Centers for Disease Control CDC
(AP Photo/David Goldman, File)
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From the CCRKBA

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control focusing on a spike in gun-related violence pulls data out of context and demonstrates how the CDC is “up to its old tricks” under the Biden administration, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“All violent crime was up in 2020, the year on which the CDC research focused,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “But the CDC, which is not a crime control agency, has an unhealthy fixation on trying to make guns the issue, turning the Second Amendment into a public health problem.

“The CDC report showing gun-related deaths is alarming,” he added, “but even more alarming is the return of the CDC under Joe Biden’s administration to its assumed role as a gun control advocacy agency. This is why gun owners support legislation to keep the CDC out of anything remotely connected to firearms policy.”

Gottlieb pointed to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2020 showing an estimated 5.6 percent increase in violent crime over 2019. Aggravated assaults were up by 12.1 percent, and murder and non-negligent manslaughter were up by more than 29 percent, including crimes where guns were not involved. In any given year, he noted, more people are murdered with knives, blunt objects and even hands and feet than are killed with rifles of any kind, yet gun prohibitionists will use CDC data to push for bans on certain types of rifles.

“Maybe the real public health threat are people who commit violent crimes,” Gottlieb suggested. “We don’t see the CDC working on a cure for all the problems that contribute to the uptick in violent crime, such as demonizing and defunding police agencies, reducing police manpower, despair over the economy and rising inflation under Joe Biden, the emotional pressures of job loss and homelessness; all of these factors play into the dilemma. Spotlighting guns is not going to provide a solution, but only a scapegoat to advance a gun control agenda.

“It is no wonder more Americans are buying guns for personal and family protection,” he continued. “And just like clockwork, here comes the CDC with research focusing on guns that appears tailor-made for the gun prohibition lobby’s crusade to add even more restrictions on a constitutionally-protected right. At a time when violent crime is on the rise, we should not be considering new ways to disarm the public.”

“This year,” Gottlieb observed, “courageous, common-sense lawmakers in four states have adopted ‘Constitutional carry’ laws that will allow citizens to arm themselves against violent criminals without having to wait to obtain a concealed carry permit or license. We now have 25 of the 50 states with permitless carry laws, and we nearly had two more—Florida and Nebraska—so let this be a signal to the gun control crowd. People are willing to defend themselves and fight back, because they do not care to become a statistic in some future CDC report.”

The CDC report also noted a slight increase in firearm-related suicide, a subject Gottlieb is very familiar with. Four years ago, he championed a suicide prevention pilot project in Washington State, helping to secure funding for study and intervention, and enlisting the aid of gun shops, gun ranges and firearms instructors and experts.

“The firearms community has stepped up to the plate,” he said. “We’ve advocated for policies that work, and we fight to protect the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. Gun taxes, gun buy-backs and gun bans don’t work, haven’t worked and will continue not working. It’s time for a different approach.”

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  1. Of course no mention of defund the police, allowing illegals into the Country without vetting them, and allowing criminals not to be charged for serious crimes or simply releasing them from prison. None of those things should enter into the discussion now should they? I don’t know about the rest of you but I am really getting sick and tired of the Socialist BS and think if they cheat in this next election we ought to take action. Any suggestions?

  2. Nuremberg 2.0. Crimes against humanity. Violations of human and civil rights. It needs to happen.

  3. Only because Trump’s RINO BUDDY “OZ” in PA gave a speech/statement very recently trying to empower them to do. It was decided years ago the CDC had no authority to address any firearms issues and it wasn’t even something they could have authority delegated to them for. If they try to pull this off an easy lawsuit should put the fruits of their unlawful efforts to rest.

    • Wasn’t it also decided that the FBI can’t spy on people without a proper warrant? It’s almost like they don’t care.

      • Especially if they protest their school board for promoting CRT and gay pride days.

        That must be worth lots of social credit demerits.

    • Is Dr. Oz a geniune RINO like romney and others riding on the never ending bash POTUS DJT train? At this point in time PA is a must win for anyone but a democRat. If your choice is between the democRat and Dr. Oz or staying home what are you going to do?

      • No. He’s more of a RINO like Mike Bloomberg: the only way he could get elected was to change his registration, and learn a whole new script.

