Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, Chairwoman
Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. , speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing examining the practices and profits of gun manufacturers, Wednesday, July 27, 2022, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

Smith & Wesson’s President and CEO Mark Smith published a public statement that turned the tables on Congressional gun controllers for their political theater blame game. It’s a sentiment shared by NSSF and one which the firearm industry trade association supports in its entirety.

“Some have had the audacity to suggest that after they have vilified, undermined and defunded law enforcement for years, supported prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable for their actions, overseen the decay of our country’s mental health infrastructure, and generally promoted a culture of lawlessness, Smith & Wesson and other firearm manufacturers are somehow responsible for the crime wave that has predictably resulted from these destructive policies,” Smith wrote in a statement posted to the company’s Twitter account.

“But they are the ones to blame for the surge in violence and lawlessness, and they seek to avoid any responsibility for the crisis of violence they have created by attempting to shift the blame to Smith & Wesson, other firearm manufacturers and law-abiding gun owners.”

Smith, along with Sturm, Ruger & Co.’s CEO Chris Killoy and Daniel Defense’s Marty Daniel were called to Capitol Hill to testify in hearing by U.S. House of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.). It was more of a primary election campaign stunt than a hearing. Rep. Maloney is locked in a tight primary battle with Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), after their two Congressional districts were combined.

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, left, and J. Scott Applewhite, File)

Rep. Nadler forced through H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, that would ban the sale of all modern sporting rifles (MSRs), standard capacity magazines and many popular models of hunting and target shooting shotguns and handguns.

Rep. Maloney wielded her gavel in a political game of one-upmanship and called the leaders of these three companies to Capitol Hill before Congress broke for its August recess and before the primary vote on Aug. 23.


Killoy and Daniel attended the hearing. Smith was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, only to have Rep. Maloney subpoena Smith & Wesson seeking revenue, profit and sales information related to MSRs. Both Killoy and Daniel rejected the assertion by the committee’s Democrat members that firearm manufacturers are responsible for the horrendous crimes committed by deranged individuals.

“Chairwoman Maloney, these acts are committed by murderers,” Daniel replied when attempts were made to blame him and his company for the crimes. “The murderers are responsible…”

Chairwoman Maloney cut off Daniel before he could finish his answer.

Killoy also rejected the premise that the firearm and the company is culpable.

“To blame the firearm, the particular firearm in use here that we’re talking about – modern sporting rifles – to blame the firearm is an inanimate object,” he explained.

Chairwoman Maloney interrupted Killoy’s answer, too.

Smith weighed in with his statement this week, with the benefit of not being interrupted.

“To be clear, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never broken into a home; a Smith & Wesson firearm has never assaulted a woman out for a late-night run in the city; a Smith & Wesson firearm has never carjacked an unsuspecting driver stopped at a traffic light,” he wrote.

Real Solutions

Chairwoman Maloney wanted to know what the industry would do to prevent tragic events from occurring. The fact is the industry is already hard at work doing that.

Congress knows that the firearm industry doesn’t market or sell firearms to criminals. This industry provides the tools for law enforcement to protect our communities, the military to protect the nation, and for law-abiding citizens to exercise their God-given Second Amendment rights and protect themselves and their families.

This industry is unapologetically proud to support those who follow the law and exercise their rights.

It is also the firearm industry, with partners like Smith & Wesson, Sturm, Ruger & Co., and Daniel Defense, that executes the Real Solutions, Safer Communities safety initiatives, which partners with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to keep firearms out of the hands of those who should never have them.

The firearm industry has distributed over 40 million free firearm safety kits that include locking devices through 15,000 law enforcement agencies. That’s on top of those locking devices that are voluntarily included in every firearm shipped from the factory. It’s the firearm industry that has been working for FixNICS, the effort to make the background check system work as intended. And our industry has partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to prevent the tragedy of suicide by firearm.

“We will continue to work alongside law enforcement, community leaders and lawmakers who are genuinely interested in creating safe neighborhoods,” Smith added in his message. “We will engage those who genuinely seek productive discussions, not a means of scoring political points. We will continue informing law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutionally-protected right to defend themselves and their families. We will never back down in our defense of the 2nd Amendment.”

NSSF couldn’t be prouder of industry leaders like Smith, Killoy and Daniel. They produce state-of-the-art firearms for millions. They provide thousands of jobs to their employees. They stand for the Constitutional rights of those who seek to responsibly own and use their products daily. They are dauntless in their defense of Second Amendment freedoms and unyielding to the attacks of political grandstanders.

The firearm industry is better for them and NSSF is proud to be associated with them.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


  1. Some one needs to tell Rep. Carolyn Maloney that the world knows her natural hair color now is grey and not barbie doll blonde.

    • Already read the S&W reply. And as expected nothing/nada was said about Gun Control and its History Confirmed Roots in Racism and Genocide.

      Grow a pair, stand up and tell maloney…History confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide. Do you agree with that statement Yes or No chairwoman maloney?

