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Let no one say Ted Cruz is letting the grass grow under his feet this campaign season. In the tradition of Cruz Christmas Classics, the Texas senator is poking the bear and taking full advantage of this week’s tear-filled anti-gun dog and pony show introduction of the President’s impending gun control executive orders in order to further boost his surging campaign. In a move that’s sure to result in tightly clutched pearls and fully occupied fainting couches on both coasts, an email blast today announced that Cruz is giving away an engraved shotgun to protest the Commander in Chief’s legislation-free bending of HIPAA and Social Security privacy laws, among others . . .

You’re probably wondering which smoothbore Ted’s offering. As his site’s small print makes clear, it’s a “Remington 11-87 12 Gauge Shotgun with an engraved Ted Cruz Logo on the stock.” And while no contribution is required to be eligible, the Senator would probably greatly appreciate a few samolians to help produce his next campaign spot if you throw your name in the hat.

It seems safe to assume that the lucky winner — no matter which state in which s/he resides —  will have to complete a 4473 and undergo a rigorous NICS check before taking delivery of the new gun. Ah well. Laws are laws and no matter how much they may disagree with them, the Cruz campaign must abide by them, too. Maybe they could include a box of Kleenex in case, much like the President, the winner is overcome with spontaneous tears at the thought of his good fortune.


  1. Cool, but it would have been even better if it was a Glock or an AR15 (evil guns you know). I imagine Ted didn’t want to scare off the Fudds. Ted isn’t perfect but he is a better friend to gun owners than either Hillary or Donald.

    • Yeah, it’s a cool promo and I know why he went with something more “sporting” but a black gun would have been a nice touch.

    • +1. Weak, PC-minded “protest.” Gotta go over the top in the Evil Black Gun direction, Mr. Cruz.

      Dude should upped his game and offered up an AR-15 w/ Surefire mags and a Glock with 33rd mags.

      • He’s offering a gun that would be allowed in all states – wider appeal and fundraising data 😉

        • Yep.
          It wouldn’t be too bright to raffle off something Californians and New Yorkers can’t posses. Too many potential dollars there.

        • He could have gone with a (flat dark earth) Troy AR 15 “pump” legal in all 50 states I believe.

          As for a 4473 hummmmm, maybe not (?) depending on the state the winner lives in and when the drawing is,
          don’t know.

      • It IS a gun–and even some Fudds might like to be able to sell off an excess gun or two without having to be an FFL.

        • Excess…gun? I know what those two words mean individually, but put together like that, it’s nonsensical. How is it possible to have too many guns?

    • What would be better is if Ted purchased this shotgun for himself and jumped through the hoops to become its legal owner. When the winner of the contest is announced he could fly to that location, assuming it’s not a slave state where you need background checks for every gun transfer, and simply gift the shotgun to that person, no NICS check required. I suspect THAT would get some press coverage.

      I am not a lawyer and that may not be entirely legal, but if it is it would be awesome.

      • I wish for the opposite, that he would gift it where it WAS illegal, like the jackass Dem waving the 30-round mag in DC. He could give it to a son, for example, with a public statement similar to “I will not comply!” Come and arrest a sitting US Senator and competitive presidential candidate for violating a clearly unconstitutional law. Tell a father you’ll put him in prison for gifting an expensive shotgun to his son. I dare you.

  2. … In a move that’s sure to result in tightly clutched pearls and fully occupied fainting couches on both coasts …

    You forgot wadded panties.


  3. Way to go Ted! It ain’t weak-he really hunts. Unlike Bury Soetoro and it’s photo-shopped shite…TED CRUZ for president…BREAKING!>Some republican congressman wants to censure Soetoro(it rhymes too!)…

  4. Ted is okay by me and I will probably vote for him in the primary. Interesting Trump was, saying he was okay to be POTUS if born in Canada, and now saying that he cannot be President.

    • Trump did not say that, you sound like you’re listening to the media, who are constantly trying to get the R candidates to eat each other. He said Cruz needs to be sure that question is thoroughly answered before Hillary sics her lapdog media on it. Cruz did not seem offended, just answered that his team has that covered with a hundred years of precedents.

      • Yeah…go with that…Trump was “just asking”… ensure Ted (his opponent) has everything in order.

        Uh Huh.

  5. For you purists that seem to be never happy, If you understand the dynamic of what he is doing, offering an AR is simply a bad idea. Shotgun is a solid choice at this time. Why? If and when he gets into office, he will no doubt address AR’s then.

    • I don’t need the shot gun so I didn’t enter the contest but I have donated large sums of cash to his quest for our
      ‘ fixer in chief ‘ .
      America needs ‘ this man ‘ at this time and I believe God has called upon him to seek this ( these ) challenges at this point in history and I believe God is calling on each of His children to support Ted at this time but I fear the opposite forces are strong enough ‘ this time ‘ around to squash our only hope for a free future .
      I do hope I am wrong .
      Please pray for America and please pray for Ted Cruz and then vote for him , please .

  6. If he does another one for a Springfield M1A, I’ll pitch in some dough on top of entering. The M1A is even endorsed by FUDD’s all across the USA.

    • An M1 Garand from WWII would be pretty freakin cool too! It should be legal in all states.

  7. Ill take the shotgun, but I really appreciate the reminder to send some additional support Ted’s way.

  8. Ted’s protesting King Hussein’s latest move by giving away a shotgun.

    Now Hillary should show her support for King Hussein by giving away a blow gun.

  9. signed up for it…. Trump can one-up him by giving away an AR or AK.. Im sure it will cause liberals to light themselves on fire.

  10. The “gun raffle” was lauched in mid-December 2015. So it is not a direct response to the recent executive actions. It is still a great idea and using the EAs to highlight this is a good move.

  11. I’d hand over my contact information and endure the deluge of emails and texts from Ted’s campaign for a Beretta Silver Pigeon or a Browning Citori. A Remington 11-87? No thanks, Ted.

  12. Smart move, Dan!

    The link you provided already has your e-mail addy entered!

    Looking to stuff the ballot box like a Progressive?

    You sly dog, you… 🙂

  13. Perfect self-defense prize – endorsed by Shotgun Joe Biden himself! “Step out on the porch, fire a couple blasts! Get a shotgun!”

  14. The guy did the machine gun bacon campaign ad. I doubt he’s worried about spooking anyone.

    No, the traditional shotgun is just a more widely appealing gun, especially to new shooters. Second only to pistols, a shotgun is the most popular gun type among first time gun buyers; more than four times as popular ar AR platform guns (again, among first time gun buyers).

    Much of that is home defense driven, of course, but also for hunting. Hunting is seeing new growth coming from female consumers, much like the the firearms industry as a whole. From 2001 to 2013, per NSSF, the shooting sports saw an 85% increase in the number of female hunters.

    So I think the shotgun is just about appealing to an important, general audience and not about avoiding any particular controversy.

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