fudd in natural habitat

Tell me if you’ve read something like this before.

We are Republican, Democratic and independent. We come from the East, South, Midwest and West. We are conservative, progressive and liberal. We are men and women. We include eight members of the Circle of Chiefs, the highest conservation honor of the Outdoor Writers Association of America. We are all different in many ways, but we have important commonalities. We are Americans; we are gun owners; we are hunters; and we support responsible firearm regulation.

Note the use of the latest term of art, “responsible firearm regulation.” Why not common sense gun control?

We avoid the term ”common sense,” understanding the wisdom in Voltaire’s words ― “Common sense is not so common.”

Of course. Silly us.

The Puffington Host has dug up – and they probably didn’t have to dig too deeply — a group of avid hunters, outdoorsmen, conservationists and writerswho feel just terrible about what’s become of America’s gun culture.

Yes, the Second Amendment conveys a right to “keep and bear” firearms. But rights come with responsibilities, and we all have a moral responsibility to address America’s crisis of gun violence.

Translation: Do whatever you want to those crazy open carriers and the idiots I see out there in the woods who are hunting with ARs. You know, the wacko contingent that owns lots of guns and just keeps buying more!

Most hunters own guns principally to hunt game. We use them safely and respectfully: If someone is injured during their use, it will most likely be a friend or family member, since that is who we hunt with. We don’t buy a lot of guns. We usually have a few favorites, often passed down to us by fathers or grandfathers. The gun industry figured that out decades ago, and switched to creating guns for a different market.

Those…people…the ones who hunt with those black things, really aren’t our kind. 

That’s not to say that all hunters are like-minded on the issue of regulating firearms. As our numbers have dwindled, many have found a comforting alliance with Second Amendment radicalism. But we believe this is not representative of most hunters, and certainly not the tradition of the hunter-sportsman.

Those damned Second Amendment radicals! What makes them think that the right to keep and bear arms means you should actually be able to carry a gun? And besides, no one really needs an AR-15 anyway. 

We do not need AR-15s or any assault-style weapon to hunt game. That’s not to say some people won’t use them to hunt. But they are simply not necessary, and are actually not preferable for legitimate, fair-chase hunting.

Naturally, the Fudd constituency has come up with a list of, dare we say, common sense, responsible gun control measures that any right-thinking person should see are both urgently needed and eminently reasonable.

1. An age minimum of 21 years to purchase any gun;

2. Anyone on the Terrorist Screening Center’s “no-fly list” may not purchase or possess firearms;

3. Anyone on Social Security disability due to mental illness may not purchase or possess firearms;

4. Prohibit new sales of semiautomatic assault or tactical-style weapons;

5. Prohibit new sales of semiautomatic shotguns or rifles (except .22-caliber rim fire) that can hold more than 10 rounds;

6. Prohibit any accessory designed or mechanical modification intended a) to increase the rate at which any firearm may be discharged; or b) to increase the magazine capacity of a semiautomatic rifle beyond 10 rounds (except .22-caliber rim fire);

7. Mandatory and universal background checks for all firearm sales;

8. Prohibit sales of firearms except through registered/licensed dealers (no direct private sales);

9. Enact gun violence restraining order authorities allowing courts to temporarily prohibit a person from purchasing or possessing firearms when a family member, community welfare expert or law enforcement officer presents evidence of a threat; and

10. Repeal the “Dickey ban” on scientific research in the area of gun violence and implement the Institute of Medicine’s 2013 gun violence research agenda.

There. We’ve said it. As long as we’re allowed to hunt with the guns we already have, we’ll be happy and you’ll have done something about…those people. Besides, we’re sure you’ll never come after us and our firearms. Because we’re the good, responsible kind of gun owner.

You’ll leave us alone, right? Won’t you?


  1. #3 pretty much makes all the Fudds prohibited persons, doesn’t it?

    The only real Fudds left at this point are 95 year old shut-in’s who haven’t gotten any new information into their lives since 1975. The rest are just prohibitionists and Dem’s pretending to be not-so-anti rights.

    • Agreed- and real hunters know that if changes like the proposed ones go through, it will only be a few years later that “guns principally to hunt game” are banned. As the next gun banners would say- “who wants ANIMAL MURDERERS to keep MURDERING ANIMALS using EVIL GUNS?”.

      • No,the next banners will say, “You obviously don’t need guns to hunt, as grocery stores are available to everyone.”
        This is the obvious result, as the hunters are saying we only need guns to hunt (not something found in the 2A, but t his is what they are saying). But the banners will turn this against them, because they obviously don’t need to hunt.
        This is why the idea that we only need guns to hunt is extremely bad.

        • What they don’t understand is that if hunting guns are banned, then we will be overcome with overpopulation of wild animals.

        • That’s no problem. Governments will hire specially licensed professionals to ..hmmm.. “reduce the numbers” of wild game. They will use guns to do it, but that’s different, as they are agents of government, not private citizens.
          Only king may hunt king’s game!

          Instead of raising money as hunting does, it will cost us (taxpayers) lots of dough, but it’s the price the gun grabbers are willing to pay.

          Just because someone owns a gun it doesn’t mean he is on human rights side of this fight.

      • “… it will only be a few years later that “guns principally to hunt game” are banned.”

        Of course, since “guns principally {used} to hunt game” are perfect to hunt people…

  2. I don’t know what nation or countries these Fudds are from,however the 2 nd. amendment says Shall Not Be Infringed,all of what they propose are infringements,so keep chasin that rascally wabbit.

    • I’m sick of this nonsensical link between hunting and guns. What if the ATV community was linked to hunting in the same way? Should these “responsible hunters” be the spokesmen for reasonable restrictions on 4 wheelers? Or clothing? Or pickup trucks?
      Just because their sport happens to use guns doesn’t mean they have any authority to speak for the 95% of gun owners who aren’t hunting. (Not that they even represent the minority of gun owners that do hunt).

    • When they used the term “Second Amendment radicalism” this is all I needed to know that they were not supporters of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

      F’ing quislings.

      • We’re all called outdoor writers. It’s a broad term that covers a variety of aspects of the industry. I do, however, sometimes refer to myself as a gun writer. Because.

        But I digress. Most of the guys tied to that open letter are members or run a rather popular outdoor writer’s group. They are one of the reasons I don’t join those groups. No, all the groups aren’t problematic, but so many are. So screw that.

        Just saying.

      • They write kayak columns and feature articles examining the top ten best sun-screens.

      • “Outdoor writers” indeed! I doubt that any of these Fudds do any of their writing outdoors. Maybe on the back patio of their hunting or fishing lodge.

    • Circle of Jerks….they absolutely are. This article proved it for me, and it was the first one I clicked on “It’s time to register ATV’s”, which is really an article about how someone on an ATV drove near him on his chukar hunting trip and how he wanted to report them, but they did not have a license plate and told him they would not provide their names, license numbers and address so he could report them to law enforcement (even though it sounds like they were not really breaking any laws). And because of this it is now time to “register All ATV’s”…….what a maroon


    • Daniel M. Ashe, former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director
      Ted Williams, environmental journalist*
      Paula Del Giudice, outdoor writer and hunter*
      Mike Furtman, outdoor writer and photographer, hunter and former gun dealer*
      Jim Low, former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America and 13-time recipient of the Izaak Walton League’s Outdoor Ethics Communication Award*
      Dr. Leonard Lee Rue III, wildlife photographer*
      Brian Rutledge, conservation leader and naturalist
      Scott Stouder, outdoor writer, conservationist and lifelong hunter*
      Dr. Kris Thoemke, outdoor writer, conservationist and hunter*
      Joel Vance, current member and former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America*
      George Harrison, retired nature journalist*

      *Member of the Circle of Chiefs, the highest conservation honor of the Outdoor Writers Association of America

      Read: Quislings.

      • Jim Low, former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America and 13-time recipient of the Izaak Walton League’s Outdoor Ethics Communication Award*

      • So 4 out of 11 are “hunters” and the rest just own scenic property in Cali or Colorado.

      • Group think rots the brain. They don’t speak for me. When they start with; I own a gun but, or; I am a hunter but. I stop reading.

  3. Where in the 2nd Amendment do you see the word hunt???? I don’t. So poop on them. They don’t have a horse in this race one bit at all.