      A Yes answer shows maloney is sitting there supporting an agenda that belongs to racists and nazis. A No answer makes maloney a liar. Failure to answer and maloney loses all credibility. Unless you put a Rat between a rock and a hard spot they’ll get away every time, S&W et al.

      • Smith’s response was spot on. The issue is criminal misuse of firearms and it will not be fixed by banning guns. The laws already on the books need to be enforced without creating new ones that only hurt law abiding citizens.

        Being fixated on old history ignores the fact issues evolve or change over time. Crime is out of fucking control. Law abiding people aren’t murdering each other and didn’t burn cities down protesting.

        No one is going to ask me if I’m a fucking black Nazi, KKK member when buying a gun. If you want to win the anti-gun argument today, you need to pull your head out and talk about shit that is relevant TODAY.

        • “Being fixated on old history ignores the fact issues evolve or change over time. Crime is out of fucking control.”


          Murder today is roughly one-half, that’s FIFTY FUCKING PERCENT LESS than it was around the year 1990.

          And you believed that lie, dumb-ass… 🙁

        • Murders went way down then started rising again. Murders went up 26% from 2019 to 2020. And murders aren’t the only crimes. Try recent history, Dumbfuck.


          I’ll check other sources about violent crime rates (not just murders). But its not like this hasn’t been in the news a lot lately. I believe in 2021 and this year its still rising. I think it’s driven the huge increase in gun purchases by all groups of people.

          I don’t think the increase in gun buying is based on peoples perceptions of murder rates in the 1990s.

          Like I said, I’ll look for more data.

          Thanks for the input.

        • Nationwide stats don’t tell the story by including the well-governed areas. Murder and violent crime is way up in some poorly governed (AKA Democrat) areas because justice for St. George Floyd, or something.

          Grim Apple: NYC murders in 2021 to near 500 for first time in a decade

          2020 Violent crime was way down in the country, as well as the rest of the world, because people weren’t out and about due to the Wuflu fear mongering. Violent crime stayed down pretty much everywhere in the world except here. What happened? St. George Floyd happened. Democrat politicians and useful idiots happened. Compare 2019 and previous years to post-Floyd era in blue areas. It ain’t pretty.

        • Please show me any data that says violent crime was down in 2020. I’ve been checking data for the last 30 minutes and have only found the opposite.

          I was going to link the sources but its easy to find. There’s tons of info out there.

          Basically the data shows the violent crime rates, including murders, are the highest in 25 years (as of 2020). While we may be seeing a slight decrease in murders from 2020-2022, other crimes have continued to rise and murders are still high compared to their lows more than a quarter century ago.

        • “Please show me any data that says violent crime was down in 2020.”

          You know I’m referring to the pre-Floyd part of 2020, correct? I didn’t find it with a quick search, and I don’t have time to run it down for you. Crime was down across the country, and the globe, because people stayed away from crowds until the Floyd incident. Crime was still down in the US outside of the major cities, post Floyd.

          Violent crime and murder increased dramatically after the death of St. Floyd due to the rhetoric from the Left, law enforcement being ordered to stand down, and their need for a mini revolution to oust Trump. It took all of 5 seconds for the protesting to end up at the White House. The useful idiots were being directed. When the country finally had enough, they called the protesting off. It’s amazing how easily people are manipulated.

        • “Crime was still down in the US outside of the major cities, post Floyd.”

          I think you mean PRE Floyd.. No biggie.

          “Violent crime and murder increased dramatically….”

          No shit, Columbo, that is what I’ve been saying.

        • “I think you mean PRE Floyd.. No biggie.”

          No, I mean POST Floyd. You either aren’t reading or you aren’t understanding what I wrote. Go back and read it again. (Hint: “outside of the major cities”)

          “No shit, Columbo, that is what I’ve been saying.”

          Are you trying to be difficult or what? You asked, “Please show me any data that says violent crime was down in 2020.” I gave an answer. There’s no need to be an ass about it, Cato. Not that you understand (apparently), but if you go back to the beginning of the conversation I was agreeing with you.

        • “I think it’s driven the huge increase in gun purchases by all groups of people.“

          Wait a minute, you think the murder rate is increasing because of increasing gun purchases?

          That’s quite the admission, I think we’re making progress here.

        • “I think [the increase in violent crime] has driven the huge increase in gun purchases by all groups of people.”

          “Wait a minute, you think the murder rate is increasing because of increasing gun purchases?”

          No, Miner. That’s not even close.

          Is it reading incomprehension day or what?

        • Dude

          Here’s when I started to not read more carefully or with much interest.

          “I didn’t find it…, and I don’t have time to run it down for you.”

          I asked for info, you were disappointedly lacking, as usual.

          (Hint: I’m pretty much always an ass to dumb people)

        • Miner

          Funny. The murder rate is partly driving gun purchases. People feel as they need to protect themselves from criminals.

          If you have to twist people’s words to the point where you are lying about what they are saying to make a YOUR point, you’ve lost the argument.

