South Carolina flag

In a notable turn of events, South Carolina is inching closer to implementing a law that would enable residents to carry guns openly without a permit, a discussion that seemed to have hit a standstill but is now actively progressing in the state legislature. This movement comes after a decisive vote in the state House, marking a pivotal step forward for the permitless carry bill.

The proposed legislation is designed to allow any individual who is legally eligible to possess a firearm the right to carry it openly. Alongside expanding gun rights, the bill aims to introduce tougher penalties for those who repeatedly violate gun-free zone regulations, such as carrying firearms into schools or courthouses, or who commit crimes while armed. Additionally, the bill proposes allocating significant funding towards offering free gun safety training statewide for anyone who wants it, aiming to ensure responsible gun ownership among citizens seeking a concealed weapons permit.

In a recent session, the House demonstrated strong support for the bill, with an 86-33 vote predominantly split along party lines; the majority of Republicans voted in favor, while Democrats largely opposed the measure. (What’s new?!?) Simultaneously, the Senate engaged in discussions regarding the bill, albeit delaying a final vote to address amendments related to the judicial election process.

Anticipation is building around the governor’s office, with expectations high that the bill will be signed into law. This move would align South Carolina with nearly 30 other states that have already adopted similar permitless open carry policies, consolidating the trend across much of the South. Lousiana’s Gov. Jeff Landry signed a permitless carry bill into law Tuesday making that state the 28th state. If passed and signed, South Carolina would become the 29th state to pass such a law for its citizens.

The journey of the permitless carry bill through the legislature has not been without its challenges. The House and Senate have each passed differing versions of the legislation this year, sparking debate particularly around the inclusion of penalties for those who bypass the proposed training yet are found guilty of carrying guns in prohibited areas.

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Doug Howlett is the Editor in Chief of TTAG. He is a writer, editor and book author who has written for many of the top hunting and gun magazines and websites in the outdoor industry. He began his career as a newspaper reporter before moving on to serve as Assistant Editor for NRA’s American Hunter, Editor of the NWTF’s Turkey Call, Deputy Editor of Outdoor Life, Editor of Southern Sporting Journal, Editor in Chief of Gun Digest magazine, Editor of AR-15 magazine and Editor of Fur & Fang, a predator hunting magazine. He is the author of The Shooter’s Bible Guide to AR-15s and was a regular guest on Gallery of Guns TV for three years. He is also an Editor in Chief at U.S. LawShield where he oversees publications and newsletters that help the organization’s members and partners be some of the most legally knowledgeable and responsible gun owners in America.


  1. “The proposed legislation is designed to allow any individual who is legally eligible to possess a firearm the right to carry it openly.”
    “Openly'” how about concealed!
    Or: “On Feb. 1, the state Senate voted 28-15 to approve a House bill deemed “constitutional carry” by proponents. If passed into law, the bill will allow eligible residents of the state to carry firearms, whether openly or concealed, without requiring registration for a state permit or receiving any training.”

  2. How many states currently have permitless open carry, AKA true constitutional carry?

  3. This move would align South Carolina with nearly 30 other states that have already adopted similar permitless open carry policies, consolidating the trend across much of the South….

    Sadly not entirely accurate. Instead of open carry, it should have read Constitutional Carry. Florida, and I believe, some other states, have not yet approved open carry. It doesn’t look good for the current legislative secession either. Now that DeSantis has stopped wandering about the country, maybe he can take a more active roll in getting open carry passed next year. DeSantis 2028!

    • As I recall citizens can open carry FL to and from hunting, a shooting range, travel and related. My state has open carry, I have not ran across anyone carrying open until recently when I was behind a couple at a gas station checkout, the guy had a holstered six shooter, the rig showed honest wear so safe to assume it was carried often.

      • Walking through a public place with an AR-15 strapped around your shoulder is legal if you happen to be carrying fishing equipment as well.

        Florida Statute 790.25 addresses lawful ownership, possession, and use of firearms and other weapons, and section 3(h) specifies:
        Anyone “engaged in fishing, camping, or lawful hunting or going to or returning from a fishing, camping, or lawful hunting expedition” can openly carry a firearm.