    • So… lemme get this straight, Mr Fudd, my MSR is only intended for shooting people… so if I use it to shoot at a sounder of hogs or an inanimate target… am I then using it incorrectly?
      We the People of the Gun need to clear the air with these bigots and deal with the inevitable screeching when we concede that:
      Yes. A modern sporting rifle is VERY GOOD at shooting people. That is why we have them. Because sometimes some people (criminals and tyrants) NEED to be shot – not because we want to, but because they leave us with no alternative.
      Either they can accept that unpleasant fact or they must declare that lawful self-defense is something that should be outlawed. Make them say it.

  4. Sneaky how they never allow comments on these articles. They know that most comments would come out strongly against most if not all of these “responsible regulations.” These idiots should not be allowed represent gun owners.

  5. These idiots don’t even know what the Dickey Amendment says or does, yet they’re proposing rules the rest of us need to follow? If you can’t bother to learn about what you want to legislate, then you aren’t allowed to legislate it.

  6. The Second Amendment is not about hunting.

    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

  7. MFers. I feel like calling for a violence protective order, or whatever the hell it’s called, on this senile old coot. He’s obviously mentally ill, and should have a common sense police officer responsibly collect his grandpappy’s heirlooms from the glass-fronted cabinet in his bedroom, so he doesn’t hurt himself or others.

    This guy was an Obama appointee as Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Upon his ordainment, he immediately turned to the Humane Society to come up with clever new ideas to gut the traditional hunting of waterfowl and upland game, instituting new policies that the Sportsman’s Alliance and other groups vehemently opposed. The guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – worst than a traitor IMHO.

    Meanwhile, as one old coot to another (I’m 64) – stay off my lawn, fvcker, or you’ll see why I own those ugly black rifles. And lots of them. Along with my Grandpa’s 20 gauge 11-48 and a bunch of my Dad’s Remingtons and Winchesters.

  8. Oh wow someone typed Fudd properly… 🙄

    These people have nothing in common with us other than the occasional use of a firearm.

    • More like the occasional use of the English language, that Fudd hasn’t fired grandpa’s shotgun in years. And while he is competent using the English language, his primary use is to deceive, so he is a Fudd at best, and a Fascist at heart.

  9. All Fudds are Socialists first, gun owners second. No one who believes in the responsible use of sporting arms and the proliferation of hunting and recreational shooting culture actually supports prohibiting people under the age of 21 from owning guns. “Passed down to us by our fathers and grandfathers…” but not until we were 21 years old, and well-beyond the age when most shooters began hunting and shooting with their grandparents, who we also want to disarm if they’re receiving SSI.

  10. Hers the list of FUDDS from the article do as you wish…….

    Daniel M. Ashe, former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director
    Ted Williams, environmental journalist*
    Paula Del Giudice, outdoor writer and hunter*
    Mike Furtman, outdoor writer and photographer, hunter and former gun dealer*
    Jim Low, former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America and 13-time recipient of the Izaak Walton League’s Outdoor Ethics Communication Award*
    Dr. Leonard Lee Rue III, wildlife photographer*
    Brian Rutledge, conservation leader and naturalist
    Scott Stouder, outdoor writer, conservationist and lifelong hunter*
    Dr. Kris Thoemke, outdoor writer, conservationist and hunter*
    Joel Vance, current member and former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America*
    George Harrison, retired nature journalist*

    *Member of the Circle of Chiefs, the highest conservation honor of the Outdoor Writers Association of America

    • I would rather have a star named after me (remember that commercial?) then be named to this Clown Circle.

  11. well, it’s good to have it in writing just how awful these Fudds are. that list is one massive expansion of the state and a near complete trampling of due process.

    regarding #2:

    “The process the government has established for people on the No Fly List to challenge their blacklisting is grossly insufficient and violates the U.S. Constitution’s due process guarantee.”


    regarding #s 7 & 8: the only way to enforce this is through electronic surveillance, undercover stings, and 4AM no-knock raids.

    you know who gets pounded by these policy recommendations? politically unprotected communities in anti-gun Democrat-controlled areas.. read: poor urban minorities.. read: blacks

  12. More and more I think that video games are going to be a huge part of future firearm ownership and the tactical market is going to be where it’s at. I was recently playing PUBG (which has a pretty accurate depiction of firearms for a video game) with my brother who is more of a casual gun owner and he was really excited to find out that he could go out a buy (unfortunately) semi-auto versions of most of the weapons in the game. I think a Vector is now on his short list. There are thousands more just like him that only need a couple of trips to the range and a good mentor and I think they will be firm 2A advocates.

  13. While I’m protecting myself from my enemies, my so-called “friends” are sneaking up behind me. Goddam those servile collaborators straight to hell.

    • I’m with you. We expect this crap from the Feinsteins of the world. Quislings like this need to be outed and given the full Metcalf treatment. Since public and financial shaming seems the order of the day, any firearms-related periodical should permanently cut ties with this turncoat. If he wants to write for Huffpo and its ilk, just shut him out from making a dime writing for a gun or sporting periodical.

    • IT’s bad enough with the full frontal anti 2nd assault by the progressives.
      But being stabbed in the back by these Benedict Arnold Fudds takes the cake.
      They deserve a punishment worse than the enemy. (figuratively speaking, of course)
      (They used to be put in front of a firing squad or hanged)

  14. I’ll wager they are all closet, card carrying members of PETA. Oh, wait I’m a card carrying member of PETA—People Eating Tasty Animals.

    • Just as bad – Humane Society, which long ago abandoned caring for lost puppies and became another human shield for collectivist propagandizers.

      • AFAIK, Humane Society USA never had anything to do with animal shelters, they just stole the name from those that run animal shelters.

  15. “We are all different in many ways, but we have important commonalities. ”

    And the most important thing they have in common is; they all live in bloomberg’s pocket. Why else would they parrot his talking points to the letter? Obviously they aren’t doing their own thinking.

  16. Circle of Chiefs? Sounds like some kind of Boy … err Scouts BSA cultural appropriation. Circle of Fascists and their Dupes sounds more accurate.

    • Subject them to a home invasion robbery? Tie them up and take all their guns. See how long it takes them to buy tactical shotguns, ARs and handguns afterwards…..

    • Move them out of their big-city mansions and their blue-blood social circles. Elitists have always been Fudds, tracing back to the good old pre-Revolutionary War Fudds in jolly old England.

      The elites have always cherished the the $30,000 custom OU shotguns that they lovingly place in the boot of their $150,000 G-Wagons or Range Rovers. They do not care about the unwashed proletariat, except as a means to fuel their rise to power. His appointment by Obama to the FWS was not due to his focus on hunting and angling, you can bet – it was a reward for political skullduggery.

  17. So the Fudds (and who, exactly are these people) have codified what they’d like to slap on us as far as gun control. Sounds more like a script they received from Bloomburg.

    • Daniel M. Ashe, former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director
      Ted Williams, environmental journalist*
      Paula Del Giudice, outdoor writer and hunter*
      Mike Furtman, outdoor writer and photographer, hunter and former gun dealer*
      Jim Low, former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America and 13-time recipient of the Izaak Walton League’s Outdoor Ethics Communication Award*
      Dr. Leonard Lee Rue III, wildlife photographer*
      Brian Rutledge, conservation leader and naturalist
      Scott Stouder, outdoor writer, conservationist and lifelong hunter*
      Dr. Kris Thoemke, outdoor writer, conservationist and hunter*
      Joel Vance, current member and former president of the Outdoor Writers Association of America*
      George Harrison, retired nature journalist*

      *Member of the Circle of Chiefs, the highest conservation honor of the Outdoor Writers Association of America

  18. I’m just curious- why would all of these capacity limits not affect .22 rimfire ammo? I’m sure it’s a dumb reason, as 30 rounds of ammo is 30 rounds of ammo, regardless of caliber…

    • Probably because they own a semi-auto .22lr that has a capacity higher than 10 rounds. Banning other people’s guns is perfectly okay.

    • Maybe their eyes are not what they used to be. So when they are attempting to kill small animals they miss a lot. Got to make sure they have enough ammo to take out that puppy that is trying to shit on their lawn.

  19. I’ve had an axe to grind with Fudds for years because of how they ‘sporter-ized’ Mausers and Springfields and other classic firearms.

    This just reinforces my opinions of them.

