Woman concealed carry gun in purse

The reality is that in addition to preventing abusers from owning guns, we must empower vulnerable citizens to protect themselves.

For law-abiding New Yorkers, there is currently no swift and easy way to protect yourself in your own home with a handgun. Even if you have no criminal record, no history of mental illness and no desire to carry a gun outside of your home, you must apply for an expensive handgun license. On June 23, the Supreme Court struck down an additional requirement to demonstrate a heightened need, or “proper cause,” if you want to carry your gun in public.

I support background checks, waiting periods, assault weapon bans and gun control proposals that make it harder for people to obtain guns. We should strive for a world in which the only people with guns would be responsible citizens trained in firearm safety who purchased their guns legally, store them safely and use them only for hunting or sport shooting, or as a last resort for personal protection. Gun owners in New York should be required to take continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses. When gun owners are improperly trained and guns are not properly stored, there is a tremendous risk of injury to themselves and others.

But the truth is that the world we live in is awash in illegal guns. Ghost guns, which are assembled from components bought online and are untraceable, are prevalent in coastal states with strict gun laws, and hundreds have been seized by the New York City Police Department in recent years. New York’s onerous gun licensing requirements deter law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves. And while city officials boast that gun arrests are at a 28-year high and shooting incidents were down last month, murder, rape, robbery and assault were all on the rise when compared with the same time last year. …

While recently visiting a state with less restrictive gun laws, I found exactly the gun I would like to buy: a small Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard, light enough for me to confidently handle and safely store.

It sells for about what a handgun license application in New York City costs. And as soon as I am able to legally buy and carry it without too much hassle, I look forward to sleeping soundly.

— Laura E. Adkins in I’m a New York City Liberal, and I Want a Gun


  1. Some fantasy world she imagines. Probably filled with Unicorns, and cute little bunny rabbits.

  2. Yeah, well good luck with that. The government of New York has already made it more difficult to own and carry a gun than it was before bruen

    • RE: “I support background checks, waiting periods, assault weapon bans and gun control proposals that make it harder for people to obtain guns. We should strive for a world in which the only people with guns would be responsible citizens trained in firearm safety who purchased their guns legally, store them safely and use them only for hunting or sport shooting, or as a last resort for personal protection. Gun owners in New York should be required to take continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses. When gun owners are improperly trained and guns are not properly stored, there is a tremendous risk of injury to themselves and others.”

      Don’t you just love it when people like Laura E. Adkins who clearly does not know squat about firearms begins to regurgitate things she heard from Gun Control zealots. Well what milquetoast Laura won’t ever hear from any pompous, sneaky Gun Control zealot is as follows…History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide.

      So Laura allow me to educate you…When you support Gun Control Proposals you might as well be wearing a white sheet, pointed hat and some swastikas.

      • I’ll grant you that gun control in the US was originally rooted in racism, not so much genocide. The same people that pushed laws restricting the arming of slaves and even free blacks, were pushing the “who will pick the food” line pretty hard. Assuming they believed what they were saying, they would hardly want to eliminate the food producers and starve in support of their hatred.

        Not Z gun control was clearly both racist and genocidal. They massively loosed the Weimar Republic restrictions on everyone except Jews, and a small assortment of “undesirables” (gypsies, homosexuals, communists, etc)

        But then we come to Russia (USSR), China, Cuba, North Korea, Cambodia, and various communist satellites. All of them enacted strict gun control and all of them exterminated vast masses of people, but those people were of their own race. Even the Russian/Ukrainian conflicts going back centuries are between 2 groups of Slavs. That would be like claiming racism and genocide in any of America’s conflicts with England.

        Ergo, gun control is NOT always racist and NOT always genocidal, though it is always totalitarian and always does seem to get an awful lot of people killed.

        • “Ergo, gun control is NOT always racist and NOT always genocidal, ”

          Yet the examples you include are those of racism and genocide.

    • “Yeah, well good luck with that. The government of New York has already made it more difficult to own and carry a gun than it was before bruen”

      Not for long, it won’t.

      Now that ‘Bruen’ has been ruled by the SCotUS that the 2A is a full-blown civil right, I can easily see ‘fees’ for firearm ownership and carry will be ruled unconstitutional, the same way actual ‘Jim Crow’ era poll taxes were ruled unconstitutional.

      This also blows the door wise-assed-open to getting actual gun safety taught in the public schools. The ‘Four Rules’, for example, for the younger ones.

      We paint them in the corner on this. Our position should be that the Leftists actually want children dead and maimed…

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    • As a long-time “unrestricted” NYS Pistol License holder, where I use to be able to carry virtually anywhere, it’s now far worse than it was before. While I support the SCOTUS decision as prior the application of the law was arbitrary, there best be another lawsuit teed up to attack the opt-in requirement for business – the presumption CCW is prohibited unless they sign that firearms are permitted…something that will be very rare in this state thus making virtually all establishments off limits to CCW.

