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On July 2, 2012 received an order from James Holmes, the alleged shooter in the Colorado theater massacre. His order included an urban assault vest, two magazine pouches and a tactical knife spending a total of $306.79. Mr. Holmes elected to pay an additional $15.63 for UPS 2nd Day Air to expedite his order. We processed this order as any other, and Mr. Holmes signed for the associated package on July 5 at 2:21 p.m. local time . . .

In the wake of the tragedy, we have done our best to cooperate with the media and law enforcement agencies by passing on any relevant information. We have since been inundated with countless phone calls, emails and interview requests. Much of this communication has been quite hostile and threatening in nature. We have been falsely accused of selling Mr. Holmes firearms and ammunition over the Internet illegally without conducting the mandated background checks. Some members of our customer relations team have been brought to tears by people insisting that we have “blood on our hands.”

In an effort to combat this falsehood, myself and our Chief Operating Officer conducted a series of interviews in an attempt to clear up any misconceptions. We reiterated that primarily serves the law enforcement community and that we are proud to supply these heroes with the tools they need to keep our communities safe. During the course of these interviews, we were repeatedly questioned about what steps we were taking to prevent the general public from acquiring tactical gear in the future. In response to this line of questioning, statements were made that some have perceived as anti-gun and anti-2nd amendment.

We want to set the record straight and publically state that we fully support the 2nd amendment. The spirit of what we were trying to communicate was that tactical clothing and equipment should not be put in the same category as firearms and ammunition. Firearms and ammunition are subject to considerable regulation, and the notion that tactical gear should be as well is outrageous. Unfortunately, in some instances our choice of words were poor and misguided. For this, we accept full responsibility and sincerely apologize to anyone that took offense to these comments.

I am very proud of It is a great company with a great staff. Each day we wake up thinking about how we can better serve our customers the gear they need when they need it. We work tirelessly to achieve these goals, and we are passionate about what we do. Many of us are avid gun owners and enthusiasts. We frequently visit the local shooting range and keep firearms in the office. We wholeheartedly support the freedom Americans enjoy to legally purchase guns and ammunition. I personally believe that if some members of the audience had concealed carry weapons at hand that night perhaps less blood would have been shed. No amount of gun control is going to prevent a sociopath hell-bent on terrorism from hurting a large group of people.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of this horrific event. If you have any questions or comments about this issue please direct them to us via email at [email protected].

-Chad Weinman

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  1. Wow some people can be so cruel and miss guided. The CSR on the phone is there to help customers not bare the brunt of some idiots rant.
    I don’t blame them as a company one bit. In fact it would be apt to say that none of the companies which sold things to this guy are at fault. I mean are you going to blame the gas station for selling him gas that he used to make his explosive devices?

    • Snachnim said; “I mean are you going to blame the gas station for selling him gas that he used to make his explosive devices?” Why the heck not? Everyone else with a sub room temperature IQ seems to be. And spoons make Rosie O’Donnell fat.

    • so trojan is to blame for a rapist using a condom?

      jesus fucking christ people are stupid. Im surprised they’re even smart enough to breathe.

    • I would like to see companies dealing with any type of tactical force equipment to be able to have a list of criminal or known felons and dangerous or mentally ill patients names to be flagged. Those dangerous type people to be denied from purchasing such items. as James Holmes has purchased. Having such a list able and ready could possibly keep someone like Holmes from purchasing those items and have saved several lives and families from despair and companies like this one from becoming under public fire.

  2. I wonder if the seller of that truck in Texas that was involved in the auto accident that killed those 13 and injured 10 others is getting calls for interviews.

      • Sadly, I have a feeling that even though this event killed more people, it’ll be just a blip on the radar.

        • It is just a blip on the radar. 2.4 million people die in this country every year. What makes those 12 special? More people than that are shot to death on any given weekend here in Chicago.

        • Matt’s actually right about this. Just because 12 people were in the same place when they died instead of being scattered around a city doesn’t make it some world changing event. Even out of the number of people murdered each year, 12 is statistically insignificant.