        • Cato,
          No, you’re just an ass. You’re like the low IQ guy that lashes out because he doesn’t comprehend what’s happening. I don’t exist to serve you and do your homework for you. I explained the concept. I probably would have come back later with specifics. I won’t bother now. Having a conversation with you is like herding cats.

        • “You’re like the low IQ guy that lashes out because he doesn’t comprehend what’s happening.”


          As far as doing my homework, you did NO work. you pulled some BS out of your ass and then couldn’t back it up.

          So we’re all clear on this after going back and forth with your dumb ass, crime did go up in 2020. ALL OF 2020, not just pre or post Floyd and it went up nationwide.

          Thanks for playing anyway.

        • “So we’re all clear on this after going back and forth”

          No Cato, you still aren’t clear. I said I didn’t have time to find and list specific data. I’m working. Almost all of this data is listed by year, not by the month. Furthermore, anything that goes against the official narrative is more difficult to find. Obviously, the powers that be won’t blame the increase on themselves. The official narrative is that it was caused by the pandemic. Yet, the same thing didn’t happen in other countries. They’re counting on people being too ignorant to figure that out.

          An increase in violent crime in 2020 didn’t happen in a vacuum. There wasn’t some mysteriously convenient big bang that happened and explained everything. There’s a reason for all things. I don’t know if you slept through 2020, but the death of George Floyd was the spark the commies were waiting on to escalate their cultural revolution. Overall, crime was down in the US, and around the world in 2020 prior to the Floyd incident. It stayed down outside of this country, but it spiked in major cities during the spring and summer of 2020.

          I’m not saying the increase was limited to only being after the Floyd incident. It only escalated at that point. They almost immediately began releasing prisoners and requiring less jail time because of the pandemic. That was their excuse anyway.

          The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) analyzed crime reports from thirty cities across the United States between mid-March and mid-April of 2020 and compared observations to the same timeframe in 2019…Violent crime generally declined for the most part over the first 100 days of the virus in roughly 60% of the nation’s cities but is now either stable or on the uptake in most places.
          Crime, Justice & the COVID-19 Pandemic: Toward a National Research Agenda
          Published July 9, 2020

          Ashby (2020) studied crime data in major U.S. cities at the beginning of the pandemic. He found no significant changes to serious assault in public or residences, but some U.S. cities saw reductions in residential burglaries and motor vehicle theft. Redondo et al. (2020) surveyed experts and managers in Spain’s correctional system and found significant decreases in thefts, hate crimes, property crimes, and police arrests, among others.

          The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2020) also reported that robbery, theft, and burglary declined by approximately 50% in many of the countries studied, and the countries with the strictest lockdown measures saw even greater decreases in those crimes. Additionally, some countries experienced a 25% decline in homicides.

          In comparing several cities within major metropolitan areas in March and April 2020, Wojcik and Austin (2020) found that overall crime in the United States decreased during the period while domestic violence notably increased.
          Crime in the new U.S. epicenter of COVID-19

          Robberies fell on average by 46%, and vehicle theft and daily assaults were down 39% and 35% respectively. Burglaries dropped by 28% overall, while more minor crimes such as pickpocketing and shoplifting fell by about 47% across the countries studied.

          Homicides in Lima in Peru, Cali in Colombia and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil – all cities where a large proportion of murders are down to gang violence – fell 76%, 29% and 24% respectively during lockdown.
          Urban crime plummets during lockdowns in cities around world

        • You give reasons why crime went up in the US and then use data from the UN and other countries to say crime didn’t go up for part of the year.

          And then you say.

          “An increase in violent crime in 2020 didn’t happen in a vacuum.”

          It’s almost like you are saying the same thing I’m saying (crime rose) and then say I’m wrong.

          When I initially started this conversation I mentioned the burning cities because of the protests over Floyds death. I know the violence started to rise. It doesn’t matter if it was low in Jan – Apr 2020 and rocketed up the rest of the year. I don’t know the exact day and time crime started to rise in 2020, I don’t care.

          And I don’t know why you think for a second crime rates in Spain, Peru, Columbia, and Brazil has anything to do with this discussion.

          Pickpocketing fell by 47% across the countries studied.

          Holy shit, with that bombshell of magnificent news I might get rid of all my guns. The world is a utopia of love and good will. Nothing but cute little unicorns and rainbows from now on. I’m so happy I could shit out adorable puppies.

          The problem of crime is no more. What a glorious fucking day today is.

        • Cato said, “Please show me any data that says violent crime was down in 2020.”

          Cato said, “I asked for info…”

          Cato said, “…crime did go up in 2020. ALL OF 2020, not just pre or post Floyd and it went up nationwide.”

          Dude previously said, “Crime was down across the country, and the globe, because people stayed away from crowds until the Floyd incident. Crime was still down in the US outside of the major cities, post Floyd.”

          Cato being Cato, “You give reasons why crime went up in the US and then use data from the UN and other countries to say crime didn’t go up for part of the year.”

