A recent article at the Washington Post breathlessly makes the case that Donald Trump is sure to become a full blown dictator if elected to another term next year. People can (and are) arguing all day long about whether or not hysterical predictions like that are true, but most Trump supporters don’t see what an incredible self-own the left has made here.
If Trump is really going to be the next Hitler, would they really want people who work for the government to be the only ones with guns?
The Argument For Looming Dictatorship
Before I get into more on how Kagan’s overwrought article also slays the anti-gun argument, let’s take a quick look at why the Post’s “editor at large” thinks this time a Trump dictatorship will really happen. Like all shaky premises, it has to be based on at least a sliver of actual truth, even if it veers off later in the argument.
One thing he’s probably right about is that Trump is going to be the Republican Party’s nominee. Democrats and never-Trumpers have been hoping that a more moderate candidate would emerge to challenge him, but we’re only three months from Super Tuesday and Trump is polling over 47% ahead of anyone else in the GOP race. That’s a lead that probably won’t shrink much unless Trump literally shoots someone in cold blood and, as he’s posited before, even that might not be enough to take him down.
As for the general election, he’ll likely be going up against one of the lamest horses the Democrat Party could have run. With the economy in trouble, lack of action on key issues the Democratic base cares deeply about, and serious divide over the Israel-Gaza war — not to mention his ever-diminishing cognitive ability — Biden isn’t doing well. His numbers against Trump continue to slide. It’s also worth noting that both candidates are sort of incumbents, so Biden doesn’t get much help there either.
Democrats who were counting on the courts to take Trump down for them are also frustrated. The strategy has largely backfired bigly so far. Normally, indicting and prosecuting the proverbial ham sandwich is enough to the target’s reputation and knock them out of political contention. But despite (because of?) too many legal attacks on the former President to keep track of, Trump’s support has only increased. It also appears that the typically glacial pace of the court system will keep most, if not all of the actions against him from taking place until after the election.
Kagan dives deeply into the realm of speculation about what Trump’s next term as president would look like. Unlike his first term, he claims there’s a solid plan this time to begin a policy blitzkrieg that he wasn’t able to accomplish in his first term due to being mired down by bureaucratic politics (a.k.a. the Russia “collusion” hoax). This proposed policy agenda is laid out well at the Project 2025 website.
Kagan claims the courts, wouldn’t be able to do much to stop him, either. It could even lead to the old “How many divisions?” question cropping up if courts were to confront Trump over anything significant that he does.
With a zealous executive branch, impotent courts, and the unitary executive theory in full swing, Trump might not need a friendly Congress to do anything he wants, Kagan claims. He could go after political rivals (some of whom had prosecuted him), dismiss disloyal bureaucrats in the executive branch (which Kagan seems to be unaware is fully within his power as President), re-arrange federal funding as he sees fit, and make life generally hard for blue states in a variety of ways.
It’s also been reported that Trump could use the Insurrection Act if there is any widespread rioting or other violent resistance following his election, literally sending in the troops.
Let’s Assume This Is All True (And That It’s Bad)
Before you scroll down to the comments to tell me why Kagan is wrong or that you think what he predicts would be an incredibly “based” outcome if true, let’s put that aside and get straight to why this is a self-own for most Democrats. Even if all of Kagans worst fears come true and are allegedly catastrophic for a free republic, he still loses the big picture debate.
It’s pretty simple: if the Nazis really are coming to take over as so much of the overheated political rhetoric claims, do you really want the Nazis to be the only ones with guns?
Against all odds, that question is finally starting to sink in with at least a few on the left . . .
But most on the establishment left still don’t get it, or aren’t self-aware enough to understand that screaming, “The Nazis are coming” at the same time as they shout, “ITS THE GUNS, ITS THE GUNS” won’t work well for them in practice.
As for the pro-gun rights side, instead of wasting our time trying to convince them that Trump won’t actually become a dictator, it might be more effective to use their irrational fear of Trump to undermine the civilian disarmament argument. As politely as you can, ask them why they think gun control, banning “assault weapons,” or any other limits on an armed populace is a good idea when another literal Hitler is about to take power?