  3. “But the truth is that the world we live in is awash in illegal guns.”

    This is the only important sentence in the entire diatribe, and yet, except to protect the people from their own government, is exactly the reason Bruen, and the Second Amendment, are essential to all Americans for their well-being.

    For a century now, criminals and thugs have been marauding the streets of major metropolitan areas with firearms, bats, clubs, knives, and all manner of weapons, victimizing the citizens at will and with little consequences for their illegal actions. Now there seems to be a bit of pushback.

    If I was unfortunate enough to have to live in NY, NYC, or any of the major, blue governed cities or states, I’d just go ahead and carry concealed regardless of what the idiots controlling the state dictate. I’m only in any sort of trouble if I present the firearm, which I would only do to protect myself.

  4. An e-mail this AM said NY was making things “difficult” on gun retailers. If enough people come out wanting firearms in NY then the disgruntled status quo making things difficult will have to pound sand. Following the USSC decision the law is on the side of those exercising a Constitutional Right that shall not be infringed.

  5. “use them only for hunting or sport shooting, or as a last resort for personal protection”. First of all, “sport shooting” could also be called training for when you need to defend yourself, your family, or your country (see Ukraine). Also, 2A isn’t about hunting, it’s a curb against tyranny. I’m glad this person has connected some dots, but they need to go a little deeper on the reasoning.

    • Correct. She missed the whole point and has it Arse Backwards. Hunting and Sports Shooting don’t have anything to do with the “Why” we have the 2nd.
      Her regurgitation of the bogus Ghost Gun claims means she’s swallowed that line of BS hook, line and sinker.

  6. Supporting voluminous restrictions for everybody else is the true mark of an incurable personality disorder.
    Tyrannis Rexism.
    Psychiatrically speaking, felons should get their gun rights back before you do. YOUR voting tecord is the reason that rape, murder, battery and robbery are off the charts. Not until you admit it, do penance, and go through exhaustive psychological evaluation and training will we allow you to own and carry such a destructive weapon. YOU have beat it into us that firearms are only good for killing, not protection. You have crowed loudly that we are twenty times more likely to be shot with our own protective sidearm.
    WE have spent our lives learning, training and living with weapons.
    So LEARN, TRAIN, PRACTICE, QUALIFY, and THEN you may have one.
    Oh yeah, along with that you must compete at least six times a year,
    QUALIFY twice a year, and fire a minimum of 200 rounds a month in order for you to carry.
    This sounds restrictive to you?
    It is what we all do, and a lot of it is self imposed. We care deeply about where each and every bullet goes, and we are all RESPONSIBLE for each and every one of them.
    So learn OUR personal code and follow it, or go join a karate class instead.

    • “Not until you admit it, do penance”

      $hit in one hand and wish the other, see which fills up first

      • LOL, my Grandmother used that expression a lot, and she’s been dead 30 years.
        Took me by surprise to see it, and choked on my coffee laughing.
        That’s a Universal Truth for sure.
        Thank you.

  7. I love these people who are sooooooo close to getting it. The inescapable truth of reality is right there buried under a bunch of naïve childish nonsense. So many words dedicated to the regime line ending with the simple fact that she wants to be able to put down an attacker and the state shouldn’t be preventing her from doing so.

    You’d think the state hindering your own self-preservation would be more than enough to wake people up but still they just have to support the regime. They simply can’t admit their own situation. Stockholm syndrome, perhaps?

    • “I love these people who are sooooooo close to getting it.”

      For the ‘New York Times’, it’s a welcome change in attitude.

      Let’s take every advantage of this ‘Wind of Change’…

  8. One more thing. Would somebody please explain why a gun that’s “untraceable” is more dangerous than one that is? How many crimes are solved because a stolen gun or illegally obtained gun with serial numbers was used? If a crime was committed, and the perp kept the gun, then what? If a crime was committed by a known felon who wasn’t supposed to have a gun, and the gun was recovered, then so what?

    • A combination of “I saw it on TV” and filling in the logic gaps with bits of their own imagination to come to the conclusion they’ve been told is the right one.
      Just like ballistic fingerprinting, drug dog hits, bloodstain splatter analysis and who know what other forensic voodoo we’ve all been indoctrinated to believe is reliable and irrefutable.

      Phrenology. Every bit of it.