        If someone has a fishing license, isn’t intoxicated and hasn’t been convicted of a felony, it’s within the law to openly carry a gun while fishing in Florida.
        It might interfere with your casting though…Like they say, it’s all in the wrist!

        • I recall watching one of those “Copwatcher” type channels on YT about a year ago, in which two police officers attempted to arrest a man in FL for open carrying a pistol on his belt. He was fishing in a public area, and some jelly-kneed people didn’t like the sight of it, so they called 911 and reported a man with a gun. Cops show up, start the arrest process, and the guy tells them about the legal exemption in the FL law. Cops don’t want to hear it, so the guy quickly calls the Park Ranger, who shows up, gets all the facts, then declares the guy innocent and tells the cops to give the guy his gun back. The cops refused, so the Ranger goes the extra step and tells them it’s his jurisdiction, and they are free to go and continue their policing elsewhere. The three sworn guys get into an argument, and the Ranger finally flexes his department muscles and tells the fisherman he’s free to continue fishing or to go home, but the matter is considered concluded.

          Cops basically didn’t like being wrong, and being overridden on (bystander) camera by another badge.

  4. SC needs to get the lead out, get the signature, prove the naysayers wrong, garner public support so other states may follow although difficult because most other states have a big democRat Problem.

    • True, you can open carry traveling to or from a hunting or fishing trip.
      You better have hunting and/or fishing gear with you….
      There are however a substantial number of other “Infringements” in the 2023 Conceal Carry Law.

      From the Pensacola News Journel
      Can I carry a concealed weapon anywhere in Florida?
      Not quite. The bill spells out a lengthy list of places where open and concealed weapons are restricted:
      Any place of nuisance as defined in s. 823.05 (an open term that includes places that endanger the health of the community, become “manifestly injurious to the morals or manners” of the community, or “annoy the community” such as prostitution dens, illegal gambling halls, specified massage parlors and anywhere criminal gang activity happens)
      Any police, sheriff, or highway patrol station
      Any detention facility, prison, or jail
      Any courthouse
      Any courtroom (although judges can carry concealed weapons or determine if someone else can)
      Any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof
      Any school, college, or professional athletic event not related to firearms
      Any polling place
      Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district
      Any elementary or secondary school facility or administration building
      Any career center
      Anywhere in an establishment primarily devoted to dispensing alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
      Any college or university facility unless the licensee is a registered student, employee, or faculty member there and the weapon is a stun gun or nonlethal electric weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and doesn’t fire a dart or projectile
      The inside of the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport, unless it’s encased for shipment to be checked as baggage
      Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law

      Also, Non- residents are allowed the same privileges here in Florida

      What if I don’t live in Florida and want to conceal carry? Does Florida have reciprocity?

      Yes. Non-residents may carry concealed weapons or firearms provided they are 21 or older and not prevented by Florida law to possess them for any other reason. The age requirement doesn’t apply to servicemembers or veterans.

    • The majority of resistance to passing this in SC was actually from Republican (RINOS) doing sneaky things behind closed doors. After Palmetto Gun Rights led a massive mail your representative campaign, they finally got the message. I’ll wait until the Gov. signs the bill before I celebrate.

  5. I’ve been hunting SC for decades. The first time I went with Mark he was an active FDLE agent. I was an active deputy sheriff. He had a FL CCW permit. He could legally carry. I didn’t have a FL CCW. I couldn’t legally carry concealed in SC. Guess what I did.

    • SC law has allowed for open or concealed carry by any licensed hunter or fisherman traveling to or from his place of hunting or fishing since the Jim Crow Era. I used to have the section of the law memorized, but years of not worrying about it seem to have let me push it out of the way for more important things. I still remember my grandma’s cornbread recipe though…

      I haven’t read through all the comments, but the law passed. Waiting McMaster’s signature.

  6. Permitless carry is pure insanity promoted by Far Right Barbarians who want to shoot people first and ask questions later.

    One must know the laws of one’s state as to when it is legal to use deadly force.

    One must be trained in safe gun handling and how to carry a gun safely.

    • One must know the laws of one’s country. One must be trained in how to exercise one’s right to vote. And use one’s right to free speech.

      None of our rights are rights. Thanks to ass clowns like you.

    • “One must know the laws of one’s state as to when it is legal to use deadly force.