If they cling to the ludicrous “You can’t fight F-15s and nukes with an AR-15!” argument, mention groups like the Bielski Partisans, a group of Jews who fought off an army of Nazis for years. Remind them of insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan who fought the very same military they claim is unbeatable today and now control both countries.
If they’re of the opinion that MLK’s non-violence or Gandhi-like civil disobedience is the way, tell them about the Deacons for Defense and Justice, a group of armed blacks who fought off bigots and even helped provide security for MLK. Or remind them about Harriet Tubman’s revolver. As for Gandhi, remind them that he was dealing with the British government, and that they had to deal with democracy at home and the pressure of public opinion.
The hysteria of Kagan’s claims is noxious. It’s not hard to argue that it’s actually a sotto voce call for violence. After all, if you truly believe Trump is another Hitler, literally nothing — including violence — would be out of bounds to keep him from coming to power.
None of this is new, of course. Democrats have been likening their opponents to Hitler and warning of a descent into fascism if they lose ever since World War II. Kagan’s hysterics is only one of the most recent example.
At the end of the day, there’s simply no way to reconcile an argument for more gun control with the idea that murderous totalitarianism is looming on the horizon. Logic dictates that they choose one argument or the other. Not that logic has ever played much of a role in the push for gun control in America.
“Logic dictates that they choose one argument or the other. Not that logic has ever played much of a role in the push for gun control in America.” Logic has never been a factor in the demo/communist party’s agenda for destruction of the Constitution. Most of the ones supporting their masters are Lenin’s useful idiots. Soap box hasn’t worked, at all. Ballot box is rigged in their favor. That leaves one option.
Saw the name and pic, Robert Kagan, Neo-Con husband to Victoria Nuland. He was pivotal in PNAC and getting us into GWOT, Iraq, etc. Not going to bother explaining her roll in the Uki affair and all the gobble-de-guk since 2014. These folks are deluded and are willing to squander blood and treasure and have been for far too long.
LOL More propaganda garbage from the anti constitution anti republic leftist tyranny press. Funny they are installing a one party system and rail against a proven pro constitution, pro republic president.
He said it himself…
“Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday in Fox News Town Hall that he would not be a dictator “except for Day One” if he is elected to the presidency next year“
Wow. miner, the fascist that says rights can be limited and the .gov has the right to make rights subject to modern poll taxes and literacy tests is pissing down his leg because of Trump. He must fear a return to freedom.
Bill Burr said it. You idiot fascists are making a martyr out of Trump. Rallying the troops around him.
Too fucking stupid to see how much you help our cause with every comment you make here. The studies must be right. Trolling is a sign of mental illness. And you have it bad, miner.
“pissing down his leg because of Trump“
Not me, Trump is headed for federal prison. I think you’re projecting your anxiety and fear.
Why are you so angry? You should be happy, your calls for a Nuremberg 2.0 are being answered daily:
“Pro-Trump electors indicted in Nevada, the third state to issue charges
By Amy Gardner and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
Updated December 6, 2023 at 6:03 p.m. EST|Published December 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. EST”
“A Nevada grand jury has charged six Republicans who claimed to be presidential electors in 2020 and submitted certificates to Congress falsely asserting that former president Donald Trump had won the election in their state.“
Pol Pot also had trials, we called them ‘the killing fields’.
Double down on the stupid, miner. And thank you for the help.
“Not me, Trump is headed for federal prison. I think you’re projecting your anxiety and fear.”
Yes, you. You’re projecting your anxiety and fear.
And we really don’t care.
Lol good joke
minor49iq…If POTUS DJT was anything at all like hitler you’d already been in a concentration camp sitting with a row of prisoners pooping in a trough or you’d be a lampshade.
You and your ilk really insult those who endured such unimaginable horrors with your libelous insults that paint yourselves as Third Reich History illiterates.