  9. Oh for cripes sake, there is that “we” again as if its everyone and truth.

    The author then exploits the use of general terms and conditions in an attempt to dissuade gun purchase; For example, “there is currently no swift and easy way to protect yourself in your own home with a handgun.” and “And as soon as I am able to legally buy and carry it without too much hassle” so “hey, its a big hassle and and is not easy”. Then runs down every restrictive thing in New York specifically intended to make the process as burdensome as possible as if it does not already exist in some form because she is ‘for it’ as if its some wish list of hers so she can remain safe. But then goes back to reminding us basically “hey, i’m like you, I want to be safe too.” as if she is talking with a best friend “but its a big PITA to get a gun and its going to be expensive and time consuming and ya will need to go through this every year.”

    Then she keeps mentioning the term “gun control” as if it can only be what she describes in her folksy “hey, i’m like you” best friend conversation manner when in reality the “gun control” she is talking about has already been proven to be ineffective for stopping violent criminal threats to public safety and has taken on an even more persecution and denial stance in her own State and city. In other words she is endorsing the more persecution and denial stance of the gun control in New York and trying to present it as ‘common sense’ acceptable because “we” and her are suddenly BFF’s and she is “one of us so we should understand too and go along with gun control because its like the way she describes it”.

    This is the old “I want sensible gun control and i’m a gun owner or want to buy a gun” dodge to imply an “Hey, i’m your friend. I’m like you” ’empathy’ for gun owners or those who may be thinking about buying a gun. Its a lie. Make no mistake, this article is one of those anti-gun tactics trying to garner ‘agreement’ in what seems like ‘common sense’ to dissuade gun ownership and invoke a sense of guilt. In reality its a manipulation piece exploiting a natural human tendency in today’s society to want to “help”, its typical anti-gun industry manipulation.

  10. 1) How many other *untraceable* weapons has the NYPD confiscated during the same time period? Probably more knives, clubs, etc. than guns. What license is required to buy a steak knife, a paring knife, a straight razor, etc.? 2) What about the poor unfortunates who can’t afford to buy the M&P Bodyguard (is that the pocket 380? Not so good against heavy winter wear), then *buy* the license for the same price. Oh well, muggers gotta eat too. 3) Does the author have any notion of the cost (dollars & time) of the ongoing training she advocating? 4) What *hunting and sport shooting* opportunities exist that allow a pocket 380 or 9mm? This snowflake wants to have her liberal *cake* AND her conservative *eat it too*. TANSTAAFL!

    • Laura is too dim to have a gat. It’s dims like her(?) that make NY so effed up.

      • Laura is just another NYC fool looking for utopia. Like so many others she thinks training will make all 100% perfect and accident free. Get thee behind me!

        • No, get thee in FRONT of me. I wouldn’t want her behind me with a loaded firearm.

  11. AS a kid growing up in the Bronx I used to pass a store on Webster Ave that sold guns. Its clientele was all cops, DA’s & Judges as the Sullivan Act made it impossible for a regular citizen to own a handgun. My dad was a cop and shopped at the store. I used to admire the Colts and Smiths in the window and wonder if I would ever be allowed to have one.

  12. From the article:
    To be sure, estimates of defensive gun use, as Jennifer Mascia of The Trace recently put it, “are so squishy that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in May removed all figures from its website.” It has previously cited estimates ranging from “60,000 to 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year,” but this is typically not a category tracked by law enforcement agencies, and stats presented largely depend on who is asking and the design of the study.

    Translation: Defensive gun use stats destroy our narrative so let’s sweep them under the rug.

    • Dude, that is correct. They can’t handle the truth and the truth is too inconvenient for them.
      Besides, they don’t want to hear “truth about guns”.

    • Dude,

      Going back to what we were talking about the other day, apologies, I didn’t have time to get back to your reply in a rational amount of time.

      The solution to most of your problems at the federal level is pretty simple and will iron out a fair amount of your state level issues in the process.

      You simply need a “coup” (of logic) inside the GOP where the members put the country above all else. The Party surrenders .gov power in a way that the overarching power of government is curtailed so that there’s no worry about a zero-sum game with the Democrats.

      In short:

      GOP begins now searching for two people outside the party who are 1. relatively non-political, 2. competent, 3. patriotic and 4. total outsiders to DC and both political parties at the State level.

      GOP wins big in November and installs one of the two previously mentioned people as Speaker of the House (Yes, they can do this. There’s no rule that say the SOTH must be a member of the House). The House then impeaches and convicts both Biden and Harris and the Senate convicts them.

      You now have a fairly non-partisan president when this outsider SOTH becomes POTUS and selects the other person as his VP. Housecleaning is the order of the day.

      At that point Congress moves to abolish a fair number of Executive Agencies and, in cahoots with said non-partisan POTUS, restructure the rest into a form that makes sense. Yeah, it’s a purge and you’re going to lose some institutional intelligence but you’ll also excise the cancer(s). Hey, at least it’s not a Soviet style type of thing.

      The Executive also reviews the Federal Register and selects those regulations that make sense, then shitcans the entire thing the moves to reinstate the sensible regulations.

