Defensive Gun Use DGU Teen Rape Mom Sleepover

Some suburban Memphis teens spent an evening earlier week at a friend’s house goofing off, stealthily drinking some beer, and doing whatever else it is that teen males do with one another.

That’s when things take a turn toward the weird.

As soon as her son’s friends arrived, Mom grabbed all the alcohol in the house and barricaded herself in her bedroom. No one was being too rowdy, but her Spidey senses were apparently tingling as something seemed off to her…so, she figured it was best to steer clear.

At 2:30am, Mom is awakened by the sound of one of the boys, 18-year-old Jordan Corter, knocking on her bedroom door. Concerned that he might need help, she opened the door, and Jordan “forced himself into the bedroom and locked the door behind him.”

According to Mom, whose identity hasn’t been released, Corter then pushed her onto the bed, put his hand down her shorts and attempted to rape her. After a struggle that resulted in a black eye for the woman, she was able to access a handgun and got him to back off. Fortunately for Jordan, she didn’t pull the trigger.

What a night.

Mom should’ve called the police immediately after this incident, but, inexplicably, she didn’t do that. The police weren’t informed of the altercation until the next morning when her boss noticed the black eye and persuaded her to file a police report.

When journalists visited the Corter home, they were greeted by his step-grandfather, who said only that Jordan had just graduated from high school and was a good kid.

“You have to watch who you let in your house, I guess,” a neighbor advised.

No kidding.


    • Read the source article. It claims some Haa-Vaard study shows 1% of victims of a crime use a gun successfully.

      Nice. Trivialize successful defense of self and/or others.

      Who and where’s that former CNN anchor who defended herself and husband in a hotel with that awesome quote…

  1. Guns empower women. Not a whistle or set of keys between the fingers.

    I’ll bet bill cosby supported gun control.

    • I think Bill Cosby supports ugly women that look like a man and who come back time after time. Then years late bitch about it. See also Harvey. #metooisbs

  2. Regardless of what should have happened, how the kid was raised, current conceptions on how parenting should be done, mental health, peer pressure, the state of social interactions in the age of the cell phone or the orbital mechanics of the moon during the an intersection of mars and venus. This is a +1 for owning guns. 🙂

    • Just like they showed us 2-4 year old pictures of Travon Martin as a kid…. not as the tall, muscular, gold looking grill, flipping the bird, gangsta holding guns, kicked out of school for dealing, stupid hoodie up in the summer punk…. high on “purple drank” and other crap in his system punk.

  3. Since this punk is 18, he’ll likely get to spend some hard time with some rough characters. Sounds like he deserves it. He’s lucky she didn’t blast him.

  4. What kind of person decides to try and rape their friend’s mom???

    On another note — I have a hunch that the ONLY reason she did not shoot her attacker is because he is (hopefully now was) her son’s friend.

      • Just in case you need the lyrics…

        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on

        Stacy, can I come over after school? (after school)
        We can hang around by the pool (hang by the pool)
        Did your mom get back from her business trip? (business trip)
        Is she there, or is she trying to give me the slip? (give me the slip)

        You know, I’m not the little boy that I used to be
        I’m all grown up now, baby can’t you see

        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so long
        Stacy, can’t you see you’re just not the girl for me
        I know it might be wrong but I’m in love with Stacy’s mom

        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on

        Stacy, do you remember when I mowed your lawn? (mowed your lawn)
        Your mom came out with just a towel on (towel on)
        And the way she said, “You missed a spot over there” (a spot over there)

        And I know that you think it’s just a fantasy
        But since your dad walked out, your mom could use a guy like me

        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        She’s all I want, and I’ve waited so long
        Stacy, can’t you see you’re just not the girl for me
        I know it might be wrong,
        but I’m in love with Stacy’s mom

        Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on
        She’s all I want and I’ve waited for so long,
        Stacy can’t you see your just not the girl for me,
        I know it might be wrong but oh oh
        (I know it might be wrong)
        I’m in love with (Stacy’s mom oh oh)
        (Stacy’s mom oh oh)
        I’m in love with Stacy’s mom

      • I was wondering if the other kid was named Kevin:

        Full on Kevin’s Mom by Soundgarden

        You don’t get nothing for free
        Kev and me were two of three
        Three brothers to the end
        Then one went full on Kevin’s mom now things have changed
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on
        You don’t get nothing for free
        And this one took the long way
        This one took the hard road
        I ain’t saying who But it wasn’t me
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on Kev’s mom
        Full on
        We were three Kevin’s mom made four (We don’t come around anymore)

  5. I guess that wasn’t the end result in the videos he watched that made him think it would work.

    If you are in danger enough to point a gun at someone, you should be calling the police to get them arrested. The idea that you would let them stay in your house that night afterwards is just… bizarre. Shock does weird things to people.

  6. While it sounds pretty kinky an 18 year old’s mother could still be in her 30s without having been too precocious in becoming a mother. I would not be surprised if some of Sofia Vergara’s son’s friends find her interesting despite the fact she is 45! Ultimately it’s the age of the woman not whether she is older or younger that matters in terms of sexual attraction!

  7. Seriously if someone did this when I was 18(46 years ago)he’d be dead. I’m not shocked though. My wife gets hit on by young and old despite being 58…😄

  8. Better for him off to jail now, because if he tried this at 18, there is no telling what he would/will try later. He is very lucky she did not kill him where he stood. (Close range, center of mass. She would not be aiming low.)

  9. Luckily she didn’t have a gun, or else he would have taken it from her and raped her before shooting her.

  10. I can see drinking all night, 17 , seen Friends mom before, she’s in the bedroom with the boobs –error- booze. Wrong yeah, but I can see it, also she didn’t shoot him. … Bad, bad choice Kid.

  11. She should have killed him.

    The World would be a better place right now.

  12. Ummm eww.

    That’s why you should never get wasted drunk. You never know who or what you’ll try to shag when you have no inhibitions. I’m also pretty sure he’ll never hear the end of it. Once he sobers up.

  13. First of all it sounds like there were no ground rules BEFORE this happened!!! My kids KNEW early on that NO alcohol and NO drugs in MY HOME was the rule!!! I knew their friends and their parents and they would NOT have allowed any kid into their home with booze or anything else. My kids knew what would happen to them if they even attempted to access alcohol, especially underage. They were told NO from a very early age. (It does little to deter bad behavior if parents wait until a kid is 16, 17 or 18 years old to tell them NO). I was a very intolerant mom when it came to breaking rules in my house….”my house, my rules” was the norm until such time that they moved out. And although I would have called 911, I still have my firearm…if it meant rape or attempted rape, the little moron would have been shot irregardless of whom he was friends with in MY HOUSE!!

    • For a black eye … pistol whipped junk is at least called for. mmm but lets see what turns up letting courts handel it .

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