  20. “We do not need AR-15s or any assault-style weapon to hunt game. That’s not to say some people won’t use them to hunt. But they are simply not necessary, and are actually not preferable for legitimate, fair-chase hunting.”

    Fudds are too stupid to realize that the AR15 and other modern arms, being user-adjustable and modular, allows shooters of all shapes and sizes to more safely use them. The traditional one-size-fits-all rifle design philosophy is inherently flawed, sexist, size-ist (if that is a word), agist, and less safe than a firearm designed with capabilities of being adjustable for each user. optics and scopes aid in accuracy…which last time I checked made them safer when used by the law abiding vast majority (Net safer). Fudds are no friends of ours. They are worse than the enemy, they are essentially double agents to whom the media allots credibility on 2A issues.

    • They are like those black people who helped the plantation owner keep the slaves in line.

      • You should read Solzhenitsyn, about the Capos in the camps.
        They were prisoners as well – and more Savage than the guards.

        So it is with all of their ilk.

        We need to winnow the ranks. With Darwin’s Law all but repealed, the weak minded are survivng, and grow up to run/ruin civilization.
        It’s happened several times before.

    • They also forget that Grandpa’s old cherished bolt action was considered or was derived from designs that were once considered to be the assault weapons of their time. Fvck ’em.

  21. I was all set to get on board with this “reasonable” shit until they established the carve-out for .22’s. I’m so sick and tired of the .22 mob getting all of the breaks! Why are .22’s so special?

    • That’s kind of what I was getting at in my post earlier. It doesn’t matter if it’s .22 LR or any other caliber…if it is all about safety, isn’t >10 rounds of .22 just as dangerous as >10 rounds of .223, 7.62 etc?

  22. 1. Not until parents and guardians are responsible for anyone <21 and all adult rights, privileges and responsibilities are stripped from them
    2. Not until you are immediately notified you are on no-fly list and you have a date in court where the burden is on the state to prove why you shouldn’t be able to fly but are otherwise safe to be in public
    3. Ok, pretty sure that’s already a thing if you have a disqualifying mental illness.
    4. No, see 2a
    5. No, see 2a
    6. No, see 2a
    7. No, see 2a
    8. No
    9. Ok, after day in court where burden is on accusers and state to prove their case.
    10. No. If it’s so important to do this “research,” do it out of your own pocket. *spoiler alert* no matter what your “research” appears to “show,” doesn’t matter one d bit to me.

    Fudds, Please call ahead when you come to steal my guns so I can make sure to shoot you in the face with a bolt, lever, or a black powder cannon loaded with nails.

  23. 2. “Anyone on the Terrorist Screening Center’s “no-fly list” may not purchase or possess firearms”
    A secret watch list…………
    What criteria has to be met to be put on the “No fly, No buy” List?
    How do you get off the “No fly, No buy” List?
    Is there due process before being put on a list, or do you get a surprise when performing a BG check?
    What if you have a common name that is on that list?
    People have been erroneously put on that list that go through years of litigation and thousands of dollars via lawyer cost to get off that list.

    The progressives want to use the stigma of a Terrorist no-fly watch list to paint gun owners with the same “Terrorist” brush to further marginalize us in the “Fake news” media.

    Nothing bad ever happened to people put on a secret list by their government.

    • Maybe the Leftists will be totally fine with a list of people who smoke not being able to ever own guns. Got to make sure to fix the NICS some more with a bunch of more names of pot heads. We can have a phone number you can call to let the Feds know who smokes pot.

    • Someone who can teach you how to get a free house, free car, free food, free clothes, free health care, free education using government programs?

  24. The only person that needs an Ak47 is a Communist. America is no puppet of Russia. Ban, ban, ban.

    I don’t hunt for sport. A lot of Fudds seem to.

    Younger people don’t like to hunt; they rather go to the store or buy stuff online. However, they love the tactical operator lifestyle/fashion. Magpul Dynamics was the shit for a long time. Young people don’t think about revolvers and lever actions; they are kind of into certain pump shotguns and precision bolt guns. Mostly they are into ARs, AKs, SBRs, suppressors, fighting knives, fancy combat lights, etc. Also, it appears they are more likely to open carry guns (for various reasons).

    When I was watching the speech Diamond and Silk gave to the NRA most of the people I saw in the crowd were older white people and their kids. It looked like an event for Europeans 50 or older. That’s not a good sign for the very near future. The NRA can’t even get the Asians. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to sit in a room for an extended period of time with a bunch of old people who I can’t relate to.

    • “I wouldn’t want to sit in a room for an extended period of time with a bunch of old people who I can’t relate to.”

      Live for another 20 or 30 years so young people can hate you and call you names. Then you’ll slap your forehead and realize that you were being a douche when you were young.

      • I don’t go to an old folks home to hang out with people much older than me. Just like the elderly don’t go to a preschool to hang out with very young kids. We are at different points of our life, thus we can’t regularly hang out and not feel that gap. We might not even be able to understand the words and phrases we use, so we will be frustrated with the difficulty communicating.

        I am not religious. I have gone to church before. I was not comfortable with those people. I didn’t go back. I’ll let them do their thing happily without me.

        The NRA is a similar situation. It’s not a organization that most people can relate with. Sure the NRA has various kinds of people signed up, but I don’t really see that representation at their events. They seem rather particular of who/what they want. So naturally they are going to get more of a specific crowd, thus making it uncomfortable for people who are not that type. Apparently, they are very happy with what they got and don’t intend to change. By the looks of it, the 2nd Amendment doesn’t bring everyone together under the NRA banner, that’s something the NRA has to do.

  25. One thing these guys need to remember is that when the Australians banned guns they didn’t just ban so-called “assault weapons” nut also pump shotguns like the 1897 Winchesters both of my grandfathers used.

  26. Allow me to translate for you:

    Dear granola crunching, tofu eating, Bambi hugging, hemp wearing, meat is murder, save the plant, equality for all the people we like, urban elite, millennial, socialist (communist-lite), tide pod eating, progressive, religion is slavery, wealth re-distribution loving, everyone is racist and sexist and a member of the patriarchy except us, jack@sses,

    If you leave us alone with our shotguns and our ‘sporter-ized’ Mauser and Springfield (real weapons-of-war) rifles that our grandfathers bought from Sears without filling our 4473’s you can fvck over everyone else. After all, we’re already a dying breed. We don’t mind if you turn the US into a totalitarian third world sh!t hole just as long as you ignore us.

    The Real Old Fat White Guys

    P.S. meat doesn’t grow on a tree in a styrofoam container.

  27. Fine do all those things. It’s guaranteed that as soon as someone commits a mass slaughter with whatever is left the media will play continuous 24 hour coverage of it rile up the sheeple and get those firearms banned. Because guess what…we have a problem with our society that can’t be fixed overnight. Actual quote from a gang member in Boston “if we had no guns we’d just hit each other in the head with bricks.”

    • I’m right in the age group for major Fuddism, but far from identifying in any way with them. I grew up hunting with my Dad, haven’t hunted in years but enjoy the thought of doing it again sometime.

      What I enjoy now is going into my shop and building rifles. Nasty looking, modular tactical kinds that give the Anti’s the vapors. And practicing with them on my range. Meanwhile supporting the 2A with phone calls, letters, emails to my legislators and donations to the pro-2A groups.

      Not all of us old bald dudes are Fudds, rest assured!

  28. 1. An age minimum of 21 years to purchase any gun;

    14th amendment. you’re an adult at 18. What other rights are delayed 3 years past age of majority? (answer: none)

    2. Anyone on the Terrorist Screening Center’s “no-fly list” may not purchase or possess firearms;

    So a list that is secret, full of errors, and maintained without oversight will be used to deny constitutional rights, without due process? A list that it took even a career insider like Ted Kennedy months to get himself off of? Great idea.

    3. Anyone on Social Security disability due to mental illness may not purchase or possess firearms;

    A regulatory agency is now able to remove rights from anyone without due process. GG.

    4. Prohibit new sales of semiautomatic assault or tactical-style weapons;

    Won’t even dignify this with anything past a massive eyeroll.

    5. Prohibit new sales of semiautomatic shotguns or rifles (except .22-caliber rim fire) that can hold more than 10 rounds;

    That’s every semiautomatic, since extended magazines are easily installed.

