Loaded Conversations Trajectory Patterns Quilt Museum Textiles
courtesy mercurynews.com

“We really wanted to create a safe space for people to be educated on appreciating quilts and textiles, all around the gun debate. Hopefully, people will come in and be surprised that it’s all textiles. They’ll go for the concept of the show and be surprised by the media.” – San Jose Quilt Museum curator Amy DiPlacido in San Jose quilt museum takes aim at gun violence [via mercurynews.com]


  1. “The social and political significance of anti-gun textiles”
    I’ll take made up millennial bullsh!t for $400, Alex.

    • She should put in squares for the hundreds of millions murdered by those governments that first outlawed gun ownership, before the democide commenced.

      • That’s the counter-demonstration.

        They’ll have to drive past a few miles of the ‘Commie-Leftist Mass-Murder Quilt’ just to get to the ‘Gun Violence’ quilt…

    • “I’ll take made up millennial bullsh!t for $400, Alex.”

      It’s a re-hash of the 80’s “AIDS Quilt”, where everyone who lost someone to AIDS would sew a square and the organizers would travel around America and display it in public spaces, as massive ‘quilt’.

      It was a cheap emotional ploy to get the country to DO SOMETHING about a disease with a behavior vector…

  2. What the…!?

    She wants to combat gun violence with an oversized Dr Who scarf?

  3. “ALL around the gun debate.”

    The word “ALL” implies both sides of the debate.

    I’ve been hearing about these new fangled weighted blankets promoting better sleep. I think I’d sleep like a baby if I could get one of these hippies to sew about 100 bandoliers together in a blanket then weigh it down with some 6.5 creedmoor.

  4. Textiles were the driving force in making slavery profitable in North America and the driving force in genocidal imperialism by the UK in India and Pakistan as well as Egypt.

    Anyone who like textiles is glorifying genocide and mass slavery

    I can’t think of a thing more likely to trigger the trans-generational victims of the violence than showcasing textiles. Heck in ancient times the very symbol of oppression was textile weaving, Penelope had to do it while Odysseus was away and the enslaved women were made to weave. Agamemnon himself said that the Trojan women would be taken away and made to weave.

    I hope the woman in this story has also made an anti-textile safe space!

    By the way is she using (or wearing) wool from enslaved and abused sheep; or they very symbols of of slavery, cotton, flax or linen; or non natural fibers well understood to create more micro-plastics in the oceans in a single day than all plastic straws do in ten years?

  5. I think we can stipulate that anywhere people feel free to appreciate, and educate themselves about, quilts qualifies as a “safe space” concerning any peril whatsoever.

  6. Well, she certainly does have a certain artistic self-righteous expression on her face, as in “Take that, you mean ol’ gun owners!” Like her textile exhibit will make any difference to anybody but an anti-gun textile junkie. After all, it’s the ‘Frisco Bay area.

  7. Can she make a Slanket for my tricked-out 10/22? It hasn’t been sleeping well since it lost 30-round mags.

  8. From the linked article:

    “While most of the works in the exhibit come down in favor of tighter gun control, DiPlacido said the museum’s goal was to act as a neutral presenter. To that end, visitors are asked to vote, using spent shell casings, on whether U.S. gun control laws should be tighter.”

    I’m not a Komifornian, but it seems like this is a set up for the Keystone Kops to bust you for a yet-to-be-passed, unapproved, non-seriallized, shells?

    Or is this a source for reloaders to come and accept their gracious gifts?

    Can I vote with a 30mm shell? Extra points for size?

  9. California is the land of fruits, nuts and flakes, and San Francisco is its Mecca.

  10. She is seeking relevance, when in fact she has none. Hoping that this can piggyback on some anti-gun publicity (remember, any publicity can be good publicity to some folks).

    I have literally seen crumpled up McDonald’s wrappers and empty french fry boxes displayed as art in a paid museum. Her textiles are better than that, but she prostituted herself doing the anti-gun thing.

  11. Imagine a quilt with a section for each victim of abortion. All 600.000+ sections. Lmao

    • One quilting square for each of the 20th century’s 100 million-plus victims of Marxist government democide. That ought to keep the progbot “textile artists” busy for a couple decades, at least.

  12. Man! Talk about flash back! I’m Californian, born and bred. From the Bay Area, San Jose and from Santa Cruz, just across the coastal mountains. How the mighty have fallen! Now it’s a socialist hell hole, at least along the coast, and it is going the way of all such collectivist, liberty hating, individual loathing ideologies.

