(courtesy walb.com)

“Lee County Sheriff’s deputies say 54-year-old Larry McElroy fired his 9 mm pistol at the armadillo Sunday night,” timesunion.com reports. “Deputies say the bullet killed the armadillo, but bounced off the animal, hit a fence, traveled through the back door of the mother-in-law’s mobile home and the recliner in which she was sitting, striking her in the back. McElroy’s 74-year-old mother-in-law, Carol Johnson, suffered injuries described as non-life-threatening . . . Lee County Sherriff’s deputies say McElroy was about 100 yards away from the home when he shot the armadillo.” Click here for the video on the story. And no, it’s not April 1.


  1. If you’ve ever shot your mother in law in the back through the wall of her trailer while aiming at an armadillo…..

  2. I think I saw Davy Crockett make that same shot in the Disney Movie! Too bad he didnt hit my mom in law:-)

  3. Yeh……and its going to rain in CA…..

    Did he by chance see this armadillo while he was hunting snipe, bigfoot or maybe flying pigs?

      • Plus, it gives us the word Sniper.
        It’s not that snipes don’t exist, or that snipe hunting means hunting something imaginary, it means hunting something that is really really hard to hit and requires much skill.

  4. Another inaccurate news story. Guessing that the round may have killed the armadillo but most certainly did not bounce off of it and kill it at the same time. Likely went through it and hit the MIL or through it and bounced off of something else. This statement assumes that the shooter did not make all of this up as an excuse for a ND and shot the armadillo after the fact to confirm his story.

  5. How did it bounce of the armadillo and still kill it? Maybe a thru and thru but I dont see how the bullet didnt penetrate the dillo

  6. The cops got it wrong. Larry McElroy didn’t say he shot his mother while trying to destroy an armadillo. He said he shot his mother while trying to destroy her armadildo.

    Who can blame him. The poor guy couldn’t get a wink of sleep with all that loud buzzing in the next room of the trailer.

  7. Huh, I have been dealing with my mother-in-law completely wrong all these years. Now I just need to find an Armadillo….

    • I’ve never really understood that term. Other than living in a cave, isn’t pretty much all housing “manufactured”?

      But you’re right. A story like this is almost never missing the word “trailer”.

      • I believe what people mean when they say that is pre-fabricated, or prefab. Makes much more sense, and is easier to say then manufactured housing. Pre-fab is more accurate, in that it was fabricated prior to being moved to a site and installed.

        And THIS is why I want TX to pass open carry. I’ve had a lifelong dream to move to Texas, get full cowboy regalia on, get a shiny revolver in at least .44, and shoot an armadiller.

      • Manufactured housing. it’s a thing. Assembled on an assembly line out of ready-made parts, which are themselves manufactured (cut, drilled, machined, etc.) before arriving at the assembly line.

        As opposed to construction, where raw materials are delivered to the site and the various parts of the house are cut, drilled, painted, etc. on-site.

        Manufacturing is more efficient and lends itself to superior quality, as long as you’re building thousands of the same thing and the finished product can be shipped to the customer.

    • I’d bet the lower-velocity .45 wouldn’t have bounced so far. “.45 ACP: because you don’t want to accidentally hit your mother-in-law.”

  8. Saw a great show where they pretty much duplicated the Kennedy “magic” bullet dead on.

    It was a great presentation. The most amazing thing was that they used ammunition from the same manufacturer lot that Oswald used.

    Excellent forensic recreation, no magic whatsoever.

    • The key variable missing from many analysis: Connelly’s jump seat was raised up higher than Kennedy’s.

  9. And Jennifer Aniston or Gwyneth Paltrow will show up at my door tonight, cold, wet, naked, and scared.

  10. Obviously the round skipped off the ground after killing the diller. Great demo of why you should never “shoot for the leg.”

  11. If the armadillo had more weight to keep it anchored this might not have happened. I am guessing that the bullet “pushed” the little creature a bit and this helped the projectile glance off rather than penetrate.

  12. From my time in 2-1 cavalry at west Ft Hood, armadillo soccer more fun and mom in law safe. Just keep a Sheridan handy to jump up on if the ‘dillo starts foaming at the mouth. Hey, my mom in law was neat folk.

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