    6. Prohibit any accessory designed or mechanical modification intended a) to increase the rate at which any firearm may be discharged; or b) to increase the magazine capacity of a semiautomatic rifle beyond 10 rounds (except .22-caliber rim fire);

    That’s all trigger modifications you stupid fudds, and outlawing something around a billion already existing magazines owned by law abiding citizens. How are you going to get them?

    7. Mandatory and universal background checks for all firearm sales;

    Let’s take a broken system that hasn’t been shown to actually accomplish anything, and expand it! Brilliant!

    8. Prohibit sales of firearms except through registered/licensed dealers (no direct private sales);

    Well you don’t need UBC with this, since sales through dealers are already covered, but I don’t have high expectations for your problem solving skills at this point.

    9. Enact gun violence restraining order authorities allowing courts to temporarily prohibit a person from purchasing or possessing firearms when a family member, community welfare expert or law enforcement officer presents evidence of a threat; and

    Because restraining orders work every time. Or any time.

    10. Repeal the “Dickey ban” on scientific research in the area of gun violence and implement the Institute of Medicine’s 2013 gun violence research agenda.

    There’s no ban on scientific research. There’s been more research on gun violence in the last 10 years than the previous 50 put together. There’s a ban on specifically the CDC, who was caught BLATANTLY PUSHING AN ANTI-GUN AGENDA, from using taxpayer money to produce propaganda promoting a gun ban. That they choose to not pursue ANY research under these very simple restrictions is entirely on them, and says volumes about their bias and motivation.

    • “14th amendment. you’re an adult at 18. What other rights are delayed 3 years past age of majority? (answer: none)”

      Answer: you can’t buy a beer until you’re 21. Blatantly unconstitutional.

        • On the other hand, which of its limited powers enables the federal government to restrict which legal product can adult citizens consume?

  29. Huffpoo – brownbags farts for lunch.

    If some (D)1cKhead actually spoke with them, we don’t even need a synopsis of that gaggle-fuck.

    Huffpoo needs to go away quietly.

  30. Once again gun owners cry about any restriction on their gun ownership. There by insuring that the anti gun side can show how unbending and uncaring they are about all the gun deaths that happen every year. I also see how my fellow gun owners make vague threats and insults if anyone dare limit their ownership in any way. Well as I taught my kids either you control yourselves or someone will control you. So you can either keep putting up a wall or you can try and come up with real ways to work to limit gun deaths and the damage done to families. By the way as a 21 year vet. and a hunter I’ve used and handle guns most of my life so save your redneck BS and come up with real ways to fix the problem.

    • The CDC proved that there is no discernible link between gun control and crime prevention.
      Since these proposals would do absolutely nothing to prevent crimes, I think the correct challenge is to challenge them to come up with solutions that would actually work, not to challenge those of us who want to protect our rights to come up with any solutions.

      But I’ll give you a couple:
      Most homicides are gang/drug related. Stop letting gang members who shoot people back on the streets, like Chicago (AKA murder city) does.
      Most mass killings happen in gun free zones. Eliminate them so people have a chance to defend themselves.
      The FBI or local police routinely have multiple warnings about spree killers going bad. Hold them criminally liable when they fail to do their jobs due to such gross incompetence or negligence.

    • The 1934 NFA prevented criminals from being able to rob banks with concealable shotguns, rifles, and machineguns. Since 1934, no banks, convenience stores, or other establishments have EVER been robbed.

      “Well as I taught my kids either you control yourselves or someone will control you.”
      Someone murdering someone, or otherwise illegally using a firearm is already unwilling to submit to your “control”, what possibly makes you think the next “common sense” law is going to be followed? You can 3d print an AR15 lower receiver, most people are capable of making a slam-fire shotgun with pipe and a 2×4 sourced from Home Depot, and drugs and people flow freely across the borders. What makes you think guns can reasonably be restricted to criminals? While it may appear that gun control works in other countries, the lack of a sufficient means to defend the innocent means criminals don’t have as much of a need for firearms, and can accomplish evil with physical strength, or gangs of sufficient size. Are you any safer if a rapist uses a knife to rape your daughter instead of a gun?

      Modern sporting rifles are sold by the millions each year. Yet because maybe 100 get used criminally in a year, we need to restrict the law-abiding while in reality doing nothing to control those who refuse to submit to your laws?

      “By the way as a 21 year vet. and a hunter I’ve used and handle guns most of my life so save your redneck BS and come up with real ways to fix the problem.”
      Maybe ending humanity as we know it? As long as there have been humans, there has been violence. It’s part of the “human condition”. Short of killing everyone on Earth I have no idea how you plan on fixing that problem? What we can do is to REMOVE restrictions from good-natured, law-abiding individuals so that they can improve their chances to defend themselves from other individuals that look to do them harm. That and bring back the death penalty for violent offenders to prevent repeat offenders from harming the innocent, among other things.

    • Don’t mistake any of this for fence-sitting.

      They’re rolling the tractor right over the whole line. These ten measures are everything the grabbers want and then some.

  31. Take your AR’s to the field. Be a responsible hunter and generally a good person when encountering others.

    Exposure to these weapons, used in ways completely foreign to preconceived notions, wielded by responsible, respectful individuals, willing to take the time to educate others, will gently sway those “fudds” to think differently, if they are able to listen. Exposure causes desensitization, in this regard, that is a very good thing.

    Why do you use it? Familiarity due to former military service? Ability to quickly and safely unload and load the weapon? Ruggedness? Cost? Ability to do your own builds/’smithing? Handiness? Performance? Anything that causes you to own an evil rifle, explain it. Those who are not hardcore anti’s will listen. But there are plenty who are not hardcore anti’s, who do not care to understand the slippery slope we’ve been on for decades.

  32. I have not fired a rifle that I would prefer to hunt with over my AR-10-clone. 200 yard shots are boringly trivial; that’s great. It is significantly lighter AND has significantly less felt recoil than a .308 bolt gun. I’m not at all sure what these FUDDs are thinking.

  33. “8. Prohibit sales of firearms except through registered/licensed dealers (no direct private sales);”

    And yet, not a paragraph above we read:
    “We don’t buy a lot of guns. We usually have a few favorites, often passed down to us by fathers or grandfathers.”

    So you want to become felons then?

    Morons, the lot of them.

  34. First they came for the AR15s, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own an AR15.
    Then they came for the Handguns, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own a Handgun.
    Then they came for the owners of these guns, and I did not speak out—
    Because I did not own these guns.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  35. “We do not need AR-15s or any assault-style weapon to hunt game. That’s not to say some people won’t use them to hunt. But they are simply not necessary, and are actually not preferable for legitimate, fair-chase hunting.”

    Therein lies the difference.

    Here’s an example. I do not “need” a new Chevrolet Corvette. I recognize that it has the capacity to exceed all posted speed limits in America. It’s not my cup of tea and I do not need one. HOWEVER I do not begrudge others who seek to own one. They may do as they please. And, I will speak no ill of them. This is a free country and they are a different sort of car owner from me, but I bear them no ill and do no seek to limit their choices in life. Live and let live.

    • The problem we face is, these Fudds (and morons) would like to prohibit you from owning anything more than a bicycle….
      Because someone else Might hit someone, someday.

      They have no intention of complying with these rules anyway, the rules only apply to us…
      More and more, I fear the only response is (redacted by the Fifth Amendment.)

    • Hey Mr. W enjoy your right to own a fast car or even your right to drive one because all of that is about to change and it cannot come soon enough to save tens of thousands of lives every year.

      In the very near future only computer driven and operated cars will be allowed. This will eliminate speeding, driving on unsafe icy roads, hitting people in the fog or snow storm or even during a fire which puts smoke across the road. It will eliminate the morons who text while they drive and kill people or who drive drunk as no human will be permitted to drive a car manually.

      • banning abortions would save 600,000+ a year in the USA alone…and?
        we need about 2/3 of people gone…the rest could have a great life,…
        would take care of just about every major problem we face right now…
        where is Thanos when you need him?

      • Maybe not in the very near future. As it is the self driving cars that are being tested aren’t too keen about stopping or avoiding pedestrians.

      • Remember cisco, all of the stuff you want outlawed…. YOU won’t be able to have either! Enjoy your life(however much your precious State allows you to have) on bread and water. After all, it’s all you really NEED to survive.

