A veteran-owned coffee shop that caters to Second Amendment Supporters and armed customers is hoping to open in 2018. So far it’s only a web site with an online store that sells ground coffee and T-shirts.

But this isn’t just a for-profit endeavor. Here is a description of the proposed enterprise:

To us, Operator Coffee is more than a coffee shop, it’s a cause. We are a group of airborne veterans, special operations veterans, and active members of the shooting community. The idea for Operator Coffee was born out of a love for quality coffee and the desire for a way to get veterans and shooters together. When veterans leave the military it is easy for depression to set in. The loss of military and combat brotherhood, combined with a belief in being misunderstood by the civilian world can be overwhelming. With veteran suicide on the rise, we want to create a place for veterans to get together, reestablish that bond, and seek support from brothers and like minded individuals. Operator Coffee isn’t just for vets though, everyone in the 2a community is welcome to join in the fun. Our goal is to become the family favorite for all second amendment supporting citizens. Join us as we build a coffee company that supports the second amendment, veterans, law enforcement, and traditional conservative values.

Who knows? Maybe they’ll rival the VFW (without the requirement that you served overseas). At present, it appears to be another interesting idea seeking financial backing.

©2017 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.


  1. Sounds a lot like BRCC, without the huge fanbase (which includes me, hard to start the day without my gunship blend).

    • At this point I’m not sure what they’re really doing, considering they just sell BRCC…

    • Yup. black Rifle Coffee Company FTW. My only gripe with them is that they fail to state the exact percentage of their profits they donate to gun rights and/or veterans organizations, or which ones, so I take that part of their sales pitch with a grain of salt. The coffee is great, though.

      • BRCC does as well, they stated as much in the past with the hopes of opening several stores by 2018 if I recall correctly.

        Maybe this is more along the lines of what they want to do with a place like this, or maybe this is a collaborative effort. Who knows. All I know is I don’t ever go to the Woodlands, but I might make my way over whenever they open up next time I am in Houston.

    • You don’t really “join” this coffee shop. You either online patronize or invest in this one. Whatever it is. Because it is a guy’s kitchen table at this point.

  2. Coffee for the win! Anything but Starbucks “I’m hiring 10000 aliens”…I doubt I’ll ever see Operator/BRC in Illinois.Operating operationally?

  3. “Who knows? Maybe they’ll rival the VFW (without the requirement that you served overseas).”

    I’ve always wondered if they would change their name if and when we have another war on home soil.

    • Veterans of “Oh, Shit, those bastards are on Main Street!”

      Ain’t as catchy as VFW. I joined the VFW and American Legion when I came home. Drinks was cheap and the barstool therapy was good for the soul.

  4. Four cups of “Just Black” and a cigar is the perfect start for my day. And I’m sure Chris Morton will be THRILLED to know that all of the profits from the “Thin Blue Line” BRCC blend go to Blue Lives Matter and the Fraternal Order of Police!

  5. ???
    Oh. Wow.
    Okay, I finally figured out what we were looking at on that logo… took a few glances.

  6. If their first store does well, I could see this possibly becoming a franchise type operation where Veterans all over the country could open stores….especially in cities and areas that have a large military presence, like here in North Carolina. In the Eastern and South Eastern parts of NC you have Ft. Bragg, Cherry Point, Camp Lejeune, Seymour-Johnson AFB. Might be a good opportunity for Veterans looking to run their own businesses after they separate/retire.

  7. I like the franchise concept. However, don’t think being near a large military concentration is going to be a big plus for business, as these active duty personnel are not paid well enough to partake in such luxury as expensive coffee.

    The target (pun intended) market will turn out to be the same as those who frequent 5-Bucks, Bigby’s & my personal favorite, Tim Hortons, with emphasis on 2A support.

    Also, it takes at least a couple hundred grand to properly open any fast food store, even more for a simple coffee shop like Tim’s due to it’s extremely high popularity.

    Most retired service personnel & especially younger folks separating after a shorter 4-8 year stint, don’t have the kind of funding needed to start something like this from scratch.

    However, assuming this takes off, the way I think it has potential to do so, the earlier you get in, the lower the cost (of the franchise itself), and the more profit the Franchisee will realize.

    • Enlisted dudes spend tons of money at the Starbucks franchises in almost every PX. If you don’t think enlisted soldiers spend money on frivolties like expensive coffee, you don’t know any.

      • ok, I get it. Now that I think of it, when my son was stationed at Pearl Harbor, he often commented about having to pay $9 bucks for a Big Mac.

        • You’re good, and I hope you didn’t take the tone of my comment as insulting. It was more just me internally laughing at the idea of an 11B E4 NOT spending 10 dollars on a triple-shot espresso monster coffee drink. When I was a company commander in the 10th Mountain, I had a Soldier buy a 4-year old pimped-out Silverado with an auto loan at a 22-percent APR. Lower enlisted Soldiers have almost no expenses (lodging, food, insurance, all paid for) so they tend to spend a ton of money. It’s not uncommon to see an E4 driving a brand-new Camaro, and you just have to close your eyes and pray he got a decent interest rate at the dealership.

  8. I’ll stick with Black Rifle. The wife loves it and it reminds me of hilarious Mat Best internet videos.

      • I had 4 cups of Just Black during a graveyard shift. During that night, I had two pursuits and had a full beard by the morning. The cool part was the tactical American flag tattoo that coalesced on my left shoulder and a gold / red “Semper Fidelis” emblazoned across my chest.
        I haven’t voted for a single Democrat since my first cup.

        Other than screaming at people and making them drop and give me 20 for no apparent reason, it’s been really good stuff.

        • Might be the whole marine nco thing might have something to do with the symptoms you’re showing. Drinking the mud is just a by product of that.

    • Drinking BRCC (Silencer Smooth) SS as I write this, in Iraq. In 48 hours, I will be drinking AK in Colorado !

      Add me to the list of any veteran coffee (or covfefe) company over Starbucks.

  9. Drinking their coffee pretty much makes you an operator, right? Just asking for a friend…I’m already OAF.

  10. I think that we are nearing the point of saturation with the “operator” stuff. I see it all going the way of Affliction shirts and Tapout brand in the next couple years.

  11. I generally dislike 2A pandering (something about it feels very disingenuous most of the time,) but I’m glad they are helping out veterans. Who knows, maybe it will cause a small curtailing of suicides locally. If so, that’s good.

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