TRUMP 2024…
“Yes, you. You’re projecting your anxiety and fear.“
I have nothing to fear, I’m not facing 91 felony indictments.
Say, I bet you’re really upset with Speaker Mike Johnson and that’s why your panties are all in a wad.
I admit, I was surprised to hear him say that he was going to blur the faces of those involved in the January 6 riots, but that’s the most effective way to hide the identities of all those antifa and FBI agent provocateurs you folks claim were there.
How surprising the new Speaker of the House of Representatives is actually a secret antifa agent, fascinating!
“I have nothing to fear …”
Then why you lyin’ again, Liar?
“Say, I bet you’re really upset with Speaker Mike Johnson and that’s why your panties are all in a wad.”
Say, I’ll bet that you’re fucking clueless and projecting again — you’re the one wearing the panties. Guess what? I’m correct on all counts!
Oh wait you were serious, let me laugh harder
MINOR49er. You have lied yet again, but who is surprised? Not me.
I’ve seen the clip with Trump being interviewed by Sean. What he refered to was he would issue two EO’s and that he would dictate on those issues, dsrilling for oil, and closing the border. He then reiterated that he would not be a “dictator” as you Leftist control freaks allege.
So you are lying as usual. You are really a very sick individual.
As usual, Trump was vague and inconsistent enough that people can interpret it how they want. He said he’d be a dictator on day one, then added some caveats to placate those who might be alarmed by his statement. In typical fashion, he was unclear and let people draw what conclusions they prefer rather than speaking clearly and unambiguously. FWIW, history doesn’t offer a lot of examples of dictators giving up their power willingly.
Serpent, are you fricking kidding? There was NOTHING vague or ‘inconsistent” about his statement. It was a JOKE. the fact is that the never Trumpers are making a mountain out of a depression. But that is no realy anything new.
The question from Sean was done tongue in cheek. Trump’s response was the same. Are you suffering for Trump Derangement Syndrome?
As always, the people who admire Trump because he means what he says argue that he didn’t mean what he said.
Trump knows that the media is going to size in whatever he says and interpret it according to whatever bias. Yet he still chooses to “joke” about being a dictator, suspwnd the Constitution, clear the country of “vermin”, etc.
Do these idiots even know what MAGA stands for? I’ve got a lefty son-in-law that tries to talk tough about guns. The one (and only) time I let him fondle one of mine, he couldn’t figure out how to take the safety off. No worries with that doofus.
My father-in-law asked me to show him how to shoot. Took him and one of my children to the local rifle and pistol range. Started him on 22LR while we shot other calibers. Brought the whole family closer together. Maybe you can get the SIL to go with you.
“At the end of the day, there’s simply no way to reconcile an argument for more gun control with the idea that murderous totalitarianism is looming on the horizon.”
“…the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact…” comes to mind.
Typical marxist tactics including “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” in places where their jury selection pool will be 90+ percent democrats. Yes beware of those that want to disarm you and that certainly is not Donald j Trump. He knew his “bump stock ban” would end up in the courts and most likely be overturned and I have not heard one word from him complaining about that while the current DOJ is going nuts over the prospect. At the time he did it to ward off a very possible ban on all semi automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines.
The other guy is always a wannabe dictator. Every election is the most important election of our time. Assuming it happens because also every election is about to be cancelled because of mArTiAl LaW.
And landslides and inarguable mandates are when somebody wins with 52% of the vote.
All of this assumes any election has ever been pure and free of shenanigans either directly or indirectly through electioneering.
I’m over elections. My life. My terms. I’m not harming anyone. Come at me bro.
State asks SCOTUS to dismiss gun ban challenge as Barrett distributes Caulkins case to conference.
SPECIAL TREATMENT. FBI Agent Pleads GUILTY To Stealing Guns!!
“Trump is headed for federal prison…”
When you’re ready to put your money where your mouth, or keyboarding fingers are, contact me.