  36. Serious question: why are we supposed to care what hunters think?

    Here’s my take a Fudd-mooting manifesto;

    -Hopelessly outmoded and pointless hobby (any ‘need’ based argument for gun control goes ten-fold for hunting) solely practiced for personal enjoyment outside of *very” rare circumstances where hunting game is profitable (i.e. costs less than store bought meat) or necessary for survival
    -In light of the first point, the desire to pursue the recreational killing & butchering of animals is seen as (again) needlessly cruel & macabre
    -Laughably regulated by every type of rule and law imaginable, and accordingly expensive & out of reach of the vast majority, because…
    -It isn’t anything close to a right per any our founding documents, philosophical inspirations, founders’ writings, or historical experience
    -Hunting really only has at best a tangential relationship to the weapons used (not unlike crime, not that I am conflating the two) since anything more modern than a speer or sling is more than sufficient for modern flabbies to reliably take game recreationally. Choice of weapon is solely due personal preference or legal restriction.

    I don’t think Fudds should be annihilated through the banning of hunting, but dammit, if they think the vast majority of gun owners who want handguns, modern sport rifles, and NFA don’t deserve to exist, we should show them how useless they really are to society.

    The only reason gun banners ‘like’ Fudds is because they know they already have them dead to rights, and can easily ban bolt guns & shotguns once the rest of us are dealt with.

  37. Item number 1 – No.

    2 through 10 – see answer to number 1.

    Not one more inch.

    We have tried it your way and have added some insanely high number of rules and regulations on firearms but the the number of people getting hurt and killed as a percentage of the population hasn’t really changed in the last 80 years. So no more. No more laws. No more rules. No more ‘common sense’ something or “Responsible” something else. That’s it. We’re done. It’s time to start rolling back, repealing, and straight-up removing some of the crap you have installed in the last several decades.

    The Second Amendment, the ORIGINAL responsible firearm regulation.

  38. As I have said before no. 7 ,8 and 9 are long overdue. No other civilized Nation on earth permits criminals, and nut cases to buy guns with no paperwork through un-vetted private sales and at many public gun shows. They did not mention safe storage but should have as this is mandatory in most if not all civilized industrial countries.

    I am sitting on the fence on NO. 1 (age of 21) but when you look at all the kids that have picked up a gun at home that was not locked up and then took it to school and started shooting kids this option is looking better and better to me although I am still not fully committed.

    Let face facts with today’s latch key children which resulted from the upper 1 per cent economically enslaving the lower 99 per cent so that women were forced into the work place just to pay the bills children today are not being raised as their parents were raised simply because no one is ever home “to raise them”. In the past we may have been a nation of mature 18 year olds but certainly not in todays Capitalvania.

    • 7,8,9, none of which would do a single thing to stop a criminal from getting guns, as they already bypass the systems in place by BEING CRIMINALS.

      Also a young adult between the ages of 18 and 20 taking a gun to school is not a common event, and when it does rarely happen, it’s usually stolen, or there’s other perfectly good reasons it should have never been allowed to happen in the first place. Certainly not something worth denying constitutional rights to law-abiding citizens over.

      • to sian

        quote—————————-7,8,9, none of which would do a single thing to stop a criminal from getting guns, as they already bypass the systems in place by BEING CRIMINALS.

        Also a young adult between the ages of 18 and 20 taking a gun to school is not a common event, and when it does rarely happen, it’s usually stolen, or there’s other perfectly good reasons it should have never been allowed to happen in the first place. Certainly not something worth denying constitutional rights to law-abiding citizens over.——————————————————quote

        History with other Nations has proven you 110 per cent wrong on every statement you made. States with lax laws funnel 10’s of thousands of guns into States with strict laws so U.S. gun control laws in general are totally ineffective. This is not allowed to happen in civilized nations.

        Locking up guns would prevent 1,300 child deaths and thousands more maiming from guns laying around the house. It would also prevent multitudes of burglaries that feed guns into the hands of criminals. Most house robberies are smash and grab robberies because the Morons are not professionals and even the very few professionals do not know when you will return home or even if you have a silent security system so they know they must act quickly and when they are slowed up or stopped cold by a safe then they vacate quickly.

        Just about every civilized industrialized nation has strict vetting laws for all gun purchases, safe storage laws and mental back ground checks as well. Their much lower death rates from all firearms fatalities both accidental and criminal are far lower than ours the Statistics prove it beyond all doubt.

        I also forgot in my first post to mention their mandatory safe firearms training which in the barbarous U.S. is often completely lacking in some states. You simply buy a gun even though you may not even know now to load it let alone how to safely handle it. For too long in this country we have permitted a bunch of ignorant red neck right wing hillbillies to dictate firearms policy and it has resulted in calls for the complete ban on all gun ownership because of all the fatalities. In other words the ignorant Conservative is his own worst enemy

        Quote from Sian———————-Also a young adult between the ages of 18 and 20 taking a gun to school is not a common event,———————-quote

        Where do you live in a cave? School shootings by kids 18 or even under 18 with guns not locked up seems to be almost a weekly event anymore. And when its your kid that gets killed your statement of “only rarely happens so lets not worry about it” would be one time too many even it were true which it is not.

        • “States with lax laws funnel 10’s of thousands of guns into States with strict laws so U.S. gun control laws in general are totally ineffective. This is not allowed to happen in civilized nations.”

          Oh, you mean countries like Belgium and France?

      • to Sam the Sham

        quote——————————-“States with lax laws funnel 10’s of thousands of guns into States with strict laws so U.S. gun control laws in general are totally ineffective. This is not allowed to happen in civilized nations.”

        Oh, you mean countries like Belgium and France?—————————-quote

        Well Sam you cut your own throat with that statement. The real truth is that yes French and Belgium gun control laws have been very successful both in terms of theft and accidental child deaths and vetting out nut cases.

        Now then lets review your statement and that was your reference to the weapons used in several terrorist attacks. These were weapons that came from foreign counties sponsoring the terrorists with not only weapons but money and prior training. This is not the fault of French gun laws that were designed for domestic problems. When your speaking of being at war with a foreign country that is sending people or training home grown people to attack you we are speaking about an entirely different problem and without going to war and smashing the foreign state its the type of gun violence that is very difficult to stop. Lets not try to confuse the issue here. We are speaking of two entirely different gun problems one of domestic crime and the other of a war with a foreign country

    • Just like with illegal drugs…those that want a gun will find a way to get one…and risk whatever it takes…
      Would be just more laws that go unenforced…
      but if it makes people feel good…right?

      • To Cavendish laced LSD or whatever your smoking these days.

        quote—————————–Just like with illegal drugs…those that want a gun will find a way to get one…and risk whatever it takes…
        Would be just more laws that go unenforced…
        but if it makes people feel good…right?————————quote

        Drugs are a different story and one you obviously know nothing about especially on how to reduce the problem significantly but that is another long story that is way over your head.

        Now lets look at your Moronic statement that implies “If we are not 100 per cent successful on reducing gun violence then lets go “full hillbilly” and do nothing as its too much effort to try what has been successful for decades in other countries.

        The real facts are that we were on the right track when the Brady Bill was first drawn up but the NRA tried and was successful in destroying half of it before it ever became law and that was to drop the vetting of “all purchases” not just to vet new gun purchases. Well even the NRA could not prevent the truth from getting out and that was that the Brady Bill in just vetting new gun sales caught and continues to deny thousands of purchases to people who should not have guns and if the Brady Bill was extended to cover all gun purchases the full success of the Brady Bill would finally be realized. Its done this way in every civilized industrialized country on the planet. And yes it works and works well as its history in other countries has proven it. No law is ever 100 per cent effective but to go “full hillbilly” and do nothing is just about as ignorant and callous of human life as one could ever get.

    • We don’t “allow” criminals to buy gun from any source. It is against the law already. Why would you think passing another law would change that?

      Please define “nut case.” We already don’t allow those who are certifiably mentally ill to buy guns.

      Perhaps you missed the murder by vehicle in Toronto story. The killer wasn’t a terrorist. He is what you would call a nut case. It likely that such people are in the process of discovering that it is far easier to get the job done with a motor vehicle than a firearm. Do you propose a “no drive list” as well.