        • Sorry guy’s, but IMO you are sorely wrong. This situation is wholly different. As soon as something makes the masses feel that it’s not safe for a crowd of people to take their kids to a movie safely (in Aurora, CO for christ’s sake), it’s a seriously altering event. Drive by’s, drug/gang violence in bad, generally black neighborhoods in Chicago is hardly a comparison. Times have changed. Matt’s right that 12 people killed in this scenario seem to be weighted higher than 12 (generally black) people killed sporatically throughout Chicago; but the problem is that the senseless violence is no longer isolated to “those places”. Its now in your back yard. Your local movie theatre. I for one am wholly concerned with this alarming trend. As a gun owner, I am perplexed on how to preserve my right to own guns, while helping to curb this growing trend of senseless gun violence (via single-incident, crazy mass murderers). Not saying you are, but we shouldn’t underestimate this – these white mass murderers (could be you or me to the non-gun owning masses), striking at schools and movie theatre’s are the biggest threats to our gun ownership rights than all of the gangs and street thugs combined. I for one see this situation as completely different. If I wanted to stay away from gun violence before – I just make sure I don’t try to score crack in Oakland, or go hang out where gang banger proliferate. Now, I have to watch my family’s back at school functions, and while watching Batman. VERY different.

        • @Yeppers

          Seriously scary for the moronic masses doesn’t make it relevant. How many millions of movie tickets are sold each year? How many people are shot? Over 99.99% of people who go to the movies are NOT shot at the theater. The only reason this is even an issue is the sociopath media’s lust for blood drive profits.

          I for one am wholly concerned with this alarming trend.
          The alarming trend of shit that almost never happens and affects a fraction of a percent of the population? You better board yourself in and never leave the house again if you’re that terrified – you’re far more likely to choke to death, drown in a pool, die in a car crash, or die of cancer than you are to end up in a terrorist attack or some random wacko losing it.
          As a gun owner, I am perplexed on how to preserve my right to own guns, while helping to curb this growing trend of senseless gun violence
          There’s nothing TO do. That’s part of freedom – that yes, sometimes bad shit happens and you deal with it. Sure, we could all live in an Orwellian dictatorship to make sure that no one ever commits murder again, but I’d rather die than live in that type of society. Every day we accept that people will die from things we enjoy / find necessary (drowning, car accidents, heart attacks from poor diets, etc). Only by educating people so that they realize that owning a gun to defend yourself (from aggressors of all types) is as important as McDonald’s and an SUV will people stop freaking out and blaming inanimate objects on the rare occurances when people are shot.

        • @ toten – overall I agree with you man…but in case you haven’t been watching…its those scared “moronic masses” that highly influence the vote and help shape the laws of this country. The politicians know this but apparently you do not. Also, apparently you aren’t watching the news. These things are happening with enough regularity all over that they are etching themselves in the minds of scared Americans everywhere. If you aren’t scared by that yourself as a gun owner, you are being naieve. Also, I for one don’t solely accept this as “the cost of freedom”. I bet NONE of those touched by this thought in a million years that it would be them. Your position that this only touches a miniscule fraction of the population borders on careless, insensitive disregard…fine as long as it doesnt touch you, huh? sorry…that mentality doesn’t fly with me. I obviously feel closer to those people in Colorado than you do. IMO, Something has to be done to curb this growing mass-murdering gun violence trend…for the safety of our families AND for our gun rights. In some way that preserves our gun rights. Not saying I have the answer here, but something must be done. Enjoy your McDonald’s but don’t freak out when you wake up to the consequences that you always thought were reserved for the other guys (no, not you!). PS: I for one whole heartedly blame the guy, not the tools he used. I have a bigger arsenal and more bullets than this psycho did. What does that make me in the eyes of the scared moronic masses? THAT’S what scares me with this whole thing. These people will gladly give your and my gun rights away in order to feel “safe”.

        • @Yeppers

          in case you haven’t been watching…its those scared “moronic masses” that highly influence the vote and help shape the laws of this country. The politicians know this but apparently you do not.

          Oh, I’m aware of it. However, where politicians think they should be pandered to, I think they should just be euthanized.

          These things are not common – you get one every couple of years and a handful of people die and it adds a whopping 0.001% to the total number of deaths in the country for the year. We used to have plane hijackins far more often than that.

          Bad things occasionally happening is the cost of freedom. Freedom means that EVERYONE gets those same freedoms and that some people will abuse and misuse it. All societies have criminals and to think that you can legislate away crime is absurd.

          Your position that this only touches a miniscule fraction of the population borders on careless, insensitive disregard…fine as long as it doesnt touch you, huh?

          It’s just the facts. Even if it did happen to me / my family, I wouldn’t be acting like a four year old and screaming to punish the evil gun owners, I’d simply demand that the perpetrator be executed (preferably publicly so as to try to discourage any future assholes who want to imitate him / her).

          I obviously feel closer to those people in Colorado than you do.