    I grew up in the rural areas of the coastal mountains in Santa Cruz. At eleven years old, I was driving tractors with bins full of apples down the road to the local processing plant and I was shooting my 22lr pump action Winchester rifle that I would keep on my gun rack and take out anytime I wanted without any need of parental supervision. All my other friends also had rifles and we would go out shooting together, again, without the need of parental supervision. But we also all had a mother and father at home, and the parents were there to have all taught us as we were growing up, what being responsible really meant.

    Eleven years old, with adult levels of responsibility, and that was the norm. Now, the swat teams would be called out if a bunch of “Children” with guns in hand were out in public, especially with no adults around.

    So now we have the solution to “Gun violence”. Don’t have a two parent family that actually teaches children to become mature responsible adults; no, instead lets all get cuddly with some textiles, you know, blankies and onsies, sing songs and imagine whirled peas.

    • That must have been a long time ago.

      10 years back I remember myself wandering Santa Cruz with my wife, just looking for a restaurant that served MEAT. It took way too long.

      • Yeah, it was. I was eleven in 1972. 46 years +-. Divorce was almost unheard of, most families had at least 3 to four children, if not more; and the effects of the communist/socialist/progressive outbreak of the late sixties had not yet had much impact on the social contract.

        • Nothing wrong or ‘impaired’ in the contract. It’s the enforcement that’s been a little lacking.

          But that’s (Social contracts are) always like a rubber band, stretched between two people. You always want to be the one to let go first.

  13. Surprised by the medium? It’s a quilt. In a QUILT MUSEUM. How friggin stoned do you have to be to be surprised by a quilt in a quilt museum?

  14. Klamath Falls Herald and News: Sunday, October 22, 2017
    ‘ Gun Violence’ a term that means nothing

    With total contempt I read Daniel Hernandez’s Oct. 8 elitist anti-gun “LBJ/KGB” style commentary: “For gun reform, thoughts and prayers don’t work-laws do.”

    The distorted term “gun violence” was pontificated six times! Comrade V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky would have called this writer a “useful idiot.” With the recent horrific Oct. 1 massacre of 59 innocent bystanders in Las Vegas, by a deranged and depraved sociopath, the anti-gun elite in both house of Congress in Washington, D.C. (mostly deluded Democrats, but including too a remnant of RINOs (Republican In Name Only) have already predictably pontificated the parroted term “gun violence.” They love dancing in the blood of the dead murder victims, and thus are exploiting this horror to advance their “class warfare” political agenda.

    There is no such thing as “gun violence.” This is a focus-group-driven buzzword and socialist anti-gun cliche talking point to create an imaginary demonic villain as the main anti-Second Amendment propaganda tool.

    While there exist evil, godless, depraved individuals who perpetrate lawless criminal violence with guns, there are numerous others who perpetrate the same without them. And, since the morally and intellectually dishonest parroted term “gun violence” is a catchword/cliche, the title suggests an unattainable goal.

    People have been robbing and killing other people, using the weapons of the day, since the dawn of history, which identifies the real issue: controlling criminal impulses in humans, not the otherwise legal instruments they use to commit crimes. Anyone who doesn’t realize and/or acknowledge this isn’t thinking, and are into a denial syndrome. Our liberty cannot depend upon what anybody “feels.”

    Without going on further I endorse reading the online commentary: “The Last Civil Rights Struggle? Discrimination and prejudice are still encouraged, gun owners have taken it long enough,” by Alan Korwin.

    James A. Farmer, Merrill

  15. What makes this a safe space? Gun free zone? They want more political statements in their quilt museum?

    Really it seems no space is sacred, safe, or apolitical anymore. I would think people would like to visit an art museum, quilt, bank, eat at a restaurant, shop, watch TV, read the internet, etc, without having to be drawn into a debate or protest all the time. Is that pro gun coffee you are drinking or progressive? Are you wearing Patriot underwear or left-wing? Even if you loosely support gun control, you probably want to enjoy your quilts in peace without having to count victims and step over some bloody red quilts.

    All propoganda, all the time, beat the drum.

  16. I can think of nothing more relevant and impactful than the renderings of these “artists”. Perhaps they can also address the problem of “climate change” and “universal access to the internet”?

  17. What moron believes that if you the the guns away from dangerous and violent people when will become all sweetness and light?

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