      FYI Since terrorists have discovered that motor vehicles make excellent weapons about as many people have killed in motor vehicle attacks as have been killed American mass shootings. Do you propose more restrictions on motor vehicles and drivers?

      The UK has discovered that knives are deadly and have started knife control. Do you believe we should also put restrictions on knife ownership?

      I would like hear your from on the fence of 21 wisdom on this subject.

      • It appears that the post that the man was mad at women was a fake (probably from some troll kid, which happens often).

      • to tdiinva——————————–quote————————————————–
        We don’t “allow” criminals to buy gun from any source. It is against the law already. Why would you think passing another law would change that?——————quote———–

        100 PER CENT WRONG TD. We do indeed permit criminals and nut cases to buy guns because we do not vet all gun purchases. Really what part of this do you not understand????????

        Quote—————————————Please define “nut case.” We already don’t allow those who are certifiably mentally ill to buy guns.————————————————–quote—————————–

        AGAIN YOUR 1OO PER CENT WRONG. We allow them to buy guns every day because they can at any gun show or private purchase because those sales are not vetted. Again what part of this do you not understand.

        Quote—————————————–Perhaps you missed the murder by vehicle in Toronto story. The killer wasn’t a terrorist. He is what you would call a nut case. It likely that such people are in the process of discovering that it is far easier to get the job done with a motor vehicle than a firearm. Do you propose a “no drive list” as well.——————————————quote

        NO I do not propose your silly post but if you look at what nations can do they are already implementing various measures such as putting steel posts up on sidewalks and using other types of barriers and they have already been implemented in areas where there is high pedestrian traffic. You seem to be saying “lets not do anything” to prevent gun deaths or deaths from illegal vehicle use because I am either not intelligent enough to come up with solutions or just to damn lazy and shiftless to try. Brilliant! That is exactly why we are in the current mess we are in today with all the gun violence.

        quote——————————–FYI Since terrorists have discovered that motor vehicles make excellent weapons about as many people have killed in motor vehicle attacks as have been killed American mass shootings. Do you propose more restrictions on motor vehicles and drivers?———————————–quote—————–

        Glad you brought this subject up. THE ANSWER IS YES. And its coming far sooner than you think. It will be soon illegal for you to drive any vehicle with certain exceptions to detailed to go into here but driving your own personal vehicle will soon bee illegal. The technology is already here for that and will very soon be implemented and it will eliminate drunk driving, deaths from texting while driving, running into people because of smoke or fog or snow storms etc because all cars in the future will be piloted by robots and advanced radar systems eliminating the need for human error in driving.

        Quote—————————————-The UK has discovered that knives are deadly and have started knife control. Do you believe we should also put restrictions on knife ownership?——————————————-quote——————————-

        Your response is childish and moronic. So you are implying why do anything about guns at all if someone can use a knife. Really can you be that stupid. Guns are capable of mass murder very quickly as well as murder from longer distances so comparing them to knives is ridiculous. No we do not live in a perfect world but I would rather take my chances surviving in a world with no guns and all knives than the reverse any day.

        • (1) The criminal’s ability purchase guns through a black market cannot be prevented by passing laws. By defintion the black market is an illegal market. Guns sold at gun shows go through the same procedures as buying them in a gun show. The gun show exemption has been debunked many times. There are entire classes of drugs that are illegal yet these drugs can purchased. I am sure that drug dealers will expand their business to include guns if we ban them. Your response demonstrates your economic illiteracy.

          (2) Your answer is a non answer. We do not allow people adjudicated to be mentally ill to buy guns. Until a court declares someone mentally ill they are considered sane. The truly mentally ill will generally not be use the black market. And again there is no such thing as a gun show exemption. If you are dealer you cannot sell firearms without doing a background check whether the fire arm is sold in a store, at a gun show or across your kitchen table.

          (3) You didn’t answer the question that was asked. You answered your own question. The technology you are talking about is farther away then you think. But your implied answer to the question is yes you think the right drive your own vehicle should be abolished. Honest answer but it identifies you as totalitarian. It explains your opposition to private firearms ownership.

          (4) My question on knife control has nothing to do with mass murder events. There are few of those in number. 97% of murders in the US are events where one or two are murdered. For these murderd knives are as deadly as guns. This is an issue in the UK as knife crime has gotten out control and the murder rate in London has exceeded NYC. They are imposing knife control. Your response is both a non sequitor and uninformed. It is a childish answer by talking point by an uneducated adolescent instead of a reasoned response.

        • TDINNVA

          quote——————————–The gun show exemption has been debunked many times. —————————-quote—————————-

          Who the hell are trying to bullshit anyway. Anyone can walk into many gun shows and without paperwork buy all the deadly weapons they want. Now moron what part of this do you not understand.

          quote——————————-Perhaps you missed the murder by vehicle in Toronto story. The killer wasn’t a terrorist————————————–quote

          And hear in the U.S. the same thing happens because the Republicans have refused to spend any money on health care to make it affordable to all people. Mass shootings and vehicle homicides are far less frequent in Canada because they have at least done some things to lessen it and many foreign countries are now putting up barriers to prevent murder by vehicle in areas where large crowds are frequent. And homicide by firearms is far less frequent in many of the Industrialized Countries because they vet all gun purchases not just new guns and have much more thorough back ground checks and its for all gun purchases. There success proves their laws do indeed work.

          quote——————————————Your answer is a non answer. We do not allow people adjudicated to be mentally ill to buy guns. Until a court declares someone mentally ill they are considered sane. The truly mentally ill will generally not be use the black market. And again there is no such thing as a gun show exemption. If you are dealer you cannot sell firearms without doing a background check whether the fire arm is sold in a store, at a gun show or across your kitchen table.——————————quote—————–

          Your so ignorant I do not know where to start. Yes we do let mentally ill people buy all the weapons they want to because we do not vet all gun sales. No you idiot what part of this do you not understand and yes they can and do buy guns a gun shows and from private sales.

          Quote—————————————-The technology you are talking about is farther away then you think.————————————–quote———————-

          Your answer is a laugh were do you live in a cave. Its being tested in the U.S. and around the world and yes its already here and the cars of the near future will all have it.

          quote—————————————–My question on knife control has nothing to do with mass murder events. There are few of those in number. 97% of murders in the US are events where one or two are murdered. For these murderd knives are as deadly as guns————————-quote

          Trying to imply that since a knife kills only 1 or 2 people we should resist preventing mass murder by gunfire only proves you are not mentally playing with a full deck of cards.

          Try again Jethro your only shouting “I am a nut case” to the entire world.

    • Perfect example of today’s late adolescent. Unable to step up and defend his position. He knows nothing beyond a set of talking points. Come on kid, man up and accept the challenge.

      And no we were not like you when we were 21. If an adult challenged us, we would accept the challenge and debate. But then again, we actually knew something and could think for ourselves.

      • td——————————–quote————————————-
        Perfect example of today’s late adolescent. Unable to step up and defend his position. He knows nothing beyond a set of talking points. Come on kid, man up and accept the challenge.

        And no we were not like you when we were 21. If an adult challenged us, we would accept the challenge and debate. But then again, we actually knew something and could think for ourselves.————————————–quote———————————-

        Your maturity and experience and reading comprehension is sophomoric at best. Ones Moniker in no way denotes ones age. I am old enough to be your great grandfather. Your statement proves your maturity which is lacking to say the least.

        • My grandfather was a young soldier in the Prussian Army in 1870 so James Madison must have been President when you were born.

          So i misread one item in your post. Your arguments still have the mark of an adolescent. Perhaps I confused the teacher for a student.

      • Exactly

        I don’t want to live in 99.9 percent of the world where criminals and governments run roughshod over citizens.

        They also have no freedom of speech (look at what the U.K. did to Tommy Robinson and morons like cisco think it is a ‘free country”), no freedom of religion, can be searched on a whim with no warrants or shaky ones at best, double jeopardy galore, guilty until proven innocent, tortured, you must incriminate yourself, and be detained for as long as the police want you to. I could go on but I guess the rest of the world loves screaming at the top of their lungs “muh free healthcare” (the only argument the retards use that isn’t free nor good) since they love living as North Korean-like babies driving 1.0 liter shitboxes (or taking a tram) while living in a 200 sqaure meter hole in the wall and call it “living”.

        • to Raoul of Bayonne (as Carson used to say)

          Quote—————————————-I don’t want to live in 99.9 percent of the world where criminals and governments run roughshod over citizens.