    • “It was decided years ago the CDC had no authority to address any firearms issues”

      Simply not true. You should do a little research on the matter.

  4. How can the CDC have this data and publish this report if studying guns is banned?
    Or so the MSM keeps telling me it’s banned.

    • “How can the CDC have this data and publish this report if studying guns is banned?”

      There’s no ban on studying, the ban is on using government money to pay for it…

      • And there is actually no ban on using government money to pay for gun studies, the restriction is on the government study promoting or advocating for gun control (see The Dickey Amendment)

        • And everything you said about the ban is moot anyway, since it was removed by the Democrats right after they came to power.

      • If only the government actually had their own money. They keep “borrowing” it from us without our permission by the way. Once an alphabet agency becomes political it needs to be dismantled.

        • *borrowing from our future grandchildren. They’re enslaving future generations of worker bees into debt so they can pay their buddies and keep up their decadent lifestyles.

  5. Guess what. Gun control does nothing to prevent suicides, or prevent violent crime. All it does is limit the ability of the victims of violence to fight back or defend themselves.
    Next is the most horrendous acts of violence ever committed have been perpetrated by governments against a disarmed populace. Just my take is I would much rather the government fear the general populace, than have the general populace fear the government.

  6. Oh, I see… the rising crime in 2020 had nothing to do with the global pandemic or the BLM riots, it was all guns. Thanks for clearing that up, CDC.

  7. Just a department of the Biden government. No surprise to anyone who is conscious.

  8. After the last two years, why would anyone take the CDC seriously? It is just a tool of oligarchs and kleptocrats, like mainstream media.

    • Which authority do you trust then when it comes to getting important information and doing research about contagious diseases in the USA?

      • None. Because that’s the “choice” we’ve been left. Even the tinfoil hat people had a better record of being right about COVID issues than the CDC. And the tinfoil hat people didn’t force me to continue to house a deadbeat renter while continuing to bill me property taxes, neither of which were medical issues in their wheelhouse at all.

        • With all the whining and crying about President Trump being a tyrant this administration has proven itself to be the most lawless in our history. Don’t like a law just don’t enforce it. Need a law that isn’t there pull one out of your ass. The end of this administration can’t come soon enough.

  9. The CDC is politicizing… Well, of course they are. The poor dears. Now, for those of you who may not speak polite southern, “poor dear” is not really a compliment, it’s barely sympathetic. It’s a term reserved for those who, when they speak, we all smile and nod. Then we return to what matters.

  10. quote—————In any given year, he noted, more people are murdered with knives, blunt objects and even hands and feet than are killed with rifles of any kind, yet gun prohibitionists will use CDC data to push for bans on certain types of rifles.————-quote

    Steve Paddock murdered 58 people and wounded and crippled 500 in only a few seconds and he sure as hell could not have done it by throwing knives or baseball bats at them from over 400 yards away. This was only one case of many of mass murder by assault rifle. Assault rifles are used in more and more horrific mass murders because in the uncivilized world of Capitalvania life is considered cheap and expendable. No other civilized nation on earth permits lunatics and criminals to buy all the firepower they want by buying second hand guns with no paperwork and stolen guns because we do not have Universal Background Checks or Safe Storage Laws.

    Mass murders with assault rifles have now become the norm while the rest of the civilized world looks on in absolute horror. Not to mention untrained out of control cops who brutally torture people to death in broad daylight like Derrick Chauvin did as he sneered back at the cameras recording his horrific torture killing of George Floyd. The civilized world asked the question “How has the U.S. disintegrated into a mad house of killing everyday with the streets running rivers of blood and carnage by criminals, nut cases and cops who are protected cold blooded killers.

    • You were just raging about privacy issues when you were arguing in favor of abortions, herr dacian. Right to privacy was a constitutional right was your argument.

      How do UBC’s and paper work square with your right to privacy? Safe storage laws in regards to our right to privacy?

      And you want the same cops that murdered chauvin to be in charge of who gets the right to own a gun?

      Mental illness runs in your family, doesn’t it.

      • jwm —

        ” … cops that murdered chauvin … ”

        Nope. Floyd died of an overdose and preexisting medical conditions.

      • Doublethink at work.

        But the logical contradictions are driving him insane. Along with DIY hillbilly meth.