          Cato said, “It’s almost like you are saying the same thing I’m saying (crime rose) and then say I’m wrong.”

          Dude previously said, “…if you go back to the beginning of the conversation I was agreeing with you.”

          That’s just the thing, Cato. If you could get that chip off your shoulder for half a second, and try to have a conversation instead of complaining and name calling, then you would see that I was agreeing with you. I even explicitly said as much. You immediately began attacking me and demanding things from me. I actually tried to oblige and have an adult conversation. Then…herding cats. Go back and read the conversation from the beginning. Do you treat people like this in the real world?

          As far as the mentioning of crime in other countries goes, it is extremely relevant to the conversation. I mentioned that the official narrative is that the uptick in violent crime was due to the pandemic. Well, if that’s the case, then why did crime go down pre-Floyd? Why did crime stay down in 2020 in other countries? I was laying out the case for the cause of the increase in crime. It was not because the pandemic, which is the official narrative. And to head you off at the pass, I’m not claiming you said it was due to the pandemic. I also never claimed anything remotely close to “there is no more crime.” Either you’re not trying to understand the conversation, or you’re incapable of it. Cats…

        • I’m going to expand on the original conversation before it got derailed. Saying the murder rate hasn’t risen much because it’s still less than it was in the 90s, is akin to the Puppet Administration claiming there was zero inflation in July. 2020 saw the biggest increase (30%) in the murder rate on record. The previous record was an increase of 12.7%, set in 1968. That is what you call a major problem that needs to be addressed. It was never addressed. The cause was never acknowledged by the powers that be. That’s a big deal. Cato was right in his original comment.

        • You are right about this, I did say “…crime did go up in 2020. ALL OF 2020…” and that was wrong. I meant to say when you look at all of 2020, all 12 months, crime went up. I wasn’t clear.

          “2020 Violent crime was way down in the country, as well as the rest of the world, because people weren’t out and about due to the Wuflu fear mongering. Violent crime stayed down pretty much everywhere in the world except here.”

          The above is from the first thing you wrote. It in no way sounds as though you agreed crime went up in 2020.

          Who is officially saying COVID was the sole cause of the increase in crime?

          You say that crime remained low in other parts of the world because they didn’t have to deal with the Floyd fallout.

          That is truly a ‘No Shit Columbo’ moment. The riots, murders, and burning cities in response to Floyd’s murder were on the TV for everyone to see for months. No credible person attributed the BLM/Antifa inspired Floyd riots to COVID and no one gave a flying fuck about fewer pickpocketers (new word) in Brazil because they didn’t have to deal with those issues.

          My initial criticism was your inability to back up your bullshit with facts and then say it wasn’t your job to provide any.

          Sorry to hurt your feelings, its not my job to put up with people that pull shit out of their ass and make shit up.

        • JWT

          When I go to the FBI UCR page, I can see up to 2019. Do you have any FBI data showing the rise (or non-rise) from 2019 to 2020.


        • “The above is from the first thing you wrote. It in no way sounds as though you agreed crime went up in 2020.”

          Except you conveniently left off the next sentence. “What happened? St. George Floyd happened. Democrat politicians and useful idiots happened.” In other words, violent crime was down until the point it wasn’t, and it began to increase. It’s called nuance. You just half read, or didn’t understand the responses. Your ego won’t allow you to admit you were wrong. Or maybe you still don’t understand the conversation. It’s hard to tell at this point.

          “Who is officially saying COVID was the sole cause of the increase in crime?”

          It’s been discussed here many times. Go back and look at the articles here talking about people arming up. If they weren’t blaming it on Covid, then they were blaming it on black people being afraid of white supremacy. It was an excuse to ignore the real problem.

          “No credible person attributed the BLM/Antifa inspired Floyd riots to COVID…”

          The MSM attributed the rise in violence to Covid because they were pretending the riots were peaceful. Are you sure you were around in 2020? You don’t remember the “mostly peaceful” reporting?

          “My initial criticism was your inability to back up your bullshit…”

          Except none of it was bullshit, and every bit of it was backed up. You’re too fragile to admit you were wrong. That typically indicates insecurity which would explain the chip on your shoulder.

          “people that pull shit out of their ass and make shit up.”

          And what part was that Cato? This should be good.

        • Dud

          I said crime went up. You wanted to argue that crime didn’t go up in **ALL** of 2022.

          I asked you to provide info. You said “I didn’t find it with a quick search, and I don’t have time to run it down for you.”
          Google is pretty quick, you are not.

          I’m talking about crime in the US, gun laws in the US, and how citizens of the US respond to the rise in crime. You talk about other countries and how they didn’t have to deal with the Floyd murder. Who cares?

          Then you want to to illuminate the fact that some politicians and the main stream media are corrupt. Another ‘No-Shit Columbo Moment’.

          My security or insecurity doesn’t make you any smarter. I may be a little insecure about certain things (no one’s perfect), but believe me, you aren’t on the list.

        • “I said crime went up. You wanted to argue that crime didn’t go up in **ALL** of 2022.”

