While Crimson Trace’s Iain Harrison has the same love for freedom and firearms as any red-blooded American, he was in fact born in Great Britain. And while he has since corrected that issue of nationality by moving across the pond, there’s little doubt that he still takes his English heritage seriously. And any remaining doubt is quickly erased when he whips this puppy out . . .

What we have here is an RAAC MKA-1919 shotgun that Iain has modified to include a few new operating parts, an extreme ported barrel and full length M1913 rails. Oh, and did I mention the Union Jack paint job with the Sex Pistol’s God Save the Queen album cover art in the center? Yeah, it looks just as awesome in person as you’d imagine.

Iain was using it this past week to shoot steel slugs through cars. And it worked about as well as you’d imagine.

Yup, awesome. But not quite as awesome as its performance against ballistic gelatin…

Using a 28 gram expanding steel slug, he split the block in half. Not a bad job…


  1. He has a Trijicon RMR mounted on it. Isn’t Leupold sponsoring this event? They make the Deltapoint mini red dot.

  2. Wasn’t this same firearm reviewed as being suck tastic a couple months back…by the same guy who is now singing it’s praises?

    EDIT: sorry Nick, I misspoke. That was RF who trashed it back in August.

    • Oh no, the thing still runs like crap. Iain had to replace just about everything in the gun to get it to cycle, and even then it doesn’t do it reliably. But it does look bad ass…

      • It’s telling that even though he knew the cameras were rolling AND he was being careful and methodical, his first trigger pull STILL got a ‘click’ instead of a ‘bang’.

        Related: last night my 12-year-old was looking at a recent CTD catalog which had this POS on the cover. He looked up from perusing the description and said “wow, Dad, that thing looks like a piece of crap. Do people really buy these?” Heh.

  3. “while he has since corrected that issue of nationality by moving across the pond”

    As if the arbitrary lines drawn on maps within which an individual happens to be born somehow creates a character flaw that could be corrected by moving inside a different set of arbitrary lines drawn on maps?

    I’m not criticizing you, Foghorn, just the ridiculous paradigm of “national” pride.

  4. Well Nick have to say I knew Iain before he came on top shot and shot 3 gun matches with him years before. What shooting range Nick did you shoot these pics from??

    • Judging from the way the gelatin block looks to be split into two equal pieces, I’m going to go with “no”.

        • Watched it again — seems like he pulled to one side a little on the follow-through after the gun went click, but I chalked that up to him reacting to gun failing to go bang. I’ve done the same thing with guns where I have absolutely no flinch issues when it goes bang as expected.

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