          They also have no freedom of speech (look at what the U.K. did to Tommy Robinson and morons like cisco think it is a ‘free country”), no freedom of religion, can be searched on a whim with no warrants or shaky ones at best, double jeopardy galore, guilty until proven innocent, tortured, you must incriminate yourself, and be detained for as long as the police want you to. I could go on but I guess the rest of the world loves screaming at the top of their lungs “muh free healthcare” (the only argument the retards use that isn’t free nor good) since they love living as North Korean-like babies driving 1.0 liter shitboxes (or taking a tram) while living in a 200 sqaure meter hole in the wall and call it “living”.—————————quote

          Your post is ignorant. A quick search will tell you that the U.S. actually has LESS personal freedom than many other advanced industrialized countries and that we have LESS freedom of the press than other countries as well.

          Your statement on health care reflects your hillbilly upbringing. You were taught “what to think” rather than “how to think”. Even a Moron realizes that every industrialized nation on earth has had State paid for National Health care s some dating back as far as 1900 in Norway, that’s 118 years ago Genius boy. Now if this system did not work and benefit their people by now 118 years later all of the industrialized nations would have went back to “health care for greed and profit” resulting in the piles of dead bodies we climb over every day in our barbarous country because of people dying for lack of affordable health care. We have the most expensive health care and get the least in return for our money, its called CAPITALVANIA.

          Now listen Jethro we can spend all our tax dollars on wars of rape, pillage and conquest or instead spend the tax dollars on health care.

          • @cisco (you do know Duncan Renaldo was not Mexican, right?)

            (he was Romanian)


            Nothing you can say will convince supporters of the second amendment (who are very different from just “gun owners”) to change their minds. The only thing that matters is that the second amendment protects a civil right pre-dating the constitution. The only thing you can do to change things is to instigate the successful passage of an amendment to the constitution. If you can do that, come back and tell us how nirvana is upon us. Until then, AMF.

        • To Sam the Sham.

          Quote———————————-@cisco (you do know Duncan Renaldo was not Mexican, right?)

          (he was Romanian)————————————–quote——————–

          So what is your point that one race is better than another? It does not surprise me that you would say this. And by the way I am not of Spanish descent or Indian decent either. And by the way I am well aware of the life and country of origin of Duncan Renaldo. Come to think of it he was an illegal immigrant too and came close to being kicked out even though he had a job making fabulous amounts of money and making some very patriotic movies as well. Of course decent people like Eleanor Roosevelt stepped in and grabbed the racist hate mongers in the Government and rung their Nazi necks and then told Duncan, “Your staying I made sure of that”.


          quote—————————-Nothing you can say will convince supporters of the second amendment (who are very different from just “gun owners”) to change their minds. The only thing that matters is that the second amendment protects a civil right pre-dating the constitution. The only thing you can do to change things is to instigate the successful passage of an amendment to the constitution. If you can do that, come back and tell us how nirvana is upon us. Until then, AMF.——————————————quote

          Well I wish you were right in your statement about an amendment to the Constitution but obviously you are living in a fantasy world and are not aware of “the real world” here in the U.S. No, there will never be an amendment to cancel out the Second Amendment because 1. It would be too big a fight with too many political consequences and 2. Its not needed to destroy it as all the courts have to do is what they have already been doing for decades and that is completely ignore it. Its much easier to destroy it in this way and unfortunately its working splendidly for the power mad demagogues both Republican and Democrat. If you think Republicans are on your side you have not paid attention to what is going on in the last year including in the last few weeks. And remember Neil Gorsuck turned out to be a bigger and more hated turn coat than Benjamin Arnold ever was. At least Arnold did it for revenge and to recoup his lost funds. Gorsuck did it because it was politically popular to do so.

          • It was a slow news day over here, so I decided to add a little entertainment and trigger you. Always enjoy watching you jump through your navel and run around with your hair on fire.

            As always, you didn’t disappoint.

      • to Chip quote——————————-..No other Nation”

        Yeah. That is kind of the point.———————————-quote

        Precisely the point. It makes our Nation stand out as a bunch of uneducated, barbaric , hill jacks that have failed to study and understand the problem and benefit from the experience and history of other Nations who have taken measures to lessen this problem decades ago.

    • “No other civilized Nation on earth permits criminals, and nut cases to buy guns with no paperwork through un-vetted private sales and at many public gun shows.”

      1. Why should I care what other supposedly civilized nations do to their subjects?

      2. Under federal law, private sales are not subject to background checks, no matter where they take place, including gun shows. Sales from FFL dealers are. Again, location doesn’t make difference, including gun shows. There is nothing special about gun shows. The “gun show loophole” is a big fat lie.

      3. You know it’s already illegal for felons and – as you call them – nut cases to buy or own guns, right? Of course you know, but you want to make it doubleplus illegal.
      Criminals will still not care and rest of us will get registry, which is the real reason for this gun grabber’s demand anyways.

      4. NO! We had enough infringements on our basic human right. I want my cake back!

      5. Btw. someone well read and educated would write “no civilized nation on Earth” not “Nation on earth”.

  39. Elmer Fudd. Fudd, Fuck U Daffy Duck. It’s rabbit season, duck, rabbit, rabbit. Duck. FIRE

  40. any list (no gun,no fly or terror) should be publicly available…have to show WHY a person is on it…and allow for a person to get off it…
    Ted Kennedy was on the no-fly list for years…because some OTHER person (IRA member)with the same name was there…hmmmm
    government lists are notoriously inaccurate…filled with errors and omissions…

  41. I’m actually OK with all these proposals BUT…

    Hunters then have to hunt like 1885 Black Hills/Frontier/Territory folk.

    No hunting trips of less than two weeks and not within 50 miles of real civilization.

    No mechanical conveyance. Pack animals only.

    No modern amenities. Canvas tents, metal stoves, cast iron pot and pans etc only. No technical clothing either. No electricity, no ATVs, RV’s etc. No modern medical gear. Nothing. The only modern thing you can bring with you is a bolt/lever gun, the ON BOARD optics and modern English. Entertainment? Bring a book, booze and other people.

    Accidents and injuries? Too fucking bad. You wanted to go back in time so you get all the bennies of doing so. Sling the poor sod on a mule or horse and hope he makes it.

    This all applies to bird hunting as well.

    Fair enough?

  42. “We do not need AR-15s or any assault-style weapon to hunt game. That’s not to say some people won’t use them to hunt. But they are simply not necessary, and are actually not preferable for legitimate, fair-chase hunting.”

    Sitting in a tree with bait below so you can shoot a deer (which cannot see you because the deer cannot look up) is not “sporting”, or “fair-chase hunting”, even if you do it with a muzzle loader. If shooting from trees and into “traps” is your idea of reasonable people exercising responsible gun control, the entire technique should be illegal and banned. In fact, using anything other than a black powder muzzle loaders should be banned. Prove you really have skills, not the convenience of modern machinery and ammunition.

    Hunters….wanna impress someone with your reasonable use of firearms, get rid of your bolt action, magazine fed and lever action game rifles. Indeed, make things really sporting, and give up your guns for hunting; revert to a real challenge…bows, arrows and knives. Make a real statement about responsible weapons use. You don’t need all that long range artillery to hunt.

  43. Tell you guys what, you guys ban my guns and I’ll buy up every single hunting tag possible every year and burn them for the rest of my life.

  44. At work yesterday I met a guy who said he’s a gun owner but any gun that holds more than four bullets should be illegal. ( he said specifically that he’s a one shot one kill a kind of guy and if you need more than four bullets you need to go get some training ).

    Needless to say my head nearly exploded from this lunacy and I went on to try to overload this individual with facts and real data, and in spite of all the evidence, he has been so indoctrinated to think the way he does that he could not rationalize what I was telling him.

    I asked him to give me specific data or facts to back up his arguments and he said there’s too many to list and he didn’t know where to start. I said just give me one, and he couldn’t. And while this guy did not look like a typical fudd, as he looked more like a 60s hippie, he falls under the definition of a fudd and they are the worst kind of gun owners.