          That’s the thing. I’ve gone out of my way to very slowly explain, but you still don’t get it. I wasn’t arguing. When you thought I was, I specifically explained (multiple times) that I wasn’t. I was adding something to the conversation. Herding cats…

          “Then you want to to illuminate the fact that some politicians and the main stream media are corrupt.”

          Except, once again, I was responding to your comment with an explanation. You ask for something, I give it to you, then you bitch about it like a child. I see you aren’t listing where I supposedly “pulled shit out of my ass and made shit up” because you know I didn’t. That’s as close to an admission that you were wrong as we’re going to get. I’m leaving it there.

        • Dud

          It’s not that I didn’t get what you said. I don’t care what you said. You added nothing to my original post concerning current anti-gun proposals and how we should combat them with current facts instead of going back a quarter century or more. You added nothing intelligent to the conversation. Your trivia on the crime stats of other countries was boring and irrelevant.

          “You ask for something, I give it to you, then you bitch about it like a child.”

          No, I bitch because you make zero sense going off subject to make yourself sound smart. People do that, they deflect and talk about something else to hide their ignorance while pulling stuff out of their butt. That’s what you should admit.

          Have a good day.

        • “…and how we should combat them with current facts instead of going back a quarter century or more.”

          Which is exactly what I was doing. The fact is, the increase in crime was entirely self-inflicted. It was brought about by Democrat politicians and their army of useful idiots. You know, like I said from the beginning. That’s the subject. If you don’t like my answer, that’s fine. Give your own answer. What caused the uptick in violent crime, Cato? If I’m wrong, then you’re welcome to tell us how. Instead, you spend all your energy being an asshole and telling me that I’m definitely not smarter than you.

          I’m open to suggestions. What caused the increase in crime? We need current facts, right? Let’s hear it. You can’t solve a problem without first identifying it.

        • Dud

          I don’t spend all my energy being an asshole. I have lots of energy, only about half is devoted to being asshole-energy.

          Give it up. We already agreed when and why crime went up. Floyd, defund the cops, shitty DAs that don’t hold criminals accountable (recent history or things happening right now). People are arming themselves based on what they see going on at this time, not in 1990. When people believe they need to buy guns to protect themselves and their families they don’t care what you or I believe cause the increases in crime they are seeing.

          What do you think the problem is? Too many people buying guns based on 1990s crime stats and the dramatic down tic in pickpocket crimes around the globe? Saying stupid shit is a self inflicted wound. No one forced you to say dumb shit and try to weasel out of it.

          Lawmakers want to ban certain/all guns. Calling them Nazi/KKK/racists because of how some laws were passed decades ago will do absolutely fucking nothing. So stop.

          You can go on and quote meaningless drivel and then get pissy because someone calls you out or you can pull your head out of your ass and try and have a meaningful discussion.

        • “the dramatic down tic in pickpocket crimes around the globe? Saying stupid shit is a self inflicted wound. No one forced you to say dumb shit and try to weasel out of it.”

          You literally asked me to prove that crime went down in the early part of the pandemic. I proved it. The contrast between crime in this country and other countries identifies the culprit. Like I said, you ask for something, I provide it, then you bitch like a child.

        • Dud

          “Instead, you spend all your energy being an asshole and telling me that I’m definitely not smarter than you.”

          The above post about how lower crime during the early part of the pandemic somehow disproves my assertion that crime went up in 2020 proves why I’m smarter than you.

          “You literally asked me to prove that crime went down in the early part of the pandemic.”

          This is a lie.

          I NEVER asked you to prove crime went down in the US in PART of 2020 during the early days of the pandemic.

          “2020 Violent crime was way down in the country…”

          This what I asked you to explain. Do you see the word ‘early’ anywhere in what I quoted. NO. I even clarified that in earlier posts

          And like I said before, if we agree when and why crime went up in the US, crime stats in other parts of the world mean nothing when discussing gun laws in the US.

          Crime stats in Brazil (and other countries) and the US will always show differences/variations. When lawmakers talk about more laws to fight gun crime in the US they will NEVER point to countries with lower gun violence (their words) and decide guns are okay. Hopefully you are smart enough to agree with that.

          We can do this all day.

        • Here is what you asked:
          “Please show me any data that says violent crime was down in 2020”

          You asked that in response to my comment about how crime was down due to the pandemic until the Democrat pols and their army of useful idiots changed the trajectory of that, mostly following the death of George Floyd. That happened in late May 2020.

          You are correct. You never said early. My comment describing that crime was down was only intended to describe the early part of 2020. Maybe I wasn’t clear about that. I went on to prove that crime was down in the early part of 2020. I never claimed that crime was down for the entire year of 2020. I have explained, multiple times, why the data from other countries was included. In my opinion it’s relevant because it shows that crime stayed down in other countries throughout the entire year in 2020. We can compare and contrast our country with other countries to see what the difference is. I don’t mind if you don’t agree with that. Everyone has their own opinions.