And on the other hand, the ever-more obvious treason of the Bidens, FBI and US Justice Dept heads, among others, gets applauded by Minor and the rest of the scum on the left.
“treason of the Bidens“
That which is claimed without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence.
“Trump is headed for federal prison…”
That which is claimed without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence.
It’s the New York Post, not the New York Times or the Washington Post, so you probably missed it…
Ya mean the actual evidence of this Biden treason gathered by the senate committee who is getting ready to impeach Biden, isn’t evidence even though it is?
Only a left wing mentally ill person would be delusional enough to think in this case “That which is claimed without evidence, may be dismissed without evidence.” – and that is exactly you Miner49er … a genocide loving, terrorist loving, delusional and hate filled tyranny loving left wing mentally ill person.
Why don’t you run along now Miner49er and think up another name under which to post your a genocide loving, terrorist loving, delusional and hate filled tyranny loving comments.
Trump did a few things I didn’t like but I never saw him do ANYTHING that made him look like a dictator to me. Although, giving blanket immunity to drug companies who gave us the Covid shots that turned out to be worthless was a very bad move on his part.
I’ve seen Biden become the very model of Dictator himself with every single thing he does.
“…if you truly believe Trump is another Hitler, literally nothing — including violence — would be out of bounds to keep him from coming to power.”
…Which is why they keep pushing that. They’re justifying their treatment of US, yes us. It isn’t only a claim against Trump. That’s how they launder the claim. It’s a claim against anyone who has/will vote for Trump. That’s what a MAGA Republican is. The “moderate, reasonable” Republicans are basically Democrats, at this point. That would be Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, McCain and Bush families, etc. (The former power structure on their way out.)
Who can forget the Puppet’s promised national unity speech where he called half of the country threats and clear and present dangers? I have to laugh when I hear someone complain about Trump being a big meanie. Is there anything worse than being called a racist? How about the other various _phobic and _ist insults? Basket of deplorables? Who are the mean ones again?
Thank you, Jennifer, for posting that video. Everyone should watch that and check out the comments. The people who vote against gunz are now buying up gunz because they’ve been told by the totally trustworthy media and ruling class that the “maggots” (who have gunz) are coming for them. LOL! Everyone arm up in case those Christian nationalists or traditional Catholics or concerned parents or hard-working middle class patriots break into your house or start riots and kill people like they did in 2020. Yeah, that’s the ticket! These people are not very bright.
“Basket of deplorables?“
You’re upset because Hillary called half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’? What a bunch of snowflakes.
It’s not like she called y’all ‘vermin’…
Who said anything about being upset? We laugh at that stuff. I’ve said before that if I get called a racist, that means I’ve won because they have no argument.
Dude appears to be referencing Pres. Biden’s condemnation of “MAGA Republicans” (whom he distinguished from other Republicans, but w/o clear definitions as to who falls into which group):
Mostly, yes. But I did bring up the basket of deplorables comment as well. They’re different ways of trying to use cover to attack their political opponent supporters.
MINOR49er, If she used the term “vermin” she would have been referring to herself and the likes of you, my boy.
DENI~RO NAILED IT F… tRUMP . Like punch him in the face , naw just get Shi. on ya fist.
MAGA ~ M.eA.G.reatA.ssiehole by tRUMP .
D.J.T. D.ump J.erk T.~rump ~ ump .
Lickie’s N Kissie’s his lower back side . A.H.ole ..
Witch hunt , true he is an Evil witch , witches were tie to post and set on fire . can wish .
Fake , yep he is all fake , true ~ lier , true 3″ pole .
Want A Be A Dick ~ Dick.tator . Like Hilter , Putan , Mussolini , wasn’t it Mussolini got hung upside down and his throat cut ??? can wish . Yeaaaa freedom of speach . …
Not in all caps? You feeling okay NTexas? Did you finally get a hearing aid?
Looks like the Quaaludes are kickin’ in. Lemmon 417, bro!
“Lemmon 417“
It’s 714, just like Jack Friday’s badge number.