      At the same time Congress does the same thing with the USC, reviewing Federal Law for those things that should be kept, eliminating the whole thing and then reinstating the parts that make sense.

      You can’t really have that much political heat pointed at the POTUS because they carry no baggage, media is neutered in their ability to go after the person, .gov gets a major, major reform across the board and it’s all nice and legal, no coup. Because of the legal and unexpected manner in which this is done, if not derailed midstream you also avert the potential for civil conflict while simultaneously fixing a shitload of problems that plague us, making those that remain much easier to deal with.

  13. “But the truth is that the world we live in is awash in illegal guns. Ghost guns, …”

    Ok Laura. Aside from your first obvious mistake with writing your very, ill be nice and say, “unrealistic” missive.. that I qutted above is 100% pure lie.

    In your follow sentence you specifically claim illegal guns are “ghost guns” and then harp on that. Not all “ghost guns” are illegal guns, nor is the world awash in illegal guns, and you ignore that “ghost gun” is an arbitrary made up term that can be applied to, for example, a trigger by its self not installed in a gun that has absolutely no capability to fire a gun by its self and is just a chunk of metal.

  14. “…or as a last resort for personal protection.”
    So does she think if she wakes up at 3am to some strange guy barging into her bedroom she will first ask him politely to leave?

  15. Evolution from ignorance to understanding takes time. She’s further along the path than most such “Liberals” these days. She is at least amenable to being taught why those laws are unconstitutional, and shown that they don’t prevent crimes.

  16. “And as soon as I am able to legally buy and carry it without too much hassle…”

    hahaha so I guess she’s hoping the courts strike down every law that NY just passed? She could always buy a pistol in NYC. Now that hasn’t changed except that the process is much harder. Carry was a different story, but even though it will be technically legal (if you pay thousands of dollars and wait a year or two for the process) you will be committing a felony the moment you walk into any private business in NYC or accidentally walk by a “medical facility” while carrying.

  17. Witness the flawless construction of a shit sandwich in essay form.

    Paragraphs #3 and #4 being the shit between the slices of potentially edible bread.

  18. What I got is people that cant have gunms because of a States fcked up law make ghost gunms.

  19. “To be sure, estimates of defensive gun use, as Jennifer Mascia of The Trace recently put it, “are so squishy that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in May removed all figures from its website.” It has previously cited estimates ranging from “60,000 to 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year,” but this is typically not a category tracked by law enforcement agencies, and stats presented largely depend on who is asking and the design of the study.”


    Actually they did not remove them from their website. They rolled the numbers into different categories where there was death or injury (the bad guy actually got hit) from DGU, and limited it to death and injury, which excluded those DGU’s where the bad guy was not shot.

    Now the DGU deaths (the bad guy is shot) are included in firearms deaths, if the bad guy died on scene from the victims DGU it shows up in the CDC firearms deaths. That means there are deaths attributed to firearms in the CDC numbers that were due to DGU.

    The majority of bad guys live long enough to get to the hospital, the exact cause that caused them to stop living at the time death is pronounced is what goes into the CDC’s numbers under the matching category, that is officially the cause of death. For example, if a bad guy gets shot as a result of a victims DGU, but goes to the hospital and dies there when his heart fails (due to being shot) it goes in the CDC heart categories and not the CDC’s shooting deaths.

    Its the same basic concept for the injury (wounding), but now they are included in the overall violence stats.

    This change was due to the CDC changing reporting requirements.

    Overall this means a lot of that ‘gun violence’ and ‘violence’ you see mentioned in overall numbers nationwide is due to victim DGU stopping or repelling or thwarting the threat.

    Its not completely true that this is “typically not a category tracked by law enforcement agencies”. They do so by their reports when an incident is reported, they just don’t have a specific category for it like “Defensive Gun Use”. Instead its accounted for in the category for what ever the incident was, for example, home invasion or assault etc… and you have to dig out the reports for the incidents to find the details that include the DGU and it is here where you find the deaths and injury also but you also find the DGU that did not result in the bad guy getting shot (e.g. victim missed, just brandished, etc…).

    Collectively, between the reports, and the CDC reporting, about ~7,000 DGU’s daily in the U.S.

    “stats presented largely depend on who is asking and the design of the study.”


    All studies “largely depend on who is asking and the design of the study”. The trace says this like its something ‘neferious’ going on in the studies about DGU.

    Anyway, this is an example of how the Trace ’tilts’ its articles to give an impression that isn’t true.

    The CDC by the change in their reporting requirements has hidden the DGU numbers in different categories (but not actually removed them from their web site).

  20. I hope the young lass in the photo is feeling extreme danger cause she’s got her finger on the bang button! I hate when most stock photos show that.

  21. SERIOUSLY??? Could you NOT get a photograph for this article that did not show someone with their finger on the trigger??

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