        • You said crime was low in 2020 nationwide and later said it rose in blue areas which isn’t nationwide. I asked for specific data, you ‘explained’ what you thought but provided no proof. (Pulled stuff out of your ass)

          “We can compare and contrast our country with other countries to see what the difference is.”

          WHY? I said I didn’t care, but since you insist it is important, show me the data that provides the crime rate change in the countries you mentioned 2019-2020. Violent crime, not pickpocket shit. No Wikipedia or pulling it out of your butt, please use only reputable sources. And this time use the whole year. THEN explain how it affects US gun laws.

          “I don’t mind if you don’t agree with that.”

          That’s mighty nice of you..

        • “You said crime was low in 2020 nationwide and later said it rose in blue areas which isn’t nationwide. I asked for specific data…”

          I feel like I’m trapped in a time loop. Recap: I said it was low until the death of George Floyd. I already proved as much. There was a major spike in homicides post George Floyd. I already showed that. You already agreed the violence rose after Floyd died. What do you want exactly? Were you around in 2020? All of the reporting showing the increase was from major cities. I’m sure you can figure out why. I don’t live in a major city. The Floyd-BLM-Antifa riots weren’t tolerated here. Crime didn’t increase here in 2020, as I’m sure it didn’t in other “normal” areas. Here’s a sample of a couple of articles. I’m not sure what else you want here. I’m not putting together a research paper for you. This is supposed to be simple comments on a gun blog for crying out loud. I’ve put more effort into answering your repeating questions than they do for articles around here. Also, it’s difficult to easily find specific data on crime in small cities for specific months. You would have to call local police departments and wait on them to send you the data, if they even bother. Good luck with that.

          Murder rates skyrocketed – and in some cases, even smashed records – in major U.S. cities as the nation grapples with a surge in violent crime in 2020.

          Nearly three-fourths of the top 50 largest cities in the United States have experienced a double-digit rise in homicides so far this year.

          Cato says: “WHY? I said I didn’t care”

          Cool! It’s finally over! Oh shit. No, actually here you are still asking for stuff. It turns out you do care.

          Cato says: “show me the data that provides the crime rate change in the countries you mentioned 2019-2020”

          Lucky for me, I already did. Go back and read it. Since I’m stuck in a time loop, I’m going to post it again, hoping this breaks me out of the loop. Here are some highlights. Just scroll up to where you see italic and bold text to see the rest. Perform a search using part of that text or the bold title, and you’ll see the reputable source. Go look at it yourself.

          The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2020) also reported…some countries experienced a 25% decline in homicides [compared to 2019].

          …daily assaults were down 39% and 35% respectively.

          Homicides in Lima in Peru, Cali in Colombia and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil – all cities where a large proportion of murders are down to gang violence – fell 76%, 29% and 24% respectively during lockdown.

          Cato says: “No Wikipedia or pulling it out of your butt, please use only reputable sources.”

          I never used Wikipedia and I never made anything up or used a disreputable source. I’ve gone out of my way from the beginning to answer your never ending questions despite you being a grade A asshole because I made the fatal mistake of agreeing with you.

          Cato says: “THEN explain how it affects US gun laws.”

          Perception is reality. Congress “sells” laws based on the perception of their constituents. That’s why there’s so much propaganda. That’s why they’re blaming the violence on guns, the pandemic, white supremacy, misogyny, etc. They’re blaming it on everything except what the actual problem is. That’s because the problem is the politicians. That’s why I felt it was important to show that violent crime was actually decreasing, until Democrat politicians and activists instigated their cultural revolution following the death of George Floyd. They caused it. That’s why crime didn’t simultaneously spike in other countries. Violent crime was down elsewhere, but up here, because of Democrats and their activists.

          I wasn’t trying to be a smartass when I said I don’t mind if you don’t agree with it. What I do mind, is someone just being a mindless asshole. If you disagree, then disagree with me. Let’s see your point of view. Let’s see you back everything you say up. All you’ve done is constantly complain and continue to ask, ask, ask for more, more, more. Well, here it is. Discuss it or be done with it. I’m fine with a continued discussion, but I’m done answering the questions.

        • “I made the fatal mistake of agreeing with you.” (That crime went up in 2020)

          Great answer!

          The rest was a little too long though. You kinda ran on and on there. You need to make you posts less boring.

          So, I was right all along. Told you. You could have saved yourself a lot of grief and embarrassment from the beginning if you had just started and stopped there. Live and learn.

          Still don’t give a shit about the other countries though.


        • “I made the fatal mistake of agreeing with you.” (That crime went up in 2020)

          Great answer!

          That was in my very first comment asshole. It only took this long to finally drive the point home.

          “Still don’t give a shit about the other countries though.”

          Yeah sure, you only spent all fucking day talking about it.

        • I thought about it and I want to apologize for calling you Columbo. Columbo looked like a slob, acted like he didn’t know what was going on, but by the end of the show he got his shit together and solved the crime. You still haven’t gotten you shit together and are probably unable to tie your own shoes.