  45. Okay, So a Marxist News media company released an “Authoritarian Manifesto ” that supports the collapse and elimination of the US Bill of Rights for any Political Dissidents, or anyone “Wrong-Thinking…” Maybe this requires some serious Pro2@/Freedom media pushback…Like a retort that the common man and woman would understand…And realise that the DNC/Liberal Progressive Corporate Media/Liberal Pathogen, are NOT in the business of supporting American Freedom & Liberties…But Attempting a cold civil war through the use of Low Information voters/ Marching Morons/The Unwashed Masses…The hope anyone has to prevent the NWO is to fight the Future…Or America will truly be lost…Becoming another Neutered EU-NWO country-state with a “Citizen/Subject/Employee handbooks” instead of a US Constitutional-Bill of Rights…

  46. I had a quick rebuttal for HuffPo and their Quisling contributors, but I don’t want to get in trouble for posting it.

    I will say that the horse they rode in on would have been purely optional, though.

  47. They keep playing the same game — ” Give us THESE demands …. and we will ..’ Let You ‘ … keep SOME of the Freedoms you have now.”

    Here …. have a home-made bump stock , champ.

  48. Go to the article and read the names of the “outdoors” people who are responsible for this crap. Who the hell are they? Has anyone ever heard of them? I’ve only been involved with guns and hunting for 60 years and I’ve never even seen these names before. This is just more agitation propaganda from our Socialist enemy. Anyone who wants to diminish our civil rights is our enemy. Anyone who wishes to eliminate a civil right for that they think is the collective good is our Socialist enemy.

  49. These gun-control advocates are the most contemptible of their kind…

    They’re the kapos in the camp. These are the people who should never, ever have guns. The Mark Kellys and Giffords of the world who, plain and simply, think they are better than us.

    Well, you fudds are not better. You’re just ignorant, intolerant, self-absorbed bigots. And you’ll never be more than contemptible clowns to us who advocate for the Second Amendment. Pawns to be paraded out and used by people who would just as soon take your guns away next, once you outlive your useless usefulness.

    GFY. There will be no ban, there will be no compliance.

  50. Why is .22 rimfire always excepted from the restrictions? I know it’s not the most reliable round, and it wouldn’t be my go-to for protection, but it’s still well able to be lethal.

    Sounds like they consider some calibers to be more equal than others.

    • And to vote, buy a car, join the Military, open a Bank Account, apply for a Credit Card, get a Driver License, get a Passport, get married and everything else 18 to 20 year old people can do now.

  51. “Mental Illness” would make all Liberals Prohibited Persons because Liberalism is a mental illness.

  52. The most important line:

    “Here’s where we would begin:”

    The most important word:


  53. Sounds like the left just created another “pro-gun, but” group. That never gets old.

  54. With a few exceptions this reads like a page taken right out of the socialist anti-gunner
    play book. Yes I’m an OWAA member too.

  55. Free people in a republic don’t “need” a reason for anything they want to do. You need a reason for anything your want to restrict. I look forward for Fudds-r-Us articulating the rationale for each of their proposals. Some data would be nice, what good it does n how you know, the costs it imposes n how you know, and whatever else it does as a side effect.

    They published maps of the homes of registered gun owners online, for example. NY-SAFE-is-a-lie act was barely in place when the first raids from a bad (incorrect) mental instabillity report, and bad (incorrect) interpretation of the law.

    In particular imposing a cost, impacting citizens’ personal safety, or restricting a right required passing increasing thresholds to be lawful.

  56. Well, at least they are taking a principled position: “We don’t do any of this, so we don’t care if you ban it.”

    Ethical paragons, there, the lot of them.

  57. Every writers’ group has been thoroughly infiltrated and run by authoritarian collectivists since the red-diaper cohorts before WW-II. There’s no more funding from Moscow these days — well, less. BUT the mindset is that we are all simply units of the collective, run by people who know better.

    The fact that every one of those “proposals” has loopholes you could drive a truck through (whether to run people down or not) is a feature, not a bug.

  58. I read some of their site. I may never be clean again.

    So, from their own strategic plan, they are a declining-size membership organization looking to reverse their fortunes, and establish themselves as a brand. They intend to do this via the communication plan and strategy from the committee for figuring that out — plan and strategy mentioned several times, what that might be not at all.

    They have conferences. They talk about “skills” for their membership on the first, outer pages, but the specifics of their events, materials, and yes, aims are advocacy of one kind or another. Their “leadership” have careers getting paid to write things, mainly things with an agenda. Not getting paid for what they write.

  59. Some excerpts…

    “I believe in the profession of outdoor reporting as a public trust to report that which is true.

    My financial return will not influence my judgment

    I believe the trust that is imposed on me is subject to justification in my own heart and mind, and that the true test of my work is the measure of its public service.”

    Oh, my god.

    “We who inform…”

    From their own words … They’re advocates. Setting the facts — you know, the ones from their hearts — in front of the less informed, so the proles can know the right thing to do about the great outdoors. The only membership number I found was 800. They are however an “international” association.

    Apparently, it’s part of their felt truth to masquerade as a professional writers’ association, and to present the ill-informed consensus of their tiny minority as what gun people, or all hunters think.

    Well, that makes them useful idiots for somebody, that’s for sure.

    1. I have had friends who have used AR-15’s to hunt ground hogs since I first joined a gun club in 1970. [THAT’S 48 TEARS AGO!]
    2. I have been competing in rifle competition continually since 1970 [and that includes Regional and National Matches.] MY TARGET RIFLES include an M-1, M-1A, Anschutz, and yes an AR-15. GEE. The ELMERs only talk of “Hunting.” I guess they have never competed in regulated, Nationally and Internationally Sanctioned Matches.
    3. That is just more proof that “DUMB AND STUPID” come in many guises.

    1. “Non-sequitor?” CHECK YOUR SPELLING.
    2. “Civilized Countries.” – Isn’t that where they drink warm beer?
    3. HUNTING Rifles: Hasn’t the military used them (especially Viet Nam and since) as SNIPER RIFLES? —- but they’re for SPORTING!!!!
    4. There has been a DECLINE in states’ issuance of Hunting Licenses for several years. Maybe the ELMERs are out of touch…..
    5. The Pittman-Robertson Act has taxed every gun and all ammunition for YEARS. THAT MONEY is earmarked to be returned to the individual STATES for the singular use of conservation, etc. OK, that means that EVERY GUN OWNER, EVERY SHOOTER is paying for conservation where you live. EVEN YOU ELMERS and YOU ANTI’s BENEFIT from our hobbies and sports. So, get rid of guns and close down your State Parks and State Forests due to lack of $. Of course, we could always RAISE YOUR TAXES!
    6. Remember Australia took all those guns away from law-abiding citizens? Wasn’t there another mass murder there a few days ago?
    7. A lot of violence is done using baseball bats. I want to BAN BASEBALL BATS!!!!
    8. While we are at it, I want to make playing FOOT BALL ILLEGAL! MORE VIOLENCE occurs on the playing field EVERY GAME [and in the stands, and in the parking lots] than in 1000 Rifle Matches.
    9. What is the actual percentage of “crazies” using guns for mass shootings? Now, what is the percentage of participants using other killing machines on our highways? -ROAD RAGE, that is.
    10. Shouldn’t we also require that nobody under 21 be allowed to own or drive a vehicle? — Nothing unconstitutional about that.
    11. I’m not so sure about the Constitution not protecting drinking alcohol. We might infer that, since there was an amendment reinstating manufacturing & sale, that consumption may also be protected. … Hmmmmm……
    12. I’ll bet that if you take each “FUDD point,” you could easily use it to regulate and ban a “favorite” item or pastime some anti wants to keep. — Easy to do, too.

    Silly? Yes and no. Maybe I’m a FUDD about other things….

  62. These people are best sent back to wherever they came from, and while being packaged for shipment, ignored. By the way, it might be rather interesting to discover who is behind them, and whence they came from.

  63. Fudds are more of an enemy of our Constitutional rights than the Liberals because they will be used as ‘useful idiots’ by the antis to undermine all gun owners everywhere.

  64. What about Elmer Fudd…can he buy? Seriously, l hunt with my AR as the last two times that l took my wood stock same caliber gun, the wood got boogered up! My Son that is in the ARMY qualifying on day one on the M4 due to his practice at the farm…oh, so since he is only 18, he would not be able to buy and own…in spite of being qualified on 4 weapon systems…and could be using same weapon systems to protect our Country?

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