          And that’s the key. You’re feeling, not thinking. Emotion has no place in this and there is no place for emotion in creating laws.

          IMO, Something has to be done to curb this growing mass-murdering gun violence trend

          Oh for fucks sake, we’ve been over this – it almost never happens, the media just make a bigger and bigger deal out of it when it happens. Please, from everyone here, don’t be an ignorant “SOMETHING MUST BE DONE TO PUNISH THE INNOCENT!” gun grabbers. You claim that you want to punish us “for our own good”, but that’s not how it works.

          These people will gladly give your and my gun rights away in order to feel “safe”.
          As, apparently, will you because you’ve repeatedly expressed fear that this might happen to you. As I said before, you’d better lock yourself in your home because there are countless dangers awaiting you every day that are far more likely than to come across a crazy person looking to kill someone. Remember, life is a terminal condition. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you cry and demand that “SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING!!!“, you WILL die. The only issue is how you choose to spend your time between now and then.

          • You and I keep going in circles…I’m not debating your “math” about how many people are killed in these events, and the chances it’s going to be someone in my family. I was simply using myself as an example. Try reading more carefully.

            What I said is these events seem to be happening with more frequency and severity throughout the country…the real point is that it’s reaching a critical mass with the “scared morons” you’ve been referencing. This means it’s growing in the greater/deeper psyche of American voters everywhere and is giving real fuel to the anti-gun lobby.

            “Please, from everyone here, don’t be an ignorant “SOMETHING MUST BE DONE TO PUNISH THE INNOCENT!” gun grabbers. You claim that you want to punish us “for our own good”, but that’s not how it works.” Excuse me??? I seem to miss the point where I said we said any of that…try reading what I wrote instead of seeing what you want to see “for fucks sake”. Who’s reacting out of emotion vs. thinking/reading now, ya’ hypocrite? Where did I say we should punish gun owners? I have plenty of guns and the main point (let me say it again); what really scares me is that there are those out there that would like to have reason/permission to come after my guns. The more these things happen, the more successful their efforts may be!! Hello?!?!? Get it?!?!? I said something must be done, but that I didn’t know what…but it must be something the PRESERVES OUR GUN RIGHTS. Did you miss that yet AGAIN? Geebus H Christy.

            Also, hardly live in fear of a gun toting maniac. As a father of 2 girls, I am more concerned about psycho ex-boyfriends that can’t handle rejection, than I do some movie shooter. Up until very recently I club raced a 190HP GSXR1000….I have also been training in martial arts for 15 years, and am damn good with an AR15, my 1911 and my SOG. I’m not one that is remotely characterized as “living in fear”. So in closing….I don’t need your weak-ass Dr. Phil attempt at psycho-analyzing some dissociation with mortality. I figured out a long time ago that I won’t get out of this one alive (and have been willing to risk an early departure), thank you very much Einstein.

            Please try reading what I actually said next time (also read between the lines), vs just being an argumentative, combative jackass. Thanks.

        • @Yeppers

          Go back and read through your posts again. You keep switching back and forth between “I’m pro gun” and “I’m terrified that someone will hurt me”. Do you have multiple personalities or something? Because you seem totally unaware of the fact that you keep arguing both sides.

          • I don’t need to go back and re-read my posts. Perhaps you need to re-read my posts. I’m not really arguing both sides. Yes, I voiced my sickness about the incident and do think these mass shootings need to be addressed somehow, but somehow BEYOND additional gun legislation.

            My first post said this; “I for one am wholly concerned with this alarming trend. As a gun owner, I am perplexed on how to preserve my right to own guns, while helping to curb this growing trend of senseless gun violence (via single-incident, crazy mass murderers). Not saying you are, but we shouldn’t underestimate this – these white mass murderers (could be you or me to the non-gun owning masses), striking at schools and movie theatre’s are the biggest threats to our gun ownership rights than all of the gangs and street thugs combined. ”

            In my second post I said; “IMO, Something has to be done to curb this growing mass-murdering gun violence trend…for the safety of our families AND for our gun rights. In some way that preserves our gun rights. Not saying I have the answer here, but something must be done.”

            So repeatedly, my primary position has been against “additional anti-gun legislation”, and has ALWAYS supported our GUN RIGHTS.

            Why is it so weird to say that I’m sick of this trend…and that something can and should be done, above and beyond becoming another “ignorant “SOMETHING MUST BE DONE TO PUNISH THE INNOCENT!” gun grabber.”?

            Why does what I said put me on “their side”?