          I looked at the source of the data you posted on crime rates around the globe. There is a lot of data, I think every country is listed. It mentions crime going up in some countries and down in others.

          I started too check the countries YOU listed and stopped after the first one. Brazil had a crime rate increase of 7.51% in 2020 after a 21.86% decline in 2019. I’m no Columbo when it comes to math, but I’m pretty certain that shows an overall nationwide increase in crime. So, out of all the worldwide data available, the billions of pages on the subject available on the internet, YOU choose a country where crime went up in 2020, JUST LIKE THE U.S. This was YOUR proof of lower crime rates in 2020 in some parts of the world.

          I understand your point, I’ve always understood what you were attempting to say. Crime didn’t go up everywhere. I get it, what you don’t get is it doesn’t matter. Geoff the retard mentioned that I believed the lie of rising crime. JWT said he believed crime went down according to FBI stats (I couldn’t find the FBI info for 2020). I found news articles saying violent increased dramatically according to FBI stats, but since I couldn’t verify the info with actual FBI data so I don’t know how accurate it is.

          For nearly two years we had riots, burning cities, Antifa protests where they tried to murder federal against by burning them alive, CHOP and CHAZ zones where people were murdered and cops were powerless to stop it. Defund the police and rising violent crime rates in large cities everywhere was a 24 hour a day barrage on cable news. The fact that some leaders accepted it or even supported it made it worse. It made people think, how far will this go, who will stop it. Government shutdowns, people not knowing how their families might be affected by possible upcoming food or fuel shortages scared some people.

          Even people that lived in relatively safe areas saw this every single day and were affected. People all over bought guns. It was discussed on TTAG numerous times. They saw crime, violent crime, rising. No one looked at a map, picked out a small city like Avocado IA and said “crime in Avocado hasn’t risen much, maybe I wont buy that gun to protect myself”. People believe they can be a victim of violent crime anywhere.

          In Omaha it wasn’t that bad. There was some violence and broken windows. One protester was shot when he tried to disarm a business owner. Dumbfuck. Even though it wasn’t bad here, I did buy my first shotgun, Benelli M4 SBS. For me 2020 and 2021 reinforced my belief to always carry and be better prepared.

          I started this thread by saying that it is foolish to try and stop the passage of bad gun laws using decades old data and calling people Nazis, racists, KKK members and the like. It ended up being a discussion of pickpocket crime and some other countries crime rates going up, or maybe down, or some other shit that doesn’t matter.

      • Also answer her question of ” what are you going to do about preventing these tragic events “….. with asking her the same question.

        • A truthful answe might be, “don’t know don’t care – as politicians we parrot whatever sells”

        • If the current proposed gun laws allow me to buy an AR-15 while keeping my black neighbors from buying the same, then I might agree with you.

          You and every other person with a brain knows that is not what is currently, at this time in our history, being proposed. You and others need to pull you heads out of your ‘Back to the Future’ asses and look around to see what is happening NOW.

      • The ENTIRE gun industry needs to cut off supplying a government hell bent on destroying their ability to exist.

    • I worked part-time from my apartment and earned $30,030. After losing my previous business, I quickly became exhausted. Fortunately, I discovered these jobs online, and as a result, I was able to start earning money from home right away. Anyone can accomplish this elite career and increase their internet income by….
      After reading this article….

        • On the upside, being that exhausted means she would be too tired to complain.

          As comedian Ron White once said about a diamond ad campaign he saw :

          “They say, “Diamonds, take her breath away.”

          I say, “Diamonds. That’ll shut her up!”… 🙂

  2. Does this mean they will start producing ghuns without the integral locks from their previous cave in?

  3. Hey, I’m specifically calling you out Oneida for every obese, lazy American lump of shit… FOR SHAME !!!

  4. How can it be illegal to be in contempt of congress? As a whole they are the most contemptible group of people in this country short of blue collar organized crime like MS13.

    • Nadler sat slumped in his chair during the entire proceeding. Maloney interrupted constantly. No decorum or respect shown within the chamber. But then…career Democrats, so…

      NSSF? Glad for all the “partnering” with BATF? Glad to be part of NICS? What is this nonsense? Get rid of all of it. Return to the Constitution.

  5. We should take every opportunity to throw their accusations back in their faces. The Left caused the violence occurring in this Country.

    Liberals are responsible for 50 years of asinine soft on crime policies and social welfare policies that have ripped apart inner city families. They need to be forced to take ownership of the havoc they’ve wreaked.


  6. While the democrats want to disarm us violent crime continues and is around us everywhere we go every day in some fashion, some is waiting to happen and some does. But do not be lulled into a false sense of security that its not going to happen to you and let your guard down because; for every 6 hours a person spends in public view they will be specifically targeted a minimum of three times as a potential victim of a violent crime, for every two hours a person spends in public they will have encountered in some fashion (if even passing them in traffic, or walking down the street, shopping, etc…) at least 36 criminals who have committed a violent crime in the last 48 hours and will be out looking for victims of opportunity or chance upon a victim of opportunity.