    • Planned parenthood slaughtered 500,000 children last year alone. My guns are not the problem. Gun control and gun controllers are cowards and frauds. Spineless pu’ ‘ is. Your ‘ concern ‘ is a lie. Bugger off

  11. The CDC will never say that a father is necessary in the home. In order to reduce the future possibilities of creating young criminals. Because the Libertarians Liberals in the Left disagreed with Christians when they said a father is necessary in the home.
    And all of that cost the taxpayers nothing. And this keeps the government out of the family business.

  12. I’m having a hard time finding, in this article, exactly how the CDC politicized the data.

    • Sun —

      Then let’s go to the source:

      “Long-standing systemic inequities and structural racism limit economic and education opportunities. They contribute to unfair and avoidable health disparities among some racial and ethnic groups. …

      “Stopping firearm violence now and in the future requires a comprehensive prevention approach focused on reducing inequities. Strategies should address the underlying physical, social, economic, and structural conditions known to increase firearm homicide and suicide risks. …

      “Preventing firearm deaths requires a comprehensive approach and various partners from across sectors working directly with communities to decrease inequities and increase resiliency and well-being.</b. … "

      As noted in the article: “Maybe the real public health threat are people who commit violent crimes,” Gottlieb suggested. “We don’t see the CDC working on a cure for all the problems that contribute to the uptick in violent crime, such as demonizing and defunding police agencies, reducing police manpower, despair over the economy and rising inflation under Joe Biden, the emotional pressures of job loss and homelessness … “

      • Aha. Promote social equity by making everyone equally poor. Except for the elites of course.

      • Thank you for clearing that up. I was looking for the article to post a link to the report they were discussing or, at minimum, the title of the report. The CDC has been on record, for about 30 years, that they see firearm-related deaths and injuries as being a public health issue, whereas, it seems, most gun groups see it as a criminal justice issue. IMO, it is both. The report quotes you posted (thank you, again) seem to say that gun-related violence, injury and death are complex issues that should be approached through various means and by various disciplines. Sounds kinda reasonable, actually.

        • The fact is that the CDC has been anti-gun for eons. That doe snot make what they say to be “gospel”, in fact it makes it suspect at best. CDC has in this case engaged in starting out with a conclusion and then cherry pick the stats it likes to “prove” (sic) their “point”.

  13. The article does not post a link to this CDC report nor does it name the title of the report. I just keeps referring to it as ‘the CDC report’. By the way, the CDC has been on record, for many years, as considering gun-related violence in the US as public health issue, not just a crime issue.

    • “By the way, the CDC has been on record, for many years, as considering gun-related violence in the US as public health issue, not just a crime issue.”

      Well, duh. If it’s not a public health issue, it doesn’t help them build their empire.

      When your only tool is a hypodermic, every problem is an injection site.

    • Sun Kim,

      Yeah, and the CDC said, “Masks don’t work.” Then they said, “Masks work, wear them everywhere.” Then they said, “Masks are necessary indoors, but not outdoors (while they partied maskeless, indoors AND out). Then they said, “Use disinfecting wipes to wipe down doorknobs and shopping carts.” They they said, “Oops, COVID is airborne, and you don’t catch it from surfaces.” Then they said, “The vaccines work. You will neither get nor transmit the virus.” Then they said, “Oops, you can still get the virus, and transmit it, but get jabbed anyway.” Then they said, “You should still get the vaccine, but now you need a booster . . . every three months.” Then they said, “Lockdowns are the answer.” Then they said, “Lockdowns aren’t necessary.”

      Are you seeing a pattern here, sheep? The CDC “says” all sorts of things. I’m sure they even occasionally said a few things that were correct – stopped clock, and all that. Try removing your head from your fourth point of contact, look around, and do a little thinking . . . if you are capable.

      • Some of our country’s top scientists and researchers work at (or contribute to) projects and studies at the CDC. Are they perfect? Of course not. Will they get it right all the time? No. Same can be said about the highly vaunted US military. They get stuff wrong too but we still trust them for the most part and support them. If you’re a conspiracy theorist, then I understand why you don’t trust anything any government agency tells you. Then again, conspiracy theorist are often suffering from mental health issues.