            I don’t believe everything has to be so polarized or black/white. There are solutions to these issues somewhere in the middle. At least, that’s what I choose to believe.

            If it came down to additional anti-gun legislation or God-forbid, the outlawing of “military style weapons” all together, I’m one of the guy’s that will line up with you proclaiming “…from my cold, dead hands”.

  3. Holmes got deliveries from a variety of online businesses. It’s unfortunate that got singled out as a bad guy, which they’re not. There is a silver lining though. All publicity is good publicity. I had never heard of their company until I heard them mentioned on the boobtoob yesterday. I went to their site right away and bookmarked it. I’m sure to purchase some gear from them in the future.

    • That was my first thought too, but then after reading their press release it looks like theu don’t take customer privacy very seriously.

  4. The other thing to keep in mind is that as mind boggling and horrific as the Aurora incident is, the fact that remains is that Chicago has had many more murders in the last thirty days or so than occurred in Aurora. It’s a matter of levels and degrees, what the narrative needs to be, who’s spinning he tale and for what reasons. I have no doubt that Holder’s DOJ will soon kiss the booboo and make it all better.

  5. Ok, I am a little taken back by all the questions of if a ccw holder would have stopped the mass killing. The logical answer is Maybe Not. We have no way of knowing. But would that ccw have made a difference? The logical answer is Yes. Let me explain. If the perp came in and started blasting away and hit his first few targets, they would be dead either way, ccw or not. But after that an interesting thing would have happened. As the ccw returned fire the perp would have no choice ( armored or not ) but to focus his attention on the guy actively sending lead his way. A little thing called self preservation, maybe you have heard of it. Maybe the ccw would have downed or killed the perp. Maybe the perp would have taken out the ccw. (bigger better weapons) Either way the focus would have to shift from shooting fish in a barrel to an active duel to the death between the two. Thereby allowing more un-armed people time to flee or take cover. let’s assume the ccw had hit a non combatant. It happens, not often but it does let’s face it. Ok. One down. We have to assume that as an acceptable loss. Then the aforementioned situation would have still happened. As a father if my child was shot or killed by an ccw holder while defending the lives of every one else I would be PI$$ed like anyone else at the ccw. But after I had a chance to morn my loss I would have defended the ccw in court if it came to that. I would have to accept and deal with the fact that once the perp came in and started firing for all intents my child and everyone else in there was already dead. That’s why they call it “saving a life”.

    • If a ccw holder took out a collateral — If he stopped the guy they would give him metal at his sentencing hearing. Private citizens don’t get to make those kind of mistakes.

    • An armed citizen(s) in the theater is the only realistic possible chance that this guy could have been stopped in the midst of his rampage. We should all be very vocal in calling for an end to gun-free zones. That policy has been what created the opportunity for the more infamous mass-shootings of the last twenty years. It is the common thread.
      End Gun-Free Zones, Now. They have become killing zones for the crazies.

  6. I have purchased from tacticalgear and they are a top-notch outfit with great customer service.

    A few days ago it was reported that he got his “tactical vest” from blackhawk dot com. They are also a very good source of gear and again, they have top-notch customer service people as well as being the only manufacturer of recoil reduced shotgun stocks that work as advertised ( I have bought 2 of them, the genII and the breechers grip).

    Most people fail to realize that you must have SOLID PROOF that you are a current local LEO, government LEO, or current military service member to be able to buy kevlar or balistic plates over the internet.

    So, unless he had home made steel plates in his vest pockets he did NOT have body armor. The plastic knee, elbow, crotch, and neck gaurds, are not considered as “body armor” and you can buy that stuff anywhere legally.

    • Actually Spy I had no idea. I thought anyone could get a vest, maybe not the heavy duty ones, but certainly the light weight Kevlar vests.
      What about armed security guard, you know who work for loomis or something how do they get theirs? Or also folks who transport jewelery or firearms as a business? I am not discounting your comments in anyway, but I am interested in knowing, as I do feel there are folks who in fact should have body armor outside of law enforcement. It is certainly a practical application, and not an abuse.

      • My comments come from talking to customer support persons that handle military contracts from private companies like blackhawk.

        As far as other legal uses like security I would imagine there is a way for them to prove they have the right clearances to purchase the gear.

        I had a problem with one of my orders and I got to talk with customer service about this exact issue and asked why they will sell level III tactical equipment but not the inserts or Kevlar and I was told point-blank that you must have the proper paperwork to prove who you are and all orders are screened by the company itself before they are filled.

