad that some people are such naive and foolish Utopians as to think that “modernity” changes the essence of mankind.

      There are dangerous folks out there. They will always exist. As long as they exist, the prudent will seek reasonable ways to defend themselves.

    • Why should there be any expectation that modernity will somehow change the fundamentals of human nature? Humans are living things, in all living things you will have individuals who want to be dominant over others or who want a resource and will use violence to achieve those goals. Why do such basics of nature even have to be explained?

    • What’s sad is retards such as yourself believe that “modern society” is somehow different than societies of the past. If retards, such as yourself, knew one thing about history, you’d know that the more humanity changes, the more it stays the same.Thats why retards, such as yourself, will never understand why communism never works, because we’re still the same hungry, horny, brutal creature that walked out of the jungle 500,000 years ago.

      • yeah it’s only sad in modern society, not the other 100,000 years of society from hunter-gatherer tribes to pastoral farmers to yester year that carrying some form of weapon was common. Only now a days. The nature of man hasn’t changed in that time period any more than the nature of your housecat, the raccoon under your porch, or the bear shitting in the woods. Man is violence and nature is red in tooth and claw. Is what it is.

  9. Why do we need special instructions for women to buy a weapon? Other than typically having smaller hands nothing is different from a man selecting a gun. I don’t think that treating women like special snowflakes who need special advice to buy a gun is helpful and might even be intimidating to some newbies.

    • you are spot on. my first handgun was a ruger super blackhawk with pachymar grips and 4 5/8″ barrel. they guys at the gunshop tried to say oh you will break your wrists with that thing. first shot both hands holding it firmly. after that i often used it single handed as it was easy to shoot. no need to treat women any different to men. it is about how it fits their hands, trigger finger reach and are they scared of the recoil. personally i prefer the recoil of a heavier caliber handgun then i do that of a .22 which tends to be sharper where a heavier caliber tends to be more a hard push. that however depends again on the caliber with .357 sig or .38 super also being somewhat sharper than a .38 special or 9mm

  10. If I were to buy a gun for my hunting activities, I would make sure to look for rifle ammo. Thank you for sharing here as well the importance of comparing the prices first. I also agree with you that it will be smarter to test it too.

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