    Here is one common thing that happens (there are many more), in plain view in a public place in daylight conditions under which people tend to think they are safer and let down their guard as they concentrate on something else …

    Teens Attack Man Pumping Gas, Take Off With His Vehicle >

    and sometimes that violent crime is visited upon victims from other than dedicated career-type criminal …. another example of the violent crime around us, in a fast food restaurant, plenty of public around, public place, employees generally trusted to not harm, a place where people let their guard down and concentrate on food…

    Wendy’s worker charged with murder after punching customer in Prescott Valley

    Thousands of times daily in the U.S. violent crime is inflicted upon law abiding citizens, everything from assault to robbery to rape and more, and it most times comes very suddenly and is swift and violent.

    Don’t let your guard down, be prepared.

    • and then there are the things people are more familiar with, for example….

      Indiana Homeowner, No Stranger To Invasions, Fatally Shoots Intruder >

      Thousands of home invasions daily across the United States. Notice the criminal was armed with a knife, but the home owner was armed with a firearm. ~1,300 criminal knife attacks daily across the United States – over 80% of the victims not armed with a firearm (even if armed with something else, knife/bat/hands etc…) are seriously injured or killed. Those knife attack victims that are armed with a firearm – over 80% of them repel the attacker and do not get seriously injured and only ~2% are not fully successful in their firearms DGU and are killed but a lot of them do manage to stop or repel the attacker by DGU before they die to keep the attacker from moving on to family members or others.

  7. These men couldn’t speak over the gavel? I know that I can do so. Gavels only make so much noise, after all. 8 years of speaking with a “command voice” in the Navy where nothing else can be heard, and 40+ years of working in noisy industrial settings, a gavel ain’t sheeeet, Bro!

    Someone might accuse me of being confrontational. But, remember, Phony Baloney summoned these men to Washington with the intent of being confrontational – you might even say bullying.

    • “Are you here to grandstand or ask meaningful questions?”
      “Are you going to let me speak or preach?”
      “Is this anything more than a campaign commercial to you?”
      “Would you act like this if the hearing wasn’t televised?”
      “Why won’t you propose strong mandatory minimums for gun crimes?”
      “Why don’t you ask your peers in the government about their repeated failures to stop mass shootings?”
      “Why haven’t you had the media up here to ask them about media contagion?”
      “Can I be dismissed since you are wasting my time?”

  8. Maloney or Nadler. What’s the difference? I’m sorry for our 2A citizens up there. Stay the course.

    • Yes. I wish more people understood this. What’s happening in America now is scary as hell.

  9. Miner49er, please inform us if S&W should respond to this legal, authorized subpoena, and what penalties the gunmaker should receive if they do not comply?

    “Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) Tuesday [08/02] fired off a subpoena at gunmaker Smith & Wesson, demanding documents about sales of assault weapons like the ones used in recent mass shootings.

    “The powerful head of the House Oversight warned Smith & Wesson CEO Mark P. Smith to hand over information about its marketing efforts and failure even to keep track of how its products are used in deadly attacks. …

    “Maloney wants details about how the gunmaker markets weapons to young men and extremists. She also wants information about the rapid rise in profits from sales of assault weapons that are designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.”

      • Not charging too much — selling numerous units, thereby making excessive profits by marketing their firearms to “young men and extremists.”

        That should be some interesting ad copy.

        • Everyone with a brain knows the uptick in violence and murder (in select areas) is the fault of Democrat politicians. Even hardcore California Democrats are trying to recall district attorneys in major cities this year. How often does that happen? It isn’t the guns. It isn’t the climate. It isn’t racism. It’s the commies. The more you know…

  10. I agree with the poster here who said “how can a person NOT hold despicable maggots like Maloney and Nadler in contempt?” They are truly contemptible people!

    Also, I sense, just by reading the responses from Ruger’s, Daniel Defense’s, and Smith& Wesson’s people that they showed great restraint (too much?) in holding back from laying blame for our country’s current crime problems where it truly belongs: demoncrats in our politics!

    We all know this. At least, the honest among us know this. We need only look back as recently as the year 2020. Demoncrats cheered on the worst sustained arson, looting, rioting, and murder spree (for four straight months!) and our current V.P. actually shilled for bail money for the worst of the violent criminals during the mayhem in Minneapolis.

    Demoncrats wanting to blame anyone but themselves for this country’s crime problems can go straight to hades.

  11. Huzzah for S&W for not taking part in the leftist pandering Morale Beatings. Maybe Ruger, DD & the like can collaborate on this type of response in the future. Tell ’em to pound black powder up their collective socialist fuzzmuzzles.

  12. Thank you for your sharing, it is very helpful to me and many others. I will visit often to read your new posts. Please continue to uphold!

  13. Stop playing along with their games! That’s all they are. Follow S&W’s lead. Of course they’ll try to punish them for that, but they’re going to try to punish everyone anyway.

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