        I do NOT know if it is illegal for a civilian to OWN kevlar/ballistic plates, but the company who makes them has the right to sell or not to sell to anyone they choose to.

        • asked why they will sell level III tactical equipment but not the inserts or Kevlar and I was told point-blank that you must have the proper paperwork to prove who you are and all orders are screened by the company itself before they are filled.

          Their retailers will sell vest/plate carriers to civilians, and Blackhawk does not screen those orders. I have a Blackhawk Cut-away Plate Carrier.

          It is perfectly legal for civilians to own kevlar/plates.

      • Actually, anyone can buy armor, at least in Indiana. Colorado may have different laws, but here you don’t have to be LE or former LE or military to get armor. They sell the plates at every gunshow we have in my town, and one of the pawnshops consistently have a couple of plate-carriers, some plates, and even some kevlar flak jackets.

        • Guy’s, anyone can buy armor…even in CA I can get whatever armor I want. That’s the way it should be! Why would the average citizen want armor? For SHTF/natural disaster (anarchy) or even just for wearing at certain range events. I have a nice vest and have never worn it. It’s just another one of those “rather have it and not need it…” scenario’s.

    • They are also a very good source of gear and again, they have top-notch customer service

      Blackhawk does not have excellent customer service. I sent them a email about obtaining replacement parts for my vest, they never responded.

      Most people fail to realize that you must have SOLID PROOF that you are a current local LEO, government LEO, or current military service member to be able to buy kevlar or balistic plates over the internet.

      No you don’t. I have level 3a soft armor with a pair of level 3 plates, and i’m not LEO/mil/private security. Check out

      The plastic knee, elbow, crotch, and neck gaurds, are not considered as “body armor” and you can buy that stuff anywhere legally.

      You do know they have kevlar versions of crotch, neck, arm and leg armor?

      From all the misinformation in your post, you sound like youre a arm chair mall ninja.

      • sorry matt, but my issue involved a faulty charge-back to my CC and I had to get the CC company/blackhawk rep to talk to each other through me and had this issue resolved within a week and EVERY email I sent was answered promptly and with all the information I could use and then some extra with phone numbers to call 24/7/365, order number, case number, and email updates on where my issue stands.

        I call that great customer service, not just good.

        Might you have been less than nice or unable to write a concise email stating your issue and or asking for a telephone number to call?

        If your email was like some of your comments you post here, I can see why they never got back to you. *_*

        • It was a simple question asking for a quote on a replacement quick release pull for their cut away vests.

          Why would I ask for a number to call? I sent them a email.

          Blackhawk took your question seriously because it was a credit card company who called regarding a charge back. If they don’t provide prompt responses, the payment processor will terminate their merchant account, and they will no longer be able to process certain credit/debit cards.

          I’m not a fan of their vests either, my plate carrier doesnt hold a large SAPI plate in the front securely.

    • You are TOTALLY incorrect. There is no requirement that you have to be LEO or military to buy body armor. None. If you are a convicted felon, buying body armor is illegal, but for regular citizens it’s OK, as well it should be.Connecticut bans the civilian ownership of armor, but I’ve been unable to find any other state which does so.

      Do you think some clerk who works the overnight shift at the local stop and rob shouldn’t be allowed to own a vest? I have a concealable vest. Bought it at a gun show, no problem. eBay has an entire body armor SECTION.

      Unless you live in CT, I’m going to say you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  7. “Some members of our customer relations team have been brought to tears by people insisting that we have “blood on our hands.”

    Ill say something cannot say: Stop being stupid people!

    harassing a law abiding company that sells nylon textiles sewn together is not the answer. If you want to blame somebody, blame the killer.

  8. Threats and ill-will towards is ridiculous. Gun hating morons will grasp onto anything and anyone to spread the blame – when it’s solely on the shooters head. Not the guns, not the gear, etc. I may place an order with these guy’s soon myself, in support of them.

  9. first of all let me say this. in a free society you should be able to shop for any items that your heart desires. as long as your wallet can take it of course. this is america, i only draw the line for civilians at nbc weapons. having said that my question is this. how much tactical gear does a non leo oe military person need?

  10. Unbelievable how stupid some people can be. The great failing of the democratic system is allowing these trash heaps any modicum of voting rights or equality.

    I wish companies would stop putting up with this. If some nutjob calls spouting abuse, making accusations, and obviously has an IQ lower than the winter temperature in Buffalo, they do not deserve consideration, respect, or that phony salesman front. Tell ’em to F off. Order your CSRs to tell them where they can shove their accusations, then hang up on them. If you get guff on your “bad customer relations” just respond that you are happy to serve decent people, not loathsome trash. The kinds of people who would buy from that website would agree with you, and the kind that would be offended aren’t probably customers anyway.