  14. Of course, the good news is that if five years ago, the CDC had come out with a statement whaling on guns, the national response would have been, “reeeeeee!” Today, it’s way more likely to be, “Aw, geez, not you nagging as*les again!”

  15. And to think that they had just built up such a sterling reputation with their COVID measures, now to throw that all away.

  16. As Fentanyl continues to pour across our porous borders, it will eventually replace guns as a favored means for murder and suicide. Cheaper, harder to trace, silent, more effective, no waiting period, superior in all aspects. Just a matter of time. CDC had better prepare themselves, the numbers will skyrocket.

  17. So CDC it’s not the ghost gunms but Virus gunms causing the trouble.
    You guys should do something about that, people die yah know.

  18. That’s why I say we have no hope for change except by force. This country has been taken over by corrupt politicians for over 45 years. Everyone one that in government from the past 45 years has baggage. They all need to be put on trial and investigated.i do home work ….. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦

    • If I see blue helmets coming down my street I’m using them for target practice. At that point this would be the hill to die on.

      • You’re damn right. I’ll either be right there with you or someone just like you. Personally I can’t wait to get my hands on the military-grade full auto weapons and all the free ammo and frags the blue heads will very quickly provide.

        • What absolute bloody nonsens and it just goes to show just how blood ignorant you Gun Freaks are!! UN Peacekeepers you are certifiably as mad as a hatter.

  19. Does that mean that each category of illegal deaths NOT including guns is greater than the numbre of deaths including fireams or is it a TOTAL of non firearm crime. If the former and seeing that there are from 15 to 20 thousand deaths by Gun Crime and counting in the USA every year it would be truly worring in that there would by upwards of 60/80,000 Illegal deaths per annum.
    In the UK, and I would suppose that the Uk is around the European average there are, year on year less than 1000 illegal deaths from all causes per annum includin knife crime, gun crime [a very very small category Manslaughter, Acts of Terrorism, and thbose resulting from domestic violence On a per capita basis that would mean that in the USA given the differences in population around 5/6000 illegal deaths from all causze. And yet here you are BRAGGING about the fact that Gun Crime is ‘ONLY responsible for around half of all those illegal deaths. And you probaly wonder why most of the civilised world thinks that hopefully a minority of Americans are certifiably unhinged and just looking for an excuse to ‘slot’ somebody. Especially a COMMIE a LEFTY or a DEMOCRAT. Failing that a perp preferably an Afro American but a Jew, Catholic a spic or a wop [or even possibly a BRIT or a CANADIAN _after all they both have tax funded Social Medicine ] would serve the same purpose though maybe not get so many Brownie Points.

  20. Albert Hall May 14, 2022 At 15:21

    “What absolute bloody nonsens and it just goes to show just how blood ignorant you Gun Freaks are!! UN Peacekeepers you are certifiably as mad as a hatter.”

    That’s because you and other like-minded snotballs are inbred-type ignorant and won’t recognize an invasion until it runs right up or over your scrawny worthless ass.

    Any hostile invasion force will be met with the same or worse hostility as brought to bear on WE THE PROPLE of our nation and/or any other nation I happen to be in at the time such nonsense occurs. If I had been in the Ukraine when the Russians invaded I would still be there shooting at them if I wasn’t dead already.

    Such traitors and cowards like your miserable and pathetic self will be the first dealt with for either failing to assist or getting in the damn way when the invading belligerent nations present in the country are either totally destroyed, or wishing they were. If this attitude and demeanor bothers you I encourage you to do the soul-searching necessary to determine if when the invasion starts you either cowardly run south to Mexico or simply commit suicide as I’m telling you not to rule that out as one of your options. Either option will stand as proof that’s about all your pathetic presence is worth.

  21. Maybe if the CDC did it’s job we would not have the covid related inflation that is making people so desperate. Maybe if they did their job instead of worrying about gun control we could have prevented the wide spread of covid. Maybe if we had a president with balls he would fire the Folks at the CDC and get some in that new how to prevent and control disease. Just think all branches of government should be held accountable.

  22. You know, if the CDC worked as hard at stopping diseases as they do things that are out of their scope of responsibility. We would be a real healthy nation. But, they don’t and we aren’t. Maybe it is time to do away with the CDC?

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