So you picked up on my intentional scramble poking fun at NTexas’s near-undecipherable posting.
Oh, wait — you didn’t. You assumed that I screwed up.
Humor is often subtle and sometimes ironic. I’m not surprised that you didn’t get it. Oh, well — your mistake.
“…just like Jack Friday’s badge number.”
It’s Joe Friday, ya asshole.
NTexas, I hope you are all packed and ready for the men in the white coats.
When Trump was pres. all the idiots who claimed he was a tyrant and a dictator demanded he revoke their rights and ban guns on more than one occasion.
Makes perfect sense to the insane.
Well – I’m not a “never Trumper” – but, I don’t like Trump. Never voted for him. Don’t really have a lot of use for him. But, given the choice between Trump and Biden, if it took my vote to defeat Biden, then it would be President Trump again.
NOTE: I live in a red state. If I were to cheat like a Democrat, and vote against Trump a thousand times, Trump would still win this state. For that reason, I’ll vote third party again, if possible. Or write in ‘Donald Duck’. Or, maybe I’ll write in ‘Elon Musk’.
It’s your vote — waste it if you wish.
You may as well drop the pretense and just vote for the Gropenfuehrer.
That’s the only time people should protest vote. I get it. However, people thought Wisconsin would elect Hillary in 2016, so they didn’t show up. Look at the numbers, and compare them to 2012. Trump didn’t flip that state. He got lucky that dems didn’t show up. Trump actually got fewer votes than Romney got there in 2012.
I kind of like Charlie Munger’s solution for Congressional politicians when they don’t pass and balance the budget every year. If they don’t, all of them become ineligible to run for public office in the next election. As far as congress, presidents, and candidates, I don’t see any of them as patriots dedicated to serving and doing what’s best for the country. They are either all in it for themselves and power or they are puppets of their party. The whole raft of ’em needs to be cleaned out and we start with a completely new slate of candidates. Just IMHO…
“You Can’t Claim Trump’s An Aspiring Dictator and Also Be for Civilian Disarmament”
Sure you can when emotions have the final say in your brain.
Besides, Far Left Pr0gre$$ives will simply tell us that Trump will TRY to flex his dictator muscles only to discover that his generals and law enforcers will refuse to comply with his illegal diktats–thus there is no danger if government has all the guns and the populace is unarmed. (Never mind considering whether the generals and/or law enforcers would actually side with the masses.)
Jenn – don’t give up your day job.
I’m not anti Trump. But do you not see it’s a setup? We can not choose him as the nominee. Right after we do, they’ll convict him of something (doesn’t matter what), then Secretary’s of State in a handful of places will remove him from the ballot because *reasons*. They’ll steal the election before it even occurs. It’s so obvious. I will vote for Trump if necessary, but please can we have an actual chance with someone who can actually win (hopefully overcoming the next level of voter fraud). He did it in Florida.
President Donald Trump is the best supporter of a second amendment in modern US history. That is well documented here on TTAG. For those that were paying attention during those years.
As far as the bumpstock goes. The “gun community” has never supported the widespread ownership of fully automatic weapons to the general public.
They will tell you that’s just a waste of ammunition. Why, why would anybody possibly want a fully automatic weapon???
In fact the “gun community” supported the bumpstock ban.
And now since chinese made glock switches have flooded into the United States . The “gun community” continues to refuse to support the widespread ownership of machine pistols to the general public.
After the Las Vegas massacre, there was a movement in Congress to ban all automatic weapons.
There are a lot of people in the “gun community” who need to start being honest for a change.
Chris, your an educated man. Tell me when has honesty and the grab for power ever went hand in hand?
to possum
Actually, the great wise white man who founded the United States. The founding fathers, some of whom were slaveholders were honest Men.
Men who took power and when they were finished gave it up. And returned to being the farmers that they were.
Unfortunately, it’s been well over two hundred years. Since we’ve had men of that character. So wise in charge of anything in this world.