    Society needs more honesty and less of this pandering phoniness. It’s the same as schools refusing to fail any of their children so as not to hurt their feelings, and it carries over to “adults” who think they can say anything they want to anyone and everyone has to be nice to them. Inform these fools that they’re morons and don’t take their crap and maybe their miniscule minds will begin to learn.

    Maybe this is why I wouldn’t be great at being head of sales relations in a company. But at least I get to speak my mind honestly.

  11. When will the manufacturer of the red hair dye used for his disguise be held accountable for fooling the public into thinking it was a movie stunt?

  12. It is a sad but true fact that our country has a large surplus of morons who cannot think clearly enough to realize that the company that sold a killer his clothing is not responsible for his actions. Are they all gathering now to burn down the car dealership that sold his vehicle? How about the restaurant that sold his lunch?

    Useless public schools can’t produce people that can think!

  13. Random tidbit – I just googled “TacticalGear” rather than going to “” because I was too lazy and it was easier to highlight the name, right click, and go “google search”. Anyway, one would assume that “” would be on the first page of results when searching for “TacticalGear” as one word. This is not the case… I have no idea if that’s related or not… they may never have been on the first page of results but also could be someone altering the results. Just sayin’….

  14. American culture and the mass media everywhere really are out there. USA Today and The Hindu are already reporting that Chad Weinman worked in 2008, at age 24, as a summer camp counselor for underprivileged Jewish children in the Los Angeles area. I wonder when CNN is going to interview CW’s mother to ask her what CW was like as a child growing up? ‘Mrs. Weinman, do you think young Chad played with guns too much and does your son bear some responsibility for what happened at the theater?????’

  15. I know we as a general populous here on TTAG don’t care for the UK with regard to gun laws. One thing I do know is in Europe if you sue someone and loose you pay for their attorneys fees it is automatic, which means you as an individual or small business might get a very good attorney free because he believes he can defend you. This stops a vast majority of frivolous law suits in it’s tracks because ambulance chasers don’t exist. It also means that even though you might not have much money they will get paid if they win so they won’t be doing their job poorly. Maybe it should be something adopted here. What happened is a tragedy no doubt about that but suing everyone and their mother doesn’t help much either. I am sure Smith and Wesson, and Glock will have law suits before a verdict is even handed out in court on the shooter.

    • Most states have stubbornly litigious/frivolous law suit laws that provide for attorneys’ fees. However, it is a very high standard.

  16. Actually based on the letter it looks like he wasn’t wearing armor at all.
    He was wearing a vest with lots of pockets!
    A CCW could have stopped this before it had gotten so bad.

    Ok based on the this I say we outlaw vests with pockets! Yes this includes Calvin Cline and everyone else too.
    Sorry I have to throw in a little humor this whole reaction thing from the hopolop’s is making me disgusted.

    • [quote]A CCW could have stopped this before it had gotten so bad.[/quote]

      Maybe maybe not.

    • Or, just as likely, four or five people with guns could have accidentally shot four or five more people at random.

      • Or, you know, the CCW holders could have easily identified THE GUY IN THE FRONT WITH A SHOTGUN and shot him.

  17. I appreciate TacticalGear’s statement. It’s not about having or banning guns or gear, what I want to know is the background on James Holmes – who did he associate with, what organizations did he belong to, what is his lifestyle/culture, etc. He was already “gone” before he failed that exam – why? Yeah, you have “isolated” crazies, but no one operates in a vacuum. The guy was getting $26,000/yr. on a grant – how is it that no one suspected he was over the edge? Most people have a gut level instinct that they should trust – ignoring it has high consequences. And, yes, there’s the issue of inciting public fears about 1) going to public places (maybe TSA should do movie theater checks – not); 2) guns. Obviously big stakes. Might help if the media didn’t treat it like a juicy new movie, since often this type wants notoriety – reward them with nothing but brief facts.

  18. “Much of this communication has been quite hostile and threatening in nature.”

    Anti-gun nuts being hostile and threatening?

    Why would anyone ever want to carry a gun?

  19. Welcome to the age of the internet: Instantainous AShHood, where NOTHING you said (30 years ago) is ever forgotten.
    Meaning that the natural evolution of young males, maturing into mentors for the following generations has been completely short circuited. Could there be a more effective way to destroy a culture?

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