      One must be trained in safe gun handling and how to carry a gun safely.”

      Hmmmm interesting concept…hey, I know… maybe if all those licensed drivers of the cars in accidents each year in which ~90,000 children age 12 and under are injured – ya know if those drivers were ‘trained’ to ‘handle’ their cars safely on the roads and knew the laws about driving …. oh wait, they were and knew, the state even said so by giving them a driver license.

    • DUNDERHEAD, Pure unadulterated BULL SHI*! Your interests are clear to most people here. We all KNOW that you are for disarming American law abiding citizens so your criminal, anarchist and terrorist buds in ANTIFA and BLM get free reign.

      Why is it that with all the guns on the market or in the possession of law abiding citizens, that 99.999999999% of these guns and their owners have never committed a crime?

  7. “A New Mexico jury on Wednesday found Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer on the Western film “Rust,” guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins“

    • MINOR49er, Excuse me, but what has this to do with South Carolina passing a Constitutional Carry law? Maybe you missed the headline?

    • There has been much interest regarding this case on TTAG, I provided a News update as a public service to the members.

      You are welcome.

      • I agree that it’s relevant, especially considering how much TTAG has covered that story.

      • MINOR49er, I might be nice if you TRY (JBOL) to stay on subject. I know it is tough being a Leftist control freak, but please do try?
        The only person you want to serve is yourself. You do nothing that does not serve your own interests.

  8. I have a cwp in SC and have been carrying concealed for over 10 yrs. What I want to know is, how will the Constitutional Carry bill affect Concealed Carry? Will we still need a permit for concealed or, will anyone who can legally own a firearm carry concealed?

  9. SC sucks! They claim to be so pro gun, but have numerous no carry zones, permission to carry must be granted in someone else’s home, unreasonable hoops to get a license/permit/whatever, ridiculous reciprocity, etc.
    I’m tired of waiting for them to pull their collective heads out of their asses & get with the program that the rest of free America is on!! I will not be visiting SC, or supporting any SC business until they join the rest of us! There are plenty of other places I can spend my money that respect our rights (FL, GA, NC & VA just in their region alone).

  10. South Carolina’s flag looks muslimish to me.
    How about this?
    The Right To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed

  11. The media and by extension gun news sites such as this one keep parroting the “openly carry” thing. I live in SC and even I don’t know what the actual bill entails of gives specific benefits.

    TBH I tend to lose interest in constitutional carry bills here because they’ve consistently failed in the state senate.

    I could not tell you what exact benefit the average good SC citizen without a CWP/CCW permit would get in regards to concealed carry.

    • Having read sections 10 and 11 of this bill citizens will be allowed to carry either openly or concealed w/o a permit.

      According to the liberals and esp. Mommies Looking For Action the Wild West starts the millisecond the governor’s signature hits the parchment. Yeah, right.

  12. Free safety training. That’s a riot, considering SC mandates you take a paid class to get a permit. I live in GA and for many years SC can GA were having a pissing contest over reciprocity. The only way to get a SC out of state concealed carry permit was to own land in SC. So I bought an acre of worthless land from a tax sale for $500. Took the class, got the out of state permit. And before I had to renew it, reciprocity agreements had been reached. Oddly enough, I started getting constant calls from these weird property buyers who wanted to buy the shit property I had purchased. It was nothing special, on a dirt road and nowhere near any major highway or any proposed projects. But those idiots gave me $5k for the property and I don’t have to pay the property taxes anymore.
    I will say, that most smaller town police in SC have good common sense. Working there as a Private Investigator made it a very difficult grey area for carrying a weapon. More often than not while sitting around doing surveillance officers would pull up next to me and we’d converse for long periods of time, just killing time. And they’d often ask if I was armed. I would give a hesitant round about answer and they’d say, “son you need to have a gun doing what you do out here. Don’t worry about the law, we can take care of that. But you get yourself a weapon in that car when you surveille these folks.” God I love the south. We cut the bullshit and just do what’s right. And I am a natural born South Carolinian to boot.

  13. South Carolina Gov McMaster just signed Constitutional Carry into law a couple hours ago. Louisiana made it 28, SC makes it 29. Who’s next? Life’s great in the South this week.

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