Only if “Take the guns first, go through due process second.” is your idea of supporting the 2nd Amendment.
While bump stocks aren’t all that useful, the same approach of restriction-by-redefinition that Trump validated was then used to go after braced pistols (original policy in December 2020), then “ghost guns”.
The libertarians nominated anti-civil rights candidates for president and vice president.
That is something that republicans have never done historically ever. The democrats certainly have but never the republicans.
The only thing libertarians care about are legal butt sex and drugs. Their two anti-civil rights candidates were really big on supporting those two things. But they absolutely did not support the second amendment. In fact they were openly anti-second amendment.
Donald Trump hosted interracial and gay marriages at his property in florida. Back when President Bush , the father was in office. Trump was ahead of everyone on that issue.
But that doesn’t matter to the libertarians. They like the legal butt sex. But they want the drugs too. And donald trump who saw his older brother destroyed by drugs will not leg@lize them.
However, libertarians are quite happy to have legalized Drugs. And have them destroy San Francisco, Seattle, and every major inner city in the United States. President Trump doesn’t agree with that. So I guess you and President Trump will just have to agree to disagree.
President trump did not get any pro second amendment legislation, from the congress to sign while he was president. So he used his executive powers to do what he could. To improve civil rights under the second amendment.
Did the libertarian in the house and the libertarian in the senate submit second amendment legislation, while they were in office???
No they did not. The problem with libertarians is that they don’t believe in using the power of the state. Which means they are really wasting everyone’s time when they run for public office.
Like I said before, the “gun community” supported the bumpstock ban because the “gun community” doesn’t believe the ordinary American should have access to machine guns.
But yes, I’m not happy with what president trump said about the bumpstock. But he has a track record while in office of supporting the Second Amendment.
I don’t see any record while they were in office, of the libertarians supporting the second amendment. They certainly say they support it. Just like the democrats say they support it.
The difference between Trump and the rest are Trump has most of his businesses State side.
For sure he wants to make America great again.
Ramaswamy, Sweden pharmaceuticals with Chinese connections, Harris, Hindu takeover, Biden, Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories.
There is not one that doesn’t pocess fangs, I’d just prefer to get bit by an American viper myself.
(fyi possums are immune to rattlesnake venom)
Sadly Trump will not be allowed to be on the vote me ticket. Jan 6 proved he has what it takes to develop a cult, and a cult can be turned Dictatorship.
Truth be told we are all slaves of .giv.
I’d just like to be a slave to someone who gives a fuck about what I can do for them.
Ghengis Khan had it right.
President Trump is an American first President. He wants to put all Americans first.
The libertarians don’t agree with that. The libertarians are quite happy to have all the factories leave the United States. They are quite happy to export factories, export industry out of the United States.
But the libertarians are quite happy to import the illegal aliens. Who are completely illiterate in their own native spanish language. With no provable job skills, no provable education whatsoever.
They think that’s a great combination for America. President Trump disagrees with libertarian thinking. So I guess the libertarians will just have to agree to disagree with President Trump.
If Trump does get back in office. I hope he is a very, vengeful man. Just like the Democrats.
Cough *DeSantis has zero dark money* cough.
Seriously though, DeSantis is the guy we need, just like 2016 with Cruz he doesn’t have a chance, and America will get what we voted for good and hard.
“With a zealous executive branch, impotent courts, and the unitary executive theory in full swing, Trump might not need a friendly Congress to do anything he wants, Kagan claims. He could go after political rivals (some of whom had prosecuted him), dismiss disloyal bureaucrats in the executive branch (which Kagan seems to be unaware is fully within his power as President), re-arrange federal funding as he sees fit, and make life generally hard for blue states in a variety of ways.”
You mean like Biden has been doing from day one of his term in office, against conservatives and rivals and those not fitting his agenda and Amercian citizens and red states — by use of rule by fiat through executive orders?
Trump never claimed he would be an actual dictator on day one or any day; This is what was said in the interview > https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/donald-trump-sean-hannity-dictator-day-one/
Hannity asked: “You are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”
Trump said: “Except for Day One”
but then clarified: When asked to clarify, Trump said he would use the presidency to close the border and increase oil drilling in the U.S. (he was being factitious, he was countering something that Biden had claimed earlier in his presidency where he countered the assertion that he was abusing his power and being a dictator by opening the border to make it insecure and shutting down oil drilling and claimed he would abuse his power to do so and be that dictator.)
then it went like this…
‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, no. Other than Day One.’ We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator,” Trump said.
So Trump is talking about closing the border and drilling for oil – in terms of his ‘dictator’ comment. But Biden was telling us outright he was going to be an actual dictator. Biden did turn out to be a dictator through his tyrannical abuse of power for rule by fiat to create executive orders specifically intended to circumvent the constitution and law and congress to make our country less secure thus wreck our national security. It is within a presidents power constitutionally and by law to secure our borders and promote industrial processes for national security (drilling for oil for example), it is not within a presidents power to make our borders less secure or remove the ability for national security supporting industrial processes, and thus weaken out national security, so Biden abused his power and is for a fact a dictator. So Trumps comment about being a ‘dictator’ on day one was a direct sarcastic jab at Biden, and it is not ‘dictatorial’ or abuses of power to order the borders closed or drilling for oil as the constitutional obligations of the president demands it be done to support our national security so executive order to that effect on day to counter what was actually unconstitutional and tyrannical and dictatorship for Biden to do with his rule by fiat through abuse of executive orders.
Biden Admin WAVES OFF Accusations They Usurped Democracy By CANCELLING Democratic Primary. (and basically rigging election in Florida too by DNC deciding that only Joe Biden’s name can appear on the ballot – which is basically in effect election fraud and/or rigging and/or tampering)
Biden ADMITS He’s ONLY Running To Stop Trump, But Polls Show Him LOSING in 5/5 Swing States.
so democrats basically trying to rig the election like dictators do in countries that pretend to have an election.
Courts have said that it’s OK for them to rig the primary. DNC argued more that it was within their rights than to argue that they didn’t rig it in 2016.
They are just building up to an event. Hitler and others like him along with their followers did this to promote their ideology and exert their will on the public through fear and disarmament. We have forgotten history and do not see the similarities taken place currently. I hope everyone is awake enough to see what is coming next. Hillary Clinton has already called for re-education camps not that long ago and others followed suit with similar comments about certain types of supporters.
Americans tend to side with the underdog, and having the entire government gang up on one individual makes Trump the uber underdog.
” Even if all of Kagans worst fears come true and are allegedly catastrophic for a free republic, he still loses the big picture debate.”
It’s not “the big picture debate”, it’s one point of disjointed logic. Saying “aha, you claim Trump is terrible but don’t like easy access to guns!” is not the lib-own you think it is.
Trump is terrible, *and* our processes for keeping people safe from gun violence are failing, *and* reasonable access to firearms for normal, sane, non-spouse-beating people should be preserved.
This comment thread is filled up bad info, lies, and people who don’t know the difference between your and you’re.
Sincerely, someone who believes in human rights, universal healthcare, high taxes on the rich, and owns more guns than most of y’all. Yeehaw from Texas.
…or Kagans and Kagan’s… Yeah, cheap shot.
Who defines ‘reasonable access’?
“It’s also been reported that Trump could use the Insurrection Act if there is any widespread rioting or other violent resistance following his election, literally sending in the troops.” – Trump should have done this in 2020 he would have probably been re-elected. His lack of authoritarianism hurt his cause at the end of the day, many like me wanted to see the violent mobs jailed and prosecuted.
Hey Waylon — SOTH Nancy Pelosi had the authority to call up the Capitol Police and National Guard, not the President. And if you’ll recall (obviously you don’t), President Trump requested that she do so. But she didn’t. Why not? We know why.
The ‘Why’ is Now Obvious —
January 6, 2021 was a smoke screen for the real insurrection of November 3, 2020
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